addAclPermission("loadStores","read","Insufficient Permissions"); $this->addAclPermission("duplicateArticle","save","Insufficient Permissions"); $this->addAclPermission("save","save","Insufficient Permissions"); $this->addAclPermission("delete","delete","Insufficient Permissions"); } /** * Disable template engine for all actions */ public function preDispatch() { if(!in_array($this->Request()->getActionName(), array('index', 'load', 'validateNumber'))) { $this->Front()->Plugins()->Json()->setRenderer(); } else { //$this->View()->setCaching(); } //if the shopware cache was cleared, the browser cache will be cleared too. //if((($noCache = $this->Request()->getParam('no-cache')) // && $this->View()->Template()->cached->timestamp < $noCache) // || (($cacheControl = $this->Request()->getHeader('Cache-Control')) !== null // && strpos($cacheControl, 'no-cache') !== false)) { // $this->View()->Template()->cached->timestamp = $noCache; // $this->View()->Template()->cached->valid = false; //} } /** * Internal helper function to get access to the entity manager. * @return Shopware\Components\Model\ModelManager */ protected function getManager() { if ($this->manager === null) { $this->manager= Shopware()->Models(); } return $this->manager; } /** * Internal helper function to get access to the article repository. * * @return Shopware\Models\Article\Repository */ protected function getRepository() { if ($this->repository === null) { $this->repository = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Article\Article'); } return $this->repository; } /** * Helper function to get access to the customerGroup repository. * @return \Shopware\Components\Model\ModelRepository */ protected function getCustomerGroupRepository() { if ($this->customerGroupRepository === null) { $this->customerGroupRepository = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Customer\Group'); } return $this->customerGroupRepository; } /** * Helper function to get access to the articleDetail repository. * @return \Shopware\Components\Model\ModelRepository */ protected function getArticleDetailRepository() { if ($this->articleDetailRepository === null) { $this->articleDetailRepository = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Article\Detail'); } return $this->articleDetailRepository; } /** * Internal helper function to get access to the article repository. * * @return Shopware\Models\Article\Repository */ protected function getCustomerRepository() { if ($this->customerRepository === null) { $this->customerRepository = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Customer\Customer'); } return $this->customerRepository; } /** * Internal helper function to get access on the shop repository. * @return null|Shopware\Models\Shop\Repository */ protected function getShopRepository() { if ($this->shopRepository === null) { $this->shopRepository = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Shop\Shop'); } return $this->shopRepository; } /** * Internal helper function to get access on the category repository. * @return null|Shopware\Models\Category\Repository */ protected function getCategoryRepository() { if ($this->categoryRepository === null) { $this->categoryRepository = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Category\Category'); } return $this->categoryRepository; } /** * Helper function to get access to the configuratorPriceSurcharge repository. * @return \Shopware\Components\Model\ModelRepository */ protected function getConfiguratorPriceSurchargeRepository() { if ($this->configuratorPriceSurchargeRepository === null) { $this->configuratorPriceSurchargeRepository = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\PriceSurcharge'); } return $this->configuratorPriceSurchargeRepository; } /** * Helper function to get access to the ConfiguratorDependency repository. * @return \Shopware\Components\Model\ModelRepository */ protected function getConfiguratorDependencyRepository() { if ($this->configuratorDependencyRepository === null) { $this->configuratorDependencyRepository = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Dependency'); } return $this->configuratorDependencyRepository; } /** * Helper function to get access to the configuratorGroup repository. * @return \Shopware\Components\Model\ModelRepository */ protected function getConfiguratorGroupRepository() { if ($this->configuratorGroupRepository === null) { $this->configuratorGroupRepository = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Group'); } return $this->configuratorGroupRepository; } /** * Helper function to get access to the configuratorOption repository. * @return \Shopware\Components\Model\ModelRepository */ protected function getConfiguratorOptionRepository() { if ($this->configuratorOptionRepository === null) { $this->configuratorOptionRepository = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Option'); } return $this->configuratorOptionRepository; } /** * Helper function to get access to the configuratorSet repository. * @return \Shopware\Components\Model\ModelRepository */ protected function getConfiguratorSetRepository() { if ($this->configuratorSetRepository === null) { $this->configuratorSetRepository = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Set'); } return $this->configuratorSetRepository; } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. Fired when the user * edit or create an article and clicks the save button which displayed on bottom of the article * detail window. */ public function saveAction() { $data = $this->Request()->getParams(); if ($this->Request()->has('id')) { $article = $this->getRepository()->find((int) $this->Request()->getParam('id')); } else { $article = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Article(); } $this->saveArticle($data, $article); } /** * Event listener function of the configurator set model in the article backend module. */ public function saveConfiguratorSetAction() { try { $data = $this->Request()->getParams(); $id = (int) $data['id']; $articleId = (int) $data['articleId']; if (!empty($articleId)) { $article = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Article', $articleId); if ($article->getConfiguratorSet()->getId() !== $id) { Shopware()->Models()->remove($article->getConfiguratorSet()); Shopware()->Models()->flush(); } } if (!empty($id) && $id > 0) { $configuratorSet = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Set', $id); } else { $configuratorSet = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Set(); } if (!$configuratorSet) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'noId' => true )); return; } $groups = array(); foreach($data['groups'] as $groupData) { if (!empty($groupData['id']) && $groupData['active']) { $group = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Group', $groupData['id']); $group->setPosition($groupData['position']); $groups[] = $group; } } $data['groups'] = $groups; $options = array(); foreach($data['options'] as $optionData) { if (!empty($optionData['id']) && $optionData['active']) { $option = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Option', $optionData['id']); $option->setPosition($optionData['position']); $options[] = $option; } } $data['options'] = $options; if ($configuratorSet->getOptions()) { $configuratorSet->getOptions()->clear(); } if ($configuratorSet->getGroups()) { $configuratorSet->getGroups()->clear(); } $configuratorSet->fromArray($data); Shopware()->Models()->persist($configuratorSet); Shopware()->Models()->flush(); if (!empty($articleId)) { /**@var $article \Shopware\Models\Article\Article*/ $article = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Article', $articleId); $article->setConfiguratorSet($configuratorSet); Shopware()->Models()->persist($article); Shopware()->Models()->flush(); } $data = $this->getRepository()->getConfiguratorSetQuery($configuratorSet->getId())->getArrayResult(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true, 'data' => $data )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Event listener function of the backend article module. Fired when the user want to accept the * variant data of the main detail to the selected variant(s). */ public function acceptMainDataAction() { try { $data = $this->Request()->getParams(); $articleId = (int) $data['articleId']; if (empty($articleId)) { $this->View()->assign(array('success' => false,'noId' => true)); return; } /**@var $article \Shopware\Models\Article\Article*/ $article = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Article', $articleId); $mainDetail = $article->getMainDetail(); $mainData = $this->getMappingData($mainDetail, $data); $variants = $this->getVariantsForMapping($articleId, $mainDetail, $data); if (!empty($variants)) { /**@var $variant \Shopware\Models\Article\Detail*/ foreach($variants as $variant) { $variant->fromArray($mainData); Shopware()->Models()->persist($variant); } Shopware()->Models()->flush(); } $this->View()->assign(array('success' => true)); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Internal helper function to which returns all article variants which are not the main detail * or the backend variant. * @param $articleId * @param $mainDetail * @param $mapping * @return array */ protected function getVariantsForMapping($articleId, $mainDetail, $mapping) { $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $builder->select(array('details')) ->from('Shopware\Models\Article\Detail', 'details') ->where(' != ?1') ->andWhere('details.articleId = ?2') ->setParameter(1, $mainDetail->getId()) ->setParameter(2, $articleId); if (!empty($mapping['variants'])) { $ids = array(); foreach($mapping['variants'] as $variant) { $ids[] = $variant['id']; } if (!empty($ids)) { $builder->andWhere(' IN (?3)') ->setParameter(3, $ids); } } $variants =$builder->getQuery()->getResult(); return $variants; } /** * Returns the main detail data for the variant mapping action. * @param $mainDetail \Shopware\Models\Article\Detail * @param $mapping * @return array */ protected function getMappingData($mainDetail, $mapping) { $mainData = array(); if ($mapping['settings']) { $mainData['supplierNumber'] = $mainDetail->getSupplierNumber(); $mainData['weight'] = $mainDetail->getWeight(); $mainData['inStock'] = $mainDetail->getInStock(); $mainData['stockMin'] = $mainDetail->getStockMin(); $mainData['ean'] = $mainDetail->getEan(); $mainData['minPurchase'] = $mainDetail->getMinPurchase(); $mainData['purchaseSteps'] = $mainDetail->getPurchaseSteps(); $mainData['maxPurchase'] = $mainDetail->getMaxPurchase(); $mainData['releaseDate'] = $mainDetail->getReleaseDate(); $mainData['shippingTime'] = $mainDetail->getShippingTime(); $mainData['shippingFree'] = $mainDetail->getShippingFree(); } if ($mapping['attributes']) { $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $mainData['attribute'] = $builder->select(array('attributes')) ->from('Shopware\Models\Attribute\Article', 'attributes') ->where('attributes.articleId = ?1') ->andHaving('attributes.articleDetailId = :detailId') ->setParameter(1, $mainDetail->getArticle()->getId()) ->setParameter('detailId', $mainDetail->getId()) ->setFirstResult(0) ->setMaxResults(1) ->getQuery() ->getOneOrNullResult(\Doctrine\ORM\AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY); unset($mainData['attribute']['id']); unset($mainData['attribute']['articleId']); unset($mainData['attribute']['articleDetailId']); unset($mainData['attribute']['articleDetail']); $mainData['attribute']['article'] = $mainDetail->getArticle(); } if ($mapping['prices']) { $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $prices = $builder->select(array('prices', 'customerGroup')) ->from('Shopware\Models\Article\Price', 'prices') ->innerJoin('prices.customerGroup', 'customerGroup') ->where('prices.articleDetailsId = ?1') ->setParameter(1, $mainDetail->getId()) ->getQuery() ->getArrayResult(); foreach($prices as $key => $price) { unset($price['id']); $price['customerGroup'] = $this->getCustomerGroupRepository()->find($price['customerGroup']['id']); $price['article'] = $mainDetail->getArticle(); $prices[$key] = $price; } $mainData['prices'] = $prices; } if ($mapping['basePrice']) { $mainData['unit'] = $mainDetail->getUnit(); $mainData['purchaseUnit'] = $mainDetail->getPurchaseUnit(); $mainData['referenceUnit'] = $mainDetail->getReferenceUnit(); $mainData['packUnit'] = $mainDetail->getPackUnit(); } return $mainData; } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. Fired when the user clicks the "duplicate article" button * on the detail page to duplicate the whole article configuration for a new article. */ public function duplicateArticleAction() { try { $articleId = $this->Request()->getParam('articleId', null); if (empty($articleId)) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'noId' => true )); } /** * @var $article Shopware\Models\Article\Article */ $article = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Article', $articleId); if($article->getConfiguratorSet() !== null){ $isConfigurator = true; $mailDetailId = $article->getMainDetail()->getId(); }else{ $isConfigurator = false; $mailDetailId = null; } $this->duplicateArticleData($articleId); $newArticleId = Shopware()->Db()->lastInsertId('s_articles'); $this->duplicateArticleCategories($articleId, $newArticleId); $this->duplicateArticleCustomerGroups($articleId, $newArticleId); $this->duplicateArticleRelated($articleId, $newArticleId); $this->duplicateArticleSimilar($articleId, $newArticleId); $this->duplicateArticleDetails($articleId, $newArticleId, $mailDetailId); $this->duplicateArticleLinks($articleId, $newArticleId); $this->duplicateArticleImages($articleId, $newArticleId); $this->duplicateArticleProperties($articleId, $newArticleId); $this->duplicateArticleDownloads($articleId, $newArticleId); $setId = $this->duplicateArticleConfigurator($articleId, $newArticleId); $sql= "UPDATE s_articles, s_articles_details SET main_detail_id = WHERE s_articles_details.articleID = AND = ? AND s_articles_details.kind = 1"; Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array($newArticleId)); if ($setId !== null) { $sql= "UPDATE s_articles SET configurator_set_id = ? WHERE = ?"; Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array($setId, $newArticleId)); } $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true, 'articleId' => $newArticleId, 'isConfigurator' => $isConfigurator )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Internal helper function which duplicates the article data of the s_articles. * @param $articleId */ protected function duplicateArticleData($articleId) { $sql= "INSERT INTO s_articles SELECT NULL, supplierID, CONCAT(name, '-', 'Copy'), description, description_long, shippingtime, datum, active, taxID, pseudosales, topseller, keywords, changetime, pricegroupID, pricegroupActive, filtergroupID, laststock, crossbundlelook, notification, template, mode, NULL, available_from, available_to, NULL FROM s_articles as source WHERE = ?"; Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array($articleId)); } /** * Internal helper function which duplicates the assigned categories of the article to the new article. * @param $articleId * @param $newArticleId */ protected function duplicateArticleCategories($articleId, $newArticleId) { $sql= "INSERT INTO s_articles_categories SELECT NULL, ?, categoryID FROM s_articles_categories as source WHERE source.articleID = ? "; Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array($newArticleId, $articleId)); } /** * Internal helper function to duplicate the avoid customer group configuration from the passed article * id to the new article. * @param $articleId * @param $newArticleId */ protected function duplicateArticleCustomerGroups($articleId, $newArticleId) { $sql= "INSERT INTO s_articles_avoid_customergroups SELECT ?, customergroupID FROM s_articles_avoid_customergroups as source WHERE source.articleID = ? "; Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array($newArticleId, $articleId)); } /** * Internal helper function to duplicate the related article configuration from the passed article * to the new article. * @param $articleId * @param $newArticleId */ protected function duplicateArticleRelated($articleId, $newArticleId) { $sql= "INSERT INTO s_articles_relationships SELECT NULL, ?, relatedarticle FROM s_articles_relationships as source WHERE source.articleID = ? "; Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array($newArticleId, $articleId)); } /** * Internal helper function to duplicate the similar article configuration from the passed article * to the new article. * @param $articleId * @param $newArticleId */ protected function duplicateArticleSimilar($articleId, $newArticleId) { $sql= "INSERT INTO s_articles_similar SELECT NULL, ?, relatedarticle FROM s_articles_similar as source WHERE source.articleID = ? "; Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array($newArticleId, $articleId)); } /** * Internal helper function to duplicate the article link configuration from the passed article * to the new article. * @param $articleId * @param $newArticleId */ protected function duplicateArticleLinks($articleId, $newArticleId) { $article = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Article', $newArticleId); $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $links = $builder->select(array('links', 'attribute')) ->from('Shopware\Models\Article\Link', 'links') ->leftJoin('links.attribute', 'attribute') ->where('links.articleId = ?1') ->setParameter(1, $articleId) ->getQuery() ->getArrayResult(); foreach($links as $data) { $link = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Link(); $link->fromArray($data); $link->setArticle($article); Shopware()->Models()->persist($link); } Shopware()->Models()->flush(); } /** * Internal helper function to duplicate the download configuration from the passed article * to the new article. * @param $articleId * @param $newArticleId */ protected function duplicateArticleDownloads($articleId, $newArticleId) { $article = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Article', $newArticleId); $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $downloads = $builder->select(array('downloads', 'attribute')) ->from('Shopware\Models\Article\Download', 'downloads') ->leftJoin('downloads.attribute', 'attribute') ->where('downloads.articleId = ?1') ->setParameter(1, $articleId) ->getQuery() ->getArrayResult(); foreach($downloads as $data) { $download = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Download(); $download->fromArray($data); $download->setArticle($article); Shopware()->Models()->persist($download); } Shopware()->Models()->flush(); } /** * Internal helper function to duplicate the image configuration from the passed article * to the new article. * @param $articleId * @param $newArticleId */ protected function duplicateArticleImages($articleId, $newArticleId) { $article = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Article', $newArticleId); $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $images = $builder->select(array('images', 'media', 'attribute', 'mappings', 'rules', 'option')) ->from('Shopware\Models\Article\Image', 'images') ->leftJoin('images.attribute', 'attribute') ->leftJoin('images.mappings', 'mappings') ->leftJoin('', 'media') ->leftJoin('mappings.rules', 'rules') ->leftJoin('rules.option', 'option') ->where('images.articleId = ?1') ->andWhere('images.parentId IS NULL') ->setParameter(1, $articleId) ->getQuery() ->getArrayResult(); foreach ($images as &$data) { if (!empty($data['mappings'])) { foreach($data['mappings'] as $mappingKey => $mapping) { foreach ($mapping['rules'] as $ruleKey => $rule) { $option = Shopware()->Models()->find('\Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Option', $rule['optionId']); if ($option) { $rule['option'] = $option; $data['mappings'][$mappingKey]['rules'][$ruleKey]['option'] = $option; } } } } if (!empty($data['mediaId'])) { $data['media'] = Shopware()->Models()->find('\Shopware\Models\Media\Media', $data['mediaId']); if (!$data['media']) { unset($data['media']); } } $image = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Image(); $image->fromArray($data); $image->setArticle($article); $image->setArticleDetail(null); Shopware()->Models()->persist($image); } Shopware()->Models()->flush(); } /** * Internal helper function to duplicate the property configuration from the passed article * to the new article. * @param $articleId * @param $newArticleId */ protected function duplicateArticleProperties($articleId, $newArticleId) { $sql= "INSERT INTO s_filter_articles SELECT ?, valueID FROM s_filter_articles as source WHERE source.articleID = ? "; Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array($newArticleId, $articleId)); } /** * Internal helper function to duplicate the variant configuration from the passed article * to the new article. * @param $articleId * @param $newArticleId */ protected function duplicateArticleDetails($articleId, $newArticleId, $mailDetailId = null) { $article = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Article', $newArticleId); $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $builder->select(array('details', 'prices', 'attribute', 'images')) ->from('Shopware\Models\Article\Detail', 'details') ->leftJoin('details.prices', 'prices') ->leftJoin('details.attribute', 'attribute') ->leftJoin('details.images', 'images') ->where('details.articleId = ?1'); if($mailDetailId !== null){ $builder->andWhere(' = ?2'); $details = $builder->setParameter(1, $articleId) ->setParameter(2, $mailDetailId) ->getQuery() ->getArrayResult(); } else { $details = $builder->setParameter(1, $articleId) ->getQuery() ->getArrayResult(); } foreach ($details as $data) { $prices = array(); $data['number'] = $data['number'] . uniqid(); $detail = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Detail(); foreach($data['prices'] as $priceData) { if (empty($priceData['customerGroupKey'])) { continue; } $customerGroup = $this->getCustomerGroupRepository()->findOneBy(array('key' => $priceData['customerGroupKey'])); if ($customerGroup instanceof \Shopware\Models\Customer\Group) { $priceData['customerGroup'] = $customerGroup; $priceData['article'] = $article; $prices[] = $priceData; } } $data['prices'] = $prices; // unset configuratorOptions and images. These are variantspecific and are going to be recreated later unset($data['images']); unset($data['configuratorOptions']); if (!empty($data['unitId'])) { $data['unit'] = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Unit', $data['unitId']); } else { $data['unit'] = null; } if (!empty($data['attribute'])) { $data['attribute']['article'] = $article; } $data['article'] = $article; $detail->fromArray($data); Shopware()->Models()->persist($detail); } Shopware()->Models()->flush(); } /** * @param $articleId * @return null|string */ protected function duplicateArticleConfigurator($articleId) { $unique = uniqid(); /**@var $oldArticle \Shopware\Models\Article\Article*/ $oldArticle = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Article', $articleId); if (!$oldArticle->getConfiguratorSet()) { return null; } $oldSetId = $oldArticle->getConfiguratorSet()->getId(); $sql= "INSERT INTO s_article_configurator_sets SELECT NULL, CONCAT(name, '-', '". $unique ."'), public, type FROM s_article_configurator_sets as source WHERE = ?"; Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array($oldSetId)); $newSetId = Shopware()->Db()->lastInsertId('s_article_configurator_sets'); $sql= "INSERT INTO s_article_configurator_set_group_relations SELECT NULL, ?, group_id FROM s_article_configurator_set_group_relations as source WHERE source.set_id = ?"; Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array($newSetId, $oldSetId)); $sql= "INSERT INTO s_article_configurator_set_option_relations SELECT NULL, ?, option_id FROM s_article_configurator_set_option_relations as source WHERE source.set_id = ?"; Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array($newSetId, $oldSetId)); $sql= "INSERT INTO s_article_configurator_dependencies SELECT NULL, ?, parent_id, child_id FROM s_article_configurator_dependencies as source WHERE source.configurator_set_id = ?"; Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array($newSetId, $oldSetId)); $sql= "INSERT INTO s_article_configurator_price_surcharges SELECT NULL, ?, parent_id, child_id, surcharge FROM s_article_configurator_price_surcharges as source WHERE source.configurator_set_id = ?"; Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array($newSetId, $oldSetId)); return $newSetId; } /** * */ public function deleteAllVariantsAction() { try { $articleId = (int) $this->Request()->getParam('articleId'); if (empty($articleId)) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false )); return; } $this->removeAllConfiguratorVariants($articleId); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Internal helper function to remove all article variants. * @param $articleId */ protected function removeAllConfiguratorVariants($articleId) { $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $details = $builder->select(array('details', 'configuratorOptions')) ->from('Shopware\Models\Article\Detail', 'details') ->innerJoin('details.configuratorOptions', 'configuratorOptions') ->where('details.articleId = ?1') ->setParameter(1, $articleId) ->getQuery() ->getArrayResult(); /**@var $article \Shopware\Models\Article\Article*/ $article = $this->getRepository()->find($articleId); $mainDetailId = $article->getMainDetail()->getId(); if (empty($details)) { return; } $detailIds = array(); foreach($details as $detail) { if (empty($detail['configuratorOptions'])) { continue; } if($mainDetailId == $detail['id']) { continue; } $detailIds[] = $detail['id']; } if (count($detailIds) == 0) { return; } $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $builder->delete('Shopware\Models\Attribute\Article', 'details') ->andWhere('details.articleDetailId IN (?1)') ->setParameter(1, $detailIds) ->getQuery() ->execute(); $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $builder->delete('Shopware\Models\Article\Detail', 'details') ->andWhere(' IN (?1)') ->setParameter(1, $detailIds) ->getQuery() ->execute(); $sql= "DELETE FROM s_article_configurator_option_relations WHERE article_id IN (?)"; Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array(implode(',', $detailIds))); $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $builder->delete('Shopware\Models\Article\Price', 'prices') ->andWhere('prices.articleDetailsId IN (?1)') ->setParameter(1, $detailIds) ->getQuery() ->execute(); } public function saveMediaMappingAction() { try { $imageId = (int) $this->Request()->getParam('id', null); $mappings = $this->Request()->getParam('mappings'); if (empty($imageId) || $imageId <= 0) { $this->View()->assign(array('success' => false, 'noId' => true)); return; } $query = $this->getRepository()->getArticleImageDataQuery($imageId); $image = $query->getOneOrNullResult(\Doctrine\ORM\AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_OBJECT); $imageData = $query->getOneOrNullResult(\Doctrine\ORM\AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY); $this->getRepository()->getDeleteImageChildrenQuery($imageId)->execute(); $mappingModels = array(); foreach($mappings as $mappingData) { if (empty($mappingData['rules'])) { continue; } if (empty($mappingData['id'])) { $mapping = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Image\Mapping(); } else { $mapping = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Image\Mapping', $mappingData['id']); } $mapping->getRules()->clear(); $options = array(); foreach($mappingData['rules'] as $ruleData) { $rule = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Image\Rule(); $option = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Option', $ruleData['optionId']); $rule->setMapping($mapping); $rule->setOption($option); $mapping->getRules()->add($rule); $options[] = $option; } $mapping->setImage($image); Shopware()->Models()->persist($mapping); $this->createImagesForOptions($options, $imageData, $image); $mappingModels[] = $mapping; } $image->setMappings($mappingModels); Shopware()->Models()->persist($image); Shopware()->Models()->flush(); $result = $this->getRepository()->getArticleImageQuery($imageId)->getArrayResult(); $this->View()->assign(array('success' => true, 'data' => $result)); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * @param $options * @param $imageData * @param $parent \Shopware\Models\Article\Image */ protected function createImagesForOptions($options, $imageData, $parent) { $articleId = $parent->getArticle()->getId(); $imageData['path'] = null; $imageData['parent'] = $parent; $details = $this->getRepository()->getDetailsForOptionIdsQuery($articleId, $options)->getResult(); foreach($details as $detail) { $image = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Image(); $image->fromArray($imageData); $image->setArticleDetail($detail); Shopware()->Models()->persist($image); } Shopware()->Models()->flush(); } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. Fired when the user * edit or create an article variant and clicks the save button which displayed on bottom of the article * variant detail window. */ public function saveDetailAction() { try { $data = $this->Request()->getParams(); $id = (int) $this->Request()->getParam('id'); if ($id > 0) { $detail = $this->getArticleDetailRepository()->find($id); } else { $detail = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Detail(); } $detail = $this->saveDetail($data, $detail); $data['id'] = $detail->getId(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true, 'data' => $data )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * @param $data array * @param $detail \Shopware\Models\Article\Detail * @return \Shopware\Models\Article\Detail */ protected function saveDetail($data, $detail) { $article = $detail->getArticle(); $data['prices'] = $this->preparePricesAssociatedData($data['prices'], $article, $article->getTax()); $data['attribute'] = $data['attribute'][0]; $data['article'] = $article; unset($data['images']); if (!empty($data['unitId'])) { $data['unit'] = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Unit', $data['unitId']); } else { $data['unit'] = null; } unset($data['configuratorOptions']); $detail->fromArray($data); Shopware()->Models()->persist($detail); Shopware()->Models()->flush(); if ($data['standard']) { //todo@hl Fix standard detail change // $mainDetail = $article->getMainDetail(); // $mainDetail->setKind(2); // $article->setMainDetail($detail); // Shopware()->Models()->persist($mainDetail); // Shopware()->Models()->persist($article); // Shopware()->Models()->flush(); } return $detail; } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. Fired when the user saves or updates * an article configurator dependency in the dependency window. */ public function saveConfiguratorDependencyAction() { try { $data = $this->Request()->getParams(); $id = (int) $this->Request()->getParam('id'); if ($id > 0) { $dependency = $this->getConfiguratorDependencyRepository()->find($id); } else { $dependency = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Dependency(); } $data['childOption'] = $this->getConfiguratorOptionRepository()->find($data['childId']); $data['parentOption'] = $this->getConfiguratorOptionRepository()->find($data['parentId']); $data['configuratorSet'] = $this->getConfiguratorSetRepository()->find($data['configuratorSetId']); $dependency->fromArray($data); Shopware()->Models()->persist($dependency); Shopware()->Models()->flush(); $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $data = $builder->select(array('dependency', 'dependencyParent', 'dependencyChild')) ->from('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Dependency', 'dependency') ->leftJoin('dependency.parentOption', 'dependencyParent') ->leftJoin('dependency.childOption', 'dependencyChild') ->where(' = ?1') ->setParameter(1, $dependency->getId()) ->getQuery() ->getOneOrNullResult(\Doctrine\ORM\AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true, 'data' => $data )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. * Fired when the user want to load a configurator set in the configurator tab. * The function returns all public defined configurator sets without the passed ids. */ public function getConfiguratorSetsAction() { $id = $this->Request()->getParam('setId'); $sets = $this->getRepository()->getConfiguratorSetsWithExcludedIdsQuery($id)->getArrayResult(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true, 'data' => $sets )); } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. Fired when the user saves or updates * an article configurator price surcharge in the dependency window. */ public function saveConfiguratorPriceSurchargeAction() { try { $data = $this->Request()->getParams(); if (!empty($data['id']) && $data['id'] > 0) { $priceSurcharge = $this->getConfiguratorPriceSurchargeRepository()->find($data['id']); } else { $priceSurcharge = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\PriceSurcharge(); } $data['parentOption'] = $this->getConfiguratorOptionRepository()->find($data['parentId']); if (!empty($data['childId']) && $data['childId'] > 0) { $data['childOption'] = $this->getConfiguratorOptionRepository()->find($data['childId']); } else { $data['childOption'] = null; } $data['configuratorSet'] = $this->getConfiguratorSetRepository()->find($data['configuratorSetId']); $priceSurcharge->fromArray($data); Shopware()->Models()->persist($priceSurcharge); Shopware()->Models()->flush(); $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $data = $builder->select(array('priceSurcharge', 'priceSurchargesParent', 'priceSurchargesChild')) ->from('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\PriceSurcharge', 'priceSurcharge') ->leftJoin('priceSurcharge.parentOption', 'priceSurchargesParent') ->leftJoin('priceSurcharge.childOption', 'priceSurchargesChild') ->where(' = ?1') ->setParameter(1, $priceSurcharge->getId()) ->getQuery() ->getOneOrNullResult(\Doctrine\ORM\AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true, 'data' => $data )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. Fired when the user clicks the delete * button in the dependency window to delete a dependency. */ public function deleteConfiguratorDependencyAction() { try { $id = (int) $this->Request()->getParam('id'); if (empty($id)) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => 'No valid dependency id passed' )); return; } $model = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Dependency', $id); Shopware()->Models()->remove($model); Shopware()->Models()->flush(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } public function deleteConfiguratorPriceSurchargeAction() { try { $id = (int) $this->Request()->getParam('id'); if (empty($id)) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => 'No valid surcharge id passed' )); return; } $model = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\PriceSurcharge', $id); Shopware()->Models()->remove($model); Shopware()->Models()->flush(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Internal helper function to save the article data. * @param $data * @param $article \Shopware\Models\Article\Article * @return mixed */ protected function saveArticle($data, $article) { try { $data = $this->prepareAssociatedData($data, $article); $article->fromArray($data); Shopware()->Models()->persist($article); Shopware()->Models()->flush(); if (empty($data['id']) && !empty($data['autoNumber'])) { $this->increaseAutoNumber($data['autoNumber'], $article->getMainDetail()->getNumber()); } $savedArticle = $this->getArticle($article->getId()); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true, 'data' => $savedArticle )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); return; } } /** * The loadStoresAction function is an ExtJs event listener method of the article backend module. * The function is used to load all required stores for the article detail page in one request. * @return array */ public function loadStoresAction() { $id = $this->Request()->getParam('articleId'); $priceGroups = $this->getRepository()->getPriceGroupQuery()->getArrayResult(); $suppliers = $this->getRepository()->getSuppliersQuery()->getArrayResult(); $shops = $this->getShopRepository()->createQueryBuilder('shops')->getQuery()->getArrayResult(); $taxes = $this->getRepository()->getTaxesQuery()->getArrayResult(); $templates = $this->getTemplates(); $units = $this->getRepository()->getUnitsQuery()->getArrayResult(); $customerGroups = $this->getCustomerRepository()->getCustomerGroupsQuery()->getArrayResult(); $properties = $this->getRepository()->getPropertiesQuery()->getArrayResult(); $configuratorGroups = $this->getRepository()->getConfiguratorGroupsQuery()->getArrayResult(); $attributeFields = $this->getAttributeFields(); $priceSurcharges = null; $dependencies = null; $configuratorSet = null; if (!empty($id)) { $article = $this->getArticle($id); } else { $article = $this->getNewArticleData(); } $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true, 'data' => array( 'shops' => $shops, 'customerGroups' => $customerGroups, 'taxes' => $taxes, 'suppliers' => $suppliers, 'attributeFields' => $attributeFields, 'templates' => $templates, 'units' => $units, 'properties' => $properties, 'priceGroups' => $priceGroups, 'article' => $article, 'configuratorSet' => $configuratorSet, 'configuratorGroups' => $configuratorGroups, 'priceSurcharges' => $priceSurcharges, 'dependencies' => $dependencies, 'settings' => array() ) )); } /** * */ public function getPropertyListAction() { $articleId = $this->Request()->getParam('articleId'); $propertyGroupId = $this->Request()->getParam('propertyGroupId'); $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder() ->from('Shopware\Models\Property\Option', 'po') ->join('po.groups', 'pg', 'with', ' = :propertyGroupId') ->setParameter('propertyGroupId', $propertyGroupId) ->select(array( 'PARTIAL po.{id,name}' )); $query = $builder->getQuery(); $options = array(); foreach($query->getArrayResult() as $option) { $options[$option['id']] = $option; } $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder() ->from('Shopware\Models\Property\Value', 'pv') ->join('pv.articles', 'pa', 'with', ' = :articleId') ->setParameter('articleId', $articleId) ->join('pv.option', 'po') ->select(array(' as optionId', ' as value')); $query = $builder->getQuery(); foreach($query->getArrayResult() as $value) { if(!isset($options[$value['optionId']])) { continue; } if(!isset($options[$value['optionId']]['name'])) { $options[$value['optionId']]['value'] = array($value['value']); } else { $options[$value['optionId']]['value'][] = $value['value']; } } $this->View()->assign(array( 'data' => array_values($options), 'total' => count($options), 'success' => true )); } /** * Returns the available property values */ public function getPropertyValuesAction() { $propertyGroupId = $this->Request()->getParam('propertyGroupId'); $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder() ->from('Shopware\Models\Property\Value', 'pv') ->join('pv.option', 'po') ->join('po.groups', 'pg', 'with', ' = :propertyGroupId') ->setParameter('propertyGroupId', $propertyGroupId) ->select(array( '', 'pv.value', ' as optionId' )); $query = $builder->getQuery(); $data = $query->getArrayResult(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'data' => $data, 'total' => count($data), 'success' => true )); } public function setPropertyListAction() { $models = Shopware()->Models(); $articleId = $this->Request()->getParam('articleId'); /** @var $article Shopware\Models\Article\Article */ $article = $models->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Article', $articleId); $properties = $this->Request()->getParam('properties', array()); if (empty($properties[0])){ $properties[0] = array( "id" => $this->Request()->getParam('id'), "name" => $this->Request()->getParam('name'), "value" => $this->Request()->getParam('value'), ); } $propertyValues = $article->getPropertyValues(); $propertyValues->clear(); $models->flush(); foreach($properties as $property) { if(empty($property['value'])) { continue; } /** @var $article Shopware\Models\Property\Option */ $option = $models->find('Shopware\Models\Property\Option', $property['id']); foreach((array) $property['value'] as $value) { if(is_int($value)) { $value = $models->find('Shopware\Models\Property\Value', $value); } else { $value = new Shopware\Models\Property\Value( $option, $value ); $models->persist($value); } if($value !== null) { $propertyValues->add($value); } } } $models->flush(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true )); } /** * Selects the dynamic attribute fields * @return array */ protected function getAttributeFields() { $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); return $builder->select(array('elements')) ->from('Shopware\Models\Article\Element', 'elements') ->getQuery() ->getArrayResult(); } /** * Internal helper function to get the article data of the passed id. * @param $id * @return array */ protected function getArticle($id) { $data = $this->getRepository()->getArticleQuery($id)->getArrayResult(); $data[0]['mainPrices'] = $this->getPrices($data[0]['mainDetail']['id'], $data[0]['tax']); $data[0]['attribute'] = $this->getRepository()->getAttributesQuery($data[0]['mainDetail']['id'])->getArrayResult(); $configuratorSet = $this->getRepository() ->getArticleConfiguratorSetByArticleIdQuery($id) ->getOneOrNullResult(\Doctrine\ORM\AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY); if (!empty($configuratorSet)) { $data[0]['configuratorSet'] = array($configuratorSet['configuratorSet']); } else { $data[0]['configuratorSet'] = null; } $sql= "SELECT categoryID FROM s_articles_categories WHERE articleID = ? ORDER BY id ASC"; $categorySort = Shopware()->Db()->fetchCol($sql, array($id)); $categories = array(); foreach($categorySort as $sort) { $category = $data[0]['categories'][$sort]; $category['name'] = $this->getCategoryRepository()->getPathById($sort, 'name', '>'); $categories[] = $category; } $data[0]['categories'] = $categories; $data[0]['dependencies'] = $this->getRepository()->getConfiguratorDependenciesQuery($data[0]['configuratorSet'][0]['id'])->getArrayResult(); $data[0]['priceSurcharges'] = $this->getRepository()->getConfiguratorPriceSurchargesQuery($data[0]['configuratorSet'][0]['id'])->getArrayResult(); if ($data[0]['added'] && $data[0]['added'] instanceof \DateTime) { $added = $data[0]['added']; $data[0]['added'] = $added->format('d.m.Y'); } return $data; } /** * Loads the variant listing for the article backend module. */ public function detailListAction() { if (!$this->Request()->has('articleId')) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => 'No valid article id passed' )); return; } $articleId = $this->Request()->getParam('articleId'); /**@var $article \Shopware\Models\Article\Article*/ $article = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Article', $articleId); $tax = array( 'tax' => $article->getTax()->getTax() ); $idQuery = $this->getRepository()->getConfiguratorListIdsQuery( $articleId, $this->Request()->getParam('filter'), $this->Request()->getParam('sort'), $this->Request()->getParam('start'), $this->Request()->getParam('limit', 20) ); $total = Shopware()->Models()->getQueryCount($idQuery); $ids = $idQuery->getArrayResult(); foreach($ids as $key => $id) { $ids[$key] = $id['id']; } if (empty($ids)) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true, 'data' => array(), 'total' => 0 )); return; } $query = $this->getRepository()->getDetailsByIdsQuery($ids, $this->Request()->getParam('sort')); $details = $query->getArrayResult(); $return = array(); foreach($details as $key => $detail) { if (empty($detail['prices']) || empty($detail['configuratorOptions'])) { continue; } $detail['prices'] = $this->formatPricesFromNetToGross($detail['prices'], $tax); if ($detail['releaseDate']) { $releaseDate = $detail['releaseDate']; if ($releaseDate instanceof \DateTime) { $detail['releaseDate'] = $releaseDate->format('d.m.Y'); } } $return[] = $detail; } $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true, 'data' => $return, 'total' => $total )); } /** * Internal helper function to convert gross prices to net prices. * @param $prices * @param $tax * @return array */ protected function formatPricesFromNetToGross($prices, $tax) { foreach ($prices as $key => $price) { $customerGroup = $price['customerGroup']; if ($customerGroup['taxInput']) { $price['price'] = $price['price'] / 100 * (100 + $tax['tax']) ; $price['pseudoPrice'] = $price['pseudoPrice'] / 100 * (100 + $tax['tax']) ; } $prices[$key] = $price; } return $prices; } /** * Internal helper function to load the article main detail prices into the backend module. * @param $id * @param $tax * @return array */ protected function getPrices($id, $tax) { $prices = $this->getRepository() ->getPricesQuery($id) ->getArrayResult(); return $this->formatPricesFromNetToGross($prices, $tax); } /** * Saves the passed configurator group data. If an id passed, the function updates the existing group, otherwise * a new group will be created. */ public function saveConfiguratorGroupAction() { try { $id = (int)$this->Request()->getParam('id'); if (!empty($id)) { $group = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Group', $id); } else { $group = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Group(); } $data = $this->Request()->getParams(); unset($data['options']); $group->fromArray($data); Shopware()->Models()->persist($group); Shopware()->Models()->flush(); $data['id'] = $group->getId(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true, 'data' => $data )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Saves the passed configurator option data. If an id passed, the function updates the existing options, otherwise * a new option will be created. */ public function saveConfiguratorOptionAction() { try { $id = (int) $this->Request()->getParam('id'); if (!empty($id)) { $option = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Option', $id); } else { $option = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Option(); } $data = $this->Request()->getParams(); if (empty($data['groupId'])) { return; } $data['group'] = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Group', $data['groupId']); $option->fromArray($data); Shopware()->Models()->persist($option); Shopware()->Models()->flush(); $data['id'] = $option->getId(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true, 'data' => $data )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Helper function which creates for the passed configurator groups * the cross join sql for all possible variants. * Returns an array with the sql and all used group ids * @param $groups * @param $offset * @param $limit * @return array */ protected function prepareGeneratorData($groups, $offset, $limit) { //we have to iterate all passed groups to check the activated options. $activeGroups = array(); //we need a second array with all group ids to iterate them easily in the sql generation $originals = array(); foreach($groups as $group) { if (!$group['active']) { continue; } $options = array(); //we iterate the options to get the option ids in a one dimensional array. foreach($group['options'] as $option) { if ($option['active']) { $options[] = $option['id']; } } //if some options active, we save the group and the options in an internal array if (!empty($options)) { $activeGroups[] = array('id' => $group['id'], 'options' => $options); $originals[] = $group['id']; } } if (empty($activeGroups)) { return array(); } //the first groups serves as the sql from path, so we have to remove the first id from the array $first = array_shift($activeGroups); $firstId = $first['id']; //now we create plain sql templates to parse the ids over the sprintf function $selectTemplate = " as o%sId, as o%sName, as g%sId, as g%sName"; $fromTemplate = "FROM s_article_configurator_options o%s LEFT JOIN s_article_configurator_groups g%s ON = o%s.group_id"; $joinTemplate = "CROSS JOIN s_article_configurator_options o%s ON o%s.group_id = %s AND IN (%s) LEFT JOIN s_article_configurator_groups g%s ON = o%s.group_id"; $whereTemplate = "WHERE o%s.group_id = %s AND IN (%s)"; $groupSql = array(); $selectSql = array(); //we have remove the first group id, but we need the first id in the select, from and where path. $selectSql[] = sprintf($selectTemplate, $firstId,$firstId,$firstId,$firstId,$firstId,$firstId,$firstId,$firstId); $groupSql[] = sprintf($fromTemplate, $firstId,$firstId,$firstId,$firstId); $whereSql = sprintf($whereTemplate, $firstId,$firstId,$firstId, implode(',', $first['options'])); //now we iterate all other groups, and create a select sql path and a cross join sql path. foreach($activeGroups as $group) { $groupId = $group['id']; $selectSql[] = sprintf($selectTemplate, $groupId,$groupId,$groupId,$groupId,$groupId,$groupId,$groupId,$groupId); $groupSql[] = sprintf($joinTemplate, $groupId,$groupId,$groupId,$groupId,implode(',', $group['options']),$groupId,$groupId,$groupId); } //concat the sql statement $sql= 'SELECT ' . implode(",\n", $selectSql) . ' ' . implode("\n", $groupSql) . ' ' . $whereSql . ' LIMIT ' . $offset . ',' . $limit; return array( 'sql' => $sql, 'originals' => $originals ); } /** * Called when the user clicks the "generateVariants" button in the article backend module. * The function expects that an article id passed and an array with active groups passed. */ public function createConfiguratorVariantsAction() { try { //first get the id parameter of the request object $articleId = $this->Request()->getParam('articleId', 1); $groups = $this->Request()->getParam('groups'); $offset = $this->Request()->getParam('offset', 0); $limit = $this->Request()->getParam('limit', 50); if ($offset === 0) { $this->removeAllConfiguratorVariants($articleId); } /**@var $article \Shopware\Models\Article\Article*/ $article = $this->getRepository()->find($articleId); $detailData = $this->getDetailDataForVariantGeneration($article); $configuratorSet = $article->getConfiguratorSet(); $dependencies = $this->getRepository()->getConfiguratorDependenciesQuery($configuratorSet->getId())->getArrayResult(); $priceSurcharges = $this->getRepository()->getConfiguratorPriceSurchargesQuery($configuratorSet->getId())->getArrayResult(); $generatorData = $this->prepareGeneratorData($groups, $offset, $limit); if (empty($generatorData)) { return; } $sql = $generatorData['sql']; $originals = $generatorData['originals']; $variants = Shopware()->Db()->fetchAll($sql); $counter = $offset; $allOptions = $this->getRepository()->getAllConfiguratorOptionsIndexedByIdQuery()->getResult(); //iterate all selected variants to insert them into the database foreach($variants as $variant) { $variantData = $this->prepareVariantData($variant, $detailData, $counter, $dependencies, $priceSurcharges, $allOptions, $originals, $article); if ($variantData === false) { continue; } //merge the data with the original main detail data $data = array_merge($detailData, $variantData); if(!$counter) { $detail = $article->getMainDetail(); } else { $detail = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Detail(); } $detail->fromArray($data); $detail->setArticle($article); Shopware()->Models()->persist($detail); $counter++; } Shopware()->Models()->flush(); $article = $this->getArticle($articleId); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true, 'data' => $article )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Helper function to prepare the variant data for a new article detail. * Iterates all passed price surcharges and dependencies to check if the current variant * has configurator options which defined in the dependencies or in the price surcharges. * The used price surcharge options will be added to each variant price row. * If the variant has configurator options which defined as dependency row, * the variant won't be created. The function will return false and * the foreach queue in the "createConfiguratorVariantsAction" will be continue. * * @param $variant * @param $detailData * @param $counter * @param $dependencies * @param $priceSurcharges * @param $allOptions * @param $originals * @param $article \Shopware\Models\Article\Article * @return array|bool */ protected function prepareVariantData($variant, $detailData, $counter, $dependencies, $priceSurcharges, $allOptions, $originals, $article) { $name = ''; $optionsModels= array(); $tax = $article->getTax(); $optionIds = array(); //iterate the original ids to get the new variant name foreach($originals as $id) { $optionId = $variant['o' . $id . 'Id']; //first we push the option ids in an one dimensional array to check $optionIds[] = $optionId; $optionsModels[] = $allOptions[$optionId]; $name[] = $variant['o' . $id . 'Name']; } $optionPriceSurcharges = array(); foreach($priceSurcharges as $surcharge) { if (in_array($surcharge['parentId'], $optionIds) && empty($surcharge['childId'])) { $optionPriceSurcharges[] = $surcharge; } elseif (in_array($surcharge['parentId'], $optionIds) && !empty($surcharge['childId']) && in_array($surcharge['childId'], $optionIds)) { $optionPriceSurcharges[] = $surcharge; } } $abortVariant = false; foreach($dependencies as $dependency) { if (in_array($dependency['parentId'], $optionIds) && in_array($dependency['childId'], $optionIds)) { $abortVariant = true; } } if ($abortVariant) { return false; } //create the new variant data $variantData = array( 'additionalText' => implode(' / ', $name), 'active' => 1, 'configuratorOptions' => $optionsModels ); if($counter) { $variantData['kind'] = 2; $variantData['number'] = $detailData['number'] . '.' . $counter; } //we have to check the defined price surcharges for the article configurator set, //to add the defined surcharges to the variant prices with the corresponding configurator options if (!empty($optionPriceSurcharges)) { $fullPriceSurcharge = 0; foreach($optionPriceSurcharges as $priceSurcharge) { $fullPriceSurcharge += $priceSurcharge['surcharge']; } $prices = $detailData['prices']; $newPrices = array(); foreach($prices as $priceData) { $customerGroup = $priceData['customerGroup']; $surcharge = $fullPriceSurcharge; if ($customerGroup->getTaxInput()) { $surcharge = $fullPriceSurcharge / (100 + $tax->getTax()) * 100; } $priceData['price'] += $surcharge; $newPrices[] = $priceData; } $variantData['prices'] = $newPrices; } return $variantData; } protected function getDependencyByOptionId($optionId, $dependencies) { $returnValue = array(); foreach($dependencies as $dependency) { if ($dependency['parentId'] == $optionId) { $returnValue = $dependency; break; } } return $returnValue; } protected function getSurchargeByOptionId($optionId, $priceSurcharges) { $returnValue = array(); foreach($priceSurcharges as $priceSurcharge) { if ($priceSurcharge['parentId'] == $optionId) { $returnValue = $priceSurcharge; break; } } return $returnValue; } /** * Helper function for the variant generation. Returns the article main detail data which used as base configuration for * the generated article variants. * @param $article * @return mixed */ protected function getDetailDataForVariantGeneration($article) { $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $detailData = $builder->select(array('detail', 'prices', 'attribute', 'customerGroup')) ->from('Shopware\Models\Article\Detail', 'detail') ->leftJoin('detail.prices', 'prices') ->leftJoin('prices.customerGroup', 'customerGroup') ->leftJoin('detail.attribute', 'attribute') ->where(' = ?1') ->setParameter(1, $article->getMainDetail()->getId()) ->getQuery() ->getOneOrNullResult(\Doctrine\ORM\AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY); foreach($detailData['prices'] as &$price) { $price['article'] = $article; unset($price['id']); $price['customerGroup'] = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Customer\Group', $price['customerGroup']['id']); } if ($detailData['unitId']) { $detailData['unit'] = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Unit', $detailData['unitId']); } $detailData['attribute']['article'] = $article; return $detailData; } /** * This function prepares the posted extJs data. First all ids resolved to the assigned shopware models. * After the ids resolved, the function removes the two dimensional arrays of oneToOne associations. * @param $data * @param $article \Shopware\Models\Article\Article * @return array */ protected function prepareAssociatedData($data, $article) { //format the posted extJs article data $data = $this->prepareArticleAssociatedData($data); //format the posted extJs article main detail data $data = $this->prepareMainDetailAssociatedData($data); //format the posted extJs article main prices data $data = $this->prepareMainPricesAssociatedData($data, $article); $data = $this->prepareAvoidCustomerGroups($data); //format the posted extJs article configurator association. $data = $this->prepareConfiguratorAssociatedData($data, $article); //format the posted extJs article attribute data $data = $this->prepareAttributeAssociatedData($data, $article); //format the posted extJs article categories associations $data = $this->prepareCategoryAssociatedData($data); //format the posted extJs related article association $data = $this->prepareRelatedAssociatedData($data, $article); //format the posted extJs similar article association $data = $this->prepareSimilarAssociatedData($data, $article); //format the posted extJs article image data $data = $this->prepareImageAssociatedData($data); //format the posted extJs article link data $data = $this->prepareLinkAssociatedData($data); //format the posted extJs article download data $data = $this->prepareDownloadAssociatedData($data); return $data; } /** * Internal helper function which resolves the passed customer group ids * with Shopware\Models\Customer\Group models. * The configured customer groups are not allowed to set the article in the store front. * @param $data * @return mixed */ protected function prepareAvoidCustomerGroups($data) { if (!empty($data['customerGroups'])) { $customerGroups = array(); foreach($data['customerGroups'] as $customerGroup) { if (!empty($customerGroup['id'])) { $customerGroups[] = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Customer\Group', $customerGroup['id']); } } $data['customerGroups'] = $customerGroups; } else { $data['customerGroups'] = null; } return $data; } /** * Internal helper function to check if the article is configured as * multiple dimensional article (Configurator activated). * The following scenarios are possible: * * - New Article * --> Checkbox activated * --> "isConfigurator" = true / configuratorSetId = null * --> A new configurator set will be created with the name "Set-ArticleNumber" * * - Existing Article * --> Checkbox wasn't activated before, now the user activated the checkbox * --> "isConfigurator" = true / configuratorSetId = null * --> A new configurator set will be created with the name "Set-ArticleNumber" * * - Existing Article * --> Checkbox was activated before, now the user deactivated the checkbox * --> "isConfigurator" = false / configuratorSetId = Some Numeric value * --> The old configurator set will be deleted. * * * @param $data * @param $article \Shopware\Models\Article\Article * @return array */ protected function prepareConfiguratorAssociatedData($data, $article) { if (!empty($data['configuratorSetId'])) { $data['configuratorSet'] = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Set', $data['configuratorSetId']); } else if ($data['isConfigurator']) { $set = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Set(); $set->setName('Set-' . $data['mainDetail']['number']); $set->setPublic(false); $data['configuratorSet'] = $set; } else { //if the article has an configurator set, we have to remove this set if it isn't used for other articles if ($article->getConfiguratorSet() && $article->getConfiguratorSet()->getId()) { $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $articles = $builder->select(array('articles')) ->from('Shopware\Models\Article\Article', 'articles') ->where('articles.configuratorSetId = ?1') ->setParameter(1, $article->getConfiguratorSet()->getId()) ->getQuery() ->getArrayResult(); if (count($articles) <= 1) { $set = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Set', $article->getConfiguratorSet()->getId()); Shopware()->Models()->remove($set); } } $data['configuratorSet'] = null; } return $data; } /** * This function prepares the posted extJs data of the article model. * @param $data * @return array */ protected function prepareArticleAssociatedData($data) { //check if a tax id is passed and load the tax model or set the tax parameter to null. if (!empty($data['taxId'])) { $data['tax'] = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Tax\Tax', $data['taxId']); } else { $data['tax'] = null; } //check if a supplier id is passed and load the supplier model or set the supplier parameter to null. if (!empty($data['supplierId'])) { $data['supplier'] = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Supplier', $data['supplierId']); } elseif (!empty($data['supplierName'])) { $supplier = $this->getManager()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Article\Supplier')->findOneBy(array('name' => trim($data['supplierName']))); if (!$supplier) { $supplier = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Supplier(); $supplier->setName($data['supplierName']); } $data['supplier'] = $supplier; } else { $data['supplier'] = null; } //check if a supplier id is passed and load the supplier model or set the supplier parameter to null. if (!empty($data['priceGroupId'])) { $data['priceGroup'] = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Price\Group', $data['priceGroupId']); } else { $data['priceGroup'] = null; } if (!empty($data['filterGroupId'])) { $data['propertyGroup'] = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Property\Group', $data['filterGroupId']); } else { $data['propertyGroup'] = null; } $data['changed'] = new \DateTime(); return $data; } /** * Prepares the data for the article main detail object. * @param $data * @return array */ protected function prepareMainDetailAssociatedData($data) { $data['mainDetail'] = $data['mainDetail'][0]; $data['mainDetail']['active'] = $data['active']; if (!empty($data['mainDetail']['unitId'])) { $data['mainDetail']['unit'] = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Unit', $data['mainDetail']['unitId']); } else { $data['mainDetail']['unit'] = null; } unset($data['mainDetail']['configuratorOptions']); return $data; } /** * This function loads the category models for the passed ids in the "categories" parameter. * @param $data * @return array */ protected function prepareCategoryAssociatedData($data) { $categories = array(); foreach($data['categories'] as $categoryData) { if (!empty($categoryData['id'])) { $model = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Category\Category', $categoryData['id']); $categories[] = $model; } } $data['categories'] = $categories; return $data; } /** * This function loads the related article models for the passed ids in the "related" parameter. * @param $data * @param $article \Shopware\Models\Article\Article * @return array */ protected function prepareRelatedAssociatedData($data, $article) { $related = array(); foreach($data['related'] as $relatedData) { if (empty($relatedData['id'])) { continue; } /**@var $relatedArticle \Shopware\Models\Article\Article*/ $relatedArticle = $this->getRepository()->find($relatedData['id']); //if the user select the cross if ($relatedData['cross']) { $relatedArticle->getRelated()->add($article); Shopware()->Models()->persist($relatedArticle); } $related[] = $relatedArticle; } $data['related'] = $related; return $data; } /** * This function loads the similar models for the passed ids in the "similar" parameter. * @param $data * @param $article \Shopware\Models\Article\Article * @return array */ protected function prepareSimilarAssociatedData($data, $article) { $similar = array(); foreach($data['similar'] as $similarData) { if (empty($similarData['id'])) { continue; } /**@var $similarArticle \Shopware\Models\Article\Article*/ $similarArticle = $this->getRepository()->find($similarData['id']); //if the user select the cross if ($similarData['cross']) { $similarArticle->getSimilar()->add($article); Shopware()->Models()->persist($similarArticle); } $similar[] = $similarArticle; } $data['similar'] = $similar; return $data; } /** * This function loads the category models for the passed ids in the "categories" parameter. * @param $data * @return array */ protected function prepareImageAssociatedData($data) { $position = 1; foreach($data['images'] as &$imageData) { $imageData['position'] = $position; $imageData['attribute'] = $imageData['attribute'][0]; if (!empty($imageData['mediaId'])) { $media = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Media\Media', $imageData['mediaId']); if ($media instanceof \Shopware\Models\Media\Media) { $imageData['media'] = $media; } else { $imageData['media'] = null; } } else { $imageData['media'] = null; } unset($imageData['mappings']); unset($imageData['children']); unset($imageData['parent']); $position++; } return $data; } /** * This function prepares the attribute data for the article. * @param $data * @param $article * @return array */ protected function prepareAttributeAssociatedData($data, $article) { $data['attribute'][0]['article'] = $article; $data['mainDetail']['attribute'] = $data['attribute'][0]; unset($data['attribute']); return $data; } /** * This function prepares the prices for the article main detail object. * @param $data * @param $article \Shopware\Models\Article\Article * @return mixed */ protected function prepareMainPricesAssociatedData($data, $article) { $data['mainDetail']['prices'] = $this->preparePricesAssociatedData($data['mainPrices'], $article, $data['tax']); return $data; } /** * @param $prices array * @param $article \Shopware\Models\Article\Article * @param $tax \Shopware\Models\Tax\Tax * @return array */ protected function preparePricesAssociatedData($prices, $article, $tax) { foreach($prices as &$priceData) { //load the customer group of the price definition $customerGroup = $this->getCustomerGroupRepository()->findOneBy(array('key' => $priceData['customerGroupKey'])); //if no customer group founded, remove price and continue if (!$customerGroup instanceof \Shopware\Models\Customer\Group) { continue; } $priceData['to'] = intval($priceData['to']); //if the "to" value isn't numeric, set the place holder "beliebig" if ($priceData['to'] <= 0) { $priceData['to'] = 'beliebig'; } if ($customerGroup->getTaxInput()) { $priceData['price'] = $priceData['price'] / (100 + $tax->getTax()) * 100; $priceData['pseudoPrice'] = $priceData['pseudoPrice'] / (100 + $tax->getTax()) * 100; } //resolve the oneToMany association of ExtJs to an oneToOne association for doctrine. $priceData['attribute'] = $priceData['attribute'][0]; $priceData['customerGroup'] = $customerGroup; $priceData['article'] = $article; $priceData['articleDetail'] = $article->getMainDetail(); } return $prices; } /** * Prepares the link data of the article. * @param $data * @return array */ protected function prepareLinkAssociatedData($data) { foreach($data['links'] as &$linkData) { $linkData['attribute'] = $linkData['attribute'][0]; } return $data; } /** * Prepares the download data of the article. * @param $data * @return array */ protected function prepareDownloadAssociatedData($data) { foreach($data['downloads'] as &$downloadData) { $downloadData['attribute'] = $downloadData['attribute'][0]; } return $data; } /** * Returns a list of all article detail templates as array. * @return array */ protected function getTemplates() { $config = Shopware()->Config()->detailTemplates; $data = array(); foreach(explode(';', $config) as $path) { list($id, $name) = explode(':', $path); $data[] = array('id' => $id, 'name' => $name); } return $data; } /** * Internal helper function which returns default data for a new article. * @return array */ protected function getNewArticleData() { $sql= "SELECT number FROM s_order_number WHERE name = 'articleordernumber'"; $number = Shopware()->Db()->fetchOne($sql); $number++; return array( 'number' => Shopware()->Config()->backendAutoOrderNumberPrefix . $number, 'autoNumber' => $number ); } /** * Event listener function of the article store of the backend module. * @return mixed */ public function deleteAction() { try { if (!$this->Request()->has('id')) { return; } $id = (int) $this->Request()->getParam('id'); $article = $this->getRepository()->find($id); if (!$article instanceof \Shopware\Models\Article\Article) { return; } $this->removePrices($article->getId()); $this->removeArticleEsd($article->getId()); $this->removeAttributes($article->getId()); $this->removeArticleDetails($article); Shopware()->Models()->remove($article); Shopware()->Models()->flush(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'data' => $this->Request()->getParams(), 'success' => true )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Internal helper function to remove all article prices quickly. * @param $articleId */ protected function removePrices($articleId) { $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $builder->delete('Shopware\Models\Article\Price', 'prices') ->where('prices.articleId = :id') ->setParameter('id',$articleId) ->getQuery() ->execute(); } /** * Internal helper function to remove the article attributes quickly. * @param $articleId */ protected function removeAttributes($articleId) { $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $builder->delete('Shopware\Models\Attribute\Article', 'attribute') ->where('attribute.articleId = :id') ->setParameter('id',$articleId) ->getQuery() ->execute(); } /** * Internal helper function to remove the detail esd configuration quickly. * @param $articleId */ protected function removeArticleEsd($articleId) { $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $builder->delete('Shopware\Models\Article\Esd', 'esd') ->where('esd.articleId = :id') ->setParameter('id',$articleId) ->getQuery() ->execute(); } /** * @param $article \Shopware\Models\Article\Article */ protected function removeArticleDetails($article) { $sql= "SELECT id FROM s_articles_details WHERE articleID = ? AND kind != 1"; $details = Shopware()->Db()->fetchAll($sql, array($article->getId())); foreach($details as $detail) { $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $builder->delete('Shopware\Models\Article\Image', 'image') ->where('image.articleDetailId = :id') ->setParameter('id', $detail['id']) ->getQuery() ->execute(); $sql= "DELETE FROM s_article_configurator_option_relations WHERE article_id = ?"; Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array($detail['id'])); $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $builder->delete('Shopware\Models\Article\Detail', 'detail') ->where(' = :id') ->setParameter('id', $detail['id']) ->getQuery() ->execute(); } } /** * Event listener function of the configurator group model of the article backend module. * Fired when the user want to remove a configurator group. * The function requires a passed id to load the shopware model an remove it over the model manager. */ public function deleteConfiguratorGroupAction() { try { if (!$this->Request()->has('id')) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => 'No valid id passed' )); } $model = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Group', (int) $this->Request()->getParam('id')); if (!$model instanceof \Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Group) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => 'No valid id passed' )); } $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $boundedArticles = $builder->select(array('articles')) ->from('Shopware\Models\Article\Detail', 'articles') ->innerJoin('articles.configuratorOptions', 'options') ->where('options.groupId = ?1') ->setParameter(1, (int) $this->Request()->getParam('id')) ->getQuery() ->getArrayResult(); if (count($boundedArticles) > 0) { $articles = array(); foreach($boundedArticles as $article) { $articles[] = $article['number'] . ' - ' . $article['additionalText']; } $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'articles' => $articles, 'message' => 'Articles bounded on this group!' )); return; } Shopware()->Models()->remove($model); Shopware()->Models()->flush(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Event listener function of the configurator listing. Fired when the user * selects one or many rows in the configurator listing and clicks the delete button. */ public function deleteDetailAction() { $details = $this->Request()->getParam('details', array(array('id' => (int) $this->Request()->getParam('id')))); try { $article = null; foreach($details as $detail) { if (empty($detail['id'])) { continue; } /**@var $model \Shopware\Models\Article\Detail*/ $model = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Detail', $detail['id']); if (!$model instanceof \Shopware\Models\Article\Detail) { continue; } if ($article === null) { $article = $model->getArticle(); } if ($model->getId() !== $article->getMainDetail()->getId()) { Shopware()->Models()->remove($model); } } Shopware()->Models()->flush(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'error' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Event listener function of the configurator group model of the article backend module. * Fired when the user want to remove a configurator group. * The function requires a passed id to load the shopware model an remove it over the model manager. */ public function deleteConfiguratorOptionAction() { try { $id = (int) $this->Request()->getParam('id'); if (empty($id) || $id < 0) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => 'No valid id passed' )); } $model = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Option', $id); if (!$model instanceof \Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Option) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => 'No valid id passed' )); } $builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder(); $boundedArticles = $builder->select(array('articles')) ->from('Shopware\Models\Article\Detail', 'articles') ->innerJoin('articles.configuratorOptions', 'options') ->where(' = ?1') ->setParameter(1, $id) ->getQuery() ->getArrayResult(); if (count($boundedArticles) > 0) { $articles = array(); foreach($boundedArticles as $article) { $articles[] = $article['number'] . ' - ' . $article['additionalText']; } $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'articles' => $articles, 'message' => 'Articles bounded on this option!' )); return; } Shopware()->Models()->remove($model); Shopware()->Models()->flush(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Increase the number of the s_order_number * @param $autoNumber * @param $number * @return void * @internal param $data * @internal param $mainDetail */ protected function increaseAutoNumber($autoNumber, $number) { if (strlen($number) > 2) { $number = substr($number, strlen(Shopware()->Config()->backendAutoOrderNumberPrefix)); } if ($number == $autoNumber) { $sql= "UPDATE s_order_number SET number = ? WHERE name = 'articleordernumber'"; Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array($autoNumber)); } } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. * Will be fired when the user changes to the ESD-Tab. */ public function getEsdAction() { if ($this->Request()->getParam('filterCandidates', false)) { $articleId = $this->Request()->getParam('articleId'); $builder = $this->getManager()->createQueryBuilder(); $builder->select(array( ' as id', ' as name', ' as articleDetailId', 'articleDetail.additionalText as additionalText', ' as articleId', )) ->from('Shopware\Models\Article\Detail', 'articleDetail') ->leftJoin('articleDetail.esd', 'esd') ->leftJoin('articleDetail.article', 'article') ->where('articleDetail.articleId = :articleId') ->andWhere(' IS NULL') ->setParameter('articleId', $articleId); $query = $builder->getQuery(); $query->setHydrationMode(\Doctrine\ORM\AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY); $paginator = new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator($query); //returns the total count of the query $totalResult = $paginator->count(); //returns the customer data $result = $paginator->getIterator()->getArrayCopy(); foreach($result as &$item) { if (!empty($item['additionalText'])) { $item['name'] .= ' - ' . $item['additionalText']; } } $this->View()->assign(array( 'data' => $result, 'total' => $totalResult, 'success' => true )); return; } $articleId = $this->Request()->getParam('articleId'); $filter = $this->Request()->getParam('filter'); $sort = $this->Request()->getParam('sort'); $start = $this->Request()->getParam('start', 0); $limit = $this->Request()->getParam('limit', 20); $query = $this->getRepository()->getEsdByArticleQuery($articleId, $filter, $limit, $start, $sort); $query->setHydrationMode(\Doctrine\ORM\AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY); $paginator = new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator($query); //returns the total count of the query $totalResult = $paginator->count(); //returns the customer data $result = $paginator->getIterator()->getArrayCopy(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'data' => $result, 'total' => $totalResult, 'success' => true )); } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. * Will be fired when the user clicks the edit esd-button. */ public function getSerialsAction() { $esdId = $this->Request()->getParam('esdId'); $filter = $this->Request()->getParam('filter'); $sort = $this->Request()->getParam('sort'); $start = $this->Request()->getParam('start', 0); $limit = $this->Request()->getParam('limit', 20); $query = $this->getRepository()->getSerialsByEsdQuery($esdId, $filter, $start, $limit, $sort); $query->setHydrationMode(\Doctrine\ORM\AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY); $paginator = new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator($query); //returns the total count of the query $totalResult = $paginator->count(); //returns the customer data $result = $paginator->getIterator()->getArrayCopy(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'data' => $result, 'total' => $totalResult, 'success' => true )); } public function createEsdAction() { try { $articleDetailId = $this->Request()->getPost('articleDetailId'); /** @var $articleDetail \Shopware\Models\Article\Detail */ $articleDetail = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Article\Detail')->find($articleDetailId); if (!$articleDetail) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => sprintf('ArticleDetail by id %s not found', $articleDetailId) )); return; } $esd = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Esd(); $esd->setArticleDetail($articleDetail); $this->getManager()->persist($esd); $this->getManager()->flush(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. * Will be fired when the user saves ESD */ public function saveEsdAction() { try { $esdId = $this->Request()->getPost('id'); /** @var $esd \Shopware\Models\Article\Esd */ $esd = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Article\Esd')->find($esdId); if (!$esd) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => sprintf('ESD by id %s not found', $esdId) )); return; } $freeSerialsCount = $this->getFreeSerialCount($esdId); $articleDetail = $esd->getArticleDetail(); $articleDetail->setInStock($freeSerialsCount); $esd->fromArray($this->Request()->getPost()); $this->getManager()->flush(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'data' => $this->Request()->getPost(), 'success' => true )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. * Will be fired when the user deletes ESD */ public function deleteEsdAction() { $details = $this->Request()->getParam('details', array(array('id' => $this->Request()->getParam('id')))); try { foreach($details as $detail) { if (empty($detail['id'])) { continue; } $model = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\Esd', $detail['id']); if (!$model) { continue; } Shopware()->Models()->remove($model); } Shopware()->Models()->flush(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'error' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. * Will be fired when the user deletes serials */ public function deleteSerialsAction() { $esdId = $this->Request()->getParam('esdId'); $details = $this->Request()->getParam('details', array(array('id' => $this->Request()->getParam('id')))); try { foreach($details as $detail) { if (empty($detail['id'])) { continue; } $model = Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\Models\Article\EsdSerial', $detail['id']); if (!$model) { continue; } Shopware()->Models()->remove($model); } Shopware()->Models()->flush(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true )); // Update stock /** @var $esd \Shopware\Models\Article\Esd */ $esd = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Article\Esd')->find($esdId); $freeSerialsCount = $this->getFreeSerialCount($esdId); $articleDetail = $esd->getArticleDetail(); $articleDetail->setInStock($freeSerialsCount); Shopware()->Models()->flush(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'error' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. * Deletes unused serialsnumbers */ public function deleteUnusedSerialsAction() { $esdId = $this->Request()->getParam('esdId'); $query = $this->getRepository()->getUnusedSerialsByEsdQuery($esdId); $serials = $query->execute(); $totalCount = count($serials); foreach ($serials as $serial) { $this->getManager()->remove($serial); } $this->getManager()->flush(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'total' => $totalCount, 'success' => true )); // Update stock /** @var $esd \Shopware\Models\Article\Esd */ $esd = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Article\Esd')->find($esdId); $freeSerialsCount = $this->getFreeSerialCount($esdId); $articleDetail = $esd->getArticleDetail(); $articleDetail->setInStock($freeSerialsCount); $this->getManager()->flush(); } /** * Return number of free serials for given esdId * * @param int $esdId * @return int */ public function getFreeSerialCount($esdId) { $query = $this->getRepository()->getFreeSerialsCountByEsdQuery($esdId); $result = $query->getSingleScalarResult(); return $result; } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. * Creates new serial numbers */ public function saveSerialsAction() { try { $esdId = $this->Request()->getParam('esdId'); /** @var $esd \Shopware\Models\Article\Esd */ $esd = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Article\Esd')->find($esdId); if (!$esd) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => sprintf('ESD by id %s not found', $esdId) )); return; } $serials = $this->Request()->getParam('serials'); // split string at newlines (WIN, Linux, OSX) $serials = preg_split('/$\R?^/m', $serials); // trim every serialnumber array_walk($serials, 'trim'); // remove empty serialnumbers $serials = array_filter($serials); // remove duplicates $serials = array_unique($serials); $newSerials = 0; foreach ($serials as $serialnumber) { $serialnumber = trim($serialnumber); $serial = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Article\EsdSerial')->findOneBy(array('serialnumber' => $serialnumber)); if ($serial) { continue; } $serial = new \Shopware\Models\Article\EsdSerial(); $serial->setSerialnumber($serialnumber); $serial->setEsd($esd); $this->getManager()->persist($serial); $newSerials++; } $this->getManager()->flush(); // Update stock $freeSerialsCount = $this->getFreeSerialCount($esdId); $articleDetail = $esd->getArticleDetail(); $articleDetail->setInStock($freeSerialsCount); $this->getManager()->flush(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true, 'total' => $newSerials )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. * Returns list of ESD-Files */ public function getEsdFilesAction() { $filePath = Shopware()->DocPath('files_' . Shopware()->Config()->get('sESDKEY')); $result = array(); foreach (new DirectoryIterator($filePath) as $file) { if ($file->isDot() || strpos($file->getFilename(), '.') === 0) { continue; } $result[] = array( 'filename' => $file->getFilename() ); } $this->View()->assign(array( 'data' => $result, 'total' => count($result), 'success' => true )); } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. * Uploads ESD-File */ public function uploadEsdFileAction() { $destinationDir = Shopware()->DocPath('files_' . Shopware()->Config()->get('sESDKEY')); try { $fileBag = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag($_FILES); /** @var $file Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile */ $file = $fileBag->get('fileId'); $file->move($destinationDir, $file->getClientOriginalName()); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array('success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage())); return; } if ($file === null) { $this->View()->assign(array('success' => false)); return; } $this->View()->assign(array('success' => true)); } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. * Downloads ESD-File */ public function getEsdDownloadAction() { $filename = $this->Request()->getParam('filename'); $file = 'files/' . Shopware()->Config()->get('sESDKEY') . '/' . $filename; if (!file_exists(Shopware()->OldPath() . $file)) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'message' => 'File not found', 'success' => false )); return; } $this->redirect($file); } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. * Returns statistical data */ public function getChartData() { $articleId = $this->Request()->getParam('articleId'); $format = 'month'; if ($format == 'month') { $dateFormat = '%Y%m'; $limit = 12; } else { $dateFormat = '%Y%m%d'; $limit = 32; } $sql = sprintf(" SELECT SUM(price*quantity) AS revenue, SUM(quantity) AS orders, DATE_FORMAT(ordertime, '%s') as groupdate, WEEK(ordertime) as week, MONTH(ordertime) as month, ordertime as date FROM s_order_details, s_order WHERE articleID = ? AND = s_order_details.orderID AND s_order.status != 4 AND s_order.status != -1 GROUP BY groupdate ORDER BY groupdate ASC LIMIT %d ", $dateFormat, $limit); $stmt = Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, $articleId); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'data' => $result, 'total' => count($result), 'success' => true )); } /** * The "regenerateVariantOrderNumbersAction" allows the user to recreate * the article variant order number with an own number syntax. * Called from the article backend module. */ public function regenerateVariantOrderNumbersAction() { try { $data = $this->Request()->getParams(); $articleId = $data['articleId']; $syntax = $data['syntax']; if (!$articleId > 0 || strlen($syntax) === 0) { return; } $article = $this->getRepository() ->getArticleWithVariantsAndOptionsQuery($articleId) ->getOneOrNullResult(\Doctrine\ORM\AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_OBJECT); $abortId = $article->getMainDetail()->getId(); $commands = $this->prepareNumberSyntax($syntax); $details = $article->getDetails(); $counter = 1; /** @var $detail \Shopware\Models\Article\Detail */ foreach ($details as $detail) { if ($detail->getId() === $abortId) { continue; } $number = $this->interpretNumberSyntax($article, $detail, $commands, $counter); $counter++; if (strlen($number) === 0) { continue; } $detail->setNumber($number); Shopware()->Models()->persist($detail); } Shopware()->Models()->flush(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => true )); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->View()->assign(array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage() )); } } /** * Start function for number generation. Iterates the different commands, * resolves the cursor or counter and starts the recursive * * @param $article * @param $detail * @param $commands * @param $counter * @return string */ protected function interpretNumberSyntax($article, $detail, $commands, $counter) { $name = array(); foreach($commands as $command) { //if the command isn't equals "n" we have to execute commands if ($command !== 'n') { //first we have to resolve the cursor object which used for the first command //the cursor object is set over the "prepareNumberSyntax" function. if ($command['cursor'] === 'detail') { $cursor = $detail; } else { $cursor = $article; } //call the recursive interpreter to resolve all commands $name[] = $this->recursiveInterpreter($cursor, 0, $command['commands']); } else { $name[] = $counter; } } //return all command results, concat with a dot return implode('.', $name); } /** * This function executes the different commands for the number regeneration function. * First the function executes the current command on the passed cursor object. * If the result is traversable * * @param $cursor * @param $index * @param $commands * @return string */ protected function recursiveInterpreter($cursor, $index, $commands) { if (!is_object($cursor)) { return ''; } //first we execute the current command on the cursor object $result = $cursor->$commands[$index](); //now we increment the command index $index++; //if the result of the current command on the cursor is an array if ($result instanceof \Traversable) { //we have to execute the following command on each array element. $results = array(); foreach($result as $object) { $results[] = $this->recursiveInterpreter($object, $index, $commands); } return implode('.', $results); //if the result of the current command on the cursor is an object } elseif (is_object($result)) { //we have to execute the next command on the result return $this->recursiveInterpreter($result, $index, $commands); //otherwise we can return directly. } else { return $result; } } /** * Prepares the passed number syntax. Executes a regular expression * to get all syntax commands and maps this commands to the rout * object. * @param $syntax * @return array */ protected function prepareNumberSyntax($syntax) { preg_match_all('#\{(.*?)\}#msi', $syntax, $result); $syntax = $result[1]; $properties = array(); foreach($syntax as $path) { if ($path !== 'n') { $properties[] = $this->getCommandMapping($path); } else { $properties[] = $path; } } return $properties; } /** * Internal helper function which helps the get the cursor object for the passed syntax command. */ protected function getCommandMapping($syntax) { //we have to explode the current command to resolve the multiple properties. $paths = explode('.', $syntax); //we have to map the different properties to define the start cursor object. switch($paths[0]) { //options are only available for the different article variants case "options": $cursor = 'detail'; $paths[0] = "configuratorOptions"; break; //all other commands will rout to the article default: $cursor = 'article'; } $commands = array(); //now we convert the property names to the getter functions. foreach($paths as $path) { $commands[] = 'get' . ucfirst($path); } return array( 'cursor' => $cursor, 'commands' => $commands ); } /** * Event listener function of the article backend module. * Returns statistical data */ public function getStatisticAction() { $articleId = $this->Request()->getParam('articleId'); if ($this->Request()->getParam('chart', false)) { return $this->getChartData(); } $startDate = $this->Request()->getParam('fromDate', date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), 1, date("Y")))); $endDate = $this->Request()->getParam('toDate', date("Y-m-d")); $sql = " SELECT SUM(price*quantity) AS revenue, SUM(quantity) AS orders, MONTH(ordertime) as month, DATE_FORMAT(ordertime, '%Y-%m-%d') as date FROM s_order_details, s_order WHERE articleID = :articleId AND = s_order_details.orderID AND s_order.status != 4 AND s_order.status != -1 AND TO_DAYS(ordertime) <= TO_DAYS(:endDate) AND TO_DAYS(ordertime) >= TO_DAYS(:startDate) GROUP BY TO_DAYS(ordertime) ORDER BY ordertime DESC "; $stmt = Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array( 'endDate' => $endDate, 'startDate' => $startDate, 'articleId' => $articleId, )); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); $this->View()->assign(array( 'data' => $result, 'total' => count($result), 'success' => true )); } /** * Remote validator for the article order number field. * The passed value must be set and the number must be unique * * @return string|void returns the string "true" if valid, nothing otherwise */ public function validateNumberAction() { Shopware()->Plugins()->Controller()->ViewRenderer()->setNoRender(); $exist = $this->getRepository() ->getValidateNumberQuery($this->Request()->value, $this->Request()->param) ->getArrayResult(); if (empty($exist) && strlen($this->Request()->value) > 0) { echo 'true'; } else { return; } } /** * Event listener function of the backend module. Fired when the user select a shop in the shop combo in the option * panel of the sidebar and clicks on the "preview" button to display the article details in the store front. */ public function previewDetailAction() { $shopId = (int)$this->Request()->getParam('shopId'); $articleId = (int)$this->Request()->getParam('articleId'); $repository = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\Models\Shop\Shop'); $shop = $repository->getActiveById($shopId); $shop->registerResources(Shopware()->Bootstrap()); Shopware()->Session()->Admin = true; $url = $this->Front()->Router()->assemble(array( 'module' => 'frontend', 'controller' => 'detail', 'sArticle' => $articleId, 'appendSession' => true )); $this->redirect($url); } /** * Internal helper function to get the field names of the passed violation array. * @param $violations \Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationList * @return string */ protected function getViolationFields($violations) { $fields = array(); /**@var $violation Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolation*/ foreach($violations as $violation) { $fields[] = $violation->getPropertyPath(); } return $fields; } }