version: '3.3' services: bbb-streamer: image: aauzid/bigbluebutton-livestreaming container_name: liveStreaming environment: # BigBlueButton Server url: - BBB_URL=https://your_BigBlueButton_server/bigbluebutton/api # BigBlueButton secret: - BBB_SECRET=your_secret # BigBlueButton meetingID: - BBB_MEETING_ID=your_meetingID # start meeting (optional): - BBB_START_MEETING=false # attendee password (optional - has to be set to the attendee password of moodle/greenlight or any other frontend to allow joining via their links): - BBB_ATTENDEE_PASSWORD=IVLHwOBSVmYP # moderator password (optional - has to be set to the moderator password of moodle/greenlight or any other frontend to allow joining via their links): - BBB_MODERATOR_PASSWORD=JjeQYksarqLQ # meeting title (optional): - BBB_MEETING_TITLE=liveStreaming Test # Media server url: - BBB_STREAM_URL=rtmp://media_server_url/stream/stream_key