messages-version: 7 commands.join.description: 'Joins the queue for the next game' commands.join.confirmation: '&3You have joined the queue.' commands.join.joined-secondary-queue: '&3The queue is currently &4full&3. You have joined the secondary queue.' commands.join.already-queued: '&4You were already in the queue.' commands.join.already-in-secondary-queue: '&3The queue is currently &4full&3. You were already in the secondary queue.' commands.join.confirmation-specific-queue: '&3You have joined the &2%s&3 queue.' commands.join.joined-secondary-queue-specific-queue: '&3 The &2%s&3 queue is currently &4full&3. You have joined the secondary queue.' commands.join.already-queued-specific-queue: '&4You were already in the &2%s&3 queue.' commands.join.already-in-secondary-queue-specific-queue: '&3 The &2%s&3 queue is currently &4full&3. You were already in the secondary queue.' '&4You can''t join now, you are already in a game.' commands.leave.description: 'Leaves the queue or the game you are in' commands.leave.removed-from-queue: '&3You are no longer in the queue.' commands.leave.removed-from-secondary-queue: '&3You are no longer in the secondary queue.' commands.leave.removed-from-specific-queue: '&3You are no longer in the &2%s&3 queue.' commands.leave.removed-from-specific-secondary-queue: '&3You are no longer in the &2%s&3 secondary queue.' commands.leave.removed-from-game: '&3You have fled the game.' commands.leave.not-in-any: '&4You were not in the queue.' commands.setlobby.description: 'Sets the lobby position' commands.setlobby.confirmation: '&3The lobby is now at your current location.' '&4You can''t set the lobby, you are in a game.' commands.setportal.description: 'Sets a portal at your current location' commands.setportal.confirmation: '&3You have set a portal at your current location.' commands.setportal.description-with-queues-enabled: 'Sets a portal at your current location for the combined queue, or a specific queue.' commands.setportal.confirmation-combined-queue: '&3You have set a portal at your current location for the combined queue.' commands.setportal.confirmation-specific-queue: '&3You have set a portal at your current location for the &2%s&3 queue.' '&4You can''t set a portal, you are in a game.' commands.delportal.description: 'Removes the last set portal' commands.delportal.confirmation: '&3Removed portal at &2%s&3.' commands.delportal.error-no-portals: '&4No portals are set.' commands.cancel.description: 'Cancels a current game with the given id' commands.cancel.argument: 'ID' '&4There aren''t any games with the id &c%s&4.' commands.cancel.confirmation: '&3Canceling game &2%s&3.' commands.status.description: 'Gives status on current games' commands.status.header: '&9 -- &2SkyWars Status&9 --' '&3In Queue: &2%s' '&3In Secondary Queue: &2%s' '&2%s&3 Queue: &2%s' '&2%s&3 Queue: &2%s' commands.status.queue-comma: '&3, &2' commands.status.arena-header: '&9 -- &2Current Arenas&9 --' '&3Game &2#%s&3: &2' commands.status.arena-teams-left: '&3Game &2#%1$s&3: &2%2$s&3/&2%3$s&3 teams left:' commands.status.arena-team-prefix: ' &3Team &2%s&3: &2' commands.status.arena-team-dead: ' &4Team &c%s&4: &c✗' commands.version.description: 'Gives version' commands.version.output: '&3%s version &2%s &3/ &2%s&3. Created by &2Dabo Ross&3.' commands.lobby.description: 'Teleports you to the lobby' commands.lobby.confirmation: '&3Teleporting to the lobby.' '&4You can''t teleport to the lobby, you are in a game.' commands.cancelall.description: 'Cancels all current games' commands.cancelall.canceling-game: '&3Canceling game &2%s&3.' '&4No games started.' 'Generates a report and uploads it to, then gives you a link' '&3Gathering data and submitting...' '&3Report: &2%s' commands.forcestart.description: 'Forces a game to start with the people in the queue' commands.forcestart.not-enough-players: '&4There must be at least 2 players in the queue to force start a game.' commands.kit.description: 'Sets the kit to use for the next game' commands.kit.argument: 'Kit' '&4There are no kits you can use.' commands.kit.unavailable-kits: '&3Unavailable kits: &2%s' commands.kit.unknown-kit: '&4Unknown kit &c%s&4.' commands.kit.not-enough-money: '&4You don''t have enough %1$s to buy &c%2$s&4. You need &c%3$s&4 more %1$s.' '&4 You don''t have access to kit &c%s&4.' commands.kit.chose-kit: '&3You are now using kit &2%s&3.' commands.kit.chose-kit-with-cost: '&3You are now using kit &2%1$s&3. This kit will cost you &2%2$s&3 per round.' '&3You can use &2/sw kit remove&3 to stop using this kit.' commands.kit.removed-kit: '&3You are no longer using any kits.' '&3You weren''t using a kit, no kit removed.' commands.kit.current-kit: '&3You are currently using kit &2%s&3.' commands.kit.current-kit-with-cost: '&3You are currently using kit &2%1$s&3. This kit costs you &2%2$s&3 per round.' commands.kitgui.description: 'Opens up the visual kit menu' commands.testkit.description: 'Test a kit - WARNING: this will clear your inventory' commands.testkit.unknown: '&4Unknown kit &c%s&4.' commands.testkit.applied: '&3Applied kit &2%s&3.' 'View top 10 players with the highest score' '&8 -- &4Top %s&8 --' # %1$s = player name, %2$s = player score, %3$s = player rank. '&8#&4%3$s&8: &2%1$s&3, with &2%2$s&3 points!' '&4No players found!' commands.rank.description: 'View player stats for yourself or someone else' commands.rank.argument: 'Name' commands.rank.title: '&8 -- &4%s&8 -- ' commands.rank.score: '&3Score: &2%s' commands.rank.rank: '&3Rank: &8#&4%s' commands.rank.not-found: '&4Player &c%s&4 not found.' '&4You do not have permission to view other players'' ranks.' setup-commands.createkit.description: 'Creates a kit from your current inventory' setup-commands.createkit.argument-name: 'Name' setup-commands.createkit.argument-cost: 'Cost (optional)' setup-commands.createkit.argument-permission: 'Permission (optional)' setup-commands.createkit.saved-no-permission: '&3Saved kit &2%1$s&3. Anyone can now apply this kit with &a/sw &9kit &2%1$s&3.' setup-commands.createkit.saved-with-permission: '&3Saved kit &2%1$s&3. Anyone with the &2%2$s&3 permission can now apply this kit with &a/sw &9kit &2%1$s&3.' setup-commands.createkit.cost-to-use: '&3This kit will cost &2%s&3 to use each game.' setup-commands.createkit.kit-exists: '&4A kit with the name &c%s&4 already exists. &4Kit &cNOT&4 saved.' '&4Saving kits file to disk failed. See console for more information. &4Kit &cNOT&4 saved.' setup-commands.update-arena.description: 'Updates all blocks of an arena to changes made to the original template' setup-commands.update-arena.argument-arena: 'Arena Name' setup-commands.update-arena.completed: '&3Finished updating arena &2%s&3!' setup-commands.update-arena.unknown-arena: '&4Unknown arena &c%s&4. Please ensure capitalization is correct, and the arena is currently enabled.' setup-commands.update-arena.failed: '&4Error saving block cache for &c%s&4! Please check console!' setup-commands.update-arena.failed-built-in: '&c%s&4 doesn''t have an origin area set. Is it a built in arena?' setup-commands.start.description: 'Start a new arena setup and erase any previous unsaved arenas' setup-commands.start.argument-name: 'Arena name' setup-commands.start.confirmation: '&3Started setting up an arena called &2%s&3.' '&4Please supply one and only one argument.' setup-commands.setpos1.description: 'Sets the first position for the arena to copy from at your current head location' setup-commands.setpos1.pos2-in-other-world: '&4Unsetting the second position due to you being in a different world.' setup-commands.setpos1.confirmation: '&3Set the first position to your current head location.' setup-commands.setpos2.description: 'Sets the second position for the arena to copy from at your current head location' setup-commands.setpos2.pos1-in-other-world: '&4Unsetting the first position due to you being in a different world.' setup-commands.setpos2.confirmation: '&3Set the second position to your current head location.' setup-commands.addspawn.description: 'Adds a new spawn location at your current location' setup-commands.addspawn.confirmation: '&3Adding a new spawn location at &2%s&3.' 'Saves the current arena setup to file' '&3Saving arena.' '&3Arena saved.' '&3To enable the arena, add &2%s&3 to &2enabled-arenas&3 in &2main-config.yml&3.' '&4Arena config saved, but loading arena cache failed. Please see console for more information.' '&4You haven''t set a first position yet.' setup-commands.generic.not-enough-spawns: '&4You need at least two spawn points to continue.' setup-commands.generic.too-late-spawns-set: '&4You can''t edit the boundaries after setting spawn locations.' '&4You haven''t started creating an arena yet.' setup-commands.generic.already-started-arena: '&4You already started creating an arena.' top-commands.main.description: 'Main command for SkyWars' top-commands.setup.description: 'Setup command for SkyWars' generic-command-arg.queue-name: 'Queue' generic-command-message.queue-name-list: '&3Available queues are: &2%s.' generic-command-message.queue-name-list-comma: '&3, &2' generic-command-message.too-many-parameters: '&4Too many arguments.' generic-command-message.not-enough-parameters: '&4Not enough arguments.' generic-command-message.argument-not-integer: '&c%s&4 isn''t an integer!' '&4You don''t have permission to use &c%s&4.' generic-command-message.not-a-player: '&4The command &c%s&4 must be run by a player.' generic-command-message.invalid-sub-command: '&3The subcommand &9%2$s&3 does not exist for the command &a/%1$s&3.' generic-command-message.invalid-queue-name: '&4The queue &c%1$s&4 does not exist.' # This is used in the no-permission message for sub commands, as well as the help message. # "&a/sw &9join" message-colors.sub-command-colors: '&a/%s &9%s' # "&a/sw" message-colors.base-command-colors: '&a/%s' # &3<&bArgument Name&3> message-colors.command-argument-listing: ' &3<&b%s&3>' ' &f%s' '&9 -- &2Help&9 --' messages.removed-from-queue-because-death: '&3You were removed from the queue because you died.' messages.removed-from-secondary-queue-because-death: '&3You were removed from the secondary queue because you died.' '&4SkyWars has no clue what &c%s&4 is.' messages.not-fully-enabled: '&4Not fully enabled.' messages.secondary-queue-explanation: '&3You''ll be entered into the queue once the next game starts.' '&3You have been given &2%s&3 for winning the SkyWars.' messages.economy-reward.kill: '&3You have been given &2%1$s&3 for killing &2%2$s&3.' messages.kits.kit-list: '&3Available kits: &2%s' messages.kits.kit-list-comma: '&3, &2' messages.kits.kit-list-item-cost: '%1$s &8(&3cost: &2%2$s&8)' messages.kits.choose-a-kit: '&3Use &2/sw kit &8<&2Name&8>&3 to choose a kit.' messages.kits.remove-a-kit: '&3Use &2/sw kit remove&3 to stop using &2%s&3.' messages.kits.applied-kit: '&3Applied kit &2%s&3 in this game.' messages.kits.applied-kit-with-cost: '&3Applied kit &2%1$s&3 in this game, costing you &3%2$s&2.' messages.kits.not-enough-money: '&3You no longer have enough money to apply kit &2%s&3, deselecting it.' '&3You no longer have permission to apply kit &2%s&3, deselecting it.' '&4You can''t do that, you are in a game.' '&4Reporting has been disabled in &cmain-config.yml&4. Remove the &c''disable-report: true''&4 line to enable reporting. Note that when enabled, SkyWars reports ONLY when this command is used, never in the background.' messages.signs.cannot-place-join-sign: '&4You don''t have permission to place join signs.' messages.signs.cannot-use-join-sign: '&4You don''t have permission to use join signs.' game.timer.starting-in-minutes: '&3Starting in &2%s minutes&3!' game.timer.starting-in-seconds: '&3Starting in &2%s seconds&3!' game.timer.starting-in-seconds-vote-now: '&3Starting in &2%s seconds&3, vote now!' game.death.killed-by-player-and-void: '&2%1$s&a pushed &2%2$s&a into the void of doom!' game.death.killed-by-void: '&2%s&a jumped into the void of doom!' game.death.killed-by-player: '&2%1$s&a killed &2%2$s&a!' game.death.killed-by-environment: '&2%s&a was killed!' game.death.forfeited-while-attacked: '&2%2$s&a was forced to forfeit by &2%1$s&a!' game.death.forfeited: '&2%s&a forfeited!' game.winning.single-won: '&2%s&a has won the SkyWars!' game.winning.multi-won: '&2%s&a have won the SkyWars!' game.winning.multi-won-comma: '&a, &2' game.winning.multi-won-final-comma: '&a and &2' game.winning.none-won: '&aThe SkyWars ended with no victors.' '&aGame starting with &2%s&a!' '&a, &2' '&a and &2' # is compiled as: {team-message}NAME{team-message-comma}NAME{team-message-final-comma}NAME '&aYou are in team %1$s with &2%2$s.' '&a, &2' '&a and &2' # Untranslated: '&aYou are in team %s, alone.' gui.kit-picker.title: '&8[&cSkyWars Kits&8]' gui.kit-picker.totem-title: '&8%s' gui.kit-picker.unavailable-totem-title: '&8&m%s' gui.kit-picker.lore.cost: '&3Costs &2%s&3 per round.' gui.kit-picker.lore.unaffordable-cost: '&8Costs &c%s&8 per round.' gui.kit-picker.lore.unaffordable-cost-2: '&c%1$s&8 more needed.' '&4No access.' gui.kit-picker.messages.kit-disappeared: '&4The kit you selected no longer exists.' configuration.kits.default-kit-description: '&4A kit: &8%s&4.'