# Asset Catalog parser ## Input The assets parser accepts one (or more) asset catalogs, which it'll parse for supported set types and groups. We currently support the following types: - Group Type - Color Set Type (colorset) - Image Set Type (imageset) For a full documentation of asset catalog types, please read the [Apple documentation](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Xcode/Reference/xcode_ref-Asset_Catalog_Format/AssetTypes.html). ## Output The output context has the following structure: - `catalogs`: `Array` — list of asset catalogs - `name` : `String` — the name of the catalog - `assets`: `Array` — tree structure of items, each item either - represents a group and has the following entries: - `type` : `String` — "group" - `name` : `String` — name of the folder - `items`: `Array` — list of items, can be either groups, colors or images - represents a color asset, and has the following entries: - `type` : `String` — "color" - `name` : `String` — name of the color - `value`: `String` — the actual full name for loading the color - represents an image asset, and has the following entries: - `type` : `String` — "image" - `name` : `String` — name of the image - `value`: `String` — the actual full name for loading the image ## Example ``` { "catalogs": [ { "name": "Images", "assets": [ { "name": "Exotic", "type": "group", "items": [ { "value": "Exotic\/Banana", "type": "image", "name": "Banana" }, { "value": "Exotic\/Mango", "type": "image", "name": "Mango" } ] }, { "value": "Logo", "type": "image", "name": "Logo" }, { "value": "Primary Color", "type": "color", "name": "Primary Color" }, { "name": "Round", "type": "group", "items": [ { "value": "Round\/Apricot", "type": "image", "name": "Apricot" }, { "value": "Round\/Orange", "type": "image", "name": "Orange" }, { "name": "Red", "type": "group", "items": [ { "value": "Round\/Apple", "type": "image", "name": "Apple" }, { "name": "Double", "type": "group", "items": [ { "value": "Round\/Double\/Cherry", "type": "image", "name": "Cherry" } ] }, { "value": "Round\/Tint Color", "type": "color", "name": "Tint Color" }, { "value": "Round\/Tomato", "type": "image", "name": "Tomato" } ] } ] } ] } ] } ```