/*global define, jQuery, tinysort*/ /** * jQuery plugin wrapper for TinySort * Does not use the first argument in tinysort.js since that is handled internally by the jQuery selector. * Sub-selections (option.selector) do not use the jQuery selector syntax but regular CSS3 selector syntax. * @summary jQuery plugin wrapper for TinySort * @version 3.2.8 * @requires tinysort * @license MIT/GPL * @author Ron Valstar (http://www.ronvalstar.nl/) * @copyright Ron Valstar */ (function (factory) { typeof define==='function'&&define.amd ?define(['jquery','tinysort'],factory) :jQuery&&!jQuery.fn.tsort&&factory(jQuery,tinysort) }(($,tinysort)=>{ $.tinysort = { defaults: tinysort.defaults } $.fn.extend({ tinysort: function(...arg){ const sortedList = tinysort(this,...arg) const numSorted = sortedList.length for (let i=0,l=this.length;i