# MarkdownEditing **Markdown plugin for Sublime Text** ![MarkdownEditing][preview] with... * useful Markdown editing features for Sublime Text * color schemes optimized for writing * robust syntax definitions for - Standard Markdown - Github flavored Markdown - MultiMarkdown Please visit [User Guide][UserGuide] to learn more about the full set of features and how to use them. ## Features ### Folding and Navigation * displays headings in _Goto Symbol..._ * displays headings in _Goto Symbol in Project..._ * fold current section * fold by heading levels * navigate between adjacent headings with `Find Next/Previous Heading` command. ### Headings * automatic detection and maintenance of open or closed [atx headings][AtxHeadings] style while typing * change [headings levels][HeadingsLevels] via key bindings * auto-complete [Setext-style headings][SeHeadings] underlines * convert [Setext-style headings][SeHeadings] to ATX headings * new documents are named automatically based on first header ### Lists * At the end of a list item, pressing Enter will automatically insert the new list item bullet. * Pressing Tab on the blank list item will indent it and switch the list bullet to another one (Order is `*`, `-`, `+` in a cycle). * Pressing Shift + Tab on the blank list item will unindent it in the same way as above. * Sequential Tab s or Shift Tab s are supported. * You can disable automatic bullet switching or choose which bullets to be used, in your settings file (`mde.list_indent_bullets`). * If a list item contains a [GFM Task][], pressing - Enter at the end of the line continues with a new blank task. - Alt+X in the line toggles the check mark. ### Blockquotes * At the end of a blockquote line, pressing Enter will automatically extend blockquote. * Selecting some text and pressing > will convert it to blockquote. The first and the last line don't have to be fully selected; partial select works, too. ### Critic Markup * Syntax highlighting for inline critic markup - `{++ addition ++}` - `{>> comment <<}` - `{-- deletion --}` - `{== highlight==}{>> comment <<}` - `{~~ substitution ~> by ~~}` * Reviewers can add critic via key bindings * Authors can accept or reject critic via key bindings ### Links and References * Left bracket pairing is modified to eliminate the selection and leave the cursor at a point where you can insert a `[]` or `()` pair for a link. * URL part of images, links and references is automatically folded if caret is not within brackets * Convert inline links to references * Jump between definitions and references * Organize references * Add or remove footnotes ### Text Formatting * Asterisks (\*), backticks (\`) and underscores (\_) are auto-paired and wrap selected text * ~ wraps selected text with `~~` (strike-through) * Backspace deletes an empty pair * Space or Tab deletes right element of empty pair of asterisks or underscores ## Contributing See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Credits MarkdownEditing was originally created by [Brett Terpstra][] and has become a community project with the goal of consolidating the best features from the varied collection of Markdown packages for Sublime Text. Related blog posts from Brett: * http://brettterpstra.com/2012/05/17/markdown-editing-for-sublime-text-2-humble-beginnings * http://brettterpstra.com/2013/11/23/markdownediting-for-sublime-text-updates Development was headed by [Ali Ayas][] and [Felix Hao][] until early 2021. Current development is headed up by [DeathAxe][]. This plugin contains portions of code from [Knockdown][]. Footnote commands were submitted by [J. Nicholas Geist][] and originated at [geekabouttown][]. ## License MarkdownEditing is released under the [MIT License][opensource]. [preview]: docs/img/preview.png [Knockdown]: https://github.com/aziz/knockdown [geekabouttown]: http://geekabouttown.com/posts/sublime-text-2-markdown-footnote-goodness [opensource]: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT [UserGuide]: https://sublimetext-markdown.github.io/MarkdownEditing [AtxHeadings]: docs/usage.md#atx-style [HeadingsLevels]: docs/usage.md#headings-levels [SeHeadings]: docs/usage.md#setext-style [GFM Task]: https://github.github.com/gfm/#task-list-items-extension- [Ali Ayas]: https://github.com/maliayas [Brett Terpstra]: http://brettterpstra.com [DeathAxe]: https://github.com/deathaxe [Felix Hao]: https://github.com/felixhao28 [J. Nicholas Geist]: https://github.com/jngeist