# EBForeNotification Show the `Banners` and `Sounds` as the same as the system notifications on foreground. Get notification content and Handle click event. Support iOS 7~10 beta, support both simulator & iPhone build. ## New Feature - swipe down gesture - iOS 10 banner style,example(iOS 10 style not support `swipe down gesture` and `multi-line` yet): ```objc [EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:userInfo soundID:soundID isIos10:YES]; } [EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:userInfo customSound:soundName isIos10:YES]; ``` ## Display - The same UI with the system banner & sound - Auto get App name & App icon - Auto hide systm Status Bar and show - `time` & `drag leg` are the same color with current background - click gesture & handle it with notification info - swipe up gesture - swipe down gesture Actual effect: - iOS 10 before style ![]( - iOS 10 style ![]( ## Install ### pod platform :ios, '7.0' target 'YourTargetName' do pod 'EBForeNotification' end ### manual Download and Drag `EBForeNotification` file folder into you Xcode project. ## Native Banner Call any 1 method below can show a banner on the frontest controller. ```objc #import "EBForeNotification.h" {... //show a system sound banner [EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:@{@"aps":@{@"alert":@"banner content"}} soundID:1312]; //show a cunstom sound banner [EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:@{@"aps":@{@"alert":@"banner content"}} customSound:@"my_sound.wav"]; //show a system sound banner with extra keys/values [EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:@{@"aps":@{@"alert":@"banner content"}, @"key1":@"value1", @"key2":@"value2"} soundID:1312]; //show a cunstom sound banner with extra keys/values [EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:@{@"aps":@{@"alert":@"banner content"}, @"key1":@"value1", @"key2":@"value2"} customSound:@"my_sound.wav"]; ...} ``` ## Handle Remote/Local Notification When received, will show a banner & sound on foreground automatic. Call method in `AppDelegate.m` ```objc //AppDelegate.m #import "EBForeNotification.h" //ios7 before - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo { ... //show a system sound banner [EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:userInfo soundID:1312]; //show a cunstom sound banner [EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:userInfo customSound:@"my_sound.wav"]; ... } //ios7 later - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult))completionHandler { ... //show a system sound banner [EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:userInfo soundID:1312]; //show a cunstom sound banner [EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:userInfo customSound:@"my_sound.wav"]; ... completionHandler(UIBackgroundFetchResultNewData); } ``` ## Parma: soundID Is iOS system sound id, default push notification sound "Tritone" is 1312 More sound id to see here [iOS Predefined sounds]( or here [AudioServices sounds]( ## Listen Click Add observer for `EBBannerViewDidClick`, get extra key/value to handle your custom events, such as: `jump to some page when user clicked`. Received notification: ``` { "aps": { "alert":"content", "sound":"sound", "badge":"3" }, "key1":"jump1" //customed like this to jump } ``` Add observer: ```objc #import "EBForeNotification.h" [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(eBBannerViewDidClick:) name:EBBannerViewDidClick object:nil]; -(void)eBBannerViewDidClick:(NSNotification*)noti{ if(noti[@"key1" == @"jump1"]){ //jump to page 1 } } ```