--- layout: page title : Curriculum Vitae group: navigation id: cv --- {% include JB/setup %} ## ZHU, Kaidi **(+86)152\*\*\*\*7599** **admin#xcoder.in** ### LINKS & CONTACT + **Blog**: [http://xcoder.in/](http://xcoder.in/) + **Blog of Jekyll**: [http://blog.xcoder.in/](http://blog.xcoder.in/) + **QQ**: 8644325 + **GitHub**: [XadillaX](https://github.com/XadillaX/) ### EDUCATION Sep 2009 - Jun 2013, Ningbo University of Technology + Bachelor in Computer Science and Technology degree (CST). + Founder and student coach of **NBUT ACM/ICPC TEAM**. And be the NBUT ACM/ICPC Contest examiner for three years. + The only developer and the first operations staff of [NBUT Online Judge System](http://acm.nbut.edu.cn/). ### SKILLS + **Language**: C/C++, PHP, JavaScript(Node.js & Browser JS), HTML, CSS, Markdown, Bash(base), ASP(base), C#(base), etc. + **OS**: Linux and Windows. (More like Linux) + **Editor & IDE**: Visual Studio, WebStorm, VIM, Sublime Text 2/3, Notepad++, etc. + **Database**: MySQL, MongoDB(base), M$ SQL(base). ### WORK #### Ningbo ONUOO Network Technology Co., Ltd **2011-03 ~ 2012-12** I am the developer of that company (remote work). The main work was to developer the card game based on FoxUC. I also took part in a project called **New World** which will be metioned below. #### aquaMobile, Madrid, Spain **2011-07 ~ 2011-09** I had a three-month-internship in Spain. During that time, I was responsible for the new version of its official website. #### Ningbo TrananX Network Technology Co., Ltd **2012-12 ~ 2013-07** I was the only technical staff in that company. So all of the developing work including systemg architecture and server are my work. It will be mentioned below. ### AWARDS + **The First Prize and 100, 000 CNY Bonus**. The 1st Tarena "Catch Cup" Software Contest Final Round (NATIONAL). + **Gold**. The 8th Zhejiang Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest. (Teammate: HU, Jixiang; ZHANG, Cong) + **The Second Class Prize**. The 3rd "Blue Bridge" Software Contest C/C++ Group (NATIONAL). + **The First Class Prize**. The 3rd "Blue Bridge" Software Contest C/C++ Group (ZHEJIANG). + **Silver**. The 9th Zhejiang Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest. (Teammate: HU, Jixiang; ZHANG, Cong) + **Silver**. The 10th Zhejiang Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest. (Teammate: WU, Duanduan; SHEN, Zhiqi) + **Bronze**. 2010 Unitop Cup ACM-ICPC China Hangzhou Invitational Programming Contest. (Teamate: HU, Jixiang; YE, Jianjing) + **Bronze**. Google Cup 2011 ACM-ICPC China Shanghai Fudan Invitational Programming Contest. (Teammate: HU, Jixiang; BAO, Xianghong) + **Bronze**. The 7th Zhejiang Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest. (Teammate: YU, Zhulong; HU, Jixiang) + NBUT Top 10 College Students. ### PROJECT #### PROVINCIAL ##### Ningbo University of Technology Online Judge System This system is designed for the ACMers. It is known as "**MOE**est" UI so far in China. The website of this system is written in `ThinkPHP` framework and running in `CentOS 6.3`. The database is `MySQL`. And what's more, the ***judge-end*** is written in `C++` and running in `Windows 7` which the computer is connected directly with the server via wires. What's more, it is this project that I won the first prize and 100, 000 CNY bonus in the Catch Cup. > Enter: [http://acm.nbut.edu.cn/](http://acm.nbut.edu.cn/) #### PROFITABLE ##### New World (Game) It's a online game like a slot machine of Korea. The project is outsourced and I am responsible for the client rendering and logic. To be honest, the game is origin in **single game**, the engine is a wrapper for HGE (Haaf's Game Engine). Though it's not developing from zero, it also is a not small project. By the way, this project is written in `C++`. > PS: Due to the conflict between developers and customers, this game is no longer operational. ##### 7zcar This is a Groupon Website for cars. It's my first work after graduated. I am the only developer of that company. So something like `System Architecture`, `Develop (Frontend, backend)`, `Server Configuration`, `Operation`, `Software Implementation` are all be done by myself. The operation system of server is `CentOS 6.3` and the server software is **Tengine** (An open-source server software by TAOBAO, modified from **Nginx**). The database is using `MySQL` and `MongoDB`, and the website is using `ThinkPHP` framework. `PHP-CLI` is used for the process of sending email and SMS queue. `SevenzJS` (An open-source NODE.JS framework by me) is used for the server of `4S Shop client` and that client is written in `C#`. > PS: Aha, I said that I am the only developer. As a result, all of my superiors don't know any IT knowledge. This project beyond their budget. I am **fired** after I finishing this project and this project is canceled. ##### F-FINE It's a works-show website of f-fine studio. Website written in PHP. > Enter: [http://ffine.net/](http://ffine.net/) ##### aquaMobile This project is finish during my time in Madrid, Spain. It's the new version of company's official website. Written in `CodeIgniter` framework. But it is still not in use after I come back to China. > Enter: [http://dev.aquamobile.es/](http://dev.aquamobile.es/) #### LEARNING ##### Secret Garden It's an **H** Arkanoid game. The background image is a naked girl and the brick is theirs clothes. This game is write for a Japanese painter called ***須原くるり***. She wanted to enter some animation company in Japan, so she had to have some works. She paints, I program. Now she is in one animation company, so her [personal show website](http://www.suhara-nasuta.com/) is no longer available. But you can see the video [here](http://video.sina.com.cn/v/b/76696149-2686947735.html). The girl said the developer is an India because my blog is [http://xcoder.in/](http://xcoder.in), that is the suffix is `.in`. And I have the game and code. ##### Remake Version of Paralines Zero At first, Paralines Zero is an **AVG Game** that developed by [Maoyumi Company](http://hi.baidu.com/maoyumi). And due to my love for programming and AVG games, I decided to remake it. The origin game is written in `Action Script` and I remake it by `XAE` (A wrapper framework or engine of HGE by myself). The resources are cracked from the origin one. And I had asked the developer, they don't care about it because it is free. > [Download](http://115.com/lb/5lbfotzz). By the way, the link is one of previous version. The final version is in my computer. ##### XKTV My 2011's curriculum design. It's a KTV system which include singing-end, demand-end, reception-desk-end and administrator-end. The database is `M$ SQL` and the singing-end and the demand-end is using HGE. `ØMQ` is used for the communication between singing-end and demand-end. Reception-desk-end and the administrator-end is written in `C#`. > You can view the source code [@googlecode](http://code.google.com/p/xktv/). ##### Hero Snake Feel embarrassed, this game is to help my one ZJUT friend to participate in the contest of game programming. You can get the introduce at [my blog](http://xcoder.in/blog/2011/05/hero-snake.xhtml). ##### Lian Lian Kan It's my first project by HGE. And you can download it in [CSDN](http://download.csdn.net/detail/XadillaX/2740878). An integral developer document is attached. To be proud, many people entry to HGE via my this project. ##### Zhao Cha It's my second project by HGE. ##### Some other games I forgot. ##### Crowds of Other Little Tools and Code Crowds of. #### OPEN-SOURCE ##### VJUDGE SUBMITTER (NODE.JS) This project is mainly for the people who is going to develop him/her self Virtual Judge. It gives you the unified API functions of each different Online Judges. The APIs including login, submit, and fetch result. You can get more infomation at [github page](http://vjs.nbutoj.com/). ##### VJUDGE DESCRIPTION SPIDER (NODE.JS) It's another API library for Virtual Judge developers, mainly to spider the problems' information. You can fork it at [github](https://github.com/XadillaX/vjudge-description-spider). ##### X2CMS It's my early open-source project. Of cause it's a Content Manager System. Mainly for my personal work of school website. Due to the server of my school is only support for ASP, so I written it in ASP. Some third-part libraries are used called `EasyIDE` and `EasyASP`. You can view this project at [googlecode](http://code.google.com/p/x2cms/). Websites using X2CMS: + **ONUOO**: [http://www.onuoo.com/](http://www.onuoo.com/) + **NBUT Institute of Materials Engineering**: [http://ime.nbut.edu.cn/](http://ime.nbut.edu.cn/) + **Ningbo International Port & Logistics Research Center**: [http://iplrc.nbut.edu.cn/](http://iplrc.nbut.edu.cn/) + **NBUT Education Development Foundation**: [http://fund.nbut.edu.cn/](http://fund.nbut.edu.cn/) + **Ningbo Greatworld Furniture R&D Co., Ltd**: [http://www.g-furniture.net/](http://www.g-furniture.net/) ### SURCE OF THIS FILE [https://raw.github.com/XadillaX/xadillax.github.com/src/curriculumvitae.md](https://raw.github.com/XadillaX/xadillax.github.com/src/curriculumvitae.md)