Make Plain Text) or gedit on Linux. Settings: name | file name | default description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- title | title.txt | Lonely Gallery the title of your gallery description | description.txt | very short description of the website; invisible metadata used by search engines keywords | keywords.txt | keywords about the website; invisible metadata used by search engines author | author.txt | name of the website's author; invisible metadata used by search engines robots | robots.txt | directive for search engines; 'noindex,nofollow' will tell a search engine not to index the website; leave blank to be indexed footer | footer.txt | text that is shown at the bottom of the gallery; you may put a legal notice here; you can use html useOriginals | useOriginals | off always use full size images instead of 700px rendered versions; use only if you resize your images before adding them to the gallery, otherwise they generate a lot of traffic albumThumbSquare | albumThumbSquare.txt | 2 the number of images used in an album thumbnail is the square of this; setting this to 2 results in 4 images, 3 in 9 and 4 in 16 shortUrls | shortUrls | off use fance short urls like /foo/bar instead of /index.php?/foo/bar; only works if your webserver rewrites these urls to the old ones; for nginx this might work: if (!-f $request_filename) { rewrite ^(.+)$ /index.php?$1 last; } ### Modules and designs ### Modules are PHP files that can simply be placed in the 'config' directory. They will work right away. Settings of a module can be set like every other setting within the 'config' directory. You can deactivate a module by prepeding the filename with a minus, e.g. '-ExampleModule.php'. You can deactivate a module in a aub directory by adding a file named like '-ExampleModule' to the config directory. Designs are basicly modules. ### Album thumbnails ### Album thumbnails are rendered with the first 4 files of a directory by default. You can change the number by setting albumThumbSquare. You can add '_thumb.jpg' or '_thumb.png' files to albums to make it the album's thumbnail. You can add a text file named '_thumb.txt' to the album to define which image is used as the album's thumbnail. If you define several files within the '_thumb.txt', one per line, they are all taken into the thumbnail. Free spots are filled up with images from the album. You can state images in '_thumb.txt' like this: * foo.jpg: 'foo.jpg' in the current directory * foo/bar.jpg: file named 'bar.jpg' in the sub directory 'foo' * ../foo.jpg: 'foo.jpg' in the parent directory * /bar.jpg: 'bar.jpg' in the root directory of the gallery ### Album text ### By adding a file called '_text.txt' to a directory its content will be displayed at the top of the album page. Html is possible. ### Redirect album ### By placing a file called '_redirect.txt' in a directory it will redirect you to another album. Just write the path of the other album into the file like for album thumbnails (see above). ### Hidden files ### Files beginning with a dot (.), a minus (-) or an underscore (_) are not displayed in the gallery. You can still refer to hidden files in a '_thumb.txt' file. ### PHP memory_limit ### PHP's memory_limit parameter can break the rendering of bigger files if set to low. Here is a table showing the relation between memory_limit and megapixels. This table is the result of a short test and might be wrong. memory_limit | megapixels 16M | 2 32M | 5 64M | 10 512M | 50 1024M | 100 I recommend setting memory_limit to 64M if you are using a digital camera up to 10 megapixels and do not resize manually. */ error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT); /* bootstrap */ if (!defined('LONELY_ONEFILE')) { require(__DIR__.'/lonely/Lonely.php'); } /* aaand ... action! */ \LonelyGallery\Lonely::model()->run(__DIR__, array()); ?>ABContent = 123; will call the method setAbcontent() if defined or it is stored as $_data['abcontent']. */ namespace LonelyGallery; /* base class for all lonely classes */ abstract class Component { /* storage for properties */ private $_data = array(); /* mass assignment with an array of settings */ public function set(Array $settings) { foreach ($settings as $name => $value) { $this->{$name} = $value; } } /* called when isset() is called on a not defined property */ public function __isset($name) { $name = strtolower($name); $method = 'get'.ucfirst($name); /* check if there is a method or a key in the storage */ return (method_exists($this, $method) || isset($this->_data[$name])); } /* called when a not defined property is needed */ public function __get($name) { $name = strtolower($name); $method = 'get'.ucfirst($name); /* call getter method if one exists */ if (method_exists($this, $method)) { return call_user_func(array($this, $method)); } /* return value from storage or null */ return isset($this->_data[$name]) ? $this->_data[$name] : null; } /* called when a not defined property is set */ public function __set($name, $value) { $name = strtolower($name); $method = 'set'.ucfirst($name); /* call setter method if one exists */ if (method_exists($this, $method)) { return call_user_func(array($this, $method), $value); } /* into storage */ $this->_data[$name] = $value; } /* called when unset() is called on a not defined property */ public function __unset($name) { $name = strtolower($name); $method = 'unset'.ucfirst($name); /* call unset method if one exists */ if (method_exists($this, $method)) { return call_user_func(array($this, $method), $value); } /* unset from storage */ if (isset($this->_data[$name])) { unset($this->_data[$name]); } } } ?>/// Each element is optional. While album and file refers to a real existing file or directory in the gallery, the scope can be a virtual directory. Additional scopes could be useful to implement new pages that refer to files or albums like slideshows or a shop system, or even file unrelated, static pages. The action is to provide several actions to one set of scope, album and file. You could use actions to provide e.g. a comment section or. Everything you could provide by scope you can also provide by action. The main difference is that scopes are matched befor album/file and actions after. Since you should take care that scope and action names don't collide with albums and files, it is mainly a design question whether to use scopes or actions. If the album/file is not recognized as a part of the gallery, it is matched as action. Examples: /thumb/300px/Holiday/2013/01.jpg scope: thumb/300px album: Holiday/2013 file: 01.jpg action: index /ABC.png/comments/new scope: lonely album (empty) file: ABC.png action: /comments/new */ namespace LonelyGallery; class Request extends Component { /* scope, defaults to 'lonely' */ public $scope = array('lonely'); /* album, defaults to none */ public $album = array(); /* file, defaults to none */ public $file = ''; /* action, defaults to '' */ public $action = array(''); function __construct($rootDir, $scopePatterns) { /* get request string */ if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $request = rawurldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } else { $request = rawurldecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (strpos($request, $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) === 0) { /* cut off path and filename of this script */ $request = substr($request, 1 + strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])); } else { /* cut off path of this script */ $request = substr($request, 1 + strlen(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']))); } } /* convert to array and remove empty entries, then rebuild keys */ $requestArray = array_values(array_diff(unwebpath($request), array(''))); /* match scope */ if (preg_match_any((array)$scopePatterns, webpath($requestArray), $match)) { $this->scope = unwebpath($match[1]); $requestArray = array_slice($requestArray, count($this->scope)); } /* match album, file and action */ /* search for the longest path that is a file or dir */ $num = count($requestArray); for ($i = 0; $i <= $num; ++$i) { $path = $rootDir.path(array_slice($requestArray, 0, $num - $i)); /* check if file */ if (@is_file($path)) { $pos = max(0, $num - $i - 1); $this->album = array_slice($requestArray, 0, $pos); $this->file = $requestArray[$pos]; if ($num > ($pos + 1)) { $this->action = array_slice($requestArray, $pos + 1); } break; } if (@is_dir($path)) { $pos = $num - $i; $this->album = array_slice($requestArray, 0, $pos); if ($num > $pos) { $this->action = array_slice($requestArray, $pos); } break; } } } } ?>set($settings); /* set start time to mesure execution time */ $this->startTime = microtime(true); /* Path variables (sheme: [prefix][Suffix], eg. rootDir) prefixes: root: top of the gallery and where the images are located thumb: where the thumbnails are config: where the configuration is suffixes: Dir: absolute local location Path: root-relative web location Script: root-relative web location containing the script Examples: thumbPath: web path to the thumbnail directory thumbScript: web path to this script to create/update and then show the thumbnail configDir: read files of modules, etc. */ /* config directory */ $this->rootDir = path(array($rootDir), true); /* set default design */ $this->_design = $this->defaultDesign; /* check for GD */ if (!function_exists('gd_info')) { $this->error(500, 'Missing GD library. Make sure your PHP installation includes the GD library.'); } /* config directory */ $this->configDir = path(array($this->rootDir.$this->configDirectory), true); if (!is_dir($this->configDir)) { if (!mkdir($this->configDir)) { $this->error(500, 'Config directory (/'.$this->configDirectory.') could not be created. Check if your user has permission to write to your gallery directory.'); } } /* read data from config dir */ if (is_readable($this->configDir) && is_executable($this->configDir)) { $this->readConfig($this->configDir); } else { $this->error(500, 'Config directory (/'.$this->configDirectory.') is missing some rights.'); } /* assets dir */ $this->assetsDir = path(array($this->rootDir.$this->assetsDirectory)); /* render directory */ $this->thumbDir = path(array($this->rootDir.$this->thumbDirectory), true); if (!is_dir($this->thumbDir)) { if (!mkdir($this->thumbDir)) { $this->error(500, 'Thumbnail directory (/'.$this->thumbDirectory.') could not be created. Check if your user has permission to write to your gallery directory.'); } if (!is_readable($this->thumbDir)) { $this->error(500, 'Thumbnail directory (/'.$this->thumbDirectory.') is not readable.'); } } /* the gallery's full URL */ $this->server = 'http'.(empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? '' : 's').'://' // scheme .$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] // domain .((($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80 && empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) || ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443 && !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']))) ? '' : ':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']); // port /* root-relative path */ $this->rootPath = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); $this->rootPath .= ($this->rootPath == '/') ? '' : '/'; $this->realRootScript = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'?/'; $this->realRootScriptClean = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $this->rootScript = $this->shortUrls ? $this->rootPath : $this->realRootScript; $this->rootScriptClean = $this->shortUrls ? $this->rootPath : $this->realRootScriptClean; $this->thumbPath = $this->rootPath.$this->thumbDirectory.'/'; $this->thumbScript = $this->realRootScript.$this->thumbDirectory.'/'; $this->configPath = $this->rootPath.$this->configDirectory.'/'; $this->configScript = $this->realRootScript.$this->configDirectory.'/'; $this->assetsPath = $this->rootPath.$this->assetsDirectory; /* hidden files */ $this->hiddenFileNames[] = '/^('.implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', array_merge($this->albumThumb, array($this->albumThumbFile, $this->albumText, $this->redirectFile)))).')$/i'; $this->hiddenAlbumNames[] = '/^('.preg_quote($this->configDirectory).'|'.preg_quote($this->thumbDirectory).'|'.preg_quote($this->assetsDirectory).'|lonely)$/i'; /* initialize modules */ $this->initModules(); /* init render profiles */ $renderProfiles = $this->_design->renderProfiles(); RenderHelper::addProfiles($renderProfiles); /* init request */ $scopePattern = '#^('.preg_quote($this->configDirectory).'|'.preg_quote($this->thumbDirectory).'/('.implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', array_keys($renderProfiles), array('#'))).'))(/|$)#'; $this->request = new Request($this->rootDir, $scopePattern); $album = $this->request->album; /* init default files */ $this->registerFileClass('\\LonelyGallery\\Image'); if ($this->extensions) { $this->registerFileClass('\\LonelyGallery\\GenericFile'); } /* build the method to call */ $this->handleRequest($this->request); } /* reads the files in the config directory */ private function readConfig($dir) { /* first load settings from lonely.php */ $this->set($this->getLonelySettings()); /* then load file-settings */ foreach (scandir($dir) as $file) { /* skip hidden (./../.htaccess) */ if ($file[0] == '.' || !is_file($dir.$file)) { continue; } /* turn off setting */ else if ($file[0] == '-') { if (substr($file, -6) == "Module") { $this->removeModule(substr($file, 1)); } else { $this->{substr($file, 1)} = false; } } /* modules always end on 'Module.php' */ else if (($s = substr($file, -10)) == 'Module.php') { $this->addModule(substr($file, 0, -4)); } /* designs always end on 'Design.php' */ else if ($s == 'Design.php') { /* replace previous design */ $this->_design = substr($file, 0, -4); } /* value */ else if (substr($file, -4) == ".txt") { /* list */ if (substr($file, -9, -4) == ".list") { $value = array(); foreach (file($dir.$file, FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES|FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES) as $line) { $value[] = utf8ify($line); } $this->{substr($file, 0, -9)} = $value; } /* single */ else { $value = file_get_contents($dir.$file); $value = utf8ify($value); $this->{substr($file, 0, -4)} = trim($value); } } /* otherwise it is a turn on setting */ else { $this->{$file} = true; } } } /* returns the settings from lonely.php */ private function getLonelySettings() { $file = $this->configDir.'lonely.php'; if (is_file($file)) { return include($file); } return array(); } /* handle request */ public function handleRequest(Request $request) { /* let modules interrupt the request */ foreach ($this->_modules as $module) { if (method_exists($module, 'checkAccess') && !$module->checkAccess($request)) { $this->error(403, 'You are not allowed to access this page.'); } } /* let modules handle the request */ foreach ($this->_modules as $module) { if (method_exists($module, 'handleRequest') && !$module->handleRequest($request)) { return; } } $scope = $request->scope; $action = $request->action[0] == '' ? array('index') : $request->action; switch ($scope[0]) { /* thumb */ case $this->thumbDirectory: $method = 'displayThumb'; break; /* config */ case $this->configDirectory: $method = $scope[0]; foreach (array_slice($scope, 1) as $scope) { $method .= ucfirst($scope); } $method .= 'Action'; break; /* lonely */ case 'lonely': default: /* don't display album files */ if (in_array($request->file, $this->albumThumb)) { $this->error(); } $method = $scope[0]; foreach (array_slice($scope, 1) as $scope) { $method .= ucfirst($scope); } $method .= ucfirst(preg_replace('#[^-\w\d]#', '_', $action[0])).'Action'; } /* bring the action */ $somethingCalled = false; if (method_exists($this, $method)) { call_user_func(array($this, $method), $this->request); $somethingCalled = true; } foreach ($this->_modules as $module) { if (method_exists($module, $method)) { call_user_func(array($module, $method), $this->request); $somethingCalled = true; } } /* nothing called */ if (!$somethingCalled) { $this->error(); } } /* evaluates if the file or dir name is hidden */ public function isHiddenName($name) { return preg_match_any($this->hiddenNames, $name); } /* evaluates if the file name is hidden */ public function isHiddenFileName($name) { return $name == preg_match_any($this->hiddenFileNames, $name) || $this->isHiddenName($name); } /* evaluates if the dir name is hidden */ public function isHiddenAlbumName($name) { return $name == preg_match_any($this->hiddenAlbumNames, $name) || $this->isHiddenName($name); } /* add module */ public function addModule($module) { $this->_modules[$module] = null; } /* returns the module */ public function getModule($module) { return isset($this->_modules[$module]) ? $this->_modules[$module] : null; } /* remove module */ public function removeModule($module) { if (array_key_exists($module, $this->_modules)) { unset($this->_modules[$module]); } } /* returns the list of modules */ public function getModules() { return $this->_modules; } /* returns the design */ public function getDesign() { return $this->_design; } /* initializes the modules */ public function initModules() { /* add design at front to modules */ $this->_modules = array($this->_design => null) + $this->_modules; /* first load all files to prevent missing requirements */ foreach ($this->_modules as $name => &$module) { if (!class_exists('\\LonelyGallery\\'.$name.'\\Module')) { require($this->configDir.$name.'.php'); } } /* init objects */ $fileClasses = array(); foreach ($this->_modules as $name => &$module) { /* initialize module */ $classname = '\\LonelyGallery\\'.$name.'\\Module'; $module = new $classname(); /* fetch settings from module */ $this->set($module->settings()); /* file classes */ foreach ($module->fileClasses() as $fileclass => $prio) { $fileClasses['\\LonelyGallery\\'.$name.'\\'.$fileclass] = $prio; } /* switch designs */ if ($module instanceof Design) { $this->_design = $module; } } /* init file objects */ arsort($fileClasses, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach ($fileClasses as $fileclass => $prio) { $this->registerFileClass($fileclass); } $this->_modulesInitialized = true; } /* map file patterns to class */ public function registerFileClass($classname) { $this->_files[$classname::pattern()] = $classname; } /* returns map from name pattern to file class */ public function getFilePatterns() { return $this->_files; } /* calls an event */ public function callEvent() { if (func_num_args() >= 1) { $args = func_get_args(); $method = $args[0].'Event'; $data = array(); foreach ($this->_modules as $moduleName => $module) { if (method_exists($module, $method)) { $data[$moduleName] = call_user_func_array(array($module, $method), array_slice($args, 1)); } } return $data; } } /* show album or image */ protected function lonelyIndexAction(Request $request) { $album = Factory::createAlbum($request->album); $file = Factory::createFile($request->file, $album); /* file requested */ if ($file && $file->isAvailable()) { /* redirect to the file */ header('Location: '.$this->server.$this->rootPath.$file->getPath(), true, 301); exit; } /* album requested */ else if ($album->isAvailable()) { $html = "
\n\n"; /* data */ $parents = $album->getParents(); $albums = $album->getAlbums(); $files = $album->getFiles(); /* redirect */ /* placed here after loading the sub-albums and files because it takes the least time thanks to caching, also you probably want to redirect empty albums, so the overhead isn't that big */ if (($redirectAlbum = $album->getRedirectAlbum()) || ($this->autoRedirect && !count($files) && count($albums) == 1 && ($redirectAlbum = reset($albums)))) { header('Location: '.$this->server.$this->rootScript.$redirectAlbum->getPath(), true, 302); exit; } /* title */ $title = $album->getName(); foreach ($parents as $element) { $title .= " - ".$element->getName(); } $this->HTMLTitle = $title; /* breadcrumbs */ if (count($parents)) { $html .= "\t
\n". "\t\t\n". "\t
\n\n"; } /* album text */ $albumText = $album->getText(); $html .= $albumText ? "\t
\n\n" : ""; /* links */ $html2 = ""; foreach ($this->callEvent('albumLinks', $album) as $datas) { foreach ($datas as $data) { $html2 .= "\t\t
  • ".escape($data['label'])."
  • \n"; } } if ($html2 != "") { $html .= "\t
      \n". "\t\t
    • index
    • \n". $html2. "\t
    \n\n"; } /* albums */ if (count($albums)) { $html .= "\t
      \n"; foreach ($albums as $element) { $path = escape($this->rootScript.$element->getPath()); $name = escape($element->getName()); $thumbHtml = $element->getThumbHTML($this->_design->thumbProfile($element), $classname); $html .= "\t\t
    • getId()."\"".($classname != '' ? ' class="'.$classname.'"' : '').">\n". "\t\t\t".$thumbHtml."\n". "\t\t\t\n". "\t\t\t\t".$name."\n". "\t\t\t\n". "\t\t
    • \n"; } $html .= "\t
    \n\n"; } /* files */ $action = $this->defaultFileAction; if (count($files)) { $html .= "\t
      \n"; foreach ($files as $element) { $path = escape($this->rootScript.$element->getPath().'/'.$action); $name = escape($element->getName()); $thumbHtml = $element->getThumbHTML($this->_design->thumbProfile($element), $classname); $html .= "\t\t
    • getId()."\"".($classname != '' ? ' class="'.$classname.'"' : '').">\n". "\t\t\t".$thumbHtml."\n". "\t\t\t\n". "\t\t\t\t".$name."\n". "\t\t\t\n". "\t\t
    • \n"; } $html .= "\t
    \n\n"; } /* empty album */ else if (!count($albums)) { if (empty($request->album)) { $html .= "\t

    This gallery is empty. Try adding some image files to the directory you placed this script in. You can also have albums by creating directories.

    \n\n"; } else { $html .= "\t

    This album is empty.

    \n\n"; } } $html .= "
    \n"; $this->HTMLContent = $html; $this->display(); exit; } /* nothing requested */ $this->error(); } /* display thumb page */ protected function lonelyPreviewAction(Request $request) { $album = Factory::createAlbum($request->album); $file = Factory::createFile($request->file, $album); /* file requested */ if ($file && $file->isAvailable()) { $html = "
    \n\n". "\t
    \n\n"; $name = escape($file->getName()); $action = $this->defaultFileAction; /* parent albums */ $parents = $file->getParents(); /* title */ $title = $file->getName(); foreach ($parents as $element) { $title .= " - ".$element->getName(); } $this->HTMLTitle = $title; /* breadcrumbs */ if (count($parents)) { $html .= "\t\t\n\n"; } /* links */ $html2 = ""; foreach ($this->callEvent('fileLinks', $file) as $datas) { foreach ($datas as $data) { $html2 .= "\t\t
  • ".escape($data['label'])."
  • \n"; } } if ($html2 != "") { $html .= "\t
      \n". "\t\t
    • preview
    • \n". $html2. "\t
    \n\n"; } /* navigation */ $files = array_values($album->getFiles()); $count = count($files); $current = $file->getFilename(); foreach ($files as $pos => $f) { if ($f->getFilename() === $current) { break; } } $first = $pos > 0 ? $files[0] : null; $prev = $pos > 0 ? $files[$pos-1] : null; $next = ($pos+1) < $count ? $files[$pos+1] : null; $last = ($pos+1) < $count ? $files[$count-1] : null; if ($pos !== false) { $html .= "\t\t

    \n". "\t\t\t".($first ? "rootScript.$first->getPath().'/'.$action)."\">first" : "first")."\n". "\t\t\t".($prev ? "rootScript.$prev->getPath().'/'.$action)."\">previous" : "previous")."\n". "\t\t\trootScript.$element->getPath())."#".$file->getId()."\">album\n". "\t\t\t".($next ? "rootScript.$next->getPath().'/'.$action)."\">next" : "next")."\n". "\t\t\t".($last ? "rootScript.$last->getPath().'/'.$action)."\">last" : "last")."\n". "\t\t

    \n\n"; } $html .= "\t
    \n\n"; /* preview */ $html .= "\t
    \n". "\t\t".$file->getPreviewHTML()."\n"; if ($prev) { $html .= "\t\trootScript.$prev->getPath().'/'.$action)."#p\">\n"; } if ($next) { $html .= "\t\trootScript.$next->getPath().'/'.$action)."#p\">\n"; } $html .= "\t
    \n\n"; /* info */ if ($file instanceof ContentFile || $file->showTitle) { $html .= "\t
    \n". "\t\t


    \n"; if ($file instanceof ContentFile) { $html .= "\t\t


    \n"; $dlOpen = false; foreach ($this->callEvent('fileInfo', $file) as $data) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (is_int($key)) { if ($dlOpen) { $html .= "\t\t\n"; $dlOpen = false; } $html .= "\t\t


    \n"; } else { if (!$dlOpen) { $html .= "\t\t
    \n"; $dlOpen = true; } $html .= "\t\t\t
    \n". "\t\t\t
    \n"; } } } if ($dlOpen) { $html .= "\t\t
    \n"; } $html .= "\t
    \n"; } } $html .= "
    \n"; $this->HTMLContent = $html; $this->display(); exit; } $this->error(); } /* shows the thumbnail */ protected function displayThumb(Request $request) { $profile = webpath(array_slice($request->scope, 1)); $element = $album = Factory::createAlbum($request->album); /* file thumbnail */ if ($request->file) { $element = Factory::createFile($request->file, $album); } /* album thumbnail */ else { $file = $album->getThumbImage(); /* own album thumbnail */ if ($file && $request->action[0] == $file->getFilename()) { $element = $file; } } if (!$element->isAvailable()) { $this->error(); } if ($element->initThumb($profile)) { /* redirect to thumbnail */ header("Location: ".$element->getThumbPath($profile)); exit; } $this->error(500, 'Could not calculate Thumbnail.'); } /* show an error page */ public function error($errno = 404, $message = "The page you were looking for was not found.") { /* because this method can be called early, try to init modules */ if (!$this->_errorInitModules && !$this->_modulesInitialized) { /* prevent looping */ $this->_errorInitModules = true; try { $this->initModules(); } catch (Exception $e) { /* reset all modules */ $this->_modules = array(); } } if (function_exists('http_response_code')) { http_response_code($errno); } else { header(' ', true, $errno); } $this->HTMLTitle = "Error ".$errno." - ".$this->title; $this->HTMLContent = "


    \n\n"; $this->display(); exit; } /* displays the page */ public function display() { ?> description) != "") { echo "\t\n"; } if (($m = $this->keywords) != "") { echo "\t\n"; } if (($m = $this->author) != "") { echo "\t\n"; } if (($m = $this->robots) != "") { echo "\t\n"; } /* CSS & JS files */ foreach ($this->getModules() as $module) { foreach ($module->resources() as $file => $res) { // $path = Lonely::model()->configScript.$file; $location = path(array_merge(array($this->assetsDir), unwebpath($file))); $path = webpath(array($this->assetsPath, $file)); /* write the file to assets directory and let the web server handle requests */ if ((!is_file($location) || filemtime($location) < $res->whenModified()) && touch_mkdir($location)) { file_put_contents($location, $res->getContent()); } if ($res instanceof CSSFile) { echo "\tmedia != '' ? " media=\"".escape($res->media)."\"" : ""), ">\n"; } else if ($res instanceof JSFile) { echo "\t\n"; } } } /* page title */ echo "\t", escape($this->HTMLTitle ?: $this->title), "\n"; if (isset($this->HTMLHead)) { echo strtr($this->HTMLHead, array("\n" => "\n\t")); } ?>

    title); ?>

    HTMLContent)) { echo strtr($this->HTMLContent, array("\n" => "\n\t\t")); } ?>
    footer."\n"; ?> s = $settings + array( 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, 'max-width' => 0, 'max-height' => 0, 'quality' => 80, 'square' => false, ); } /* returns whether the given file matches the requirements */ public function isSuitable($path) { /* get info */ $info = @getimagesize($path); /* check */ return ($this->s['width'] && $info[0] == $this->s['width']) && ($this->s['height'] && $info[1] == $this->s['height']) && ($this->s['max-width'] && $info[0] <= $this->s['max-width']) && ($this->s['max-height'] && $info[1] <= $this->s['max-height']) && ($this->s['square'] && $info[0] == $info[1]); } /* render thumbnail from image */ protected function renderThumbnail($path, $saveTo) { /* get info */ $info = static::getInfo($path); /* calculate dimensions */ $thumbWidth = $this->s['width']; $thumbHeight = $this->s['square'] ? $this->s['width'] : $this->s['height']; if ($thumbWidth && !$thumbHeight) { $thumbHeight = $thumbWidth / $info[0] * $info[1]; } else if (!$thumbWidth && $thumbHeight) { $thumbWidth = $thumbHeight / $info[0] * $info[1]; } else if (!$thumbWidth && !$thumbHeight) { /* 1:1 aspect ratio */ if ($this->s['square']) { $thumbWidth = $thumbHeight = min($info[0], $info[1], $this->s['max-width']); } /* normal mode */ else { $thumbWidth = $info[0]; $thumbHeight = $info[1]; if ($this->s['max-width'] && $thumbWidth > $this->s['max-width']) { $thumbWidth = $this->s['max-width']; $thumbHeight = $this->s['max-width'] / $info[0] * $info[1]; } if ($this->s['max-height'] && $thumbHeight > $this->s['max-height']) { $thumbHeight = $this->s['max-height']; $thumbWidth = $this->s['max-height'] / $info[1] * $info[0]; } } } /* calculate crop infos */ $imageX = $imageY = 0; $imageWidth = $info[0]; $imageHeight = $info[1]; if ($this->s['square']) { $imageWidth = $imageHeight = min($info[0], $info[1]); $imageX = floor(($info[0] - $imageWidth) / 2); $imageY = floor(($info[1] - $imageWidth) / 2); } /* create new image */ $thumb = static::createImage($thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, $info[2]); /* load image from file */ $image = static::loadImage($path, $info[2]); /* resizing */ static::copyImage($thumb, $image, 0, 0, $imageX, $imageY, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, $imageWidth, $imageHeight); /* write to file */ return static::saveImage($thumb, $saveTo, $info[2]); } /* render checkboard pattern from images */ protected function renderChessboard(Array $files, $saveTo) { /* prepare */ $num = (int)sqrt(count($files)); $thumbSize = $this->s['width']/$num; /* create new image */ $thumb = self::createImage($this->s['width'], $this->s['width'], IMAGETYPE_PNG); /* go through files and add them to the thumbnail */ $nr = 0; foreach ($files as $file) { /* get info */ $info = static::getInfo($file); /* calculate dimensions */ $imageSize = $imageX = $imageY = 0; /* wider than high */ if ($info[0] > $info[1]) { $imageX = (int)(($info[0] - $info[1]) / 2); $imageSize = $info[1]; } /* higher than wide */ else { $imageY = (int)(($info[1] - $info[0]) / 2); $imageSize = $info[0]; } /* load image from file */ $image = static::loadImage($file, $info[2]); /* resize */ $toX = ($nr % $num) * $thumbSize; $toY = (int)($nr / $num) * $thumbSize; self::copyImage($thumb, $image, $toX, $toY, $imageX, $imageY, $thumbSize, $thumbSize, $imageSize, $imageSize); static::unsetImage($image); ++$nr; } /* write to file */ return self::saveImage($thumb, $saveTo, IMAGETYPE_PNG); } /* returns the info of an image */ protected static function getInfo($path) { return @getimagesize($path); } /* copys (a part of) an image into another image */ protected static function copyImage(&$dest, $src, $destX, $destY, $srcX, $srcY, $destWidth, $destHeight, $srcWidth, $srcHeight) { return imagecopyresampled($dest, $src, $destX, $destY, $srcX, $srcY, $destWidth, $destHeight, $srcWidth, $srcHeight); } /* creates a new image */ protected static function createImage($width, $height, $type) { $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); /* transparency for gif and png */ if (in_array($type, array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_PNG))) { $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 0, 0, 0, 127); imagecolortransparent($image, $transparent); imagefill($image, 0, 0, $transparent); imagealphablending($image, false); imagesavealpha($image, true); } return $image; } /* loads an image */ protected static function loadImage($path, $type) { switch ($type) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: return imagecreatefromgif($path); case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: return imagecreatefromjpeg($path); case IMAGETYPE_PNG: return imagecreatefrompng($path); } return null; } /* saves an image */ protected static function saveImage($image, $path, $type) { /* create dir */ touch_mkdir($path); switch ($type) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: return imagegif($image, $path); case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: return imagejpeg($image, $path, 80); case IMAGETYPE_PNG: return imagepng($image, $path, 9); } return false; } /* removes an image from the memory */ protected static function unsetImage($image) { return imagedestroy($image); } } ?>profile = $profile; parent::__construct(self::$_profiles[$profile]); } /* return instance of this class with the given profile */ public static function profile($profile) { if (!isset(self::$_instances[$profile])) { self::$_instances[$profile] = new static($profile); } return self::$_instances[$profile]; } /* add profiles in the form array(name => settings, ...) */ public static function addProfiles($profiles) { self::$_profiles += $profiles; } /* render thumbnail from image */ public function renderThumbnailOfElement(Element $file, $sourcePath = null) { return parent::renderThumbnail($sourcePath ?: $file->location, $file->getThumbLocation($this->profile)); } /* returns whether the given file matches the requirements */ public function renderChessboardOfAlbum(Album $album, Array $files) { return parent::renderChessboard($files, $album->getThumbLocation($this->profile)); } } ?>" which is replaced by the actual mode */ protected $thumbLocationPattern; /* relative web path */ protected $path; /* cached name of this element */ private $_name; /* cached alternative names */ private $_altNames; /* unique string that can identify this element */ private $_id; private static $_usedIds = array(); function __construct(Array $galleryPath, Album $parent = null) { $this->_galleryPath = $galleryPath; $this->_parent = $parent; } /* create id */ protected static function createId($name) { $i = 1; do { $id = simplifyString($name).($i++ > 1 ? '_'.$i : ''); } while (in_array($id, self::$_usedIds)); return $id; } /* inits the id */ protected function initId($name) { self::$_usedIds[] = $this->_id = self::createId($name); } /* returns the gallery path */ public function getGalleryPath() { return $this->_galleryPath; } /* returns the id */ public function getId() { return $this->_id; } /* check if the file or directory is available */ function isAvailable() { return @is_readable($this->location); } /* sets the parent album */ protected function setParent(Album $parent) { $this->_parent = $parent; } /* returns the object of the parent album */ public function getParent() { return $this->_parent; } /* returns an array of the parent albums */ public function getParents() { $albums = array(); for ($album = $this; $album = $album->getParent();) { $albums[] = $album; } return $albums; } /* returns the absolute file location */ public function getLocation() { return $this->location; } /* returns the absolute thumb file location pattern containing "" */ public function getThumbPathPattern() { return $this->thumbLocationPattern; } /* returns the name of this element */ public function getName() { if ($this->_name === null) { $this->_name = $this->loadName(); } return $this->_name; } /* loads the name of this element */ protected function loadName() { return ''; } /* returns the alternative names for this file */ protected function getAlternativeNames() { if ($this->_altNames === null) { $this->_altNames = array(); foreach (Lonely::model()->callEvent('elementNames', $this) as $data) { if ($data !== null) { $this->_altNames[] = $data; } } } return $this->_altNames; } /* returns the first alternative name for this file or null */ protected function getAlternativeName() { $altNames = $this->getAlternativeNames(); return count($altNames) ? $altNames[0] : null; } /* returns the relative web path */ public function getPath() { return $this->path; } /* returns the absolute path of the thumbnail */ public function getThumbLocation($profile) { return strtr($this->thumbLocationPattern, array(''=>$profile)); } /* returns the web thumb path */ public function getThumbPath($profile) { return ($this->thumbAvailable($profile) ? Lonely::model()->thumbPath : Lonely::model()->thumbScript). $profile.'/'.$this->path; } /* checks if there is a up-to-date thumbnail file */ public function thumbAvailable($profile) { $thumbPath = $this->getThumbLocation($profile); return ($thumbPath && ($tTime = @filemtime($thumbPath)) && ($oTime = @filemtime($this->location)) && $tTime >= $oTime); } /* initializes the thumbnail */ public function initThumb($profile) { /* check if thumbnail is available and up to date */ return ($this->thumbAvailable($profile) || $this->createThumb($profile, $this->getThumbLocation($profile))); } /* creates a thumbnail */ protected function createThumb($profile, $saveTo) { return false; } /* returns the mime type */ public function getMime() { return 'application/octet-stream'; } /* returns the HTML code for the thumbnail */ public function getThumbHTML($profile, &$htmlclass = '') { $thumbpath = escape($this->getThumbPath($profile)); $name = escape($this->getName()); return "\"".$name."\""; } } ?>getGalleryPath(); $this->initId('album_'.end($gPath)); $this->location = Lonely::model()->rootDir.(count($gPath) ? path($gPath, true) : ''); $this->thumbLocationPattern = Lonely::model()->thumbDir.''.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.(count($gPath) ? path($gPath, true) : ''); $this->path = count($gPath) ? webpath(array_map('rawurlencode', $gPath), true) : ''; } /* loads the name of this element */ protected function loadName() { if (($altname = $this->getAlternativeName()) !== null) { return $altname; } $gPath = $this->getGalleryPath(); $name = count($gPath) ? end($gPath) : Lonely::model()->title; $name = strtr($name, '_', ' '); return $name; } /* returns the object of the parent album */ public function getParent() { $parent = parent::getParent(); $gPath = $this->getGalleryPath(); if (!$parent && count($gPath)) { $this->setParent($parent = new self(array_slice($gPath, 0, -1))); } return $parent; } /* reads in the files and dirs within the directory of this album */ public function loadElements() { $this->_albums = array(); $this->_files = array(); /* this is clean if this is a subdirectory which is not the config or thumb directory */ $gPath = $this->getGalleryPath(); $cleanLocation = count($gPath) && !in_array(Lonely::model()->configDirectory, $gPath) && $gPath[0] !== Lonely::model()->thumbDirectory; /* go through each element */ $dir = opendir($this->location); while (($filename = readdir($dir)) !== false) { /* save the names of all files so that hidden files can be found without accessing the file system again */ $this->_allFiles[] = $filename; /* skip files starting with a dot or a minus */ if (Lonely::model()->isHiddenName($filename)) { continue; } /* get location */ $location = $this->location.$filename; /* the element must not be in the config or thumb directory */ if (!$cleanLocation && (strpos($location.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, Lonely::model()->configDir) === 0 || strpos($location.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, Lonely::model()->thumbDir) === 0)) { continue; } switch (filetype($location)) { case 'dir': /* must not be config directory */ if (!Lonely::model()->isHiddenAlbumName($filename)) { $album = Factory::createAlbum(array_merge($gPath, array($filename))); $this->_albums[$filename] = $album; } break; case 'file': if (!Lonely::model()->isHiddenFileName($filename)) { $file = Factory::createFile($filename, $this); if ($file) { $this->_files[$filename] = $file; } } break; } } /* sort alphabetically */ ksort($this->_albums); ksort($this->_files); } /* returns the array of albums in this album */ public function getAlbums() { if ($this->_albums === null) { $this->loadElements(); } return $this->_albums; } /* returns the array of files in this album */ public function getFiles() { if ($this->_files === null) { $this->loadElements(); } return $this->_files; } /* returns the array of visible and hidden files in this album */ public function getAllFiles() { if ($this->_allFiles === null) { $this->loadElements(); } return $this->_allFiles; } /* returns only those files of the given list that are in this album */ public function getFilesNamed($files) { if ($this->_allFiles !== null) { return array_intersect((array)$files, $this->getAllFiles()); } $result = array(); foreach ((array)$files as $file) { if (is_file($this->location.$file)) { $result[] = $file; } } return $result; } /* returns the files that match the pattern */ public function getFilesMatching($pattern) { return preg_grep($pattern, $this->getAllFiles()); } /* returns the description text */ public function getText() { if ($this->_text === null && $this->getFilesNamed(Lonely::model()->albumText)) { $text = file_get_contents($this->location.Lonely::model()->albumText); $this->_text = $text ?: ''; } return $this->_text; } /* returns the album to redirect to or null */ public function getRedirectAlbum() { if ($this->getFilesNamed(Lonely::model()->redirectFile)) { $path = file_get_contents($this->location.Lonely::model()->redirectFile); return Factory::createAlbumByRelPath($path, $this); } return null; } /* returns the thumb image object or false if an own should be rendered */ public function getThumbImage() { if ($this->_thumbImage === null) { /* by name file */ if (($path = @file_get_contents($this->location.Lonely::model()->albumThumbFile)) !== false) { $file = Factory::createFileByRelPath(trim($path), $this); if ($file && $file->isAvailable()) { $this->_thumbImage = $file; } } /* default name */ if ($this->_thumbImage === null) { $this->_thumbImage = false; foreach (Lonely::model()->albumThumb as $name) { $file = Factory::createFile($name, $this); if ($file->isAvailable()) { $this->_thumbImage = $file; break; } } } } return $this->_thumbImage; } /* returns the absolute path of the thumbnail */ public function getThumbLocation($profile) { if ($thumbImage = $this->getThumbImage()) { return $thumbImage->getThumbLocation($profile); } return parent::getThumbLocation($profile).rawurlencode(Lonely::model()->albumThumb[0]); } /* returns the web thumb path */ public function getThumbPath($profile) { if ($thumbImage = $this->getThumbImage()) { return $thumbImage->getThumbPath($profile); } return parent::getThumbPath($profile).rawurlencode(Lonely::model()->albumThumb[0]); } /* checks if there is a up-to-date thumbnail file */ public function thumbAvailable($profile) { if ($thumbImage = $this->getThumbImage()) { return $thumbImage->initThumb($profile); } $thumbPath = $this->getThumbLocation($profile); return ($thumbPath && ($tTime = @filemtime($thumbPath)) && ($oTime = @filemtime($this->location)) && $tTime >= $oTime && (!($oTime = @filemtime($this->location.Lonely::model()->albumThumbFile)) || $tTime >= $oTime) ); } /* creates a thumbnail */ protected function createThumb($profile, $saveTo) { /* number of images */ $num = max(1, Lonely::model()->albumThumbSquare); $n = $num * $num; /* get images */ $files = array(); $design = Lonely::model()->getDesign(); /* get files defined by the thumb file */ if ($pathes = @file($this->location.Lonely::model()->albumThumbFile, FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES)) { $numPathes = 0; foreach ($pathes as $path) { $file = Factory::createFileByRelPath(trim($path), $this); if ($file) { if ($file instanceof ContentFile) { $fileProfile = $design->thumbProfile($file); if ($file->initThumb($fileProfile)) { $files[] = $file->getThumbLocation($fileProfile); ++$numPathes; } } else if ($thumb = $file->getThumbSourceLocation()) { $files[] = $thumb; ++$numPathes; } } } $num = ceil(sqrt($numPathes)); $n = $num * $num - $numPathes; } /* not enough? get files that are in the album */ if ($n) { foreach($this->getFiles() as $file) { $path = null; if ($file instanceof ContentFile) { $fileProfile = $design->thumbProfile($file); if ($file->initThumb($fileProfile)) { $path = $file->getThumbLocation($fileProfile); } } else if ($thumb = $file->getThumbSourceLocation()) { $path = $thumb; } if (!in_array($path, $files)) { $files[] = $path; if (!--$n) { break; } } } } /* not enough? add albums */ if ($n) { foreach($this->getAlbums() as $album) { if ($album->initThumb($profile)) { array_unshift($files, $album->getThumbLocation($profile)); if (!--$n) { break; } } } } /* not enough? add duplicates */ if ($n && $n < ($num * $num)) { for ($a = 0; $n; $n--) { $files[] = $files[$a++]; } } /* render */ return RenderHelper::profile($profile)->renderChessboardOfAlbum($this, $files); } } ?>albumClass; return self::$_albums[$path] = new $classname($gPath, $parent); } /* returns the instance of the album by path */ public static function createAlbumByRelPath($path, Album $parent) { $gPath = unwebpath($path); return self::createAlbum(self::consolidateGalleryPath($gPath, $parent)); } /* returns the instance of the file or null if not supported */ public static function createFile($filename, Album $parent) { $gPath = array_merge($parent->getGalleryPath(), array($filename)); $path = webpath($gPath); /* check if object was already created */ if (isset(self::$_files[$path])) { return self::$_files[$path]; } /* create object */ $patterns = Lonely::model()->getFilePatterns(); foreach ($patterns as $pattern => $classname) { if (preg_match($pattern, $filename)) { return self::$_files[$path] = new $classname($gPath, $filename, $parent); } } return null; } /* returns the instance of the object by path or null if not supported */ public static function createFileByRelPath($path, Album $album) { $gPath = unwebpath($path); $gPath = self::consolidateGalleryPath($gPath, $album); /* load objects */ $album = self::createAlbum(array_slice($gPath, 0, -1)); return self::createFile(end($gPath), $album); } /* consolidates a path (given as array) */ public static function consolidateGalleryPath(Array $gPath, Element $parent) { /* relative path */ if (count($gPath) == 1 || $gPath[0] != '') { $gPath = array_merge($parent->getGalleryPath(), $gPath); } /* consolidate path (remove '', '.' and '..')*/ $gPath = array_diff($gPath, array('', '.')); foreach ($gPath as $a => $v) { /* delete with previous part */ if ($v == '..') { unset($gPath[$a]); for ($b = $a - 1; $b > 0 && !isset($gPath[$b]); ) --$b; unset($gPath[$b]); } } return $gPath; } } ?>_filename = $filename; parent::__construct($gPath, $parent); $this->initId('file_'.$this->_filename); if ($this->_filename !== "") { $parent = $this->getParent(); $this->location = $parent->getLocation().$this->_filename; $this->thumbLocationPattern = $parent->getThumbPathPattern().$this->_filename; $this->path = $parent->getPath().rawurlencode($this->_filename); } } /* file pattern */ public static function pattern() { return '/^$/'; // empty pattern to match nothing } /* loads the name of this element */ protected function loadName() { if (($altname = $this->getAlternativeName()) !== null) { return $altname; } return $this->getFilename(); } /* returns the filename */ public function getFilename() { return $this->_filename; } /* returns the HTML code for the preview */ public function getPreviewHTML() { return ""; } } ?>_deleteThumbOnDestruct && $this->_thumbSourceLocation) { unlink($this->_thumbSourceLocation); } } /* returns the source location of the image from which the thumbnail can be rendered */ public function getThumbSourceLocation() { if ($this->_thumbSourceLocation === null) { $this->_thumbSourceLocation = $this->loadThumbSourceLocation(); } return $this->_thumbSourceLocation; } /* loads the source location for the thumbnail */ public function loadThumbSourceLocation() { return ''; } } ?>getAlternativeName()) !== null) { return $altname; } $name = $this->getFilename(); $name = substr($name, 0, strrpos($name, '.')); $name = strtr($name, '_', ' '); return $name; } /* returns the mime type */ public function getMime() { $info = @getimagesize($this->location); return $info['mime']; } /* returns the HTML code for the preview */ public function getPreviewHTML() { $path = empty(Lonely::model()->useOriginals) ? $this->getThumbPath(Lonely::model()->getDesign()->previewProfile($this)) : Lonely::model()->rootPath.$this->path; $name = escape($this->getName()); return "\"".$name."\"\n"; } /* returns whether this file is suitable as a thumb without resizing */ public function canUseOriginalAsThumb($profile) { if (!isset($this->_useOriginalAsThumb[$profile])) { $this->_useOriginalAsThumb[$profile] = RenderHelper::profile($profile)->isSuitable($this->location); } return $this->_useOriginalAsThumb[$profile]; } /* returns the absolute path of the thumbnail */ public function getThumbLocation($profile) { return $this->canUseOriginalAsThumb($profile) ? $this->getLocation() : parent::getThumbLocation($profile); } /* returns the web thumb path */ public function getThumbPath($profile) { return $this->canUseOriginalAsThumb($profile) ? Lonely::model()->rootPath.$this->path : parent::getThumbPath($profile); } /* checks if there is a up-to-date thumbnail file */ public function thumbAvailable($profile) { return ($this->canUseOriginalAsThumb($profile) || parent::thumbAvailable($profile)); } /* creates a thumbnail */ protected function createThumb($profile, $saveTo) { return $this->canUseOriginalAsThumb($profile) || RenderHelper::profile($profile)->renderThumbnailOfElement($this); } } ?>getFilename() !== "") { $this->thumbLocationPattern = path(array(Lonely::model()->thumbDir.'generic', '', $this->genericFileName)); } } /* file pattern */ public static function pattern() { return '/('.implode('|', Lonely::model()->extensions).')$/i'; } /* returns the HTML code for the preview */ public function getPreviewHTML() { $path = escape($this->getThumbPath(Lonely::model()->getDesign()->previewProfile($this))); $name = escape($this->getName()); return "\"".$name."\""; } /* returns the web thumb path */ public function getThumbPath($profile) { return $this->thumbAvailable($profile) ? Lonely::model()->thumbPath.'generic/'.$profile.'/'.$this->genericFileName : Lonely::model()->thumbScript.$profile.'/'.$this->path; } /* checks if there is a up-to-date thumbnail file */ public function thumbAvailable($profile) { $thumbPath = $this->getThumbLocation($profile); return ($thumbPath && is_file($thumbPath)); } /* creates a thumbnail */ protected function createThumb($profile, $saveTo) { $thumbPathOriginal = $this->getThumbLocation('original'); /* create dir */ touch_mkdir($thumbPathOriginal); return file_put_contents($thumbPathOriginal, base64_decode($this->base64EncodedThumbFile)) && RenderHelper::profile($profile)->renderThumbnailOfElement($this, $thumbPathOriginal); } protected $base64EncodedThumbFile = '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'; } ?> html tag */ public $media = ''; } ?>afterConstruct(); } /* executed after __construct() */ public function afterConstruct() { /* nothing */ } /* returns settings for lonely */ public function settings() { return array(); } /* returns array of file classes to priority */ public function fileClasses() { return array(); } /* handle request */ public function handleRequest(Request $request) { /* return true if further requests handling is allowed */ /* return false if the request is handled */ return true; } /* returns an array with config-relative web paths to ResourceFile instances */ public function resources() { return array(); } } ?> array( 'width' => 146, 'square' => true, ), 'default/300px' => array( 'max-width' => 300, 'square' => true, ), 'default/700px' => array( 'max-width' =>700, ), ); } /* returns which profile to use for thumbnail of the given file/album */ public function thumbProfile(Element $element) { return $element instanceof Album ? 'default/146px' : 'default/300px'; } /* returns which profile to use for a preview of the given file */ public function previewProfile(Element $element) { return 'default/700px'; } } ?>footer .= ""; } /* returns an array with config-relative web paths to ResourceFile instances */ public function resources() { return array( 'lonely.css' => new CSSFile(), 'lonely.js' => new JSFile(), ); } } class CSSFile extends \LonelyGallery\CSSFile { public function whenModified() { return filemtime(__FILE__); } public function getContent() { return <<<'CSS' body { margin: 0; background-color: #111; color: #fff; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } body > *:not(#content), #content > *:not(.file), .file > *:not(.preview-box) { margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 8px; } #content > .album { margin-right: 0; } #content > .album > *:not(.albums):not(.files) { margin-right: 8px; } a { color: #f20; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { color: #fff; } h1 { font-size: 26px; } h1 a { color: #fff; } #content > .album > .links, #content > .file > .links { margin: 0; padding: 0; position: absolute; top: 8px; right: 0; } #content > .album > .links > li, #content > .file > .links > li { display: inline; } #content > .album > .links > li:after, #content > .file > .links > li:after { content: " | "; } #content > .album > .links > li:first-child:before, #content > .file > .links > li:first-child:before { content: "[ "; } #content > .album > .links > li:last-child:after, #content > .file > .links > li:last-child:after { content: " ]"; } ul.breadcrumbs > li { display: inline; } ul.breadcrumbs > li:not(:first-child):before { content: " >> "; } .album > .album-text { margin: 16px 0; } .album > .albums, .album > .files { overflow: auto; padding: 0; margin: 8px 0; } .album > .albums > li, .album > .files > li { position: relative; display: block; float: left; width: 146px; height: 146px; overflow: hidden; background-color: #000; text-align: center; line-height: 125px; margin: 0 8px 8px 0; } .album > .files > li { width: 300px; height: 300px; line-height: 280px; } .album > .files > li img.thumb { height: 300px; width: 300px; } .album > .albums > li img.thumb { height: 146px; width: 146px; } .album > .albums > li > a.thumb-link, .album > .files > li > a.thumb-link { color: #fff; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 126px; height: 126px; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); transition: background-color 0.3s; } .album > .files > li > a.thumb-link { width: 280px; height: 280px; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.4); opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.3s; } .album > .albums > li > a.thumb-link:hover, .album > .albums > li > a.thumb-link:focus { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.4); } .album > .files > li > a.thumb-link:hover, .album > .files > li > a.thumb-link:focus { opacity: 1; } .album > .albums > li > a.thumb-link span, .album > .files > li > a.thumb-link span { background-color: #111; display: inline-block; line-height: 150%; padding: 4px 8px; box-shadow: 0 0 2px #111; vertical-align: middle; word-wrap: break-word; max-width: 110px; } .album > .files > li > a.thumb-link span { max-width: 264px; } .file > header .nav, .file .title, .file .download { text-align: center; } .file > header .breadcrumbs { margin-bottom: 0; } .file > header .nav { margin: 0; } .file > header .nav * { display: inline-block; line-height: 400%; } .file > header .nav-first:before { content: "<< "; } .file > header .nav-prev:before { content: "< "; } .file > header .nav-album:before { content: "["; } .file > header .nav-album:after { content: "]"; } .file > header .nav-next:after { content: " >"; } .file > header .nav-last:after { content: " >>"; } .file .preview { max-width: 100%; display: inline-block; margin: 0 auto; vertical-align: middle; } .file .preview-box { position: relative; text-align: center; min-height: 200px; line-height: 200px; overflow: hidden; } .file .preview-box .nav { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%; width: 40%; color: #fff; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.3s; text-shadow: #000 0px 0px 10px; } .file .preview-box .nav:hover, .file .preview-box .nav:focus { opacity: 1; } .file .preview-box { right: 0; left: auto; } .file .preview-box .nav.prev:before, .file .preview-box { content: "<"; display: block; line-height: 80px; font-size: 80px; margin-top: -40px; position: relative; top: 50%; } .file .preview-box { content: ">"; } .file .preview-box .preview-controls-sideways { max-width: 700px; display: inline-block; } .file .preview-box .preview-controls-sideways ~ a.prev { left: 50%; margin-left: -710px; width: 350px; } .file .preview-box .preview-controls-sideways ~ { left: 50%; margin-left: 360px; width: 350px; } .file .preview-box .preview-controls-sideways ~ a.prev:before { text-align: right; } .file .preview-box .preview-controls-sideways ~ { text-align: left; } .file .info p, .file .info dl { margin: 4px 0; } .file .title { font-size: 16px; color: #fff; } .file .title:before, .file .title:after { content: "» "; color: #666; font-size: 24px; } .file .title:after { content: " «"; } CSS; } } class JSFile extends \LonelyGallery\JSFile { public function whenModified() { return filemtime(__FILE__); } public function getContent() { return <<<'JS' function adjustMaxImageHeight() { var img = document.querySelectorAll(".file img.preview"); for (var i = 0; i < img.length; ++i) { adjustImageHeight(img[i]); } } function adjustImageHeight(image) { = window.innerHeight + 'px'; } function navigate(event) { var k = event.keyCode; var a = false; switch (k) { case 37: // left arrow a = document.querySelector(".file a.nav.prev"); break; case 39: // right arrow a = document.querySelector(".file"); break; } if (a) { window.location = a.href; return false; } } window.addEventListener('resize', adjustMaxImageHeight); window.addEventListener('keydown', navigate); JS; } } ?>