"use strict"; angular.module('siyfion.sfTypeahead', []) // Inject the typeahead jquery plugin through angular to make it easier to unit // test the library. // Usage: // instead of `$element.typeahead(foo, bar)` // do `$typeahead($element, foo, bar)` .value('$typeahead', function(subject) { subject.typeahead.apply(subject, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); }) // The actual directive .directive('sfTypeahead', ['$typeahead', function ($typeahead) { return { restrict: 'AC', // Only apply on an attribute or class require: 'ngModel', // The two-way data bound value that is returned by the directive scope: { datasets: '=', options: '=', allowCustom: '=' // We cannot use '<' if we want to support angular 1.2.x }, link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) { var initialized = false; var options; var datasets; // Unsubscribe handle for the scope watcher var unsubscribe = null; // Remembers whether the `datasets` parameter provided was an array or an object. var datasetsIsArray; // Create the typeahead on the element initialize(); // Watch for changes on datasets watchDatasets(); // Parses and validates what is going to be set to model (called when: ngModel.$setViewValue(value)) ngModel.$parsers.push(function(fromView) { // In Firefox, when the typeahead field loses focus, it fires an extra // angular input update event. This causes the stored model to be // replaced with the search string. If the typeahead search string // hasn't changed at all (the 'val' property doesn't update until // after the event loop finishes), then we can bail out early and keep // the current model value. if (angular.isObject(ngModel.$modelValue) && fromView === getDatumValue(ngModel.$modelValue)) { return ngModel.$modelValue; } if (!isCustomAllowed() && typeof fromView === 'string') { return ngModel.$modelValue; } return fromView; }); // Formats what is going to be displayed (called when: $scope.model = { object }) ngModel.$formatters.push(function(fromModel) { if (angular.isObject(fromModel)) { fromModel = getDatumValue(fromModel); } if (!fromModel) { $typeahead(element, 'val', ''); } else { $typeahead(element, 'val', fromModel); } return fromModel; }); function watchDatasets() { unsubscribe = datasetsIsArray ? scope.$watchCollection('datasets', datasetsChangeHandler) : scope.$watch('datasets', datasetsChangeHandler); } function datasetsChangeHandler(newValue, oldValue) { if (angular.equals(newValue, oldValue)) { return; } var oldDatasetsIsArray = datasetsIsArray; initialize(); if (datasetsIsArray !== oldDatasetsIsArray) { unsubscribe(); watchDatasets(); } } function initialize() { if (scope.datasets == null) { throw new Error('The datasets parameter is mandatory!'); } options = scope.options || {}; datasetsIsArray = angular.isArray(scope.datasets); datasets = datasetsIsArray ? scope.datasets : [scope.datasets]; if (!initialized) { $typeahead(element, options, datasets); scope.$watch('options', initialize); initialized = true; } else { $typeahead(element, 'destroy'); $typeahead(element, options, datasets); } } // Returns the string to be displayed given some datum function getDatumValue(datum) { for (var i in datasets) { var dataset = datasets[i]; var displayKey = dataset.displayKey || 'value'; var value = (angular.isFunction(displayKey) ? displayKey(datum) : datum[displayKey]) || ''; return value; } } function isCustomAllowed() { return scope.allowCustom === undefined || !!scope.allowCustom; } function updateScope (suggestion) { scope.$apply(function () { ngModel.$setViewValue(suggestion); }); } function forwardEvent(name) { element.bind(name, function() { scope.$emit(name, Array.prototype.slice. call(arguments, 1)); }); } // Update the value binding when a value is manually selected from the dropdown. element.bind('typeahead:select', function(evt, suggestion, dataset) { updateScope(suggestion); scope.$emit('typeahead:select', suggestion, dataset); }); // Update the value binding when a query is autocompleted. element.bind('typeahead:autocomplete', function(evt, suggestion, dataset) { updateScope(suggestion); scope.$emit('typeahead:autocomplete', suggestion, dataset); }); forwardEvent('typeahead:active'); forwardEvent('typeahead:idle'); forwardEvent('typeahead:open'); forwardEvent('typeahead:close'); forwardEvent('typeahead:change'); forwardEvent('typeahead:render'); forwardEvent('typeahead:cursorchange'); forwardEvent('typeahead:asyncrequest'); forwardEvent('typeahead:asynccancel'); forwardEvent('typeahead:asyncreceive'); } }; }]);