## U2F Session The `YKFU2FSession` provides access to the U2F application on a YubiKey. ### Communicating with the U2F application on the YubiKey Communication with the U2F application is done through the `YKFU2FSession` and the methods it expose. You obtain the session by calling `- (void)u2fSession:(YKFU2FSessionCallback _Nonnull)callback` on a `YKFConnectionProtocol`. The method is guaranteed to either return the session or an error, never both nor neither. #### Swift ```swift connection.oathSession { session, error in guard let session = session else { /* Handle error */ return } session.listCredentials { credentials, error in // Do something with the array of credentials } } ``` #### Objective-C ```objective-c [connection oathSession:^(YKFOATHSession * _Nullable session, NSError * _Nullable error) { if (session == nil) { /* Handle error */ return; } [session listCredentialsWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable credentials, NSError * _Nullable error) { // Do something with the array of credentials }]; }]; ``` ### Additional resources Read more about U2F on the [Yubico developer site](https://developers.yubico.com/U2F/).