#!/bin/bash declare -A vids #Make a newline a delimiter instead of a space SAVEIFS=$IFS IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b") configs=`cat /boot/looperconfig.txt` usb=`echo "$configs" | grep usb | cut -c 5- | tr -d '\r' | tr -d '\n'` audio_source=`echo "$configs" | grep audio_source | cut -c 14- | tr -d '\r' | tr -d '\n'` seamless=`echo "$configs" | grep seamless | cut -c 10- | tr -d '\r' | tr -d '\n'` FILES=/home/pi/videos/ if [[ $usb -eq 1 ]]; then FILES=/media/USB/videos/ fi if [ -n "$seamless" ] && [[ ! "$seamless" -eq 0 ]]; then #run the seamless looper echo "seamless isn't 0" `/opt/vc/src/hello_pi/hello_video/hello_video.bin "$FILES$seamless"` exit 0 fi current=0 for f in `ls $FILES | grep ".mp4$\|.avi$\|.mkv$\|.mp3$\|.mov$\|.mpg$\|.flv$\|.m4v$"` do vids[$current]="$f" let current+=1 echo "$f" done max=$current current=0 #Reset the IFS IFS=$SAVEIFS while true; do if pgrep omxplayer > /dev/null then echo 'running' else /usr/bin/omxplayer -r -o "$audio_source" "$FILES${vids[$current]}" let current+=1 if [ $current -ge $max ] then current=0 fi fi done