import AppStoreConnect import ArgumentParser import Crypto import Foundation import Utilities #if canImport(FoundationNetworking) import FoundationNetworking #endif @main struct UploadPreview: AsyncParsableCommand { @Option var bundleID: String @Option var platform: Resources.V1.Apps.WithID.AppStoreVersions.FilterPlatform @Option var version: String @Option var locale: String @Option var previewType: PreviewType @Option( name: [.customLong("file"), .customShort("f")], completion: .file(), transform: URL.init(fileURLWithPath:) ) var previewFileURL: URL mutating func run() async throws { // 0. Open preview file for reading let previewFile = try Data(contentsOf: previewFileURL) var md5 = Insecure.MD5() md5.update(data: previewFile) let digest = md5.finalize() let previewFileChecksum = digest.description // 1. Create the App Store Connect client let client = try AppStoreConnectClient(authenticator: EnvAuthenticator()) // 2. Look up the app by bundle ID. let app = try await client .send( Resources.v1.apps.get( filterBundleID: [bundleID] ) ) .data.first! // 3. Look up the version version by platform and version number. let version = try await client .send( .get(filterPlatform: [platform], filterVersionString: [version]) ) .data.first! // 4. Get all localizations for the version and look for the requested locale. let localizations: [AppStoreVersionLocalization] let existingLocalizations = try await client.send( .filter { $0.attributes?.locale == locale } // 4a. If the requested localization does not exist, create it. Localized attributes are copied from the primary locale so there's no need to worry about them here. if existingLocalizations.isEmpty { let newLocalization = try await client.send( .init( data: .init( attributes: .init(locale: locale), relationships: .init(appStoreVersion: .init(data: .init(id: ) ) ) ) localizations = [] } else { localizations = existingLocalizations } for localization in localizations { // 5. Get all available app preview sets from the localization. If a preview set for the desired preview type already exists, use it. Otherwise, make a new one. var previewSets: [AppPreviewSet] = [] if let related = localization.relationships?.appPreviewSets?.links?.related { let previewSetsResponse: AppPreviewSetsResponse = try await client.send(.get(related)) previewSets.append( contentsOf: { $0.attributes?.previewType == previewType } ) } if previewSets.isEmpty { let newPreviewSet = try await client.send( .init( data: .init( attributes: .init(previewType: previewType), relationships: .init( appStoreVersionLocalization: .init(data: .init(id: ) ) ) ) ) previewSets.append( } for previewSet in previewSets { // 6. Reserve an app preview in the selected app preview set. Tell the API to create a preview before uploading the preview data. print("Reserving space for a new app preview.") let preview = try await client.send( .init( data: .init( attributes: .init( fileSize: previewFile.count, fileName: previewFileURL.lastPathComponent ), relationships: .init(appPreviewSet: .init(data: .init(id: ) ) ) ) .data guard let uploadOperations = preview.attributes?.uploadOperations else { continue } print("Uploading \(uploadOperations.count) preview components.") // 7. Upload each part according to the returned upload operations. The reservation returned uploadOperations, which instructs us how to split the asset into parts. Upload each part individually. // Note: To speed up the process, upload multiple parts asynchronously if you have the bandwidth. try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in for operation in uploadOperations { group.addTask { try await client.upload(operation: operation, from: previewFile) } } try await group.waitForAll() } // 8. Commit the reservation and provide a checksum. Committing tells App Store Connect the script is finished uploading parts. App Store Connect uses the checksum to ensure the parts were uploaded successfully. print("Commit the reservation.") _ = try await client.send( .patch( .init( data: .init( id:, attributes: .init(sourceFileChecksum: previewFileChecksum, isUploaded: true) ) ) ) ) // 9. Report success to the caller. print( """ App Preview successfully uploaded to: \(preview.links?.this?.absoluteString ?? "") You can verify success in App Store Connect or using the API. """ ) } } } } extension Resources.V1.Apps.WithID.AppStoreVersions.FilterPlatform: ExpressibleByArgument {} extension PreviewType: ExpressibleByArgument {}