Spring Hateoas Changelog ========================= Changes in version 0.4.0.RELEASE (2013-28-01) --------------------------------------------- - #18 - Added support to build links pointing to controller methods - #32 - Added @EnableEntityLinks to transparently expose controllers managing entities - Introduced EntityLinks API to build links pointing to components exposing URIs for entities - Introduced LinkDiscoverer API to find links by their rels in representations (incl. JSONPath based implementation) - #27 - Added support for Jackson 2 - #29 - Added support for HAL-style link representations - #41, #42 - Extracted ResourceAssemblerSupport for non-Identifiables - #43 - Fixed potential stack-overflow in ControllerLinkBuilder - #33 - ControllerLinkBuilder now considers X-Forwarded-Host header if present Changes in version 0.3.0.RELEASE (2012-10-09) --------------------------------------------- #15 - Upgraded to Jackson 1.9.10. #14 - Added integration test to make sure default (de)serialization works #13 - Added LinkBuilder implementation that inspects JAX-RS @Path annotations #12 - Introduced factories for LinkBuilder to improve client testability #11 - Moved to Set and back to List for Links inside ResourceSupport #10 - Renamed (Paged)Resources.fromEntities(…) to ….wrap(…) #9 - Added constructor to PagedResources to take an Iterable of Links #7 - Excluded getId() of ResourceSupport from default JSON rendering - Switched from Collection to Iterable in constructor of Resources - Moved from ResourceEnricher to ResourceProcessor to allow manipulating the resource instance Changes in version 0.2.0.RELEASE (2012-08-23) --------------------------------------------- - added ResourceEnricher SPI - fixed equals(…)/hashCode() in Resource/Resources/PagedResources - Added PagedResources abstraction (collection resource with pagination information) - Enhanced resource abstraction with default implementation for Resource and Resources Changes in version 0.1.0.RELEASE (2012-07-19) --------------------------------------------- - Initial release with basic support - Common abstractions like Link, Identifiable, ResourceSupport (JAXB marshable) - ControllerLinkBuilder to easily create Link instances to point to Spring MVC controllers - ResourceAssemblerSupport base class to easily create resource (DTO) instances