## React-Native 1. In `Xcode`, go to `File` → `Add Packages...` OR select your project in the `Project Editor`, go to the `Package Dependencies` tab, and press the `+`. ![](/Resources/AddingViaSPM.png) 2. Enter a `Package URL` (e.g. a `GitHub` repository `URL`) or a search term in the search field in the upper right. ![](/Resources/AddingViaSPM1.png) 3. Select the package you want to add. Select a `Dependency Rule`. In most cases, you probably want to set this to `Up to Next Major Version`. Click `Add Package`. 4. Add three files for bridging package to `React-Native`. ![](/Resources/AddingFiles.png) for `Swift` files: ![](/Resources/AddingFiles1.png) for `Obj-c` files: ![](/Resources/AddingFiles2.png) `Bridge`: ```swift import UIKit import SnapshotSafeView final class ReactNativeBridgeSnapshotSafeView: MultiplatformBridgeView { } ``` `Obj-c bridge`: ```objc #import @interface RCT_EXTERN_MODULE(RCTReactNativeBridgeSnapshotSafeViewManager, RCTViewManager) @end ``` `React-native fabric`: ```swift #if canImport(React) import React @objc (RCTReactNativeBridgeSnapshotSafeViewManager) class ReactNativeBridgeSnapshotSafeViewManager: RCTViewManager { override static func requiresMainQueueSetup() -> Bool { return true } override func view() -> UIView! { let view = ReactNativeBridgeSnapshotSafeView() return view } } #endif ``` 5. After build you can use the view in `React-Native` ```javascript import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, View, Text, requireNativeComponent } from 'react-native'; const SnapshotSafeView = requireNativeComponent('RCTReactNativeBridgeSnapshotSafeView'); const ViewBoxesWithColorAndText = () => { return ( Hello World! ); }; export default ViewBoxesWithColorAndText; ```