Name: owf Cartridge-Short-Name: OWF Cartridge-Vendor: shadowsoft Cartridge-Version: '0.0.1' Source-Url: Compatible-Versions: ['0.0.2', '0.0.3'] Display-Name: Ozone Widget Framework 7 (OWF 7) Description: "Build and deploy Ozone Widgets in the cloud." Version: '7.0' Versions: ['7.0'] License: Apache License-Url: Vendor: Shadow-Soft Categories: - service - java - javascript - web_framework Website: Help-Topics: "Developer Center": Cart-Data: - Key: "username" Type: cart_data Description: "Root user on PostgreSQL database" - Key: "password" Type: cart_data Description: "Password for root user on PostgreSQL database" - Key: database_name Type: cart_data Description: "PostgreSQL DB name" - Key: connection_url Type: cart_data Description: "PostgreSQL DB connection URL" - Key: OPENSHIFT_JBOSSEWS_LOG_DIR Type: environment Description: "Directory to store application log files." - Key: OPENSHIFT_TMP_DIR Type: environment Description: "Directory to store application temporary files." - Key: OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR Type: environment Description: "Application root directory where application files reside. This directory is reset every time you do a git-push" - Key: OPENSHIFT_JBOSSEWS_HTTP_PORT Type: environment Description: "Internal port to which the web-framework binds to." - Key: OPENSHIFT_JBOSSEWS_IP Type: environment Description: "Internal IP to which the web-framework binds to." - Key: OPENSHIFT_APP_DNS Type: environment Description: "Fully qualified domain name for the application." - Key: OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME Type: environment Description: "Application name" - Key: OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR Type: environment Description: "Directory to store application data files. Preserved across git-pushes. Not shared across gears." - Key: OPENSHIFT_APP_UUID Type: environment Description: "Unique ID which identified the application. Does not change between gears." - Key: OPENSHIFT_GEAR_UUID Type: environment Description: "Unique ID which identified the gear. This value changes between gears." Provides: - "jbossews-2.0" - "jbossews" - "jbossews(version) = 2.0.0" - "jbossews(version) >= 2.0" - "jboss-ews-2.0" - "jboss-ews-2.0.0" - "postgresql-8.4" - "postgresql" - "owf-7.3" - "owf" - "owf(version) = 7.3" - "owf(version) >= 7.0" Conflicts: - mysql-5.1 Publishes: get-internal-uri: Type: "NET_TCP:http" publish-http-url: Type: "NET_TCP:httpd-proxy-info" publish-gear-endpoint: Type: "NET_TCP:gear-endpoint-info" publish-db-connection-info: Type: "ENV:NET_TCP:db:connection-info" Subscribes: set-env: Type: "ENV:*" Required: false set-jdbc-info: Type: "NET_TCP:jdbc" Group-Overrides: - components: - "jbossews-2.0" - web_proxy Endpoints: - Private-IP-Name: IP Private-Port-Name: HTTP_PORT Private-Port: 8080 Public-Port-Name: HTTP_PROXY_PORT Mappings: - Frontend: "" Backend: "" Options: { "websocket": 1} - Frontend: "/health" Backend: "" Options: { health: true} - Private-IP-Name: IP Private-Port-Name: JPDA_PORT Private-Port: 8787 - Private-IP-Name: DB_HOST Private-Port-Name: DB_PORT Private-Port: 5432 Public-Port-Name: DB_PROXY_POR Additional-Control-Actions: - threaddump