# Introduction A structure represents a color space. # Usage ## Define a RGB ColorSpace To define a RGB color space, it's have to provide the XYZ coordinates of white, red, green and blue. ```swift let rgb = ColorSpace.calibratedRGB(white: Point(x: 0.3127, y: 0.3290), red: Point(x: 0.6400, y: 0.3300), green: Point(x: 0.3000, y: 0.6000), blue: Point(x: 0.1500, y: 0.0600)) ``` You can also specify the gamma values for each primary colors. ```swift let rgb = ColorSpace.calibratedRGB(white: Point(x: 0.3127, y: 0.3290), red: Point(x: 0.6400, y: 0.3300), green: Point(x: 0.3000, y: 0.6000), blue: Point(x: 0.1500, y: 0.0600), gamma: (2.19921875, 2.19921875, 2.19921875)) ``` ## Define a Grayscale ColorSpace Define a grayscale color space is same way as RGB color space. ```swift let gray = ColorSpace.calibratedGray(white: Point(x: 0.3127, y: 0.3290), gamma: 2.19921875) ``` ## Predefined ColorSpace Here are also some of predefined color spaces. ```swift let adobeRGB = ColorSpace.adobeRGB let sRGB = ColorSpace.sRGB let displayP3 = ColorSpace.displayP3 ```