require 'tables' require 'sets' file = require 'files' config = require 'config' require 'strings' res = require 'resources' require 'actions' require 'pack' bit = require 'bit' packets = require('packets') require 'generic_helpers' require 'parse_action_packet' require 'statics' _addon.version = '3.33' = 'BattleMod' = 'Byrth, SnickySnacks, Kenshi' _addon.commands = {'bm','battlemod'} windower.register_event('load',function() if debugging then windower.debug('load') end options_load() end) windower.register_event('login',function (name) if debugging then windower.debug('login') end options_load:schedule(10) end) windower.register_event('addon command', function(command, ...) if debugging then windower.debug('addon command') end local args = {...} command = command and command:lower() if command then if command:lower() == 'commamode' then commamode = not commamode windower.add_to_chat(121,'Battlemod: Comma Mode flipped! - '..tostring(commamode)) elseif command:lower() == 'oxford' then oxford = not oxford windower.add_to_chat(121,'Battlemod: Oxford Mode flipped! - '..tostring(oxford)) elseif command:lower() == 'targetnumber' then targetnumber = not targetnumber windower.add_to_chat(121,'Battlemod: Target Number flipped! - '..tostring(targetnumber)) elseif command:lower() == 'condensetargetname' then condensetargetname = not condensetargetname windower.add_to_chat(121,'Battlemod: Target Name Condensation flipped! - '..tostring(condensetargetname)) elseif command:lower() == 'swingnumber' then swingnumber = not swingnumber windower.add_to_chat(121,'Battlemod: Round Number flipped! - '..tostring(swingnumber)) elseif command:lower() == 'sumdamage' then sumdamage = not sumdamage windower.add_to_chat(121,'Battlemod: Sum Damage flipped! - '..tostring(sumdamage)) elseif command:lower() == 'condensecrits' then condensecrits = not condensecrits windower.add_to_chat(121,'Battlemod: Condense Crits flipped! - '..tostring(condensecrits)) elseif command:lower() == 'cancelmulti' then cancelmulti = not cancelmulti windower.add_to_chat(121,'Battlemod: Multi-canceling flipped! - '..tostring(cancelmulti)) elseif command:lower() == 'reload' then current_job = 'NONE' options_load() elseif command:lower() == 'unload' then windower.send_command('@lua u battlemod') elseif command:lower() == 'simplify' then simplify = not simplify windower.add_to_chat(121,'Battlemod: Text simplification flipped! - '..tostring(simplify)) elseif command:lower() == 'condensedamage' then condensedamage = not condensedamage windower.add_to_chat(121,'Battlemod: Condensed Damage text flipped! - '..tostring(condensedamage)) elseif command:lower() == 'condensetargets' then condensetargets = not condensetargets windower.add_to_chat(121,'Battlemod: Condensed Targets flipped! - '..tostring(condensetargets)) elseif command:lower() == 'showownernames' then showownernames = not showownernames windower.add_to_chat(121,'Battlemod: Show pet owner names flipped! - '..tostring(showownernames)) elseif command:lower() == 'crafting' then crafting = not crafting windower.add_to_chat(121,'Battlemod: Display crafting results flipped! - '..tostring(crafting)) elseif command:lower() == 'showblocks' then showblocks = not showblocks windower.add_to_chat(121,'Battlemod: Show blocks with shield flipped! - '..tostring(showblocks)) elseif command:lower() == 'showguards' then showguards = not showguards windower.add_to_chat(121,'Battlemod: Show guarding on hits flipped! - '..tostring(showguards)) elseif command:lower() == 'showcritws' then showcritws = not showcritws windower.add_to_chat(121,'Battlemod: Show critical hit on ws/mob tp flipped! - '..tostring(showcritws)) elseif command:lower() == 'showrollinfo' then showrollinfo = not showrollinfo windower.add_to_chat(121,'Battlemod: Show lucky/unlucky rolls flipped! - '..tostring(showrollinfo)) elseif command:lower() == 'colortest' then local counter = 0 local line = '' for n = 1, 262 do if not color_redundant:contains(n) and not black_colors:contains(n) then if n <= 255 then loc_col = string.char(0x1F, n) else loc_col = string.char(0x1E, n - 254) end line = line..loc_col..string.format('%03d ', n) counter = counter + 1 end if counter == 16 or n == 262 then windower.add_to_chat(6, line) counter = 0 line = '' end end windower.add_to_chat(122,'Colors Tested!') elseif command:lower() == 'help' then print(' ::: '' ('.._addon.version..') :::') print('Toggles: (* subtoggles)') print(' 1. simplify - Condenses battle text using custom messages ('..tostring(simplify)..')') print(' 2. condensetargets - Collapse similar messages with multiple targets ('..tostring(condensetargets)..')') print(' * targetnumber - Toggle target number display ('..tostring(targetnumber)..')') print(' * condensetargetname - Toggle target name condensation ('..tostring(condensetargetname)..')') print(' * oxford - Toggle use of oxford comma ('..tostring(oxford)..')') print(' * commamode - Toggle comma-only mode ('..tostring(commamode)..')') print(' 3. condensedamage - Condenses damage messages within attack rounds ('..tostring(condensedamage)..')') print(' * swingnumber - Show # of attack rounds ('..tostring(swingnumber)..')') print(' * sumdamage - Sums condensed damage if true, comma-separated if false ('..tostring(sumdamage)..')') print(' * condensecrits - Condenses critical hits and normal hits together ('..tostring(condensecrits)..')') print(' 4. cancelmulti - Cancels multiple consecutive identical lines ('..tostring(cancelmulti)..')') print(' 5. showonernames - Shows the name of the owner on pet messages ('..tostring(showownernames)..')') print(' 6. crafting - Enables early display of crafting results ('..tostring(crafting)..')') print(' 7. showblocks - Shows if a hit was blocked with shield ('..tostring(showblocks)..')') print(' 8. showguards - Shows if a hit was guarded ('..tostring(showguards)..')') print(' 9. showcritws - Shows if a ws or mob ability was a critical hit (shows on multihit if atleast 1 hit was a crit) ('..tostring(showcritws)..')') print(' 10. showrollinfo - Shows lucky/unlucky rolls ('..tostring(showrollinfo)..')') print('Utilities: 1. colortest - Shows the 509 possible colors for use with the settings file') print(' 2. reload - Reloads settings file') print(' 3. unload - Unloads Battlemod') end end end) windower.register_event('incoming text',function (original, modified, color, color_m, blocked) if debugging then windower.debug('incoming text') end local redcol = color%256 if redcol == 121 and cancelmulti then a,z = string.find(original,'Equipment changed') if a and not block_equip then flip_block_equip:schedule(1) block_equip = true elseif a and block_equip then modified = true end elseif redcol == 123 and cancelmulti then a,z = string.find(original,'You were unable to change your equipped items') b,z = string.find(original,'You cannot use that command while viewing the chat log') c,z = string.find(original,'You must close the currently open window to use that command') if (a or b or c) and not block_cannot then flip_block_cannot:schedule(1) block_cannot = true elseif (a or b or c) and block_cannot then modified = true end end if block_modes:contains(color) then local endline = string.char(0x7F, 0x31) local item = string.char(0x1E) if not bm_message(original) then if original:endswith(endline) then --allow add_to_chat messages with the modes we blocking return true end elseif original:endswith(endline) and string.find(original, item) then --block items action messages return true end elseif color == 191 then local endline = string.char(0x7F, 0x31) if original:endswith(endline) and string.find(original, 'effect wears off.') then --deduplication blocking fix local status = string.match(original, '\'s (.+) effect wears off') or string.match(original, '\' (.+) effect wears off') if antideduplication_table[status] and string.find(original, antideduplication_table[status].message) then packet_inject(antideduplication_table[status].packet_table) return true end elseif string.find(original, 'dummy'..endline) then --block sideeffect of setting the message to 0 in injected 0x029 packet return true end end return modified,color end) function bm_message(original) local check = string.char(0x1E) local check2 = string.char(0x1F) if string.find(original, check) or string.find(original, check2) then return true end end function flip_block_equip() block_equip = not block_equip end function flip_block_cannot() block_cannot = not block_cannot end function options_load() if windower.ffxi.get_player() then Self = windower.ffxi.get_player() end if not windower.dir_exists(windower.addon_path..'data\\') then windower.create_dir(windower.addon_path..'data\\') end if not windower.dir_exists(windower.addon_path..'data\\filters\\') then windower.create_dir(windower.addon_path..'data\\filters\\') end local settingsFile ='data\\settings.xml',true) local'data\\filters\\filters.xml',true) local'data\\colors.xml',true) if not file.exists('data\\settings.xml') then settingsFile:write(default_settings) print('Default settings xml file created') end local settingtab = config.load('data\\settings.xml',default_settings_table) for i,v in pairs(settingtab) do _G[i] = v end if not file.exists('data\\filters\\filters.xml') then filterFile:write(default_filters) print('Default filters xml file created') end local tempplayer = windower.ffxi.get_player() if tempplayer then if tempplayer.main_job ~= 'NONE' then filterload(tempplayer.main_job) elseif windower.ffxi.get_mob_by_id(['race'] == 0 then filterload('MON') else filterload('DEFAULT') end else filterload('DEFAULT') end if not file.exists('data\\colors.xml') then colorsFile:write(default_colors) print('Default colors xml file created') end local colortab = config.load('data\\colors.xml',default_color_table) for i,v in pairs(colortab) do color_arr[i] = colconv(v,i) end end function filterload(job) if current_job == job then return end if file.exists('data\\filters\\filters-'..job..'.xml') then default_filt = false filter = config.load('data\\filters\\filters-'..job..'.xml',default_filter_table,false) windower.add_to_chat(4,'Loaded '..job..' Battlemod filters') elseif not default_filt then default_filt = true filter = config.load('data\\filters\\filters.xml',default_filter_table,false) windower.add_to_chat(4,'Loaded default Battlemod filters') end current_job = job end ActionPacket.open_listener(parse_action_packet) windower.register_event('incoming chunk',function (id,original,modified,is_injected,is_blocked) if debugging then windower.debug('incoming chunk ' end ------- ITEM QUANTITY ------- if id == 0x020 and parse_quantity then --local packet = packets.parse('incoming', original) local item = original:unpack('H',0x0D) local count = original:unpack('I',0x05) if item == 0 then return end if == item then item_quantity.count = count..' ' end ------- NOUNS AND PLURAL ENTITIES ------- elseif id == 0x00E then local mob_id = original:unpack('I',0x05) local mask = original:unpack('C',0x0B) local chat_info = original:unpack('C',0x28) if,4) == 4 then if,32) == 0 and not common_nouns:contains(mob_id) then table.insert(common_nouns, mob_id) elseif,64) == 64 and not plural_entities:contains(mob_id) then table.insert(plural_entities, mob_id) elseif,64) == 0 and plural_entities:contains(mob_id) then --Gears can change their grammatical number when they lose 2 gear? for i, v in pairs(plural_entities) do if v == mob_id then table.remove(plural_entities, i) break end end end end elseif id == 0x00B then --Reset tables on Zoning common_nouns = T{} plural_entities = T{} ------- ACTION MESSAGE ------- elseif id == 0x29 then local am = {} am.actor_id = original:unpack('I',0x05) am.target_id = original:unpack('I',0x09) am.param_1 = original:unpack('I',0x0D) am.param_2 = original:unpack('I',0x11) --am.param_2 = original:unpack('H',0x11)%2^9 -- First 7 bits --am.param_3 = math.floor(original:unpack('I',0x11)/2^5) -- Rest am.actor_index = original:unpack('H',0x15) am.target_index = original:unpack('H',0x17) am.message_id = original:unpack('H',0x19) --am.message_id = original:unpack('H',0x19)%2^15 -- Cut off the most significant bit local actor = player_info(am.actor_id) local target = player_info(am.target_id) local actor_article = common_nouns:contains(am.actor_id) and 'The ' or '' local target_article = common_nouns:contains(am.target_id) and 'The ' or '' targets_condensed = false -- Filter these messages if not check_filter(actor,target,0,am.message_id) then return true end if not actor or not target then -- If the actor or target table is nil, ignore the packet elseif am.message_id == 800 then -- Spirit bond message local status = color_it(res.buffs[am.param_1][language],color_arr.statuscol) local targ = color_it( or '',color_arr[target.owner or target.type]) local number = am.param_2 local color = color_filt(res.action_messages[am.message_id].color, if simplify then local msg = line_noactor :gsub('${abil}',status or '') :gsub('${target}',targ) :gsub('${numb}',number or '') windower.add_to_chat(color, msg) else local msg = res.action_messages[am.message_id][language] msg = grammatical_number_fix(msg, number, am.message_id) if plural_entities:contains(am.actor_id) then msg = plural_actor(msg, am.message_id) end if plural_entities:contains(am.target_id) then msg = plural_target(msg, am.message_id) end local msg = clean_msg(msg :gsub('${status}',status or '') :gsub('${target}',target_article..targ) :gsub('${number}',number or ''), am.message_id) windower.add_to_chat(color, msg) end elseif (am.message_id == 206 or am.message_id == 204) and condensetargets then -- Wears off and is no longer messages -- Condenses across multiple packets local status local lang = log_form_messages:contains(am.message_id) and 'english_log' or language if not is_injected and am.message_id == 206 then local outstr = res.action_messages[am.message_id][language] if plural_entities:contains(am.actor_id) then outstr = plural_actor(outstr, am.message_id) end if plural_entities:contains(am.target_id) then outstr = plural_target(outstr, am.message_id) end antideduplication(outstr, am) end if enfeebling:contains(am.param_1) and res.buffs[am.param_1] then status = color_it(res.buffs[am.param_1][lang],color_arr.enfeebcol) elseif color_arr.statuscol == rcol then status = color_it(res.buffs[am.param_1][lang],string.char(0x1F,191)) else status = color_it(res.buffs[am.param_1][lang],color_arr.statuscol) end if not multi_actor[status] then multi_actor[status] = player_info(am.actor_id) end if not multi_msg[status] then multi_msg[status] = am.message_id end if not multi_targs[status] and not stat_ignore:contains(am.param_1) then multi_targs[status] = {} multi_targs[status][1] = target multi_packet:schedule(0.5, status) elseif not (stat_ignore:contains(am.param_1)) then multi_targs[status][#multi_targs[status]+1] = target else -- This handles the stat_ignore values, which are things like Utsusemi, -- Sneak, Invis, etc. that you don't want to see on a delay multi_targs[status] = {} multi_targs[status][1] = target multi_packet(status) end if is_injected then local parsed = packets.parse('incoming', original) parsed['Message'] = 0 local rebuilt = return rebuilt end am.message_id = false elseif passed_messages:contains(am.message_id) then local item,status,spell,skill,number,number2 local outstr = res.action_messages[am.message_id][language] local color = color_filt(res.action_messages[am.message_id].color, if plural_entities:contains(am.actor_id) then outstr = plural_actor(outstr, am.message_id) end if plural_entities:contains(am.target_id) then outstr = plural_target(outstr, am.message_id) end if am.message_id == 206 and not is_injected then antideduplication(outstr, am) end local fields = fieldsearch(outstr) if fields.status then if log_form_messages:contains(am.message_id) then status = res.buffs[am.param_1].english_log else status = nf(res.buffs[am.param_1],language) end if enfeebling:contains(am.param_1) then status = color_it(status,color_arr.enfeebcol) else status = color_it(status,color_arr.statuscol) end end if fields.spell then if not res.spells[am.param_1] then return false end spell = nf(res.spells[am.param_1],language) end if fields.item then if not res.items[am.param_1] then return false end item = nf(res.items[am.param_1],'english_log') end if fields.number then number = am.param_1 end if fields.number2 then number2 = am.param_2 end if fields.skill and res.skills[am.param_1] then skill = res.skills[am.param_1][language]:lower() end if am.message_id > 169 and am.message_id <179 then if am.param_1 > 2147483647 then skill = 'to be level -1 ('..ratings_arr[am.param_2-63]..')' else skill = 'to be level '' ('..ratings_arr[am.param_2-63]..')' end end outstr = (clean_msg(outstr :gsub('${actor}\'s',actor_article..color_it( or '',color_arr[actor.owner or actor.type])..'\'s' :gsub('${actor}',actor_article..color_it( or '',color_arr[actor.owner or actor.type]) :gsub('${status}',status or '') :gsub('${item}',color_it(item or '',color_arr.itemcol)) :gsub('${target}\'s',target_article..color_it( or '',color_arr[target.owner or target.type])..'\'s' :gsub('${target}',target_article..color_it( or '',color_arr[target.owner or target.type]) :gsub('${spell}',color_it(spell or '',color_arr.spellcol)) :gsub('${skill}',color_it(skill or '',color_arr.abilcol)) :gsub('${number}',number or '') :gsub('${number2}',number2 or '') :gsub('${skill}',skill or '') :gsub('${lb}','\7'), am.message_id)) windower.add_to_chat(color,outstr) if am.message_id == 206 and is_injected then local parsed = packets.parse('incoming', original) parsed['Message'] = 0 local rebuilt = return rebuilt end am.message_id = false elseif debugging and res.action_messages[am.message_id] then -- 38 is the Skill Up message, which (interestingly) uses all the number params. -- 202 is the Time Remaining message, which (interestingly) uses all the number params. print('debug_EAM#'': '..res.action_messages[am.message_id][language]..' '' ' elseif debugging then print('debug_EAM#'': '..'Unknown'..' '' ' end if not am.message_id then return true end ------------ SYNTHESIS ANIMATION -------------- elseif id == 0x030 and crafting then if windower.ffxi.get_player().id == original:unpack('I',5) or windower.ffxi.get_mob_by_target('t') and windower.ffxi.get_mob_by_target('t').id == original:unpack('I',5) then local crafter_name = (windower.ffxi.get_player().id == original:unpack('I',5) and windower.ffxi.get_player().name) or windower.ffxi.get_mob_by_target('t').name local result = original:byte(13) if result == 0 then windower.add_to_chat(8,' ------------- NQ Synthesis ('..crafter_name..') -------------') elseif result == 1 then windower.add_to_chat(8,' ---------------- Break ('..crafter_name..') -----------------') elseif result == 2 then windower.add_to_chat(8,' ------------- HQ Synthesis ('..crafter_name..') -------------') else windower.add_to_chat(8,'Craftmod: Unhandled result '..tostring(result)) end end elseif id == 0x06F and crafting then if original:byte(5) == 0 or original:byte(5) == 12 then local result = original:byte(6) if result == 1 then windower.add_to_chat(8,' -------------- HQ Tier 1! --------------') elseif result == 2 then windower.add_to_chat(8,' -------------- HQ Tier 2! --------------') elseif result == 3 then windower.add_to_chat(8,' -------------- HQ Tier 3! --------------') end end ------------- JOB INFO ---------------- elseif id == 0x01B then filterload([original:byte(9)][language..'_short']) end end) function multi_packet(...) local ind = table.concat({...},' ') local targets = assemble_targets(multi_actor[ind],multi_targs[ind],0,multi_msg[ind]) local outstr = targets_condensed and plural_target(res.action_messages[multi_msg[ind]][language], multi_msg[ind]) or res.action_messages[multi_msg[ind]][language] outstr = clean_msg(outstr :gsub('${target}\'s',targets) :gsub('${target}',targets) :gsub('${status}',ind), multi_msg[ind]) windower.add_to_chat(res.action_messages[multi_msg[ind]].color,outstr) multi_targs[ind] = nil multi_msg[ind] = nil multi_actor[ind] = nil end function antideduplication(msg, data) local status = res.buffs[data.param_1].en local actor = player_info(data.actor_id) local target = player_info(data.target_id) local target_article = common_nouns:contains(data.target_id) and 'The ' or '' msg = (clean_msg(msg :gsub('${status}',status) :gsub('${target}\'s', ..'\'s') :gsub('${target}', antideduplication_table[status] = {message = msg, packet_table = data} end function packet_inject(data) packets.inject('incoming', 0x029, { ['Actor'] = data.actor_id, ['Target'] = data.target_id, ['Param 1'] = data.param_1, ['Param 2'] = data.param_2, ['Actor Index'] = data.actor_index, ['Target Index'] = data.target_index, ['Message'] = 206, ['_unknown1'] = 0 })) end