============================== HOW TO INSTALL VELVETOPTIMISER ============================== 1. DOWNLOAD TARBALL =================== Download the latest .tar.gz file from the website: http://bioinformatics.net.au/software.velvetoptimiser.shtml For example: VelvetOptimiser-2.2.4.tar.gz 2. UNTAR ======== Choose a place to put the software - it comes in it's own directory. Here we install it as a normal user in our $HOME directory (eg. /home/peter) % cd $HOME % sudo tar zxvf /path/to/VelvetOptimiser-2.2.4.tar.gz You now have it in a folder called $HOME/VelvetOptimiser-2.2.4 3. ADD TO PATH ============== Add the following to your $HOME/.bashrc file export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/VelvetOptimiser-2.2.4 You will have to log out and log back in for this to be incorporated. 4. TRY IT ========= Type: % VelvetOptimiser.pl You should see the command line help. For detailed instructions read the README file: % less $HOME/VelvetOptimiser-2.2.4/README