v3.0.14 - 2025-Feb-25

  - [fix: fixed htmlEntityDecode methods]
    [PR from private repo - @theseion,@airween; fixed CVE-2025-27110]
  - fix: Added missing header to avoid build error with gcc-15
    [PR #3342 - @airween]
  - Fix for issue #3334: build not finding YAJL
    [PR #3335 - @RooHTaylor]
  - fix: add value checking to @validateByteRange
    [PR #3322 - @airween]
  - fix: build library on OSX without GeoIP brew package
    [PR #3319 - @theseion,@airween]
  - Update README.md
    [PR #3314 - @ElevationsRPG]
  - Fix: Add false positive cppcheck-suppress for compatibility with upda…
    [PR #3307 - @gberkes]
  - fix: align TIME_MON variable's behavior
    [PR #3306 - @M4tteoP,@theseion,@airween]
  - Fix m_requestHostName variable behavior
    [PR #3298 - @airween]
  - Add regression rules for test
    [PR #3291 - @hnakamur]
  - Fix modsecurity-regression-test-secremoterules.txt URL in example
    [PR #3287 - @hnakamur]
  - Use latest version of cppcheck (2.15.0) to analyze codebase
    [PR #3283 - @eduar-hte]
  - Replace usage of range-checked 'at' method when vector/string has already been size checked
    [PR #3280 - @eduar-hte]
  - chore: add 'log' action to rule 200005
    [PR #3266 - @airween]
  - docs: add a logo picture for github dark theme
    [PR #3264 - @xuruidong]
  - Leverage std::make_unique & std::make_shared to create objects in the heap
    [PR #3254 - @eduar-hte]
  - Simplified handling of RuleMessage by removing usage of std::shared_ptr
    [PR #3253 - @eduar-hte]
  - Simplified constructors, copy constructors & assignment operators
    [PR #3248 - @eduar-hte]

v3.0.13 - 2024-Sep-03

  - Adjust reference to modsecurity::utils::string::VALID_HEX
    [PR #3243 - @eduar-hte]
  - Lua::run: Move logging of str parameter to higher log level.
    [PR #3240 - @frozenice]
  - Remove unnecessary heap allocated copies in Transformation actions
    [PR #3231 - @eduar-hte]
  - Removed multiple heap-allocated copies in Pm::init & parse_pm_content
    [PR #3233 - @eduar-hte]
  - Unit tests results should not be displayed in 'automake output' mode
    [PR #3232 - @eduar-hte]
  - Replace usage of std::ctime, which is not safe in
    multithread contexts
    [PR #3228 - @eduar-hte]
  - Removed unnecessary lock to call acmp_process_quick in Pm::evaluate
    [PR #3227 - @eduar-hte]
  - feat: Check if the MP header contains invalid character
    [PR #3225 - @airween]
  - Prevent concurrent access to data in InMemoryPerProcess'
    resolveXXX methods
    [PR #3216 - @eduar-hte]
  - Remove several string copies and unnecessary heap allocations
    [PR #3222 - @eduar-hte]
  - Creating a std::string with a null pointer
    is undefined behaviour
    [PR #3220 - @eduar-hte]
  - Simplifiy configuration to build using std C++17
    [PR #3219 - @eduar-hte]
  - Remove unnecessary dynamic casts
    [PR #3218 - @eduar-hte]
  - fix: Sonarcloud reported memleak fixes
    [PR #3114 - @airween]
  - V3/sonarcloud replace this declaration by a structured
    binding declaration
    [PR #3217 - @gberkes]
  - Do not assume ModSecurityIntervention argument to
    transaction::intervention has been initialized/cleaned
    [PR #3212 - @eduar-hte]
  - Refactor: used the init-statement to declare "pos" inside the
    if statement
    [PR #3214 - @gberkes]
  - Refactor: moved 3 #include directives to the top of the file.
    [PR #3213 - @gberkes]
  - Fix SecRemoteRules regression test not to depend on a
    specific error message
    [PR #3211 - @eduar-hte]
  - Fixed shared files deadlock in a multi-threaded Windows application
    [PR #3210 - @eduar-hte]
  - Add cleanup methods to complete C based ABI
    [PR #3209 - @eduar-hte]
  - Build on macOS with Apple silicon (arm64)
    [PR #3208 - @eduar-hte]
  - remove 'this throw' call in transaction
    [PR #3207 - @gberkes]
  - New API function: set hostname for log
    [PR #3203 - @airween]
  - Fixing typo in Dockerfile
    [PR #3189 - @bitbehz]
  - Simplify checkout of submodules in GitHub workflows (with support for git describe)
    [PR #3185 - @eduar-hte]
  - Update README.md: use submodule and use benchmark tool
    [PR #3182 - @airween]
  - Improve performance of VariableOrigin instances
    [PR #3164 - @eduar-hte]
  - Update libinjection & Mbed TLS
    [PR #3161 - @eduar-hte]
  - chore: add PR template (v3)
    [PR #3160 - @fzipi]
  - Update to seclang-scanner changes introduced by Windows support
    [PR #3146 - @eduar-hte]
  - GitHub build & quality assurance workflow updates
    [PR #3144 - @eduar-hte]
  - Add link to Rust bindings in README
    [PR #3141 - @rkrishn7]
  - Remove cppcheck suppressions with line numbers in test/cppcheck_suppressions.txt
    [PR #3134 - @eduar-hte]
  - Add support to build libModSecurity v3 on Windows
    [PR #3132 - @eduar-hte]
  - fix: update submodule url
    [PR #3128 - @fzipi]
  - fix(rbl): typo in rbl check selector
    [PR #3127 - @fzipi]
  - fix: Changed 'equal_range()' + loop by 'find()' in resolveFirst() methods
    [PR #3117 - @airween]
  - Deleted redundant code in 'ModSecurity::serverLog(...)'.
    [PR #3116 - @gberkes]
  - doc: Update CHANGES
    [PR #3101 - @airween]
  - Reduce the scope of variables in a for loop
    [PR #3098 - @devzero2000]
  - Clean up 'return' never will be executed.
    [PR #3096 - @gberkes]
  - fix: Replace obsolete macros
    [PR #3095 - @airween]
  - fix: Change 'SecEngineStatus' to Off by default
    [PR #3092 - @airween]
  - chore: update bug-report-for-version-3-x.md
    [PR #3086 - @fzipi]
  - test: Logical, syntax and cosmetic fixes on test cases
    [PR #3080 - @MirkoDziadzka, @airween]
  - Bump the C++ version from C++11 to C++17
    [PR #3079 - @MirkoDziadzka]
  - fix: makes uri decode platform independent
    [PR #3016 - @M4tteoP]

v3.0.12 - 2024-Jan-30

    [Issue #3048 - @martinhsv, @theMiddleBlue, @theseion, @M4tteoP, @airween]
  - Set the minimum security protocol version for SecRemoteRules
    [Issue security/code-scanning/2 - @airween]

v3.0.11 - 2023-Dec-06

  - Add WRDE_NOCMD to wordexp call
    [Issue #3024 - @sahruldotid, @martinhsv]
  - Fix: validateDTD compile fails if when libxml2 not installed
    [Issue #3014 - @zangobot, @martinhsv]
  - Fix memory leak of validateDTD's dtd object
    [Issue #3008 - @martinhsv, @zimmerle]
  - Fix memory leaks in ValidateSchema
    [Issue #3005 - @martinhsv, @zimmerle]
  - Add support for expirevar action
    [Issue #1803, #3001 - @martinhsv]
  - Fix: lmdb regex match on non-null terminated string
    [Issue #2985 - @martinhsv]
  - Fix memory leaks in lmdb code (new'd strings)
    [Issue #2983 - @martinhsv]
  - Configure: add additional name to pcre2 pkg-config list
    [Issue #2939 - @agebhar1, @fzipi, @martinhsv]

v3.0.10 - 2023-Jul-25

  - Fix: worst-case time in implementation of four transformations
    [Issue #2934 - @martinhsv]
    [Issue #2901 - @airween]
  - Make MULTIPART_PART_HEADERS accessible to lua
    [Issue #2916 - @martinhsv]
  - Fix: Lua scripts cannot read whole collection at once
    [Issue #2900 - @udi-aharon, @airween, @martinhsv]
  - Fix: quoted Include config with wildcard
    [Issue #2905 - @wiseelf, @airween, @martinhsv]
  - Support isolated PCRE match limits
    [Issue #2736 - @brandonpayton, @martinhsv]
  - Fix: meta actions not applied if multiMatch in first rule of chain
    [Issue #2867, #2868 - @mlevogiannis, @martinhsv]
  - Fix: audit log may omit tags when multiMatch
    [Issue #2866 - @mlevogiannis]
  - Exclude CRLF from MULTIPART_PART_HEADER value
    [Issue #2870 - @airween, @martinhsv]
  - Configure: use AS_ECHO_N instead echo -n
    [Issue #2894 - @liudongmiao, @martinhsv]
  - Adjust position of memset from 2890
    [Issue #2891 - @mirkodziadzka-avi, @martinhsv]
  - Add test: empty lines in ipMatchFromFile test
    [Issue #2846 - @tomsommer]

v3.0.9 - 2023-Apr-12

  - Fix: possible segfault on reload if duplicate ip+CIDR in ip match list
    [Issue #2877, #2890 - @tomsommer, @martinhsv]
  - Add some member variable inits in Transaction class (possible segfault)
    [Issue #2886 - @GNU-Plus-Windows-User, @airween, @mdounin, @martinhsv]
  - Resolve memory leak on reload (bison-generated variable)
    [Issue #2876 - @martinhsv]
  - Support equals sign in XPath expressions
    [Issue #2328 - @dennus, @martinhsv]
  - Encode two special chars in error.log output
    [Issue #2854 - @airween, @martinhsv]
  - Add JIT support for PCRE2
    [Issue #2791 - @wfjsw, @airween, @FireBurn, @martinhsv]
  - Support comments in ipMatchFromFile file via '#' token
    [Issue #2554 - @tomsommer, @martinhsv]
  - Use name package name libmaxminddb with pkg-config
    [Issue #2595, #2596 - @frankvanbever, @ffontaine, @arnout]
  - Fix: FILES_TMP_CONTENT collection key should use part name
    [Issue #2831 - @airween]
  - Use AS_HELP_STRING instead of obsolete AC_HELP_STRING macro
    [Issue #2806 - @hughmcmaster]
  - During configure, do not check for pcre if pcre2 specified
    [Issue #2750 - @dvershinin, @martinhsv]
  - Use pkg-config to find libxml2 first
    [Issue #2714 - @hughmcmaster]
  - Fix two rule-reload memory leak issues
    [Issue #2801 - @Abce, @martinhsv]
  - Correct whitespace handling for Include directive
    [Issue #2800 - @877509395, @martinhsv]

v3.0.8 - 2022-Sep-07

  - Adjust parser activation rules in modsecurity.conf-recommended
    [Issue #2796 - @terjanq, @martinhsv]
  - Multipart parsing fixes and new MULTIPART_PART_HEADERS collection
    [Issue #2795 - @terjanq, @martinhsv]
  - Prevent LMDB related segfault
    [Issue #2755, #2761 - @dvershinin]
  - Fix msc_transaction_cleanup function comment typo
    [Issue #2788 - @lookat23]
  - Fix: MULTIPART_INVALID_PART connected to wrong internal variable
    [Issue #2785 - @martinhsv]
  - Restore Unique_id to include random portion after timestamp
    [Issue #2752, #2758 - @datkps11, @martinhsv]

v3.0.7 - 2022-May-30

  - Move PCRE2 match block from member variable
  - Add SecArgumentsLimit, 200007 to modsecurity.conf-recommended
    [Issue #2738 - @jleproust, @martinhsv]
  - Fix memory leak when concurrent log includes REMOTE_USER
    [Issue #2727 - @liudongmiao]
  - Fix LMDB initialization issues
    [Issue #2688 - @ziollek, @martinhsv]
  - Fix initcol error message wording
    [Issue #2732 - @877509395, @martinhsv]
  - Tolerate other parameters after boundary in multipart C-T
    [Issue #1900 - @martinhsv]
  - Add DebugLog message for bad pattern in rx operator
    [Issue #2723 - @martinhsv]
  - Support PCRE2
    [Issue #2668 - @martinhsv]
  - Support SecRequestBodyNoFilesLimit
    [Issue #2670 - @airween, @martinhsv]
  - Fix misuses of LMDB API
    [Issue #2601, #2602 - @hyc]
  - Fix duplication typo in code comment
    [Issue #2677 - @gleydsonsoares]
  - Add ctl:auditEngine action support
    [Issue #2606 - @alekravch, @martinhsv]
  - Fix multiMatch msg, etc, population in audit log
    [Issue #2573 - @Sachin-M-Desai, @martinhsv]
  - Fix some name handling for ARGS_*NAMES: regex SecRuleUpdateTargetById, etc.
    [Issue #2627, #2648 - @lontchianicet, @victorserbu2709, @martinhsv]
  - Adjust confusing variable name in setRequestBody method
    [Issue #2635 - @Mesar-Ali, @martinhsv]
  - Multipart names/filenames may include single quote if double-quote enclosed
    [Issue #2352 - @martinhsv]
  - Add SecRequestBodyJsonDepthLimit to modsecurity.conf-recommended
    [Issue #2647 - @theMiddleBlue, @airween, @877509395 ,@martinhsv]

v3.0.6 - 2021-Nov-19

  - Support configurable limit on depth of JSON parsing
    [@theMiddleBlue, @martinhsv]

v3.0.5 - 2021-Jul-07

  - Handle URI received with uri-fragment
  - Having ARGS_NAMES, variables proxied
    [@zimmerle, @martinhsv, @KaNikita]
  - Use explicit path for cross-compile environments.
    [Issue #2485 - @dtoubelis]
  - Fix: FILES variable does not use multipart part name for key
    [Issue #2377 - @martinhsv]
  - Replaces put with setenv in SetEnv action
    [Issue #2469 - @martinhsv, @WGH-, @zimmerle]
  - Regression: Mark the test as failed in case of segfault.
  - Regex key selection should not be case-sensitive
    [Issue #2296, #2107, #2297 - @michaelgranzow-avi, @victorhora,
                                 @airween, @martinhsv, @zimmerle]
  - Fix: Only delete Multipart tmp files after rules have run
    [Issue #2427 - @martinhsv]
  - Fixed MatchedVar on chained rules
    [Issue #2423, #2435, #2436 - @michaelgranzow-avi]
  - Add support for new operator rxGlobal
  - Fix maxminddb link on FreeBSD
    [Issue #2131 - @granalberto, @zimmerle]
  - Fix IP address logging in Section A
    [Issue #2300 - @inaratech, @zavazingo, @martinhsv]
  - Adds support to lua 5.4
    [Issues #2378, #2186 - @defanator]
  - rx: exit after full match (remove /g emulation); ensure capture
    groups occuring after unused groups still populate TX vars
    [Issue #2336 - @martinhsv]
  - Correct CHANGES file entry for #2234
  - Add support to test framework for audit log content verification
    and add regression tests for issues #2000, #2196
  - Support configurable limit on number of arguments processed
    [Issue #2234 - @jleproust, @martinhsv]
  - Multipart Content-Dispostion should allow field: filename*=
  - Fix rule-update-target for non-regex
    [Issue 2251 - @martinhsv]
  - Fix configure script when packaging for Buildroot
    [Issue 2235 - @frankvanbever]
  - modsecurity.pc.in: add Libs.private
    [Issue #1918, #2253 - @ffontaine, @Dridi, @victorhora]  

v3.0.4 - 2020-Jan-13

 - Fix: audit log data omitted when nolog,auditlog
 - Fix: ModSecurity 3.x inspectFile operator does not pass
   FILES_TMPNAMES parameter to lua engine
   [Issue #2204, #2205 - @kadirerdogan]
 - XML: Remove error messages from stderr
   [Issue #2010 - @JaiHarpalani, @zimmerle]
 - Filter comment or blank line for pmFromFile operator
   [Issue #1645 - @LeeShan87, @victorhora, @tdoubley]
 - Additional adjustment to Cookie header parsing
 - Restore chained rule part H logging to be more like 2.9 behaviour
   [Issue #2196 - @martinhsv]
 - Small fixes in log messages to help debugging the file upload
   [Issue #2130 - @airween]
 - Fix Cookie header parsing issues
   [Issue #2201 - @airween, @martinhsv]
 - Fix rules with nolog are logging to part H
   [Issue #2196 - @martinhsv]
 - Fix argument key-value pair parsing cases
   [Issue #1904 - @martinhsv]
 - Fix: audit log part for response body for JSON format to be E
   [Issue #2066 - @martinhsv, @zimmerle]
 - Make sure m_rulesMessages is filled after successfull match
   [Issue #2000, #2048 - @victorhora, @defanator]
 - Fix @pm lookup for possible matches on offset zero.
   [@zimmerle, @afoxdavidi, @martinhsv, @marshal09]
 - Regex lookup on the key name instead of COLLECTION:key
   [@rdiperri-yottaa, @danbiagini-work, @mmelo-yottaa, @zimmerle]
 - Missing throw in Operator::instantiate
   [Issue #2106 - @marduone]
 - Making block action execution dependent of the SecEngine status
   [Issue #2113, #2111 - @theMiddleBlue, @airween]
 - Making block action execution dependent of the SecEngine status
   [Issue #1960 - @theMiddleBlue, @zimmerle, @airween, @victorhora]
 - Having body limits to respect the rule engine state
 - Fix SecRuleUpdateTargetById does not match regular expressions
   [Issue #1872 - @zimmerle, @anush-cr, @victorhora, @j0k2r]  
 - Adds missing check for runtime ctl:ruleRemoveByTag
   [Issue #2102, #2099 - @airween]
 - Adds a new operator verifySVNR that checks for Austrian social
   security numbers.
   [Issue #2063 - @Rufus125]
 - Fix variables output in debug logs
   [Issue #2057 - @jleproust]
 - Correct typo validade in log output
   [Issue #2059 - @nerrehmit]
 - fix/minor: Error encoding hexa decimal.
   [Issue #2068 - @tech-ozon-io]
 - Limit more log variables to 200 characters.
   [Issue #2073 - @jleproust]
 - parser: fix parsed file names
 - Allow empty anchored variable
   [Issue #2024 - @airween]
 - Fixed FILES_NAMES collection after the end of multipart parsing
   [Issue #2016 - @airween]
 - Fixed validateByteRange parsing method
   [Issue #2017 - @airween]
 - Removes a memory leak on the JSON parser
 - Enables LMDB on the regression tests.
   [Issue #2011, #2008 - @WGH-, @mdunc]
 - Fix: Extra whitespace in some configuration directives causing error
   [Issue #2006 - @porjo, @zimmerle]
 - Refactoring on Regex and SMatch classes.
 - Fixed buffer overflow in Utils::Md5::hexdigest()
   [Issue #2002 - @defanator]
 - Implemented merge() method for ConfigInt, ConfigDouble, ConfigString
   [Issue #1990 - @defanator]
 - Adds initially support to the drop action.
 - Complete merging of particular rule properties
   [Issue #1978 - @defanator]
 - Replaces AC_CHECK_FILE with 'test -f'
   [Issue #1984 - @chuckwolber]
 - Fix inet addr handling on 64 bit big endian systems
   [Issue #1980 - @airween]
 - Fix tests on FreeBSD
   [Issue #1973 - @defanator]
 - Changes ENV test case to read the default MODSECURTIY env var
   [Issue #1969 - @zimmerle, @airween, @inittab]
 - Regression: Sets MODSECURITY env var during the tests execution
   [Issue #1969 - @zimmerle, @airween, @inittab]
 - Fix setenv action to strdup key=variable
 - Allow 0 length JSON requests.
   [Issue #1822 - @allanbomsft, @zimmerle, @victorhora, @marcstern]
 - Fix "make dist" target to include default configuration
   [Issue #1966 - @defanator]
 - Replaced log locking using mutex with fcntl lock
   [Issue #1949, #1927 - @Cloaked9000]
 - Correct the usage of modsecurity::Phases::NUMBER_OF_PHASES
   [Issue #1959 - @weliu]
 - Adds support to multiple ranges in ctl:ruleRemoveById
   [Issue #1956 - @theseion, @victorhora, @zimmerle]
 - Rule variable interpolation broken
   [Issue #1961 - @soonum, @zimmerle] 
 - Make the boundary check less strict as per RFC2046
   [Issue #1943 - @victorhora, @allanbomsft]
 - Fix buffer size for utf8toUnicode transformation
   [Issue #1208 - @katef, @victorhora]

v3.0.3 - 2018-Nov-05

 - Fix double macros bug
   [Issue #1943 - @supplient, @zimmerle]
 - Override the default status code if not suitable to redirect action
   [Issue #1850 - @zimmerle, @victorhora]
 - parser: Fix the support for CRLF configuration files
   [Issue #1945 - @zimmerle, @defanator, @kjakub]
 - Organizes the server logs
   [0xb7c36 and 0x5ac20 - @zimmerle, @steven-j-wojcik]
 - m_lineNumber in Rule not mapping with the correct line number in file
   [Issue #1844 - @zimmerle, @victorhora, @xizeng]
 - Using shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr on rules exceptions
   [Issue #1697 - @zimmerle, @brianp9906, @victorhora, @LeSwiss, @defanator]
 - Changes debuglogs schema to avoid unecessary str allocation
   [0xb2840 - @zimmerle]
 - Fix the SecUnicodeMapFile and SecUnicodeCodePage
   [0x3094d - @zimmerle, @victorhora]
 - Changes the timing to save the rule message
   [0xca270 - @zimmerle]
 - Fix crash in msc_rules_add_file() when using disruptive action in chain
   [Issue #1849 - @victorhora, @zimmerle, @rperper]
 - Fix memory leak in AuditLog::init()
   [Issue #1897 - @weliu]
 - Fix RulesProperties::appendRules()
   [Issue #1901 - @steven-j-wojcik]
 - Fix RULE lookup in chained rules
   [0x3077c - @zimmerle]
 - @ipMatch "Could not add entry" on slash/32 notation in 2.9.0
   [Issue #849 - @zimmerle, @dune73]
 - Using values after transformation at MATCHED_VARS
   [0x14316 - @zimmerle]
 - Adds support to UpdateActionById.
   [Issue #1800 - @zimmerle, @victorhora, @NisariAIT]
 - Add correct C function prototypes for msc_init and msc_create_rule_set
   [Issue #1922 - @steven-j-wojcik]
 - Allow LuaJIT 2.1 to be used
   [Issue #1909 - @victorhora, @mdunc]
 - Match m_id JSON log with RuleMessage and v2 format
   [Issue #1185 - @victorhora]
 - Adds support to setenv action.
   [Issue #1044 - @zimmerle]
 - Adds new transaction constructor that accepts the transaction id
   as parameter.
   [Issue #1627 - @defanator, @zimmerle]
 - Adds request IDs and URIs to the debug log
   [Issue #1627 - @defanator, @zimmerle]
 - Treating variables exception on load-time instead of run time.
   [0x028e0 and 0x275a1 - @zimmerle]
 - Fix: function m.setvar in Lua scripts and add testcases
   [Issue #1859 - @nowaits, @victorhora]
 - Fix SecResponseBodyAccess and ctl:requestBodyAccess directives
   [Issue #1531 - @victorhora, @defanator]
 - Fix OpenBSD build
   [Issue #1841 - @victorhora, @zimmerle, @juanfra684]
 - Fix parser to support GeoLookup with MaxMind
   [Issue #1884, #1895 - @victorhora, @everping]
 - parser: Fix simple quote setvar in the end of the line
   [Issue #1831 - @zimmerle, @csanders-git]
 - Fix pc file
   [Issue #1847 - @gquintard]
 - modsec_rules_check: uses the gnu `.la' instead of `.a' file
   [Issue #1853 - @ste7677, @victorhora, @zimmerle]
 - good practices: Initialize variables before use it
   [Issue #1889 - Marc Stern]
 - Fix utf-8 character encoding conversion
   [Issue #1794 - @tinselcity, @zimmerle]
 - Adds support for ctl:requestBodyProcessor=URLENCODED
   [Issue #1797 - @victorhora]
 - Add LUA compatibility for CentOS and try to use LuaJIT first if available
   [Issue #1622 - @victorhora, @dmitryzykov]
 - Allow LuaJIT to be used
   [Issue #1809 - @victorhora, @p0pr0ck5]
 - Implement support for Lua 5.1
   [Issue #1809 - @p0pr0ck5, @victorhora]
 - Variable names must match fully, not partially. Match should be case
   [Issue #1818, #1820, #1810, #1808 - @michaelgranzow-avi, @victorhora,
                                       @theMiddleBlue, @airween, @zimmerle,
 - Improves the performance while loading the rules
   [Issue #1735 - @zimmerle, @p0pr0ck5, @victorhora]
 - Allow empty strings to be evaluated by regex::searchAll
   [Issue #1799, #1785 - @victorhora, @XuanHuyDuong, @zimmerle]
 - Adds basic pkg-config info
   [Issue #1790 - @gquintard, @zimmerle]
 - Fixed LMDB collection errors
   [Issue #1787 - @airween, @zimmerle]
 - Fixed false positive MULTIPART_UNMATCHED_BOUNDARY errors
   [Issue #1747, #1924 - @airween, @victorhora, @defanator, @zimmerle]
 - Fix ip tree lookup on netmask content
   [Issue #1793 - @tinselcity, @zimmerle]
 - Changes the behavior of the default sec actions
   [Issue #1629 - @mirkodziadzka-avi, @zimmerle, @victorhora]
 - Refactoring on {global,ip,resources,session,tx,user} collections
   [Issue #1754, #1778 - @LeeShan87, @zimmerle, @victorhora, @wwd5613,
 - Fix race condition in UniqueId::uniqueId()
   [Issue #1786 - @weliu]
 - Fix memory leak in error message for msc_rules_merge C APIs
   [Issue #1765 - @weliu]
 - Return false in SharedFiles::open() when an error happens
   [Issue #1783 - @weliu]
 - Use rvalue reference in ModSecurity::serverLog
   [Issue #1769 - @weliu]
 - Build System: Fix when multiple lines for curl version.
   [Issue #1771 - @Artistan]
 - Checks if response body inspection is enabled before process it
   [Issue #1643 - @zoltan-fedor, @dennus, @defanator, @zimmerle]
 - Code Cleanup.
   [Issue #1757, #1755, #1756, #1761 - @p0pr0ck5]
 - Fix setvar parsing of quoted data
   [Issue #1733, #1759, #1775 - @victorhora, @JaiHarpalani, @defanator]
 - Fix LDFLAGS for unit tests.
   [Issue #1758 - @smlx]
 - Adds time stamp back to the audit logs
   [Issue #1762 - @Pjack, @zimmerle]
 - Disables skip counter if debug log is disabled
 - Cosmetics: Represents amount of skipped rules without decimal
   [Issue #1737 - @p0pr0ck5]
 - Add missing escapeSeqDecode, urlEncode and trimLeft/Right tfns to parser
   [Issue #1752 - @victorhora]
 - Fix STATUS var parsing and accept STATUS_LINE var for v2 backward comp.
   [Issue #1738 - @victorhora]
 - Fix memory leak in modsecurity::utils::expandEnv()
   [Issue #1750 - @defanator]
 - Initialize m_dtd member in ValidateDTD class as NULL
   [Issue #1751 - @airween]
 - Fix broken @detectxss operator regression test case
   [Issue #1739 - @p0pr0ck5]
 - Fix utils::string::ssplit() to handle delimiter in the end of string
   [Issue #1743, #1744 - @defanator]
 - Fix variable FILES_TMPNAMES 
   [Issue #1646, #1610 - @victorhora, @zimmerle, @defanator]
 - Fix memory leak in Collections
   [Issue #1729, #1730 - @defanator]

v3.0.2 - 2018-Apr-03

 - Fix lib version information while generating the .so file
   [@gl1f1v21, @zimmerle]

v3.0.1 - 2018-Apr-02

 - Adds support for ctl:ruleRemoveByTag
   [@zimmerle, @weliu]
 - Fix SecUploadDir configuration merge
   [Issue #1720 - @zimmerle, @gjvanetten]
 - Include all prerequisites for "make check" into dist archive
   [Issue #1716 - @defanator]
 - Fix: Reverse logic of checking output in @inspectFile
   [Issue #1715 - @defanator]
 - Adds support to libMaxMind
   [Issue #1307 - @zimmerle, @defanator]
 - Adds capture action to detectXSS
   [Issue #1698 - @victorhora]
 - Temporarily accept invalid MULTIPART_SEMICOLON_MISSING operator
   [Issue #1701 - @victorhora]
 - Adds capture action to detectSQLi
   [Issue #1698 - @zimmerle]
 - Adds capture action to rbl
   [Issue #1698 - @zimmerle]
 - Adds capture action to verifyCC
   [Issue #1698 - @michaelgranzow-avi, @zimmerle]
 - Adds capture action to verifySSN
   [Issue #1698 - @zimmerle]
 - Adds capture action to verifyCPF
   [Issue #1698 - @zimmerle]
 - Prettier error messages for unsupported configurations (UX)
 - Add missing verify*** transformation statements to parser
   [Issue #1006 and #1007 - @victorhora]
 - Fix a set of compilation warnings
   [Issue #1650 - @zimmerle, @JayCase]
 - Check for disruptive action on SecDefaultAction.
   [Issue #1614 - @zimmerle, @michaelgranzow-avi]
 - Fix block-block infinite loop.
   [Issue #1614 - @zimmerle, @michaelgranzow-avi]
 - Correction remove_by_tag and remove_by_msg logic.
   [Issue #1636 - @Minasu]
 - Fix LMDB compile error
   [Issue #1691 - @airween]
 - Fix msc_who_am_i() to return pointer to a valid C string
   [Issue #1640 - @defanator]
 - Added some cosmetics to autoconf related code
   [Issue #1652 - @airween]
 - Fix "make dist" target to include necessary headers for Lua
   [Issue #1678 - @defanator]
 - Fix "include /foo/*.conf" for single matched object in directory
   [Issue #1677 - @defanator, @zimmerle]
 - Add missing Base64 transformation statements to parser
   [Issue #1632 - @victorhora, @zimmerle]
 - Fixed resource load on ip match from file
   [#1674 - @zimmerle, @StefaanSeys]
 - Fixed examples compilation while using disable-shared
   [#1670 - @zimmerle, @ivanbaldo]
 - Fixed compilation issue while xml is disabled
   [0x243028 - @zimmerle]
 - Having LDADD and LDFLAGS organized on Makefile.am
   [0xd0e85e - @zimmerle]
 - Checking std::deque size before use it
   [0x217cbf - @zimmerle, Yaron Dayagi]
 - perf improvement: Added the concept of RunTimeString and removed
   all run time parser.
   [0x3eae51 0x0320e0 0xb5688f 0xfe47a9 0xfa9842 0x1affc3 0x079de4
    0xc7c04f 0x5262ea 0x01974a 0xd5ee1e - @zimmerle]
 - perf improvement: Checks debuglog level before format debug msg
   [0x42ee9 - @zimmerle]
 - perf. improvement/rx: Only compute dynamic regex in case of macro
   [0x91ff3 - @zimmerle]
 - Fix uri on the benchmark utility
   [0x63bec - @zimmerle]
 - disable Lua on systems with liblua5.1
   [Issue #1639 - @victorhora, @defanator]

v3.0.0 - 2017-Dec-13

 - Improvements on LUA build scripts and support for LUA 5.2.
   [Issue #1617 and #1622 - @victorhora, @zimmerle]
 - Fix compilation error with disable_debug_log flag
   [0xfd84e - Izik Abramov]
 - Improvements on the benchmark tool.
   [Issue #1615 - @zimmerle]
 - Fix lua headers on the build scripts
   [Issue #1621 - @Minasu]
 - Refactoring on the JSON parser.
   [Issue #1576, #1577 - Tobias Gutknecht, @zimmerle, @victorhora, @marcstern]
 - Adds support to WEBAPPID variable.
   [Issue #1027 - @zimmerle, @victorhora]
 - Adds support for SecWebAppId.
   [Issue #1442 - @zimmerle, @victorhora] 
 - Adds support for SecRuleRemoveByTag.
   [Issue #1476 - @zimmerle, @victorhora]
 - Adds support for update target by message.
   [Issue #1474 - @zimmerle, @victorhora]
 - Adds support to SecRuleScript directive.
   [Issue #994 - @zimmerle]
 - Adds support for the exec action.
   [Issue #1050 - @zimmerle]
 - Adds support for transformations inside Lua engine
   [Issue #994 - @zimmerle]
 - Adds initial support for Lua engine.
   [Issue #994 - @zimmerle]
 - Adds support for @inspectFile operator.
   [Issue #999 - @zimmerle, @victorhora]
 - Adds support for RESOURCE variable collection.
   [Issue #1014 - @zimmerle, @victorhora]
 - Adds support for @fuzzyHash operator.
   [Issue #997 - @zimmerle]
 - Fix build on non x86 arch build
   [Issue #1598 - @athmane]
 - Fix memory issue while changing rule target dynamic
   [Issue #1590 - @zimmerle, @slabber]
 - Fix log while displaying the name of a dict selection by regex.
 - Setting http response code on the auditlog.
   [Issue #1592 - @zimmerle]
 - Refactoring on RuleMessage class, now accepting http code as parameter.
 - Having disruptive msgs as disruptive [instead of warnings] on audit log
   [Issue #1592 - @zimmerle, @nobodysz]
 - Parser: Pipes are no longer welcomed inside regex dict element selection.
   [Issue #1591 - @zimmerle, @slabber]
 - Avoids unicode initialization on every rules object
   [Issue #1563 - @zimmerle, @Tiki-God, @sethinsd, @Cloaked9000, @AnoopAlias,
 - Makes clear to the user whenever the audit log is empty due to missing
   JSON support.
   [Issue #1585 - @zimmerle]
 - Makes auditlog more verbose on debug logs
   [Issue: #1559 - @zimmerle]
 - Enable support for AuditLogFormat
   Issue: #1583, #1493 and #1453 - @victorhora]
 - Adds macro expansion for @rx operator
   [Issue: #1528, #1536 - @asterite3, @zimmerle]
 - Consideres under quoted variable while loading the rules.
   [Felipe Zimmerle/@zimmerle, Victor Hora/@victorhora]
 - Store the connection and url parameters in std::string
   [Issue: #1571 - @majordaw]
 - Eliminate some reorder and sign warnings
   [Issue: #1572 - Dávid Major/@majordaw]
 - Makes parallel logging to work when SELinux is enabled.
   [Issue: #1562 - David Buckle/@met3or]
 - Adds possibility to run the pm operator inside a mutex to avoid concurrent
   access while working on a thread environment. This option is a compilation
   [Felipe Zimmerle/@zimmerle]

v3.0.0-rc1 - 2017-Aug-28

 Very first public version.