Changes for microwave 11/03/2012: A large list here this time folks... Fixed terrain shadow direction, prevented factory holograms from spinning, allow obsolete units to keep producing until aborted (like in 2.3.x), Fix manpage and create a new installer script for NSIS (Windows), deprecate DPKG support, make a better way of timing our two secs before exiting at the credits, make ./configure report some info upon completion for convenience, nuke most old documentation and add a little of our own, site URL added to game splash screen, make ./wz2100legacy --version report that we are in fact Warzone 2100 Legacy, update netcode to be a bit more stable, set default map back to Rush-T1 for nostalgia's sake, prevent spamming of CTRL+Insert, pause production/research on win rather than cancel, and don't touch it at all if we are in an alliances game. This is a must-have upgrade folks. Really good stuff. ENJOY!!! Changes for microwave 10/27/2012: Add many maps and two challenges, update nullbot to 1.38, change timer at bottom left ingame to be more like in 2.3.x, fix many crashes relating to unclosed network sockets, hopefully reduce the number of games that hang when a player disconnects, fix inability to select 640x480 resolution, change spectator command from spec_me to spec me, add key mapping for FPS display, CTRL + ` (~ without shift), rename backend from qtgame to simply backend, align lobby messages to the left a bit so they are more centered, deprecate Mac OS X support until we can fix it, update copyrights, and change the default preferred file extension to .wzl for addons and maps. A few under the hood tweaks also took place. Changes for microwave 08/30/2012: Spectator support works properly in (most) all circumstances now, we have removed the trap cursor config option, textures are now at 512 by default, accuracy is now similar to Warzone 2100 2.3.9, and added two new maps, 4c-Yeti and 8c-Origami, by NoQ and Iluvalar respectively. Changes for microwave 08/25/2012: The game now uses the QT backend, with SDL being completely removed and no longer required. Spectator support now functions properly with the spec_me command in game, except for when you have an HQ, you'll need to type spec_me again. The game will now "pause" and remove all player widgets when the host quits the game. The map selector has been remade to use smaller buttons, allowing for more maps, and you can enter the name of a map in the map box now rather than being forced to choose from the menu. Beware of bug: you need to select a map with the same number of players first if your map of choice is made for more or less players than the presently selected one, or you will end up with the wrong number of player slots. This is useful for spectating however. The AI chooser has also been greatly shrunken to provide more AIs. Nullbot has been added as an AI choice. OpenGL errors are now console messages, and the game will attempt to continue even if your card seems to not support the game. This changelog may be incomplete. While Mac OS X builds are still quite broken, windows builds work. Changes for microwave 08/19/2012: Second release, with a windows build, splash screen waits two seconds before quitting now rather than waiting for user input, borgs can walk through tanks like they could in 2.3.x (and made grouping far easier), open gates are usable by the enemy now, the default starting height has been raised, several options including shaders and screen shake are off by default, the configuration directory has changed again, icon updates, quit backsplash update, vtol heights have been increased a bit and their deceleration speed decreased, no bases and high start power are now the default settings, and alas added a couple new maps. This changelog may be incomplete. Just search for "Subsentient" in the code to find all/most of my changes. Changes for microwave 08/18/2012: First release, updated artwork, changed names and config directories, restored super cannon cyborg from deprecation by HPV borg, restored the PIE for super transport and gave it 10 unit capacity, though it now costs 3500 to produce, updated dates and names in the files, etc. Also added a bunch of CC0-licensed maps for multiplayer. Should add lots more fun for the low oil players of the world.