[[plugins]] repo = 'Shougo/defx.nvim' hook_add = ''' nnoremap [Space]f \ Defx -listed -resume -buffer-name=win-`win_getid()` ''' hook_source = ''' call defx#custom#column('mark', { \ 'readonly_icon': '✗', \ 'selected_icon': '✓', \ }) call defx#custom#column('icon', { \ 'directory_icon': '+', \ 'opened_icon': '-', \ 'root_icon': ' ', \ }) call defx#custom#column('icon', { \ 'directory_icon': '▸ ', \ 'file_icon': ' ', \ 'opened_icon': '▾ ', \ 'root_icon': ' ', \ }) ''' [plugins.ftplugin] defx = ''' " Define mappings nnoremap \ defx#is_binary() ? \ defx#do_action('execute_system') : \ defx#do_action('open') nnoremap + \ defx#do_action('open', 'choose') nnoremap c \ defx#do_action('copy') nnoremap ! \ defx#do_action('execute_command') nnoremap & \ defx#do_action('execute_command', ['', 'async']) nnoremap m \ defx#do_action('move') nnoremap p \ defx#do_action('paste') nnoremap l \ defx#do_action('open') nnoremap E \ defx#do_action('open', 'vsplit') nnoremap L \ defx#do_action('link') nnoremap P \ defx#do_action('preview') nnoremap o \ defx#do_action('open_tree', ['nested', 'toggle']) nnoremap O \ defx#do_action('open_tree', 'recursive') nnoremap K \ defx#do_action('new_directory', ['open', 'open_tree']) nnoremap N \ defx#do_action('new_file', ['open', 'drop']) nnoremap M \ defx#do_action('new_multiple_files') nnoremap C \ defx#do_action('toggle_columns', 'mark:filename:type:size:time') nnoremap S \ defx#do_action('toggle_sort', 'Time') nnoremap se \ defx#do_action('add_session') nnoremap sl \ defx#do_action('load_session') nnoremap d \ defx#do_action('remove_trash') nnoremap r \ defx#do_action('rename') nnoremap x \ defx#do_action('execute_system') nnoremap > \ defx#do_action('toggle_ignored_files') nnoremap < \ defx#do_action('change_ignored_files') nnoremap . \ defx#do_action('repeat') nnoremap yy \ defx#do_action('yank_path') nnoremap h \ defx#do_action('cd', ['..']) nnoremap ~ \ defx#do_action('cd') nnoremap \ \ defx#do_action('cd', getcwd()) nnoremap q \ defx#do_action('quit') nnoremap \ defx#do_action('toggle_select') . 'j' nnoremap * \ defx#do_action('toggle_select_all') nnoremap j \ line('.') == line('$') ? 'gg' : 'j' nnoremap k \ line('.') == 1 ? 'G' : 'k' nnoremap \ defx#do_action('redraw') xnoremap \ defx#do_action('toggle_select_visual') nnoremap \ defx#do_action('print') nnoremap winnr('$') != 1 ? \ 'wincmd w' : \ 'Defx -buffer-name=temp -split=vertical' nnoremap gr call denite#start( \ [{'name': 'grep', 'args': [map(defx#get_selected_candidates(), \ { _, val -> val['action__path'] })]}]) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'Shougo/deoppet.nvim' depends = ['neosnippet-snippets', 'context_filetype.vim'] on_event = 'InsertEnter' on_source = 'ddc.vim' if = 'has("nvim")' hook_source = ''' imap L deoppet#expandable() ? '(deoppet_expand)' : '' imap (deoppet_jump_forward) imap (deoppet_jump_backward) smap (deoppet_jump_forward) smap (deoppet_jump_backward) xmap (deoppet_select_text) xmap (deoppet_cut_text) call deoppet#initialize() call deoppet#custom#option('snippets', \ [{ 'path': expand('~/.vim/my-snippets')}] + \ map(globpath(&runtimepath, 'neosnippets', 1, 1), \ { _, val -> { 'path': val } })) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'Shougo/neosnippet-snippets' [[plugins]] repo = 'Shougo/denite.nvim' on_cmd = 'Denite' hook_source = ''' execute 'source' fnamemodify(expand('$MYVIMRC'), ':h').'/rc/plugins/denite.rc.vim' ''' hook_add = ''' nnoremap ;r \ Denite -buffer-name=register register xnoremap ;r \ Denite -default-action=replace -buffer-name=register \ register nnoremap s \ Denite -buffer-name=files \ file/rec:'`fnamemodify(expand('$MYVIMRC'), ':h').'/rc'`' nnoremap / wordcount().chars > 30000 ? \ 'Denite -buffer-name=search -start-filter \ -search line/external' : \ 'Denite -buffer-name=search -start-filter -search line' nnoremap * wordcount().chars > 30000 ? \ 'DeniteCursorWord -buffer-name=search -search line/external' : \ 'DeniteCursorWord -buffer-name=search -search line' xnoremap * \ "qy:Denite -input=`@q` -buffer-name=search -search line nnoremap ss finddir('.git', ';') != '' ? \ 'Denite -sorters=sorter/rank -unique -buffer-name=files \ file/point file/old file/dirty file/git file file:new' : \ 'Denite -sorters=sorter/rank -unique -buffer-name=files \ file/point file/old file file:new' nnoremap n \ Denite -buffer-name=search -resume nnoremap sf \ Denite -buffer-name=files -resume nnoremap tt &filetype == 'help' ? 'g' : \ 'DeniteCursorWord -buffer-name=tag -immediately tag:include' nnoremap tp &filetype == 'help' ? \ 'pop' : 'Denite jump' nnoremap sn Denite dein nnoremap ;g Denite -buffer-name=search \ -no-empty grep nnoremap ;w DeniteCursorWord -buffer-name=search \ -no-empty grep nnoremap Denite change jump ''' [plugins.ftplugin] denite = ''' " Define mappings nnoremap \ denite#do_map('do_action') nnoremap a \ denite#do_map('choose_action') nnoremap d \ denite#do_map('do_action', 'delete') nnoremap e \ denite#do_map('do_action', 'edit') nnoremap p \ denite#do_map('do_action', 'preview') nnoremap P \ denite#do_map('do_action', 'preview_bat') nnoremap N \ denite#do_map('do_action', 'new') nnoremap q \ denite#do_map('quit') nnoremap ' \ denite#do_map('quick_move') nnoremap i \ denite#do_map('open_filter_buffer') nnoremap \ denite#do_map('toggle_select').'j' nnoremap r \ denite#do_map('do_action', 'quickfix') nnoremap \ denite#do_map('restore_sources') nnoremap \ denite#do_map('redraw') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'Shougo/context_filetype.vim' hook_source = ''' let g:context_filetype#ignore_patterns = { \ 'toml': ['^\s*#\s*'], \ } ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'Shougo/deol.nvim' depends = ['denite.nvim', 'ddc.vim'] on_source = ['defx.nvim', 'denite.nvim'] hook_add = ''' if has('win32') nnoremap [Space]s Deol cmd -no-start-insert -toggle else nnoremap [Space]s Deol zsh -no-start-insert -toggle endif nnoremap sD call deol#kill_editor() ''' hook_source = ''' let g:deol#prompt_pattern = '\w*% \?' let g:deol#shell_history_path = '~/.zsh-history' let g:deol#extra_options = { \ 'term_kill': 'kill', \ } "let g:deol#enable_ddc_completion = v:true " Set terminal colors if has('nvim') let g:terminal_color_0 = '#6c6c6c' let g:terminal_color_1 = '#ff6666' let g:terminal_color_2 = '#66ff66' let g:terminal_color_3 = '#ffd30a' let g:terminal_color_4 = '#1e95fd' let g:terminal_color_5 = '#ff13ff' let g:terminal_color_6 = '#1bc8c8' let g:terminal_color_7 = '#c0c0c0' let g:terminal_color_8 = '#383838' let g:terminal_color_9 = '#ff4444' let g:terminal_color_10 = '#44ff44' let g:terminal_color_11 = '#ffb30a' let g:terminal_color_12 = '#6699ff' let g:terminal_color_13 = '#f820ff' let g:terminal_color_14 = '#4ae2e2' let g:terminal_color_15 = '#ffffff' else let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [ \ '#6c6c6c', '#ff6666', '#66ff66', '#ffd30a', \ '#1e95fd', '#ff13ff', '#1bc8c8', '#c0c0c0', \ '#383838', '#ff4444', '#44ff44', '#ffb30a', \ '#6699ff', '#f820ff', '#4ae2e2', '#ffffff', \ ] endif tnoremap ddc#manual_complete() tnoremap pum#visible() ? \ 'call pum#map#insert_relative(+1)' : \ '' tnoremap pum#visible() ? \ 'call pum#map#insert_relative(-1)' : \ '' tnoremap call pum#map#select_relative(+1) tnoremap call pum#map#select_relative(-1) tnoremap \ pum#visible() ? 'call pum#map#confirm()' : '' tnoremap \ pum#visible() ? 'call pum#map#cancel()' : '' ''' [plugins.ftplugin] deol = ''' nnoremap [Space]gc \ call deol#send('git commit') nnoremap [Space]gs \ call deol#send('git status') nnoremap [Space]gA \ call deol#send('git commit --amend') nmap e (deol_edit) tmap (deol_execute_line) call ddc#custom#patch_buffer('sourceOptions', { \ '_': { \ 'converters': [], \ }, \ }) ''' zsh = ''' nnoremap [Space]gc \ call deol#send('git commit') nnoremap [Space]gs \ call deol#send('git status') nnoremap [Space]gA \ call deol#send('git commit --amend') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'lambdalisue/guise.vim' on_source = 'deol.nvim' depends = 'denops.vim' [[plugins]] repo = 'Shougo/junkfile.vim' on_source = 'denite.nvim' hook_add = ''' nnoremap se Denite junkfile:new junkfile ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'Shougo/vinarise.vim' on_cmd = 'Vinarise' hook_add = ''' let g:vinarise_enable_auto_detect = v:true let g:vinarise_guifont = 'Courier\ 10\ Pitch:h14' ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'kana/vim-niceblock' on_map = {x = ''} hook_add = ''' xmap I (niceblock-I) xmap A (niceblock-A) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'thinca/vim-qfreplace' on_ft = ['qf'] [plugins.ftplugin] qf = ''' nnoremap r Qfreplace ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'thinca/vim-scouter' [[plugins]] repo = 'tyru/open-browser.vim' [[plugins]] repo = 'rhysd/accelerated-jk' on_map = {n = ''} hook_add = ''' nmap j (accelerated_jk_gj) nmap k (accelerated_jk_gk) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'rhysd/vim-operator-surround' depends = 'vim-operator-user' on_map = {n = ''} hook_add = ''' nmap sa (operator-surround-append) nmap sd (operator-surround-delete)a nmap sr (operator-surround-replace)a nmap sc (operator-surround-replace)a ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'kana/vim-operator-replace' depends = 'vim-operator-user' on_map = {n = '', x = ''} hook_add = ''' map R (operator-replace) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'kannokanno/previm' on_cmd = 'PrevimOpen' depends = 'open-browser.vim' [[plugins]] repo = 'osyo-manga/vim-jplus' on_map = {n = ''} hook_add = ''' nmap J (jplus) ''' # [[plugins]] # repo = 'katono/rogue.vim' [[plugins]] repo = 'lambdalisue/vim-findent' [[plugins]] repo = 'tweekmonster/helpful.vim' on_cmd = 'HelpfulVersion' [[plugins]] repo = 'rhysd/vim-gfm-syntax' on_ft = 'markdown' [[plugins]] repo = 'machakann/vim-vimhelplint' on_ft = 'help' [plugins.ftplugin] help = ''' nnoremap ,r VimhelpLint! ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'vim-denops/denops.vim' [[plugins]] repo = 'lambdalisue/suda.vim' on_event = 'BufRead' hook_add = ''' let g:suda_smart_edit = v:true ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'mattn/vim-goimports' on_ft = 'go' hook_source = ''' let g:goimports_simplify = v:true ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'dag/vim2hs' on_ft = 'haskell' hook_source = ''' let g:haskell_conceal = v:false ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter' if = 'has("nvim")' on_event = 'BufRead' depends = 'impatient.nvim' hook_post_update = 'TSUpdate' hook_source = ''' lua <(eft-repeat) xmap ;; (eft-repeat) nmap f (eft-f) xmap f (eft-f) omap f (eft-f) nmap F (eft-F) xmap F (eft-F) omap F (eft-F) ''' on_map = {n = '', x = '', o = ''} #[[plugins]] #repo = 'teal-language/vim-teal' #on_ft = 'teal' [[plugins]] repo = 'joker1007/vim-markdown-quote-syntax' on_ft = 'markdown' [[plugins]] repo = 'rcarriga/nvim-notify' on_lua = 'notify' [[plugins]] repo = 'kevinhwang91/nvim-bqf' on_ft = 'qf' if = 'has("nvim")' [[plugins]] repo = 'mattn/vim-treesitter' build = 'cd server && go build' if = '!has("nvim")' # To improve neovim startup time [[plugins]] repo = 'lewis6991/impatient.nvim' if = 'has("nvim")' hook_source = ''' lua require('impatient') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'gamoutatsumi/dps-ghosttext.vim' depends = 'denops.vim' on_cmd = 'GhostStart' [[plugins]] repo = 'Shougo/echodoc.vim' on_event = 'InsertEnter' hook_source = ''' call echodoc#enable() let g:echodoc#type = has('nvim') ? 'floating' : 'popup' "let g:echodoc#type = has('nvim') ? 'virtual_lines' : 'popup' ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'nathom/filetype.nvim' if = 'has("nvim")' depends = 'impatient.nvim' hook_source = ''' " Do not source the default filetype.vim let g:did_load_filetypes = 1 ''' [[multiple_plugins]] plugins = ['denite.nvim', 'deol.nvim'] hook_add = ''' nnoremap Denite -buffer-name=deol \ -split=`has('nvim') ? 'floating' : 'horizontal'` \ -cursor-pos=`tabpagenr()-1` deol:zsh '''