// // SwiftMessagesSegue.swift // SwiftMessages // // Created by Timothy Moose on 5/30/18. // Copyright © 2018 SwiftKick Mobile. All rights reserved. // import UIKit /** `SwiftMessagesSegue` is a configurable subclass of `UIStoryboardSegue` that utilizes SwiftMessages to present and dismiss modal view controllers. It performs these transitions by becoming your view controller's `transitioningDelegate` and calling SwiftMessage's `show()` and `hide()` under the hood. To use `SwiftMessagesSegue` with Interface Builder, control-drag a segue, then select "swift messages" from the Segue Type dialog. This configures a default transition. There are two suggested ways to further configure the transition by setting options on `SwiftMessagesSegue`. First, and recommended, you may subclass `SwiftMessagesSegue` and override `init(identifier:source:destination:)`. Subclasses will automatically appear in the segue type dialog using an auto-generated name (for example, the name for "VeryNiceSegue" would be "very nice"). Second, you may override `prepare(for:sender:)` in the presenting view controller and downcast the segue to `SwiftMessagesSegue`. `SwiftMessagesSegue` can be used without an associated storyboard or segue by doing the following in the presenting view controller. let destinationVC = ... // make a reference to a destination view controller let segue = SwiftMessagesSegue(identifier: nil, source: self, destination: destinationVC) ... // do any configuration here segue.perform() To dismiss, call the UIKit API on the presenting view controller: dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) It is not necessary to retain `segue` because it retains itself until dismissal. However, you can retain it if you plan to `perform()` more than once. #### Present the controller on top of all controllers If you don't know the presenter or you don't want to pass it as a source, like when you have a completely separated message controller, you can pass a `WindowViewController` as the `source` argument of the segue's initializer. By default, the window will be shown in the current window scene at `.normal` window level. However, these parameters can be customized by initializing the view controller with a `SwiftMessages.Config` that has the `SwiftMessages.Config.presentationContext` set to either `.window` or `.windowScene`: + note: Some additional details: 1. Your view controller's view will be embedded in a `SwiftMessages.BaseView` in order to utilize some SwiftMessages features. This view can be accessed and configured via the `SwiftMessagesSegue.messageView` property. For example, you may configure a default drop shadow by calling `segue.messageView.configureDropShadow()`. 2. SwiftMessagesSegue provides static default view controller sizing based on device. However, it is recommended that you specify sizing appropriate for your content using one of the following methods. 1. Define sufficient width and height constraints in your view controller. 2. Set `preferredContentSize` (a.k.a "Use Preferred Explicit Size" in Interface Builder's attribute inspector). Zeros are ignored, e.g. `CGSize(width: 0, height: 350)` only affects the height. 3. Add explicit width and/or height constraints to `segue.messageView.backgroundView`. Note that `Layout.topMessage` and `Layout.bottomMessage` are always full screen width. For other layouts, the there is a maximum 500pt width on iPad (regular horizontal size class) at 950 priority, which can be overridden by adding higher-priority constraints. See the "View Controllers" selection in the Demo app for examples. */ open class SwiftMessagesSegue: UIStoryboardSegue { /** Specifies one of the pre-defined layouts, mirroring a subset of `MessageView.Layout`. */ public enum Layout { /// The standard message view layout on top. case topMessage /// The standard message view layout on bottom. case bottomMessage /// A floating card-style view with rounded corners on top case topCard /// A floating tab-style view with rounded corners on bottom case topTab /// A floating card-style view with rounded corners on bottom case bottomCard /// A floating tab-style view with rounded corners on top case bottomTab /// A floating card-style view typically used with `.center` presentation style. case centered } /** Specifies how the view controller's view is installed into the containing message view. */ public enum Containment { /** The view controller's view is installed for edge-to-edge display, extending into the safe areas to the device edges. This is done by calling `messageView.installContentView(:insets:)` See that method's documentation for additional details. */ case content /** The view controller's view is installed for card-style layouts, inset from the margins and avoiding safe areas. This is done by calling `messageView.installBackgroundView(:insets:)`. See that method's documentation for details. */ case background /** The view controller's view is installed for tab-style layouts, inset from the side margins, but extending to the device edge on the top or bottom. This is done by calling `messageView.installBackgroundVerticalView(:insets:)`. See that method's documentation for details. */ case backgroundVertical } /// The presentation style to use. See the SwiftMessages.PresentationStyle for details. public var presentationStyle: SwiftMessages.PresentationStyle { get { return messenger.defaultConfig.presentationStyle } set { messenger.defaultConfig.presentationStyle = newValue } } /// The dim mode to use. See the SwiftMessages.DimMode for details. public var dimMode: SwiftMessages.DimMode { get { return messenger.defaultConfig.dimMode} set { messenger.defaultConfig.dimMode = newValue } } // duration public var duration: SwiftMessages.Duration { get { return messenger.defaultConfig.duration} set { messenger.defaultConfig.duration = newValue } } /// Specifies whether or not the interactive pan-to-hide gesture is enabled /// on the message view. The default value is `true`, but may not be appropriate /// for view controllers that use swipe or pan gestures. public var interactiveHide: Bool { get { return messenger.defaultConfig.interactiveHide } set { messenger.defaultConfig.interactiveHide = newValue } } /// Specifies an optional array of event listeners. public var eventListeners: [SwiftMessages.EventListener] { get { return messenger.defaultConfig.eventListeners } set { messenger.defaultConfig.eventListeners = newValue } } /** Normally, the destination view controller's `modalPresentationStyle` is changed to `.custom` in the `perform()` function. Set this property to `false` to prevent it from being overridden. */ public var overrideModalPresentationStyle: Bool = true /** The view that is passed to `SwiftMessages.show(config:view:)` during presentation. The view controller's view is installed into `containerView`, which is itself installed into `messageView`. `SwiftMessagesSegue` does this installation automatically based on the value of the `containment` property. `BaseView` is the parent of `MessageView` and provides a number of configuration options that you may use. For example, you may configure a default drop shadow by calling `messageView.configureDropShadow()`. */ public var messageView = BaseView() /** The view controller's view is embedded in `containerView` before being installed into `messageView`. This view provides configurable squircle (round) corners (see the parent class `CornerRoundingView`). */ public var containerView: CornerRoundingView = CornerRoundingView() /** Specifies how the view controller's view is installed into the containing message view. See `Containment` for details. */ public var containment: Containment = .content /** Supply an instance of `KeyboardTrackingView` to have the message view avoid the keyboard. */ public var keyboardTrackingView: KeyboardTrackingView? { get { return messenger.defaultConfig.keyboardTrackingView } set { messenger.defaultConfig.keyboardTrackingView = newValue } } private var messenger = SwiftMessages() private var selfRetainer: SwiftMessagesSegue? = nil private lazy var hider = { return TransitioningDismisser(segue: self) }() private lazy var presenter = { return Presenter(config: messenger.defaultConfig, view: messageView, delegate: messenger) }() override open func perform() { (source as? WindowViewController)?.install() selfRetainer = self startReleaseMonitor() if overrideModalPresentationStyle { destination.modalPresentationStyle = .custom } destination.transitioningDelegate = self source.present(destination, animated: true, completion: nil) } override public init(identifier: String?, source: UIViewController, destination: UIViewController) { super.init(identifier: identifier, source: source, destination: destination) dimMode = .gray(interactive: true) messenger.defaultConfig.duration = .forever } fileprivate let safeAreaWorkaroundViewController = UIViewController() /// The self-retainer will not allow the segue, presenting and presented view controllers to be released if the presenting view controller /// is removed without first dismissing. This monitor handles that scenario by setting `self.selfRetainer = nil` if /// the presenting view controller is no longer in the heirarchy. private func startReleaseMonitor() { Task { @MainActor [weak self] in try? await Task.sleep(seconds: 2) guard let self = self else { return } switch self.source.view.window { case .none: self.selfRetainer = nil case .some: self.startReleaseMonitor() } } } } extension SwiftMessagesSegue { /// A convenience method for configuring some pre-defined layouts that mirror a subset of `MessageView.Layout`. public func configure(layout: Layout) { messageView.bounceAnimationOffset = 0 containment = .content containerView.cornerRadius = 0 containerView.roundsLeadingCorners = false messageView.configureDropShadow() switch layout { case .topMessage: messageView.layoutMarginAdditions = UIEdgeInsets(top: 20, left: 20, bottom: 20, right: 20) messageView.collapseLayoutMarginAdditions = false let animation = TopBottomAnimation(style: .top) animation.springDamping = 1 presentationStyle = .custom(animator: animation) case .bottomMessage: messageView.layoutMarginAdditions = UIEdgeInsets(top: 20, left: 20, bottom: 20, right: 20) messageView.collapseLayoutMarginAdditions = false let animation = TopBottomAnimation(style: .bottom) animation.springDamping = 1 presentationStyle = .custom(animator: animation) case .topCard: containment = .background messageView.layoutMarginAdditions = UIEdgeInsets(top: 10, left: 10, bottom: 10, right: 10) messageView.collapseLayoutMarginAdditions = true containerView.cornerRadius = 15 presentationStyle = .top case .bottomCard: containment = .background messageView.layoutMarginAdditions = UIEdgeInsets(top: 10, left: 10, bottom: 10, right: 10) messageView.collapseLayoutMarginAdditions = true containerView.cornerRadius = 15 presentationStyle = .bottom case .topTab: containment = .backgroundVertical messageView.layoutMarginAdditions = UIEdgeInsets(top: 20, left: 10, bottom: 20, right: 10) messageView.collapseLayoutMarginAdditions = true containerView.cornerRadius = 15 containerView.roundsLeadingCorners = true let animation = TopBottomAnimation(style: .top) animation.springDamping = 1 presentationStyle = .custom(animator: animation) case .bottomTab: containment = .backgroundVertical messageView.layoutMarginAdditions = UIEdgeInsets(top: 20, left: 10, bottom: 20, right: 10) messageView.collapseLayoutMarginAdditions = true containerView.cornerRadius = 15 containerView.roundsLeadingCorners = true let animation = TopBottomAnimation(style: .bottom) animation.springDamping = 1 presentationStyle = .custom(animator: animation) case .centered: containment = .background messageView.layoutMarginAdditions = UIEdgeInsets(top: 10, left: 10, bottom: 10, right: 10) messageView.collapseLayoutMarginAdditions = true containerView.cornerRadius = 15 presentationStyle = .center } } } extension SwiftMessagesSegue: UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate { public func animationController(forPresented presented: UIViewController, presenting: UIViewController, source: UIViewController) -> UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? { let shower = TransitioningPresenter(segue: self) let hider = self.hider messenger.defaultConfig.eventListeners.append { [weak self] in switch $0 { case .didShow: shower.completeTransition?(true) case .didHide: if let completeTransition = hider.completeTransition { completeTransition(true) } else { // Case where message is internally hidden by SwiftMessages, such as with a // dismiss gesture, rather than by view controller dismissal. source.dismiss(animated: false, completion: nil) } (source as? WindowViewController)?.uninstall() self?.selfRetainer = nil default: break } } return shower } public func animationController(forDismissed dismissed: UIViewController) -> UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? { return hider } } extension SwiftMessagesSegue { private class TransitioningPresenter: NSObject, UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning { fileprivate private(set) var completeTransition: ((Bool) -> Void)? private weak var segue: SwiftMessagesSegue? fileprivate init(segue: SwiftMessagesSegue) { self.segue = segue } func transitionDuration(using transitionContext: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning?) -> TimeInterval { return segue?.presenter.animator.showDuration ?? 0.5 } func animateTransition(using transitionContext: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning) { guard let segue = segue, let toView = transitionContext.view(forKey: .to) else { transitionContext.completeTransition(false) return } completeTransition = transitionContext.completeTransition let transitionContainer = transitionContext.containerView toView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false segue.containerView.addSubview(toView) segue.containerView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: toView.topAnchor).isActive = true segue.containerView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: toView.bottomAnchor).isActive = true segue.containerView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: toView.leadingAnchor).isActive = true segue.containerView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: toView.trailingAnchor).isActive = true // Install the `toView` into the message view. switch segue.containment { case .content: segue.messageView.installContentView(segue.containerView) case .background: segue.messageView.installBackgroundView(segue.containerView) case .backgroundVertical: segue.messageView.installBackgroundVerticalView(segue.containerView) } let toVC = transitionContext.viewController(forKey: .to) if let preferredHeight = toVC?.preferredContentSize.height, preferredHeight > 0 { segue.containerView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: preferredHeight).with(priority: UILayoutPriority(rawValue: 951)).isActive = true } if let preferredWidth = toVC?.preferredContentSize.width, preferredWidth > 0 { segue.containerView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: preferredWidth).with(priority: UILayoutPriority(rawValue: 951)).isActive = true } segue.presenter.config.presentationContext = .view(transitionContainer) segue.messenger.show(presenter: segue.presenter) } } } extension SwiftMessagesSegue { private class TransitioningDismisser: NSObject, UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning { fileprivate private(set) var completeTransition: ((Bool) -> Void)? private weak var segue: SwiftMessagesSegue? fileprivate init(segue: SwiftMessagesSegue) { self.segue = segue } func transitionDuration(using transitionContext: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning?) -> TimeInterval { return segue?.presenter.animator.hideDuration ?? 0.5 } func animateTransition(using transitionContext: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning) { guard let messenger = segue?.messenger else { transitionContext.completeTransition(false) return } completeTransition = transitionContext.completeTransition messenger.hide() } } }