# Getting Started Initialize a client and get started with sending resources by listing all pipelines. ## Overview This article is an overview of how to set up your Buildkite client to interact with the REST API. ### Get Your Access Token In order to access the Buildkite API you must first create an API access token. Follow Buildkite's own documentation on [managing API tokens](https://buildkite.com/docs/apis/managing-api-tokens) for more information on what to do. Keep in mind that securely storing tokens used with this package is the responsibility of the developer. ### Create a Buildkite Client Creating a client object is as simple as calling the default initializer with an authorization token. ```swift let client = BuildkiteClient(token: "...") // Using your scoped Buildkite API access token ``` For more advanced authorization features, see . ### Send a Resource To send a resource, simply use one of the `send` methods on the client. This sample is assuming you are sending from inside an async-throwing function. ```swift let response = try await client.send(.pipelines(in: "buildkite")) let pipelines = response.content ``` ## See Also - - -