Spring Social Twitter 1.1.0 Milestone 4 (August 19, 2013) ======================================================== Compatibility Notes: * StatusDetails and most of TimelineOperations.updateStatus() methods have been deprecated in favor of the updateStatus() method that takes TweetData as a parameter. Improvements * Add a builder-style API for creating Tweets. (SOCIALTW-63) * Add ability to specify a place ID when updating status. (SOCIALTW-35) * Add favorite_count to Tweet class. (SOCIALTW-60) * Add support for fetching Account Settings. (SOCIALTW-47) * Add support for fetching Tweet as an oEmbed object. (SOCIALTW-61) * Return retweet data when retweeting. (SOCIALTW-67) * Include bounding box and geometry data in Place object. (SOCIALTW-36) * Add convenient getUnmodifiedText() method to Tweet object to fetch the unmodified text of a retweet. (SOCIALTW-69) Bug Fixes * Escape star (*) per Twitter's non-standard URL encoding scheme. (SOCIALTW-58) * Use count parameter instead of old per_page parameter in user search. (SOCIALTW-64) Spring Social Twitter 1.1.0 Milestone 3 (July 8, 2013) ====================================================== Compatibility Notes: * SearchMetadata's getSince_id() and getMax_id() methods were renamed to remove the underscores. They are now getSinceId() and getMaxId(). (SOCIALTW-54) * The default constructor has been removed from TwitterTemplate. Now that Twitter API 1.1 no longer support unauthorized requests for resources, the default constructor offered no value and using it would certainly lead to a NotAuthorizedException. (SOCIALTW-50) Bug Fixes * Properly deserialize languageCode from JSON. SOCIALTW-49 * Fix for missing authorization header in some Twitter API 1.1 calls. (SOCIALTW-51) * Handle Twitter API 1.1's rate limit from an HTTP 429 status. (SOCIALTW-53) * SearchMetadata's since_id and max_id properties changed from int to long. (SOCIALTW-55) * Fix TwitterErrorHandler to better handle errors when the response body isn't JSON. (SOCIALTW-57) * UserTemplate.getRateLimitStatus() fixed to reference correct API resource. (SOCIALTW-46) Improvements * Upgraded to Jackson 2 * Support for Twitter's Streaming API (SOCIALTW-2) * Support for Application-Only authorization (SOCIALTW-48) Spring Social Twitter 1.1.0 Milestone 2 (February 12, 2013) =================================================== Miscellaneous * Changes to support Spring Social/Spring Security integration. (SOCIAL-232) Bug Fixes * Set character set to UTF-8 for string parts of multipart messages to allow for Korean and other characters to be posted in status updates. (SOCIALTW-37) Improvements * Added ability to perform advanced searches, including searches that specify the language of the Tweet. (SOCIALTW-41) * Added favorited field to Tweet object. (SOCIALTW-43) * Added ticker symbol pseudo-entity to Tweet's Entities object. (SOCIALTW-44) Spring Social Twitter 1.1.0 Milestone 1 (November 26, 2012) ================================================== Compatibility Notes: * Due to changes in Twitter's API between v1.0 and v1.1, Spring Social Twitter's API binding was required to change to match. Consequently, some methods and data available in Spring Social Twitter 1.0.x's API binding may be different or completely missing in v1.1.0. In those cases, deprecation did not make sense in this case, since Twitter's API will no longer offer equivalent operations for backward compatibility. The only choice was to rework the API bindings. Improvements * Updated API binding to comply with version 1.1 of Twitter's API. (SOCIALTW-39) * Added XML configuration support for Twitter connection factory and API binding beans. (SOCIAL-292) * Added Java configuration support for Twitter connection factory and API binding beans. (SOCIAL-293) * Added a retweeted property on Tweet to indicate whether the user has retweeted a status or not. (SOCIALTW-29) * Support for entity data in Tweet object. (SOCIALTW-33) Spring Social Twitter 1.0.4 (June 6, 2013) ========================================== This release was pushed as an emergency release to enable creation of a TwitterTemplate that supports application-only authorization. Twitter's 1.0 API will be retired on June 11, 2013 and the 1.1 API requires either user authorization or app authorization for all resources. This release enables application authorization as an option to user authorization for resources where application authorization is available (such as search). Improvements: * Support application-only authorization (e.g., OAuth 2's client credentials grant) in TwitterTemplate. (SOCIALTW-48) * Sync-up Twitter API binding to what's current in Spring Social Twitter 1.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT. Spring Social Twitter 1.0.3 (February 12, 2013) =============================================== Improvements: * Update API bindings to use Twitter's 1.1 API. (SOCIALTW-39) Spring Social Twitter 1.0.2 (January 23, 2012) =============================================== Bug Fixes: * Throw RateLimitExceededException when a user exceeds their daily status update limit. (It was throwing OperationNotPermittedException.) SOCIALTW-27 Improvements: * Capture "retweet_count" property on a Tweet object. SOCIALTW_26 Spring Social Twitter 1.0.1 (December 15, 2011) =============================================== Bug Fixes: * Fixed the date format for daily trends (SOCIALTW-14) * Check for a list of errors vs. a single string error when consuming errors from Twitter's REST API (SOCIALTW-17) * Fixed UserList.isPublic() to be bound to "mode" property in JSON response (SOCIALTW-18) * Exposed BlockOperations through Twitter interface (SOCIALTW-20) Improvement: * Added UserOperations.getRateLimitStatus() to API binding to fetch the rate limit data. (SOCIALTW-16) * Added restOperations() to Twitter interface to enable consumption of Twitter endpoints that aren't yet covered by the API binding (SOCIALTW-13) * Removed unused userId parameter from ListOperations. getListSubscribers(). (SOCIALTW-19) * SearchOperations.createSavedSearch now returns the newly created SavedSearch object. (SOCIALTW-21) * DirectMessageOperations.sendDirectMessage() returns the sent DirectMessage object. (SOCIALTW-22) * Added getDirectMessage(id) method to DirectMessageOperations (SOCIALTW-23) Compatibility Note: * Twitter deprecated the current trends endpoint, and now returns and HTTP 410 if you attempt to use it. Therefore, SearchOperations.getCurrentTrends() has been removed from the API binding. (SOCIALTW-15) * ListOperations.getListSubscribers() previous accepted a userId parameter that was unused. That parameter has now been removed. Spring Social Twitter 1.0.0 (September 8, 2011) =============================================== Bug Fixes: * Added a byte array message converter to fix errors when fetching images from Twitter. Misc: * Updated TwitterTemplate to match changes in AbstractOAuth1ApiBinding. Spring Social Twitter 1.0.0.RC3 (August 25, 2011) ================================================= Improvements: * Added support for Twitter's new media upload to enable photos to be uploaded with status updates. (SOCIALTW-6) * Changed signature of TimelineOperations.updateStatus() to return a Tweet object for the newly created status; previously it returned void. (SOCIALTW-8) * Added an inReplyToStatusId property to StatusDetails so that tweets may be posted that are in reply to an existing tweet. Spring Social Twitter 1.0.0 RC1 (July 26, 2011) =============================================== Improvements: * Support for paging and cursoring for operations that return paged or cursored data lists. (SOCIALTW-5 and SOCIALTW-4) Compatibility Note: * DuplicateTwitterException has been removed in favor of the more general DuplicateStatusException added in Spring Social Core 1.0.0.RC2. Spring Social Twitter 1.0.0 RC1 (June 7, 2011) ============================================== * Spring Social Twitter extracted into a standalone project that can progress and release independent of Spring Social releases. * More API bindings: * Block API Refer to Spring Social's changelog for a history of the Twitter module prior to it being extracted into its own project.