# Installation ## Simplified ### Downloading Download the updater script from the git [repository](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheAngryDarling/dswift/master/dswift-update) Move the script to your bin directory: For Linux: Run 'curl -o /usr/bin/dswift-update https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheAngryDarling/dswift/master/dswift-update' For Mac: Run 'sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/dswift-update https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheAngryDarling/dswift/master/dswift-update' You will be required to enter in your password to complete the copy process ### Grant Permissions For Linux: Run 'chmod +x /usr/bin/dswift-update' For Mac: Run 'sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dswift-update' You maybe required to enter in your password to complete the permission process ### Installation Run the update script to download/compile/install dswift on your system For Linux: Run 'dswift-update' For Mac: Run 'sudo dswift-update' You maybe required to enter in your password to complete the installation process ## Manually ### Downloading Download the source code from the git [repository](https://github.com/TheAngryDarling/dswift) to a location of your choosing and then extract the contents. Use git to download the repository 'git clone --branch latest https://github.com/TheAngryDarling/dswift.git' (Without the quotes) You can change latest to a specific version if you like, but latest will download the most recent working version ### Compiling Open up a terminal and move to the root of the project folder. Run the command 'swift build -c release' (Without the quotes) Make sure there are no errors in the output (Look for the word error) ### Installing Run 'swift build -c release --show-bin-path' (without the quotes) to find the location of the built executable and the path For Linux: Run 'cp {location to executable} /usr/bin/' For Mac: Run 'sudo cp {location to executable} /usr/local/bin/' You will be required to enter in your password to complete the copy process ## Test Run the command 'dswift --version' (Without the quotes) and expect it to return 'Dynamic Swift version {some version}' as well as the current working version information for Swift