nic 1 name "iphone/notification_center_widget" dir Resources file 35 Resources/Info.plist CFBundleName @@PROJECTNAME@@ CFBundleIdentifier @@PACKAGENAME@@ CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion 6.0 CFBundleVersion 1 CFBundleDisplayName @@PROJECTNAME@@ MinimumOSVersion 5.0 CFBundleSupportedPlatforms iPhoneOS CFBundlePackageType BNDL CFBundleSignature ???? AppBundleID @@PACKAGENAME@@ UIDeviceFamily 1 2 CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0 file 1 Resources/InfoPlist.strings "@@PROJECTNAME@@" = "@@FULLPROJECTNAME@@"; file 20 BBWeeAppController-Protocol.h @protocol BBWeeAppController @required - (id)view; @optional - (void)loadPlaceholderView; - (void)loadFullView; - (void)loadView; - (void)unloadView; - (void)clearShapshotImage; - (id)launchURL; - (id)launchURLForTapLocation:(CGPoint)tapLocation; - (float)viewHeight; - (void)viewWillAppear; - (void)viewDidAppear; - (void)viewWillDisappear; - (void)viewDidDisappear; - (void)willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:(int)interfaceOrientation; - (void)willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:(int)interfaceOrientation; - (void)didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(int)interfaceOrientation; @end file 11 Makefile include theos/makefiles/ BUNDLE_NAME = @@PROJECTNAME@@ @@PROJECTNAME@@_FILES = @@PROJECTNAME@@Controller.m @@PROJECTNAME@@_INSTALL_PATH = /Library/WeeLoader/Plugins/ @@PROJECTNAME@@_FRAMEWORKS = UIKit CoreGraphics include $(THEOS_MAKE_PATH)/ after-install:: install.exec "killall -9 SpringBoard" file 9 control Package: @@PACKAGENAME@@ Name: @@FULLPROJECTNAME@@ Depends: firmware (>= 5.0), com.saurik.substrate.safemode, com.chpwn.weeloader Version: 0.0.1 Architecture: iphoneos-arm Description: An awesome widget for the notification center! Maintainer: @@USER@@ Author: @@USER@@ Section: Addons (NotificationCenter) file 63 @@PROJECTNAME@@Controller.m #import "BBWeeAppController-Protocol.h" static NSBundle *_@@PROJECTNAME@@WeeAppBundle = nil; @interface @@PROJECTNAME@@Controller: NSObject { UIView *_view; UIImageView *_backgroundView; } @property (nonatomic, retain) UIView *view; @end @implementation @@PROJECTNAME@@Controller @synthesize view = _view; + (void)initialize { _@@PROJECTNAME@@WeeAppBundle = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] retain]; } - (id)init { if((self = [super init]) != nil) { } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [_view release]; [_backgroundView release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)loadFullView { // Add subviews to _backgroundView (or _view) here. } - (void)loadPlaceholderView { // This should only be a placeholder - it should not connect to any servers or perform any intense // data loading operations. // // All widgets are 316 points wide. Image size calculations match those of the Stocks widget. _view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:(CGRect){CGPointZero, {316.f, [self viewHeight]}}]; _view.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth; UIImage *bgImg = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:@"/System/Library/WeeAppPlugins/StocksWeeApp.bundle/WeeAppBackground.png"]; UIImage *stretchableBgImg = [bgImg stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:floorf(bgImg.size.width / 2.f) topCapHeight:floorf(bgImg.size.height / 2.f)]; _backgroundView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:stretchableBgImg]; _backgroundView.frame = CGRectInset(_view.bounds, 2.f, 0.f); _backgroundView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth; [_view addSubview:_backgroundView]; } - (void)unloadView { [_view release]; _view = nil; [_backgroundView release]; _backgroundView = nil; // Destroy any additional subviews you added here. Don't waste memory :(. } - (float)viewHeight { return 71.f; } @end