#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2014 Steve Francia # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ############################ SETUP PARAMETERS app_name='spf13-vim' app_dir="$HOME/.spf13-vim-3" [ -z "$git_uri" ] && git_uri='https://github.com/veggiemeat/spf13-vim.git' git_branch='3.0' [ -z "$APP_PATH" ] && APP_PATH="$HOME/.spf13-vim-3" [ -z "$REPO_URI" ] && REPO_URI='https://github.com/veggiemeat/spf13-vim.git' [ -z "$REPO_BRANCH" ] && REPO_BRANCH='3.0' debug_mode='0' fork_maintainer='0' [ -z "$VUNDLE_URI" ] && VUNDLE_URI="https://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git" ############################ BASIC SETUP TOOLS msg() { printf '%b\n' "$1" >&2 } success() { if [ "$ret" -eq '0' ]; then msg "\33[32m[✔]\33[0m ${1}${2}" fi } error() { msg "\33[31m[✘]\33[0m ${1}${2}" exit 1 } debug() { if [ "$debug_mode" -eq '1' ] && [ "$ret" -gt '1' ]; then msg "An error occurred in function \"${FUNCNAME[$i+1]}\" on line ${BASH_LINENO[$i+1]}, we're sorry for that." fi } program_exists() { local ret='0' command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || { local ret='1'; } # fail on non-zero return value if [ "$ret" -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi return 0 } program_must_exist() { program_exists $1 # throw error on non-zero return value if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then error "You must have '$1' installed to continue." fi } variable_set() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then error "You must have your HOME environmental variable set to continue." fi } lnif() { if [ -e "$1" ]; then ln -sf "$1" "$2" fi ret="$?" debug } ############################ SETUP FUNCTIONS do_backup() { if [ -e "$1" ] || [ -e "$2" ] || [ -e "$3" ]; then msg "Attempting to back up your original vim configuration." today=`date +%Y%m%d_%s` for i in "$1" "$2" "$3"; do [ -e "$i" ] && [ ! -L "$i" ] && mv -v "$i" "$i.$today"; done ret="$?" success "Your original vim configuration has been backed up." debug fi } sync_repo() { local repo_path="$1" local repo_uri="$2" local repo_branch="$3" local repo_name="$4" msg "Trying to update $repo_name" if [ ! -e "$repo_path" ]; then mkdir -p "$repo_path" git clone -b "$repo_branch" "$repo_uri" "$repo_path" ret="$?" success "Successfully cloned $repo_name." else cd "$repo_path" && git pull origin "$repo_branch" ret="$?" success "Successfully updated $repo_name" fi debug } create_symlinks() { local source_path="$1" local target_path="$2" lnif "$source_path/.vimrc" "$target_path/.vimrc" lnif "$source_path/.vimrc.bundles" "$target_path/.vimrc.bundles" lnif "$source_path/.vimrc.before" "$target_path/.vimrc.before" lnif "$source_path/.vim" "$target_path/.vim" if program_exists "nvim"; then lnif "$source_path/.vim" "$target_path/.config/nvim" lnif "$source_path/.vimrc" "$target_path/.config/nvim/init.vim" fi touch "$target_path/.vimrc.local" ret="$?" success "Setting up vim symlinks." debug } setup_fork_mode() { local source_path="$2" local target_path="$3" if [ "$1" -eq '1' ]; then touch "$target_path/.vimrc.fork" touch "$target_path/.vimrc.bundles.fork" touch "$target_path/.vimrc.before.fork" lnif "$source_path/.vimrc.fork" "$target_path/.vimrc.fork" lnif "$source_path/.vimrc.bundles.fork" "$target_path/.vimrc.bundles.fork" lnif "$source_path/.vimrc.before.fork" "$target_path/.vimrc.before.fork" ret="$?" success "Created fork maintainer files." debug fi } setup_vundle() { local system_shell="$SHELL" export SHELL='/bin/sh' vim \ -u "$1" \ "+set nomore" \ "+BundleInstall!" \ "+BundleClean" \ "+qall" export SHELL="$system_shell" success "Now updating/installing plugins using Vundle" debug } ############################ MAIN() variable_set "$HOME" program_must_exist "vim" program_must_exist "git" do_backup "$HOME/.vim" \ "$HOME/.vimrc" \ "$HOME/.gvimrc" sync_repo "$APP_PATH" \ "$REPO_URI" \ "$REPO_BRANCH" \ "$app_name" create_symlinks "$APP_PATH" \ "$HOME" setup_fork_mode "$fork_maintainer" \ "$APP_PATH" \ "$HOME" sync_repo "$HOME/.vim/bundle/vundle" \ "$VUNDLE_URI" \ "master" \ "vundle" setup_vundle "$APP_PATH/.vimrc.bundles.default" msg "\nThanks for installing $app_name." msg "© `date +%Y` http://vim.spf13.com/"