# Bot ID # Add the Client ID of bot which should be running Bastion. # https://discord.com/developers/applications # `BOT_ID` environment variable overwrites this value. id: "" # Bot Token # Add the token of the bot which should be running Bastion. # https://discord.com/developers/applications # `BOT_TOKEN` environment variable overwrites this value. token: "" # Bot Owners # User IDs of users who should be considered as the bot owners. # `OWNER_ID` environment variable adds an additional owner to the list. owners: - "YOUR_USER_ID" - "ANOTHER_USER_ID" # MongoDB connection URI # `MONGO_URI` environment variable overwrites this value. # NOTE: If you're running MongoDB locally and using Bastion's Docker image, # replace the IP `` to `host.docker.internal` so Docker can access # your local MongoDB server. mongoURI: "mongodb://" # Presences # Bastion will cycle through these activities randomly. # status — online / idle / dnd / invisible # activity — 0 (Playing) / 1 (Streaming) / 2 (Listening) / 3 (Watching) / 4 (Custom) / 5 (Competing) # name — string # url — Twitch URL when `activity` is set to `1` (Streaming) presences: - status: "online" activity: 3 name: "the server" url: - status: "dnd" activity: 1 name: "some games" url: https://twitch.tv/iamtraction # Enable Music Activity # When enabled, Bastion updates the activity to the currently playing track. # It should ideally be disabled if music is played on multiple servers. # `BASTION_MUSIC_ACTIVITY` environment variable overwrites this value. musicActivity: true # Relay Direct Messages # When enabled, Bastion will relay any direct messages it receives to the # owner of the bot application / team. # If a Discord webhook URL is specified, it'll relay the direct messages # via the webhook. # `BASTION_RELAY_DMS` environment variable overwrites this value. relayDirectMessages: false # Unsafe Mode # When enabled, this enables usage of unsafe commands like `exec` and `eval`. # Keep this disabled if the bot owner isn't exclusively you. # `UNSAFE_MODE` environment variable overwrites this value. unsafeMode: false # Bastion API Port # Port used for Bastion API Server. # If port isn't set the API server won't start. # `BASTION_API_PORT` and `PORT` environment variables overwrites this value. port: 8377 # Bastion API Auth # Auth for accessing the Bastion API Server. # If auth isn't set the API server won't start. # `BASTION_API_AUTH` environment variable overwrites this value. auth: "" # API Keys # These are optional and only required for specific features and/or commands. # Required for `cryptocurrency` command. coinMarketCapApiKey: "" # Required for `apod` command. nasaApiKey: "DEMO_KEY" # Required for `chat` command to use the OpenAI's ChatGPT APIs. # API pricing depends on these values. # For more details, check https://openai.com/pricing openai: apiKey: "" # If you want to use GPT-4, set `model` to `gpt-4`. model: "gpt-3.5-turbo" # Change the `maxTokens` value to set the length of ChatGPT's responses. # https://platform.openai.com/tokenizer maxTokens: 100 # Required for `weather` command. openWeatherMapApiKey: "" # Required for `movie` and `tv` commands. tmdbApiKey: "" # Required for `apex`, `csgo`, and `fortnite` commands. trackerNetworkApiKey: "" # Required for Twitch live stream notifications and `game` command. twitch: clientId: "" clientSecret: "" accessToken: "" # Required for `rainbow6` command. ubisoft: email: "" password: "" # Required for `definitions` command. wordnikApiKey: "" # Additional Settings # These settings are for internal use only. You don't need to configure this. bastion: webhookId: "" webhookToken: "" patreon: accessToken: ""