--[[------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Communitas.lua map script -- Created by: - Cephalo (Rich Marinaccio) - Perlin landform, elevation and rainfall creation - Sirian (Bob Thomas) - Island creation, some code from Continents and Terra scripts - WHoward69 - Mountain-pass finding algorithm - Bobert13 - Bug fixes and optimizations - Thalassicus (Victor Isbell) - Ocean rifts, rivers through lakes, natural wonder placement, resource placement, map options, inland seas, aesthetic polishing This map script generates climate based on a simplified model of geostrophic and monsoon wind patterns. Rivers are generated along accurate drainage paths governed by the elevation map used to create the landforms. - Natural wonders appear in useful locations. - Islands reward exploration and settlement. - Ocean rifts prevent ancient ships from circling the world. - Inland seas, lakes, and rivers flowing out of lakes. --]]------------------------------------------------------------------------------ include("MapGenerator") include("FeatureGenerator") include("TerrainGenerator") include("IslandMaker") include("FLuaVector") MapGlobals = {} local debugTime = false local debugPrint = false local debugWithLogger = false --[[ Setting "overrideAssignStartingPlots = false" may help make the map compatible with core game patches in the distant future when I'm no longer modding Civ 5. This disables some advanced features of the map, so it's better to modify the map's changes to AssignStartingPlots if possible. ~ Thalassicus @ Nov 5 2013 --]] local overrideAssignStartingPlots = true -- -- Map Information -- function MapGlobals:New() print("MapGlobals:New") local mglobal = {} setmetatable(mglobal, self) self.__index = self local mapW, mapH = Map.GetGridSize() --Percent of land tiles on the map. mglobal.landPercent = 0.35 --Top and bottom map latitudes. mglobal.topLatitude = 70 mglobal.bottomLatitude = -70 --Important latitude markers used for generating climate. mglobal.tropicLatitudes = 20 -- tropicLatitudes to 0 : grass, jungle mglobal.horseLatitudes = 30 -- polarFrontLatitude to horseLatitudes : grass, plains, desert mglobal.iceLatitude = 55 -- bottomLatitude to iceLatitude : ice mglobal.polarFrontLatitude = 60 -- bottomLatitude to polarFrontLatitude : snow, tundra --Adjusting these will generate larger or smaller landmasses and features. mglobal.landMinScatter = 0.02 --Recommended range:[0.02 to 0.1] mglobal.landMaxScatter = 0.12 --Recommended range:[0.03 to 0.3] --Higher values makes continental divisions and stringy features more likely, --and very high values result in a lot of stringy continents and islands. mglobal.coastScatter = 0.14 --Recommended range:[0.01 to 0.3] --Higher values result in more islands and variance on landmasses and coastlines. mglobal.mountainScatter = 155 * mapW --Recommended range:[130 to 1000] --Lower values make large, long, mountain ranges. Higher values make sporadic mountainous features. -- Terrain mglobal.mountainWeight = 0.8 --Weight of the mountain elevation map versus the coastline elevation map. mglobal.belowMountainPercent = 0.95 -- Percent of non-mountain land -- flatPercent to belowMountainPercent : hills mglobal.flatPercent = 0.78 -- Percent of flat land mglobal.hillsBlendPercent = 0.33 -- Chance for flat land to become hills per near mountain. Requires at least 2 near mountains. mglobal.terrainBlendRange = 2 -- range to smooth terrain (desert surrounded by plains turns to plains, etc) mglobal.terrainBlendRandom = 0.5 -- random modifier for terrain smoothing -- Features mglobal.featurePercent = 0.70 -- Percent of potential feature tiles that actually create a feature (marsh/jungle/forest) mglobal.featureWetVariance = 0.10 -- Percent chance increase if freshwater, decrease if dry (groups features near rivers) mglobal.islePercent = 0.05 -- Percent of coast tiles with an isle mglobal.numNaturalWonders = 2 + GameInfo.Worlds[Map.GetWorldSize()].NumNaturalWonders -- Rain mglobal.marshPercent = 0.10 -- Percent chance increase for marsh from each nearby watery tile -- junglePercent to 1 : marsh mglobal.junglePercent = 0.75 -- junglePercent to 1 : jungle mglobal.zeroTreesPercent = 0.30 -- zeroTreesPercent to 1 : forest -- plainsPercent to 1 : grass mglobal.plainsPercent = 0.50 -- desertPercent to plainsPercent : plains mglobal.desertPercent = 0.25 -- 0 to desertPercent : desert -- Temperature mglobal.jungleMinTemperature = 0.70 -- jungle: jungleMinTemperature to 1 mglobal.desertMinTemperature = 0.40 -- desert: desertMinTemperature to 1 -- grass: tundraTemperature to 1 -- plains: tundraTemperature to 1 mglobal.tundraTemperature = 0.35 -- tundra: snowTemperature to tundraTemperature mglobal.snowTemperature = 0.20 -- snow: 0 to snowTemperature mglobal.treesMinTemperature = 0.20 -- trees: treesMinTemperature to 1 mglobal.forestRandomPercent = 0.05 -- Percent of barren flatland which randomly gets a forest mglobal.forestTundraPercent = 0.25 -- Percent of barren tundra which randomly gets a forest -- Water mglobal.riverPercent = 0.15 -- Percent of river junctions that are large enough to become rivers. mglobal.riverRainCheatFactor = 1.6 -- Values greater than one favor watershed size. Values less than one favor actual rain amount. mglobal.minWaterTemp = 0.10 -- Sets water temperature compression that creates the land/sea seasonal temperature differences that cause monsoon winds. mglobal.maxWaterTemp = 0.60 mglobal.geostrophicFactor = 3.0 -- Strength of latitude climate versus monsoon climate. mglobal.geostrophicLateralWindStrength = 0.6 mglobal.lakeSize = 10 -- read-only; cannot change lake sizes with a map script mglobal.oceanMaxWander = 3 -- number of tiles a rift can randomly wander from its intended path mglobal.oceanElevationWeight = 0.25 -- higher numbers make oceans avoid continents mglobal.oceanRiftWidth = math.max(1, Round(mapW/40)) -- minimum number of ocean tiles in a rift -- percent of map width: mglobal.atlanticSize = 0.05 -- size near poles mglobal.atlanticBulge = 0 -- size increase at equator mglobal.atlanticCurve = 0.04 -- S-curve distance mglobal.pacificSize = 0 -- size near poles mglobal.pacificBulge = 0.20 -- size increase at equator mglobal.pacificCurve = 0 -- S-curve distance mglobal.atlanticSize = math.min(4, Round(mglobal.atlanticSize * mapW)) mglobal.pacificBulge = Round(mglobal.pacificBulge * mapW) mglobal.atlanticCurve = math.min(5, Round(mglobal.atlanticCurve * mapW)) mglobal.pacificCurve = math.min(3, Round(mglobal.pacificCurve * mapW)) -- Resources mglobal.fishTargetFertility = 36 -- fish appear to create this average city fertility -- Quality vs Performance -- Lowering these reduces map quality and creation time. -- Try reducing these slightly if you experience crashes on huge maps mglobal.tempBlendMaxRange = 8 -- range to smooth temperature map mglobal.elevationBlendRange = 7 -- range to smooth elevation map --[[ MAP OPTIONS 1 - world_age 2 - temperature 3 - rainfall 4 - sea_level 5 - resources 6 - Players Start 7 - Ocean Rifts 8 - Ocean Rift width --]] do local oWorldAge = Map.GetCustomOption(1) if oWorldAge == 4 then oWorldAge = 1 + Map.Rand(3, "Communitas random world age - Lua") end if oWorldAge == 1 then print("Map Age: New") mglobal.belowMountainPercent = 1 - (1 - mglobal.belowMountainPercent) * 1.5 mglobal.flatPercent = 1 - (1 - mglobal.flatPercent) * 1.5 mglobal.landMinScatter = mglobal.landMinScatter / 1.5 mglobal.landMaxScatter = mglobal.landMaxScatter / 1.5 mglobal.coastScatter = mglobal.coastScatter / 1.5 mglobal.mountainScatter = mglobal.mountainScatter elseif oWorldAge == 3 then print("Map Age: Old") mglobal.belowMountainPercent = 1 - (1 - mglobal.belowMountainPercent) / 1.5 mglobal.flatPercent = 1 - (1 - mglobal.flatPercent) / 1.5 mglobal.landMinScatter = mglobal.landMinScatter * 1.5 mglobal.landMaxScatter = mglobal.landMaxScatter * 1.5 mglobal.coastScatter = mglobal.coastScatter * 1.5 mglobal.mountainScatter = mglobal.mountainScatter else print("Map Age: Normal") end mglobal.mountainScatter = mglobal.mountainScatter * 0.00001 local oTemp = Map.GetCustomOption(2) if oTemp == 4 then oTemp = 1 + Map.Rand(3, "Communitas random temperature - Lua") end if oTemp == 1 then print("Map Temp: Cool") mglobal.tropicLatitudes = mglobal.tropicLatitudes / 1.5 mglobal.horseLatitudes = mglobal.horseLatitudes / 1.5 mglobal.iceLatitude = mglobal.iceLatitude / 3 mglobal.polarFrontLatitude = mglobal.polarFrontLatitude / 1.5 mglobal.tundraTemperature = mglobal.tundraTemperature * 1.25 --mglobal.snowTemperature = mglobal.snowTemperature * 1.25 -- snow is just horrible elseif oTemp == 3 then print("Map Temp: Hot") mglobal.tropicLatitudes = mglobal.tropicLatitudes * 1.5 mglobal.horseLatitudes = mglobal.horseLatitudes * 1.5 mglobal.iceLatitude = 60 mglobal.polarFrontLatitude = 65 mglobal.tundraTemperature = mglobal.tundraTemperature / 1.25 mglobal.snowTemperature = mglobal.snowTemperature / 1.25 else print("Map Temp: Normal") end local oRainfall = Map.GetCustomOption(3) if oRainfall == 4 then oRainfall = 1 + Map.Rand(3, "Communitas random rain - Lua") end if oRainfall == 1 then print("Map Rain: Arid") mglobal.riverPercent = mglobal.riverPercent / 1.5 mglobal.featurePercent = mglobal.featurePercent / 1.5 mglobal.marshPercent = mglobal.marshPercent / 1.5 mglobal.junglePercent = 1 - (1 - mglobal.junglePercent) / 1.5 mglobal.zeroTreesPercent = mglobal.zeroTreesPercent * 1.5 mglobal.plainsPercent = mglobal.plainsPercent * 1.25 mglobal.desertPercent = mglobal.desertPercent * 1.25 elseif oRainfall == 3 then print("Map Rain: Wet") mglobal.featurePercent = 0.9 -- should not go above 90% mglobal.riverPercent = mglobal.riverPercent * 1.5 mglobal.marshPercent = mglobal.marshPercent * 1.5 mglobal.junglePercent = 1 - (1 - mglobal.junglePercent) * 1.5 mglobal.zeroTreesPercent = mglobal.zeroTreesPercent / 1.5 mglobal.plainsPercent = mglobal.plainsPercent / 1.5 mglobal.desertPercent = mglobal.desertPercent / 1.5 else print("Map Rain: Normal") end local oSeaLevel = Map.GetCustomOption(4) if oSeaLevel == 4 then oSeaLevel = 1 + Map.Rand(3, "Communitas random sea level - Lua") end if oSeaLevel == 1 then print("Map Seas: Low") mglobal.landPercent = mglobal.landPercent * 1.25 elseif oSeaLevel == 3 then print("Map Seas: High") mglobal.landPercent = mglobal.landPercent / 1.25 else print("Map Seas: Normal") end local oStarts = Map.GetCustomOption(6) if oStarts == 1 then print("Map Starts: Everywhere") mglobal.offsetAtlanticPercent = 0.50 -- Percent of land to divide at the Atlantic Ocean (50% is usually halfway on the map) --mglobal.offshoreCS = 0.50 -- no longer needed else print("Map Starts: Largest Continent") mglobal.offsetAtlanticPercent = 0.35 -- Percent of land to divide at the Atlantic Ocean mglobal.percentLargestContinent = 0.35 -- Eurasia must be this percent of total land (ensures citystates can appear there) mglobal.terraConnectWeight = 10 -- if Eurasia is too small, connect sub-continents with this (size/distance) from Eurasia --mglobal.offshoreCS = 0.75 -- no longer needed mglobal.numNaturalWonders = Round (1.25 * mglobal.numNaturalWonders) -- extra wonders for larger map sizes end local oRiftWidth = Map.GetCustomOption(8) --mglobal.oceanRiftWidth = mglobal.oceanRiftWidth * mapW if oRiftWidth == 1 then print("Map Ocean Width: Narrow") mglobal.oceanRiftWidth = 1 mglobal.landPercent = mglobal.landPercent - 0.02 elseif oRiftWidth == 3 then print("Map Ocean Width: Wide") mglobal.oceanRiftWidth = math.max(4, Round(mapW/20)) mglobal.landPercent = mglobal.landPercent + 0.05 end -- Ocean rift sizes mglobal.oceanRiftWidth = Round(mglobal.oceanRiftWidth) end -- -- Other settings -- do --These attenuation factors lower the altitude of the map edges. This is --currently used to prevent large continents in the uninhabitable polar --regions. East/west attenuation is set to zero, but modded maps may --have need for them. mglobal.northAttenuationFactor = 0.75 mglobal.northAttenuationRange = 0.15 --percent of the map height. mglobal.southAttenuationFactor = 0.75 mglobal.southAttenuationRange = 0.15 --east west attenuation may be desired for flat maps. mglobal.eastAttenuationFactor = 0.0 mglobal.eastAttenuationRange = 0.0 --percent of the map width. mglobal.westAttenuationFactor = 0.0 mglobal.westAttenuationRange = 0.0 -- Rain tweaking variables. I wouldn't touch these. mglobal.pressureNorm = 1.0 --[1.0 = no normalization] Helps to prevent exaggerated Jungle/Marsh banding on the equator. -Bobert13 mglobal.minimumRainCost = 0.0001 mglobal.upLiftExponent = 4 mglobal.polarRainBoost = 0.00 --North and south isle latitude limits. mglobal.islesNearIce = false mglobal.isleNorthLatitudeLimit = 65 mglobal.isleSouthLatitudeLimit = -65 mglobal.isleMinDeepWaterNeighbors = 0 end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --Below is map data that should not be altered. do mglobal.MountainPasses = {} mglobal.tropicalPlots = {} mglobal.oceanRiftPlots = {} mglobal.islandAreaBuffed = {} mglobal.lakePlots = {} mglobal.seaPlots = {} mglobal.elevationRect = {} mglobal.oceanRiftMidlines = {} -- Directions mglobal.C = DirectionTypes.NO_DIRECTION mglobal.NE = DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_NORTHEAST mglobal.E = DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_EAST mglobal.SE = DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTHEAST mglobal.SW = DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTHWEST mglobal.W = DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_WEST mglobal.NW = DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_NORTHWEST mglobal.N = DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_NORTHWEST + 1 mglobal.S = DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_NORTHWEST + 2 mglobal.edgeDirections = { mglobal.NE, mglobal.E, mglobal.SE, mglobal.SW, mglobal.W, mglobal.NW } mglobal.directionNames = { [mglobal.C] = "C" , [mglobal.NE] = "NE" , [mglobal.E] = "E" , [mglobal.SE] = "SE" , [mglobal.SW] = "SW" , [mglobal.W] = "W" , [mglobal.NW] = "NW" , [mglobal.N] = "N" , [mglobal.S] = "S" } -- Flow Directions mglobal.NOFLOW = 0 mglobal.WESTFLOW = 1 mglobal.EASTFLOW = 2 mglobal.VERTFLOW = 3 mglobal.flowNONE = FlowDirectionTypes.NO_FLOWDIRECTION mglobal.flowN = FlowDirectionTypes.FLOWDIRECTION_NORTH mglobal.flowNE = FlowDirectionTypes.FLOWDIRECTION_NORTHEAST mglobal.flowSE = FlowDirectionTypes.FLOWDIRECTION_SOUTHEAST mglobal.flowS = FlowDirectionTypes.FLOWDIRECTION_SOUTH mglobal.flowSW = FlowDirectionTypes.FLOWDIRECTION_SOUTHWEST mglobal.flowNW = FlowDirectionTypes.FLOWDIRECTION_NORTHWEST mglobal.flowNames = { [mglobal.flowNONE] = "NONE", [mglobal.flowN] = "N" , [mglobal.flowNE] = "NE" , [mglobal.flowSE] = "SE" , [mglobal.flowS] = "S" , [mglobal.flowSW] = "SW" , [mglobal.flowNW] = "NW" } -- basic tile yields mglobal.basicYields = { YieldTypes.YIELD_FOOD, YieldTypes.YIELD_PRODUCTION, YieldTypes.YIELD_GOLD, YieldTypes.YIELD_SCIENCE, YieldTypes.YIELD_CULTURE, YieldTypes.YIELD_FAITH } --wind zones mglobal.NOZONE = -1 mglobal.NPOLAR = 0 mglobal.NTEMPERATE = 1 mglobal.NEQUATOR = 2 mglobal.SEQUATOR = 3 mglobal.STEMPERATE = 4 mglobal.SPOLAR = 5 --Hex maps are shorter in the y direction than they are --wide per unit by this much. We need to know this to sample the perlin --maps properly so they don't look squished. mglobal.YtoXRatio = 1.5/(math.sqrt(0.75) * 2) -- Array of route types - you can change the text, but NOT the order mglobal.routes = {"Land", "Road", "Railroad", "Coastal", "Ocean", "Submarine"} -- Array of highlight colours mglobal.highlights = { Red = Vector4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), Green = Vector4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), Blue = Vector4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), Cyan = Vector4(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), Yellow = Vector4(1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ,1.0), Magenta = Vector4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), Black = Vector4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)} mglobal.lastRouteLength = 0 mglobal.pathDirections = {DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_NORTHEAST, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_EAST, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTHEAST, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTHWEST, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_WEST, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_NORTHWEST} end return mglobal end function GetMapScriptInfo() local world_age, temperature, rainfall, sea_level, resources = GetCoreMapOptions() return { Name = "Communitas", Description = "Creates continents and islands, with climate based on elevation and wind. Includes custom game setup options.", IsAdvancedMap = 0, SupportsMultiplayer = true, IconIndex = 5, SortIndex = -999, CustomOptions = { world_age, temperature, rainfall, sea_level, resources, { Name = "Players Start", Values = { "Continents - Everywhere", "Terra - Largest Continent" }, DefaultValue = 1, SortPriority = 1, }, { Name = "Ocean Rifts", Values = { "Pacific and Atlantic", "2 Atlantic", "2 Pacific", "2 Random", "1 Random", "None" }, DefaultValue = 1, SortPriority = 2, }, { Name = "Rift Width", Values = { "Narrow", "Normal", "Wide" }, DefaultValue = 2, SortPriority = 3, }, }, } end function GetMapInitData(worldSize) print("GetMapInitData") local worldsizes = { [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_DUEL.ID] = {38, 26}, [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_TINY.ID] = {54, 36}, [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_SMALL.ID] = {66, 44}, [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_STANDARD.ID] = {76, 50}, [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_LARGE.ID] = {84, 56}, [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_HUGE.ID] = {92, 62} } if Map.GetCustomOption(6) == 2 then -- Enlarge terra-style maps 30% to create expansion room on the new world worldsizes = { [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_DUEL.ID] = {44, 28}, [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_TINY.ID] = {60, 40}, [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_SMALL.ID] = {74, 50}, [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_STANDARD.ID] = {86, 58}, [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_LARGE.ID] = {96, 64}, [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_HUGE.ID] = {106, 70} } end -- local grid_size = worldsizes[worldSize] -- local world = GameInfo.Worlds[worldSize] if(world ~= nil) then return { Width = grid_size[1], Height = grid_size[2], WrapX = true, } end end function DetermineContinents() print("Determining continents for art purposes (CommunitasMap)") -- Each plot has a continent art type. -- Command for setting the art type for a plot is: :SetContinentArtType() -- CONTINENTAL ART SETS - in order from hot to cold -- 0) Ocean -- 3) Africa -- 2) Asia -- 1) America -- 4) Europe contArt = {} contArt.OCEAN = 0 contArt.AFRICA = 3 contArt.ASIA = 2 contArt.AMERICA = 1 contArt.EUROPE = 4 local mapW, mapH = Map.GetGridSize() --[[ for i, plot in Plots() do if plot:IsWater() then plot:SetContinentArtType(contArt.OCEAN) else plot:SetContinentArtType(contArt.AFRICA) end end --]] local continentMap = PWAreaMap:New(elevationMap.width,elevationMap.height,elevationMap.wrapX,elevationMap.wrapY) continentMap:DefineAreas(oceanMatch) table.sort(continentMap.areaList,function (a,b) return a.size > b.size end) --check for jungle for y=0, elevationMap.height - 1 do for x=0,elevationMap.width - 1 do local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) local area = continentMap:GetAreaByID(continentMap.data[i]) area.hasJungle = false end end for y=0, elevationMap.height - 1 do for x=0, elevationMap.width - 1 do local plot = Map.GetPlot(x,y) if plot:GetFeatureType() == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_JUNGLE then local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) local area = continentMap:GetAreaByID(continentMap.data[i]) area.hasJungle = true end end end for n=1, #continentMap.areaList do -- if not continentMap.areaList[n].trueMatch and not continentMap.areaList[n].hasJungle then if not continentMap.areaList[n].trueMatch then continentMap.areaList[n].artStyle = 1 + Map.Rand(2, "Continent Art Styles - Lua") -- left out America's orange trees end end for y=0, elevationMap.height - 1 do for x=0, elevationMap.width - 1 do local plot = Map.GetPlot(x,y) local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) local artStyle = continentMap:GetAreaByID(continentMap.data[i]).artStyle if plot:IsWater() then plot:SetContinentArtType(contArt.OCEAN) elseif jungleMatch(x,y) then plot:SetContinentArtType(contArt.EUROPE) else plot:SetContinentArtType(contArt.AFRICA) end end end --Africa has the best looking deserts, so for the biggest --desert use Africa. America has a nice dirty looking desert also, so --that should be the second biggest desert. local desertMap = PWAreaMap:New(elevationMap.width,elevationMap.height,elevationMap.wrapX,elevationMap.wrapY) desertMap:DefineAreas(desertMatch) table.sort(desertMap.areaList,function (a,b) return a.size > b.size end) local largestDesertID = nil local secondLargestDesertID = nil for n=1,#desertMap.areaList do --if debugTime then print(string.format("area[%d] size = %d",n,desertMap.areaList[n].size)) end if desertMap.areaList[n].trueMatch then if largestDesertID == nil then largestDesertID = desertMap.areaList[n].id else secondLargestDesertID = desertMap.areaList[n].id break end end end for y=0,elevationMap.height - 1 do for x=0,elevationMap.width - 1 do local plot = Map.GetPlot(x,y) local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) if desertMap.data[i] == largestDesertID then plot:SetContinentArtType(contArt.AFRICA) elseif desertMap.data[i] == secondLargestDesertID then plot:SetContinentArtType(contArt.AFRICA) elseif plot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_DESERT then plot:SetContinentArtType(contArt.AMERICA) end end end -- Set tundra/mountains -> snowy when near to snow tiles for y = 0, mapH-1 do for x = 0, mapW-1 do local plot = Map.GetPlot(x,y) local plotTerrainID = plot:GetTerrainType() if IsMountain(plot) then local coldness = 0 local zone = elevationMap:GetZone(y) if (zone == mg.NPOLAR or zone == mg.SPOLAR) then coldness = coldness + 2 elseif (zone == mg.NTEMPERATE or zone == mg.STEMPERATE) then coldness = coldness + 1 else coldness = coldness - 1 end for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 1, 1) do local nearTerrainID = nearPlot:GetTerrainType() local nearFeatureID = nearPlot:GetFeatureType() if IsMountain(nearPlot) then coldness = coldness + 0.5 elseif nearTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_SNOW then coldness = coldness + 2 elseif nearTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_TUNDRA then coldness = coldness + 1 elseif nearTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_DESERT then coldness = coldness - 1 elseif nearFeatureID == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_JUNGLE or nearFeatureID == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_MARSH then coldness = coldness - 8 end end for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 2, 2) do if IsMountain(nearPlot) then coldness = coldness + 0.25 end end -- Avoid snow near tropical jungle if coldness >= 1 then for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 2, 3) do local nearFeatureID = nearPlot:GetFeatureType() if nearFeatureID == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_JUNGLE or nearFeatureID == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_MARSH then coldness = coldness - 8 / math.max(1, Map.PlotDistance(x, y, nearPlot:GetX(), nearPlot:GetY())) end end end if coldness >= 7 then --plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_SNOW, false, true) plot:SetContinentArtType(contArt.EUROPE) elseif coldness >= 1 then --plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_TUNDRA, false, true) plot:SetContinentArtType(contArt.AMERICA) elseif coldness >= 0 then --plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_PLAINS, false, true) plot:SetContinentArtType(contArt.ASIA) else --plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_PLAINS, false, true) plot:SetContinentArtType(contArt.AFRICA) end elseif plotTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_TUNDRA then local coldness = 0 for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 1, 1) do local nearTerrainID = nearPlot:GetTerrainType() local nearFeatureID = nearPlot:GetFeatureType() if nearTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_SNOW then coldness = coldness + 5 elseif nearTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_TUNDRA then coldness = coldness + 1 elseif nearTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_DESERT or nearFeatureID == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_JUNGLE or nearFeatureID == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_MARSH then coldness = coldness - 2 end end for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 2, 2) do if nearTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_DESERT or nearFeatureID == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_JUNGLE or nearFeatureID == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_MARSH then coldness = coldness - 1 end end if coldness >= 5 then if plot:GetFeatureType() == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FOREST then plot:SetContinentArtType(contArt.ASIA) else plot:SetContinentArtType(contArt.EUROPE) end else plot:SetContinentArtType(contArt.AFRICA) end elseif plotTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_SNOW then plot:SetContinentArtType(contArt.EUROPE) end end end end function inheritsFrom( baseClass ) --inheritance mechanism from http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=561909 local new_class = {} local class_mt = { __index = new_class } function new_class:create() local newinst = {} setmetatable( newinst, class_mt ) return newinst end if nil ~= baseClass then setmetatable( new_class, { __index = baseClass } ) end -- Implementation of additional OO properties starts here -- -- Return the class object of the instance function new_class:class() return new_class end -- Return the super class object of the instance, optional base class of the given class (must be part of hiearchy) function new_class:baseClass(class) return new_class:_B(class) end -- Return the super class object of the instance, optional base class of the given class (must be part of hiearchy) function new_class:_B(class) if (class==nil) or (new_class==class) then return baseClass elseif(baseClass~=nil) then return baseClass:_B(class) end return nil end -- Return true if the caller is an instance of theClass function new_class:_ISA( theClass ) local b_isa = false local cur_class = new_class while ( nil ~= cur_class ) and ( false == b_isa ) do if cur_class == theClass then b_isa = true else cur_class = cur_class:baseClass() end end return b_isa end return new_class end function Logger(self) local logger = {} setmetatable(logger, self) self.__index = self logger.level = LEVEL.INFO logger.SetLevel = function (self, level) self.level = level end logger.Message = function (self, level, ...) local arg = {...} if LEVEL[level] < LEVEL[self.level] then return false end if type(arg[1]) == "string" then local _, numCommands = string.gsub(arg[1], "[%%]", "") for i = 2, numCommands+1 do if type(arg[i]) ~= "number" and type(arg[i]) ~= "string" then arg[i] = tostring(arg[i]) end end else arg[1] = tostring(arg[1]) end local message = string.format(unpack(arg)) if level == LOG_FATAL then message = string.format("Turn %-3s %s", Game.GetGameTurn(), message) print(level .. string.rep(" ", 7-level:len()) .. message) if debug then print(debug.traceback()) end else if level >= LOG_INFO then message = string.format("Turn %-3s %s", Game.GetGameTurn(), message) end print(level .. string.rep(" ", 7-level:len()) .. message) end return true end if debugWithLogger then logger.Trace = function (logger, ...) return logger:Message(LOG_TRACE, unpack{...}) end logger.Debug = function (logger, ...) return logger:Message(LOG_DEBUG, unpack{...}) end logger.Info = function (logger, ...) return logger:Message(LOG_INFO, unpack{...}) end logger.Warn = function (logger, ...) return logger:Message(LOG_WARN, unpack{...}) end logger.Error = function (logger, ...) return logger:Message(LOG_ERROR, unpack{...}) end logger.Fatal = function (logger, ...) return logger:Message(LOG_FATAL, unpack{...}) end else logger.Trace = function () end logger.Debug = function () end logger.Info = function () end logger.Warn = function () end logger.Error = function () end logger.Fatal = function () end end return logger end LOG_TRACE = "TRACE" LOG_DEBUG = "DEBUG" LOG_INFO = "INFO" LOG_WARN = "WARN" LOG_ERROR = "ERROR" LOG_FATAL = "FATAL" LEVEL = { [LOG_TRACE] = 1, [LOG_DEBUG] = 2, [LOG_INFO] = 3, [LOG_WARN] = 4, [LOG_ERROR] = 5, [LOG_FATAL] = 6, } LuaLogger = {} LuaLogger.New = Logger log = LuaLogger:New() log:SetLevel("INFO") -- -- Generate Plots -- function StartPlotSystem() -- Get Resources setting input by user. local res = Map.GetCustomOption(5) or 2 if res == 6 then res = 1 + Map.Rand(3, "Random Resources Option - Lua") end local oStarts = Map.GetCustomOption(6) local divMethod = nil if oStarts == 1 then -- Continents divMethod = 2 else --Terra divMethod = 1 end print("Creating start plot database.") local start_plot_database = AssignStartingPlots.Create() print("Dividing the map in to Regions.") -- Regional Division Method 2: Continental or 1:Terra local args = { method = divMethod, resources = res, } start_plot_database:GenerateRegions(args) print("Choosing start locations for civilizations.") start_plot_database:ChooseLocations() print("Normalizing start locations and assigning them to Players.") start_plot_database:BalanceAndAssign() --error(":P") print("Placing Natural Wonders.") start_plot_database:PlaceNaturalWonders() print("Placing Resources and City States.") start_plot_database:PlaceResourcesAndCityStates() end function GeneratePlotTypes() print("Creating initial map data - CommunitasMap") --[[ local plot = Map.GetPlot(5, 5) for nearPlot, distance in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 0, 1) do print(string.format( "plot %s distance=%s", Plot_GetID(nearPlot), distance )) end --]] local timeStart = debugTime and os.clock() or 0 local mapW, mapH = Map.GetGridSize() --first do all the preliminary calculations in this function if debugTime then print(string.format("map size: width=%d, height=%d",mapW,mapH)) end mg = MapGlobals:New() PWRandSeed() -- Elevations elevationMap = GenerateElevationMap(mapW,mapH,true,false) --elevationMap:Save("elevationMap.csv") -- Plots print("Generating plot types - CommunitasMap") ShiftMaps() DiffMap = GenerateDiffMap(mapW,mapH,true,false) CreateArcticOceans() CreateVerticalOceans() ConnectSeasToOceans() FillInLakes() elevationMap = SetOceanRiftElevations(elevationMap) ConnectTerraContinents() -- Rainfall rainfallMap, temperatureMap = GenerateRainfallMap(elevationMap) --rainfallMap:Save("rainfallMap.csv") -- Rivers riverMap = RiverMap:New(elevationMap) riverMap:SetJunctionAltitudes() riverMap:SiltifyLakes() riverMap:SetFlowDestinations() riverMap:SetRiverSizes(rainfallMap) --find exact thresholds local hillsThreshold = DiffMap:FindThresholdFromPercent(mg.flatPercent,false,true) local mountainsThreshold = DiffMap:FindThresholdFromPercent(mg.belowMountainPercent,false,true) local i = 0 for y = 0, mapH - 1,1 do for x = 0,mapW - 1,1 do local plot = Map.GetPlot(x,y) if elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(x,y) then plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypes.PLOT_OCEAN, false, false) elseif DiffMap.data[i] < hillsThreshold then plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND,false,false) --This code makes the game only ever plot flat land if it's within two tiles of --the seam. This prevents issues with tiles that don't look like what they are. elseif x == 0 or x == 1 or x == mapW - 1 or x == mapW -2 then plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND,false,false) -- Bobert13 elseif DiffMap.data[i] < mountainsThreshold then plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypes.PLOT_HILLS,false,false) else plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypes.PLOT_MOUNTAIN,false,false) end i=i+1 end end Map.RecalculateAreas() GenerateIslands() GenerateCoasts() SetOceanRiftPlots() end function ConnectSeasToOceans() local areaMap = PWAreaMap:New(elevationMap.width,elevationMap.height,elevationMap.wrapX,elevationMap.wrapY) areaMap:DefineAreas(waterMatch) local oceanArea, oceanSize = GetLargestArea(areaMap) if not oceanArea then print("ConnectSeasToOceans: No ocean!") return end local plotFunc = function(plot) return not Plot_IsWater(plot, true) end log:Info("ConnectSeasToOceans: oceanSize = %s", oceanSize) local newWater = {} for areaID=1, #areaMap.areaList do local seaArea = areaMap.areaList[areaID] if seaArea.trueMatch and seaArea.size < oceanSize then local pathPlots, distance, airDistance = GetPathBetweenAreas(areaMap, seaArea, oceanArea, true, plotFunc) if seaArea.size >= mg.lakeSize then--or seaArea.size >= 2 * distance then log:Info("ConnectSeasToOceans: Connect seaArea.size = %-3s distance = %-3s airDistance = %-3s", seaArea.size, distance, airDistance) --log:Info(" Connect") for _, plot in pairs(pathPlots) do local plotID = Plot_GetID(plot) newWater[Plot_GetID(plot)] = elevationMap.seaLevelThreshold - 0.01 if seaArea.size <= 2 * mg.lakeSize then table.insert(mg.seaPlots, plot) end --plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_ICE, -1) end end end end for plotID, elevation in pairs(newWater) do elevationMap.data[plotID] = elevation end end function ConnectTerraContinents() if Map.GetCustomOption(6) == 1 then -- Continents-style formation return end log:Info("ConnectTerraContinents") local oceanX1 = mg.oceanRiftMidlines[1] local oceanX2 = mg.oceanRiftMidlines[2] local continents = {} local totalLand = 0 local areaMap = PWAreaMap:New(elevationMap.width,elevationMap.height,elevationMap.wrapX,elevationMap.wrapY) areaMap:DefineAreas(landMatch) for areaID=1, #areaMap.areaList do local area = areaMap.areaList[areaID] if area.trueMatch and area.size > 10 then if not IsAreaBetweenOceans(area, oceanX1, oceanX2) then table.insert(continents, area) end end end if continents == {} then print("ConnectTerraContinents: No biggest continent!") return end for plotID, elevation in pairs(elevationMap.data) do if elevation > elevationMap.seaLevelThreshold then totalLand = totalLand + 1 end end table.sort(continents, function(a, b) return a.size > b.size end) log:Info("ConnectTerraContinents: largestLand = %s%% of %s totalLand", Round(100 * continents[1].size / totalLand), totalLand) local largestSize = continents[1].size if largestSize > mg.percentLargestContinent * totalLand then return end -- local plotFunc = function(plot) return Plot_IsWater(plot, true) end for i = 1, #continents do if i == 1 then continents[i].pathPlots = {} continents[i].airDistance = 0 continents[i].distance = 0 else local pathPlots, distance, airDistance = GetPathBetweenAreas(areaMap, continents[i], continents[1], false, plotFunc) continents[i].pathPlots = pathPlots continents[i].airDistance = airDistance continents[i].distance = distance end end for index, area in ipairs(continents) do log:Info("ConnectTerraContinents: continent #%-2s size = %-4s distance = %-3s size/distance = %s", index, area.size, area.distance, Round(area.size / math.max(1, area.distance))) end local newLand = {} for index, area in ipairs(continents) do if index ~= 1 and area.distance < mg.oceanRiftWidth + 2 and area.size / math.max(1, area.distance) > mg.terraConnectWeight then log:Info("ConnectTerraContinents: Connect continents[%s].size = %-3s distance = %-3s airDistance = %-3s size/distance = %s", index, area.size, area.distance, area.airDistance, Round(area.size / math.max(1, area.distance)) ) for _, plot in pairs(area.pathPlots) do newLand[Plot_GetID(plot)] = elevationMap.seaLevelThreshold end largestSize = largestSize + area.size if largestSize > mg.percentLargestContinent * totalLand then break end end end for plotID, elevation in pairs(newLand) do --Map.GetPlotByIndex(plotID):SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_ICE, -1) elevationMap.data[plotID] = elevation end end function IsAreaBetweenOceans(area, oceanX1, oceanX2) return false end function GetPathBetweenAreas(areaMap, areaA, areaB, findLowest, plotMatchFunc) -- using Dijkstra's algorithm local mapW, mapH = Map.GetGridSize() -- initialize local plots = {} for plotID = 0, areaMap.length - 1 do plots[plotID] = {} plots[plotID].plot = Map.GetPlot(elevationMap:GetXYFromIndex(plotID)) plots[plotID].areaID = areaMap.data[plotID] if plots[plotID].areaID == areaA.id or plots[plotID].areaID == areaB.id then -- consider all plots equal in start and end areas plots[plotID].elevation = 0 else if findLowest then -- connect oceans plots[plotID].elevation = GetElevationByPlotID(plotID) ^ 2 else -- connect continents plots[plotID].elevation = 1000 - GetElevationByPlotID(plotID) ^ 2 end end if plots[plotID].areaID == areaA.id then plots[plotID].sumElevation = 0 else plots[plotID].sumElevation = 30000 end end -- main loop local lowestID = -1 local lowest = nil local attempts = 0 while attempts < mapW * mapH do lowestID, lowest = GetBestFromTable(plots, function(a, b) if not a or not b then return a or b end if a.sumElevation ~= b.sumElevation then return a.sumElevation < b.sumElevation end return a.elevation < b.elevation end ) if not lowest or lowest.sumElevation == math.huge or lowest.areaID == areaB.id then break end plots[lowestID] = nil for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(lowest.plot, 1) do local nearID = Plot_GetID(nearPlot) local nearPlotInfo = plots[nearID] if nearPlotInfo then local altSumElevation = lowest.sumElevation + nearPlotInfo.elevation if altSumElevation < nearPlotInfo.sumElevation then plots[nearID].sumElevation = altSumElevation plots[nearID].previous = lowest end end end end local path = {} local start = lowest while lowest.previous do if plotMatchFunc(lowest.plot) then table.insert(path, lowest.plot) end lowest = lowest.previous end return path, #path, Map.PlotDistance(start.plot:GetX(), start.plot:GetY(), lowest.plot:GetX(), lowest.plot:GetY()) end function GetBestFromTable(list, compareFunc) local least = nil local leastID = -1 for k, v in pairs(list) do if compareFunc(v, least) then leastID = k least = v end end return leastID, least end function GetLargestArea(areaMap) local largestArea = nil local largestSize = 0 for areaID=1, #areaMap.areaList do local area = areaMap.areaList[areaID] if area.trueMatch and area.size > largestSize then largestSize = area.size largestArea = area end end return largestArea, largestSize end function FillInLakes() local areaMap = PWAreaMap:New(elevationMap.width,elevationMap.height,elevationMap.wrapX,elevationMap.wrapY) areaMap:DefineAreas(waterMatch) for i=1, #areaMap.areaList do local area = areaMap.areaList[i] if area.trueMatch and area.size <= mg.lakeSize then for n = 0, areaMap.length do if areaMap.data[n] == area.id then elevationMap.data[n] = elevationMap.seaLevelThreshold --print("Saving lake of size ".. area.size) table.insert(mg.lakePlots, Map.GetPlot(elevationMap:GetXYFromIndex(n))) end end end end end function RestoreLakes() log:Info("RestoreLakes") --[[ -- Seperate lakes from new ocean rifts for index, plot in pairs(mg.lakePlots) do local isLake = true for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 1) do if nearPlot:IsWater() and not nearPlot:IsLake() then table.remove(mg.lakePlots, index) break end end end --]] -- Remove all rivers bordering lakes or oceans for _, plot in Plots() do if Plot_IsWater(plot) then for edgeDirection = 0, DirectionTypes.NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES - 1 do Plot_SetRiver(plot, edgeDirection, mg.flowNONE) end end end -- Add lakes for _, plot in pairs(mg.lakePlots) do local isIce = (plot:GetFeatureType() == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_ICE) plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_COAST, false, true) if isIce then --plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_ICE, -1) end end -- Calculate outflow from lakes local riversToAdd = {} local lakesDone = {} for plotID, plot in Plots(Shuffle) do for edgeDirection = 0, DirectionTypes.NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES - 1 do if Plot_IsRiver(plot, edgeDirection) then prevPlot, edgeA, edgeB, flowA, flowB = Plot_GetPreviousRiverPlot(plot, edgeDirection) if prevPlot and Plot_IsLake(prevPlot) and not Contains(lakesDone, prevPlot) then print(string.format( "%2s flowing river: add edge %2s flowing %2s, edge %2s flowing %2s", mg.flowNames[Plot_GetRiverFlowDirection(plot, edgeDirection)], mg.directionNames[edgeA], mg.flowNames[flowA], mg.directionNames[edgeB], mg.flowNames[flowB] )) table.insert(riversToAdd, {plot=prevPlot, edge=edgeA, flow=flowA}) table.insert(riversToAdd, {plot=prevPlot, edge=edgeB, flow=flowB}) table.insert(lakesDone, prevPlot) end end end end for _, v in pairs(riversToAdd) do Plot_SetRiver(v.plot, v.edge, v.flow) end end function AddLakes() -- disable vanilla lake creation end -- -- Generate Terrain -- function GenerateTerrain() print("Generating terrain - CommunitasMap") local timeStart = debugTime and os.clock() or 0 local terrainTundra = GameInfoTypes["TERRAIN_TUNDRA"] local terrainGrass = GameInfoTypes["TERRAIN_GRASS"] local mapW, mapH = Map.GetGridSize() --first find minimum rain above sea level for a soft desert transition local minRain = 100.0 for y = 0, mapH-1 do for x = 0,mapW-1 do local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) if not elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(x,y) then if rainfallMap.data[i] < minRain then minRain = rainfallMap.data[i] end end end end --find exact thresholds local desertThreshold = rainfallMap:FindThresholdFromPercent(mg.desertPercent,false,true) local plainsThreshold = rainfallMap:FindThresholdFromPercent(mg.plainsPercent,false,true) for y = 0, mapH-1 do for x = 0,mapW-1 do local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) if not elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(x,y) then if rainfallMap.data[i] < desertThreshold then if temperatureMap.data[i] < mg.snowTemperature then--and elevationMap:GetZone(y) ~= mg.NEQUATOR and elevationMap:GetZone(y) ~= mg.SEQUATOR then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_SNOW,false,false) elseif temperatureMap.data[i] < mg.tundraTemperature then plot:SetTerrainType(terrainTundra,false,false) elseif temperatureMap.data[i] < mg.desertMinTemperature then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_PLAINS,false,false) else --if rainfallMap.data[i] < (PWRand() * (desertThreshold - minRain) + desertThreshold - minRain)/2.0 + minRain then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_DESERT,false,false) --else --plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_PLAINS,false,false) --end end elseif rainfallMap.data[i] < plainsThreshold then if temperatureMap.data[i] < mg.snowTemperature then--and elevationMap:GetZone(y) ~= mg.NEQUATOR and elevationMap:GetZone(y) ~= mg.SEQUATOR then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_SNOW,false,false) elseif temperatureMap.data[i] < mg.tundraTemperature then plot:SetTerrainType(terrainTundra,false,false) else if rainfallMap.data[i] < (PWRand() * (plainsThreshold - desertThreshold) + plainsThreshold - desertThreshold)/2.0 + desertThreshold then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_PLAINS,false,false) else plot:SetTerrainType(terrainGrass,false,false) end end else if temperatureMap.data[i] < mg.snowTemperature then--and elevationMap:GetZone(y) ~= mg.NEQUATOR and elevationMap:GetZone(y) ~= mg.SEQUATOR then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_SNOW,false,false) elseif temperatureMap.data[i] < mg.tundraTemperature then plot:SetTerrainType(terrainTundra,false,false) else plot:SetTerrainType(terrainGrass,false,false) end end end end end if debugTime then print(string.format("%5s ms, GenerateTerrain %s", math.floor((os.clock() - timeStart) * 1000), "Main")) end if debugTime then timeStart = os.clock() end if debugTime then print(string.format("%5s ms, GenerateTerrain %s", math.floor((os.clock() - timeStart) * 1000), "SetOceanRiftPlots")) end if debugTime then timeStart = os.clock() end BlendTerrain() if debugTime then print(string.format("%5s ms, GenerateTerrain %s", math.floor((os.clock() - timeStart) * 1000), "BlendTerrain")) end end function GenerateIslands() -- A cell system will be used to combine predefined land chunks with randomly generated island groups. -- Define the cell traits. (These need to fit correctly with the map grid width and height.) local iW, iH = Map.GetGridSize() local iCellWidth = 10 local iCellHeight = 8 local iNumCellColumns = math.floor(iW / iCellWidth) local iNumCellRows = math.floor(iH / iCellHeight) local iNumTotalCells = iNumCellColumns * iNumCellRows local cell_data = table.fill(false, iNumTotalCells) -- Stores data on map cells in use. All cells begin as empty. local iNumCellsInUse = 0 local iNumCellTarget = math.floor(iNumTotalCells * 1) local island_chain_PlotTypes = table.fill(PlotTypes.PLOT_OCEAN, iW * iH) -- Add randomly generated island groups local iNumGroups = iNumCellTarget -- Should virtually never use all the groups. for group = 1, iNumGroups do if iNumCellsInUse >= iNumCellTarget then -- Map has reeached desired island population. print("-") print("** Number of Island Groups produced:", group - 1) print("-") break end --[[ Formation Chart 1. Single Cell, Axis Only 2. Double Cell, Horizontal, Axis Only 3. Single Cell With Dots 4. Double Cell, Horizontal, With Shifted Dots 5. Double Cell, Vertical, Axis Only 6. Double Cell, Vertical, With Shifted Dots 7. Triple Cell, Vertical, With Double Dots 8. Square of Cells 2x2 With Double Dots 9. Rectangle 3x2 With Double Dots 10. Rectangle 2x3 With Double Dots ]]-- -- -- Choose a formation local rate_threshold = {} local total_appearance_rate, iNumFormations = 0, 0 local appearance_rates = { -- These numbers are relative to one another. No specific target total is necessary. 7, -- #1 3, -- #2 15, --#3 8, -- #4 3, -- #5 6, -- #6 4, -- #7 6, -- #8 4, -- #9 3, -- #10 } for i, rate in ipairs(appearance_rates) do total_appearance_rate = total_appearance_rate + rate iNumFormations = iNumFormations + 1 end local accumulated_rate = 0 for index = 1, iNumFormations do local threshold = (appearance_rates[index] + accumulated_rate) * 10000 / total_appearance_rate table.insert(rate_threshold, threshold) accumulated_rate = accumulated_rate + appearance_rates[index] end local formation_type local diceroll = Map.Rand(10000, "Choose formation type - Island Making - Lua") for index, threshold in ipairs(rate_threshold) do if diceroll <= threshold then -- Choose this formation type. formation_type = index break end end -- Choose cell(s) not in use local iNumAttemptsToFindOpenCells = 0 local found_unoccupied_cell = false local anchor_cell, cell_x, cell_y, foo while found_unoccupied_cell == false do if iNumAttemptsToFindOpenCells > 100 then -- Too many attempts on this pass. Might not be any valid locations for this formation. print("-") print("*-* ERROR: Formation type of", formation_type, "for island group#", group, "unable to find an open space. Switching to single-cell.") formation_type = 3 -- Reset formation type. iNumAttemptsToFindOpenCells = 0 end local diceroll = 1 + Map.Rand(iNumTotalCells, "Choosing a cell for an island group - Polynesia LUA") if cell_data[diceroll] == false then -- Anchor cell is unoccupied. -- If formation type is multiple-cell, all secondary cells must also be unoccupied. if formation_type == 1 or formation_type == 3 then -- single cell, proceed. anchor_cell = diceroll found_unoccupied_cell = true elseif formation_type == 2 or formation_type == 4 then -- double cell, horizontal. -- Check to see if anchor cell is in the final column. If so, reject. cell_x = math.fmod(diceroll, iNumCellColumns) if cell_x ~= 0 then -- Anchor cell is valid, but still have to check near cell. if cell_data[diceroll + 1] == false then -- Adjacent cell is unoccupied. anchor_cell = diceroll found_unoccupied_cell = true end end elseif formation_type == 5 or formation_type == 6 then -- double cell, vertical. -- Check to see if anchor cell is in the final row. If so, reject. cell_y, foo = math.modf(diceroll / iNumCellColumns) cell_y = cell_y + 1 if cell_y < iNumCellRows then -- Anchor cell is valid, but still have to check cell above it. if cell_data[diceroll + iNumCellColumns] == false then -- Adjacent cell is unoccupied. anchor_cell = diceroll found_unoccupied_cell = true end end elseif formation_type == 7 then -- triple cell, vertical. -- Check to see if anchor cell is in the northern two rows. If so, reject. cell_y, foo = math.modf(diceroll / iNumCellColumns) cell_y = cell_y + 1 if cell_y < iNumCellRows - 1 then -- Anchor cell is valid, but still have to check cells above it. if cell_data[diceroll + iNumCellColumns] == false then -- Cell directly above is unoccupied. if cell_data[diceroll + (iNumCellColumns * 2)] == false then -- Cell two rows above is unoccupied. anchor_cell = diceroll found_unoccupied_cell = true end end end elseif formation_type == 8 then -- square, 2x2. -- Check to see if anchor cell is in the final row or column. If so, reject. cell_x = math.fmod(diceroll, iNumCellColumns) if cell_x ~= 0 then cell_y, foo = math.modf(diceroll / iNumCellColumns) cell_y = cell_y + 1 if cell_y < iNumCellRows then -- Anchor cell is valid. Still have to check the other three cells. if cell_data[diceroll + iNumCellColumns] == false then if cell_data[diceroll + 1] == false then if cell_data[diceroll + iNumCellColumns + 1] == false then -- All cells are open. anchor_cell = diceroll found_unoccupied_cell = true end end end end end elseif formation_type == 9 then -- horizontal, 3x2. -- Check to see if anchor cell is too near to an edge. If so, reject. cell_x = math.fmod(diceroll, iNumCellColumns) if cell_x ~= 0 and cell_x ~= iNumCellColumns - 1 then cell_y, foo = math.modf(diceroll / iNumCellColumns) cell_y = cell_y + 1 if cell_y < iNumCellRows then -- Anchor cell is valid. Still have to check the other cells. if cell_data[diceroll + iNumCellColumns] == false then if cell_data[diceroll + 1] == false and cell_data[diceroll + 2] == false then if cell_data[diceroll + iNumCellColumns + 1] == false then if cell_data[diceroll + iNumCellColumns + 2] == false then -- All cells are open. anchor_cell = diceroll found_unoccupied_cell = true end end end end end end elseif formation_type == 10 then -- vertical, 2x3. -- Check to see if anchor cell is too near to an edge. If so, reject. cell_x = math.fmod(diceroll, iNumCellColumns) if cell_x ~= 0 then cell_y, foo = math.modf(diceroll / iNumCellColumns) cell_y = cell_y + 1 if cell_y < iNumCellRows - 1 then -- Anchor cell is valid. Still have to check the other cells. if cell_data[diceroll + iNumCellColumns] == false then if cell_data[diceroll + 1] == false then if cell_data[diceroll + iNumCellColumns + 1] == false then if cell_data[diceroll + (iNumCellColumns * 2)] == false then if cell_data[diceroll + (iNumCellColumns * 2) + 1] == false then -- All cells are open. anchor_cell = diceroll found_unoccupied_cell = true end end end end end end end end end iNumAttemptsToFindOpenCells = iNumAttemptsToFindOpenCells + 1 end -- Find Cell X and Y cell_x = math.fmod(anchor_cell, iNumCellColumns) if cell_x == 0 then cell_x = iNumCellColumns end cell_y, foo = math.modf(anchor_cell / iNumCellColumns) cell_y = cell_y + 1 -- Debug --print("-") print("-") print("* Group# " .. group, "Formation Type: " .. formation_type, "Cell X, Y: " .. cell_x .. ", " .. cell_y) -- Create this island group. local iWidth, iHeight, fTilt -- Scope the variables needed for island group creation. local plot_data = {} local x_shift, y_shift if formation_type == 1 then -- single cell local x_shrinkage = Map.Rand(4, "Cell Width adjustment - Lua") if x_shrinkage > 2 then x_shrinkage = 0 end local y_shrinkage = Map.Rand(5, "Cell Height adjustment - Lua") if y_shrinkage > 2 then y_shrinkage = 0 end x_shift, y_shift = 0, 0 if x_shrinkage > 0 then x_shift = Map.Rand(x_shrinkage, "Cell Width offset - Lua") end if y_shrinkage > 0 then y_shift = Map.Rand(y_shrinkage, "Cell Height offset - Lua") end iWidth = iCellWidth - x_shrinkage iHeight = iCellHeight - y_shrinkage fTilt = Map.Rand(181, "Angle for island chain axis - LUA") plot_data = CreateSingleAxisIslandChain(iWidth, iHeight, fTilt) elseif formation_type == 2 then -- two cells, horizontal local x_shrinkage = Map.Rand(8, "Cell Width adjustment - Lua") if x_shrinkage > 5 then x_shrinkage = 0 end local y_shrinkage = Map.Rand(5, "Cell Height adjustment - Lua") if y_shrinkage > 2 then y_shrinkage = 0 end x_shift, y_shift = 0, 0 if x_shrinkage > 0 then x_shift = Map.Rand(x_shrinkage, "Cell Width offset - Lua") end if y_shrinkage > 0 then y_shift = Map.Rand(y_shrinkage, "Cell Height offset - Lua") end iWidth = iCellWidth * 2 - x_shrinkage iHeight = iCellHeight - y_shrinkage -- Limit angles to mostly horizontal ones. fTilt = 145 + Map.Rand(90, "Angle for island chain axis - LUA") if fTilt > 180 then fTilt = fTilt - 180 end plot_data = CreateSingleAxisIslandChain(iWidth, iHeight, fTilt) elseif formation_type == 3 then -- single cell, with dots local x_shrinkage = Map.Rand(4, "Cell Width adjustment - Lua") if x_shrinkage > 2 then x_shrinkage = 0 end local y_shrinkage = Map.Rand(5, "Cell Height adjustment - Lua") if y_shrinkage > 2 then y_shrinkage = 0 end x_shift, y_shift = 0, 0 if x_shrinkage > 0 then x_shift = Map.Rand(x_shrinkage, "Cell Width offset - Lua") end if y_shrinkage > 0 then y_shift = Map.Rand(y_shrinkage, "Cell Height offset - Lua") end iWidth = iCellWidth - x_shrinkage iHeight = iCellHeight - y_shrinkage fTilt = Map.Rand(181, "Angle for island chain axis - LUA") -- Determine "dot box" local iInnerWidth, iInnerHeight = iWidth - 2, iHeight - 2 -- Determine number of dots local die_1 = Map.Rand(4, "Diceroll - Lua") local die_2 = Map.Rand(8, "Diceroll - Lua") local iNumDots = 4 if die_1 + die_2 > 1 then iNumDots = iNumDots + Map.Rand(die_1 + die_2, "Number of dots to add to island chain - Lua") else iNumDots = iNumDots + die_1 + die_2 end plot_data = CreateAxisChainWithDots(iWidth, iHeight, fTilt, iInnerWidth, iInnerHeight, iNumDots) elseif formation_type == 4 then -- two cells, horizontal, with dots local x_shrinkage = Map.Rand(8, "Cell Width adjustment - Lua") if x_shrinkage > 5 then x_shrinkage = 0 end local y_shrinkage = Map.Rand(5, "Cell Height adjustment - Lua") if y_shrinkage > 2 then y_shrinkage = 0 end x_shift, y_shift = 0, 0 if x_shrinkage > 0 then x_shift = Map.Rand(x_shrinkage, "Cell Width offset - Lua") end if y_shrinkage > 0 then y_shift = Map.Rand(y_shrinkage, "Cell Height offset - Lua") end iWidth = iCellWidth * 2 - x_shrinkage iHeight = iCellHeight - y_shrinkage -- Limit angles to mostly horizontal ones. fTilt = 145 + Map.Rand(90, "Angle for island chain axis - LUA") if fTilt > 180 then fTilt = fTilt - 180 end -- Determine "dot box" local iInnerWidth = math.floor(iWidth / 2) local iInnerHeight = iHeight - 2 local iInnerWest = 2 + Map.Rand((iWidth - 1) - iInnerWidth, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") local iInnerSouth = 2 -- Determine number of dots local die_1 = Map.Rand(4, "Diceroll - Lua") local die_2 = Map.Rand(10, "Diceroll - Lua") local iNumDots = 5 if die_1 + die_2 > 1 then iNumDots = iNumDots + Map.Rand(die_1 + die_2, "Number of dots to add to island chain - Lua") else iNumDots = iNumDots + die_1 + die_2 end plot_data = CreateAxisChainWithShiftedDots(iWidth, iHeight, fTilt, iInnerWidth, iInnerHeight, iInnerWest, iInnerSouth, iNumDots) elseif formation_type == 5 then -- Double Cell, Vertical, Axis Only local x_shrinkage = Map.Rand(5, "Cell Width adjustment - Lua") if x_shrinkage > 2 then x_shrinkage = 0 end local y_shrinkage = Map.Rand(7, "Cell Height adjustment - Lua") if y_shrinkage > 4 then y_shrinkage = 0 end x_shift, y_shift = 0, 0 if x_shrinkage > 0 then x_shift = Map.Rand(x_shrinkage, "Cell Width offset - Lua") end if y_shrinkage > 0 then y_shift = Map.Rand(y_shrinkage, "Cell Height offset - Lua") end iWidth = iCellWidth - x_shrinkage iHeight = iCellHeight * 2 - y_shrinkage -- Limit angles to mostly vertical ones. fTilt = 55 + Map.Rand(71, "Angle for island chain axis - LUA") plot_data = CreateSingleAxisIslandChain(iWidth, iHeight, fTilt) elseif formation_type == 6 then -- Double Cell, Vertical With Dots local x_shrinkage = Map.Rand(5, "Cell Width adjustment - Lua") if x_shrinkage > 2 then x_shrinkage = 0 end local y_shrinkage = Map.Rand(7, "Cell Height adjustment - Lua") if y_shrinkage > 4 then y_shrinkage = 0 end x_shift, y_shift = 0, 0 if x_shrinkage > 0 then x_shift = Map.Rand(x_shrinkage, "Cell Width offset - Lua") end if y_shrinkage > 0 then y_shift = Map.Rand(y_shrinkage, "Cell Height offset - Lua") end iWidth = iCellWidth - x_shrinkage iHeight = iCellHeight * 2 - y_shrinkage -- Limit angles to mostly vertical ones. fTilt = 55 + Map.Rand(71, "Angle for island chain axis - LUA") -- Determine "dot box" local iInnerWidth = iWidth - 2 local iInnerHeight = math.floor(iHeight / 2) local iInnerWest = 2 local iInnerSouth = 2 + Map.Rand((iHeight - 1) - iInnerHeight, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") -- Determine number of dots local die_1 = Map.Rand(4, "Diceroll - Lua") local die_2 = Map.Rand(10, "Diceroll - Lua") local iNumDots = 5 if die_1 + die_2 > 1 then iNumDots = iNumDots + Map.Rand(die_1 + die_2, "Number of dots to add to island chain - Lua") else iNumDots = iNumDots + die_1 + die_2 end plot_data = CreateAxisChainWithShiftedDots(iWidth, iHeight, fTilt, iInnerWidth, iInnerHeight, iInnerWest, iInnerSouth, iNumDots) elseif formation_type == 7 then -- Triple Cell, Vertical With Double Dots local x_shrinkage = Map.Rand(4, "Cell Width adjustment - Lua") if x_shrinkage > 1 then x_shrinkage = 0 end local y_shrinkage = Map.Rand(9, "Cell Height adjustment - Lua") if y_shrinkage > 5 then y_shrinkage = 0 end x_shift, y_shift = 0, 0 if x_shrinkage > 0 then x_shift = Map.Rand(x_shrinkage, "Cell Width offset - Lua") end if y_shrinkage > 0 then y_shift = Map.Rand(y_shrinkage, "Cell Height offset - Lua") end iWidth = iCellWidth - x_shrinkage iHeight = iCellHeight * 3 - y_shrinkage -- Limit angles to steep ones. fTilt = 70 + Map.Rand(41, "Angle for island chain axis - LUA") -- Handle Dots Group 1. local iInnerWidth1 = iWidth - 3 local iInnerHeight1 = iCellHeight - 1 local iInnerWest1 = 2 + Map.Rand(2, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") local iInnerSouth1 = 2 + Map.Rand(iCellHeight - 3, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") -- Determine number of dots local die_1 = Map.Rand(4, "Diceroll - Lua") local die_2 = Map.Rand(8, "Diceroll - Lua") local iNumDots1 = 4 if die_1 + die_2 > 1 then iNumDots1 = iNumDots1 + Map.Rand(die_1 + die_2, "Number of dots to add to island chain - Lua") else iNumDots1 = iNumDots1 + die_1 + die_2 end -- Handle Dots Group 2. local iInnerWidth2 = iWidth - 3 local iInnerHeight2 = iCellHeight - 1 local iInnerWest2 = 2 + Map.Rand(2, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") local iInnerSouth2 = iCellHeight + 2 + Map.Rand(iCellHeight - 3, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") -- Determine number of dots local die_1 = Map.Rand(4, "Diceroll - Lua") local die_2 = Map.Rand(8, "Diceroll - Lua") local iNumDots2 = 4 if die_1 + die_2 > 1 then iNumDots2 = iNumDots2 + Map.Rand(die_1 + die_2, "Number of dots to add to island chain - Lua") else iNumDots2 = iNumDots2 + die_1 + die_2 end plot_data = CreateAxisChainWithDoubleDots(iWidth, iHeight, fTilt, iInnerWidth1, iInnerHeight1, iInnerWest1, iInnerSouth1, iNumDots1, iInnerWidth2, iInnerHeight2, iInnerWest2, iInnerSouth2, iNumDots2) elseif formation_type == 8 then -- Square Block 2x2 With Double Dots local x_shrinkage = Map.Rand(6, "Cell Width adjustment - Lua") if x_shrinkage > 4 then x_shrinkage = 0 end local y_shrinkage = Map.Rand(5, "Cell Height adjustment - Lua") if y_shrinkage > 3 then y_shrinkage = 0 end x_shift, y_shift = 0, 0 if x_shrinkage > 0 then x_shift = Map.Rand(x_shrinkage, "Cell Width offset - Lua") end if y_shrinkage > 0 then y_shift = Map.Rand(y_shrinkage, "Cell Height offset - Lua") end iWidth = iCellWidth * 2 - x_shrinkage iHeight = iCellHeight * 2 - y_shrinkage -- Full range of angles fTilt = Map.Rand(181, "Angle for island chain axis - LUA") -- Handle Dots Group 1. local iInnerWidth1 = iCellWidth - 2 local iInnerHeight1 = iCellHeight - 2 local iInnerWest1 = 3 + Map.Rand(iCellWidth - 2, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") local iInnerSouth1 = 3 + Map.Rand(iCellHeight - 2, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") -- Determine number of dots local die_1 = Map.Rand(6, "Diceroll - Lua") local die_2 = Map.Rand(10, "Diceroll - Lua") local iNumDots1 = 5 if die_1 + die_2 > 1 then iNumDots1 = iNumDots1 + Map.Rand(die_1 + die_2, "Number of dots to add to island chain - Lua") else iNumDots1 = iNumDots1 + die_1 + die_2 end -- Handle Dots Group 2. local iInnerWidth2 = iCellWidth - 2 local iInnerHeight2 = iCellHeight - 2 local iInnerWest2 = 3 + Map.Rand(iCellWidth - 2, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") local iInnerSouth2 = 3 + Map.Rand(iCellHeight - 2, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") -- Determine number of dots local die_1 = Map.Rand(4, "Diceroll - Lua") local die_2 = Map.Rand(8, "Diceroll - Lua") local iNumDots2 = 5 if die_1 + die_2 > 1 then iNumDots2 = iNumDots2 + Map.Rand(die_1 + die_2, "Number of dots to add to island chain - Lua") else iNumDots2 = iNumDots2 + die_1 + die_2 end plot_data = CreateAxisChainWithDoubleDots(iWidth, iHeight, fTilt, iInnerWidth1, iInnerHeight1, iInnerWest1, iInnerSouth1, iNumDots1, iInnerWidth2, iInnerHeight2, iInnerWest2, iInnerSouth2, iNumDots2) elseif formation_type == 9 then -- Horizontal Block 3x2 With Double Dots local x_shrinkage = Map.Rand(8, "Cell Width adjustment - Lua") if x_shrinkage > 5 then x_shrinkage = 0 end local y_shrinkage = Map.Rand(5, "Cell Height adjustment - Lua") if y_shrinkage > 3 then y_shrinkage = 0 end x_shift, y_shift = 0, 0 if x_shrinkage > 0 then x_shift = Map.Rand(x_shrinkage, "Cell Width offset - Lua") end if y_shrinkage > 0 then y_shift = Map.Rand(y_shrinkage, "Cell Height offset - Lua") end iWidth = iCellWidth * 3 - x_shrinkage iHeight = iCellHeight * 2 - y_shrinkage -- Limit angles to mostly horizontal ones. fTilt = 145 + Map.Rand(90, "Angle for island chain axis - LUA") if fTilt > 180 then fTilt = fTilt - 180 end -- Handle Dots Group 1. local iInnerWidth1 = iCellWidth local iInnerHeight1 = iCellHeight - 2 local iInnerWest1 = 4 + Map.Rand(iCellWidth + 2, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") local iInnerSouth1 = 3 + Map.Rand(iCellHeight - 2, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") -- Determine number of dots local die_1 = Map.Rand(4, "Diceroll - Lua") local die_2 = Map.Rand(8, "Diceroll - Lua") local iNumDots1 = 9 if die_1 + die_2 > 1 then iNumDots1 = iNumDots1 + Map.Rand(die_1 + die_2, "Number of dots to add to island chain - Lua") else iNumDots1 = iNumDots1 + die_1 + die_2 end -- Handle Dots Group 2. local iInnerWidth2 = iCellWidth local iInnerHeight2 = iCellHeight - 2 local iInnerWest2 = 4 + Map.Rand(iCellWidth + 2, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") local iInnerSouth2 = 3 + Map.Rand(iCellHeight - 2, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") -- Determine number of dots local die_1 = Map.Rand(5, "Diceroll - Lua") local die_2 = Map.Rand(7, "Diceroll - Lua") local iNumDots2 = 8 if die_1 + die_2 > 1 then iNumDots2 = iNumDots2 + Map.Rand(die_1 + die_2, "Number of dots to add to island chain - Lua") else iNumDots2 = iNumDots2 + die_1 + die_2 end plot_data = CreateAxisChainWithDoubleDots(iWidth, iHeight, fTilt, iInnerWidth1, iInnerHeight1, iInnerWest1, iInnerSouth1, iNumDots1, iInnerWidth2, iInnerHeight2, iInnerWest2, iInnerSouth2, iNumDots2) elseif formation_type == 10 then -- Vertical Block 2x3 With Double Dots local x_shrinkage = Map.Rand(6, "Cell Width adjustment - Lua") if x_shrinkage > 4 then x_shrinkage = 0 end local y_shrinkage = Map.Rand(8, "Cell Height adjustment - Lua") if y_shrinkage > 5 then y_shrinkage = 0 end x_shift, y_shift = 0, 0 if x_shrinkage > 0 then x_shift = Map.Rand(x_shrinkage, "Cell Width offset - Lua") end if y_shrinkage > 0 then y_shift = Map.Rand(y_shrinkage, "Cell Height offset - Lua") end iWidth = iCellWidth * 2 - x_shrinkage iHeight = iCellHeight * 3 - y_shrinkage -- Mostly vertical fTilt = 55 + Map.Rand(71, "Angle for island chain axis - LUA") -- Handle Dots Group 1. local iInnerWidth1 = iCellWidth - 2 local iInnerHeight1 = iCellHeight local iInnerWest1 = 3 + Map.Rand(iCellWidth - 2, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") local iInnerSouth1 = 4 + Map.Rand(iCellHeight + 2, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") -- Determine number of dots local die_1 = Map.Rand(4, "Diceroll - Lua") local die_2 = Map.Rand(10, "Diceroll - Lua") local iNumDots1 = 8 if die_1 + die_2 > 1 then iNumDots1 = iNumDots1 + Map.Rand(die_1 + die_2, "Number of dots to add to island chain - Lua") else iNumDots1 = iNumDots1 + die_1 + die_2 end -- Handle Dots Group 2. local iInnerWidth2 = iCellWidth - 2 local iInnerHeight2 = iCellHeight local iInnerWest2 = 3 + Map.Rand(iCellWidth - 2, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") local iInnerSouth2 = 4 + Map.Rand(iCellHeight + 2, "Shift for sub island group - Lua") -- Determine number of dots local die_1 = Map.Rand(4, "Diceroll - Lua") local die_2 = Map.Rand(8, "Diceroll - Lua") local iNumDots2 = 7 if die_1 + die_2 > 1 then iNumDots2 = iNumDots2 + Map.Rand(die_1 + die_2, "Number of dots to add to island chain - Lua") else iNumDots2 = iNumDots2 + die_1 + die_2 end plot_data = CreateAxisChainWithDoubleDots(iWidth, iHeight, fTilt, iInnerWidth1, iInnerHeight1, iInnerWest1, iInnerSouth1, iNumDots1, iInnerWidth2, iInnerHeight2, iInnerWest2, iInnerSouth2, iNumDots2) end -- Obtain land plots from the plot data local x_adjust = (cell_x - 1) * iCellWidth + x_shift local y_adjust = (cell_y - 1) * iCellHeight + y_shift for y = 1, iHeight do for x = 1, iWidth do local data_index = (y - 1) * iWidth + x if plot_data[data_index] == true then -- This plot is land. local real_x, real_y = x + x_adjust - 1, y + y_adjust - 1 local plot_index = real_y * iW + real_x + 1 island_chain_PlotTypes[plot_index] = PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND end end end -- Record cells in use if formation_type == 1 then -- single cell cell_data[anchor_cell] = true iNumCellsInUse = iNumCellsInUse + 1 elseif formation_type == 2 then cell_data[anchor_cell], cell_data[anchor_cell + 1] = true, true iNumCellsInUse = iNumCellsInUse + 2 elseif formation_type == 3 then cell_data[anchor_cell] = true iNumCellsInUse = iNumCellsInUse + 1 elseif formation_type == 4 then cell_data[anchor_cell], cell_data[anchor_cell + 1] = true, true iNumCellsInUse = iNumCellsInUse + 2 elseif formation_type == 5 then cell_data[anchor_cell], cell_data[anchor_cell + iNumCellColumns] = true, true iNumCellsInUse = iNumCellsInUse + 2 elseif formation_type == 6 then cell_data[anchor_cell], cell_data[anchor_cell + iNumCellColumns] = true, true iNumCellsInUse = iNumCellsInUse + 2 elseif formation_type == 7 then cell_data[anchor_cell], cell_data[anchor_cell + iNumCellColumns] = true, true cell_data[anchor_cell + (iNumCellColumns * 2)] = true iNumCellsInUse = iNumCellsInUse + 3 elseif formation_type == 8 then cell_data[anchor_cell], cell_data[anchor_cell + 1] = true, true cell_data[anchor_cell + iNumCellColumns], cell_data[anchor_cell + iNumCellColumns + 1] = true, true iNumCellsInUse = iNumCellsInUse + 4 elseif formation_type == 9 then cell_data[anchor_cell], cell_data[anchor_cell + 1] = true, true cell_data[anchor_cell + iNumCellColumns], cell_data[anchor_cell + iNumCellColumns + 1] = true, true cell_data[anchor_cell + 2], cell_data[anchor_cell + iNumCellColumns + 2] = true, true iNumCellsInUse = iNumCellsInUse + 6 elseif formation_type == 10 then cell_data[anchor_cell], cell_data[anchor_cell + 1] = true, true cell_data[anchor_cell + iNumCellColumns], cell_data[anchor_cell + iNumCellColumns + 1] = true, true cell_data[anchor_cell + (iNumCellColumns * 2)], cell_data[anchor_cell + (iNumCellColumns * 2) + 1] = true, true iNumCellsInUse = iNumCellsInUse + 6 end end -- Debug check of cell occupation. --print("- - -") for loop = iNumCellRows, 1, -1 do local c = (loop - 1) * iNumCellColumns local stringdata = {} for innerloop = 1, iNumCellColumns do if cell_data[c + innerloop] == false then stringdata[innerloop] = "false" else stringdata[innerloop] = "true " end end --print("Row: ", table.concat(stringdata)) end -- -- Add Hills and Peaks to randomly generated islands. local regionHillsFrac = Fractal.Create(iW, iH, 5, {}, 7, 7) local regionPeaksFrac = Fractal.Create(iW, iH, 6, {}, 7, 7) local iHillsBottom1 = regionHillsFrac:GetHeight(20) local iHillsTop1 = regionHillsFrac:GetHeight(35) local iHillsBottom2 = regionHillsFrac:GetHeight(65) local iHillsTop2 = regionHillsFrac:GetHeight(80) local iPeakThreshold = regionPeaksFrac:GetHeight(80) for x = 0, iW - 1 do for y = 0, iH - 1 do local i = y * iW + x + 1 if island_chain_PlotTypes[i] ~= PlotTypes.PLOT_OCEAN then local hillVal = regionHillsFrac:GetHeight(x,y) if ((hillVal >= iHillsBottom1 and hillVal <= iHillsTop1) or (hillVal >= iHillsBottom2 and hillVal <= iHillsTop2)) then local peakVal = regionPeaksFrac:GetHeight(x,y) if (peakVal >= iPeakThreshold) then island_chain_PlotTypes[i] = PlotTypes.PLOT_MOUNTAIN else island_chain_PlotTypes[i] = PlotTypes.PLOT_HILLS end end end end end -- Apply island data to the map. for y = 2, iH - 3 do -- avoid polar caps for x = 0, iW - 1 do local i = y * iW + x + 1 local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) if island_chain_PlotTypes[i] ~= PlotTypes.PLOT_OCEAN and Plot_IsWater(plot, true) then local isValid = true local numAdjacentLand = 0 -- Don't fill river deltas with land for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 1) do if nearPlot:GetPlotType() ~= PlotTypes.PLOT_OCEAN and nearPlot:Area():GetNumTiles() >= 10 then numAdjacentLand = numAdjacentLand + 1 if numAdjacentLand > 1 then isValid = false break end end end if isValid then plot:SetPlotType(island_chain_PlotTypes[i], false, false) else --plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypes.PLOT_MOUNTAIN, false, false) end end end end end function GetTemperature(myPlot) if myPlot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_SNOW then return 0 elseif myPlot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_TUNDRA then return 1 end return 2 end function BlendTerrain() local mapW, mapH = Map.GetGridSize() local landPlots = {} local mountainCheckTime = 0 for plotID, plot in Plots(Shuffle) do if Plot_IsWater(plot) then -- else local plotTerrainID = plot:GetTerrainType() local plotFeatureID = plot:GetFeatureType() local plotPercent = Plot_GetCirclePercents(plot, 1, mg.terrainBlendRange) local randPercent = 1 + PWRand() * 2 * mg.terrainBlendRandom - mg.terrainBlendRandom if plot:IsMountain() then -- minimize necessary pathfinding local numNearMountains = 0 for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 1, 1) do if nearPlot:IsMountain() then numNearMountains = numNearMountains + 1 end end if debugTime then timeStart = os.clock() end if 2 <= numNearMountains and numNearMountains <= 4 then CreatePossibleMountainPass(plot) end if debugTime then mountainCheckTime = mountainCheckTime + (os.clock() - timeStart) end else if plotTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_GRASS then if plotPercent.TERRAIN_DESERT + plotPercent.TERRAIN_SNOW >= 0.33 * randPercent then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_PLAINS, true, true) if plot:GetFeatureType() == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_MARSH then plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FOREST, -1) end end elseif plotTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_PLAINS then if plotPercent.TERRAIN_DESERT >= 0.5 * randPercent then --plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_DESERT, true, true) end elseif plotTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_DESERT then if plotPercent.TERRAIN_GRASS + plotPercent.TERRAIN_SNOW >= 0.25 * randPercent then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_PLAINS, true, true) elseif plotPercent.FEATURE_JUNGLE + plotPercent.FEATURE_MARSH >= 0.25 * randPercent then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_PLAINS, true, true) end elseif plotFeatureID == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_JUNGLE or plotFeatureID == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_MARSH then if plotPercent.TERRAIN_SNOW + plotPercent.TERRAIN_TUNDRA + plotPercent.TERRAIN_DESERT >= 0.25 * randPercent then plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.NO_FEATURE, -1) end elseif plotTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_TUNDRA then if 2 * plotPercent.TERRAIN_GRASS + plotPercent.TERRAIN_PLAINS + plotPercent.TERRAIN_DESERT >= 0.5 * randPercent then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_PLAINS, true, true) end end end if plotTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_SNOW then local isMountain = plot:IsMountain() local warmCount = 2 * plotPercent.FEATURE_JUNGLE + 2 * plotPercent.FEATURE_MARSH + plotPercent.TERRAIN_GRASS + plotPercent.TERRAIN_DESERT + 0.5 * plotPercent.TERRAIN_PLAINS if warmCount >= 0.25 * randPercent then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_PLAINS, true, true) elseif warmCount >= 0.10 * randPercent or plot:IsFreshWater() then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_TUNDRA, true, true) end if isMountain then plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypes.PLOT_MOUNTAIN, false, false) end end if plot:IsHills() then -- warm hills -> flat when surrounded by cold local nearCold = 0 for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 1) do if not nearPlot:IsWater() and not IsMountain(nearPlot) and GetTemperature(nearPlot) < GetTemperature(plot) then nearCold = nearCold + 1 end end if nearCold > 1 and (nearCold * mg.hillsBlendPercent * 100) >= Map.Rand(100, "Blend hills - Lua") then plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND, false, false) end end end end if debugTime then print(string.format("%5s ms, BlendTerrain %s", math.floor(mountainCheckTime * 1000), "MountainCheckTime")) end -- flat -> hills near mountain, and flat cold -> hills when surrounded by warm for plotID, plot in Plots(Shuffle) do if plot:GetPlotType() == PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND then local nearMountains = 0 local nearWarm = 0 for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 1) do if not nearPlot:IsWater() then local nearTerrainID = nearPlot:GetTerrainType() if IsMountain(nearPlot) then nearMountains = nearMountains + 1 end if GetTemperature(nearPlot) > GetTemperature(plot) then nearWarm = nearWarm + 1 end end end if (nearMountains > 1 and (nearMountains * mg.hillsBlendPercent * 100) >= Map.Rand(100, "Blend mountains - Lua")) then --print("Turning flatland near mountain into hills") plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypes.PLOT_HILLS, false, false) --plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_SNOW, false, false) elseif nearWarm * 0.5 * mg.hillsBlendPercent * 100 >= Map.Rand(100, "Blend hills - Lua") then plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypes.PLOT_HILLS, false, false) end end end end function CreatePossibleMountainPass(plot) local x, y = plot:GetX(), plot:GetY() if not plot:IsMountain() then return end local longestRoute = 0 for dirA = 0, 3 do plotA = Map.PlotDirection(x, y, dirA) if plotA and (plotA:GetPlotType() == PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND or plotA:GetPlotType() == PlotTypes.PLOT_HILLS) then for dirB = dirA+2, 5 do local plotB = Map.PlotDirection(x, y, dirB) if plotB and (plotB:GetPlotType() == PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND or plotB:GetPlotType() == PlotTypes.PLOT_HILLS) then local isConnected = isPlotConnected(nil, plotA, plotB, "Land", true) if longestRoute < getRouteLength() then longestRoute = getRouteLength() end if (getRouteLength() == 0 or getRouteLength() > 15) then print(string.format("CreatePossibleMountainPass path distance = %2s - Change to Hills", getRouteLength())) plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypes.PLOT_HILLS, false, true) --plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FALLOUT, -1) -- debug table.insert(mg.MountainPasses, plot) -- still consider this a mountain tile for art purposes return end end end end end --print(string.format("CreatePossibleMountainPass longestRoute = %2s", longestRoute)) end function CreateArcticOceans() local mapW, mapH = Map.GetGridSize() CreateOceanRift{y = 0, direction = mg.E, totalSize = 1, oceanSize = 1, fill = true} CreateOceanRift{y = mapH-1, direction = mg.E, totalSize = 1, oceanSize = 1, fill = true} end function CreateVerticalOceans() local oOceanRifts = Map.GetCustomOption(7) local mapW, mapH = Map.GetGridSize() if oOceanRifts == 6 then -- No vertical rifts return end log:Info("CreateVerticalOceans mg.oceanRiftWidth = %s", mg.oceanRiftWidth) function CreatePacific(midline) CreateOceanRift{x = midline, totalSize = mg.pacificSize, bulge = mg.pacificBulge, curve = mg.pacificCurve, oceanSize = math.max(1, Round(mg.oceanRiftWidth - 1))} end function CreateAtlantic(midline) CreateOceanRift{x = midline, totalSize = mg.atlanticSize, bulge = mg.atlanticBulge, curve = mg.atlanticCurve, oceanSize = mg.oceanRiftWidth, cleanMid = true} end local landInColumn = {} for x = 0, mapW - 1 do landInColumn[x] = 0 mg.elevationRect[x] = {} mg.elevationRect[x][-1] = 0 for y = 0, mapH - 1 do mg.elevationRect[x][y] = 0 end end -- scan plots local totalLand = 0 for x = 0, mapW - 1 do for y = 0, mapH - 1 do plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) if not Plot_IsWater(plot, true) then totalLand = totalLand + 1 landInColumn[x] = landInColumn[x] + 1 end -- elevation in a size-wide rectangle local elevation = Plot_GetElevation(plot, false) for x2 = 0 - math.ceil(2 + mg.oceanRiftWidth), 1 + math.floor(2 + mg.oceanRiftWidth) do xOffset = (x + x2) % mapW mg.elevationRect[xOffset][-1] = mg.elevationRect[xOffset][-1] + elevation mg.elevationRect[xOffset][y] = mg.elevationRect[xOffset][y] + elevation end end end -- find biggest ocean (usually Pacific) local lowestElevation = 0 local startX = 0 local startY = math.floor(mapH/2) for x = 0, mapW - 1 do local elevation = mg.elevationRect[xOffset][-1] if elevation < lowestElevation then lowestElevation = elevation startX = x end end table.insert(mg.oceanRiftMidlines, startX) if mapW < 60 then log:Debug("CreateVerticalOceans: Creating Atlantic at x=%s", startX) CreateAtlantic(startX) return elseif oOceanRifts == 1 or oOceanRifts == 3 then -- PA or PP log:Debug("CreateVerticalOceans: Creating Pacific at x=%s", startX) CreatePacific(startX) elseif oOceanRifts == 2 then -- AA log:Debug("CreateVerticalOceans: Creating Atlantic at x=%s", startX) CreateAtlantic(startX) elseif oOceanRifts == 4 or oOceanRifts == 5 then -- 1 or 2 random if 50 >= Map.Rand(100, "Random ocean rift - Lua") then log:Debug("CreateVerticalOceans: Creating Pacific at x=%s (Random)", startX) CreatePacific(startX) else log:Debug("CreateVerticalOceans: Creating Atlantic at x=%s (Random)", startX) CreateAtlantic(startX) end end if oOceanRifts == 5 then -- Only one rift return end -- find median land (usually place for Atlantic) local startX = 0 local sumLand = 0 local offsetAtlanticPercent = (0 == Map.Rand(2, "Atlantic Offset - Lua")) and mg.offsetAtlanticPercent or 1 - mg.offsetAtlanticPercent for x = 0, mapW - 1 do local xOffset = (x + startX) % mapW sumLand = sumLand + landInColumn[xOffset] if sumLand > offsetAtlanticPercent * totalLand then startX = xOffset break end end log:Debug("totalLand=%4f sumElevation=%4f", totalLand, sumLand) table.insert(mg.oceanRiftMidlines, startX) if oOceanRifts == 1 or oOceanRifts == 2 then -- PA or AA log:Debug("CreateVerticalOceans: Creating Atlantic at x=%s", startX) CreateAtlantic(startX) elseif oOceanRifts == 3 then -- PP log:Debug("CreateVerticalOceans: Creating Pacific at x=%s", startX) CreatePacific(startX) elseif oOceanRifts == 4 then -- 2 random if 50 >= Map.Rand(100, "Random ocean rift - Lua") then log:Debug("CreateVerticalOceans: Creating Pacific at x=%s (Random)", startX) CreatePacific(startX) else log:Debug("CreateVerticalOceans: Creating Atlantic at x=%s (Random)", startX) CreateAtlantic(startX) end end end function CreateOceanRift(args) log:Debug("CreateOceanRift") for k, v in pairs(args) do log:Debug("%s = %s", k, v) end local x = args.x or 0 local y = args.y or 0 local midline = args.midline or x local direction = args.direction or mg.N local totalSize = args.totalSize or 3 local oceanSize = args.oceanSize or mg.oceanRiftWidth local bulge = args.bulge or 0 local curve = args.curve or 0 local fill = args.fill local cleanMid = args.cleanMid local plots = {} if bulge ~= 0 then -- see which curve direction fits the land better plots = GetRiftPlots(x-2, midline-2, y, direction, totalSize, oceanSize, bulge, curve) local plotsB = GetRiftPlots(x+2, midline+2, y, direction, totalSize, oceanSize, bulge, curve) if GetMatchingPlots(plotsB) > GetMatchingPlots(plots) then plots = DeepCopy(plotsB) end elseif curve ~= 0 then -- see which curve direction fits the land better plots = GetRiftPlots(x-1, midline-1, y, direction, totalSize, oceanSize, bulge, curve) local plotsB = GetRiftPlots(x+1, midline+1, y, direction, totalSize, oceanSize, bulge, -1 * curve) if GetMatchingPlots(plotsB) > GetMatchingPlots(plots) then plots = DeepCopy(plotsB) end else plots = GetRiftPlots(x, midline, y, direction, totalSize, oceanSize, bulge, curve) end for plotID, v in pairs(plots) do log:Trace("oceanRiftPlots %s, %s, %s", v.plot:GetX(), v.plot:GetY(), v.strip) if (fill and v.strip <= 0) or IsBetween(0, v.strip, oceanSize) then mg.oceanRiftPlots[plotID] = { isWater = true, terrainID = TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_OCEAN } elseif v.strip == -1 or v.strip == oceanSize+1 then if (cleanMid and v.strip <= 0) then mg.oceanRiftPlots[plotID] = { isWater = true, terrainID = TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_OCEAN } elseif 50 >= Map.Rand(100, "Ocean rift ocean/coast - Lua") then mg.oceanRiftPlots[plotID] = { isWater = true, terrainID = TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_OCEAN } else mg.oceanRiftPlots[plotID] = mg.oceanRiftPlots[plotID] or { isWater = true, terrainID = TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_COAST } end elseif v.strip == -2 or v.strip == oceanSize+2 then if 50 >= Map.Rand(100, "Ocean rift coast/land - Lua") then if (cleanMid and v.strip <= 0) then mg.oceanRiftPlots[plotID] = { isWater = true, terrainID = TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_OCEAN } else mg.oceanRiftPlots[plotID] = mg.oceanRiftPlots[plotID] or { isWater = true, terrainID = TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_COAST } end else mg.oceanRiftPlots[plotID] = mg.oceanRiftPlots[plotID] or { isWater = false, terrainID = TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_COAST } end else end end function GetMatchingPlots(plots) local nicePlots = 0 for plotID, v in pairs(plots) do if (fill and v.strip <= 0) or IsBetween(0, v.strip, oceanSize) or v.strip == -1 or v.strip == oceanSize+1 then -- turns plots to water if Plot_IsWater(v.plot, true) then nicePlots = nicePlots + 1 else nicePlots = nicePlots - 1 end elseif v.strip == -2 or v.strip == oceanSize+2 then -- 50% chance turns to water if Plot_IsWater(v.plot, true) then nicePlots = nicePlots + 1 -- okay if already water else nicePlots = nicePlots - 0.5 -- destroys land half the time end else -- encourage land in center area if Plot_IsWater(v.plot, true) then nicePlots = nicePlots - 0.1 else nicePlots = nicePlots + 0.1 end end end return nicePlots end end function GetRiftPlots(x, midline, y, direction, totalSize, oceanSize, bulge, curve) local mapW, mapH = Map.GetGridSize() local riftPlots = {} log:Debug("x=%-3s, y=%-3s Creating %s ocean rift with midline %s curve %s on map size (%s, %s)", x, y, mg.directionNames[direction], midline, curve, mapW, mapH) local nextDirA = 0 local nextDirB = 0 local curveNormal = (50 >= Map.Rand(100, "Ocean Rift Curve - Lua")) function GetMidX(y) if curve == 0 then return midline end log:Trace("%s * GetSinCurve(%s, %s) = %s", curve, y, mapH, Round(curve * GetSinCurve(y, mapH, 3))) return (midline + Round(curve * GetSinCurve(y, mapH, 3))) % mapW end if direction == mg.N then nextDirA = mg.NE nextDirB = mg.NW elseif direction == mg.S then nextDirA = mg.SE nextDirB = mg.SW elseif direction == mg.E then nextDirA = mg.E nextDirB = mg.E elseif direction == mg.W then nextDirA = mg.W nextDirB = mg.W else print("Invalid direction %s for CreateOceanRift") return end plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) local attempts = 0 while plot and attempts < mapW do local foundNewPlots = false local plotID = Plot_GetID(plot) local radius = math.max(0, Round((totalSize-1)/2 + bulge/2 * GetBellCurve(y, mapH))) local extraRadius = oceanSize + 2 if direction == mg.E or direction == mg.W then log:Trace("x=%-3s, y=%-3s radius=%-3s extraRadius=%-3s", x, y, radius, extraRadius) else log:Trace("x=%-3s, y=%-3s radius=%-3s extraRadius=%-3s midX=%-3s", x, y, radius, extraRadius, GetMidX(y)) end for nearPlot, nearDistance in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 0, radius + extraRadius) do if not mg.oceanRiftPlots[nearPlotID] then local nearPlotID = Plot_GetID(nearPlot) if not riftPlots[nearPlotID] then riftPlots[nearPlotID] = {plot=nearPlot, minDistance=999, strip=0} end if nearDistance < riftPlots[nearPlotID].minDistance then foundNewPlots = true riftPlots[nearPlotID].minDistance = nearDistance riftPlots[nearPlotID].strip = nearDistance - radius end --[[ log:Trace("%s, %s, %s, %s, %s", nearPlot:GetX(), nearPlot:GetY(), nearDistance, riftPlots[nearPlotID].minDistance, riftPlots[nearPlotID].strip ) --]] end end local nextPlotA = Map.PlotDirection(x, y, nextDirA) local nextPlotB = Map.PlotDirection(x, y, nextDirB) if not nextPlotA or not nextPlotB then -- reached edge of map --print("End ocean rift") return riftPlots end local oddsA = 0.50 if nextPlotA == nextPlotB then plot = nextPlotA else local distanceA = Map.PlotDistance(nextPlotA:GetX(), y, GetMidX(y), y) local distanceB = Map.PlotDistance(nextPlotB:GetX(), y, GetMidX(y), y) if distanceA < distanceB then oddsA = oddsA + (0.50 * distanceA / mg.oceanMaxWander) elseif distanceA > distanceB then oddsA = oddsA - (0.50 * distanceA / mg.oceanMaxWander) end --[[ local nextElevationA = mg.elevationRect[nextPlotA:GetX()][nextPlotA:GetY()] local nextElevationB = mg.elevationRect[nextPlotB:GetX()][nextPlotB:GetY()] if nextElevationA < nextElevationB then oddsA = oddsA + mg.oceanElevationWeight elseif nextElevationA > nextElevationB then oddsA = oddsA - mg.oceanElevationWeight end --]] local randomPercent = 0.5--PWRand() log:Trace("distance A=%s B=%s oddsA=%.2f rand=%.2f", distanceA, distanceB, Round(oddsA, 2), Round(randomPercent, 2)) if oddsA >= randomPercent then plot = nextPlotA log:Trace("choose A") else plot = nextPlotB log:Trace("choose B") end end x = plot:GetX() y = plot:GetY() attempts = attempts + 1 end return riftPlots end function SetOceanRiftElevations(elevationMap) -- for plotID, data in pairs(mg.oceanRiftPlots) do if data.isWater then local plot = Map.GetPlotByIndex(plotID) elevationMap.data[elevationMap:GetIndex(plot:GetX(), plot:GetY())] = 0 end end --]] return elevationMap end function SetOceanRiftPlots() print("SetOceanRiftPlots") for plotID, data in pairs(mg.oceanRiftPlots) do local plot = Map.GetPlotByIndex(plotID) --print(string.format("oceanRiftPlots plotID=%-4s isWater=%-6s terrainID=%-3s", plotID, tostring(data.isWater), data.terrainID)) if data.isWater then if not plot:IsWater() or data.terrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_OCEAN then plot:SetTerrainType(data.terrainID, true, true) end end end -- for plotID, data in pairs(mg.oceanRiftPlots) do local plot = Map.GetPlotByIndex(plotID) if plot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_COAST then local foundLand = false for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 1, 2) do if not Plot_IsWater(nearPlot) then foundLand = true break end end if not foundLand then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_OCEAN, true, true) end elseif plot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_OCEAN then for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 1, 1) do if not Plot_IsWater(nearPlot) then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_COAST, true, true) break end end end end --]] end -- -- Generate Features -- function AddFeatures() print("Adding Features CommunitasMap") local mapW, mapH = Map.GetGridSize() Map.RecalculateAreas() RestoreLakes() local timeStart = debugTime and os.clock() or 0 local zeroTreesThreshold = rainfallMap:FindThresholdFromPercent(mg.zeroTreesPercent,false,true) local jungleThreshold = rainfallMap:FindThresholdFromPercent(mg.junglePercent,false,true) for plotID, plot in Plots(Shuffle) do Plot_AddMainFeatures(plot, zeroTreesThreshold, jungleThreshold) end local potentialForestPlots = {} for plotID, plot in Plots(Shuffle) do if not plot:IsWater() then PlacePossibleOasis(plot) if IsGoodExtraForestTile(plot) then table.insert(potentialForestPlots, plot) end else PlacePossibleIce(plot) end end for _, plot in pairs(potentialForestPlots) do plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FOREST, -1) end AddIsles() --ConnectTerraContinents() if debugTime then print(string.format("%5s ms, AddFeatures %s", math.floor((os.clock() - timeStart) * 1000), "End")) end end function Plot_AddMainFeatures(plot, zeroTreesThreshold, jungleThreshold) local x, y = plot:GetX(), plot:GetY() local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) local mapW, mapH = Map.GetGridSize() local plotTerrainID = plot:GetTerrainType() --local zeroTreesThreshold = rainfallMap:FindThresholdFromPercent(mg.zeroTreesPercent,false,true) --local jungleThreshold = rainfallMap:FindThresholdFromPercent(mg.junglePercent,false,true) if plot:IsWater() or plot:IsMountain() then return end -- Set desert rivers to floodplains if plot:CanHaveFeature(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FLOOD_PLAINS) then plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FLOOD_PLAINS,-1) return end -- Micro-climates for tiny volcanic islands if not plot:IsMountain() and (plotTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_PLAINS or plotTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_GRASS) then local areaSize = plot:Area():GetNumTiles() if areaSize <= 5 and (6 - areaSize) >= Map.Rand(5, "Add Island Features - Lua") then local zone = elevationMap:GetZone(y) if zone == mg.NEQUATOR or zone == mg.SEQUATOR then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_PLAINS,false,false) plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_JUNGLE,-1) return elseif zone == mg.NTEMPERATE or zone == mg.STEMPERATE then plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FOREST,-1) return end end end -- Too dry for jungle if rainfallMap.data[i] < jungleThreshold then local treeRange = jungleThreshold - zeroTreesThreshold if (rainfallMap.data[i] > PWRand() * treeRange + zeroTreesThreshold) and (temperatureMap.data[i] > mg.treesMinTemperature) then if IsGoodFeaturePlot(plot) then plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FOREST,-1) end end return end -- Too cold for jungle if temperatureMap.data[i] < mg.jungleMinTemperature then if temperatureMap.data[i] > mg.treesMinTemperature and IsGoodFeaturePlot(plot) then plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FOREST,-1) end return end -- Too near desert for jungle for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 1) do if nearPlot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_DESERT then return end end -- This tile is tropical forest or jungle table.insert(mg.tropicalPlots, plot) -- Check marsh if temperatureMap.data[i] > mg.treesMinTemperature and IsGoodFeaturePlot(plot, FeatureTypes.FEATURE_MARSH) then plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND,false,false) plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_MARSH,-1) return end --[[ if plot:IsHills() then --jungle on hill looks terrible in Civ5. Can't use it. plot:SetTerrainType(terrainGrass,false,false) if IsGoodFeaturePlot(plot) then plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FOREST,-1) end return end --]] if IsGoodFeaturePlot(plot) then plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_JUNGLE,-1) if plot:IsHills() then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_GRASS,false,false) else plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_PLAINS,false,false) end else plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_GRASS,false,false) end end function IsGoodFeaturePlot(plot, featureID) local odds = 0 if featureID == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_MARSH then if plot:GetPlotType() ~= PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND then return false end for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 0, 1) do local nearTerrainID = nearPlot:GetTerrainType() if nearPlot:GetPlotType() == PlotTypes.PLOT_OCEAN then if plot:IsRiverSide() then odds = odds + 2 * mg.marshPercent end if nearPlot:IsLake() then odds = odds + 4 * mg.marshPercent else odds = odds + mg.marshPercent end elseif nearTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_DESERT or nearTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_SNOW or nearTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_TUNDRA then return 0 elseif nearPlot:GetFeatureType() == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_MARSH then odds = odds - 8 * mg.marshPercent -- avoid clumping elseif plot:IsRiverSide() and nearPlot:IsFreshWater() then odds = odds + mg.marshPercent end end return math.min(odds, mg.featurePercent) >= PWRand() end odds = mg.featurePercent if plot:IsFreshWater() then odds = odds + mg.featureWetVariance else odds = odds - mg.featureWetVariance end return odds >= PWRand() end function IsBarrenDesert(plot) return plot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_DESERT and not plot:IsMountain() and plot:GetFeatureType() == FeatureTypes.NO_FEATURE end function PlacePossibleOasis(plot) local x, y = plot:GetX(), plot:GetY() if not plot:CanHaveFeature(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_OASIS) then return end local odds = 0 for nearPlot, distance in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 3) do local distance = distance or 1 local featureID = nearPlot:GetFeatureType() if featureID == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_OASIS then if distance <= 2 then -- at least 2 tile spacing between oases return end odds = odds - 200 / distance end if featureID == FeatureTypes.NO_FEATURE and not nearPlot:IsFreshWater() then if nearPlot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_DESERT then odds = odds + 10 / distance elseif IsMountain(nearPlot) or nearPlot:IsHills() then odds = odds + 5 / distance elseif nearPlot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_PLAINS then odds = odds + 2 / distance end else odds = odds - 5 / distance end end if odds >= Map.Rand(100, "PlacePossibleOasis - Lua") then plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_OASIS, -1) end end function IsGoodExtraForestTile(plot) local x, y = plot:GetX(), plot:GetY() local odds = mg.forestRandomPercent local terrainID = plot:GetTerrainType() local resID = plot:GetResourceType() if not plot:CanHaveFeature(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FOREST) then return false end if terrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_TUNDRA then if resID ~= -1 then return true end if plot:IsFreshWater() then odds = odds + mg.featureWetVariance end end -- Avoid filling flat holes of tropical areas, which are too dense already if not plot:IsHills() and Contains(mg.tropicalPlots, plot) then odds = odds - 0.30 end for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 1, 1) do local nearTerrainID = nearPlot:GetTerrainType() local nearFeatureID = nearPlot:GetFeatureType() if nearPlot:IsMountain() then -- do nothing elseif nearPlot:IsHills() then -- Region already has enough production and rough terrain odds = odds - 0.10 elseif nearTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_SNOW then -- Help extreme polar regions odds = odds + 0.2 elseif nearTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_TUNDRA then odds = odds + 0.1 elseif terrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_TUNDRA and Plot_IsWater(nearPlot) then odds = odds + 0.1 end -- Avoid tropics if Contains(mg.tropicalPlots, nearPlot) then odds = odds - 0.10 end -- Too dry if nearTerrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_DESERT then odds = odds - 0.20 end end if 100 * mg.featurePercent * math.min(1, odds) >= Map.Rand(100, "Add Extra Forest - Lua") then --plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FOREST, -1) return true end return false end function PlacePossibleIce(plot) local mapW, mapH = Map.GetGridSize() local x, y = plot:GetX(), plot:GetY() if not plot:IsWater() then return end local latitude = math.abs(temperatureMap:GetLatitudeForY(y)) local lowestIce = mg.iceLatitude local odds = 100 if 0 < y and y < mapH - 1 then odds = 100 * (latitude - lowestIce) / (mg.topLatitude - lowestIce) end --if not Cep then local nearLand = false for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 1) do if not nearPlot:IsWater() then --odds * 0.5 return end end --end if odds >= Map.Rand(100, "PlacePossibleIce - Lua") then plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_ICE,-1) --[[ if y < 5 then log:Debug("Ice at y=%s odds=%s latitude=%s lowestIce=%s topLatitude=%s", y, odds, latitude, lowestIce, mg.topLatitude ) end --]] --[[ for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 1) do if nearPlot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_GRASS then nearPlot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_TUNDRA, false, true) if nearPlot:GetFeatureType() == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_MARSH then nearPlot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.NO_FEATURE, -1) end end end --]] end end function AddIsles() -- This function added Feb 2011 by Bob Thomas. -- Adds the new feature Isles in to the game, for oceanic maps. local iW, iH = Map.GetGridSize() local biggest_ocean = Map.FindBiggestArea(true) local iNumBiggestOceanPlots = 0 if biggest_ocean ~= nil then iNumBiggestOceanPlots = biggest_ocean:GetNumTiles() end if iNumBiggestOceanPlots <= (iW * iH) / 4 then -- No major oceans on this world. return end -- World has oceans, proceed with adding Isles. local iNumIslesPlaced = 0 local direction_types = { mg.NE, mg.E, mg.SE, mg.SW, mg.W, mg.NW } local numCoast = 0 local coastID = GameInfo.Terrains.TERRAIN_COAST.ID for i, plot in Plots() do if plot:GetTerrainType() == coastID then numCoast = numCoast + 1 end end local isle_target = numCoast * mg.islePercent local variance = 25 variance = isle_target * (Map.Rand(2 * variance, "Number of Isles to place - LUA") - variance) / 100 local isle_number = math.floor(isle_target + variance) local isleInfo = GameInfo.Features.FEATURE_ATOLL local isleID = isleInfo.ID -- Generate candidate plot lists. local temp_one_tile_island_list, temp_alpha_list, temp_beta_list = {}, {}, {} local temp_gamma_list, temp_delta_list, temp_epsilon_list = {}, {}, {} for y = 0, iH - 1 do for x = 0, iW - 1 do local i = y * iW + x + 1 -- Lua tables/lists/arrays start at 1, not 0 like C++ or Python local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) local plotType = plot:GetPlotType() local featureType = plot:GetFeatureType() local terrainType = plot:GetTerrainType() if terrainType == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_COAST and featureType ~= FeatureTypes.FEATURE_ICE and not plot:IsLake() then -- Check all near plots and identify near landmasses. local iNumLandAdjacent, biggest_adj_area = 0, 0 local bPlotValid = true for loop, direction in ipairs(direction_types) do local nearPlot = Map.PlotDirection(x, y, direction) if nearPlot ~= nil then local nearPlotType = nearPlot:GetPlotType() if not islesNearIce then if nearPlot:GetFeatureType() == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_ICE then bPlotValid = false elseif nearPlot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_SNOW then bPlotValid = false elseif nearPlot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_TUNDRA then bPlotValid = false end end if nearPlotType ~= PlotTypes.PLOT_OCEAN then -- Found land. iNumLandAdjacent = iNumLandAdjacent + 1 if nearPlotType == PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND or nearPlotType == PlotTypes.PLOT_HILLS then local iArea = nearPlot:GetArea() local adjArea = Map.GetArea(iArea) local iNumAreaPlots = adjArea:GetNumTiles() if iNumAreaPlots > biggest_adj_area then biggest_adj_area = iNumAreaPlots end end end end end -- Only plots with a single land plot near can be eligible. if bPlotValid and iNumLandAdjacent <= 1 then --if biggest_adj_area >= 152 then -- discard this site if biggest_adj_area >= 82 then table.insert(temp_epsilon_list, i) elseif biggest_adj_area >= 34 then table.insert(temp_delta_list, i) elseif biggest_adj_area >= 16 or biggest_adj_area == 0 then table.insert(temp_gamma_list, i) elseif biggest_adj_area >= 6 then table.insert(temp_beta_list, i) elseif biggest_adj_area >= 1 then table.insert(temp_alpha_list, i) else -- Unexpected result --print("** Area Plot Count =", biggest_adj_area) end end end end end local alpha_list = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(temp_alpha_list) local beta_list = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(temp_beta_list) local gamma_list = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(temp_gamma_list) local delta_list = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(temp_delta_list) local epsilon_list = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(temp_epsilon_list) -- Determine maximum number able to be placed, per candidate category. local max_alpha = math.ceil(table.maxn(alpha_list) )--* .25) local max_beta = math.ceil(table.maxn(beta_list) )--* .2) local max_gamma = math.ceil(table.maxn(gamma_list) )--* .25) local max_delta = math.ceil(table.maxn(delta_list) )--* .3) local max_epsilon = math.ceil(table.maxn(epsilon_list) )--* .4) -- Place Isles. local plotIndex local i_alpha, i_beta, i_gamma, i_delta, i_epsilon = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 local passNum = 0 while (iNumIslesPlaced < isle_number) and (passNum < isle_number * 5) do local able_to_proceed = true local diceroll = 1 + Map.Rand(100, "Isle Placement Type - LUA") if diceroll <= 40 and max_alpha > 0 then plotIndex = alpha_list[i_alpha] i_alpha = i_alpha + 1 max_alpha = max_alpha - 1 --print("- Alpha site chosen") elseif diceroll <= 65 then if max_beta > 0 then plotIndex = beta_list[i_beta] i_beta = i_beta + 1 max_beta = max_beta - 1 --print("- Beta site chosen") elseif max_alpha > 0 then plotIndex = alpha_list[i_alpha] i_alpha = i_alpha + 1 max_alpha = max_alpha - 1 --print("- Alpha site chosen") else -- Unable to place this Isle --print("-") print("* Isle #", loop, "was unable to be placed.") able_to_proceed = false end elseif diceroll <= 80 then if max_gamma > 0 then plotIndex = gamma_list[i_gamma] i_gamma = i_gamma + 1 max_gamma = max_gamma - 1 --print("- Gamma site chosen") elseif max_beta > 0 then plotIndex = beta_list[i_beta] i_beta = i_beta + 1 max_beta = max_beta - 1 --print("- Beta site chosen") elseif max_alpha > 0 then plotIndex = alpha_list[i_alpha] i_alpha = i_alpha + 1 max_alpha = max_alpha - 1 --print("- Alpha site chosen") else -- Unable to place this Isle --print("-") print("* Isle #", loop, "was unable to be placed.") able_to_proceed = false end elseif diceroll <= 90 then if max_delta > 0 then plotIndex = delta_list[i_delta] i_delta = i_delta + 1 max_delta = max_delta - 1 --print("- Delta site chosen") elseif max_gamma > 0 then plotIndex = gamma_list[i_gamma] i_gamma = i_gamma + 1 max_gamma = max_gamma - 1 --print("- Gamma site chosen") elseif max_beta > 0 then plotIndex = beta_list[i_beta] i_beta = i_beta + 1 max_beta = max_beta - 1 --print("- Beta site chosen") elseif max_alpha > 0 then plotIndex = alpha_list[i_alpha] i_alpha = i_alpha + 1 max_alpha = max_alpha - 1 --print("- Alpha site chosen") else -- Unable to place this Isle --print("-") print("* Isle #", loop, "was unable to be placed.") able_to_proceed = false end else if max_epsilon > 0 then plotIndex = epsilon_list[i_epsilon] i_epsilon = i_epsilon + 1 max_epsilon = max_epsilon - 1 --print("- Epsilon site chosen") elseif max_delta > 0 then plotIndex = delta_list[i_delta] i_delta = i_delta + 1 max_delta = max_delta - 1 --print("- Delta site chosen") elseif max_gamma > 0 then plotIndex = gamma_list[i_gamma] i_gamma = i_gamma + 1 max_gamma = max_gamma - 1 --print("- Gamma site chosen") elseif max_beta > 0 then plotIndex = beta_list[i_beta] --print("- Beta site chosen") i_beta = i_beta + 1 max_beta = max_beta - 1 elseif max_alpha > 0 then plotIndex = alpha_list[i_alpha] i_alpha = i_alpha + 1 max_alpha = max_alpha - 1 --print("- Alpha site chosen") else -- Unable to place this Isle --print("-") print("* Isle #", loop, "was unable to be placed.") able_to_proceed = false end end if able_to_proceed and plotIndex then local x = (plotIndex - 1) % iW local y = (plotIndex - x - 1) / iW local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) for _, direction in ipairs(direction_types) do local nearPlot = Map.PlotDirection(x, y, direction) if nearPlot and nearPlot:GetFeatureType() == isleID then able_to_proceed = false --print("Adjacent isle") break end end if able_to_proceed then plot:SetFeatureType(isleID, -1) iNumIslesPlaced = iNumIslesPlaced + 1 end end passNum = passNum + 1 end -- Debug report print("-") print("- Isle Target Number: ", isle_number) print("- Number of Isles placed: ", iNumIslesPlaced) print("- Attempts: ", passNum) print("-") print("- Isles placed in Alpha locations : ", i_alpha - 1) print("- Isles placed in Beta locations : ", i_beta - 1) print("- Isles placed in Gamma locations : ", i_gamma - 1) print("- Isles placed in Delta locations : ", i_delta - 1) print("- Isles placed in Epsilon locations : ", i_epsilon - 1) --]] end -- -- Other Generators DiffMap = inheritsFrom(FloatMap) function GenerateDiffMap(width,height,xWrap,yWrap) DiffMap = FloatMap:New(width,height,xWrap,yWrap) local i = 0 for y = 0, height - 1,1 do for x = 0,width - 1,1 do if elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(x,y) then DiffMap.data[i] = 0.0 else DiffMap.data[i] = GetDifferenceAroundHex(x,y) end i=i+1 end end DiffMap:Normalize() i = 0 for y = 0, height - 1,1 do for x = 0,width - 1,1 do if elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(x,y) then DiffMap.data[i] = 0.0 else DiffMap.data[i] = DiffMap.data[i] + elevationMap.data[i] * 1.1 end i=i+1 end end DiffMap:Normalize() return DiffMap end function GenerateTwistedPerlinMap(width, height, xWrap, yWrap,minFreq,maxFreq,varFreq) local inputNoise = FloatMap:New(width,height,xWrap,yWrap) inputNoise:GenerateNoise() inputNoise:Normalize() local freqMap = FloatMap:New(width,height,xWrap,yWrap) for y = 0, freqMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,freqMap.width - 1 do local i = freqMap:GetIndex(x,y) local odd = y % 2 local xx = x + odd * 0.5 freqMap.data[i] = GetPerlinNoise(xx,y * mg.YtoXRatio,freqMap.width,freqMap.height * mg.YtoXRatio,varFreq,1.0,0.1,8,inputNoise) end end freqMap:Normalize() -- freqMap:Save("freqMap.csv") local twistMap = FloatMap:New(width,height,xWrap,yWrap) for y = 0, twistMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,twistMap.width - 1 do local i = twistMap:GetIndex(x,y) local freq = freqMap.data[i] * (maxFreq - minFreq) + minFreq local mid = (maxFreq - minFreq)/2 + minFreq local coordScale = freq/mid local offset = (1.0 - coordScale)/mid --print("1-coordscale = " .. (1.0 - coordScale) .. ", offset = " .. offset) local ampChange = 0.85 - freqMap.data[i] * 0.5 local odd = y % 2 local xx = x + odd * 0.5 twistMap.data[i] = GetPerlinNoise(xx + offset,(y + offset) * mg.YtoXRatio,twistMap.width,twistMap.height * mg.YtoXRatio,mid,1.0,ampChange,8,inputNoise) end end twistMap:Normalize() --twistMap:Save("twistMap.csv") return twistMap end function GenerateMountainMap(width,height,xWrap,yWrap,initFreq) local timeStart = debugTime and os.clock() or 0 local inputNoise = FloatMap:New(width,height,xWrap,yWrap) inputNoise:GenerateBinaryNoise() inputNoise:Normalize() local inputNoise2 = FloatMap:New(width,height,xWrap,yWrap) inputNoise2:GenerateNoise() inputNoise2:Normalize() local mountainMap = FloatMap:New(width,height,xWrap,yWrap) local stdDevMap = FloatMap:New(width,height,xWrap,yWrap) local noiseMap = FloatMap:New(width,height,xWrap,yWrap) if debugTime then print(string.format("%5s ms, GenerateMountainMap %s", math.floor((os.clock() - timeStart) * 1000), "Start")) end if debugTime then timeStart = os.clock() end for y = 0, mountainMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,mountainMap.width - 1 do local i = mountainMap:GetIndex(x,y) local odd = y % 2 local xx = x + odd * 0.5 mountainMap.data[i] = GetPerlinNoise(xx,y * mg.YtoXRatio,mountainMap.width,mountainMap.height * mg.YtoXRatio,initFreq,1.0,0.4,8,inputNoise) noiseMap.data[i] = GetPerlinNoise(xx,y * mg.YtoXRatio,mountainMap.width,mountainMap.height * mg.YtoXRatio,initFreq,1.0,0.4,8,inputNoise2) stdDevMap.data[i] = mountainMap.data[i] end end if debugTime then print(string.format("%5s ms, GenerateMountainMap %s", math.floor((os.clock() - timeStart) * 1000), "A")) end if debugTime then timeStart = os.clock() end mountainMap:Normalize() if debugTime then print(string.format("%5s ms, GenerateMountainMap %s", math.floor((os.clock() - timeStart) * 1000), "B")) end if debugTime then timeStart = os.clock() end stdDevMap:Deviate(mg.elevationBlendRange) if debugTime then print(string.format("%5s ms, GenerateMountainMap %s", math.floor((os.clock() - timeStart) * 1000), "C")) end if debugTime then timeStart = os.clock() end stdDevMap:Normalize() --stdDevMap:Save("stdDevMap.csv") --mountainMap:Save("mountainCloud.csv") noiseMap:Normalize() --noiseMap:Save("noiseMap.csv") if debugTime then print(string.format("%5s ms, GenerateMountainMap %s", math.floor((os.clock() - timeStart) * 1000), "D")) end if debugTime then timeStart = os.clock() end local moundMap = FloatMap:New(width,height,xWrap,yWrap) for y = 0, mountainMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,mountainMap.width - 1 do local i = mountainMap:GetIndex(x,y) local val = mountainMap.data[i] moundMap.data[i] = (math.sin(val*math.pi*2-math.pi*0.5)*0.5+0.5) * GetAttenuationFactor(mountainMap,x,y) if val < 0.5 then val = val^1 * 4 else val = (1 - val)^1 * 4 end --mountainMap.data[i] = val mountainMap.data[i] = moundMap.data[i] end end mountainMap:Normalize() --mountainMap:Save("premountMap.csv") --moundMap:Save("moundMap.csv") for y = 0, mountainMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,mountainMap.width - 1 do local i = mountainMap:GetIndex(x,y) local val = mountainMap.data[i] --mountainMap.data[i] = (math.sin(val * 2 * math.pi + math.pi * 0.5)^8 * val) + moundMap.data[i] * 2 + noiseMap.data[i] * 0.6 mountainMap.data[i] = (math.sin(val * 3 * math.pi + math.pi * 0.5)^16 * val)^0.5 if mountainMap.data[i] > 0.2 then mountainMap.data[i] = 1.0 else mountainMap.data[i] = 0.0 end end end --mountainMap:Save("premountMap.csv") local stdDevThreshold = stdDevMap:FindThresholdFromPercent(mg.landPercent + 0.05,true,false) log:Debug("stdDevThreshold = %s", stdDevThreshold) for y = 0, mountainMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,mountainMap.width - 1 do local i = mountainMap:GetIndex(x,y) local val = mountainMap.data[i] local dev = 2.0 * stdDevMap.data[i] - 2.0 * stdDevThreshold --mountainMap.data[i] = (math.sin(val * 2 * math.pi + math.pi * 0.5)^8 * val) + moundMap.data[i] * 2 + noiseMap.data[i] * 0.6 mountainMap.data[i] = (val + moundMap.data[i]) * dev end end mountainMap:Normalize() --mountainMap:Save("mountainMap.csv") return mountainMap end function GetAttenuationFactor(map,x,y) local southY = map.height * mg.southAttenuationRange local southRange = map.height * mg.southAttenuationRange local yAttenuation = 1.0 if y < southY then yAttenuation = mg.southAttenuationFactor + (y/southRange) * (1.0 - mg.southAttenuationFactor) end local northY = map.height - (map.height * mg.northAttenuationRange) local northRange = map.height * mg.northAttenuationRange if y > northY then yAttenuation = mg.northAttenuationFactor + ((map.height - y)/northRange) * (1.0 - mg.northAttenuationFactor) end local eastY = map.width - (map.width * mg.eastAttenuationRange) local eastRange = map.width * mg.eastAttenuationRange local xAttenuation = 1.0 if x > eastY then xAttenuation = mg.eastAttenuationFactor + ((map.width - x)/eastRange) * (1.0 - mg.eastAttenuationFactor) end local westY = map.width * mg.westAttenuationRange local westRange = map.width * mg.westAttenuationRange if x < westY then xAttenuation = mg.westAttenuationFactor + (x/westRange) * (1.0 - mg.westAttenuationFactor) end return yAttenuation * xAttenuation end function GenerateElevationMap(width,height,xWrap,yWrap) local timeStart = debugTime and os.clock() or 0 local landMinScatter = 128/width * mg.landMinScatter --0.02/128 local landMaxScatter = 128/width * mg.landMaxScatter --0.12/128 local coastScatter = 128/width * mg.coastScatter --0.042/128 local mountainScatter = 128/width * mg.mountainScatter --0.05/128 local twistMap = GenerateTwistedPerlinMap(width,height,xWrap,yWrap,landMinScatter,landMaxScatter,coastScatter) if debugTime then timeStart = os.clock() end local mountainMap = GenerateMountainMap(width,height,xWrap,yWrap,mountainScatter) if debugTime then print(string.format("%5s ms, GenerateElevationMap %s", math.floor((os.clock() - timeStart) * 1000), "GenerateMountainMap")) end if debugTime then timeStart = os.clock() end local elevationMap = ElevationMap:New(width,height,xWrap,yWrap) for y = 0,height - 1 do for x = 0,width - 1 do local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) local tVal = twistMap.data[i] tVal = (math.sin(tVal*math.pi-math.pi*0.5)*0.5+0.5)^0.25 --this formula adds a curve flattening the extremes elevationMap.data[i] = (tVal + ((mountainMap.data[i] * 2) - 1) * mg.mountainWeight) end end if debugTime then timeStart = os.clock() end elevationMap:Normalize() --attentuation should not break normalization for y = 0,height - 1 do for x = 0,width - 1 do local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) local attenuationFactor = GetAttenuationFactor(elevationMap,x,y) elevationMap.data[i] = elevationMap.data[i] * attenuationFactor end end if debugTime then timeStart = os.clock() end elevationMap.seaLevelThreshold = elevationMap:FindThresholdFromPercent(mg.landPercent + 0.05,true,false) log:Debug("seaLevelThreshold = %s", elevationMap.seaLevelThreshold) if debugTime then print(string.format("%5s ms, GenerateElevationMap %s", math.floor((os.clock() - timeStart) * 1000), "End")) end return elevationMap end function GenerateTempMaps(elevationMap) local timeStart = debugTime and os.clock() or 0 local aboveSeaLevelMap = FloatMap:New(elevationMap.width,elevationMap.height,elevationMap.xWrap,elevationMap.yWrap) for y = 0,elevationMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,elevationMap.width - 1 do local i = aboveSeaLevelMap:GetIndex(x,y) if elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(x,y) then aboveSeaLevelMap.data[i] = 0.0 else aboveSeaLevelMap.data[i] = elevationMap.data[i] - elevationMap.seaLevelThreshold end end end aboveSeaLevelMap:Normalize() --aboveSeaLevelMap:Save("aboveSeaLevelMap.csv") local summerMap = FloatMap:New(elevationMap.width,elevationMap.height,elevationMap.xWrap,elevationMap.yWrap) local zenith = mg.tropicLatitudes local topTempLat = mg.topLatitude + zenith local bottomTempLat = mg.bottomLatitude local latRange = topTempLat - bottomTempLat for y = 0,elevationMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,elevationMap.width - 1 do local i = summerMap:GetIndex(x,y) local lat = summerMap:GetLatitudeForY(y) --print("y=" .. y ..",lat=" .. lat) local latPercent = (lat - bottomTempLat)/latRange --print("latPercent=" .. latPercent) local temp = (math.sin(latPercent * math.pi * 2 - math.pi * 0.5) * 0.5 + 0.5) if elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(x,y) then temp = temp * mg.maxWaterTemp + mg.minWaterTemp end summerMap.data[i] = temp end end if debugTime then timeStart = os.clock() end summerMap:Smooth(math.min(mg.tempBlendMaxRange, math.floor(elevationMap.width/8))) if debugTime then print(string.format("%5s ms, GenerateTempMaps %s", math.floor((os.clock() - timeStart) * 1000), "Smooth")) end if debugTime then timeStart = os.clock() end summerMap:Normalize() local winterMap = FloatMap:New(elevationMap.width,elevationMap.height,elevationMap.xWrap,elevationMap.yWrap) zenith = -mg.tropicLatitudes topTempLat = mg.topLatitude bottomTempLat = mg.bottomLatitude + zenith latRange = topTempLat - bottomTempLat for y = 0,elevationMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,elevationMap.width - 1 do local i = winterMap:GetIndex(x,y) local lat = winterMap:GetLatitudeForY(y) local latPercent = (lat - bottomTempLat)/latRange local temp = math.sin(latPercent * math.pi * 2 - math.pi * 0.5) * 0.5 + 0.5 if elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(x,y) then temp = temp * mg.maxWaterTemp + mg.minWaterTemp end winterMap.data[i] = temp end end winterMap:Smooth(math.min(mg.tempBlendMaxRange, math.floor(elevationMap.width/8))) winterMap:Normalize() local temperatureMap = FloatMap:New(elevationMap.width,elevationMap.height,elevationMap.xWrap,elevationMap.yWrap) for y = 0,elevationMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,elevationMap.width - 1 do local i = temperatureMap:GetIndex(x,y) temperatureMap.data[i] = (winterMap.data[i] + summerMap.data[i]) * (1.0 - aboveSeaLevelMap.data[i]) end end temperatureMap:Normalize() return summerMap,winterMap,temperatureMap end function GenerateRainfallMap(elevationMap) local summerMap,winterMap,temperatureMap = GenerateTempMaps(elevationMap) --summerMap:Save("summerMap.csv") --winterMap:Save("winterMap.csv") --temperatureMap:Save("temperatureMap.csv") local geoMap = FloatMap:New(elevationMap.width,elevationMap.height,elevationMap.xWrap,elevationMap.yWrap) for y = 0,elevationMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,elevationMap.width - 1 do local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) local lat = elevationMap:GetLatitudeForY(y) local pressure = elevationMap:GetGeostrophicPressure(lat) geoMap.data[i] = pressure end end geoMap:Normalize() --geoMap:Save("geoMap.csv") local sortedSummerMap = {} local sortedWinterMap = {} for y = 0,elevationMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,elevationMap.width - 1 do local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) sortedSummerMap[i + 1] = {x,y,summerMap.data[i]} sortedWinterMap[i + 1] = {x,y,winterMap.data[i]} end end table.sort(sortedSummerMap, function (a,b) return a[3] < b[3] end) table.sort(sortedWinterMap, function (a,b) return a[3] < b[3] end) local sortedGeoMap = {} local xStart = 0 local xStop = 0 local yStart = 0 local yStop = 0 local incX = 0 local incY = 0 local geoIndex = 1 local str = "" for zone=0,5 do local topY = elevationMap:GetYFromZone(zone,true) local bottomY = elevationMap:GetYFromZone(zone,false) if not (topY == -1 and bottomY == -1) then if topY == -1 then topY = elevationMap.height - 1 end if bottomY == -1 then bottomY = 0 end --str = string.format("topY = %d, bottomY = %d",topY,bottomY) --print(str) local dir1,dir2 = elevationMap:GetGeostrophicWindDirections(zone) --str = string.format("zone = %d, dir1 = %d",zone,dir1) --print(str) if (dir1 == mg.SW) or (dir1 == mg.SE) then yStart = topY yStop = bottomY --- 1 incY = -1 else yStart = bottomY yStop = topY --+ 1 incY = 1 end if dir2 == mg.W then xStart = elevationMap.width - 1 xStop = 0---1 incX = -1 else xStart = 0 xStop = elevationMap.width incX = 1 end --str = string.format("yStart = %d, yStop = %d, incY = %d",yStart,yStop,incY) --print(str) --str = string.format("xStart = %d, xStop = %d, incX = %d",xStart,xStop,incX) --print(str) for y = yStart,yStop ,incY do --str = string.format("y = %d",y) --print(str) --each line should start on water to avoid vast areas without rain local xxStart = xStart local xxStop = xStop for xx = xStart,xStop - incX, incX do local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(xx,y) if elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(xx,y) then xxStart = xx xxStop = xx + elevationMap.width * incX break end end for x = xxStart,xxStop - incX,incX do local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) sortedGeoMap[geoIndex] = {x,y,geoMap.data[i]} geoIndex = geoIndex + 1 end end end end -- table.sort(sortedGeoMap, function (a,b) return a[3] < b[3] end) --print(#sortedGeoMap) --print(#geoMap.data) local rainfallSummerMap = FloatMap:New(elevationMap.width,elevationMap.height,elevationMap.xWrap,elevationMap.yWrap) local moistureMap = FloatMap:New(elevationMap.width,elevationMap.height,elevationMap.xWrap,elevationMap.yWrap) for i = 1,#sortedSummerMap do local x = sortedSummerMap[i][1] local y = sortedSummerMap[i][2] local pressure = sortedSummerMap[i][3] DistributeRain(x,y,elevationMap,temperatureMap,summerMap,rainfallSummerMap,moistureMap,false) end local rainfallWinterMap = FloatMap:New(elevationMap.width,elevationMap.height,elevationMap.xWrap,elevationMap.yWrap) local moistureMap = FloatMap:New(elevationMap.width,elevationMap.height,elevationMap.xWrap,elevationMap.yWrap) for i = 1,#sortedWinterMap do local x = sortedWinterMap[i][1] local y = sortedWinterMap[i][2] local pressure = sortedWinterMap[i][3] DistributeRain(x,y,elevationMap,temperatureMap,winterMap,rainfallWinterMap,moistureMap,false) end local rainfallGeostrophicMap = FloatMap:New(elevationMap.width,elevationMap.height,elevationMap.xWrap,elevationMap.yWrap) moistureMap = FloatMap:New(elevationMap.width,elevationMap.height,elevationMap.xWrap,elevationMap.yWrap) --print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") --print("--GEOSTROPHIC---------------------------------------------------------------------------") --print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") for i = 1,#sortedGeoMap do local x = sortedGeoMap[i][1] local y = sortedGeoMap[i][2] --~ if y == 35 or y == 40 then --~ str = string.format("x = %d, y = %d",x,y) --~ print(str) --~ end DistributeRain(x,y,elevationMap,temperatureMap,geoMap,rainfallGeostrophicMap,moistureMap,true) end --zero below sea level for proper percent threshold finding for y = 0,elevationMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,elevationMap.width - 1 do local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) if elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(x,y) then rainfallSummerMap.data[i] = 0.0 rainfallWinterMap.data[i] = 0.0 rainfallGeostrophicMap.data[i] = 0.0 end end end rainfallSummerMap:Normalize() --rainfallSummerMap:Save("rainFallSummerMap.csv") rainfallWinterMap:Normalize() --rainfallWinterMap:Save("rainFallWinterMap.csv") rainfallGeostrophicMap:Normalize() --rainfallGeostrophicMap:Save("rainfallGeostrophicMap.csv") local rainfallMap = FloatMap:New(elevationMap.width,elevationMap.height,elevationMap.xWrap,elevationMap.yWrap) for y = 0,elevationMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,elevationMap.width - 1 do local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) rainfallMap.data[i] = rainfallSummerMap.data[i] + rainfallWinterMap.data[i] + (rainfallGeostrophicMap.data[i] * mg.geostrophicFactor) end end rainfallMap:Normalize() return rainfallMap, temperatureMap end function DistributeRain(x,y,elevationMap,temperatureMap,pressureMap,rainfallMap,moistureMap,boolGeostrophic) local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) local upLiftSource = math.max(math.pow(pressureMap.data[i],mg.upLiftExponent),1.0 - temperatureMap.data[i]) --local str = string.format("geo=%s,x=%d, y=%d, srcPressure uplift = %f, upliftSource = %f",tostring(boolGeostrophic),x,y,math.pow(pressureMap.data[i],mg.upLiftExponent),upLiftSource) --print(str) if elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(x,y) then moistureMap.data[i] = math.max(moistureMap.data[i], temperatureMap.data[i]) --print("water tile = true") end --if debugTime then print(string.format("moistureMap.data[i] = %f",moistureMap.data[i])) end --make list of neighbors local nList = {} if boolGeostrophic then local zone = elevationMap:GetZone(y) local dir1,dir2 = elevationMap:GetGeostrophicWindDirections(zone) local x1,y1 = elevationMap:GetNeighbor(x,y,dir1) local ii = elevationMap:GetIndex(x1,y1) --neighbor must be on map and in same wind zone if ii >= 0 and (elevationMap:GetZone(y1) == elevationMap:GetZone(y)) then table.insert(nList,{x1,y1}) end local x2,y2 = elevationMap:GetNeighbor(x,y,dir2) ii = elevationMap:GetIndex(x2,y2) if ii >= 0 then table.insert(nList,{x2,y2}) end else for dir = 0, 5 do local xx,yy = elevationMap:GetNeighbor(x,y,dir) local ii = elevationMap:GetIndex(xx,yy) if ii >= 0 and pressureMap.data[i] <= pressureMap.data[ii] then table.insert(nList,{xx,yy}) end end end if #nList == 0 or boolGeostrophic and #nList == 1 then local cost = moistureMap.data[i] rainfallMap.data[i] = cost return end local moisturePerNeighbor = moistureMap.data[i]/#nList --drop rain and pass moisture to neighbors for n = 1,#nList do local xx = nList[n][1] local yy = nList[n][2] local ii = elevationMap:GetIndex(xx,yy) local upLiftDest = math.max(math.pow(pressureMap.data[ii],mg.upLiftExponent),1.0 - temperatureMap.data[ii]) local cost = GetRainCost(upLiftSource,upLiftDest) local bonus = 0.0 if (elevationMap:GetZone(y) == mg.NPOLAR or elevationMap:GetZone(y) == mg.SPOLAR) then bonus = mg.polarRainBoost end if boolGeostrophic and #nList == 2 then if n == 1 then moisturePerNeighbor = (1.0 - mg.geostrophicLateralWindStrength) * moistureMap.data[i] else moisturePerNeighbor = mg.geostrophicLateralWindStrength * moistureMap.data[i] end end --if debugTime then print(string.format("---xx=%d, yy=%d, destPressure uplift = %f, upLiftDest = %f, cost = %f, moisturePerNeighbor = %f, bonus = %f",xx,yy,math.pow(pressureMap.data[ii],mg.upLiftExponent),upLiftDest,cost,moisturePerNeighbor,bonus)) end rainfallMap.data[i] = rainfallMap.data[i] + cost * moisturePerNeighbor + bonus --pass to neighbor. --if debugTime then print(string.format("---moistureMap.data[ii] = %f",moistureMap.data[ii])) end moistureMap.data[ii] = moistureMap.data[ii] + moisturePerNeighbor - (cost * moisturePerNeighbor) --if debugTime then print(string.format("---dropping %f rain",cost * moisturePerNeighbor + bonus)) end --if debugTime then print(string.format("---passing on %f moisture",moisturePerNeighbor - (cost * moisturePerNeighbor))) end end end function GetRainCost(upLiftSource,upLiftDest) local cost = mg.minimumRainCost cost = math.max(mg.minimumRainCost, cost + upLiftDest - upLiftSource) if cost < 0.0 then cost = 0.0 end return cost end function GetDifferenceAroundHex(x,y) local avg = elevationMap:GetAverageInHex(x,y,1) local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) return elevationMap.data[i] - avg --~ local nList = elevationMap:GetRadiusAroundHex(x,y,1) --~ local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) --~ local biggestDiff = 0.0 --~ for n=1,#nList do --~ local xx = nList[n][1] --~ local yy = nList[n][2] --~ local ii = elevationMap:GetIndex(xx,yy) --~ local diff = nil --~ if elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(x,y) then --~ diff = elevationMap.data[i] - elevationMap.seaLevelThreshold --~ else --~ diff = elevationMap.data[i] - elevationMap.data[ii] --~ end --~ if diff > biggestDiff then --~ biggestDiff = diff --~ end --~ end --~ if biggestDiff < 0.0 then --~ biggestDiff = 0.0 --~ end --~ return biggestDiff end -- -- Plot functions -- function Plot_GetID(plot) if not plot then error("plot:GetID plot=nil") return nil end local iW, iH = Map.GetGridSize() return plot:GetY() * iW + plot:GetX() end function Plot_GetFertilityInRange(plot, range) local value = 0 for nearPlot, distance in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, range) do value = value + Plot_GetFertility(nearPlot) / math.max(1, distance) end return value end function Plot_GetFertility(plot, ignoreStrategics) if plot:IsImpassable() or plot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_OCEAN then return 0 end local value = 0 local featureID = plot:GetFeatureType() local terrainID = plot:GetTerrainType() local resID = plot:GetResourceType() for _, yieldID in pairs(mg.basicYields) do value = value + plot:CalculateYield(yieldID, true) end if plot:IsFreshWater() then value = value + 0.25 end if plot:IsLake() then -- can't improve lakes value = value - 1 end if featureID == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FOREST and terrainID ~= TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_TUNDRA then value = value + 0.5 end if resID == -1 then if featureID == -1 and terrainID == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_COAST then -- can't do much with these tiles in BNW value = value - 0.75 end else local resInfo = GameInfo.Resources[resID] value = value + 4 * resInfo.Happiness if resInfo.ResourceClassType == "RESOURCECLASS_RUSH" and not ignoreStrategics then value = value + math.ceil(5 * math.sqrt(plot:GetNumResource())) elseif resInfo.ResourceClassType == "RESOURCECLASS_BONUS" then value = value + 2 end end --]] return value end ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, minR, maxR) if not plot then print("plot:GetPlotsInCircle plot=nil") return end if not maxR then maxR = minR minR = 1 end local mapW, mapH = Map.GetGridSize() local isWrapX = Map:IsWrapX() local isWrapY = Map:IsWrapY() local centerX = plot:GetX() local centerY = plot:GetY() leftX = isWrapX and ((centerX-maxR) % mapW) or Constrain(0, centerX-maxR, mapW-1) rightX = isWrapX and ((centerX+maxR) % mapW) or Constrain(0, centerX+maxR, mapW-1) bottomY = isWrapY and ((centerY-maxR) % mapH) or Constrain(0, centerY-maxR, mapH-1) topY = isWrapY and ((centerY+maxR) % mapH) or Constrain(0, centerY+maxR, mapH-1) local nearX = leftX local nearY = bottomY local stepX = 0 local stepY = 0 local rectW = rightX-leftX local rectH = topY-bottomY if rectW < 0 then rectW = rectW + mapW end if rectH < 0 then rectH = rectH + mapH end local nextPlot = Map.GetPlot(nearX, nearY) return function () while (stepY < 1 + rectH) and nextPlot do while (stepX < 1 + rectW) and nextPlot do local plot = nextPlot local distance = Map.PlotDistance(nearX, nearY, centerX, centerY) nearX = (nearX + 1) % mapW stepX = stepX + 1 nextPlot = Map.GetPlot(nearX, nearY) if IsBetween(minR, distance, maxR) then return plot, distance end end nearX = leftX nearY = (nearY + 1) % mapH stepX = 0 stepY = stepY + 1 nextPlot = Map.GetPlot(nearX, nearY) end end end function Plot_GetPlotsInCircleFast(x, y, radius) -- assumes X wrap local plotIDs = {} local W, H = Map.GetGridSize() local odd = y % 2 local topY = radius local bottomY = radius local currentY = nil local len = 1+radius local i = (y % H) * W + (x % W) --constrain the top of our circle to be on the map if y+radius > H-1 then for r=0,radius,1 do if y+r == H-1 then topY = r break end end end --constrain the bottom of our circle to be on the map if y-radius < 0 then for r=0,radius,1 do if y-r == 0 then bottomY = r break end end end --adjust starting length, apply the top and bottom limits, and correct odd for the starting point len = len+(radius-bottomY) currentY = y - bottomY topY = y + topY odd = (odd+bottomY)%2 --set starting point if x-(radius-bottomY) - math.floor((bottomY+odd)/2) < 0 then i = i - (W*bottomY) + (W-(radius-bottomY)) - math.floor((bottomY+odd)/2) x = x + (W-(radius-bottomY)) - math.floor((bottomY+odd)/2) -- print(string.format("i for (%d,%d) WOULD have been in outer space. x is (%d,%d) i is (%d)",xx,y,x,y-bottomY,i)) else i = i - (W*bottomY) - (radius-bottomY) - math.floor((bottomY+odd)/2) x = x - (radius-bottomY) - math.floor((bottomY+odd)/2) end --cycle through the plot indexes and add them to a table --local str = "" --local iters = 0 while currentY <= topY do --insert the start value, scan left to right adding each index in the line to our table --str = str..i.."," table.insert(plotIDs,i) local wrapped = false for n=1,len-1,1 do if x ~= (W-1) then i = i + 1 x = x + 1 else i = i-(W-1) x = 0 wrapped = true end --str = str..i.."," table.insert(plotIDs,i) end if currentY < y then --move i NW and increment the length to scan if not wrapped then i = i+W-len+odd x = x-len+odd else i = i+W+(W-len+odd) x = x+(W-len+odd) end len = len+1 else --move i NE and decrement the length to scan if not wrapped then i = i+W-len+1+odd x = x-len+1+odd else i = i+W+(W-len+1+odd) x = x+(W-len+1+odd) end len = len-1 end currentY = currentY+1 odd = (odd+1)%2 -- iters = iters+1 -- if iters > 300 then -- print("infinite loop in GetCircle") -- break -- end end -- print(string.format("added "..str.." to table for circle starting at(%d,%d)",xx,y)) return plotIDs end local plotTypeName = {}-- -1="NO_PLOT"} local terrainTypeName = {}-- -1="NO_TERRAIN"} local featureTypeName = {}-- -1="NO_FEATURE"} function Plot_GetCirclePercents(plot, minR, maxR) --[[ Plot_GetCirclePercents(centerPlot, minRadius, maxRadius) usage example: plotPercent = Plot_GetCirclePercents(plot, 2, 2) if (plotPercent.PLOT_LAND + plotPercent.PLOT_HILLS) <= 0.25 then return end ]] for k, v in pairs(PlotTypes) do plotTypeName[v] = k end for itemInfo in GameInfo.Terrains() do terrainTypeName[itemInfo.ID] = itemInfo.Type end for itemInfo in GameInfo.Features() do featureTypeName[itemInfo.ID] = itemInfo.Type end local weights = {TOTAL=0, SEA=0, NO_PLOT=0, NO_TERRAIN=0, NO_FEATURE=0} for k, v in pairs(PlotTypes) do weights[k] = 0 end for itemInfo in GameInfo.Terrains() do weights[itemInfo.Type] = 0 end for itemInfo in GameInfo.Features() do weights[itemInfo.Type] = 0 end for nearPlot, distance in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, minR, maxR) do local nearWeight = (distance == 0) and 6 or (1/distance) local plotType = plotTypeName[nearPlot:GetPlotType()] local terrainType = terrainTypeName[nearPlot:GetTerrainType()] local featureType = featureTypeName[nearPlot:GetFeatureType()] or "NO_FEATURE" weights.TOTAL = weights.TOTAL + nearWeight weights[plotType] = weights[plotType] + nearWeight weights[terrainType] = weights[terrainType] + nearWeight weights[featureType] = weights[featureType] + nearWeight if plotType == "PLOT_OCEAN" then if not nearPlot:IsLake() and featureType ~= "FEATURE_ICE" then weights.SEA = weights.SEA + nearWeight end end end if weights.TOTAL == 0 then print("plot:GetAreaWeights Total=0! x=%s y=%s", x, y) end for k, v in pairs(weights) do if k ~= "TOTAL" then weights[k] = weights[k] / weights.TOTAL end end return weights end function Plot_GetElevation(plot, ignoreSeas) if ignoreSeas and Contains(mg.seaPlots, plot) then -- try to preserve inland seas return elevationMap.seaLevelThreshold end return elevationMap.data[elevationMap:GetIndex(plot:GetX(), plot:GetY())] end function GetElevationByPlotID(plotID) local elevation = elevationMap.data[plotID] if not elevation then log:Warn("GetElevationByPlotID elevationMap.data[%s] = %s", plotID, elevation) return 0 end return elevation end function Plot_IsWater(plot, useElevation, ignoreSeas) if useElevation then return elevationMap.data[elevationMap:GetIndex(plot:GetX(), plot:GetY())] < elevationMap.seaLevelThreshold end if ignoreSeas and Contains(mg.seaPlots, plot) then return false end return (plot:GetPlotType() == PlotTypes.PLOT_OCEAN) or Contains(mg.lakePlots, plot) end function Plot_IsLake(plot) return plot:IsLake() or Contains(mg.lakePlots, plot) end function waterMatch(x,y) return elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(x,y) end function landMatch(x,y) return not elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(x,y) end function oceanMatch(x,y) local plot = Map.GetPlot(x,y) if plot:GetPlotType() == PlotTypes.PLOT_OCEAN then return true end return false end function jungleMatch(x,y) local plot = Map.GetPlot(x,y) if plot:GetFeatureType() == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_JUNGLE or Contains(mg.tropicalPlots, plot) then return true --include any mountains on the border as part of the desert. elseif (plot:GetFeatureType() == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_MARSH or plot:GetFeatureType() == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FOREST) and plot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_GRASS then local nList = elevationMap:GetRadiusAroundHex(x,y,1) for n=1,#nList do local xx = nList[n][1] local yy = nList[n][2] local ii = elevationMap:GetIndex(xx,yy) if 11 ~= -1 then local nPlot = Map.GetPlot(xx,yy) if nPlot:GetFeatureType() == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_JUNGLE then return true end end end end return false end function desertMatch(x,y) local plot = Map.GetPlot(x,y) if plot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_DESERT then return true --include any mountains on the border as part of the desert. elseif IsMountain(plot) then local nList = elevationMap:GetRadiusAroundHex(x,y,1) for n=1,#nList do local xx = nList[n][1] local yy = nList[n][2] local ii = elevationMap:GetIndex(xx,yy) if 11 ~= -1 then local nPlot = Map.GetPlot(xx,yy) if not IsMountain(nPlot) and nPlot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_DESERT then return true end end end end return false end function IsMountain(plot) return plot:IsMountain() or Contains(mg.MountainPasses, plot) end -- -- Utilities -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- function Round(num, places) local mult = 10^(places or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end function ShuffleList(list) local len = #list for i=0,len - 1 do local k = PWRandint(0,len-1) list[i], list[k] = list[k], list[i] end end function IsBetween(lower, mid, upper) return ((lower <= mid) and (mid <= upper)) end function Contains(list, value) for k, v in pairs(list) do if v == value then return true end end return false end function DeepCopy(object) -- DeepCopy(object) copies all elements of a table local lookup_table = {} local function _copy(object) if type(object) ~= "table" then return object elseif lookup_table[object] then return lookup_table[object] end local new_table = {} lookup_table[object] = new_table for index, value in pairs(object) do new_table[_copy(index)] = _copy(value) end return setmetatable(new_table, getmetatable(object)) end return _copy(object) end function Constrain(lower, mid, upper) return math.max(lower, math.min(mid, upper)) end function Push(a,item) table.insert(a,item) end function Pop(a) return table.remove(a) end function GetRandomWeighted(list, size) -- GetRandomWeighted(list, size) returns a key from a list of (key, weight) pairs size = size or 100 local chanceIDs = GetWeightedTable(list, size) if chanceIDs == -1 then return -1 end local randomID = 1 + Map.Rand(size, "GetRandomWeighted") if not chanceIDs[randomID] then print("GetRandomWeighted: invalid random index selected = %s", randomID) chanceIDs[randomID] = -1 end return chanceIDs[randomID] end function GetWeightedTable(list, size) -- GetWeightedTable(list, size) returns a table with key blocks sized proportionately to a weighted list local totalWeight = 0 local chanceIDs = {} local position = 1 for key, weight in pairs(list) do totalWeight = totalWeight + weight end if totalWeight == 0 then for key, weight in pairs(list) do list[key] = 1 totalWeight = totalWeight + 1 end if totalWeight == 0 then print("GetWeightedTable: empty list") --print(debug.traceback()) return -1 end end for key, weight in pairs(list) do local positionNext = position + size * weight / totalWeight for i = math.floor(position), math.floor(positionNext) do chanceIDs[i] = key end position = positionNext end return chanceIDs end function GetOppositeDir(dir) return ((dir + 2) % 6) + 1 end function GetBellCurve(value, normalize) --Returns a value along a bell curve from a 0 - 1 range if normalize then value = 1 - math.abs(value - normalize) / normalize end return math.sin(value * math.pi * 2 - math.pi/2)/2 + 0.5 end function GetSinCurve(value, normalize, pushEdges) --Returns a value along a sin curve from a 0 - 1 range if not pushEdges then pushEdges = 0 end if normalize then value = 1 - ((normalize - pushEdges*2) - (value - pushEdges)) / (normalize - pushEdges*2) --value = 1 - math.abs(value - normalize) / normalize end return math.sin(value * math.pi * 2) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Interpolation and Perlin functions function CubicInterpolate(v0,v1,v2,v3,mu) local mu2 = mu * mu local a0 = v3 - v2 - v0 + v1 local a1 = v0 - v1 - a0 local a2 = v2 - v0 local a3 = v1 return (a0 * mu * mu2 + a1 * mu2 + a2 * mu + a3) end function BicubicInterpolate(v,muX,muY) local a0 = CubicInterpolate(v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4],muX) local a1 = CubicInterpolate(v[5],v[6],v[7],v[8],muX) local a2 = CubicInterpolate(v[9],v[10],v[11],v[12],muX) local a3 = CubicInterpolate(v[13],v[14],v[15],v[16],muX) return CubicInterpolate(a0,a1,a2,a3,muY) end function CubicDerivative(v0,v1,v2,v3,mu) local mu2 = mu * mu local a0 = v3 - v2 - v0 + v1 local a1 = v0 - v1 - a0 local a2 = v2 - v0 --local a3 = v1 return (3 * a0 * mu2 + 2 * a1 * mu + a2) end function BicubicDerivative(v,muX,muY) local a0 = CubicInterpolate(v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4],muX) local a1 = CubicInterpolate(v[5],v[6],v[7],v[8],muX) local a2 = CubicInterpolate(v[9],v[10],v[11],v[12],muX) local a3 = CubicInterpolate(v[13],v[14],v[15],v[16],muX) return CubicDerivative(a0,a1,a2,a3,muY) end function GetInterpolatedValue(X,Y,srcMap) --This function gets a smoothly interpolated value from srcMap. --x and y are non-integer coordinates of where the value is to --be calculated, and wrap in both directions. srcMap is an bject --of type FloatMap. local points = {} local fractionX = X - math.floor(X) local fractionY = Y - math.floor(Y) --wrappedX and wrappedY are set to -1,-1 of the sampled area --so that the sample area is in the middle quad of the 4x4 grid local wrappedX = ((math.floor(X) - 1) % srcMap.rectWidth) + srcMap.rectX local wrappedY = ((math.floor(Y) - 1) % srcMap.rectHeight) + srcMap.rectY local x local y for pY = 0, 4-1 do y = pY + wrappedY for pX = 0,4-1 do x = pX + wrappedX local srcIndex = srcMap:GetRectIndex(x, y) points[(pY * 4 + pX) + 1] = srcMap.data[srcIndex] end end local finalValue = BicubicInterpolate(points,fractionX,fractionY) return finalValue end function GetDerivativeValue(X,Y,srcMap) local points = {} local fractionX = X - math.floor(X) local fractionY = Y - math.floor(Y) --wrappedX and wrappedY are set to -1,-1 of the sampled area --so that the sample area is in the middle quad of the 4x4 grid local wrappedX = ((math.floor(X) - 1) % srcMap.rectWidth) + srcMap.rectX local wrappedY = ((math.floor(Y) - 1) % srcMap.rectHeight) + srcMap.rectY local x local y for pY = 0, 4-1 do y = pY + wrappedY for pX = 0,4-1 do x = pX + wrappedX local srcIndex = srcMap:GetRectIndex(x, y) points[(pY * 4 + pX) + 1] = srcMap.data[srcIndex] end end local finalValue = BicubicDerivative(points,fractionX,fractionY) return finalValue end function GetPerlinNoise(x,y,destMapWidth,destMapHeight,initialFrequency,initialAmplitude,amplitudeChange,octaves,noiseMap) --This function gets Perlin noise for the destination coordinates. Note --that in order for the noise to wrap, the area sampled on the noise map --must change to fit each octave. local finalValue = 0.0 local frequency = initialFrequency local amplitude = initialAmplitude local frequencyX --slight adjustment for seamless wrapping local frequencyY --'' for i = 1,octaves do if noiseMap.wrapX then noiseMap.rectX = math.floor(noiseMap.width/2 - (destMapWidth * frequency)/2) noiseMap.rectWidth = math.max(math.floor(destMapWidth * frequency),1) frequencyX = noiseMap.rectWidth/destMapWidth else noiseMap.rectX = 0 noiseMap.rectWidth = noiseMap.width frequencyX = frequency end if noiseMap.wrapY then noiseMap.rectY = math.floor(noiseMap.height/2 - (destMapHeight * frequency)/2) noiseMap.rectHeight = math.max(math.floor(destMapHeight * frequency),1) frequencyY = noiseMap.rectHeight/destMapHeight else noiseMap.rectY = 0 noiseMap.rectHeight = noiseMap.height frequencyY = frequency end finalValue = finalValue + GetInterpolatedValue(x * frequencyX, y * frequencyY, noiseMap) * amplitude frequency = frequency * 2.0 amplitude = amplitude * amplitudeChange end finalValue = finalValue/octaves return finalValue end function GetPerlinDerivative(x,y,destMapWidth,destMapHeight,initialFrequency,initialAmplitude,amplitudeChange,octaves,noiseMap) local finalValue = 0.0 local frequency = initialFrequency local amplitude = initialAmplitude local frequencyX --slight adjustment for seamless wrapping local frequencyY --'' for i = 1,octaves do if noiseMap.wrapX then noiseMap.rectX = math.floor(noiseMap.width/2 - (destMapWidth * frequency)/2) noiseMap.rectWidth = math.floor(destMapWidth * frequency) frequencyX = noiseMap.rectWidth/destMapWidth else noiseMap.rectX = 0 noiseMap.rectWidth = noiseMap.width frequencyX = frequency end if noiseMap.wrapY then noiseMap.rectY = math.floor(noiseMap.height/2 - (destMapHeight * frequency)/2) noiseMap.rectHeight = math.floor(destMapHeight * frequency) frequencyY = noiseMap.rectHeight/destMapHeight else noiseMap.rectY = 0 noiseMap.rectHeight = noiseMap.height frequencyY = frequency end finalValue = finalValue + GetDerivativeValue(x * frequencyX, y * frequencyY, noiseMap) * amplitude frequency = frequency * 2.0 amplitude = amplitude * amplitudeChange end finalValue = finalValue/octaves return finalValue end --------------------------------------------------------------------- --ShiftMap Class function ShiftMaps() --local stripRadius = self.stripRadius local shift_x = 0 local shift_y = 0 shift_x = DetermineXShift() ShiftMapsBy(shift_x, shift_y) end function ShiftMapsBy(xshift, yshift) local W, H = Map.GetGridSize() if(xshift > 0 or yshift > 0) then local Shift = {} local iDestI = 0 for iDestY = 0, H-1 do for iDestX = 0, W-1 do local iSourceX = (iDestX + xshift) % W --local iSourceY = (iDestY + yshift) % H -- If using yshift, enable this and comment out the faster line below. - Bobert13 local iSourceY = iDestY local iSourceI = W * iSourceY + iSourceX Shift[iDestI] = elevationMap.data[iSourceI] --if debugTime then print(string.format("Shift:%d, %f | eMap:%d, %f",iDestI,Shift[iDestI],iSourceI,elevationMap.data[iSourceI])) end iDestI = iDestI + 1 end end elevationMap.data = Shift --It's faster to do one large table operation here than it is to do thousands of small operations to set up a copy of the input table at the beginning. -Bobert13 end return elevationMap end function DetermineXShift() --[[ This function will align the most water-heavy vertical portion of the map with the vertical map edge. This is a form of centering the landmasses, but it emphasizes the edge not the middle. If there are columns completely empty of land, these will tend to be chosen as the new map edge, but it is possible for a narrow column between two large continents to be passed over in favor of the thinnest section of a continent, because the operation looks at a group of columns not just a single column, then picks the center of the most water heavy group of columns to be the new vertical map edge. ]]-- -- First loop through the map columns and record land plots in each column. local mapW, mapH = Map.GetGridSize() local land_totals = {} for x = 0, mapW - 1 do local current_column = 0 for y = 0, mapH - 1 do local i = y * mapW + x + 1 if not elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(x,y) then current_column = current_column + 1 end end table.insert(land_totals, current_column) end -- Now evaluate column groups, each record applying to the center column of the group. local column_groups = {} -- Determine the group size in relation to map width. local group_radius = 3 -- Measure the groups. for column_index = 1, mapW do local current_group_total = 0 --for current_column = column_index - group_radius, column_index + group_radius do --Changed how group_radius works to get groups of four. -Bobert13 for current_column = column_index, column_index + group_radius do local current_index = current_column % mapW if current_index == 0 then -- Modulo of the last column will be zero this repairs the issue. current_index = mapW end current_group_total = current_group_total + land_totals[current_index] end table.insert(column_groups, current_group_total) end -- Identify the group with the least amount of land in it. local best_value = mapH * (group_radius + 1) -- Set initial value to max possible. local best_group = 1 -- Set initial best group as current map edge. for column_index, group_land_plots in ipairs(column_groups) do if group_land_plots < best_value then best_value = group_land_plots best_group = column_index end end -- Determine X Shift local x_shift = best_group + 2 return x_shift end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Random functions will use lua rands for stand alone script running and Map.rand for in game. function PWRand() if Map then return Map.Rand(10000, "Random - Lua") / 10000 end return math.random() end function PWRandSeed(fixedseed) local seed if fixedseed == nil then seed = (Map.Rand(32767,"") * 65536) + Map.Rand(65535,"") else seed = fixedseed end math.randomseed(seed) print("random seed for this map is " .. seed) end function PWRandint(low, high) --range is inclusive, low and high are possible results return math.random(low, high) end -- -- FloatMap -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FloatMap class -- This is for storing 2D map data. The 'data' field is a zero based, one -- dimensional array. To access map data by x and y coordinates, use the -- GetIndex method to obtain the 1D index, which will handle any needs for -- wrapping in the x and y directions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FloatMap = inheritsFrom(nil) function FloatMap:New(width, height, wrapX, wrapY) local new_inst = {} setmetatable(new_inst, {__index = FloatMap}) --setup metatable new_inst.width = width new_inst.height = height new_inst.wrapX = wrapX new_inst.wrapY = wrapY new_inst.length = width*height --These fields are used to access only a subset of the map --with the GetRectIndex function. This is useful for --making Perlin noise wrap without generating separate --noise fields for each octave new_inst.rectX = 0 new_inst.rectY = 0 new_inst.rectWidth = width new_inst.rectHeight = height new_inst.data = {} for i = 0,width*height - 1 do new_inst.data[i] = 0.0 end return new_inst end function FloatMap:GetNeighbor(x,y,dir) local xx local yy local odd = y % 2 if dir == mg.C then return x,y elseif dir == mg.W then xx = x - 1 yy = y return xx,yy elseif dir == mg.NW then xx = x - 1 + odd yy = y + 1 return xx,yy elseif dir == mg.NE then xx = x + odd yy = y + 1 return xx,yy elseif dir == mg.E then xx = x + 1 yy = y return xx,yy elseif dir == mg.SE then xx = x + odd yy = y - 1 return xx,yy elseif dir == mg.SW then xx = x - 1 + odd yy = y - 1 return xx,yy else print(string.format("Bad direction %s in FloatMap:GetNeighbor", dir)) end return -1,-1 end function FloatMap:GetIndex(x,y) if not self.wrapY and (y < 0 or y > self.height-1) then return -1 elseif not self.wrapX and (x < 0 or x > self.width-1) then return -1 end return (y % self.height) * self.width + (x % self.width) end function FloatMap:GetXYFromIndex(i) local x = i % self.width local y = (i - x)/self.width return x,y end --quadrants are labeled --A B --D C function FloatMap:GetQuadrant(x,y) if x < self.width/2 then if y < self.height/2 then return "A" else return "D" end else if y < self.height/2 then return "B" else return "C" end end end --Gets an index for x and y based on the current rect settings. x and y are local to the defined rect. --Wrapping is assumed in both directions function FloatMap:GetRectIndex(x,y) local xx = x % self.rectWidth local yy = y % self.rectHeight xx = self.rectX + xx yy = self.rectY + yy return self:GetIndex(xx,yy) end function FloatMap:Normalize() --find highest and lowest values local maxAlt = -1000.0 local minAlt = 1000.0 for i = 0,self.length - 1 do local alt = self.data[i] if alt > maxAlt then maxAlt = alt end if alt < minAlt then minAlt = alt end end --subtract minAlt from all values so that --all values are zero and above for i = 0, self.length - 1, 1 do self.data[i] = self.data[i] - minAlt end --subract minAlt also from maxAlt maxAlt = maxAlt - minAlt --determine and apply scaler to whole map local scaler if maxAlt == 0.0 then scaler = 0.0 else scaler = 1.0/maxAlt end -- for i = 0,self.length - 1,1 do -- self.data[i] = self.data[i] * scaler -- if i == self.length/2 then -- print("normalized: "..self.data[i]) -- end -- end for i=0,self.length-1,1 do self.data[i],expo = math.frexp(self.data[i]) self.data[i] = (self.data[i]*scaler) self.data[i] = math.ldexp(self.data[i],expo) -- if i == self.length/2 then -- print("normalized: "..self.data[i].." expo: "..expo) -- end end end function FloatMap:GenerateNoise() for i = 0,self.length - 1 do self.data[i] = PWRand() end end function FloatMap:GenerateBinaryNoise() for i = 0,self.length - 1 do if PWRand() > 0.5 then self.data[i] = 1 else self.data[i] = 0 end end end function FloatMap:FindThresholdFromPercent(percent, greaterThan, excludeZeros) local mapList = {} local percentage = percent * 100 if greaterThan then percentage = 100 - percentage end if percentage >= 100 then return 1.01 --whole map elseif percentage <= 0 then return -0.01 --none of the map end for i = 0,self.length - 1 do if not (self.data[i] == 0.0 and excludeZeros) then table.insert(mapList,self.data[i]) end end table.sort(mapList, function (a,b) return a < b end) local threshIndex = math.floor((#mapList * percentage)/100) log:Debug("threshIndex %s = math.floor((%s * %s)/100)", threshIndex, #mapList, percentage) return mapList[threshIndex - 1] end function FloatMap:GetLatitudeForY(y) local range = mg.topLatitude - mg.bottomLatitude local lat = nil if y < self.height/2 then lat = (y+1) / self.height * range + (mg.bottomLatitude - mg.topLatitude / self.height) else lat = y / self.height * range + (mg.bottomLatitude + mg.topLatitude / self.height) end return lat end function FloatMap:GetYForLatitude(lat) local range = mg.topLatitude - mg.bottomLatitude return math.floor(((lat - mg.bottomLatitude) /range * self.height) + 0.5) end function FloatMap:GetZone(y) local lat = self:GetLatitudeForY(y) if y < 0 or y >= self.height then return mg.NOZONE end if lat > mg.polarFrontLatitude then return mg.NPOLAR elseif lat >= mg.horseLatitudes then return mg.NTEMPERATE elseif lat >= 0.0 then return mg.NEQUATOR elseif lat > -mg.horseLatitudes then return mg.SEQUATOR elseif lat >= -mg.polarFrontLatitude then return mg.STEMPERATE else return mg.SPOLAR end end function FloatMap:GetYFromZone(zone, bTop) if bTop then for y=self.height - 1,0,-1 do if zone == self:GetZone(y) then return y end end else for y=0,self.height - 1 do if zone == self:GetZone(y) then return y end end end return -1 end function FloatMap:GetGeostrophicWindDirections(zone) if zone == mg.NPOLAR then return mg.SW,mg.W elseif zone == mg.NTEMPERATE then return mg.NE,mg.E elseif zone == mg.NEQUATOR then return mg.SW,mg.W elseif zone == mg.SEQUATOR then return mg.NW,mg.W elseif zone == mg.STEMPERATE then return mg.SE, mg.E else return mg.NW,mg.W end return -1,-1 end function FloatMap:GetGeostrophicPressure(lat) local latRange = nil local latPercent = nil local pressure = nil if lat > mg.polarFrontLatitude then latRange = 90.0 - mg.polarFrontLatitude latPercent = (lat - mg.polarFrontLatitude)/latRange pressure = 1.0 - latPercent elseif lat >= mg.horseLatitudes then latRange = mg.polarFrontLatitude - mg.horseLatitudes latPercent = (lat - mg.horseLatitudes)/latRange pressure = latPercent elseif lat >= 0.0 then latRange = mg.horseLatitudes - 0.0 latPercent = (lat - 0.0)/latRange pressure = 1.0 - latPercent elseif lat > -mg.horseLatitudes then latRange = 0.0 + mg.horseLatitudes latPercent = (lat + mg.horseLatitudes)/latRange pressure = latPercent elseif lat >= -mg.polarFrontLatitude then latRange = -mg.horseLatitudes + mg.polarFrontLatitude latPercent = (lat + mg.polarFrontLatitude)/latRange pressure = 1.0 - latPercent else latRange = -mg.polarFrontLatitude + 90.0 latPercent = (lat + 90)/latRange pressure = latPercent end -- Prevents excessively high and low pressures which helps distribute rain more evenly in the affected areas. -Bobert13 pressure = pressure + 1 if pressure > 1.5 then pressure = pressure * mg.pressureNorm else pressure = pressure / mg.pressureNorm end pressure = pressure - 1 -- FIN -Bobert13 --print(pressure) return pressure end function FloatMap:ApplyFunction(func) for i = 0,self.length - 1 do self.data[i] = func(self.data[i]) end end function FloatMap:GetRadiusAroundHex(x,y,radius) local list = {} table.insert(list,{x,y}) if radius == 0 then return list end local hereX = x local hereY = y --make a circle for each radius for r = 1,radius do --start 1 to the west hereX,hereY = self:GetNeighbor(hereX,hereY,mg.W) if self:IsOnMap(hereX,hereY) then table.insert(list,{hereX,hereY}) end --Go r times to the NE for z = 1,r do hereX, hereY = self:GetNeighbor(hereX,hereY,mg.NE) if self:IsOnMap(hereX,hereY) then table.insert(list,{hereX,hereY}) end end --Go r times to the E for z = 1,r do hereX, hereY = self:GetNeighbor(hereX,hereY,mg.E) if self:IsOnMap(hereX,hereY) then table.insert(list,{hereX,hereY}) end end --Go r times to the SE for z = 1,r do hereX, hereY = self:GetNeighbor(hereX,hereY,mg.SE) if self:IsOnMap(hereX,hereY) then table.insert(list,{hereX,hereY}) end end --Go r times to the SW for z = 1,r do hereX, hereY = self:GetNeighbor(hereX,hereY,mg.SW) if self:IsOnMap(hereX,hereY) then table.insert(list,{hereX,hereY}) end end --Go r times to the W for z = 1,r do hereX, hereY = self:GetNeighbor(hereX,hereY,mg.W) if self:IsOnMap(hereX,hereY) then table.insert(list,{hereX,hereY}) end end --Go r - 1 times to the NW!!!!! for z = 1,r - 1 do hereX, hereY = self:GetNeighbor(hereX,hereY,mg.NW) if self:IsOnMap(hereX,hereY) then table.insert(list,{hereX,hereY}) end end --one extra NW to set up for next circle hereX, hereY = self:GetNeighbor(hereX,hereY,mg.NW) end return list end function FloatMap:GetAverageInHex(x,y,radius) local sum = 0 local numPlots = 0 --print("GetAverageInHex A") local nearPlotIDs = Plot_GetPlotsInCircleFast(x, y, radius) --print("GetAverageInHex B") for _, nearPlotID in pairs(nearPlotIDs) do sum = sum + self.data[nearPlotID] numPlots = numPlots + 1 end return sum / numPlots end function FloatMap:GetStdDevInHex(x,y,radius) local average = 0 local numPlots = 0 --print("GetStdDevInHex A") local nearPlotIDs = Plot_GetPlotsInCircleFast(x, y, radius) --print("GetStdDevInHex B") for _, nearPlotID in ipairs(nearPlotIDs) do average = average + self.data[nearPlotID] numPlots = numPlots + 1 end average = average / numPlots local deviation = 0.0 for _, nearPlotID in ipairs(nearPlotIDs) do deviation = deviation + (self.data[nearPlotID] - average) ^ 2 end return math.sqrt(deviation/numPlots) end function FloatMap:Smooth(radius) --log:Info("FloatMap:Smooth(%s)", radius) local dataCopy = {} local i = 0 for y = 0, self.height - 1 do for x = 0, self.width - 1 do -- local i = self:GetIndex(x,y) dataCopy[i] = self:GetAverageInHex(x,y,radius) i = i + 1 end end self.data = dataCopy end function FloatMap:Deviate(radius) local dataCopy = {} local i = 0 for y = 0, self.height - 1 do for x = 0, self.width - 1 do -- local i = self:GetIndex(x,y) dataCopy[i] = self:GetStdDevInHex(x,y,radius) i = i + 1 end end self.data = dataCopy end function FloatMap:IsOnMap(x,y) local i = self:GetIndex(x,y) if i == -1 then return false end return true end function FloatMap:Save(name) print("saving " .. name .. "..") local str = self.width .. "," .. self.height for i = 0,self.length - 1 do str = str .. "," .. self.data[i] end local file = io.open(name,"w+") file:write(str) file:close() print("bitmap saved as " .. name .. ".") end -- -- AreaMap -- PWAreaMap = inheritsFrom(FloatMap) function PWAreaMap:New(width,height,wrapX,wrapY) local new_inst = FloatMap:New(width,height,wrapX,wrapY) setmetatable(new_inst, {__index = PWAreaMap}) --setup metatable new_inst.areaList = {} new_inst.segStack = {} return new_inst end function PWAreaMap:DefineAreas(matchFunction) --zero map data for i = 0,self.width*self.height - 1 do self.data[i] = 0.0 end self.areaList = {} local currentAreaID = 0 for y = 0, self.height - 1 do for x = 0, self.width - 1 do local i = self:GetIndex(x,y) if self.data[i] == 0 then currentAreaID = currentAreaID + 1 local area = PWArea:New(currentAreaID,x,y,matchFunction(x,y)) --str = string.format("Filling area %d, matchFunction(x = %d,y = %d) = %s",area.id,x,y,tostring(matchFunction(x,y))) --print(str) self:FillArea(x,y,area,matchFunction) table.insert(self.areaList, area) end end end end function PWAreaMap:FillArea(x,y,area,matchFunction) self.segStack = {} local seg = LineSeg:New(y,x,x,1) Push(self.segStack,seg) seg = LineSeg:New(y + 1,x,x,-1) Push(self.segStack,seg) while #self.segStack > 0 do seg = Pop(self.segStack) self:ScanAndFillLine(seg,area,matchFunction) end end function PWAreaMap:ScanAndFillLine(seg,area,matchFunction) --str = string.format("Processing line y = %d, xLeft = %d, xRight = %d, dy = %d -------",seg.y,seg.xLeft,seg.xRight,seg.dy) --print(str) if self:ValidateY(seg.y + seg.dy) == -1 then return end local odd = (seg.y + seg.dy) % 2 local notOdd = seg.y % 2 --str = string.format("odd = %d, notOdd = %d",odd,notOdd) --print(str) local lineFound = 0 local xStop = nil if self.wrapX then xStop = 0 - (self.width * 30) else xStop = -1 end local leftExtreme = nil for leftExt = seg.xLeft - odd,xStop + 1,-1 do leftExtreme = leftExt --need this saved --str = string.format("leftExtreme = %d",leftExtreme) --print(str) local x = self:ValidateX(leftExtreme) local y = self:ValidateY(seg.y + seg.dy) local i = self:GetIndex(x,y) --str = string.format("x = %d, y = %d, area.trueMatch = %s, matchFunction(x,y) = %s",x,y,tostring(area.trueMatch),tostring(matchFunction(x,y))) --print(str) if self.data[i] == 0 and area.trueMatch == matchFunction(x,y) then self.data[i] = area.id area.size = area.size + 1 --print("adding to area") lineFound = 1 else --if no line was found, then leftExtreme is fine, but if --a line was found going left, then we need to increment --xLeftExtreme to represent the inclusive end of the line if lineFound == 1 then leftExtreme = leftExtreme + 1 --print("line found, adding 1 to leftExtreme") end break end end --str = string.format("leftExtreme = %d",leftExtreme) --print(str) local rightExtreme = nil --now scan right to find extreme right, place each found segment on stack if self.wrapX then xStop = self.width * 20 else xStop = self.width end for rightExt = seg.xLeft + lineFound - odd,xStop - 1 do rightExtreme = rightExt --need this saved --str = string.format("rightExtreme = %d",rightExtreme) --print(str) local x = self:ValidateX(rightExtreme) local y = self:ValidateY(seg.y + seg.dy) local i = self:GetIndex(x,y) --str = string.format("x = %d, y = %d, area.trueMatch = %s, matchFunction(x,y) = %s",x,y,tostring(area.trueMatch),tostring(matchFunction(x,y))) --print(str) if self.data[i] == 0 and area.trueMatch == matchFunction(x,y) then self.data[i] = area.id area.size = area.size + 1 --print("adding to area") if lineFound == 0 then lineFound = 1 --starting new line leftExtreme = rightExtreme end elseif lineFound == 1 then --found the right end of a line segment --print("found right end of line") lineFound = 0 --put same direction on stack local newSeg = LineSeg:New(y,leftExtreme,rightExtreme - 1,seg.dy) Push(self.segStack,newSeg) --str = string.format(" pushing y = %d, xLeft = %d, xRight = %d, dy = %d",y,leftExtreme,rightExtreme - 1,seg.dy) --print(str) --determine if we must put reverse direction on stack if leftExtreme < seg.xLeft - odd or rightExtreme >= seg.xRight + notOdd then --out of shadow so put reverse direction on stack newSeg = LineSeg:New(y,leftExtreme,rightExtreme - 1,-seg.dy) Push(self.segStack,newSeg) --str = string.format(" pushing y = %d, xLeft = %d, xRight = %d, dy = %d",y,leftExtreme,rightExtreme - 1,-seg.dy) --print(str) end if(rightExtreme >= seg.xRight + notOdd) then break end elseif lineFound == 0 and rightExtreme >= seg.xRight + notOdd then break --past the end of the parent line and no line found end --continue finding segments end if lineFound == 1 then --still needing a line to be put on stack print("still need line segments") lineFound = 0 --put same direction on stack local newSeg = LineSeg:New(seg.y + seg.dy,leftExtreme,rightExtreme - 1,seg.dy) Push(self.segStack,newSeg) str = string.format(" pushing y = %d, xLeft = %d, xRight = %d, dy = %d",seg.y + seg.dy,leftExtreme,rightExtreme - 1,seg.dy) print(str) --determine if we must put reverse direction on stack if leftExtreme < seg.xLeft - odd or rightExtreme >= seg.xRight + notOdd then --out of shadow so put reverse direction on stack newSeg = LineSeg:New(seg.y + seg.dy,leftExtreme,rightExtreme - 1,-seg.dy) Push(self.segStack,newSeg) str = string.format(" pushing y = %d, xLeft = %d, xRight = %d, dy = %d",seg.y + seg.dy,leftExtreme,rightExtreme - 1,-seg.dy) print(str) end end end function PWAreaMap:GetAreaByID(id) for i = 1,#self.areaList do if self.areaList[i].id == id then return self.areaList[i] end end error("Can't find area id in AreaMap.areaList") end function PWAreaMap:ValidateY(y) local yy = nil if self.wrapY then yy = y % self.height elseif y < 0 or y >= self.height then return -1 else yy = y end return yy end function PWAreaMap:ValidateX(x) local xx = nil if self.wrapX then xx = x % self.width elseif x < 0 or x >= self.width then return -1 else xx = x end return xx end function PWAreaMap:PrintAreaList() for i=1,#self.areaList do local id = self.areaList[i].id local seedx = self.areaList[i].seedx local seedy = self.areaList[i].seedy local size = self.areaList[i].size local trueMatch = self.areaList[i].trueMatch local str = string.format("area id = %d, trueMatch = %s, size = %d, seedx = %d, seedy = %d",id,tostring(trueMatch),size,seedx,seedy) print(str) end end --Area class PWArea = inheritsFrom(nil) function PWArea:New(id,seedx,seedy,trueMatch) local new_inst = {} setmetatable(new_inst, {__index = PWArea}) --setup metatable new_inst.id = id new_inst.seedx = seedx new_inst.seedy = seedy new_inst.trueMatch = trueMatch new_inst.size = 0 return new_inst end --LineSeg class LineSeg = inheritsFrom(nil) function LineSeg:New(y,xLeft,xRight,dy) local new_inst = {} setmetatable(new_inst, {__index = LineSeg}) --setup metatable new_inst.y = y new_inst.xLeft = xLeft new_inst.xRight = xRight new_inst.dy = dy return new_inst end -- -- ElevationMap -- ElevationMap = inheritsFrom(FloatMap) function ElevationMap:New(width, height, wrapX, wrapY) local new_inst = FloatMap:New(width,height,wrapX,wrapY) setmetatable(new_inst, {__index = ElevationMap}) --setup metatable return new_inst end function ElevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(x,y) local i = self:GetIndex(x,y) if self.data[i] < self.seaLevelThreshold then return true else return false end end -- -- Rivers -- function AddRivers() local mapW, mapH = Map.GetGridSize() for y = 0, mapH-1 do for x = 0,mapW-1 do local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) local WOfRiver, NWOfRiver, NEOfRiver = riverMap:GetFlowDirections(x,y) if WOfRiver == mg.flowNONE then plot:SetWOfRiver(false,WOfRiver) else local xx,yy = elevationMap:GetNeighbor(x,y,mg.E) local nPlot = Map.GetPlot(xx,yy) if plot:IsMountain() and nPlot:IsMountain() then plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypes.PLOT_HILLS,false,false) end plot:SetWOfRiver(true,WOfRiver) --if debugTime then print(string.format("(%d,%d)WOfRiver = true dir=%d",x,y,WOfRiver)) end end if NWOfRiver == mg.flowNONE then plot:SetNWOfRiver(false,NWOfRiver) else local xx,yy = elevationMap:GetNeighbor(x,y,mg.SE) local nPlot = Map.GetPlot(xx,yy) if plot:IsMountain() and nPlot:IsMountain() then plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypes.PLOT_HILLS,false,false) end plot:SetNWOfRiver(true,NWOfRiver) --if debugTime then print(string.format("(%d,%d)NWOfRiver = true dir=%d",x,y,NWOfRiver)) end end if NEOfRiver == mg.flowNONE then plot:SetNEOfRiver(false,NEOfRiver) else local xx,yy = elevationMap:GetNeighbor(x,y,mg.SW) local nPlot = Map.GetPlot(xx,yy) if plot:IsMountain() and nPlot:IsMountain() then plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypes.PLOT_HILLS,false,false) end plot:SetNEOfRiver(true,NEOfRiver) --if debugTime then print(string.format("(%d,%d)NEOfRiver = true dir=%d",x,y,NEOfRiver)) end end end end end function Plot_GetPreviousRiverPlot(plot, edgeDirection) local flowDirection = Plot_GetRiverFlowDirection(plot, edgeDirection) local nearDirection = mg.C if edgeDirection == (flowDirection + 1) % 6 then nearDirection = (flowDirection + 2) % 6 else nearDirection = (flowDirection + 3) % 6 end local nearPlot = Map.PlotDirection(plot:GetX(), plot:GetY(), nearDirection) local edgeA = (flowDirection - 1) % 6 local edgeB = (flowDirection + 0) % 6 local flowA = (flowDirection + 1) % 6 local flowB = (flowDirection - 1) % 6 return nearPlot, edgeA, edgeB, flowA, flowB end function Plot_GetNextRiverPlot(plot, edgeDirection) local flowDirection = Plot_GetRiverFlowDirection(plot, edgeDirection) local nearDirection = mg.C if edgeDirection == (flowDirection + 1) % 6 then nearDirection = (flowDirection + 0) % 6 else nearDirection = (flowDirection - 1) % 6 end local nearPlot = Map.PlotDirection(plot:GetX(), plot:GetY(), nearDirection) local edgeA = (flowDirection + 2) % 6 local edgeB = (flowDirection + 3) % 6 local flowA = (flowDirection + 4) % 6 local flowB = (flowDirection + 2) % 6 return nearPlot, edgeA, flowA, edgeB, flowB end function Plot_GetRiverFlowDirection(plot, edgeDirection) if edgeDirection == mg.E then return plot:GetRiverEFlowDirection() elseif edgeDirection == mg.SW then return plot:GetRiverSWFlowDirection() elseif edgeDirection == mg.SE then return plot:GetRiverSEFlowDirection() else nextPlot = Map.PlotDirection(plot:GetX(), plot:GetY(), edgeDirection) if not nextPlot then return mg.flowNONE end if edgeDirection == mg.W then return nextPlot:GetRiverEFlowDirection() elseif edgeDirection == mg.NE then return nextPlot:GetRiverSWFlowDirection() elseif edgeDirection == mg.NW then return nextPlot:GetRiverSEFlowDirection() end end return mg.flowNONE end function Plot_GetRiverRotation(plot, edgeDirection) if not Plot_IsRiver(plot, edgeDirection) then return 0 -- no river end if Plot_GetRiverFlowDirection(plot, edgeDirection) == (edgeDirection + 2) % 6 then return 1 -- clockwise end return -1 -- counterclockwise end function Plot_IsRiver(plot, edgeDirection) if edgeDirection then return Plot_IsRiverInDirection(plot, edgeDirection) end for _, edgeDirection in pairs(mg.edgeDirections) do if Plot_IsRiverInDirection(plot, edgeDirection) then return true end end return false end function Plot_IsRiverInDirection(plot, edgeDirection) if edgeDirection == mg.E then return plot:IsWOfRiver() elseif edgeDirection == mg.SE then return plot:IsNWOfRiver() elseif edgeDirection == mg.SW then return plot:IsNEOfRiver() else nextPlot = Map.PlotDirection(plot:GetX(), plot:GetY(), edgeDirection) if not nextPlot then return false end if edgeDirection == mg.W then return nextPlot:IsWOfRiver() elseif edgeDirection == mg.NW then return nextPlot:IsNWOfRiver() elseif edgeDirection == mg.NE then return nextPlot:IsNEOfRiver() end end return false end function Plot_SetRiver(plot, edgeDirection, flowDirection) local isRiver = (flowDirection ~= mg.flowNONE) if edgeDirection == mg.E then plot:SetWOfRiver(isRiver, flowDirection) elseif edgeDirection == mg.SE then plot:SetNWOfRiver(isRiver, flowDirection) elseif edgeDirection == mg.SW then plot:SetNEOfRiver(isRiver, flowDirection) else plot = Map.PlotDirection(plot:GetX(), plot:GetY(), edgeDirection) if not plot then return false end if edgeDirection == mg.W then plot:SetWOfRiver(isRiver, flowDirection) elseif edgeDirection == mg.NW then plot:SetNWOfRiver(isRiver, flowDirection) elseif edgeDirection == mg.NE then plot:SetNEOfRiver(isRiver, flowDirection) end end --plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_ICE, -1) return true end RiverMap = inheritsFrom(nil) function RiverMap:New(elevationMap) local new_inst = {} setmetatable(new_inst, {__index = RiverMap}) new_inst.elevationMap = elevationMap new_inst.riverData = {} for y = 0,new_inst.elevationMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,new_inst.elevationMap.width - 1 do local i = new_inst.elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) new_inst.riverData[i] = RiverHex:New(x,y) end end return new_inst end function RiverMap:GetJunction(x,y,isNorth) local i = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) if isNorth then return self.riverData[i].northJunction else return self.riverData[i].southJunction end end function RiverMap:GetJunctionNeighbor(direction,junction) local xx = nil local yy = nil local ii = nil local neighbor = nil local odd = junction.y % 2 if direction == mg.NOFLOW then error("can't get junction neighbor in direction NOFLOW") elseif direction == mg.WESTFLOW then xx = junction.x + odd - 1 if junction.isNorth then yy = junction.y + 1 else yy = junction.y - 1 end ii = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(xx,yy) if ii ~= -1 then neighbor = self:GetJunction(xx,yy,not junction.isNorth) return neighbor end elseif direction == mg.EASTFLOW then xx = junction.x + odd if junction.isNorth then yy = junction.y + 1 else yy = junction.y - 1 end ii = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(xx,yy) if ii ~= -1 then neighbor = self:GetJunction(xx,yy,not junction.isNorth) return neighbor end elseif direction == mg.VERTFLOW then xx = junction.x if junction.isNorth then yy = junction.y + 2 else yy = junction.y - 2 end ii = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(xx,yy) if ii ~= -1 then neighbor = self:GetJunction(xx,yy,not junction.isNorth) return neighbor end end return nil --neighbor off map end --Get the west or east hex neighboring this junction function RiverMap:GetRiverHexNeighbor(junction,westNeighbor) local xx = nil local yy = nil local ii = nil local odd = junction.y % 2 if junction.isNorth then yy = junction.y + 1 else yy = junction.y - 1 end if westNeighbor then xx = junction.x + odd - 1 else xx = junction.x + odd end ii = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(xx,yy) if ii ~= -1 then return self.riverData[ii] end return nil end function RiverMap:SetJunctionAltitudes() for y = 0,self.elevationMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,self.elevationMap.width - 1 do local i = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) local vertAltitude = self.elevationMap.data[i] local westAltitude = nil local eastAltitude = nil local vertNeighbor = self.riverData[i] local westNeighbor = nil local eastNeighbor = nil local xx = nil local yy = nil local ii = nil --first do north westNeighbor = self:GetRiverHexNeighbor(vertNeighbor.northJunction,true) eastNeighbor = self:GetRiverHexNeighbor(vertNeighbor.northJunction,false) if westNeighbor ~= nil then ii = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(westNeighbor.x,westNeighbor.y) else ii = -1 end if ii ~= -1 then westAltitude = self.elevationMap.data[ii] else westAltitude = vertAltitude end if eastNeighbor ~= nil then ii = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(eastNeighbor.x, eastNeighbor.y) else ii = -1 end if ii ~= -1 then eastAltitude = self.elevationMap.data[ii] else eastAltitude = vertAltitude end vertNeighbor.northJunction.altitude = math.min(math.min(vertAltitude,westAltitude),eastAltitude) --then south westNeighbor = self:GetRiverHexNeighbor(vertNeighbor.southJunction,true) eastNeighbor = self:GetRiverHexNeighbor(vertNeighbor.southJunction,false) if westNeighbor ~= nil then ii = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(westNeighbor.x,westNeighbor.y) else ii = -1 end if ii ~= -1 then westAltitude = self.elevationMap.data[ii] else westAltitude = vertAltitude end if eastNeighbor ~= nil then ii = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(eastNeighbor.x, eastNeighbor.y) else ii = -1 end if ii ~= -1 then eastAltitude = self.elevationMap.data[ii] else eastAltitude = vertAltitude end vertNeighbor.southJunction.altitude = math.min(math.min(vertAltitude,westAltitude),eastAltitude) end end end function RiverMap:isLake(junction) --first exclude the map edges that don't have neighbors if junction.y == 0 and junction.isNorth == false then return false elseif junction.y == self.elevationMap.height - 1 and junction.isNorth == true then return false end --exclude altitudes below sea level if junction.altitude < self.elevationMap.seaLevelThreshold then return false end --if debugTime then print(string.format("junction = (%d,%d) N = %s, alt = %f",junction.x,junction.y,tostring(junction.isNorth),junction.altitude)) end local vertNeighbor = self:GetJunctionNeighbor(mg.VERTFLOW,junction) local vertAltitude = nil if vertNeighbor == nil then vertAltitude = junction.altitude --print("--vertNeighbor == nil") else vertAltitude = vertNeighbor.altitude --if debugTime then print(string.format("--vertNeighbor = (%d,%d) N = %s, alt = %f",vertNeighbor.x,vertNeighbor.y,tostring(vertNeighbor.isNorth),vertNeighbor.altitude)) end end local westNeighbor = self:GetJunctionNeighbor(mg.WESTFLOW,junction) local westAltitude = nil if westNeighbor == nil then westAltitude = junction.altitude --print("--westNeighbor == nil") else westAltitude = westNeighbor.altitude --if debugTime then print(string.format("--westNeighbor = (%d,%d) N = %s, alt = %f",westNeighbor.x,westNeighbor.y,tostring(westNeighbor.isNorth),westNeighbor.altitude)) end end local eastNeighbor = self:GetJunctionNeighbor(mg.EASTFLOW,junction) local eastAltitude = nil if eastNeighbor == nil then eastAltitude = junction.altitude --print("--eastNeighbor == nil") else eastAltitude = eastNeighbor.altitude --if debugTime then print(string.format("--eastNeighbor = (%d,%d) N = %s, alt = %f",eastNeighbor.x,eastNeighbor.y,tostring(eastNeighbor.isNorth),eastNeighbor.altitude)) end end local lowest = math.min(vertAltitude,math.min(westAltitude,math.min(eastAltitude,junction.altitude))) if lowest == junction.altitude then --print("--is lake") return true end --print("--is not lake") return false end --get the average altitude of the two lowest neighbors that are higher than the junction altitude. function RiverMap:GetLowerNeighborAverage(junction) local vertNeighbor = self:GetJunctionNeighbor(mg.VERTFLOW,junction) local vertAltitude = nil if vertNeighbor == nil then vertAltitude = junction.altitude else vertAltitude = vertNeighbor.altitude end local westNeighbor = self:GetJunctionNeighbor(mg.WESTFLOW,junction) local westAltitude = nil if westNeighbor == nil then westAltitude = junction.altitude else westAltitude = westNeighbor.altitude end local eastNeighbor = self:GetJunctionNeighbor(mg.EASTFLOW,junction) local eastAltitude = nil if eastNeighbor == nil then eastAltitude = junction.altitude else eastAltitude = eastNeighbor.altitude end local nList = {vertAltitude,westAltitude,eastAltitude} table.sort(nList) local avg = nil if nList[1] > junction.altitude then avg = (nList[1] + nList[2])/2.0 elseif nList[2] > junction.altitude then avg = (nList[2] + nList[3])/2.0 elseif nList[3] > junction.altitude then avg = (nList[3] + junction.altitude)/2.0 else avg = junction.altitude --all neighbors are the same height. Dealt with later end return avg end --this function alters the drainage pattern function RiverMap:SiltifyLakes() local lakeList = {} local onQueueMapNorth = {} local onQueueMapSouth = {} for y = 0,self.elevationMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,self.elevationMap.width - 1 do local i = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) onQueueMapNorth[i] = false onQueueMapSouth[i] = false if self:isLake(self.riverData[i].northJunction) then Push(lakeList,self.riverData[i].northJunction) onQueueMapNorth[i] = true end if self:isLake(self.riverData[i].southJunction) then Push(lakeList,self.riverData[i].southJunction) onQueueMapSouth[i] = true end end end local longestLakeList = #lakeList local shortestLakeList = #lakeList local iterations = 0 local debugOn = false --if debugTime then print(string.format("initial lake count = %d",longestLakeList)) end while #lakeList > 0 do --if debugTime then print(string.format("length of lakeList = %d",#lakeList)) end iterations = iterations + 1 if #lakeList > longestLakeList then longestLakeList = #lakeList end if #lakeList < shortestLakeList then shortestLakeList = #lakeList --if debugTime then print(string.format("shortest lake list = %d, iterations = %d",shortestLakeList,iterations)) end iterations = 0 end if iterations > 1000000 then debugOn = true end if iterations > 1001000 then error("endless loop in lake siltification. check logs") end local junction = Pop(lakeList) local i = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(junction.x,junction.y) if junction.isNorth then onQueueMapNorth[i] = false else onQueueMapSouth[i] = false end if debugOn then if debugTime then print(string.format("processing (%d,%d) N=%s alt=%f",junction.x,junction.y,tostring(junction.isNorth),junction.altitude)) end end local avgLowest = self:GetLowerNeighborAverage(junction) if debugOn then if debugTime then print(string.format("--avgLowest == %f",avgLowest)) end end if avgLowest < junction.altitude + 0.005 then --cant use == in fp comparison junction.altitude = avgLowest + 0.005 if debugOn then print("--adding 0.005 to avgLowest") end else junction.altitude = avgLowest end if debugOn then if debugTime then print(string.format("--changing altitude to %f",junction.altitude)) end end for dir = mg.WESTFLOW,mg.VERTFLOW do local neighbor = self:GetJunctionNeighbor(dir,junction) if debugOn and neighbor == nil then if debugTime then print(string.format("--nil neighbor at direction = %d",dir)) end end if neighbor ~= nil and self:isLake(neighbor) then local i = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(neighbor.x,neighbor.y) if neighbor.isNorth == true and onQueueMapNorth[i] == false then Push(lakeList,neighbor) onQueueMapNorth[i] = true if debugOn then if debugTime then print(string.format("--pushing (%d,%d) N=%s alt=%f",neighbor.x,neighbor.y,tostring(neighbor.isNorth),neighbor.altitude)) end end elseif neighbor.isNorth == false and onQueueMapSouth[i] == false then Push(lakeList,neighbor) onQueueMapSouth[i] = true if debugOn then if debugTime then print(string.format("--pushing (%d,%d) N=%s alt=%f",neighbor.x,neighbor.y,tostring(neighbor.isNorth),neighbor.altitude)) end end end end end end --if debugTime then print(string.format("longestLakeList = %d",longestLakeList)) end --if debugTime then print(string.format("sea level = %f",self.elevationMap.seaLevelThreshold)) end --[[ local belowSeaLevelCount = 0 local riverTest = FloatMap:New(self.elevationMap.width,self.elevationMap.height,self.elevationMap.xWrap,self.elevationMap.yWrap) local lakesFound = false for y = 0,self.elevationMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,self.elevationMap.width - 1 do local i = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) local northAltitude = self.riverData[i].northJunction.altitude local southAltitude = self.riverData[i].southJunction.altitude if northAltitude < self.elevationMap.seaLevelThreshold then belowSeaLevelCount = belowSeaLevelCount + 1 end if southAltitude < self.elevationMap.seaLevelThreshold then belowSeaLevelCount = belowSeaLevelCount + 1 end riverTest.data[i] = (northAltitude + southAltitude)/2.0 if self:isLake(self.riverData[i].northJunction) then local junction = self.riverData[i].northJunction if debugTime then print(string.format("lake found at (%d, %d) isNorth = %s, altitude = %f!",junction.x,junction.y,tostring(junction.isNorth),junction.altitude)) end riverTest.data[i] = 1.0 lakesFound = true end if self:isLake(self.riverData[i].southJunction) then local junction = self.riverData[i].southJunction if debugTime then print(string.format("lake found at (%d, %d) isNorth = %s, altitude = %f!",junction.x,junction.y,tostring(junction.isNorth),junction.altitude)) end riverTest.data[i] = 1.0 lakesFound = true end end end if lakesFound then --error("Failed to siltify lakes. check logs") end --]] --riverTest:Normalize() -- riverTest:Save("riverTest.csv") end function RiverMap:SetFlowDestinations() junctionList = {} for y = 0,self.elevationMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,self.elevationMap.width - 1 do local i = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) table.insert(junctionList,self.riverData[i].northJunction) table.insert(junctionList,self.riverData[i].southJunction) end end table.sort(junctionList,function (a,b) return a.altitude > b.altitude end) for n=1,#junctionList do local junction = junctionList[n] local validList = self:GetValidFlows(junction) if #validList > 0 then local choice = PWRandint(1,#validList) junction.flow = validList[choice] else junction.flow = mg.NOFLOW end end end function RiverMap:GetValidFlows(junction) local validList = {} for dir = mg.WESTFLOW,mg.VERTFLOW do neighbor = self:GetJunctionNeighbor(dir,junction) if neighbor ~= nil and neighbor.altitude < junction.altitude then table.insert(validList,dir) end end return validList end function RiverMap:IsTouchingOcean(junction) if elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(junction.x,junction.y) then return true end local westNeighbor = self:GetRiverHexNeighbor(junction,true) local eastNeighbor = self:GetRiverHexNeighbor(junction,false) if westNeighbor == nil or elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(westNeighbor.x,westNeighbor.y) then return true end if eastNeighbor == nil or elevationMap:IsBelowSeaLevel(eastNeighbor.x,eastNeighbor.y) then return true end return false end function RiverMap:SetRiverSizes(rainfallMap) local junctionList = {} --only include junctions not touching ocean in this list for y = 0,self.elevationMap.height - 1 do for x = 0,self.elevationMap.width - 1 do local i = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) if not self:IsTouchingOcean(self.riverData[i].northJunction) then table.insert(junctionList,self.riverData[i].northJunction) end if not self:IsTouchingOcean(self.riverData[i].southJunction) then table.insert(junctionList,self.riverData[i].southJunction) end end end table.sort(junctionList,function (a,b) return a.altitude > b.altitude end) for n=1,#junctionList do local junction = junctionList[n] local nextJunction = junction local i = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(junction.x,junction.y) while true do nextJunction.size = (nextJunction.size + rainfallMap.data[i]) * mg.riverRainCheatFactor if nextJunction.flow == mg.NOFLOW or self:IsTouchingOcean(nextJunction) then nextJunction.size = 0.0 break end nextJunction = self:GetJunctionNeighbor(nextJunction.flow,nextJunction) end end --now sort by river size to find river threshold table.sort(junctionList,function (a,b) return a.size > b.size end) local riverIndex = math.floor(mg.riverPercent * #junctionList) self.riverThreshold = junctionList[riverIndex].size if debugTime then print(string.format("river threshold = %f",self.riverThreshold)) end --~ local riverMap = FloatMap:New(self.elevationMap.width,self.elevationMap.height,self.elevationMap.xWrap,self.elevationMap.yWrap) --~ for y = 0,self.elevationMap.height - 1 do --~ for x = 0,self.elevationMap.width - 1 do --~ local i = self.elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) --~ riverMap.data[i] = math.max(self.riverData[i].northJunction.size,self.riverData[i].southJunction.size) --~ end --~ end --~ riverMap:Normalize() --riverMap:Save("riverSizeMap.csv") end --This function returns the flow directions needed by civ function RiverMap:GetFlowDirections(x,y) --if debugTime then print(string.format("Get flow dirs for %d,%d",x,y)) end local i = elevationMap:GetIndex(x,y) local WOfRiver = mg.flowNONE local xx,yy = elevationMap:GetNeighbor(x,y,mg.NE) local ii = elevationMap:GetIndex(xx,yy) if ii ~= -1 and self.riverData[ii].southJunction.flow == mg.VERTFLOW and self.riverData[ii].southJunction.size > self.riverThreshold then --if debugTime then print(string.format("--NE(%d,%d) south flow=%d, size=%f",xx,yy,self.riverData[ii].southJunction.flow,self.riverData[ii].southJunction.size)) end WOfRiver = mg.flowS end xx,yy = elevationMap:GetNeighbor(x,y,mg.SE) ii = elevationMap:GetIndex(xx,yy) if ii ~= -1 and self.riverData[ii].northJunction.flow == mg.VERTFLOW and self.riverData[ii].northJunction.size > self.riverThreshold then --if debugTime then print(string.format("--SE(%d,%d) north flow=%d, size=%f",xx,yy,self.riverData[ii].northJunction.flow,self.riverData[ii].northJunction.size)) end WOfRiver = mg.flowN end local NWOfRiver = mg.flowNONE xx,yy = elevationMap:GetNeighbor(x,y,mg.SE) ii = elevationMap:GetIndex(xx,yy) if ii ~= -1 and self.riverData[ii].northJunction.flow == mg.WESTFLOW and self.riverData[ii].northJunction.size > self.riverThreshold then NWOfRiver = mg.flowSW end if self.riverData[i].southJunction.flow == mg.EASTFLOW and self.riverData[i].southJunction.size > self.riverThreshold then NWOfRiver = mg.flowNE end local NEOfRiver = mg.flowNONE xx,yy = elevationMap:GetNeighbor(x,y,mg.SW) ii = elevationMap:GetIndex(xx,yy) if ii ~= -1 and self.riverData[ii].northJunction.flow == mg.EASTFLOW and self.riverData[ii].northJunction.size > self.riverThreshold then NEOfRiver = mg.flowSE end if self.riverData[i].southJunction.flow == mg.WESTFLOW and self.riverData[i].southJunction.size > self.riverThreshold then NEOfRiver = mg.flowNW end return WOfRiver,NWOfRiver,NEOfRiver end --RiverHex class RiverHex = inheritsFrom(nil) function RiverHex:New(x, y) local new_inst = {} setmetatable(new_inst, {__index = RiverHex}) new_inst.x = x new_inst.y = y new_inst.northJunction = RiverJunction:New(x,y,true) new_inst.southJunction = RiverJunction:New(x,y,false) return new_inst end --RiverJunction class RiverJunction = inheritsFrom(nil) function RiverJunction:New(x,y,isNorth) local new_inst = {} setmetatable(new_inst, {__index = RiverJunction}) new_inst.x = x new_inst.y = y new_inst.isNorth = isNorth new_inst.altitude = 0.0 new_inst.flow = mg.NOFLOW new_inst.size = 0.0 return new_inst end -- -- Override AssignStartingPlots functions -- if overrideAssignStartingPlots then ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:__CustomInit() -- This function included to provide a quick and easy override for changing -- any initial settings. Add your customized version to the map script. -- if not debugPrint then print = function() end end --]] self.AdjustTiles = AssignStartingPlots.AdjustTiles self.BuffIslands = AssignStartingPlots.BuffIslands self.PlaceBonusResources = AssignStartingPlots.PlaceBonusResources --self.CalculateStrategicPlotWeights = AssignStartingPlots.CalculateStrategicPlotWeights --self.PlaceStrategicAndBonusResourcesCEP = AssignStartingPlots.PlaceStrategicAndBonusResourcesCEP self.islandAreaBuffed = {} --self.plotResInfo = {} --self.impactData = {} end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:MeasureStartPlacementFertilityOfPlot(x, y, checkForCoastalLand) return Plot_GetFertility(Map.GetPlot(x, y)) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:GenerateRegions(args) --print("Map Generation - Dividing the map in to Regions"); -- This function stores its data in the instance (self) data table. -- -- The "Three Methods" of regional division: -- 1. Biggest Landmass: All civs start on the biggest landmass. -- 2. Continental: Civs are assigned to continents. Any continents with more than one civ are divided. -- 3. Rectangular: Civs start within a given rectangle that spans the whole map, without regard to landmass sizes. -- This method is primarily applied to Archipelago and other maps with lots of tiny islands. -- 4. Rectangular: Civs start within a given rectangle defined by arguments passed in on the function call. -- Arguments required for this method: iWestX, iSouthY, iWidth, iHeight local args = args or {}; local iW, iH = Map.GetGridSize(); self.method = args.method or self.method; -- Continental method is default. self.resource_setting = args.resources or 2; -- Each map script has to pass in parameter for Resource setting chosen by user. -- Determine number of civilizations and city states present in this game. self.iNumCivs, self.iNumCityStates, self.player_ID_list, self.bTeamGame, self.teams_with_major_civs, self.number_civs_per_team = GetPlayerAndTeamInfo() self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned = self.iNumCityStates; --print("-"); print("Civs:", self.iNumCivs); print("City States:", self.iNumCityStates); if self.method == 1 then -- Biggest Landmass -- Identify the biggest landmass. local biggest_area = Map.FindBiggestArea(False); local iAreaID = biggest_area:GetID(); -- We'll need all eight data fields returned in the results table from the boundary finder: local landmass_data = ObtainLandmassBoundaries(iAreaID); local iWestX = landmass_data[1]; local iSouthY = landmass_data[2]; local iEastX = landmass_data[3]; local iNorthY = landmass_data[4]; local iWidth = landmass_data[5]; local iHeight = landmass_data[6]; local wrapsX = landmass_data[7]; local wrapsY = landmass_data[8]; -- Obtain "Start Placement Fertility" of the landmass. (This measurement is customized for start placement). -- This call returns a table recording fertility of all plots within a rectangle that contains the landmass, -- with a zero value for any plots not part of the landmass -- plus a fertility sum and plot count. local fert_table, fertCount, plotCount = self:MeasureStartPlacementFertilityOfLandmass(iAreaID, iWestX, iEastX, iSouthY, iNorthY, wrapsX, wrapsY); -- Now divide this landmass in to regions, one per civ. -- The regional divider requires three arguments: -- 1. Number of divisions. (For "Biggest Landmass" this means number of civs in the game). -- 2. Fertility table. (This was obtained from the last call.) -- 3. Rectangle table. This table includes seven data fields: -- westX, southY, width, height, AreaID, fertilityCount, plotCount -- This is why we got the fertCount and plotCount from the fertility function. -- -- Assemble the Rectangle data table: local rect_table = {iWestX, iSouthY, iWidth, iHeight, iAreaID, fertCount, plotCount}; -- The data from this call is processed in to self.regionData during the process. self:DivideIntoRegions(self.iNumCivs, fert_table, rect_table) -- The regions have been defined. elseif self.method == 3 or self.method == 4 then -- Rectangular -- Obtain the boundaries of the rectangle to be processed. -- If no coords were passed via the args table, default to processing the entire map. -- Note that it matters if method 3 or 4 is designated, because the difference affects -- how city states are placed, whether they look for any uninhabited lands outside the rectangle. self.inhabited_WestX = args.iWestX or 0; self.inhabited_SouthY = args.iSouthY or 0; self.inhabited_Width = args.iWidth or iW; self.inhabited_Height = args.iHeight or iH; -- Obtain "Start Placement Fertility" inside the rectangle. -- Data returned is: fertility table, sum of all fertility, plot count. local fert_table, fertCount, plotCount = self:MeasureStartPlacementFertilityInRectangle(self.inhabited_WestX, self.inhabited_SouthY, self.inhabited_Width, self.inhabited_Height) -- Assemble the Rectangle data table: local rect_table = {self.inhabited_WestX, self.inhabited_SouthY, self.inhabited_Width, self.inhabited_Height, -1, fertCount, plotCount}; -- AreaID -1 means ignore area IDs. -- Divide the rectangle. self:DivideIntoRegions(self.iNumCivs, fert_table, rect_table) -- The regions have been defined. else -- Continental. --[[ Loop through all plots on the map, measuring fertility of each land plot, identifying its AreaID, building a list of landmass AreaIDs, and tallying the Start Placement Fertility for each landmass. ]]-- -- region_data: [WestX, EastX, SouthY, NorthY, -- numLandPlotsinRegion, numCoastalPlotsinRegion, -- numOceanPlotsinRegion, iRegionNetYield, -- iNumLandAreas, iNumPlotsinRegion] local best_areas = {}; local globalFertilityOfLands = {}; -- Obtain info on all landmasses for comparision purposes. local iGlobalFertilityOfLands = 0; local iNumLandPlots = 0; local iNumLandAreas = 0; local land_area_IDs = {}; local land_area_plots = {}; local land_area_fert = {}; -- Cycle through all plots in the world, checking their Start Placement Fertility and AreaID. for x = 0, iW - 1 do for y = 0, iH - 1 do local i = y * iW + x + 1; local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y); if not plot:IsWater() then -- Land plot, process it. iNumLandPlots = iNumLandPlots + 1; local iArea = plot:GetArea(); local plotFertility = self:MeasureStartPlacementFertilityOfPlot(x, y, true); -- Check for coastal land is enabled. iGlobalFertilityOfLands = iGlobalFertilityOfLands + plotFertility; -- if TestMembership(land_area_IDs, iArea) == false then -- This plot is the first detected in its AreaID. iNumLandAreas = iNumLandAreas + 1; table.insert(land_area_IDs, iArea); land_area_plots[iArea] = 1; land_area_fert[iArea] = plotFertility; else -- This AreaID already known. land_area_plots[iArea] = land_area_plots[iArea] + 1; land_area_fert[iArea] = land_area_fert[iArea] + plotFertility; end end end end --[[ Debug printout print("* * * * * * * * * *"); for area_loop, AreaID in ipairs(land_area_IDs) do print("Area ID " .. AreaID .. " is land."); end -- print("* * * * * * * * * *"); for AreaID, fert in pairs(land_area_fert) do print("Area ID " .. AreaID .. " has fertility of " .. fert); end print("* * * * * * * * * *"); --]] -- Sort areas, achieving a list of AreaIDs with best areas first. -- -- Fertility data in land_area_fert is stored with areaID index keys. -- Need to generate a version of this table with indices of 1 to n, where n is number of land areas. local interim_table = {}; for loop_index, data_entry in pairs(land_area_fert) do table.insert(interim_table, data_entry); end --[[for AreaID, fert in ipairs(interim_table) do print("Interim Table ID " .. AreaID .. " has fertility of " .. fert); end print("* * * * * * * * * *"); ]]-- -- Sort the fertility values stored in the interim table. Sort order in Lua is lowest to highest. table.sort(interim_table); --[[ for AreaID, fert in ipairs(interim_table) do print("Interim Table ID " .. AreaID .. " has fertility of " .. fert); end print("* * * * * * * * * *"); --]] -- If less players than landmasses, we will ignore the extra landmasses. local iNumRelevantLandAreas = math.min(iNumLandAreas, self.iNumCivs); -- Now re-match the AreaID numbers with their corresponding fertility values -- by comparing the original fertility table with the sorted interim table. -- During this comparison, best_areas will be constructed from sorted AreaIDs, richest stored first. local best_areas = {}; -- Currently, the best yields are at the end of the interim table. We need to step backward from there. local end_of_interim_table = table.maxn(interim_table); -- We may not need all entries in the table. Process only iNumRelevantLandAreas worth of table entries. local fertility_value_list = {}; local fertility_value_tie = false; for tableConstructionLoop = end_of_interim_table, (end_of_interim_table - iNumRelevantLandAreas + 1), -1 do if TestMembership(fertility_value_list, interim_table[tableConstructionLoop]) == true then fertility_value_tie = true; print("*** WARNING: Fertility Value Tie exists! ***"); else table.insert(fertility_value_list, interim_table[tableConstructionLoop]); end end if fertility_value_tie == false then -- No ties, so no need of special handling for ties. for areaTestLoop = end_of_interim_table, (end_of_interim_table - iNumRelevantLandAreas + 1), -1 do for loop_index, AreaID in ipairs(land_area_IDs) do if interim_table[areaTestLoop] == land_area_fert[land_area_IDs[loop_index]] then table.insert(best_areas, AreaID); break end end end else -- Ties exist! Special handling required to protect against a shortfall in the number of defined regions. local iNumUniqueFertValues = table.maxn(fertility_value_list); for fertLoop = 1, iNumUniqueFertValues do for AreaID, fert in pairs(land_area_fert) do if fert == fertility_value_list[fertLoop] then -- Add ties only if there is room! local best_areas_length = table.maxn(best_areas); if best_areas_length < iNumRelevantLandAreas then table.insert(best_areas, AreaID); else break end end end end end --[[ Debug printout print("-"); print("--- Continental Division, Initial Readout ---"); print("-"); print("- Global Fertility:", iGlobalFertilityOfLands); print("- Total Land Plots:", iNumLandPlots); print("- Total Areas:", iNumLandAreas); print("- Relevant Areas:", iNumRelevantLandAreas); print("-"); --]] --[[ Debug printout print("* * * * * * * * * *"); for area_loop, AreaID in ipairs(best_areas) do print("Area ID " .. AreaID .. " has fertility of " .. land_area_fert[AreaID]); end print("* * * * * * * * * *"); --]] -- Assign continents to receive start plots. Record number of civs assigned to each landmass. local inhabitedAreaIDs = {}; local numberOfCivsPerArea = table.fill(0, iNumRelevantLandAreas); -- Indexed in synch with best_areas. Use same index to match values from each table. for civToAssign = 1, self.iNumCivs do local bestRemainingArea; local bestRemainingFertility = 0; local bestAreaTableIndex; -- Loop through areas, find the one with the best remaining fertility (civs added -- to a landmass reduces its fertility rating for subsequent civs). -- --print("- - Searching landmasses in order to place Civ #", civToAssign); print("-"); for area_loop, AreaID in ipairs(best_areas) do local thisLandmassCurrentFertility = land_area_fert[AreaID] / (1 + numberOfCivsPerArea[area_loop]); if thisLandmassCurrentFertility > bestRemainingFertility then bestRemainingArea = AreaID; bestRemainingFertility = thisLandmassCurrentFertility; bestAreaTableIndex = area_loop; -- --print("- Found new candidate landmass with Area ID#:", bestRemainingArea, " with fertility of ", bestRemainingFertility); end end -- Record results for this pass. (A landmass has been assigned to receive one more start point than it previously had). numberOfCivsPerArea[bestAreaTableIndex] = numberOfCivsPerArea[bestAreaTableIndex] + 1; if TestMembership(inhabitedAreaIDs, bestRemainingArea) == false then table.insert(inhabitedAreaIDs, bestRemainingArea); end --print("Civ #", civToAssign, "has been assigned to Area#", bestRemainingArea); print("-"); end --print("-"); print("--- End of Initial Readout ---"); print("-"); --[[print("*** Number of Civs per Landmass - Table Readout ***"); PrintContentsOfTable(numberOfCivsPerArea) print("--- End of Civs per Landmass readout ***"); print("-"); print("-"); --]] -- Loop through the list of inhabited landmasses, dividing each landmass in to regions. -- Note that it is OK to divide a continent with one civ on it: this will assign the whole -- of the landmass to a single region, and is the easiest method of recording such a region. local iNumInhabitedLandmasses = table.maxn(inhabitedAreaIDs); for loop, currentLandmassID in ipairs(inhabitedAreaIDs) do -- Obtain the boundaries of and data for this landmass. local landmass_data = ObtainLandmassBoundaries(currentLandmassID); local iWestX = landmass_data[1]; local iSouthY = landmass_data[2]; local iEastX = landmass_data[3]; local iNorthY = landmass_data[4]; local iWidth = landmass_data[5]; local iHeight = landmass_data[6]; local wrapsX = landmass_data[7]; local wrapsY = landmass_data[8]; -- Obtain "Start Placement Fertility" of the current landmass. (Necessary to do this -- again because the fert_table can't be built prior to finding boundaries, and we had -- to ID the proper landmasses via fertility to be able to figure out their boundaries. local fert_table, fertCount, plotCount = self:MeasureStartPlacementFertilityOfLandmass(currentLandmassID, iWestX, iEastX, iSouthY, iNorthY, wrapsX, wrapsY); -- Assemble the rectangle data for this landmass. local rect_table = {iWestX, iSouthY, iWidth, iHeight, currentLandmassID, fertCount, plotCount}; -- Divide this landmass in to number of regions equal to civs assigned here. iNumCivsOnThisLandmass = numberOfCivsPerArea[loop]; if iNumCivsOnThisLandmass > 0 and iNumCivsOnThisLandmass <= 22 then -- valid number of civs. --[[ Debug printout for regional division inputs. print("-"); print("- Region #: ", loop); print("- Civs on this landmass: ", iNumCivsOnThisLandmass); print("- Area ID#: ", currentLandmassID); print("- Fertility: ", fertCount); print("- Plot Count: ", plotCount); print("-"); --]] self:DivideIntoRegions(iNumCivsOnThisLandmass, fert_table, rect_table) else print("Invalid number of civs assigned to a landmass: ", iNumCivsOnThisLandmass); end end -- -- The regions have been defined. end -- Entry point for easier overrides. self:CustomOverride() --[[ Printout is for debugging only. Deactivate otherwise. local tempRegionData = self.regionData; for i, data in ipairs(tempRegionData) do print("-"); print("Data for Start Region #", i); print("WestX: ", data[1]); print("SouthY: ", data[2]); print("Width: ", data[3]); print("Height: ", data[4]); print("AreaID: ", data[5]); print("Fertility:", data[6]); print("Plots: ", data[7]); print("Fert/Plot:", data[8]); print("-"); end --]] end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:ExaminePlotForNaturalWondersEligibility(x, y) -- This function checks only for eligibility requirements applicable to all -- Natural Wonders. If a candidate plot passes all such checks, we will move -- on to checking it against specific needs for each particular wonderID. -- -- Update, May 2011: Control over wonderID placement is being migrated to XML. Some checks here moved to there. local iW, iH = Map.GetGridSize(); local plotIndex = iW * y + x + 1; -- Check for collision with player starts if self.naturalWondersData[plotIndex] > 0 then return false end -- Check the location is a decent city site, otherwise the wonderID is pointless local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y); if Plot_GetFertilityInRange(plot, 3) < 12 then return false end return true end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:PlaceNaturalWonders() local NW_eligibility_order = self:GenerateNaturalWondersCandidatePlotLists() local iNumNWCandidates = table.maxn(NW_eligibility_order); if iNumNWCandidates == 0 then print("No Natural Wonders placed, no eligible sites found for any of them."); return end --[[ Debug printout print("-"); print("--- Readout of wonderID Assignment Priority ---"); for loop, wonderID in ipairs(NW_eligibility_order) do print("wonderID Assignment Priority#", loop, "goes to wonderID ", self.wonder_list[wonderID]); end print("-"); print("-"); --]] -- Determine how many NWs to attempt to place. Target is regulated per map size. -- The final number cannot exceed the number the map has locations to support. local target_number = mg.numNaturalWonders; local iNumNWtoPlace = math.min(target_number, iNumNWCandidates); local selected_NWs, fallback_NWs = {}, {}; for loop, wonderID in ipairs(NW_eligibility_order) do if loop <= iNumNWtoPlace then table.insert(selected_NWs, wonderID); else table.insert(fallback_NWs, wonderID); end end --[[ print("-"); for loop, wonderID in ipairs(selected_NWs) do print("Natural Wonder ", self.wonder_list[wonderID], "has been selected for placement."); end print("-"); for loop, wonderID in ipairs(fallback_NWs) do print("Natural Wonder ", self.wonder_list[wonderID], "has been selected as fallback."); end print("-"); -- print("--- Placing Natural Wonders! ---"); --]] -- Place the NWs local iNumPlaced = 0; for loop, nw_number in ipairs(selected_NWs) do local nw_type = self.wonder_list[nw_number]; -- Obtain the correct Row number from the xml Placement table. local row_number; for row in GameInfo.Natural_Wonder_Placement() do if row.NaturalWonderType == nw_type then row_number = row.ID; end end -- Place the wonder, using the correct row data from XML. local bSuccess = self:AttemptToPlaceNaturalWonder(nw_number, row_number) if bSuccess then iNumPlaced = iNumPlaced + 1; end end if iNumPlaced < iNumNWtoPlace then for loop, nw_number in ipairs(fallback_NWs) do if iNumPlaced >= iNumNWtoPlace then break end local nw_type = self.wonder_list[nw_number]; -- Obtain the correct Row number from the xml Placement table. local row_number; for row in GameInfo.Natural_Wonder_Placement() do if row.NaturalWonderType == nw_type then row_number = row.ID; end end -- Place the wonder, using the correct row data from XML. local bSuccess = self:AttemptToPlaceNaturalWonder(nw_number, row_number) if bSuccess then iNumPlaced = iNumPlaced + 1; end end end -- if iNumPlaced >= iNumNWtoPlace then print("-- Placed all Natural Wonders --"); print("-"); print("-"); else print("-- Not all Natural Wonders targeted got placed --"); print("-"); print("-"); end -- end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:CanPlaceCityStateAt(x, y, area_ID, force_it, ignore_collisions) local iW, iH = Map.GetGridSize(); local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) local area = plot:GetArea() if area ~= area_ID and area_ID ~= -1 then return false end if plot:IsWater() or plot:IsMountain() then return false end -- Avoid natural wonders for nearPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 1, 4) do local featureInfo = GameInfo.Features[nearPlot:GetFeatureType()] if featureInfo and featureInfo.NaturalWonder then log:Debug("CanPlaceCityStateAt: avoided natural wonder %s", featureInfo.Type) return false end end -- Reserve the best city sites for major civs local fertility = Plot_GetFertilityInRange(plot, 2) if fertility > 28 then log:Trace("CanPlaceCityStateAt: avoided fertility %s", fertility) return false end local plotIndex = y * iW + x + 1; if self.cityStateData[plotIndex] > 0 and force_it == false then return false end local plotIndex = y * iW + x + 1; if self.playerCollisionData[plotIndex] == true and ignore_collisions == false then --print("-"); print("City State candidate plot rejected: collided with already-placed civ or City State at", x, y); return false end return true end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:PlaceCityStateInRegion(city_state_number, region_number) --print("Place City State in Region called for City State", city_state_number, "Region", region_number); local iW, iH = Map.GetGridSize(); local placed_city_state = false; local reached_middle = false; local region_data_table = self.regionData[region_number]; local iWestX = region_data_table[1]; local iSouthY = region_data_table[2]; local iWidth = region_data_table[3]; local iHeight = region_data_table[4]; local iAreaID = region_data_table[5]; local eligible_coastal, eligible_inland = {}, {}; -- Main loop, first pass, unforced local x, y; local curWX = iWestX; local curSY = iSouthY; local curWid = iWidth; local curHei = iHeight; while placed_city_state == false and reached_middle == false do -- Send the remaining unprocessed portion of the region to be processed. local nextWX, nextSY, nextWid, nextHei; eligible_coastal, eligible_inland, nextWX, nextSY, nextWid, nextHei, reached_middle = self:ObtainNextSectionInRegion(curWX, curSY, curWid, curHei, iAreaID, false, false) -- Don't force it. Yet. curWX, curSY, curWid, curHei = nextWX, nextSY, nextWid, nextHei; -- Attempt to place city state using the two plot lists received from the last call. x, y, placed_city_state = self:PlaceCityState(eligible_coastal, eligible_inland, false, false) -- Don't need to re-check collisions. end if placed_city_state == true then -- Record and enact the placement. self.cityStatePlots[city_state_number] = {x, y, region_number}; self.city_state_validity_table[city_state_number] = true; -- This is the line that marks a city state as valid to be processed by the rest of the system. local city_state_ID = city_state_number + GameDefines.MAX_MAJOR_CIVS - 1; local cityState = Players[city_state_ID]; local cs_start_plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) cityState:SetStartingPlot(cs_start_plot) self:GenerateLuxuryPlotListsAtCitySite(x, y, 1, true) -- Removes Feature Ice from coasts near to the city state's new location self:PlaceResourceImpact(x, y, 5, 4) -- City State layer self:PlaceResourceImpact(x, y, 2, 3) -- Luxury layer self:PlaceResourceImpact(x, y, 3, 3) -- Bonus layer self:PlaceResourceImpact(x, y, 4, 3) -- Fish layer self:PlaceResourceImpact(x, y, 7, 3) -- Marble layer if cityState:GetMinorCivTrait() == MinorCivTraitTypes.MINOR_CIV_TRAIT_MILITARISTIC then self:PlaceResourceImpact(x, y, 1, 0) -- Strategic layer, at start point only. else self:PlaceResourceImpact(x, y, 1, 3) -- Strategic layer end local impactPlotIndex = y * iW + x + 1; self.playerCollisionData[impactPlotIndex] = true; --print("-"); print("City State", city_state_number, "has been started at Plot", x, y, "in Region#", region_number); else --print("-"); print("WARNING: Crowding issues for City State #", city_state_number, " - Could not find valid site in Region#", region_number); self.iNumCityStatesDiscarded = self.iNumCityStatesDiscarded + 1; end end --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function AssignStartingPlots:AssignCityStatesToRegionsOrToUninhabited(args) -- Assign city states away from the main continent on Terra maps. local iW, iH = Map.GetGridSize() self.iNumCityStatesPerRegion = 0; local current_cs_index = 1; -- Determine how many City States to place on uninhabited landmasses. -- Also generate lists of candidate plots from uninhabited areas. local iNumLandAreas = 0; local iNumCivLandmassPlots = 0; local iNumUninhabitedLandmassPlots = 0; local land_area_IDs = {}; local land_area_plot_count = {}; local land_area_plot_tables = {}; local areas_inhabited_by_civs = {}; local areas_too_small = {}; local areas_uninhabited = {}; -- if self.method == 3 then -- Rectangular regional division spanning the entire globe, ALL plots belong to inhabited regions. self.iNumCityStatesUninhabited = 0; --print("Rectangular regional division spanning the whole world: all city states must belong to a region!"); else -- Possibility of plots that do not belong to any civ's Region. Evaluate these plots and assign an appropriate number of City States to them. -- Generate list of inhabited area IDs. if self.method == 1 or self.method == 2 then for index, region_data in ipairs(self.regionData) do local region_areaID = region_data[5]; if TestMembership(areas_inhabited_by_civs, region_areaID) == false then table.insert(areas_inhabited_by_civs, region_areaID); end end end -- Iterate through plots and, for each land area, generate a list of all its member plots for x = 0, iW - 1 do for y = 0, iH - 1 do local plotIndex = y * iW + x + 1; local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y); local plotType = plot:GetPlotType() local terrainType = plot:GetTerrainType() if (plotType == PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND or plotType == PlotTypes.PLOT_HILLS) and terrainType ~= TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_SNOW then -- Habitable land plot, process it. local iArea = plot:GetArea(); if self.method == 4 then -- Determine if plot is inside or outside the regional rectangle if (x >= self.inhabited_WestX and x <= self.inhabited_WestX + self.inhabited_Width - 1) and (y >= self.inhabited_SouthY and y <= self.inhabited_SouthY + self.inhabited_Height - 1) then -- Civ-inhabited rectangle iNumCivLandmassPlots = iNumCivLandmassPlots + 1; else iNumUninhabitedLandmassPlots = iNumUninhabitedLandmassPlots + plot_count; if self.plotDataIsCoastal[i] == true then table.insert(self.uninhabited_areas_coastal_plots, i); else table.insert(self.uninhabited_areas_inland_plots, i); end end else -- AreaID-based method must be applied, which cannot all be done in this loop if TestMembership(land_area_IDs, iArea) == false then -- This plot is the first detected in its AreaID. iNumLandAreas = iNumLandAreas + 1; table.insert(land_area_IDs, iArea); land_area_plot_count[iArea] = 1; land_area_plot_tables[iArea] = {plotIndex}; else -- This AreaID already known. land_area_plot_count[iArea] = land_area_plot_count[iArea] + 1; table.insert(land_area_plot_tables[iArea], plotIndex); end end end end end -- Complete the AreaID-based method. if self.method == 1 or self.method == 2 then -- Obtain counts of inhabited and uninhabited plots. Identify areas too small to use for City States. for areaID, plot_count in pairs(land_area_plot_count) do if TestMembership(areas_inhabited_by_civs, areaID) == true then iNumCivLandmassPlots = iNumCivLandmassPlots + plot_count; else iNumUninhabitedLandmassPlots = iNumUninhabitedLandmassPlots + plot_count; if plot_count < 2 then table.insert(areas_too_small, areaID); else table.insert(areas_uninhabited, areaID); end end end -- Now loop through all Uninhabited Areas and append their plots to the candidates tables. for areaID, area_plot_list in pairs(land_area_plot_tables) do if TestMembership(areas_uninhabited, areaID) == true then for loop, plotIndex in ipairs(area_plot_list) do local x = (plotIndex - 1) % iW; local y = (plotIndex - x - 1) / iW; local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y); local terrainType = plot:GetTerrainType(); if terrainType ~= TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_SNOW then if self.plotDataIsCoastal[plotIndex] == true then table.insert(self.uninhabited_areas_coastal_plots, plotIndex); else table.insert(self.uninhabited_areas_inland_plots, plotIndex); end end end end end end -- Determine the number of City States to assign to uninhabited areas. self.iNumCityStatesUninhabited = mg.offshoreCS * self.iNumCityStates; self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned = self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned - self.iNumCityStatesUninhabited; end --print("-"); print("City States assigned to Uninhabited Areas: ", self.iNumCityStatesUninhabited); -- Update the city state number. current_cs_index = current_cs_index + self.iNumCityStatesUninhabited; if self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned > 0 then -- Determine how many to place in support of regions that share their luxury type with two other regions. local iNumRegionsSharedLux = 0; local shared_lux_IDs = {}; for resource_ID, amount_assigned_to_regions in ipairs(self.luxury_assignment_count) do if amount_assigned_to_regions == 3 then iNumRegionsSharedLux = iNumRegionsSharedLux + 3; table.insert(shared_lux_IDs, resource_ID); end end if iNumRegionsSharedLux > 0 and iNumRegionsSharedLux <= self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned then self.iNumCityStatesSharedLux = iNumRegionsSharedLux; self.iNumCityStatesLowFertility = self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned - self.iNumCityStatesSharedLux; else self.iNumCityStatesLowFertility = self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned; end --print("CS Shared Lux: ", self.iNumCityStatesSharedLux, " CS Low Fert: ", self.iNumCityStatesLowFertility); -- Assign remaining types to their respective regions. if self.iNumCityStatesSharedLux > 0 then for loop, res_ID in ipairs(shared_lux_IDs) do for loop, region_lux_data in ipairs(self.regions_sorted_by_type) do local this_region_res = region_lux_data[2]; if this_region_res == res_ID then self.city_state_region_assignments[current_cs_index] = region_lux_data[1]; --print("-"); print("City State", current_cs_index, "assigned to Region#", region_lux_data[1], " to compensate for Shared Luxury ID#", res_ID); current_cs_index = current_cs_index + 1; self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned = self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned - 1; end end end end if self.iNumCityStatesLowFertility > 0 then -- If more to assign than number of regions, assign per region. while self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned >= self.iNumCivs do for current_region = 1, self.iNumCivs do self.city_state_region_assignments[current_cs_index] = current_region; --print("-"); print("City State", current_cs_index, "assigned to Region#", current_region, " to compensate for Low Fertility"); current_cs_index = current_cs_index + 1; self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned = self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned - 1; end end if self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned > 0 then local fert_unsorted, fert_sorted, region_list = {}, {}, {}; for region_num = 1, self.iNumCivs do local area_plots = self.regionTerrainCounts[region_num][2]; local region_fertility = self.regionData[region_num][6]; local fertility_per_land_plot = region_fertility / area_plots; --print("-"); print("Region#", region_num, "AreaPlots:", area_plots, "Region Fertility:", region_fertility, "Per Plot:", fertility_per_land_plot); table.insert(fert_unsorted, {region_num, fertility_per_land_plot}); table.insert(fert_sorted, fertility_per_land_plot); end table.sort(fert_sorted); for current_lowest_fertility, fert_value in ipairs(fert_sorted) do for loop, data_pair in ipairs(fert_unsorted) do local this_region_fert = data_pair[2]; if this_region_fert == fert_value then local regionNum = data_pair[1]; table.insert(region_list, regionNum); table.remove(fert_unsorted, loop); break end end end for loop = 1, self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned do self.city_state_region_assignments[current_cs_index] = region_list[loop]; --print("-"); print("City State", current_cs_index, "assigned to Region#", region_list[loop], " to compensate for Low Fertility"); current_cs_index = current_cs_index + 1; self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned = self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned - 1; end end end end -- Debug check if self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned ~= 0 then print("Wrong number of City States assigned at end of assignment process. This number unassigned: ", self.iNumCityStatesUnassigned); else --print("All city states assigned."); end end --]]---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function AssignStartingPlots:BuffIslands() print("Buffing Tiny Islands") local biggestAreaSize = Map.FindBiggestArea(false):GetNumTiles() if biggestAreaSize < 20 then -- Skip on archipalego maps return end local resWeights = { [self.stone_ID] = 4, [self.coal_ID] = 4, [self.oil_ID] = 1, [self.aluminum_ID] = 1, [self.uranium_ID] = 2 } for plotID, plot in Plots(Shuffle) do local plotType = plot:GetPlotType() local terrainType = plot:GetTerrainType() local area = plot:Area() local areaSize = area:GetNumTiles() if ((plotType == PlotTypes.PLOT_HILLS or plotType == PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND ) and plot:GetResourceType() == -1 and IsBetween(1, areaSize, 0.1 * biggestAreaSize) and not self.islandAreaBuffed[area:GetID()] )then local resID = GetRandomWeighted(resWeights) local resNum = 1 if resID ~= self.stone_ID then resNum = resNum + Map.Rand(2, "BuffIslands Random Resource Quantity - Lua") if resID ~= self.uranium_ID then resNum = resNum + 1 end end if resNum > 0 then self.islandAreaBuffed[area:GetID()] = true if 75 >= Map.Rand(100, "BuffIslands Chance - Lua") then if resID == self.coal_ID and plotType == PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND then if terrainType == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_TUNDRA then plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FOREST, -1) elseif terrainType == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_GRASS or terrainType == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_PLAINS then plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_JUNGLE, -1) end end plot:SetResourceType(resID, resNum) self.amounts_of_resources_placed[resID + 1] = self.amounts_of_resources_placed[resID + 1] + resNum end end end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:AdjustTiles() -- Sugar could not be made to look good in both jungle and open/marsh at the same time. -- Jon and I decided the best workaround would be to turn any Sugar/Jungle in to Marsh. local iW, iH = Map.GetGridSize() for y = 0, iH - 1 do for x = 0, iW - 1 do local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) local resID = plot:GetResourceType() local featureType = plot:GetFeatureType(); if resID == self.sugar_ID then if featureType == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_JUNGLE then local plotID = plot:GetPlotType() if plotID ~= PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND then plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND, false, true) end plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_MARSH, -1) plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_GRASS, false, true) -- --print("-"); print("Fixed a Sugar/Jungle at plot", x, y); end elseif resID == self.deer_ID then if featureType == FeatureTypes.NO_FEATURE then local plotID = plot:GetPlotType() if plotID ~= PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND then plot:SetPlotType(PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND, false, true) end plot:SetFeatureType(FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FOREST, -1) plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_GRASS, false, true) -- --print("-"); print("Added forest to deer at plot", x, y); end end if plot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_SNOW then if Plot_IsRiver(plot) then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_TUNDRA,false,true) end end if plot:IsHills() and featureType == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_JUNGLE then plot:SetTerrainType(TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_GRASS, false, true) Game.SetPlotExtraYield( x, y, YieldTypes.YIELD_FOOD, -1) end BuffDeserts(plot) if not Cep and plot:IsLake() then --Game.SetPlotExtraYield( x, y, YieldTypes.YIELD_FOOD, -1) Game.SetPlotExtraYield( x, y, YieldTypes.YIELD_GOLD, 1) end end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function BuffDeserts(plot) if Cep then return end if plot:GetTerrainType() ~= TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_DESERT or plot:IsHills() or plot:GetFeatureType() ~= -1 then return end local resInfo = GameInfo.Resources[plot:GetResourceType()] if plot:IsFreshWater() then Game.SetPlotExtraYield( x, y, YieldTypes.YIELD_FOOD, 1) elseif resInfo then if resInfo.ResourceClassType == "RESOURCECLASS_BONUS" and resInfo.Type ~= "RESOURCE_STONE" then Game.SetPlotExtraYield( x, y, YieldTypes.YIELD_FOOD, 1) elseif resInfo.Happiness > 0 then Game.SetPlotExtraYield( x, y, YieldTypes.YIELD_GOLD, 1) elseif not resInfo.TechReveal then Game.SetPlotExtraYield( x, y, YieldTypes.YIELD_PRODUCTION, 1) end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:ProcessResourceList(frequency, impact_table_number, plot_list, resources_to_place) -- Added a random factor to strategic resources - Thalassicus -- This function needs to receive two numbers and two tables. -- Length of the plotlist is divided by frequency to get the number of -- resources to place. .. The first table is a list of plot indices. -- The second table contains subtables, one per resource type, detailing the -- resource ID number, quantity, weighting, and impact radius of each applicable -- resource. If radius min and max are different, the radius length is variable -- and a die roll will determine a value >= min and <= max. -- -- The system may be easiest to manage if the weightings add up to 100, so they -- can be handled as percentages, but this is not required. -- -- Impact #s - 1 strategic - 2 luxury - 3 bonus -- Res data - 1 ID - 2 quantity - 3 weight - 4 radius min - 5 radius max -- -- The plot list will be processed sequentially, so randomize it in advance. -- The default lists are terrain-oriented and are randomized during __Init if plot_list == nil then --print("Plot list was nil! -ProcessResourceList"); return end local iW, iH = Map.GetGridSize(); local iNumTotalPlots = table.maxn(plot_list); local iNumResourcesToPlace = math.ceil(iNumTotalPlots / frequency); local iNumResourcesTypes = table.maxn(resources_to_place); local res_ID, res_quantity, res_weight, res_min, res_max, res_range, res_threshold = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}; local totalWeight, accumulatedWeight = 0, 0; for index, resource_data in ipairs(resources_to_place) do res_ID[index] = resource_data[1]; res_quantity[index] = resource_data[2]; res_weight[index] = resource_data[3]; totalWeight = totalWeight + resource_data[3]; res_min[index] = resource_data[4]; res_max[index] = resource_data[5]; if res_max[index] > res_min[index] then res_range[index] = res_max[index] - res_min[index] + 1; else res_range[index] = -1; end end for index = 1, iNumResourcesTypes do -- We'll roll a die and check each resource in turn to see if it is -- the one to get placed in that particular case. The weightings are -- used to decide how much percentage of the total each represents. -- This chunk sets the threshold for each resource in turn. local threshold = (res_weight[index] + accumulatedWeight) * 10000 / totalWeight; table.insert(res_threshold, threshold); accumulatedWeight = accumulatedWeight + res_weight[index]; end -- Main loop local current_index = 1; local avoid_ripples = true; for place_resource = 1, iNumResourcesToPlace do local placed_this_res = false; local use_this_res_index = 1; local diceroll = Map.Rand(10000, "Choose resource type - Distribute Resources - Lua"); for index, threshold in ipairs(res_threshold) do if diceroll < threshold then -- Choose this resource type. use_this_res_index = index; break end end if avoid_ripples == true then -- Still on first pass through plot_list, seek first eligible 0 value on impact matrix. for index_to_check = current_index, iNumTotalPlots do if index_to_check == iNumTotalPlots then -- Completed first pass of plot_list, now change to seeking lowest value instead of zero value. avoid_ripples = false; end if placed_this_res == true then break else current_index = current_index + 1; end local plotIndex = plot_list[index_to_check]; if impact_table_number == 1 then if self.strategicData[plotIndex] == 0 then local x = (plotIndex - 1) % iW; local y = (plotIndex - x - 1) / iW; local res_plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) if res_plot:GetResourceType() == -1 then -- Placing this strategic resource in this plot. local res_addition = 0; if res_range[use_this_res_index] ~= -1 then res_addition = Map.Rand(res_range[use_this_res_index], "Resource Radius - Place Resource LUA"); end local randValue = Map.Rand(self.resource_setting + 1, "Place Strategic Resource - Lua") local quantity = res_quantity[use_this_res_index] + randValue --print(string.format("ProcessResourceList table 1, Resource: %20s, Quantity: %s + %s - 1", GameInfo.Resources[res_ID[use_this_res_index]].Type, res_quantity[use_this_res_index], randValue)); res_plot:SetResourceType(res_ID[use_this_res_index], quantity); if (Game.GetResourceUsageType(res_ID[use_this_res_index]) == ResourceUsageTypes.RESOURCEUSAGE_LUXURY) then self.totalLuxPlacedSoFar = self.totalLuxPlacedSoFar + 1; end self:PlaceResourceImpact(x, y, impact_table_number, res_min[use_this_res_index] + res_addition); placed_this_res = true; self.amounts_of_resources_placed[res_ID[use_this_res_index] + 1] = self.amounts_of_resources_placed[res_ID[use_this_res_index] + 1] + res_quantity[use_this_res_index]; end end elseif impact_table_number == 2 then if self.luxuryData[plotIndex] == 0 then local x = (plotIndex - 1) % iW; local y = (plotIndex - x - 1) / iW; local res_plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) if res_plot:GetResourceType() == -1 then -- Placing this luxury resource in this plot. local res_addition = 0; if res_range[use_this_res_index] ~= -1 then res_addition = Map.Rand(res_range[use_this_res_index], "Resource Radius - Place Resource LUA"); end --print("ProcessResourceList table 2, Resource: " .. res_ID[use_this_res_index] .. ", Quantity: " .. res_quantity[use_this_res_index]); res_plot:SetResourceType(res_ID[use_this_res_index], res_quantity[use_this_res_index]); self:PlaceResourceImpact(x, y, impact_table_number, res_min[use_this_res_index] + res_addition); placed_this_res = true; self.amounts_of_resources_placed[res_ID[use_this_res_index] + 1] = self.amounts_of_resources_placed[res_ID[use_this_res_index] + 1] + 1; end end elseif impact_table_number == 3 then if self.bonusData[plotIndex] == 0 then local x = (plotIndex - 1) % iW; local y = (plotIndex - x - 1) / iW; local res_plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) if res_plot:GetResourceType() == -1 then -- Placing this bonus resource in this plot. local res_addition = 0; if res_range[use_this_res_index] ~= -1 then res_addition = Map.Rand(res_range[use_this_res_index], "Resource Radius - Place Resource LUA"); end --print("ProcessResourceList table 3, Resource: " .. res_ID[use_this_res_index] .. ", Quantity: " .. res_quantity[use_this_res_index]); res_plot:SetResourceType(res_ID[use_this_res_index], res_quantity[use_this_res_index]); self:PlaceResourceImpact(x, y, impact_table_number, res_min[use_this_res_index] + res_addition); placed_this_res = true; self.amounts_of_resources_placed[res_ID[use_this_res_index] + 1] = self.amounts_of_resources_placed[res_ID[use_this_res_index] + 1] + 1; if res_ID[use_this_res_index] == self.stone_ID then self.islandAreaBuffed[res_plot:GetArea()] = true end end end end end end if avoid_ripples == false then -- Completed first pass through plot_list, so use backup method. local lowest_impact = 98; local best_plot; for loop, plotIndex in ipairs(plot_list) do if impact_table_number == 1 then if lowest_impact > self.strategicData[plotIndex] then local x = (plotIndex - 1) % iW; local y = (plotIndex - x - 1) / iW; local res_plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) if res_plot:GetResourceType() == -1 then lowest_impact = self.strategicData[plotIndex]; best_plot = plotIndex; end end elseif impact_table_number == 2 then if lowest_impact > self.luxuryData[plotIndex] then local x = (plotIndex - 1) % iW; local y = (plotIndex - x - 1) / iW; local res_plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) if res_plot:GetResourceType() == -1 then lowest_impact = self.luxuryData[plotIndex]; best_plot = plotIndex; end end elseif impact_table_number == 3 then if lowest_impact > self.bonusData[plotIndex] then local x = (plotIndex - 1) % iW; local y = (plotIndex - x - 1) / iW; local res_plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) if res_plot:GetResourceType() == -1 then lowest_impact = self.bonusData[plotIndex]; best_plot = plotIndex; end end end end if best_plot ~= nil then local x = (best_plot - 1) % iW; local y = (best_plot - x - 1) / iW; local res_plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) local res_addition = 0; if res_range[use_this_res_index] ~= -1 then res_addition = Map.Rand(res_range[use_this_res_index], "Resource Radius - Place Resource LUA"); end --print("ProcessResourceList backup, Resource: " .. res_ID[use_this_res_index] .. ", Quantity: " .. res_quantity[use_this_res_index]); res_plot:SetResourceType(res_ID[use_this_res_index], res_quantity[use_this_res_index]); self:PlaceResourceImpact(x, y, impact_table_number, res_min[use_this_res_index] + res_addition); self.amounts_of_resources_placed[res_ID[use_this_res_index] + 1] = self.amounts_of_resources_placed[res_ID[use_this_res_index] + 1] + res_quantity[use_this_res_index]; end end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:PlaceSpecificNumberOfResources(resource_ID, quantity, amount, ratio, impact_table_number, min_radius, max_radius, plot_list) -- This function needs to receive seven numbers and one table. -- -- Resource_ID is the type of resource to place. -- Quantity is the in-game quantity of the resource, or 0 if unquantified resource type. -- Amount is the number of plots intended to receive an assignment of this resource. -- -- Ratio should be > 0 and <= 1 and is what determines when secondary and tertiary lists -- come in to play. The actual ratio is (AmountOfResource / PlotsInList). For instance, -- if we are assigning Sugar resources to Marsh, then if we are to assign eight Sugar -- resources, but there are only four Marsh plots in the list, a ratio of 1 would assign -- a Sugar to every single marsh plot, and then have to return an unplaced value of 4; -- but a ratio of 0.5 would assign only two Sugars to the four marsh plots, and return a -- value of 6. Any ratio less than or equal to 0.25 would assign one Sugar and return -- seven, as the ratio results will be rounded up not down, to the nearest integer. -- -- Impact tables: -1 = ignore, 1 = strategic, 2 = luxury, 3 = bonus, 4 = fish -- Radius is amount of impact to place on this table when placing a resource. -- -- nil tables are not acceptable but empty tables are fine -- -- The plot lists will be processed sequentially, so randomize them in advance. -- --print("-"); print("PlaceSpecificResource called. ResID:", resource_ID, "Quantity:", quantity, "Amount:", amount, "Ratio:", ratio); if plot_list == nil then --print("Plot list was nil! -PlaceSpecificNumberOfResources"); return end local bCheckImpact = false; local impact_table = {}; if impact_table_number == 1 then bCheckImpact = true; impact_table = self.strategicData; elseif impact_table_number == 2 then bCheckImpact = true; impact_table = self.luxuryData; elseif impact_table_number == 3 then bCheckImpact = true; impact_table = self.bonusData; elseif impact_table_number == 4 then bCheckImpact = true; impact_table = self.fishData; elseif impact_table_number ~= -1 then bCheckImpact = true; impact_table = self.impactData[impact_table_number]; end local iW, iH = Map.GetGridSize(); local iNumLeftToPlace = amount; local iNumPlots = table.maxn(plot_list); local iNumResources = math.min(amount, math.ceil(ratio * iNumPlots)); -- Main loop for place_resource = 1, iNumResources do for loop, plotIndex in ipairs(plot_list) do if not bCheckImpact or impact_table[plotIndex] == 0 then local x = (plotIndex - 1) % iW; local y = (plotIndex - x - 1) / iW; local res_plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) if res_plot:GetResourceType(-1) == -1 then -- Placing this resource in this plot. res_plot:SetResourceType(resource_ID, quantity); self.amounts_of_resources_placed[resource_ID + 1] = self.amounts_of_resources_placed[resource_ID + 1] + quantity; --print("-"); print("Placed Resource#", resource_ID, "at Plot", x, y); self.totalLuxPlacedSoFar = self.totalLuxPlacedSoFar + 1; iNumLeftToPlace = iNumLeftToPlace - 1; if bCheckImpact == true then local res_addition = 0; if max_radius > min_radius then res_addition = Map.Rand(1 + (max_radius - min_radius), "Resource Radius - Place Resource LUA"); end local rad = min_radius + res_addition; self:PlaceResourceImpact(x, y, impact_table_number, rad) end break end end end end return iNumLeftToPlace end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:GetMajorStrategicResourceQuantityValues() -- This function determines quantity per tile for each strategic resource's major deposit size. -- Note: scripts that cannot place Oil in the sea need to increase amounts on land to compensate. -- Also recieves a random factor from 0 to self.resource_setting local uran_amt, horse_amt, oil_amt, iron_amt, coal_amt, alum_amt = 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3; -- Check the resource setting. if self.resource_setting == 1 then -- Sparse uran_amt, horse_amt, oil_amt, iron_amt, coal_amt, alum_amt = 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; elseif self.resource_setting == 3 then -- Abundant uran_amt, horse_amt, oil_amt, iron_amt, coal_amt, alum_amt = 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4; end return uran_amt, horse_amt, oil_amt, iron_amt, coal_amt, alum_amt end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:GetSmallStrategicResourceQuantityValues() -- This function determines quantity per tile for each strategic resource's small deposit size. local uran_amt, horse_amt, oil_amt, iron_amt, coal_amt, alum_amt = 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3; -- Check the resource setting. if self.resource_setting == 1 then -- Sparse uran_amt, horse_amt, oil_amt, iron_amt, coal_amt, alum_amt = 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2; elseif self.resource_setting == 3 then -- Abundant uran_amt, horse_amt, oil_amt, iron_amt, coal_amt, alum_amt = 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; end return uran_amt, horse_amt, oil_amt, iron_amt, coal_amt, alum_amt end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:PlaceOilInTheSea() -- Places sources of Oil in Coastal waters, equal to half what's on the -- land. If the map has too little ocean, then whatever will fit. -- -- WARNING: This operation will render the Strategic Resource Impact Table useless for -- further operations, so should always be called last, even after minor placements. local sea_oil_amt = 2 --+ Map.Rand(self.resource_setting, "PlaceOilInTheSea - Lua"); local iNumLandOilUnits = self.amounts_of_resources_placed[self.oil_ID + 1]; local iNumToPlace = math.floor((iNumLandOilUnits / 2) / sea_oil_amt); --print("Adding Oil resources to the Sea."); self:PlaceSpecificNumberOfResources(self.oil_ID, sea_oil_amt, iNumToPlace, 0.2, 1, 4, 7, self.coast_list) end --[=[---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function AssignStartingPlots:CalculateStrategicPlotWeights() local iW, iH = Map.GetGridSize() local resIDs = Game.GetResourceIDsOfUsage(ResourceUsageTypes.RESOURCEUSAGE_STRATEGIC) local plotTypeStrings = {} plotTypeStrings[-1] = "NO_PLOT" plotTypeStrings[0] = "PLOT_MOUNTAIN" plotTypeStrings[1] = "PLOT_HILLS" plotTypeStrings[2] = "PLOT_LAND" plotTypeStrings[3] = "PLOT_OCEAN" print("CalculateStrategicPlotWeights") -- Initialize tables for resInfo in GameInfo.Resources() do local resourceID = resInfo.ID self.plotResInfo[resourceID] = {} for x = 0, iW - 1 do for y = 0, iH - 1 do local plotID = y * iW + x + 1 self.plotResInfo[resourceID][plotID] = {} self.plotResInfo[resourceID][plotID].numPlots = 0 self.plotResInfo[resourceID][plotID].weight = 1 self.plotResInfo[resourceID][plotID].weightAvg = 0 self.impactData [100+resourceID] = {} self.impactData [100+resourceID][plotID] = 0 end end end -- Pass 1: Plot Weights for x = 0, iW - 1 do for y = 0, iH - 1 do local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) local plotID = y * iW + x + 1 local typeTable = {} typeTable.PlotType = plotTypeStrings[plot:GetPlotType()] typeTable.NotLake = not plot:IsLake() typeTable.Freshwater = plot:IsFreshWater() typeTable.TerrainType = plot:GetTerrainType() typeTable.FeatureType = plot:GetFeatureType() typeTable.TerrainType = (typeTable.TerrainType == TerrainTypes.NO_TERRAIN) and "NO_TERRAIN" or GameInfo.Terrains[typeTable.TerrainType].Type typeTable.FeatureType = (typeTable.FeatureType == FeatureTypes.NO_FEATURE) and "NO_FEATURE" or GameInfo.Features[typeTable.FeatureType].Type for resInfo in GameInfo.Resource_TerrainWeights() do local resID = GameInfo.Resources[resInfo.ResourceType].ID local useWeight = true for k, v in pairs(typeTable) do if resInfo[k] and resInfo[k] ~= v then useWeight = false end end if useWeight then self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].weight = self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].weight * resInfo.Weight end end end end -- -- Pass 2: Plot Weight Averages local randVariance = 100 for x = 0, iW - 1 do for y = 0, iH - 1 do local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) local plotID = y * iW + x + 1 local terrainType = plot:GetTerrainType() for nearPlot, distance in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 0, Cep.RESOURCE_PLOT_BLUR_DISTANCE) do local nearPlotID = Plot_GetID(nearPlot) local nearPlotType = nearPlot:GetPlotType() for _, resID in pairs(resIDs) do print(string.format(("self.plotResInfo[resID]=%s nearPlotID=%s", nearPlotID, tostring(self.plotResInfo[resID])))) local nearWeight = self.plotResInfo[resID] nearWeight = nearWeight[nearPlotID] nearWeight = nearWeight.weight if (nearPlotType == PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND or nearPlotType == PlotTypes.PLOT_HILLS or (resID ~= self.oil_ID and self.plotResInfo[resID][nearPlotID].weight ~= 1) )then self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].weightAvg = self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].weightAvg + nearWeight / (distance + 1) self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].numPlots = self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].numPlots + 1 / (distance + 1) end -- if resID == self.oil_ID and plot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_COAST and not plot:IsLake() then if nearPlotType ~= PlotTypes.PLOT_OCEAN then -- Sea oil favors terrain where land oil avoids if nearWeight == 0 then nearWeight = 0.1 end nearWeight = 1 / nearWeight end self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].weightAvg = self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].weightAvg + nearWeight / (distance + 1) self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].numPlots = self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].numPlots + 1 / (distance + 1) end end end for _, resID in pairs(resIDs) do if self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].numPlots == 0 then self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].numPlots = 1 end local rand = 0.01 * Map.Rand(randVariance, "AssignStartingPlots:PlaceStrategicAndBonusResources()") / randVariance self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].weightAvg = rand + self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].weightAvg / self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].numPlots --* self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].weight end local testNum = 0--math.min(120, math.floor(self.plotResInfo[self.oil_ID][plotID].weightAvg * 10)) if testNum >= 1 then self:PlaceSpecificNumberOfResources(self.iron_ID, testNum, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, {plotID}) end end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:GetRegionStrategicPlotList(regionInfo) local iW, iH = Map.GetGridSize() local plotList = {} local iWestX = regionInfo[1] local iSouthY = regionInfo[2] local iWidth = regionInfo[3] local iHeight = regionInfo[4] local resIDs = Game.GetResourceIDsOfUsage(ResourceUsageTypes.RESOURCEUSAGE_STRATEGIC) for _, resID in pairs(resIDs) do plotList[resID] = {} end for region_loop_y = 0, iHeight - 1 do for region_loop_x = 0, iWidth - 1 do local x = (region_loop_x + iWestX) % iW local y = (region_loop_y + iSouthY) % iH local plotID = y * iW + x + 1 local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) local plotType = plot:GetPlotType() local featureType = plot:GetFeatureType() for _, resID in pairs(resIDs) do if self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].weightAvg > 0 then if plotType == PlotTypes.PLOT_HILLS or plotType == PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND then if plotType == PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND and (resID == self.aluminum_ID or resID == self.coal_ID) then self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].weightAvg = self.plotResInfo[resID][plotID].weightAvg * 0.1 end if featureType == FeatureTypes.NO_FEATURE then table.insert(plotList[resID], plotID) else local feature = GameInfo.Features[featureType] if not (feature.Impassable or feature.NoImprovement or feature.NaturalWonder) then table.insert(plotList[resID], plotID) end end elseif resID == self.oil_ID and plot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_COAST and plot:IsAdjacentToLand() and plot:GetFeatureType() == FeatureTypes.NO_FEATURE and not plot:IsLake() then table.insert(plotList[resID], plotID) end end end end end return plotList end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:PlaceStrategicResourceInPlots(plotList, resID, resRemaining, maxDepositSize) local iW, iH = Map.GetGridSize() local depositSize = math.min(resRemaining, 1 + Map.Rand(maxDepositSize, "Strategic Resource Placement")) for _, plotID in ipairs(plotList) do local x = (plotID - 1) % iW; local y = (plotID - x - 1) / iW; local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) if plot:GetResourceType() == -1 then --print(" placed %s", depositSize) plot:SetResourceType(resID, depositSize); self.amounts_of_resources_placed[resID + 1] = self.amounts_of_resources_placed[resID + 1] + depositSize; resRemaining = resRemaining - depositSize; for nearPlot, distance in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 0, Cep.RESOURCE_PLOT_BLUR_DISTANCE) do local nearPlotID = Plot_GetID(nearPlot) self.plotResInfo[resID][nearPlotID].weightAvg = self.plotResInfo[resID][nearPlotID].weightAvg * (1 - 1/(distance/depositSize * (1+Map.Rand(maxDepositSize, "Strategic Resource Placement")))) end break end end return resRemaining end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:GetResourceQuantities(resIDs) local resNum = {} local resLower = Cep.STRATEGIC_RESOURCE_LOWER_BOUND local resUpper = Cep.STRATEGIC_RESOURCE_UPPER_BOUND local maxDepositSize = 1 local stratMultiplier = 1 local resGroups = {} if self.resource_setting == 1 then stratMultiplier = 0.66667 elseif self.resource_setting == 3 then stratMultiplier = 1.66667 end for _, resID in pairs(resIDs) do resInfo = GameInfo.Resources[resID] if resInfo.MutuallyExclusiveGroup == -1 then resNum[resID] = resInfo.NumPerTerritory * stratMultiplier * 0.01 * (resLower + Map.Rand(resUpper - resLower, "Strategic Resource Placement")) if resNum[resID] < 0 then local worldInfo = GameInfo.Worlds[Map.GetWorldSize()] local resourceMod = 100 --[[ if not worldInfo.ResourceMod then print("Worlds[%s] has no ResourceMod column", worldInfo.Type) else resourceMod = worldInfo.ResourceMod end --]] resNum[resID] = -1 * resNum[resID] * resourceMod / 100 end resNum[resID] = Game.Round(resNum[resID]) else resGroups[resInfo.MutuallyExclusiveGroup] = resGroups[resInfo.MutuallyExclusiveGroup] or {} resGroups[resInfo.MutuallyExclusiveGroup][resID] = resInfo.NumPerTerritory end end for resGroupID, resGroup in pairs(resGroups) do local groupSize = 0 local groupTotal = 0 local groupNormTotal = 0 local resBoostIndex = 0 local resWeight = {} -- total for the group for resID, resNum in pairs(resGroup) do groupTotal = groupTotal + resNum groupSize = groupSize + 1 end groupTotal = Game.Round(groupTotal * stratMultiplier * 0.01 * (resLower + Map.Rand(resUpper - resLower, "Strategic Resource Placement"))) -- pick a random resource to boost resBoostIndex = Map.Rand(groupSize, "Strategic Resource Placement") local i = 0 for resID, resNum in pairs(resGroup) do if i == resBoostIndex then resWeight[resID] = 2 * resNum else resWeight[resID] = resNum end groupNormTotal = groupNormTotal + resWeight[resID] i = i + 1 end -- normalize weights to get real quantity for resID, resNum in pairs(resWeight) do resNum[resID] = resWeight[resID] * groupTotal/groupNormTotal end end return resNum end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:PlaceStrategicAndBonusResourcesCEP() print("PlaceStrategicAndBonusResourcesCEP") local resIDs = Game.GetResourceIDsOfUsage(ResourceUsageTypes.RESOURCEUSAGE_STRATEGIC) -- Place Strategic Resources print("Placing Strategic Resources") local placedStrategics = false self:CalculateStrategicPlotWeights() -- Must do this before strategic resource placement! for regionID, regionInfo in ipairs(self.regionData) do local plotList = self:GetRegionStrategicPlotList(regionInfo) local resNum = self:GetResourceQuantities(resIDs) for _, resID in pairs(resIDs) do local resRemaining = resNum[resID] local maxDepositSize = math.ceil(resRemaining * 80 / #(plotList[resID])) local passes = 0 --print("Placing %2s %9s in Region %2s", resRemaining, Locale.ConvertTextKey(GameInfo.Resources[resID].Description), regionID) while resRemaining > 0 and passes < 30 do passes = passes + 1 table.sort(plotList[resID], function (a,b) return self.plotResInfo[resID][a].weightAvg > self.plotResInfo[resID][b].weightAvg end) resRemaining = self:PlaceStrategicResourceInPlots(plotList[resID], resID, resRemaining, maxDepositSize) end if resRemaining <= 0 then placedStrategics = true else --print("Unable to place %i %s in region %i after %i passes.", resRemaining, GameInfo.Resources[resID].Type, regionID, passes) end end end local resMultiplier = 0.66667 if self.resource_setting == 1 then -- Sparse, so increase the number of tiles per bonus. resMultiplier = resMultiplier * 1.5 elseif self.resource_setting == 3 then -- Abundant, so reduce the number of tiles per bonus. resMultiplier = resMultiplier * 0.66667 end -- If territorial placement failed, fall back on vanilla system. if not placedStrategics then print("Map Generation - Strategic resource placement failed, falling back to vanilla.") -- Adjust amounts, if applicable, based on Resource Setting. local uran_amt, horse_amt, oil_amt, iron_amt, coal_amt, alum_amt = self:GetMajorStrategicResourceQuantityValues() -- Place Strategic resources. print("Map Generation - Placing Strategics"); local resources_to_place = { {self.oil_ID, oil_amt, 65, 1, 1}, {self.uranium_ID, uran_amt, 35, 0, 1} }; self:ProcessResourceList(9, 1, self.marsh_list, resources_to_place) local resources_to_place = { {self.oil_ID, oil_amt, 40, 1, 2}, {self.aluminum_ID, alum_amt, 15, 1, 2}, {self.iron_ID, iron_amt, 45, 1, 2} }; self:ProcessResourceList(16, 1, self.tundra_flat_no_feature, resources_to_place) local resources_to_place = { {self.oil_ID, oil_amt, 60, 1, 1}, {self.aluminum_ID, alum_amt, 15, 2, 3}, {self.iron_ID, iron_amt, 25, 2, 3} }; self:ProcessResourceList(17, 1, self.snow_flat_list, resources_to_place) local resources_to_place = { {self.oil_ID, oil_amt, 65, 0, 1}, {self.iron_ID, iron_amt, 35, 1, 1} }; self:ProcessResourceList(13, 1, self.desert_flat_no_feature, resources_to_place) local resources_to_place = { {self.iron_ID, iron_amt, 26, 0, 2}, {self.coal_ID, coal_amt, 35, 1, 3}, {self.aluminum_ID, alum_amt, 39, 2, 3} }; self:ProcessResourceList(22, 1, self.hills_list, resources_to_place) local resources_to_place = { {self.coal_ID, coal_amt, 30, 1, 2}, {self.uranium_ID, uran_amt, 70, 1, 2} }; self:ProcessResourceList(33, 1, self.jungle_flat_list, resources_to_place) local resources_to_place = { {self.coal_ID, coal_amt, 30, 1, 2}, {self.uranium_ID, uran_amt, 70, 1, 1} }; self:ProcessResourceList(39, 1, self.forest_flat_list, resources_to_place) local resources_to_place = { {self.horse_ID, horse_amt, 100, 2, 5} }; self:ProcessResourceList(33, 1, self.dry_grass_flat_no_feature, resources_to_place) local resources_to_place = { {self.horse_ID, horse_amt, 100, 1, 4} }; self:ProcessResourceList(33, 1, self.plains_flat_no_feature, resources_to_place) self:AddModernMinorStrategicsToCityStates() -- Added spring 2011 self:PlaceSmallQuantitiesOfStrategics(23 * resMultiplier, self.land_list); self:PlaceOilInTheSea(); end -- Place Bonus Resources --print("Placing Bonus Resources") print("Map Generation - Placing Bonuses"); self:PlaceFish(10 * resMultiplier, self.coast_list); self:PlaceSexyBonusAtCivStarts() self:AddExtraBonusesToHillsRegions() self:PlaceBonusResources() end --]=]---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function AssignStartingPlots:PlaceStrategicAndBonusResources() print("PlaceStrategicAndBonusResources") -- KEY: {Resource ID, Quantity (0 = unquantified), weighting, minimum radius, maximum radius} -- KEY: (frequency (1 per n plots in the list), impact list number, plot list, resource data) -- -- The radius creates a zone around the plot that other resources of that -- type will avoid if possible. See ProcessResourceList for impact numbers. -- -- Order of placement matters, so changing the order may affect a later dependency. -- Adjust amounts, if applicable, based on Resource Setting. local uran_amt, horse_amt, oil_amt, iron_amt, coal_amt, alum_amt = self:GetMajorStrategicResourceQuantityValues() local resources_to_place = {} -- Adjust appearance rate per Resource Setting chosen by user. local resMultiplier = 1; if self.resource_setting == 1 then -- Sparse, so increase the number of tiles per bonus. resMultiplier = 1.5; elseif self.resource_setting == 3 then -- Abundant, so reduce the number of tiles per bonus. resMultiplier = 0.66666667; end print("self.resource_setting = " .. self.resource_setting) -- Place Strategic resources. do print("Map Generation - Placing Strategics"); resources_to_place = { {self.iron_ID, iron_amt, 10, 0, 2}, --26 {self.coal_ID, coal_amt, 80, 1, 3}, -- 39 {self.aluminum_ID, alum_amt, 10, 2, 3} }; -- 35 self:ProcessResourceList(15, 1, self.hills_list, resources_to_place) -- 22 resources_to_place = { {self.coal_ID, coal_amt, 50, 1, 2}, -- 30 {self.uranium_ID, uran_amt, 50, 1, 2} }; --70 self:ProcessResourceList(20, 1, self.jungle_flat_list, resources_to_place) -- 33 resources_to_place = { {self.coal_ID, coal_amt, 80, 1, 2}, --70 {self.uranium_ID, uran_amt, 20, 1, 1} }; --30 self:ProcessResourceList(30, 1, self.forest_flat_list, resources_to_place) -- 39 resources_to_place = { {self.oil_ID, oil_amt, 65, 1, 1}, {self.uranium_ID, uran_amt, 35, 0, 1} }; self:ProcessResourceList(30, 1, self.jungle_flat_list, resources_to_place) -- 9 resources_to_place = { {self.oil_ID, oil_amt, 45, 1, 2}, {self.aluminum_ID, alum_amt, 45, 1, 2}, {self.iron_ID, iron_amt, 10, 1, 2} }; self:ProcessResourceList(16, 1, self.tundra_flat_no_feature, resources_to_place) -- 16 resources_to_place = { {self.oil_ID, oil_amt, 20, 1, 1}, {self.aluminum_ID, alum_amt, 20, 2, 3}, {self.uranium_ID, alum_amt, 20, 2, 3}, {self.coal_ID, alum_amt, 20, 2, 3}, {self.iron_ID, iron_amt, 20, 2, 3} }; self:ProcessResourceList(5, 1, self.snow_flat_list, resources_to_place) -- 17 resources_to_place = { {self.oil_ID, oil_amt, 80, 0, 1}, {self.iron_ID, iron_amt, 20, 1, 1} }; self:ProcessResourceList(10, 1, self.desert_flat_no_feature, resources_to_place) -- 13 resources_to_place = { {self.iron_ID, iron_amt, 100, 0, 2} }; self:ProcessResourceList(10, 1, self.hills_jungle_list, resources_to_place) -- 99 resources_to_place = { {self.iron_ID, iron_amt, 100, 0, 2} }; self:ProcessResourceList(5, 1, self.marsh_list, resources_to_place) -- 99 resources_to_place = { {self.horse_ID, horse_amt, 100, 2, 5} }; self:ProcessResourceList(33, 1, self.grass_flat_no_feature, resources_to_place) -- 33 resources_to_place = { {self.horse_ID, horse_amt, 100, 1, 4} }; self:ProcessResourceList(33, 1, self.plains_flat_no_feature, resources_to_place) -- 33 resources_to_place = { {self.horse_ID, horse_amt, 100, 1, 4} }; self:ProcessResourceList(10, 1, self.flood_plains_list, resources_to_place) end -- 33 self:AddModernMinorStrategicsToCityStates() -- Added spring 2011 self:PlaceSmallQuantitiesOfStrategics(23 * resMultiplier, self.land_list); self:PlaceOilInTheSea(); -- Check for low or missing Strategic resources do if self.amounts_of_resources_placed[self.iron_ID + 1] < 8 then --print("Map has very low iron, adding another."); local resources_to_place = { {self.iron_ID, iron_amt, 100, 0, 0} }; self:ProcessResourceList(99999, 1, self.hills_list, resources_to_place) -- 99999 means one per that many tiles: a single instance. end if self.amounts_of_resources_placed[self.iron_ID + 1] < 4 * self.iNumCivs then --print("Map has very low iron, adding another."); local resources_to_place = { {self.iron_ID, iron_amt, 100, 0, 0} }; self:ProcessResourceList(99999, 1, self.land_list, resources_to_place) end if self.amounts_of_resources_placed[self.horse_ID + 1] < 4 * self.iNumCivs then --print("Map has very low horse, adding another."); local resources_to_place = { {self.horse_ID, horse_amt, 100, 0, 0} }; self:ProcessResourceList(99999, 1, self.plains_flat_no_feature, resources_to_place) end if self.amounts_of_resources_placed[self.horse_ID + 1] < 4 * self.iNumCivs then --print("Map has very low horse, adding another."); local resources_to_place = { {self.horse_ID, horse_amt, 100, 0, 0} }; self:ProcessResourceList(99999, 1, self.dry_grass_flat_no_feature, resources_to_place) end if self.amounts_of_resources_placed[self.coal_ID + 1] < 8 then --print("Map has very low coal, adding another."); local resources_to_place = { {self.coal_ID, coal_amt, 100, 0, 0} }; self:ProcessResourceList(99999, 1, self.hills_list, resources_to_place) end if self.amounts_of_resources_placed[self.coal_ID + 1] < 4 * self.iNumCivs then --print("Map has very low coal, adding another."); local resources_to_place = { {self.coal_ID, coal_amt, 100, 0, 0} }; self:ProcessResourceList(99999, 1, self.land_list, resources_to_place) end if self.amounts_of_resources_placed[self.oil_ID + 1] < 4 * self.iNumCivs then --print("Map has very low oil, adding another."); local resources_to_place = { {self.oil_ID, oil_amt, 100, 0, 0} }; self:ProcessResourceList(99999, 1, self.land_list, resources_to_place) end if self.amounts_of_resources_placed[self.aluminum_ID + 1] < 4 * self.iNumCivs then --print("Map has very low aluminum, adding another."); local resources_to_place = { {self.aluminum_ID, alum_amt, 100, 0, 0} }; self:ProcessResourceList(99999, 1, self.hills_list, resources_to_place) end if self.amounts_of_resources_placed[self.uranium_ID + 1] < 2 * self.iNumCivs then --print("Map has very low uranium, adding another."); local resources_to_place = { {self.uranium_ID, uran_amt, 100, 0, 0} }; self:ProcessResourceList(99999, 1, self.land_list, resources_to_place) end end self:PlaceBonusResources() end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:PlaceFish() print("AssignStartingPlots:PlaceFish()") for plotID, plot in Plots(Shuffle) do PlacePossibleFish(plot) end end function PlacePossibleFish(plot) if plot:GetTerrainType() ~= TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_COAST or plot:IsLake() or plot:GetFeatureType() ~= FeatureTypes.NO_FEATURE or plot:GetResourceType() ~= -1 then return end local x, y = plot:GetX(), plot:GetY() local landDistance = 999 local sumFertility = 0 local nearFish = 0 local odds = 0 local fishID = GameInfo.Resources.RESOURCE_FISH.ID local fishMod = 0 for nearPlot, distance in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(plot, 1, 3) do distance = math.max(1, distance) if not nearPlot:IsWater() and distance < landDistance then landDistance = distance end sumFertility = sumFertility + Plot_GetFertility(nearPlot, true) if nearPlot:GetResourceType() == fishID then odds = odds - 100 / distance end end if landDistance >= 3 then return end fishMod = odds odds = odds + 100 * (1 - sumFertility/(mg.fishTargetFertility * 2)) odds = odds / landDistance if odds >= Map.Rand(100, "PlacePossibleFish - Lua") then plot:SetResourceType(fishID, 1) --print(string.format( "PlacePossibleFish fertility=%-3s odds=%-3s fishMod=%-3s", Round(sumFertility), Round(odds), Round(fishMod) )) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:PlaceBonusResources() local resMultiplier = 1; if self.resource_setting == 1 then -- Sparse, so increase the number of tiles per bonus. resMultiplier = 1.5; elseif self.resource_setting == 3 then -- Abundant, so reduce the number of tiles per bonus. resMultiplier = 0.66666667; end -- Place Bonus Resources print("Map Generation - Placing Bonuses"); self:PlaceFish(10 * resMultiplier, self.coast_list); self:PlaceSexyBonusAtCivStarts() self:AddExtraBonusesToHillsRegions() local resources_to_place = {} resources_to_place = { {self.deer_ID, 1, 100, 1, 2} }; self:ProcessResourceList(6 * resMultiplier, 3, self.extra_deer_list, resources_to_place) -- 8 resources_to_place = { {self.deer_ID, 1, 100, 1, 2} }; self:ProcessResourceList(8 * resMultiplier, 3, self.tundra_flat_no_feature, resources_to_place) -- 12 resources_to_place = { {self.wheat_ID, 1, 100, 0, 2} }; self:ProcessResourceList(10 * resMultiplier, 3, self.desert_wheat_list, resources_to_place) -- 10 resources_to_place = { {self.wheat_ID, 1, 100, 2, 3} }; self:ProcessResourceList(10 * resMultiplier, 3, self.plains_flat_no_feature, resources_to_place) -- 27 resources_to_place = { {self.banana_ID, 1, 100, 0, 3} }; self:ProcessResourceList(14 * resMultiplier, 3, self.banana_list, resources_to_place) -- 14 resources_to_place = { {self.cow_ID, 1, 100, 1, 2} }; self:ProcessResourceList(18 * resMultiplier, 3, self.grass_flat_no_feature, resources_to_place) -- 18 resources_to_place = { {self.sheep_ID, 1, 100, 1, 1} }; self:ProcessResourceList(8 * resMultiplier, 3, self.hills_open_list, resources_to_place) -- 13 resources_to_place = { {self.stone_ID, 1, 100, 1, 1} }; self:ProcessResourceList(10 * resMultiplier, 3, self.grass_flat_no_feature, resources_to_place) -- 20 resources_to_place = { {self.stone_ID, 1, 100, 1, 2} }; self:ProcessResourceList(15 * resMultiplier, 3, self.tundra_flat_no_feature, resources_to_place) -- 15 resources_to_place = { {self.stone_ID, 1, 100, 1, 2} }; self:ProcessResourceList(5 * resMultiplier, 3, self.desert_flat_no_feature, resources_to_place) -- 19 resources_to_place = { {self.stone_ID, 1, 100, 1, 2} }; self:ProcessResourceList(99 * resMultiplier, 3, self.marsh_list, resources_to_place) -- 99 resources_to_place = { {self.stone_ID, 1, 100, 1, 2} }; self:ProcessResourceList(8 * resMultiplier, 3, self.snow_flat_list, resources_to_place) -- 99 resources_to_place = { {self.deer_ID, 1, 100, 3, 4} }; self:ProcessResourceList(25 * resMultiplier, 3, self.forest_flat_that_are_not_tundra, resources_to_place) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:PlaceResourcesAndCityStates() -- This function controls nearly all resource placement. Only resources -- placed during Normalization operations are handled elsewhere. -- -- Luxury resources are placed in relationship to Regions, adapting to the -- details of the given map instance, including number of civs and city -- states present. At Jon's direction, Luxuries have been implemented to -- be diplomatic widgets for trading, in addition to sources of Happiness. -- -- Strategic and Bonus resources are terrain-adjusted. They will customize -- to each map instance. Each terrain type has been measured and has certain -- resource types assigned to it. You can customize resource placement to -- any degree desired by controlling generation of plot groups to feed in -- to the process. The default plot groups are terrain-based, but any -- criteria you desire could be used to determine plot group membership. -- -- If any default methods fail to meet a specific need, don't hesitate to -- replace them with custom methods. I have labored to make this new -- system as accessible and powerful as any ever before offered. print("Map Generation - Assigning Luxury Resource Distribution"); self:AssignLuxuryRoles() print("Map Generation - Placing City States"); self:PlaceCityStates() -- Generate global plot lists for resource distribution. self:GenerateGlobalResourcePlotLists() print("Map Generation - Placing Luxuries"); self:PlaceLuxuries() --print("Map Generation - Placing Stone on Islands"); self:BuffIslands() -- Place Strategic and Bonus resources. --[[ if GameInfo.Cep then self:PlaceStrategicAndBonusResourcesCEP() else self:PlaceStrategicAndBonusResources() end --]] self:PlaceStrategicAndBonusResources() --print("Map Generation - Normalize City State Locations"); self:NormalizeCityStateLocations() -- Fix Sugar graphics self:AdjustTiles() local largestLand = Map.FindBiggestArea(false) if Map.GetCustomOption(6) == 2 then -- Biggest continent placement if largestLand:GetNumTiles() < 0.25 * Map.GetLandPlots() then print("AI Map Strategy - Offshore expansion with navy bias") -- Tell the AI that we should treat this as a offshore expansion map with naval bias Map.ChangeAIMapHint(4+1) else print("AI Map Strategy - Offshore expansion") -- Tell the AI that we should treat this as a offshore expansion map Map.ChangeAIMapHint(4) end elseif largestLand:GetNumTiles() < 0.25 * Map.GetLandPlots() then print("AI Map Strategy - Navy bias") -- Tell the AI that we should treat this as a map with naval bias Map.ChangeAIMapHint(1) else print("AI Map Strategy - Normal") end -- Necessary to implement placement of Natural Wonders, and possibly other plot-type changes. -- This operation must be saved for last, as it invalidates all regional data by resetting Area IDs. Map.RecalculateAreas(); -- Activate for debug only self:PrintFinalResourceTotalsToLog() -- end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AssignStartingPlots:BalanceAndAssign() -- This function determines what level of Bonus Resource support a location -- may need, identifies compatibility with civ-specific biases, and places starts. -- Normalize each start plot location. local iNumStarts = table.maxn(self.startingPlots); for region_number = 1, iNumStarts do self:NormalizeStartLocation(region_number) end -- Check Game Option for disabling civ-specific biases. -- If they are to be disabled, then all civs are simply assigned to start plots at random. local bDisableStartBias = Game.GetCustomOption("GAMEOPTION_DISABLE_START_BIAS"); if bDisableStartBias == 1 then --print("-"); print("ALERT: Civ Start Biases have been selected to be Disabled!"); print("-"); local playerList = {}; for loop = 1, self.iNumCivs do local player_ID = self.player_ID_list[loop]; table.insert(playerList, player_ID); end local playerListShuffled = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(playerList) for region_number, player_ID in ipairs(playerListShuffled) do local x = self.startingPlots[region_number][1]; local y = self.startingPlots[region_number][2]; local start_plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) local player = Players[player_ID] player:SetStartingPlot(start_plot) end -- If this is a team game (any team has more than one Civ in it) then make -- sure team members start near each other if possible. (This may scramble -- Civ biases in some cases, but there is no cure). if self.bTeamGame == true then self:NormalizeTeamLocations() end -- Done with un-biased Civ placement. return end -- If the process reaches here, civ-specific start-location biases are enabled. Handle them now. -- Create a randomized list of all regions. As a region gets assigned, we'll remove it from the list. local all_regions = {}; for loop = 1, self.iNumCivs do table.insert(all_regions, loop); end local regions_still_available = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(all_regions) local civs_needing_coastal_start = {}; local civs_priority_coastal_start = {}; local civs_needing_river_start = {}; local civs_needing_region_priority = {}; local civs_needing_region_avoid = {}; local regions_with_coastal_start = {}; local regions_with_lake_start = {}; local regions_with_river_start = {}; local regions_with_near_river_start = {}; local civ_status = table.fill(false, GameDefines.MAX_MAJOR_CIVS); -- Have to account for possible gaps in player ID numbers, for MP. local region_status = table.fill(false, self.iNumCivs); local priority_lists = {}; local avoid_lists = {}; local iNumCoastalCivs, iNumRiverCivs, iNumPriorityCivs, iNumAvoidCivs = 0, 0, 0, 0; local iNumCoastalCivsRemaining, iNumRiverCivsRemaining, iNumPriorityCivsRemaining, iNumAvoidCivsRemaining = 0, 0, 0, 0; --print("-"); print("-"); print("--- DEBUG READOUT OF PLAYER START ASSIGNMENTS ---"); print("-"); -- Generate lists of player needs. Each additional need type is subordinate to those -- that come before. In other words, each Civ can have only one need type. for loop = 1, self.iNumCivs do local playerNum = self.player_ID_list[loop]; -- MP games can have gaps between player numbers, so we cannot assume a sequential set of IDs. local player = Players[playerNum]; local civType = GameInfo.Civilizations[player:GetCivilizationType()].Type; --print("Player", playerNum, "of Civ Type", civType); local bNeedsCoastalStart = CivNeedsCoastalStart(civType) if bNeedsCoastalStart == true then --print("- - - - - - - needs Coastal Start!"); print("-"); iNumCoastalCivs = iNumCoastalCivs + 1; iNumCoastalCivsRemaining = iNumCoastalCivsRemaining + 1; table.insert(civs_needing_coastal_start, playerNum); if CivNeedsPlaceFirstCoastalStart then local bPlaceFirst = CivNeedsPlaceFirstCoastalStart(civType); if bPlaceFirst then --print("- - - - - - - needs to Place First!"); --print("-"); table.insert(civs_priority_coastal_start, playerNum); end end else local bNeedsRiverStart = CivNeedsRiverStart(civType) if bNeedsRiverStart == true then --print("- - - - - - - needs River Start!"); print("-"); iNumRiverCivs = iNumRiverCivs + 1; iNumRiverCivsRemaining = iNumRiverCivsRemaining + 1; table.insert(civs_needing_river_start, playerNum); else local iNumRegionPriority = GetNumStartRegionPriorityForCiv(civType) if iNumRegionPriority > 0 then --print("- - - - - - - needs Region Priority!"); print("-"); local table_of_this_civs_priority_needs = GetStartRegionPriorityListForCiv_GetIDs(civType) iNumPriorityCivs = iNumPriorityCivs + 1; iNumPriorityCivsRemaining = iNumPriorityCivsRemaining + 1; table.insert(civs_needing_region_priority, playerNum); priority_lists[playerNum] = table_of_this_civs_priority_needs; else local iNumRegionAvoid = GetNumStartRegionAvoidForCiv(civType) if iNumRegionAvoid > 0 then --print("- - - - - - - needs Region Avoid!"); print("-"); local table_of_this_civs_avoid_needs = GetStartRegionAvoidListForCiv_GetIDs(civType) iNumAvoidCivs = iNumAvoidCivs + 1; iNumAvoidCivsRemaining = iNumAvoidCivsRemaining + 1; table.insert(civs_needing_region_avoid, playerNum); avoid_lists[playerNum] = table_of_this_civs_avoid_needs; end end end end end --[[ Debug printout print("Civs with Coastal Bias:", iNumCoastalCivs); print("Civs with River Bias:", iNumRiverCivs); print("Civs with Region Priority:", iNumPriorityCivs); print("Civs with Region Avoid:", iNumAvoidCivs); print("-"); --]] -- Handle Coastal Start Bias if iNumCoastalCivs > 0 then -- Generate lists of regions eligible to support a coastal start. local iNumRegionsWithCoastalStart, iNumRegionsWithLakeStart, iNumUnassignableCoastStarts = 0, 0, 0; for region_number, bAlreadyAssigned in ipairs(region_status) do if bAlreadyAssigned == false then if self.startLocationConditions[region_number][1] == true then --print("Region#", region_number, "has a Coastal Start."); iNumRegionsWithCoastalStart = iNumRegionsWithCoastalStart + 1; table.insert(regions_with_coastal_start, region_number); end end end if iNumRegionsWithCoastalStart < iNumCoastalCivs then for region_number, bAlreadyAssigned in ipairs(region_status) do if bAlreadyAssigned == false then if self.startLocationConditions[region_number][2] == true and self.startLocationConditions[region_number][1] == false then --print("Region#", region_number, "has a Lake Start."); iNumRegionsWithLakeStart = iNumRegionsWithLakeStart + 1; table.insert(regions_with_lake_start, region_number); end end end end if iNumRegionsWithCoastalStart + iNumRegionsWithLakeStart < iNumCoastalCivs then iNumUnassignableCoastStarts = iNumCoastalCivs - (iNumRegionsWithCoastalStart + iNumRegionsWithLakeStart); end -- Now assign those with coastal bias to start locations, where possible. if iNumCoastalCivs - iNumUnassignableCoastStarts > 0 then -- create non-priority coastal start list local non_priority_coastal_start = {}; for loop1, iPlayerNum1 in ipairs(civs_needing_coastal_start) do local bAdd = true; for loop2, iPlayerNum2 in ipairs(civs_priority_coastal_start) do if (iPlayerNum1 == iPlayerNum2) then bAdd = false; end end if bAdd then table.insert(non_priority_coastal_start, iPlayerNum1); end end local shuffled_priority_coastal_start = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(civs_priority_coastal_start); local shuffled_non_priority_coastal_start = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(non_priority_coastal_start); local shuffled_coastal_civs = {}; -- insert priority coastal starts first for loop, iPlayerNum in ipairs(shuffled_priority_coastal_start) do table.insert(shuffled_coastal_civs, iPlayerNum); end -- insert non-priority coastal starts second for loop, iPlayerNum in ipairs(shuffled_non_priority_coastal_start) do table.insert(shuffled_coastal_civs, iPlayerNum); end for loop, iPlayerNum in ipairs(shuffled_coastal_civs) do --print("shuffled_coastal_civs[" .. loop .. "]: " .. iPlayerNum); end local shuffled_coastal_civs = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(civs_needing_coastal_start); local shuffled_coastal_regions, shuffled_lake_regions; local current_lake_index = 1; if iNumRegionsWithCoastalStart > 0 then shuffled_coastal_regions = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(regions_with_coastal_start); end if iNumRegionsWithLakeStart > 0 then shuffled_lake_regions = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(regions_with_lake_start); end for loop, playerNum in ipairs(shuffled_coastal_civs) do if loop > iNumCoastalCivs - iNumUnassignableCoastStarts then print("Ran out of Coastal and Lake start locations to assign to Coastal Bias."); break end -- Assign next randomly chosen civ in line to next randomly chosen eligible region. if loop <= iNumRegionsWithCoastalStart then -- Assign this civ to a region with coastal start. local choose_this_region = shuffled_coastal_regions[loop]; local x = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][1]; local y = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][2]; local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y); local player = Players[playerNum]; player:SetStartingPlot(plot); --print("Player Number", playerNum, "assigned a COASTAL START BIAS location in Region#", choose_this_region, "at Plot", x, y); region_status[choose_this_region] = true; civ_status[playerNum + 1] = true; iNumCoastalCivsRemaining = iNumCoastalCivsRemaining - 1; local a, b, c = IdentifyTableIndex(civs_needing_coastal_start, playerNum) if a then table.remove(civs_needing_coastal_start, c[1]); end local a, b, c = IdentifyTableIndex(regions_still_available, choose_this_region) if a then table.remove(regions_still_available, c[1]); end else -- Out of coastal starts, assign this civ to region with lake start. local choose_this_region = shuffled_lake_regions[current_lake_index]; local x = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][1]; local y = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][2]; local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y); local player = Players[playerNum]; player:SetStartingPlot(plot); --print("Player Number", playerNum, "with Coastal Bias assigned a fallback Lake location in Region#", choose_this_region, "at Plot", x, y); region_status[choose_this_region] = true; civ_status[playerNum + 1] = true; iNumCoastalCivsRemaining = iNumCoastalCivsRemaining - 1; local a, b, c = IdentifyTableIndex(civs_needing_coastal_start, playerNum) if a then table.remove(civs_needing_coastal_start, c[1]); end local a, b, c = IdentifyTableIndex(regions_still_available, choose_this_region) if a then table.remove(regions_still_available, c[1]); end current_lake_index = current_lake_index + 1; end end --else --print("Either no civs required a Coastal Start, or no Coastal Starts were available."); end end -- Handle River bias if iNumRiverCivs > 0 or iNumCoastalCivsRemaining > 0 then -- Generate lists of regions eligible to support a river start. local iNumRegionsWithRiverStart, iNumRegionsNearRiverStart, iNumUnassignableRiverStarts = 0, 0, 0; for region_number, bAlreadyAssigned in ipairs(region_status) do if bAlreadyAssigned == false then if self.startLocationConditions[region_number][3] == true then iNumRegionsWithRiverStart = iNumRegionsWithRiverStart + 1; table.insert(regions_with_river_start, region_number); end end end for region_number, bAlreadyAssigned in ipairs(region_status) do if bAlreadyAssigned == false then if self.startLocationConditions[region_number][4] == true and self.startLocationConditions[region_number][3] == false then iNumRegionsNearRiverStart = iNumRegionsNearRiverStart + 1; table.insert(regions_with_near_river_start, region_number); end end end if iNumRegionsWithRiverStart + iNumRegionsNearRiverStart < iNumRiverCivs then iNumUnassignableRiverStarts = iNumRiverCivs - (iNumRegionsWithRiverStart + iNumRegionsNearRiverStart); end -- Now assign those with river bias to start locations, where possible. -- Also handle fallback placement for coastal bias that failed to find a match. if iNumRiverCivs - iNumUnassignableRiverStarts > 0 then local shuffled_river_civs = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(civs_needing_river_start); local shuffled_river_regions, shuffled_near_river_regions; if iNumRegionsWithRiverStart > 0 then shuffled_river_regions = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(regions_with_river_start); end if iNumRegionsNearRiverStart > 0 then shuffled_near_river_regions = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(regions_with_near_river_start); end for loop, playerNum in ipairs(shuffled_river_civs) do if loop > iNumRiverCivs - iNumUnassignableRiverStarts then print("Ran out of River and Near-River start locations to assign to River Bias."); break end -- Assign next randomly chosen civ in line to next randomly chosen eligible region. if loop <= iNumRegionsWithRiverStart then -- Assign this civ to a region with river start. local choose_this_region = shuffled_river_regions[loop]; local x = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][1]; local y = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][2]; local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y); local player = Players[playerNum]; player:SetStartingPlot(plot); --print("Player Number", playerNum, "assigned a RIVER START BIAS location in Region#", choose_this_region, "at Plot", x, y); region_status[choose_this_region] = true; civ_status[playerNum + 1] = true; local a, b, c = IdentifyTableIndex(regions_still_available, choose_this_region) if a then table.remove(regions_still_available, c[1]); end else -- Assign this civ to a region where a river is near the start. local choose_this_region = shuffled_near_river_regions[loop - iNumRegionsWithRiverStart]; local x = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][1]; local y = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][2]; local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y); local player = Players[playerNum]; player:SetStartingPlot(plot); --print("Player Number", playerNum, "with River Bias assigned a fallback 'near river' location in Region#", choose_this_region, "at Plot", x, y); region_status[choose_this_region] = true; civ_status[playerNum + 1] = true; local a, b, c = IdentifyTableIndex(regions_still_available, choose_this_region) if a then table.remove(regions_still_available, c[1]); end end end end -- Now handle any fallbacks for unassigned coastal bias. if iNumCoastalCivsRemaining > 0 and iNumRiverCivs < iNumRegionsWithRiverStart + iNumRegionsNearRiverStart then local iNumFallbacksWithRiverStart, iNumFallbacksNearRiverStart = 0, 0; local fallbacks_with_river_start, fallbacks_with_near_river_start = {}, {}; for region_number, bAlreadyAssigned in ipairs(region_status) do if bAlreadyAssigned == false then if self.startLocationConditions[region_number][3] == true then iNumFallbacksWithRiverStart = iNumFallbacksWithRiverStart + 1; table.insert(fallbacks_with_river_start, region_number); end end end for region_number, bAlreadyAssigned in ipairs(region_status) do if bAlreadyAssigned == false then if self.startLocationConditions[region_number][4] == true and self.startLocationConditions[region_number][3] == false then iNumFallbacksNearRiverStart = iNumFallbacksNearRiverStart + 1; table.insert(fallbacks_with_near_river_start, region_number); end end end if iNumFallbacksWithRiverStart + iNumFallbacksNearRiverStart > 0 then local shuffled_coastal_fallback_civs = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(civs_needing_coastal_start); local shuffled_river_fallbacks, shuffled_near_river_fallbacks; if iNumFallbacksWithRiverStart > 0 then shuffled_river_fallbacks = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(fallbacks_with_river_start); end if iNumFallbacksNearRiverStart > 0 then shuffled_near_river_fallbacks = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(fallbacks_with_near_river_start); end for loop, playerNum in ipairs(shuffled_coastal_fallback_civs) do if loop > iNumFallbacksWithRiverStart + iNumFallbacksNearRiverStart then print("Ran out of River and Near-River start locations to assign as fallbacks for Coastal Bias."); break end -- Assign next randomly chosen civ in line to next randomly chosen eligible region. if loop <= iNumFallbacksWithRiverStart then -- Assign this civ to a region with river start. local choose_this_region = shuffled_river_fallbacks[loop]; local x = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][1]; local y = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][2]; local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y); local player = Players[playerNum]; player:SetStartingPlot(plot); --print("Player Number", playerNum, "with Coastal Bias assigned a fallback river location in Region#", choose_this_region, "at Plot", x, y); region_status[choose_this_region] = true; civ_status[playerNum + 1] = true; local a, b, c = IdentifyTableIndex(regions_still_available, choose_this_region) if a then table.remove(regions_still_available, c[1]); end else -- Assign this civ to a region where a river is near the start. local choose_this_region = shuffled_near_river_fallbacks[loop - iNumRegionsWithRiverStart]; local x = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][1]; local y = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][2]; local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y); local player = Players[playerNum]; player:SetStartingPlot(plot); --print("Player Number", playerNum, "with Coastal Bias assigned a fallback 'near river' location in Region#", choose_this_region, "at Plot", x, y); region_status[choose_this_region] = true; civ_status[playerNum + 1] = true; local a, b, c = IdentifyTableIndex(regions_still_available, choose_this_region) if a then table.remove(regions_still_available, c[1]); end end end end end end -- Handle Region Priority if iNumPriorityCivs > 0 then --print("-"); print("-"); print("--- REGION PRIORITY READOUT ---"); print("-"); local iNumSinglePriority, iNumMultiPriority, iNumNeedFallbackPriority = 0, 0, 0; local single_priority, multi_priority, fallback_priority = {}, {}, {}; local single_sorted, multi_sorted = {}, {}; -- Separate priority civs in to two categories: single priority, multiple priority. for playerNum, priority_needs in pairs(priority_lists) do local len = table.maxn(priority_needs) if len == 1 then --print("Player#", playerNum, "has a single Region Priority of type", priority_needs[1]); local priority_data = {playerNum, priority_needs[1]}; table.insert(single_priority, priority_data) iNumSinglePriority = iNumSinglePriority + 1; else --print("Player#", playerNum, "has multiple Region Priority, this many types:", len); local priority_data = {playerNum, len}; table.insert(multi_priority, priority_data) iNumMultiPriority = iNumMultiPriority + 1; end end -- Single priority civs go first, and will engage fallback methods if no match found. if iNumSinglePriority > 0 then -- Sort the list so that proper order of execution occurs. (Going to use a blunt method for easy coding.) for region_type = 1, 8 do -- Must expand if new region types are added. for loop, data in ipairs(single_priority) do if data[2] == region_type then --print("Adding Player#", data[1], "to sorted list of single Region Priority."); table.insert(single_sorted, data); end end end -- Match civs who have a single Region Priority to the region type they need, if possible. for loop, data in ipairs(single_sorted) do local iPlayerNum = data[1]; local iPriorityType = data[2]; --print("* Attempting to assign Player#", iPlayerNum, "to a region of Type#", iPriorityType); local bFoundCandidate, candidate_regions = false, {}; for test_loop, region_number in ipairs(regions_still_available) do if self.regionTypes[region_number] == iPriorityType then table.insert(candidate_regions, region_number); bFoundCandidate = true; --print("- - Found candidate: Region#", region_number); end end if bFoundCandidate then local diceroll = 1 + Map.Rand(table.maxn(candidate_regions), "Choosing from among Candidate Regions for start bias - LUA"); local choose_this_region = candidate_regions[diceroll]; local x = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][1]; local y = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][2]; local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y); local player = Players[iPlayerNum]; player:SetStartingPlot(plot); --print("Player Number", iPlayerNum, "with single Region Priority assigned to Region#", choose_this_region, "at Plot", x, y); region_status[choose_this_region] = true; civ_status[iPlayerNum + 1] = true; local a, b, c = IdentifyTableIndex(regions_still_available, choose_this_region) if a then table.remove(regions_still_available, c[1]); end else table.insert(fallback_priority, data) iNumNeedFallbackPriority = iNumNeedFallbackPriority + 1; --print("Player Number", iPlayerNum, "with single Region Priority was UNABLE to be matched to its type. Added to fallback list."); end end end -- Multiple priority civs go next, with fewest regions of priority going first. if iNumMultiPriority > 0 then for iNumPriorities = 2, 8 do -- Must expand if new region types are added. for loop, data in ipairs(multi_priority) do if data[2] == iNumPriorities then --print("Adding Player#", data[1], "to sorted list of multi Region Priority."); table.insert(multi_sorted, data); end end end -- Match civs who have mulitple Region Priority to one of the region types they need, if possible. for loop, data in ipairs(multi_sorted) do local iPlayerNum = data[1]; local iNumPriorityTypes = data[2]; --print("* Attempting to assign Player#", iPlayerNum, "to one of its Priority Region Types."); local bFoundCandidate, candidate_regions = false, {}; for test_loop, region_number in ipairs(regions_still_available) do for inner_loop = 1, iNumPriorityTypes do local region_type_to_test = priority_lists[iPlayerNum][inner_loop]; if self.regionTypes[region_number] == region_type_to_test then table.insert(candidate_regions, region_number); bFoundCandidate = true; --print("- - Found candidate: Region#", region_number); end end end if bFoundCandidate then local diceroll = 1 + Map.Rand(table.maxn(candidate_regions), "Choosing from among Candidate Regions for start bias - LUA"); local choose_this_region = candidate_regions[diceroll]; local x = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][1]; local y = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][2]; local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y); local player = Players[iPlayerNum]; player:SetStartingPlot(plot); --print("Player Number", iPlayerNum, "with multiple Region Priority assigned to Region#", choose_this_region, "at Plot", x, y); region_status[choose_this_region] = true; civ_status[iPlayerNum + 1] = true; local a, b, c = IdentifyTableIndex(regions_still_available, choose_this_region) if a then table.remove(regions_still_available, c[1]); end --else --print("Player Number", iPlayerNum, "with multiple Region Priority was unable to be matched."); end end end -- Fallbacks are done (if needed) after multiple-region priority is handled. The list is pre-sorted. if iNumNeedFallbackPriority > 0 then for loop, data in ipairs(fallback_priority) do local iPlayerNum = data[1]; local iPriorityType = data[2]; --print("* Attempting to assign Player#", iPlayerNum, "to a fallback region as similar as possible to Region Type#", iPriorityType); local choose_this_region = self:FindFallbackForUnmatchedRegionPriority(iPriorityType, regions_still_available) if choose_this_region == -1 then --print("FAILED to find fallback region bias for player#", iPlayerNum); else local x = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][1]; local y = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][2]; local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y); local player = Players[iPlayerNum]; player:SetStartingPlot(plot); --print("Player Number", iPlayerNum, "with single Region Priority assigned to FALLBACK Region#", choose_this_region, "at Plot", x, y); region_status[choose_this_region] = true; civ_status[iPlayerNum + 1] = true; local a, b, c = IdentifyTableIndex(regions_still_available, choose_this_region) if a then table.remove(regions_still_available, c[1]); end end end end end -- Handle Region Avoid if iNumAvoidCivs > 0 then --print("-"); print("-"); print("--- REGION AVOID READOUT ---"); print("-"); local avoid_sorted, avoid_unsorted, avoid_counts = {}, {}, {}; -- Sort list of civs with Avoid needs, then process in reverse order, so most needs goes first. for playerNum, avoid_needs in pairs(avoid_lists) do local len = table.maxn(avoid_needs) --print("- Player#", playerNum, "has this number of Region Avoid needs:", len); local avoid_data = {playerNum, len}; table.insert(avoid_unsorted, avoid_data) table.insert(avoid_counts, len) end table.sort(avoid_counts) for loop, avoid_count in ipairs(avoid_counts) do for test_loop, avoid_data in ipairs(avoid_unsorted) do if avoid_count == avoid_data[2] then table.insert(avoid_sorted, avoid_data[1]) table.remove(avoid_unsorted, test_loop) end end end -- Process the Region Avoid needs. for loop = iNumAvoidCivs, 1, -1 do local iPlayerNum = avoid_sorted[loop]; local candidate_regions = {}; for test_loop, region_number in ipairs(regions_still_available) do local bFoundCandidate = true; for inner_loop, region_type_to_avoid in ipairs(avoid_lists[iPlayerNum]) do if self.regionTypes[region_number] == region_type_to_avoid then bFoundCandidate = false; end end if bFoundCandidate == true then table.insert(candidate_regions, region_number); --print("- - Found candidate: Region#", region_number) end end if table.maxn(candidate_regions) > 0 then local diceroll = 1 + Map.Rand(table.maxn(candidate_regions), "Choosing from among Candidate Regions for start bias - LUA"); local choose_this_region = candidate_regions[diceroll]; local x = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][1]; local y = self.startingPlots[choose_this_region][2]; local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y); local player = Players[iPlayerNum]; player:SetStartingPlot(plot); --print("Player Number", iPlayerNum, "with Region Avoid assigned to allowed region type in Region#", choose_this_region, "at Plot", x, y); region_status[choose_this_region] = true; civ_status[iPlayerNum + 1] = true; local a, b, c = IdentifyTableIndex(regions_still_available, choose_this_region) if a then table.remove(regions_still_available, c[1]); end --else --print("Player Number", iPlayerNum, "with Region Avoid was unable to avoid the undesired region types."); end end end -- Assign remaining civs to start plots. local playerList, regionList = {}, {}; for loop = 1, self.iNumCivs do local player_ID = self.player_ID_list[loop]; if civ_status[player_ID + 1] == false then -- Using C++ player ID, which starts at zero. Add 1 for Lua indexing. table.insert(playerList, player_ID); end if region_status[loop] == false then table.insert(regionList, loop); end end local iNumRemainingPlayers = table.maxn(playerList); local iNumRemainingRegions = table.maxn(regionList); if iNumRemainingPlayers > 0 or iNumRemainingRegions > 0 then --print("-"); print("Table of players with no start bias:"); --PrintContentsOfTable(playerList); --print("-"); print("Table of regions still available after bias handling:"); --PrintContentsOfTable(regionList); if iNumRemainingPlayers ~= iNumRemainingRegions then print("-"); print("ERROR: Number of civs remaining after handling biases does not match number of regions remaining!"); print("-"); end local playerListShuffled = GetShuffledCopyOfTable(playerList) for index, player_ID in ipairs(playerListShuffled) do local region_number = regionList[index]; local x = self.startingPlots[region_number][1]; local y = self.startingPlots[region_number][2]; --print("Now placing Player#", player_ID, "in Region#", region_number, "at start plot:", x, y); local start_plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y) local player = Players[player_ID] player:SetStartingPlot(start_plot) end end -- If this is a team game (any team has more than one Civ in it) then make -- sure team members start near each other if possible. (This may scramble -- Civ biases in some cases, but there is no cure). if self.bTeamGame == true then self:NormalizeTeamLocations() end -- end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end -- -- RouteConnections.lua -- -- Copyright 2011 (c) William Howard -- -- Determines if a route exists between two plots/cities -- -- Permission granted to re-distribute this file as part of a mod -- on the condition that this comment block is preserved in its entirity -- ----- PUBLIC METHODS ----- -- -- pPlayer - player object (not ID) or nil -- pStartPlot, pTargetPlot - plot objects (not IDs) -- sRoute - one of mg.routes (see above) -- bShortestRoute - true to find the shortest route -- sHighlight - one of the highlight keys (see above) -- fBlockaded - call-back function of the form f(pPlot, pPlayer) to determine if a plot is blocked for this player (return true if blocked) -- function isCityConnected(pPlayer, pStartCity, pTargetCity, sRoute, bShortestRoute, sHighlight, fBlockaded) return isPlotConnected(pPlayer, pStartCity:Plot(), pTargetCity:Plot(), sRoute, bShortestRoute, sHighlight, fBlockaded) end function isPlotConnected(pPlayer, pStartPlot, pTargetPlot, sRoute, bShortestRoute, sHighlight, fBlockaded) if (bShortestRoute) then mg.lastRouteLength = plotToPlotShortestRoute(pPlayer, pStartPlot, pTargetPlot, sRoute, mg.highlights[sHighlight], fBlockaded) else mg.lastRouteLength = plotToPlotConnection(pPlayer, pStartPlot, pTargetPlot, sRoute, 1, mg.highlights[sHighlight], listAddPlot(pStartPlot, {}), fBlockaded) end return (mg.lastRouteLength ~= 0) end function getRouteLength() return mg.lastRouteLength end function getDistance(pPlot1, pPlot2) return distanceBetween(pPlot1, pPlot2) end ----- PRIVATE DATA AND METHODS ----- -- -- Check if pStartPlot is connected to pTargetPlot -- -- NOTE: This is a recursive method -- -- Returns the length of the route between the start and target plots (inclusive) - so 0 if no route -- function plotToPlotConnection(pPlayer, pStartPlot, pTargetPlot, sRoute, iLength, highlight, listVisitedPlots, fBlockaded) if (highlight ~= nil) then Events.SerialEventHexHighlight(PlotToHex(pStartPlot), true, highlight) end -- Have we got there yet? if (isSamePlot(pStartPlot, pTargetPlot)) then return iLength end -- Find any new plots we can visit from here local listRoutes = listFilter(reachablePlots(pPlayer, pStartPlot, sRoute, fBlockaded), listVisitedPlots) -- New routes to check, so there is an onward path if (listRoutes ~= nil) then -- Covert the associative array into a linear array so it can be sorted local array = {} for sId, pPlot in pairs(listRoutes) do table.insert(array, pPlot) end -- Now sort the linear array by distance from the target plot table.sort(array, function(x, y) return (distanceBetween(x, pTargetPlot) < distanceBetween(y, pTargetPlot)) end) -- Now check each onward plot in turn to see if that is connected for i, pPlot in ipairs(array) do -- Check that a prior route didn't visit this plot if (not listContainsPlot(pPlot, listVisitedPlots)) then -- Add this plot to the list of visited plots listAddPlot(pPlot, listVisitedPlots) -- If there's a route, we're done local iLen = plotToPlotConnection(pPlayer, pPlot, pTargetPlot, sRoute, iLength+1, highlight, listVisitedPlots, fBlockaded) if (iLen > 0) then return iLen end end end end if (highlight ~= nil) then Events.SerialEventHexHighlight(PlotToHex(pStartPlot), false) end -- No connection found return 0 end -- -- Find the shortest route between two plots -- -- We start at the TARGET plot - as the path length from here to the target plot is 1, -- we will call this "ring 1". We then find all reachable near plots and place them in "ring 2". -- If the START plot is in "ring 2", we have a route, if "ring 2" is empty, there is no route, -- otherwise find all reachable near plots that have not already been seen and place those in "ring 3" -- We then loop, checking "ring N" otherwise generating "ring N+1" -- -- Once we have found a route, the path length will be of length N and we know that there must be at -- least one route by picking a plot from each ring. The plot needed from "ring N" is the START plot, -- we then need ANY plot from "ring N-1" that is near to the start plot. And in general we need -- any plot from "ring M-1" that is near to the plot choosen from "ring M". The final plot in -- the path will always be the target plot as that is the only plot in "ring 1" -- -- Returns the length of the route between the start and target plots (inclusive) - so 0 if no route -- function plotToPlotShortestRoute(pPlayer, pStartPlot, pTargetPlot, sRoute, highlight, fBlockaded) local rings = {} local iRing = 1 rings[iRing] = listAddPlot(pTargetPlot, {}) repeat iRing = generateNextRing(pPlayer, sRoute, rings, iRing, fBlockaded) bFound = listContainsPlot(pStartPlot, rings[iRing]) bNoRoute = (rings[iRing] == nil) until (bFound or bNoRoute) if (bFound and highlight ~= nil) then Events.SerialEventHexHighlight(PlotToHex(pStartPlot), true, highlight) local pLastPlot = pStartPlot for i = iRing - 1, 1, -1 do pNextPlot = listFirstAdjacentPlot(pLastPlot, rings[i]) -- Check should be completely unnecessary if (pNextPlot == nil) then return 0 end Events.SerialEventHexHighlight(PlotToHex(pNextPlot), true, highlight) pLastPlot = pNextPlot end end return (bFound) and iRing or 0 end -- Helper method to find all plots near to the plots in the specified ring function generateNextRing(pPlayer, sRoute, rings, iRing, fBlockaded) local nextRing = nil --print("generateNextRing " .. iRing) for k, pPlot in pairs(rings[iRing]) do -- Consider two near tiles A and B, if A is in ring N, B must either be unvisited or in ring N-1 -- for if B was in ring N-2, A would have to be in ring N-1 - which it is not local listRoutes = listFilter(reachablePlots(pPlayer, pPlot, sRoute, fBlockaded), ((iRing > 1) and rings[iRing-1] or {})) if (listRoutes ~= nil) then for sId, pPlot in pairs(listRoutes) do nextRing = nextRing or {} listAddPlot(pPlot, nextRing) end end end rings[iRing+1] = nextRing return iRing+1 end -- -- Methods dealing with finding all near tiles that can be reached by the specified route type -- -- Return a list of (up to 6) reachable plots from this one by route type function reachablePlots(pPlayer, pPlot, sRoute, fBlockaded) local list = nil for pDestPlot in Plot_GetPlotsInCircle(pPlot, 1) do -- Don't let submarines fall over the edge! if (pDestPlot ~= nil) then if (pPlayer == nil or pDestPlot:IsRevealed(pPlayer:GetTeam())) then local bAdd = false -- Be careful of order, must check for road before rail, and coastal before ocean if (sRoute == mg.routes[1] and (pDestPlot:GetPlotType() == PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND or pDestPlot:GetPlotType() == PlotTypes.PLOT_HILLS)) then bAdd = true elseif (sRoute == mg.routes[2] and pDestPlot:GetRouteType() >= 0) then bAdd = true elseif (sRoute == mg.routes[3] and pDestPlot:GetRouteType() >= 1) then bAdd = true elseif (sRoute == mg.routes[4] and pDestPlot:GetTerrainType() == TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_COAST) then bAdd = true elseif (sRoute == mg.routes[5] and pDestPlot:IsWater()) then bAdd = true elseif (sRoute == mg.routes[6] and pDestPlot:IsWater()) then bAdd = true end -- Special case for water, a city on the coast counts as water if (not bAdd and (sRoute == mg.routes[4] or sRoute == mg.routes[5] or sRoute == mg.routes[6])) then bAdd = pDestPlot:IsCity() end -- Check for impassable and blockaded tiles bAdd = bAdd and isPassable(pDestPlot, sRoute) and not isBlockaded(pDestPlot, pPlayer, fBlockaded) if (bAdd) then list = list or {} listAddPlot(pDestPlot, list) end end end end return list end -- Is the plot passable for this route type .. function isPassable(pPlot, sRoute) bPassable = true -- .. due to terrain, eg natural wonders and those covered in ice iFeature = pPlot:GetFeatureType() if (iFeature > 0 and GameInfo.Features[iFeature].NaturalWonder == true) then bPassable = false elseif (iFeature == FeatureTypes.FEATURE_ICE and sRoute ~= mg.routes[6]) then bPassable = false end return bPassable end -- Is the plot blockaded for this player .. function isBlockaded(pPlot, pPlayer, fBlockaded) bBlockaded = false if (fBlockaded ~= nil) then bBlockaded = fBlockaded(pPlot, pPlayer) end return bBlockaded end -- -- Calculate the distance between two plots -- -- See http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~amitp/Articles/HexLOS.html -- Also http://keekerdc.com/2011/03/hexagon-grids-coordinate-systems-and-distance-calculations/ -- function distanceBetween(pPlot1, pPlot2) local mapX, mapY = Map.GetGridSize() -- Need to work on a hex based grid local hex1 = PlotToHex(pPlot1) local hex2 = PlotToHex(pPlot2) -- Calculate the distance between the x and z co-ordinate pairs -- allowing for the East-West wrap, (ie shortest route may be by going backwards!) local deltaX = math.min(math.abs(hex2.x - hex1.x), mapX - math.abs(hex2.x - hex1.x)) local deltaZ = math.min(math.abs(hex2.z - hex1.z), mapX - math.abs(hex2.z - hex1.z)) -- Calculate the distance between the y co-ordinates -- there is no North-South wrap, so this is easy local deltaY = math.abs(hex2.y - hex1.y) -- Calculate the distance between the plots local distance = math.max(deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ) -- Allow for both end points in the distance calculation return distance + 1 end -- Get the hex co-ordinates of a plot function PlotToHex(pPlot) local hex = ToHexFromGrid(Vector2(pPlot:GetX(), pPlot:GetY())) -- X + y + z = 0, hence z = -(x+y) hex.z = -(hex.x + hex.y) return hex end -- -- List (associative arrays) helper methods -- -- Return a list formed by removing all entries from list1 which are in list2 function listFilter(list1, list2) local list = nil if (list1 ~= nil) then for sKey, pPlot in pairs(list1) do if (list2 == nil or list2[sKey] == nil) then list = list or {} list[sKey] = pPlot end end end return list end -- Return true if pPlot is in list function listContainsPlot(pPlot, list) return (list ~= nil and list[getPlotKey(pPlot)] ~= nil) end -- Add the plot to the list function listAddPlot(pPlot, list) if (list ~= nil) then list[getPlotKey(pPlot)] = pPlot end return list end function listFirstAdjacentPlot(pPlot, list) for key, plot in pairs(list) do if (distanceBetween(pPlot, plot) == 2) then return plot end end -- We should NEVER reach here return nil end -- -- Plot helper methods -- -- Are the plots one and the same? function isSamePlot(pPlot1, pPlot2) return (pPlot1:GetX() == pPlot2:GetX() and pPlot1:GetY() == pPlot2:GetY()) end -- Get a unique key for the plot function getPlotKey(pPlot) return string.format("%d:%d", pPlot:GetX(), pPlot:GetY()) end -- Get the grid-based (x, y) co-ordinates of the plot as a string function plotToGridStr(pPlot) if (pPlot == nil) then return "" end return string.format("(%d, %d)", pPlot:GetX(), pPlot:GetY()) end -- Get the hex-based (x, y, z) co-ordinates of the plot as a string function plotToHexStr(pPlot) if (pPlot == nil) then return "" end local hex = PlotToHex(pPlot) return string.format("(%d, %d, %d)", hex.x, hex.y, hex.z) end