# Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Zentyal S.L. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA use strict; use warnings; package EBox::Squid::Model::AccessRules; use base 'EBox::Model::DataTable'; use EBox; use EBox::Exceptions::Internal; use EBox::Exceptions::External; use EBox::Gettext; use EBox::Types::Text; use EBox::Types::Select; use EBox::Types::Union; use EBox::Types::Union::Text; use EBox::Squid::Types::TimePeriod; use TryCatch; use constant MAX_E2G_GROUP => 99; # max group number allowed by e2guardian sub _table { my ($self) = @_; my $samba = $self->global()->modInstance('samba'); my $commercial = (not $self->global()->communityEdition()); my @sourceTypes = ( new EBox::Types::Select( fieldName => 'object', foreignModel => $self->modelGetter('network', 'ObjectTable'), foreignField => 'name', foreignNextPageField => 'members', printableName => __('Network Object'), editable => 1, optional => 0, ), ); if ($commercial and $samba and $samba->isEnabled()) { push (@sourceTypes, new EBox::Types::Select( fieldName => 'group', printableName => __('Users Group'), populate => \&_populateGroups, editable => 1, optional => 0, disableCache => 1, allowUnsafeChars => 1, ), ); } push (@sourceTypes, new EBox::Types::Union::Text( fieldName => 'any', printableName => __('Any'), ) ); my @tableHeader = ( new EBox::Squid::Types::TimePeriod( fieldName => 'timePeriod', printableName => __('Time period'), help => __('Time period when the rule is applied'), editable => 1, ), new EBox::Types::Union( fieldName => 'source', printableName => __('Source'), filter => \&_filterSourcePrintableValue, subtypes => \@sourceTypes, ), new EBox::Types::Union( fieldName => 'policy', printableName => __('Decision'), filter => \&_filterProfilePrintableValue, subtypes => [ new EBox::Types::Union::Text( fieldName => 'allow', printableName => __('Allow All'), ), new EBox::Types::Union::Text( fieldName => 'deny', printableName => __('Deny All'), ), new EBox::Types::Select( fieldName => 'profile', printableName => __('Apply Filter Profile'), foreignModel => $self->modelGetter('squid', 'FilterProfiles'), foreignField => 'name', editable => 1, ) ] ), ); my $dataTable = { tableName => 'AccessRules', pageTitle => __('HTTP Proxy'), printableTableName => __('Access Rules'), modelDomain => 'Squid', defaultActions => [ 'add', 'del', 'editField', 'changeView', 'clone', 'move' ], tableDescription => \@tableHeader, class => 'dataTable', order => 1, rowUnique => 1, automaticRemove => 1, printableRowName => __('rule'), help => $commercial ? __('Here you can filter, block or allow access by user group or network object. Rules are only applied during the selected time period.') : __('Here you can filter, block or allow access by network object. Rules are only applied during the selected time period.'), }; } sub _populateGroups { my ($self) = @_; my $samba = $self->global()->modInstance('samba'); return [] unless ($samba->isEnabled() and $samba->isProvisioned()); my @groups; foreach my $group (@{$samba->securityGroups()}) { push (@groups, { value => $group->dn(), printableValue => $group->get('samAccountName') }); } return \@groups; } sub validateTypedRow { my ($self, $action, $params_r, $actual_r) = @_; my $squid = $self->parentModule(); my $source = exists $params_r->{source} ? $params_r->{source}: $actual_r->{source}; my $sourceType = $source->selectedType(); my $sourceValue = $source->value(); if ($squid->transproxy() and ($sourceType eq 'group')) { throw EBox::Exceptions::External(__('Source matching by user group is not compatible with transparent proxy mode')); } # check if it is a incompatible rule my $groupRules; my $objectProfile; if ($sourceType eq 'group') { $groupRules = 1; } else { my $policy = exists $params_r->{policy} ? $params_r->{policy}->selectedType : $actual_r->{policy}->selectedType(); if (($policy eq 'allow') or ($policy eq 'profile') ) { $objectProfile = 1; } } if ((not $groupRules) and (not $objectProfile)) { return; } my $ownId = $params_r->{id}; my $ownTimePeriod = exists $params_r->{timePeriod} ? $params_r->{timePeriod} : $actual_r->{timePeriod}; foreach my $id (@{ $self->ids() }) { next if (defined($ownId) and ($id eq $ownId)); my $row = $self->row($id); my $rowSource = $row->elementByName('source'); my $rowSourceType = $rowSource->selectedType(); if ($objectProfile and ($rowSourceType eq 'group')) { throw EBox::Exceptions::External( __("You cannot add a 'Allow' or 'Profile' rule for an object or any address if you have group rules") ); } elsif ($groupRules and ($rowSourceType ne 'group')) { if ($row->elementByName('policy')->selectedType() ne 'deny') { throw EBox::Exceptions::External( __("You cannot add a group-based rule if you have an 'Allow' or 'Profile' rule for objects or any address") ); } } if ($sourceValue eq $rowSource->value()) { # same object/group, check time overlaps my $rowTimePeriod = $row->elementByName('timePeriod'); if ($ownTimePeriod->overlaps($rowTimePeriod)) { throw EBox::Exceptions::External( __x('The time period of the rule ({t1}) overlaps with the time period of ({t2}) other rule for the same {sourceType}', t1 => $ownTimePeriod->printableValue(), t2 => $rowTimePeriod->printableValue(), # XXX due to the bad case of subtype's printable names # we need to do lcfirst of all words instead of doing so # only in the first one sourceType => join (' ', map { lcfirst $_ } split '\s+', $source->subtype()->printableName()), ) ); } } } } sub addedRowNotify { my ($self) = @_; $self->_changeInAccessRules(); } sub updatedRowNotify { my ($self) = @_; $self->_changeInAccessRules(); } sub deletedRowNotify { my ($self, $row, $force) = @_; $self->_changeInAccessRules(); } sub _changeInAccessRules { my ($self) = @_; # TODO: Check if there is a change in the use of filtering $self->global()->modChange('logs'); } sub rules { my ($self) = @_; my $global = $self->global(); my $objectMod = $global->modInstance('network'); my $usersMod = $global->modInstance('samba'); my $usersEnabled = $usersMod and $usersMod->isEnabled(); # we dont use row ids to make rule id shorter bz squid limitations with id length my $number = 0; my @rules; foreach my $id (@{$self->ids()}) { my $row = $self->row($id); my $source = $row->elementByName('source'); my $rule = { number => $number }; if ($source->selectedType() eq 'object') { my $object = $source->value(); $rule->{object} = $object; $rule->{members} = $objectMod->objectMembers($object); my $addresses = $objectMod->objectAddresses($object, ranges => 1); # ignore empty objects next unless @{$addresses}; $rule->{addresses} = $addresses; } elsif ($source->selectedType() eq 'group') { next unless ($usersEnabled); my $group = $source->value(); $rule->{group} = $group; } elsif ($source->selectedType() eq 'any') { $rule->{any} = 1; } my $policyElement = $row->elementByName('policy'); my $policyType = $policyElement->selectedType(); $rule->{policy} = $policyType; if ($policyType eq 'profile') { $rule->{profile} = $policyElement->value(); } my $timePeriod = $row->elementByName('timePeriod'); if (not $timePeriod->isAllTime) { if (not $timePeriod->isAllWeek()) { $rule->{timeDays} = $timePeriod->weekDays(); } my $hours = $timePeriod->hourlyPeriod(); if ($hours) { $rule->{timeHours} = $hours; } } push (@rules, $rule); $number += 1; } return \@rules; } sub squidFilterProfiles { my ($self) = @_; my $enabledProfiles = $self->_enabledProfiles(); my $filterProfiles = $self->parentModule()->model('FilterProfiles'); my $acls = $filterProfiles->squidAcls($enabledProfiles); my $rulesStubs = $filterProfiles->squidRulesStubs($enabledProfiles, sharedAcls => $acls->{shared}); return { acls => $acls->{all}, rulesStubs => $rulesStubs, }; } sub existsPoliciesForGroup { my ($self, $group) = @_; foreach my $id (@{ $self->ids() }) { my $row = $self->row($id); my $source = $row->elementByName('source'); next unless $source->selectedType() eq 'group'; my $userGroup = $source->value(); if ($group eq $userGroup) { return 1; } } return 0; } sub existsPoliciesForGroupOnly { my ($self, $group) = @_; foreach my $id (@{ $self->ids() }) { my $row = $self->row($id); my $source = $row->elementByName('source'); return 0 if ($source->selectedType() ne 'group'); } return 1; } sub delPoliciesForGroup { my ($self, $group) = @_; my @ids = @{ $self->ids() }; foreach my $id (@ids) { my $row = $self->row($id); my $source = $row->elementByName('source'); next unless $source->selectedType() eq 'group'; my $userGroup = $source->printableValue(); if ($group eq $userGroup) { $self->removeRow($id); } } } sub filterProfiles { my ($self) = @_; my $filterProfilesModel = $self->parentModule()->model('FilterProfiles'); my %profileIdByRowId = %{ $filterProfilesModel->idByRowId() }; my $objectMod = $self->global()->modInstance('network'); my $userMod = $self->global()->modInstance('samba'); my $domainUsers = ($userMod and $userMod->isProvisioned()) ? $userMod->ldap->domainUsersGroup->get('samAccountName') : ''; my $commercial = (not $self->global()->communityEdition()); my @profiles; foreach my $id (@{$self->ids()}) { my $row = $self->row($id); my $profile = {}; my $policy = $row->elementByName('policy'); my $policyType = $policy->selectedType(); if ($policyType eq 'allow') { $profile->{number} = 2; } elsif ($policyType eq 'deny') { $profile->{number} = 1; } elsif ($policyType eq 'profile') { my $rowId = $policy->value(); $profile->{id} = $rowId; $profile->{number} = $profileIdByRowId{$rowId}; $profile->{usesFilter} = $filterProfilesModel->usesFilterById($rowId); if ($commercial) { $profile->{usesHTTPS} = $filterProfilesModel->usesHTTPSById($rowId); } } else { throw EBox::Exceptions::Internal("Unknown policy type: $policyType"); } $profile->{policy} = $policyType; my $timePeriod = $row->elementByName('timePeriod'); unless ($timePeriod->isAllTime()) { $profile->{timePeriod} = 1; $profile->{begin} = $timePeriod->from(); $profile->{end} = $timePeriod->to(); $profile->{days} = $timePeriod->dayNumbers(); } my $source = $row->elementByName('source'); my $sourceType = $source->selectedType(); $profile->{source} = $sourceType; if ($sourceType eq 'any') { $profile->{anyAddress} = 1; $profile->{address} = ''; push @profiles, $profile; } elsif ($sourceType eq 'object') { my $obj = $source->value(); my @addresses = @{ $objectMod->objectAddresses($obj, mask => 1, ranges => 1) }; foreach my $cidrAddress (@addresses) { # put a pseudo-profile for each address in the object my ($addr, $netmask) = ($cidrAddress->[0], EBox::NetWrappers::mask_from_bits($cidrAddress->[1])); my %profileCopy = %{$profile}; $profileCopy{address} = "$addr/$netmask"; push @profiles, \%profileCopy; } } elsif ($sourceType eq 'group') { my $group = $source->value(); $profile->{group} = $group; my @users; my $members; if ($group eq $domainUsers) { $members = $userMod->users(); } else { $members = $userMod->objectFromDN($group)->users(); } @users = map { $_->name() } @{$members}; @users or next; $profile->{users} = \@users; push @profiles, $profile; } else { throw EBox::Exceptions::Internal("Unknow source type: $sourceType"); } } return \@profiles; } sub rulesUseAuth { my ($self) = @_; foreach my $id (@{$self->ids()}) { my $row = $self->row($id); my $source = $row->elementByName('source'); if ($source->selectedType() eq 'group') { return 1; } } return 0; } sub rulesUseFilter { my ($self) = @_; my $profiles = $self->_enabledProfiles(); my $filterProfiles = $self->parentModule()->model('FilterProfiles'); return $filterProfiles->usesFilter($profiles); } sub rulesUseHTTPS { my ($self) = @_; my $profiles = $self->_enabledProfiles(); my $filterProfiles = $self->parentModule()->model('FilterProfiles'); return $filterProfiles->usesHTTPS($profiles); } sub _enabledProfiles { my ($self) = @_; my %profiles; foreach my $id (@{ $self->ids() }) { my $row = $self->row($id); my $policy = $row->elementByName('policy'); if ($policy->selectedType eq 'profile') { $profiles{$policy->value()} = 1; } } return [keys %profiles]; } sub _filterSourcePrintableValue { my ($type) = @_; my $selected = $type->selectedType(); my $value = $type->printableValue(); if ($selected eq 'object') { return __x('Object: {o}', o => $value); } elsif ($selected eq 'group') { return __x('Group: {g}', g => $value); } else { return $value; } } sub _filterProfilePrintableValue { my ($type) = @_; if ($type->selectedType() eq 'profile') { return __x("Apply '{p}' profile", p => $type->printableValue()); } else { return $type->printableValue(); } } 1;