# Colors parser ## Input The colors parser supports multiple input file types: - CLR: NSColor​List palette file ([see docs](https://developer.apple.com/reference/appkit/nscolorlist)). When you create color palettes in image editors or in Xcode, these are stored in `~/Library/Colors`. - JSON: Simple root object where each key is the name, each value is a hex color string. - TXT: Each line has a name and a color, separated by a `:`. A color can either be a color hex value, or the name of another color in the file. - XML: Android colors.xml file parser ([see docs](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/more-resources.html#Color)). ## Output The output context has the following structure: - `palettes`: `Array` of: - `name` : `String` — name of the palette - `colors`: `Array` of: - `name` : `String` — name of each color - `red` : `String` — hex value of the red component - `green`: `String` — hex value of the green component - `blue` : `String` — hex value of the blue component - `alpha`: `String` — hex value of the alpha component