/*! * pbjs JavaScript Framework v0.6.2 * http://saartje87.github.com/pbjs * * Includes Qwery * https://github.com/ded/qwery * * Copyright 2014 Niek Saarberg * Licensed MIT * * Build date 2014-10-01 12:11 */ (function ( name, context, definition ) { this[name] = definition( context ); })('PB', this, function ( context ) { 'use strict'; var PB = {}, // Previous PB OLD_PB = context.PB, // Unique id, fetch from previous PB or start from 0 uid = OLD_PB ? OLD_PB.id() : 0, // References slice = Array.prototype.slice, toString = Object.prototype.toString; // Define version PB.VERSION = '0.6.0'; /** * Get unique id inside PB * * @return {Number} */ PB.id = function () { return ++uid; }; /** * Get currect timestamp in milliseconds * * @return {Number} */ PB.now = Date.now || function () { return new Date().getTime(); }; /** * Overwrite properties or methods in target object */ PB.overwrite = function ( target, source ) { var key; for( key in source ) { if( source.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; }; /** * Extend object * * Existing values will not be overwritten */ PB.extend = function ( target, source ) { var key; for( key in source ) { if( source.hasOwnProperty(key) && target[key] === undefined ) { target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; }; /** * Return a deep clone of the given object * * @return {Object} clone */ PB.clone = function ( source ) { var clone, key; if( source === null || typeof source !== 'object' ) { return source; } clone = PB.type(source) === 'object' ? {} : []; for( key in source ) { if( source.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { clone[key] = PB.clone(source[key]); } } return clone; }; /** * Walk trough object * * When returning true in the callback method, the crawling stops * * fn arguments: key, value * * @param {Object} * @param {Function} * @param {Object} * @return {Void} */ PB.each = function ( collection, fn, context ) { var prop; if ( !collection || typeof fn !== 'function' ) { return; } for( prop in collection ) { if( collection.hasOwnProperty(prop) && fn.call(context, prop, collection[prop], collection) === true ) { return; } } }; /** * Create array of array like object * * @return {Array} */ PB.toArray = function ( arr ) { var i = 0, result = [], length = arr.length; for( ; i < length; i++ ) { result[i] = arr[i]; } return result; }; /** * Returns te primitive type of the given variable * * PB.type([]) -> array * PB.type('') -> string * PB.type({}) -> object * * @param {mixed} * @return {String} */ PB.type = function ( mixed ) { var type = toString.call(mixed); return type.substr(8, type.length - 9).toLowerCase(); }; /** * Log given arguments in the browser console if existing, otherwise dispose the arguments */ PB.log = function () { if( typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof console.log === 'function' ) { var args = PB.toArray(arguments), error = Error.apply(this, arguments), stackLines, stackFirstLine, lineNumber, fileNameArray, filename; // TODO rewrite this to a regex solution if( error && error.stack ) { // Firefox leaves a trailing endline stackLines = error.stack.replace(/\n+$/g, '').split('\n'); stackFirstLine = stackLines[stackLines.length-2]; lineNumber = stackFirstLine.split(':')[2]; fileNameArray = stackFirstLine.split(':')[1].split('/'); filename = fileNameArray[fileNameArray.length-1]; args.unshift('pbjs: '+filename+' (line '+lineNumber+'): '); } else { args.unshift('pbjs: '); } console.log.apply(console, args); } }; /** * Put back previous value of PB global and returns current PB (pbjs) object * * @return {Object} */ PB.noConflict = function () { if( window.PB === PB ) { window.PB = OLD_PB; } return PB; }; /** * Create a wrapper function that makes it possible to call the parent method * trough 'this.parent()' */ function createClassResponder ( method, parentMethod ) { return function () { this.parent = parentMethod; return method.apply( this, arguments ); }; } PB.Class = function ( parentClass, baseProto ) { var child, childProto, constructor, name, prop, parentProp, parentProto, parentConstructor; if( !baseProto ) { baseProto = parentClass; parentClass = null; } if( baseProto.construct || baseProto.constructor.toString().indexOf('Function()') > -1 ) { constructor = baseProto.construct || baseProto.constructor; } if( parentClass ) { parentProto = parentClass.prototype; if( constructor ) { parentConstructor = parentClass; } else { constructor = parentClass; } } child = constructor ? function () { if( parentConstructor ) { this.parent = parentConstructor; } return constructor.apply(this, arguments); } : function () {}; childProto = child.prototype; // Fill our prototype for( name in baseProto ) { if( baseProto.hasOwnProperty(name) && name !== 'construct' ) { prop = baseProto[name]; parentProp = parentClass ? parentProto[name] : null; if( parentProp && typeof prop === 'function' && typeof parentProp === 'function' ) { prop = createClassResponder(prop, parentProp); } childProto[name] = prop; } } PB.extend(childProto, parentProto); return child; }; PB.Observer = PB.Class({ /** * Use constructor to declare class properties * * Child with own contruct method should call the parent method `this.parent()` */ construct: function () { this.listeners = {}; }, /** * Attach listener to object * * @param {String} type * @param {Function} callback * @param {Object} context */ on: function ( type, fn, context ) { var types = type.split(' '), i = types.length; if( typeof fn !== 'function' ) { throw new TypeError('PB.Observer error, fn is not a function'); } while( i-- ) { type = types[i]; if( !this.listeners[type] ) { this.listeners[type] = []; } this.listeners[type].push({ fn: fn, context: context }); } return this; }, /** * Detach listener from object * * @param {String} type * @param {Function} callback */ off: function ( type, fn ) { var listeners = this.listeners[type], i; // Remove all listeners if( !type ) { this.listeners = {}; return this; } // No listeners attached if( !listeners ) { return this; } // Remove all listening to `type` if( !fn ) { listeners.length = 0; return this; } i = listeners.length; while( i-- ) { if( listeners[i].fn === fn ) { listeners.splice(i, 1); } } if( !listeners.length ) { delete this.listeners[type]; } return this; }, /** * Invoke listeners of given type * * @param {String} * @return this */ emit: function ( type ) { var listeners = this.listeners[type], args = slice.call( arguments, 1 ), i = 0; if( !listeners ) { return this; } for( ; i < listeners.length; i++ ) { listeners[i].fn.apply(listeners[i].context, args); } return this; } }); PB.Queue = PB.Class(PB.Observer, { construct: function () { var self = this; // Constuct Observer this.parent(); // this._queue = []; // Wrap run for next callback this.next = function () { self.run(); }; return this; }, queue: function ( fn, context ) { this._queue.push({ fn: fn, context: context }); return this; }, run: function () { var item = this._queue.shift(); if( !item ) { return; } item.fn.call(item.fn.context, this.next); return this; }, stop: function () { this._queue.unshift(undefined); return this; }, clear: function () { this._queue.length = 0; return this; } }); var window = context, doc = window.document, docElement = doc.documentElement, $doc = new Dom(document); /** * Create PB.$ global */ PB.$ = function ( selector ) { // Handle false argument if( !selector ) { return null; } // Already extended if( selector instanceof Dom ) { return selector; } // If already a node, return new Dom instance // element and document nodes are valid if( selector.nodeType === 1 || selector.nodeType === 9 || selector === window ) { return new Dom(selector); } // Handle string argument if( typeof selector === 'string' ) { // Element id given if( selector.charAt(0) === '#' && selector.indexOf(' ') === -1 ) { // Select element selector = doc.getElementById(selector.substr(1)); // Element not found if( !selector ) { return null; } return new Dom( selector ); } // Create element else if ( selector.charAt(0) === '<' && selector.charAt(selector.length - 1) === '>' ) { // Create element return PB.$.buildFragment(selector); } // user querySelector else { return $doc.find(selector, true); } } return null; }; /** * Return collection by css selector */ PB.$$ = function ( selector ) { PB.log('Usage of PB.$$ is deprecated'); // Already PB Dom object if( selector instanceof Dom ) { return selector; } return $doc.find(selector); }; /** * Dom constructor */ function Dom ( collection ) { var i = 0; if( collection.nodeName || collection === window ) { this[0] = collection; i = 1; } else if ( 'length' in collection ) { for( i = 0; i < collection.length; i++ ) { this[i] = collection[i]; } } this.length = i; }; Dom.prototype.constructor = Dom; // For extending PB.$ methods PB.$.fn = Dom.prototype; // Element cache PB.$.cache = {}; /** * Get cache entry by element * * Will create new cache entry if not existing */ function domGetStorage ( element ) { var id = element.__PBID__ || (element.__PBID__ = PB.id()); return PB.$.cache[id] || (PB.$.cache[id] = {}); } /** * Merges first 2 values to a single object * * @param {Object} arguments * @return {Object} */ function argsToObject ( args ) { var obj; // Force arguments to object if( args.length === 2 ) { obj = {}; obj[args[0]] = args[1]; } return obj || args[0]; } // Hook storage PB.$.hooks = {}; /** * Register new hook * * Note that hooks are not stacking, hook with same name will * be overwriten */ PB.$.hook = function ( name, fn ) { if( typeof fn !== 'function' ) { throw new TypeError('fn must be a function'); } PB.$.hooks[name] = fn; }; PB.overwrite(PB.$.fn, { /** * Set the given attribute(s) for every element in de set. */ setAttr: function ( data ) { var i = 0, key; data = argsToObject(arguments); for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { for( key in data ) { if( data.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { this[i].setAttribute(key, data[key]); } } } return this; }, /** * Get the attribute value from the first element in the set. */ getAttr: function ( key ) { return this[0].getAttribute(key); }, /** * Remove the given attribute(s) for every element in de set. */ removeAttr: function ( key ) { var i = 0; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { this[i].removeAttribute(key); } return this; }, /** * Set the given value for every element in the set. */ setValue: function ( value ) { var i = 0; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { this[i].value = value; } return this; }, /** * Get the value from the first element in the set. */ getValue: function () { return this[0].value; }, /** * Set data for every element in the set. */ setData: function ( data ) { var i = 0, storage; data = argsToObject(arguments); for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { storage = domGetStorage(this[i]); storage.data = storage.data || {}; PB.overwrite(storage.data, data); } return this; }, /** * Get data from first element in the set. * * @todo if key is not given, return all data? Merge memory data with data- attibute? */ getData: function ( key ) { // Read 'data-' attribute var storage = domGetStorage(this[0]), data; // Read from memory if set if( storage.data ) { data = storage.data[key]; } // No data found yet, try from 'data-' attribute if( data === undefined ) { data = this[0].getAttribute('data-'+key); } return data; }, /** * Remove data from every element in the set. */ removeData: function ( key ) { var i = 0, id; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { this[i].removeAttribute('data-'+key); id = this[i].__PBID__; if( !id || !PB.$.cache[id] || !PB.$.cache[id].data ) { continue; } delete PB.$.cache[id].data[key]; } return this; }, /** * Checks every element in the set. */ check: function () { var i = 0, elem; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { elem = this[i]; if( elem.checked === undefined ) { continue; } elem.checked = true; } }, /** * Unchecks every element in the set. */ uncheck: function () { var i = 0, elem; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { elem = this[i]; if( elem.checked === undefined ) { continue; } elem.checked = false; } }, /** * Serialize form data * * Will throw an error if no form is found in set * * @param {Object} formData */ serializeForm: function () { var i = 0, j = 0, data = {}, formElements, element, type, isGroup = /radio|checkbox/i, exclude = /file|undefined|reset|button|submit|fieldset/i; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { if( this[i].nodeName === 'FORM' ) { formElements = this[i].elements; for( ; j < formElements.length; j++ ) { element = formElements[j]; type = element.type; if( element.name && !exclude.test(type) && !(isGroup.test(type) && !element.checked) ) { data[element.name] = new this.constructor(element).getValue(); } } return data; } } // No form element given throw new Error('Form not found'); // A tought, where selector is css expression 'Form not found ['+this.selector+']' } }); // Used for tests var div = document.createElement('div'), // rpixel = /^-?[\d.]+px$/i, // Vendor prefixes // We could probably drop ms :) http://www.impressivewebs.com/dropping-ms-vendor-prefixes-ie10/ vendorPrefixes = 'O ms Moz Webkit'.split(' '), // Styles that could require a vendor prefix stylesUsingPrefix = 'animationName animationDuration transform transition transitionProperty transitionDuration transitionTimingFunction boxSizing backgroundSize boxReflect'.split(' '), // All styles that require a prefix are stored in here prefixStyles = { // Crossbrowser float property 'float': (div.style.cssFloat !== undefined) ? 'cssFloat' : 'styleFloat' }, // Do not add units to the given styles skipUnits = { zIndex: true, zoom: true, fontWeight: true, opacity: true }; /** * Map all styles that need a prefix in the browsers its executed to styles with prefix. * * Example result: * prefixStyles = { * boxSizing: 'MozBoxSizing' * } */ PB.each(stylesUsingPrefix, function ( i, prop ) { var translateProp; // Browser support property without prefix if( prop in div.style ) { // Add normal property to prefixStyles, so we know the browers supports the css property prefixStyles[prop] = prop; return; } translateProp = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+prop.substr(1); i = vendorPrefixes.length; while ( i-- ) { if( vendorPrefixes[i]+translateProp in div.style ) { // Prefix found prefixStyles[prop] = vendorPrefixes[i]+translateProp; return; } } }); // Free memory div = null; PB.overwrite(PB.$.fn, { /** * Set inline css style(s) for every element in the set. * * @return {Object} this */ setStyle: function ( styles ) { var i = 0, prop, value; styles = argsToObject(arguments); for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { for( prop in styles ) { if( styles.hasOwnProperty(prop) ) { value = styles[prop]; // Add px when value is a number and property is a px value if( typeof value === 'number' && !skipUnits[prop] ) { value += 'px'; } // Use hook if( PB.$.hooks['setStyle.'+prop] ) { PB.$.hooks['setStyle.'+prop](this[i], value); } // Use normal setter else { // IE throws error when setting a non valid value try { // Make sure we use the correct style name this[i].style[prefixStyles[prop] || prop] = value; } catch (e) {} } } } } return this; }, /** * Get css style from the first element in the set. * * @todo build for currentStyle */ getStyle: function ( styleName, calculated ) { var value, // Get prefixed style name or current style name prefixStyleName = prefixStyles[styleName] || styleName, hook = PB.$.hooks['getStyle.'+styleName]; // Store inline value value = this[0].style[prefixStyleName]; if( calculated || !value || value === 'auto' ) { value = window.getComputedStyle(this[0], null)[prefixStyleName]; // IE 9 sometimes return auto.. In this case we force the value to 0 if( value === 'auto' ) { value = 0; } } if( styleName === 'opacity' ) { value = value ? parseFloat(value) : 1.0; } // Parse to int when value is a pixel value else { value = rpixel.test(value) ? parseInt(value, 10) : value; } // If a hook is specified use the hook return hook ? hook(this[0], value, prefixStyleName) : value; } }); PB.overwrite(PB.$.fn, { /** * PB.$('#element').append('
Append me
'); */ append: function ( target ) { var i = 0; target = PB.$(target); for( ; i < target.length; i++ ) { this[0].appendChild(target[i]); } return this; }, /** * PB.$('
Append me
').appendTo('#element'); */ appendTo: function ( target ) { var i = 0; target = PB.$(target); for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { target[0].appendChild(this[i]); } return this; }, /** * PB.$('#element').prepend('
Prepend me
'); */ prepend: function ( target ) { var i = 0, firstChild = this[0].firstElementChild || this[0].firstChild; target = PB.$(target); for( ; i < target.length; i++ ) { if( firstChild ) { this[0].insertBefore(target[i], firstChild); } else { this[0].appendChild(target[i]); } } return this; }, /** * PB.$('
Prepend me
').prependTo('#element'); */ prependTo: function ( target ) { var i = 0, firstChild; target = PB.$(target); firstChild = target[0].firstElementChild || target[0].firstChild; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { if( firstChild ) { target[0].insertBefore(this[i], firstChild); } else { target[0].appendChild(this[i]); } } return this; }, /** * PB.$('
Append me
').insertBefore('#element'); */ insertBefore: function ( target ) { var i = 0; target = PB.$(target); for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { target[0].parentNode.insertBefore(this[i], target[0]); } return this; }, /** * PB.$('
Append me
').insertAfter('#element'); */ insertAfter: function ( target ) { var i = 0, next; target = PB.$(target); next = target[0].nextElementSibling || target[0].nextSibling; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { if( next ) { target[0].parentNode.insertBefore(this[i], next); } else { target[0].appendChild(this[i]); } } return this; }, /** * PB.$('
').replace('#element'); */ replace: function ( target ) { target = PB.$(target); // Insert collection this.insertBefore(target); // Remove target target.remove(); return this; }, /** * Remove every element in the set. */ remove: function () { var i = 0; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { // Remove data delete PB.$.cache[this[i].__PBID__]; // Remove element if( this[i].parentNode ) { this[i].parentNode.removeChild( this[i] ); } // Clear reference to element delete this[i]; } this.length = 0; // Return null return null; }, empty: function () { return this.setHtml(''); }, clone: function ( deep ) { var ret = [], children, i = 0; // for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { // Clone element, and add to collection ret[i] = this[i].cloneNode( deep ); // Remove id and __PBID__ attribute / expando ret[i].removeAttribute('id'); ret[i].removeAttribute('__PBID__'); // When cloning children make sure all id and __PBID__ attributes / expandos are removed. if( deep ) { children = PB.$(ret[i]).find('*'); for ( ; i < children.length; i++) { children[i].removeAttribute('id'); children[i].removeAttribute('__PBID__'); } } } return new this.constructor(ret); }, /** * Set the `HTML` for every element in the set. */ // Should we make an option to parse script tags? setHtml: function ( value ) { var i = 0, children; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { // There are some browser (IE,NokiaBrowser) that do not support innerHTML on table elements, in this case we should use // appendChild. try { this[i].innerHTML = value; } catch (e) { // Remove all childs children = PB.$(this[i]).children(); children && children.remove(); // Check for certain node names, in case of tbody|tr|td we have to use a 'special' approach // in which we create the element with a wrapper. // Should we put this code 'PB.$.buildFragment' ? if( /^'+value+'').firstChild() .appendTo(this[i]); } else if ( /^'+value+'').firstChild().children() .appendTo(this[i]); } else if ( /^'+value+'').firstChild().firstChild().children() .appendTo(this[i]); } else { PB.$(value).appendTo(this[i]); } } } return this; }, /** * Get the `HTML` of first element in the set. */ getHtml: function () { return this[0].innerHTML; }, /** * */ setText: function ( value ) { var i = 0; // Append text to every element for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { this[i].textContent = value; } return this; }, /** * */ getText: function () { return this[0].textContent; } }); PB.overwrite(PB.$.fn, { width: function () { if( this[0] === window ) { // Return viewport width, excluding toolbars/scrollbars // Using docElement.clientWidth for IE7/8 return window.innerWidth || docElement.clientWidth; } else if ( this[0] === doc ) { // Return document size return Math.max(docElement.clientWidth, docElement.offsetWidth, docElement.scrollWidth); } return this.getStyle('width', true); }, innerWidth: function () { return this.width() + this.getStyle('paddingLeft', true) + this.getStyle('paddingRight', true); }, outerWidth: function ( includeMargin ) { var outerWidth = this.innerWidth() + this.getStyle('borderLeftWidth', true) + this.getStyle('borderRightWidth', true); if( includeMargin ) { outerWidth += this.getStyle('marginLeft', true) + this.getStyle('marginRight', true); } return outerWidth; }, scrollWidth: function () { return this[0].scrollWidth; }, height: function () { if( this[0] === window ) { // Return viewport width, excluding toolbars/scrollbars // Using docElement.clientWidth for IE7/8 return window.innerHeight || docElement.clientHeight; } else if ( this[0] === doc ) { // Return document size return Math.max(docElement.clientHeight, docElement.offsetHeight, docElement.scrollHeight); } return this.getStyle('height', true); }, innerHeight: function () { return this.height() + this.getStyle('paddingTop', true) + this.getStyle('paddingBottom', true); }, outerHeight: function ( includeMargin ) { var outerHeight = this.innerHeight() + this.getStyle('borderTopWidth', true) + this.getStyle('borderBottomWidth', true); if( includeMargin ) { outerHeight += this.getStyle('marginTop', true) + this.getStyle('marginBottom', true); } return outerHeight; }, scrollHeight: function () { return this[0].scrollHeight; }, setScroll: function ( position ) { var i = 0; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { if( position.top !== undefined ) { this[i].scrollTop = position.top; } if( position.left !== undefined ) { this[i].scrollLeft = position.left; } } return this; }, /** * Get scroll position left/top from the first element in the set. * * When first element is not element node, this will return position of scroll in viewport * * @return {Object} {top: x, left: x} */ getScroll: function () { return { top: this[0].nodeType === 1 ? this[0].scrollTop : Math.max(docElement.scrollTop, doc.body.scrollTop), left: this[0].nodeType === 1 ? this[0].scrollLeft : Math.max(docElement.scrollLeft, doc.body.scrollLeft) }; }, // position position: function () { var box = this[0].getBoundingClientRect(); return { top: box.top + (window.scrollY || window.pageYOffset || docElement.scrollTop), left: box.left + (window.scrollX || window.pageXOffset || docElement.scrollLeft) }; }, offset: function () { var element = this[0], box = { top: 0, left: 0 }; while( element ) { box.top += element.offsetTop; box.left += element.offsetLeft; element = element.offsetParent; if( !element || PB.$(element).getStyle('position') !== 'static' ) { break; } } return box; }, /** * Returns true if the first element in the set has the given class name. */ hasClass: function ( className ) { return (' '+this[0].className+' ').indexOf(' '+className+' ') >= 0; }, /** * Add class(es) to every element in the set. */ addClass: function ( classNames ) { var i = 0, classList = classNames.split(' '), className, j; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { className = ' '+this[i].className+' '; for( j = 0; j < classList.length; j++ ) { // Skip if element already got the class if( className.indexOf(' '+classList[j]+' ') >= 0 ) { continue; } // Add class this[i].className += (this[i].className ? ' ' : '')+classList[j]; } } return this; }, /** * Removes class(es) from every element in the set. */ removeClass: function ( classNames ) { var i = 0, classList = classNames.split(' '), l = classList.length, className, j; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { className = ' '+this[i].className+' '; for( j = 0; j < l; j++ ) { // Already exists if( className.indexOf(' '+classList[j]+' ') >= 0 ) { className = className.replace(' '+classList[j]+' ', ' '); } } // Trim whitespaces className = className.replace(/^\s|\s$/g, ''); // Update class list if( className ) { this[i].className = className; } // Remove class attribute else { this[i].removeAttribute('class'); } } return this; }, /** * Shows every element in the set. */ show: function () { var i = 0; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { this[i].style.display = domGetStorage(this[i])['css-display'] || 'block'; } return this; }, /** * Hides every element in the set. */ hide: function () { var display, i = 0; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { display = PB.$(this[i]).getStyle('display'); // Store css display value if( display !== 'none' ) { domGetStorage(this[i])['css-display'] = display; } // Hide element this[i].style.display = 'none'; } return this; }, /** * Returns boolean whether the first element in the set is visible or not. * * - rename to shown ? */ isVisible: function () { var element = PB.$(this[0]); return element.getStyle('display') !== 'none' && element.getStyle('opacity') > 0; } }); PB.overwrite(PB.$.fn, { /** * Returns the parent node of the first element in the set. * * @return {Object} PB.$ */ parent: function () { return PB.$(this[0].parentNode); }, /** * Returns the children for the first element in the set. * When element has no children it will return null * * @return {Object} PB.$ or null */ children: function () { var node = this[0].firstElementChild || this[0].firstChild, i = 0, elements = []; if( !node ) { return null; } do { // Only add element nodes if( node.nodeType === 1 ) { elements[i++] = node; } } while( node = node.nextSibling ); return elements.length ? new this.constructor(elements) : null; }, /** * Returns the child from the first element in the set at a specifed index. * * @param {Number} * @return {Object} PB.$ or null */ childAt: function( index ) { var children = this.children(); return children && children[index] ? PB.$(children[index]) : null; }, /** * Returns the first child from the first element in the set. * * @return {Object} PB.$ or null */ firstChild: function () { return PB.$(this[0].firstElementChild || this[0].firstChild); }, /** * Returns the first child from the first element in the set. * * @return {Object} PB.$ or null */ lastChild: function () { return PB.$(this[0].lastElementChild || this[0].lastChild); }, /** * Returns x element in the set. * * @return {Object} PB.$ or null */ get: function ( index ) { return PB.$(this[index]); }, /** * Returns the first element in the set. * * @return {Object} PB.$ or null */ first: function () { return PB.$(this[0]); }, /** * Returns the last element in the set. * * @return {Object} PB.$ or null */ last: function () { return PB.$(this[this.length-1]); }, /** * Retrieve next sibling from first element in set * * @return {Object} PB.$ or null */ next: function () { return PB.$(this[0].nextElementSibling || this[0].nextSibling); }, /** * Retrieve previous sibling from first element in set * * @return {Object} PB.$ or null */ prev: function () { return PB.$(this[0].previousElementSibling || this[0].previousSibling); }, /** * Retrieve next sibling from first element in set * * @param {String} css expression * @param {Number} number of parent to follow * @return {Object} PB.$ or null */ closest: function ( expression, maxDepth ) { var node = this[0]; maxDepth = maxDepth || 50; do { if( PB.$.selector.matches( node, expression ) ) { return PB.$(node); } if( !--maxDepth ) { break; } } while ( node = node.parentNode ); return null; }, /** * * * @return {Object} PB.$ or null */ indexOf: function ( element ) { var i = 0; element = PB.$(element); if( !element ) { return -1; } for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { if( this[i] === element[0] ) { return i; } } return -1; }, /** * Check whether first element in the set contains the given element * * @param {mixed} valid PB.$ argument * @return {Boolean} */ contains: function ( element ) { var node = this[0]; element = PB.$(element); if( !node || !element ) { return false; } return node.contains ? node.contains(element[0]) : !!(node.compareDocumentPosition(element[0]) & 16); }, /** * Returns all matched elements by CSS expression for every element in the set. * * @param {String} css expression * @param {Boolean} *default false* true => find method return null if no elements matched * @return {Object} PB.$ or null */ find: function ( expression, nullable ) { var i = 0, j, k, r, result, elements; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { if( i === 0 ) { elements = PB.$.selector.find(expression, this[i]); } else { result = PB.$.selector.find(expression, this[i]); for ( j = 0, k = elements.length, r = result.length; j < r; j++ ) { // Only add unique value if( elements.indexOf(result[j]) === -1 ) { elements[k++] = result[j]; } } } } // we should return an unique set return elements && elements.length || !nullable ? new this.constructor(elements) : null; }, /** * Check whether the given selector matches all elements in the set * * @param {String} css expression * @return {Boolean} */ matches: function ( expression ) { var i = 0; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { // Using qwery for selector validation if( !PB.$.selector.matches(this[i], expression) ) { return false; } } return true; } }); // Does browser support mouseenter and mouseleave var mouseenterleave = 'onmouseenter' in docElement && 'onmouseleave' in docElement, // Contains all event that should be triggered `manual` node.focus() rmanualevent = /^(?:load|unload|abort|error|select|change|submit|reset|focus|blur|resize|scroll)$/, standardEvents = 'type target defaultPrevented bubbles which'.split(' '), mouseEvents = 'altKey ctrlKey metaKey shiftKey which pageX pageY'.split(' '); /** * */ function Event ( originalEvent, element ) { var hooks = Event.hooks, type = originalEvent.type, key; this.originalEvent = originalEvent; this.currentTarget = element; // Extend with standard event properties this.extend(standardEvents); // Any hooks for this event.type ? for( key in Event.hooks ) { if( hooks.hasOwnProperty(key) && hooks[key].matches.test(type) ) { hooks[key].hook(this, originalEvent); } } } Event.prototype = { /** * Extend event with original event * * @param {Array} filled with property names that should be copied */ extend: function ( properties ) { var i = 0, l = properties.length; // Populate for( ; i < l; i++ ) { this[properties[i]] = this.originalEvent[properties[i]]; } }, /** * */ preventDefault: function () { this.defaultPrevented = true; this.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }, /** * */ stopPropagation: function () { this.originalEvent.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Short for preventDefault() and stopPropagation() */ stop: function () { this.preventDefault(); this.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Checks whether the event target matches the given selector * * @param {String} css selector * @return {Boolean} */ matchesSelector: function ( selector ) { var target = this.target; do { // When selector matches target set as currentTarget if( PB.$.selector.matches(target, selector) ) { this.currentTarget = target; return true; } // No need to look further then the target that listens to the event if( target === this.currentTarget ) { return false; } } while ( target = target.parentNode ); // No match return false; } }; Event.hooks = { /** * Extend mouse */ mouse: { matches: /(!?mouse|click|drag|focusin|focusout)/, hook: function ( event, originalEvent ) { // Extend with standard event properties event.extend(mouseEvents); if( originalEvent.relatedTarget ) { event.relatedTarget = originalEvent.relatedTarget; } } }, /** * Normalize wheelDelta crossbrowser */ mousewheel: { matches: /^(?:DOMMouseScroll|mousewheel|wheel)$/, hook: function ( event, originalEvent ) { event.wheelDelta = originalEvent.wheelDelta ? originalEvent.wheelDelta / 120 : -(originalEvent.detail || 0) / 3; } } }; // Expose PB.$.Event = Event; /** * Register event * * @param {Object} element node * @param {String} event name * @param {Function} handler * @param {Object} handler context * @param {String} css selector */ function register ( element, eventName, handler, context, selector ) { var storage = domGetStorage(element), entries, entry, i; // Store element storage.element = element; // Create event storage if( !storage.eventData ) { storage.eventData = {}; } if( !storage.eventData[eventName] ) { storage.eventData[eventName] = []; } entries = storage.eventData[eventName]; i = entries.length; // Do not register same handler twice while ( i-- ) { if( entries.handler === handler ) { return; } } // Store handler and responder se we know wich event to remove when calling `off` entry = { handler: handler, responder: eventResponder(element.__PBID__, eventName, handler, context, selector) }; entries.push(entry); // [Chrome] Map to correct event name if( !mouseenterleave && (eventName === 'mouseenter' || eventName === 'mouseleave') ) { eventName = (eventName === 'mouseenter') ? 'mouseover' : 'mouseout'; } // Attach event if( window.addEventListener ) { element.addEventListener(eventName, entry.responder, false); } else { element.attachEvent('on'+eventName, entry.responder); } } /** * Unregister event * * @param {Object} element node * @param {String} event name * @param {Function} handler */ function unregister ( element, eventName, handler ) { var storage = domGetStorage(element), entries = storage.eventData && storage.eventData[eventName], entry, i; if( !entries ) { return; } i = entries.length; // Find cache entry while ( i-- ) { if( entries[i].handler === handler ) { entry = entries[i]; entries.splice(i, 1); break; } } // No entry in cache if( !entry ) { return; } // Remove event if( window.removeEventListener ) { element.removeEventListener(eventName, entry.responder, false); } else { element.detachEvent('on'+eventName, entry.responder); } } /** * Create a wrapper arround the original event * * @param {Number} element pbid * @param {String} event name * @param {Function} handler * @param {Object} handler context * @param {String} css selector */ function eventResponder ( pbid, eventName, handler, context, selector ) { return function ( originalEvent ) { var element = PB.$.cache[pbid] && PB.$.cache[pbid].element, event, relatedTarget; if( !element ) { return; } event = new Event(originalEvent, element); // If selector is given, test selector if( selector && !event.matchesSelector(selector) ) { return; } // When selector is given, currentTarget is now the selected element element = event.currentTarget; // [Chrome] Workaround to support for mouseenter / mouseleave // Inspired by blog.stchur.com/2007/03/15/mouseenter-and-mouseleave-events-for-firefox-and-other-non-ie-browsers/ if( !mouseenterleave && (eventName === 'mouseleave' || eventName === 'mouseenter') ) { relatedTarget = event.relatedTarget; if( element === relatedTarget || (element.contains && element.contains(relatedTarget)) ) { return; } event.type = eventName; } // Execute callback, use context as scope otherwise the given element handler.call( context || element, event ); }; } // Export PB.overwrite(PB.$.fn, { /** * Add event listener to every element in the set * * @param {String} event name * @param {String} *optional css selector * @param {Function} handler * @param {Object} handler context * @return */ on: function ( eventName, selector, handler, context ) { var types = eventName.split(' '), l = types.length, i = 0, j; if( typeof selector === 'function' ) { context = handler; handler = selector; selector = null; } if( typeof handler !== 'function' ) { throw new TypeError(); } // Loop trough every elements in set for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { // For every element we get to bind the given event(s) for( j = 0; j < l; j++ ) { //this[i].addEventListener(types[i], callback, false); register(this[i], types[j], handler, context, selector); } } return this; }, /** * Remove event listener(s) for every element in the set * * When `handler` is undefined all handlers attached to the event name are removed. * When `eventName` is undefined all handlers for all types are removed * * @param {String} event name * @param {Function} handler * @return {Object} this */ off: function ( eventName, handler ) { var i = 0, entries, j; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { entries = domGetStorage(this[i]).eventData; // No events stored if( !entries && (eventName && !entries[eventName]) ) { continue; } // When no event name is given destroy all events if( !eventName ) { // Remove all event listeners for( j in entries ) { if( entries.hasOwnProperty(j) ) { // Remove events by event name new Dom(this[i]).off(j); } } } // When no handler is given destoy all events attached to the event name else if ( !handler ) { // Remove all event listeners for given event name for( j = 0; j < entries[eventName].length; j++ ) { unregister( this[i], eventName, entries[eventName][j].handler ); } // Remove property delete entries[name]; } // Remove a single event, must match eventName and handler to be removed else { // Remove event listener by event name and handler unregister(this[i], eventName, handler); } } return this; }, /** * Trigger hmtl event * * @param {String} event name * @return {Object} this */ emit: function ( eventName ) { var i = 0, manual = rmanualevent.test(eventName), evt; // translate mouseenter/mouseleave if needed for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { // Some events need manual trigger, like element.focus() make sure the method exsits on given element if( (manual && eventName in this[i]) || (this[i].nodeName === 'INPUT' && eventName === 'click') ) { this[i][eventName](); } // W3C else if( doc.createEvent ) { evt = doc.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); evt.initEvent(eventName, true, true, window, 1); this[i].dispatchEvent(evt); } // IE else { this[i].fireEvent('on'+eventName, doc.createEventObject()); } } return this; } }); /** * Convert string to html nodes * * @param {String} html * @return {Object} PB.$ */ PB.$.buildFragment = function ( html ) { var fragment = doc.createElement('div'), children; // Table elements should be created in an table // html: '' wrap with: fragment.innerHTML = html; // Return the childeren children = PB.$(fragment).children(); fragment = null; return children; }; PB.overwrite(PB.$.fn, { /** * */ // should be forEach each: function ( fn ) { var _args = slice.call( arguments, 1 ), i = 0; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { fn.apply(this[i], _args); } return this; }, /** * */ filter: function ( filter ) { var res = [], i = 0, filterIsString = typeof filter === 'string'; for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { if( filterIsString ) { if( PB.$.selector.matches(this[i], filter) ) { res.push(this[i]); } } else if ( filter(this[i]) === true ) { res.push(this[i]); } } return new this.constructor(res); } }); // Animation handler PB.Animation = function Animation ( options ) { this.running = false; // this.startAt; // this.endAt; // this.timer; this.duration = options.duration * 1000; this.onTick = options.onTick || function () {}; this.timerFunction = PB.Animation.effects[options.effect] || PB.Animation.effects.ease; this.data = options.data; }; PB.overwrite(PB.Animation.prototype, { start: function () { this.startAt = +new Date(); this.endAt = this.startAt + this.duration; this.running = true; this.tick(); }, stop: function () { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.running = false; }, tick: function () { var time = +new Date(), self = this, // Position in animation from 0.0 - 1.0 position = this.timerFunction(1 - ((this.endAt - time) / this.duration )); if( time >= this.endAt ) { this.onTick(1, this.data, this); this.stop(); return; } this.onTick(position, this.data, this); this.timer = setTimeout(function () { self.tick(); }, 1000 / 60); } }); //Should be reconsidered PB.Animation.effects = { linear: function ( t ) { return t; }, ease: function ( t ) { return t; }, 'ease-in': function ( t ) { return t*t; }, 'ease-out': function ( t ) { return -1*t*(t-2); }, 'ease-in-out': function ( t ) { return t; }, bounce: function ( t ) { if (t < (1/2.75)) { return (7.5625*t*t); } else if (t < (2/2.75)) { return (7.5625*(t-=(1.5/2.75))*t + 0.75); } else if (t < (2.5/2.75)) { return (7.5625*(t-=(2.25/2.75))*t + 0.9375); } else { return (7.5625*(t-=(2.625/2.75))*t + 0.984375); } } }; PB.Queue = PB.Class({ construct: function () { this.stack = []; this.length = 0; this.state = PB.Queue.STATE_IDLE; this._next = this.next.bind(this); }, add: function ( fn, context ) { this.length++; this.stack.unshift(fn.bind(context || fn, this._next)); return this; }, run: function () { var i = 0, queue = this.stack, fn; if( this.state === PB.Queue.STATE_INPROGRESS || !queue.length ) { return this; } this.state = PB.Queue.STATE_INPROGRESS; fn = this.stack.pop(); fn(); return this; }, next: function () { this.state = PB.Queue.STATE_IDLE; this.run(); }, empty: function () { this.stack.length = 0; this.state = PB.Queue.STATE_IDLE; } }); PB.Queue.STATE_IDLE = 0; PB.Queue.STATE_INPROGRESS = 1; /** * Convert arguments to ordered object */ function morphArgsToObject ( args ) { // Default options var i = 1, effect, options = { duration: 0.4, effect: 'ease' }; // Loop trough args for( ; i < args.length; i++ ) { switch( typeof args[i] ) { case 'function': options.fn = args[i]; break; case 'number': options.duration = args[i]; break; case 'string': // easeInOut -> ease-in-out effect = args[i].replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase(); if( /^linear|ease|ease-in|ease-out|ease-in-out|cubic-bezier\(.*?\)$/.test(effect) ) { options.effect = effect; } break; } } return options; } /** * Css transition function * * Uses hooks for animation fallbacks * * @param {Object} Css properties to be animated */ PB.$.fn.transition = function ( properties ) { // Normalize arguments var options = morphArgsToObject(arguments); options.properties = properties; PB.$.hooks['transition'].call(this, options); return this; }; PB.$.hook('transition', function ( options ) { return this.each(function () { var element = PB.$(this), queue = element.getData('pbjs-fx-queue'), properties = options.properties; if( !queue ) { queue = new PB.Queue(); element.setData('pbjs-fx-queue', queue); } queue.add(function ( next, data ) { var data = {}, currentStyles = { transition: 'all '+options.duration+'s '+options.effect+' 0s' }; // Store data.end = properties; data.fn = options.fn; // Calculate current styles PB.each(properties, function ( property ) { currentStyles[property] = element.getStyle( property, true ); }); // Set the current styles inline element.setStyle(currentStyles); // Force redraw, for some browsers (atleast firefox). Otherwise there will be no animation this.offsetHeight; // Start transition element.setStyle(properties); // Our callback is handles with timeout, an easy crossbrowser solution. // Todo: could this lead to a memory leak? Timer (closure that leads to the parent function..) // Maybe use the correct event data.timer = setTimeout(function () { // Make sure the element still exists if( !element[0].parentNode ) { return; } // data.running = false; // Remove transition element.setStyle({ transition: '' }); // Trigger callback if( data.fn ) { data.fn( element ); } next(); }, (options.duration*1000)+50); // Add a small delay, so the animation is realy finished }); queue.run(); }); }); if( !prefixStyles.transition ) { /** * Set styles directly for every element. This is used when the * browser does not support css transitions. */ PB.$.hook('transition', function ( properties, options ) { // Normalize arguments var i = 0; // Set css styles this.setStyle(properties); // Trigger callbacks, if given if( options.fn ) { for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { options.fn( PB.$(this[i]) ); } } return this; }); } /** * Stop animation, if any in queue, start next */ PB.$.fn.stop = function ( gotoEnd, clearQueue ) { return this.each(function () { var element = PB.$(this), data = element.getData('morph'); if( !data || !data.running ) { return; } // Assign default value gotoEnd = (gotoEnd === undefined) ? true : !!gotoEnd; // Not running anymore data.running = false; // Clear the callback clearTimeout( data.timer ); // Clear transition data.end.transition = 'none 0s ease 0s'; // Stop animation if( !gotoEnd ) { // Get current styles to 'pause' our transition PB.each(data.end, function ( property ) { data.end[property] = element.getStyle(property, true); }); } // Set ending styles element.setStyle(data.end); // Trigger callback if( gotoEnd && data.fn ) { data.fn( this ); } }); }; PB.$.fn.morph = PB.$.fn.transition; // Native query selector var matches = docElement.matchesSelector || docElement.mozMatchesSelector || docElement.webkitMatchesSelector || docElement.oMatchesSelector || docElement.msMatchesSelector; PB.$.selector = { /** * Native */ find: function ( selector, node ) { return PB.toArray(node.querySelectorAll(selector)); }, /** * Compare node to selector */ matches: function ( node, selector ) { // #22 matchesSelector only avaible for element nodes if( node.nodeType !== 1 ) { return false; } return matches.call(node, selector); } }; /** * PB.ready */ (function ( PB ) { var doc = window.document, ready = doc.readyState === 'complete', fn, queue = []; // When browser supports addEventListener, DOMContentLoaded is existing if( doc.addEventListener ) { doc.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn = function () { doc.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn); runQueue(); }); } // For IE7/8 check readystatechange event else { doc.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', fn = function () { if( doc.readyState === 'complete' ) { doc.detachEvent('onreadystatechange', fn); runQueue(); } }); } /** * Call every function in queue * * @return {Void} */ function runQueue () { var callback; ready = true; while( callback = queue.shift() ) { callback(PB); } } /** * Handle callback, call callback imidiatily when document is ready else queue. And call * when document is ready. * * @return {Void} */ function onDomReady ( callback ) { if( ready ) { callback(PB); } else { queue.push(callback); } } // Expose PB.ready = onDomReady; })( PB ); var supportXMLHttpRequest = 'XMLHttpRequest' in context; /* PB.Request.defaultSend PB.Request.defaultSuccess PB.Request.defaultError PB.Request.defaultEnd PB.Request.defaultAbort PB.Request.default('success', function () { }) // Add callback for all PB.Request instances PB.Request.add('success', function () {}); PB.Request.global('success', function () {}); PB.Request.forAll('success', function () {}); PB.Request.all('success', function () {}); */ /** * Request class * * */ PB.Request = PB.Class(PB.Observer, { // Xhr, instance of XMLHttpRequest xhr: null, /** * Construct new class instance * * Set request defaults * * @param {Object} options * @return this */ construct: function ( options ) { // Set default options this.options = PB.clone(PB.Request.defaults); // Init observer this.parent(); // Overwrite default options PB.overwrite(this.options, options); }, /** * Send request * * @return this */ send: function () { var options = this.options, async = options.async, xhr = this.getTransport(), url = options.url, method = options.method.toUpperCase(), // Assign query string or null/false/undefined/empty string query = PB.type(options.data) === 'object' ? PB.Request.buildQueryString( options.data ) : options.data; // Clear previous abort timer clearTimeout(this.abortTimer); // Add query string to url for GET / DELETE request types if( query && (method === 'GET' || method === 'PUT') ) { url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&')+query; query = null; } // Attach onreadystatechange listener if( async ) { xhr.onreadystatechange = this.onreadystatechange.bind(this); } // Open connection xhr.open( method, url, async ); // Set post / put header if( method === 'POST' || method === 'PUT' ) { xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset='+this.charset ); } // Set headers PB.each(options.headers, function( name, val ){ xhr.setRequestHeader( name, val ); }); // Emit send event this.emit( 'send', xhr, 0 ); // Send the request xhr.send( query || null ); if( options.timeout > 0 ) { this.abortTimer = setTimeout(this.abort.bind(this), options.timeout*1000); } // Handle synchrone callback if( !async ) { this.onreadystatechange(); } return this; }, /** * Abort the request * * @return this */ abort: function () { // Cleanup memory this.xhr.onreadystatechange = null; this.xhr.abort(); this.emit('abort'); return this; }, /** * Set option, key value * * @param {String} * @param {String/Object/Array/Function/Number} */ set: function ( key, value ) { // Match header and headers if( key.substr(0, 6) === 'header' ) { PB.overwrite(this.options.headers, value); } else { this.options[key] = value; } return this; }, /** * Get new transport object * * @return {XmlHttpRequest} */ getTransport: function () { // IE < 8 has troubles with a reusable xmlHttpRequest object // In this case we always return a new xmlHttpRequest instance if( this.xhr && supportXMLHttpRequest ) { return this.xhr; } // Abort previous request if any if( this.xhr ) { this.xhr.abort(); } this.xhr = supportXMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); return this.xhr; }, /** * Handle onreadystatechange event */ onreadystatechange: function () { var xhr = this.xhr, options = this.options, type; // Request has finished if( xhr.readyState === 4 ) { clearTimeout(this.abortTimer); xhr.responseJSON = null; switch ( xhr.status ) { case 200: case 201: case 204: case 304: type = 'success'; // If request is a json call then decode json response if( options.json || xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-type').indexOf( 'application/json' ) >= 0 ) { try { xhr.responseJSON = JSON.parse( xhr.responseText ); } catch ( e ) {} } break; default: type = 'error'; } // Cleanup memory this.xhr.onreadystatechange = null; // Emit error or success and end this.emit(type, xhr, xhr.status); this.emit('end', xhr, xhr.status); } } }); /** * Request defaults */ PB.Request.defaults = { url: '', // Default request method method: 'GET', // Default async requests async: true, // Force datatypes, only one could be true.. json: false, // IE10 has somehing different in this.. find out and normalize xml: false, // {} data: null, // Todo: implement auth // {user: 'xxx', pass: 'xxx'} auth: null, // Default request headers headers: { // Note, Do not send headers when requesting crossdomain requests 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Accept': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*' }, encoding: 'UTF-8', // Todo: timeout timeout: 0, // Is crossdomain request crossdomain: false }; // Declare methods, then assign to namespace // more or less an idea to create less annanomous functions. /** * Translate object to query string * * @param {Object/Array} * @param {String} for internal usage * @return {String} */ function buildQueryString ( queryObject, prefix ) { var query = '', key, value, type = PB.type(queryObject); // Validate if( type !== 'array' && type !=='object' ) { throw new TypeError(type+' given.'); } if( type === 'array' || type ==='object' ) { for( key in queryObject ) { if( queryObject.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { value = queryObject[key]; if( value !== null && typeof value === 'object' ) { query += buildQueryString( value, prefix ? prefix+'['+key+']' : key ); } else { query += encodeURIComponent(prefix ? prefix+(type === 'array' ? '[]' : '['+key+']') : key)+ '='+encodeURIComponent( value )+'&'; } } } } return prefix ? query : query.replace(/&$/, ''); } /** * Translate query string to object * * Can handle url or query string * * @param {String} * @return {Object} */ function parseQueryString ( str ) { var parts = {}, part; str = str.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? str.substr( str.indexOf('?') + 1 ) : str; // Remove forEach str.split('&').forEach(function ( entry ) { part = entry.split('='); // utf8 fail in decoding.. Escape works fine with utf8 strings.. try { parts[decodeURIComponent(part[0])] = decodeURIComponent(part[1]); } catch ( e ) { parts[unescape(part[0])] = unescape(part[1]); } }); return parts; } PB.overwrite(PB.Request, { buildQueryString: buildQueryString, parseQueryString: parseQueryString }); /* PB.each({get: 'GET', post: 'POST', put: 'PUT', del: 'DELETE'}, function ( key, value ) { // arguments -> url, data, success, error ? PB[key] = function ( options ) { var request = new PB.Request(options), success = options.onSuccess, err = options.onError; if( success ) { request.on('success', success); } if( err ) { request.on('error', err); } return request.send(); } });*/ return PB; }); (function ( context ) { //'use strict'; var PB = context.PB, // References slice = Array.prototype.slice, toString = Object.prototype.toString; // Date PB.extend(Date, { now: function () { return +new Date; } }); // Function PB.extend(Function.prototype, { /** * Created a wrapper function around the `this` object * * @param mixed scope * @param [mixed] additional arguments * @return function */ bind: function ( scope/*, arg1, argN*/ ) { var _args = slice.call(arguments, 1), fn = this; if( typeof this !== 'function' ) { throw new TypeError(); } return function () { return fn.apply(scope, _args.concat(slice.call(arguments, 0))); }; } }); // Object PB.extend(Object, { /** * Retrieve keys from object as array * * @param object object * @return array */ keys: function ( object ) { var result = [], key; if ( this === null || PB.type(object) === 'object' ) { throw new TypeError(); } for( key in object ) { if( object.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { result.push(key); } } return result; } }); /** * Implementation to check if object is an array * * @param mixed object * @return boolean */ PB.extend(Array, { isArray: function ( object) { return PB.type(object) === 'array'; } }); PB.extend(Array.prototype, { /** * Iterate trough array * * @param function fn * @param mixed scope * @param void */ forEach: function ( fn, scope ) { if ( this === null || typeof fn !== 'function' ) { throw new TypeError(); } var length = this.length, i = 0; while ( i < length ) { fn.call(scope, this[i], i, this); i++; } }, /** * Searches the given array for a value and returns the found index or -1 if none found * * Note! Comparsion is done with === * * @param mixed searchValue * @param integer startIndex * @return integer */ indexOf: function ( searchValue, startIndex ) { if ( this === null ) { throw new TypeError(); } var length = this.length; startIndex = startIndex || 0; if( length <= startIndex || length === 0 ) { return -1; } while( startIndex < length ) { if ( this[startIndex] === searchValue ) { return startIndex; } startIndex++; } return -1; }, /** * Searches the given array reversed for a value and returns the found index or -1 if none found * * Note! Comparsion is done with === * * @param mixed searchValue * @param integer stopIndex * @return integer */ lastIndexOf: function ( searchValue, stopIndex ) { if ( this === null ) { throw new TypeError(); } var length = this.length; stopIndex = stopIndex || 0; if( length <= stopIndex || length === 0 ) { return -1; } while( stopIndex <= length ) { length--; if ( this[length] === searchValue ) { return length; } } return -1; }, /** * Iterate trough array and return new array with filtered values * * @param function fn * @param scope mixed * @return array */ filter: function ( fn, scope ) { if ( this === null || typeof fn !== "function" ) { throw new TypeError(); } var result = [], i = 0, length = this.length; while ( i < length ) { if( !!fn.call(scope, this[i], i, this) ) { result.push( this[i] ); } i++; } return result; }, /** * Return new array with modified values * * @param function fn * @param mixed scope * @return boolean */ map: function ( fn, scope ) { if ( this === null || typeof fn !== "function" ) { throw new TypeError(); } var length = this.length, result = new Array( length ), i = 0; while ( i < length ) { if( i in this ) { result[i] = fn.call(scope, this[i], i, this); } i++; } return result; } }); var doc = context.document, docElement = doc.documentElement, body = doc.body, div = document.createElement('div'), style = div.style legacyEventModel = context.attachEvent && !context.addEventListener, supportsTextContent = div.textContent !== undefined, supportsOpacityProperty = style.opacity !== undefined, supportsGetComputedStyle = !!window.getComputedStyle, supportsCssTransition = 'transition' in style || 'MozTransition' in style || 'WebkitTransition' in style, supportQuerySelectorAll = !!document.querySelectorAll, supportMatchesSelector = !!(docElement.matchesSelector || docElement.mozMatchesSelector || docElement.webkitMatchesSelector || docElement.oMatchesSelector || docElement.msMatchesSelector); // Clear memory div = null; PB.ready(function () { body = doc.body; }); var ropacity = /alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/i, rpixel = /^-?[\d.]+px$/i, rnum = /^-?[\d.]/; // IE < 9 opacity support if( !supportsOpacityProperty ) { /** * Set opacity trough filter property * * @param {Object} node element * @param {Float} opacity range 0.0-1.0 */ PB.$.hook('setStyle.opacity', function ( element, value ) { // Make sure element got layout if( !element.currentStyle || !element.currentStyle.hasLayout ) { element.style.zoom = 1; } // Set opacity element.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity='+(value*100)+')'; }); /** * Get opacity as float 0.0-1.0 from filter property * * @param {Object} node element * @return {Float} */ PB.$.hook('getStyle.opacity', function ( element ) { var filter = element.style.filter || element.currentStyle.filter, match = filter && filter.match(ropacity); if( match && match[1] ) { return parseFloat(match[1]) / 100; } return 1.0; }); } // if( !supportsGetComputedStyle ) { /** * Overwrite getStyle when browser does not support getComputedStyle * * IE's currentStyle wont return calculated values so we also calculate non * pixel values. * * @param {String} style * @param {Boolean} * @return {String/Number} */ PB.$.fn.getStyle = function ( styleName, calculated ) { var value, div, targetNode, hook = PB.$.hooks['getStyle.'+styleName], node = this[0]; // If a hook is specified use the hook if( hook ) { return hook(node); } // Get inline value value = node.style[styleName]; // Do some magic when no value or when it should be calculated if( calculated || !value || value === 'auto' ) { // Substract borders from offsetWidth and offsetHeight if( styleName === 'width' ) { return node.offsetWidth - this.getStyle('borderLeftWidth', true) - this.getStyle('borderRightWidth', true); } if( styleName === 'height' ) { return node.offsetHeight - this.getStyle('borderTopWidth', true) - this.getStyle('borderBottomWidth', true); } // Get current style value = node.currentStyle[styleName]; // Awesomo trick! from http://blog.stchur.com/2006/09/20/converting-to-pixels-with-javascript/ // Calculate non pixel values // Is not a pixel number //if( value && !rpixel.test(value) && !rnum.test(value) ) { if( value && (/em|%|pt/.test(value) || /border/.test(styleName)) ) { div = document.createElement('div'); div.style.cssText = 'visbility: hidden; position: absolute; line-height: 0;'; // if( value === 'auto' || value.lastIndexOf('%') > 0 ) { targetNode = node.parentNode; div.style.height = value; } else { div.style.borderStyle = 'solid'; div.style.borderBottomWidth = '0'; div.style.borderTopWidth = value; } // Make sure we got an element targetNode = targetNode || document.body; // Append div so we can get the offsetHeight targetNode.appendChild(div); value = div.offsetHeight; targetNode.removeChild(div); // Clear memory div = null; // No need to run regex return value; } } // Parse to int when value is a pixel value return rpixel.test(value) ? parseInt(value, 10) : value; }; } // Create a fallback for the morph method if transition are not supported if( !supportsCssTransition ) { PB.$.hook('transition', function ( options ) { this.stop(false); return this.each(function () { var element = PB.$(this), queue = element.getData('pbjs-fx-queue'), properties = options.properties; if( !queue ) { queue = new PB.Queue(); element.setData('pbjs-fx-queue', queue); } queue.add(function ( next, data ) { var //element = PB.$(this), currentStyles = {}, styleValueDiff = {}, animation; // Calculate current styles PB.each(properties, function ( property ) { currentStyles[property] = element.getStyle(property, true); }); // Calculate the difference between the given and current styles PB.each(properties, function ( property ) { var value = properties[property]; value = /^-?[\d.]+px$/i.test( value ) ? parseInt(value, 10) : value; styleValueDiff[property] = value - currentStyles[property]; }); animation = new PB.Animation({ duration: options.duration, effect: options.effect, onTick: function ( pos ) { PB.each(styleValueDiff, function ( style, value ) { element.setStyle(style, currentStyles[style]+(value*pos)); }); if( pos === 1 ) { options.fn && options.fn( element ); next(); } } }).start(); element.setData('morph', animation); }); queue.run(); }); }); PB.$.fn.stop = function ( gotoEnd ) { return this.each(function () { var element = PB.$(this), animation = element.getData('morph'); if( !animation || !animation.running ) { return; } // Assign default value gotoEnd = (gotoEnd === undefined) ? true : !!gotoEnd; animation.stop(); // Trigger callback if( gotoEnd && animation.fn ) { animation.fn( this ); } }); }; } /** * Event normalisation for browsers with older event model */ if( legacyEventModel ) { PB.overwrite(PB.$.Event.hooks, { fixes: { matches: /(!?)/, hook: function ( event, originalEvent ) { event.target = originalEvent.srcElement || originalEvent.toElement; // Add correct value for which event.which = (event.keyCode === undefined) ? event.charCode : event.keyCode; // Normalize mouse button codes.. // left: 0, middle: 1, right: 2 event.which = (event.which === 0 ? 1 : (event.which === 4 ? 2: (event.which === 2 ? 3 : event.which))); } }, mouseIe: { matches: /(!?mouse|click|focus|drag)/, hook: function ( event, originalEvent ) { event.pageX = originalEvent.clientX + (docElement.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft) - (docElement.clientLeft || 0); event.pageY = originalEvent.clientY + (docElement.scrollTop || body.scrollTop) - (docElement.clientTop || 0); if( originalEvent.fromElement ) { event.relatedTarget = originalEvent.fromElement; } // Set which event.which = originalEvent.keyCode || originalEvent.charCode; // Normalize mousebutton codes to W3C standards // Left: 0, Middle: 1, Right: 2 event.which = (event.which === 0 ? 1 : (event.which === 4 ? 2: (event.which === 2 ? 3 : event.which))); } } }); /** * Prevents further propagation of the current event. */ PB.$.Event.prototype.stopPropagation = function () { this.originalEvent.defaultPrevented = true; this.originalEvent.cancelBubble = true; }; /** * Cancels the event if it is cancelable, without stopping further propagation of the event. */ PB.$.Event.prototype.preventDefault = function () { this.originalEvent.returnValue = false; }; /** * Destroy element cache * * We added element to cache entry so make sure there are no * references that could stick */ function destroyCache () { PB.$.cache = null; context.detachEvent('onunload', destroyCache); } // Destroy cache in case of older IE browsers context.attachEvent('onunload', destroyCache); } /** * Add qwery to pbjs * * Using ready method to ensure qwery is loaded */ if( !supportQuerySelectorAll ) { PB.$.selector.find = function ( expression, element ) { return qwery(expression, element); }; } if( !supportMatchesSelector ) { PB.$.selector.matches = function ( element, expression ) { return qwery.is(element, expression); }; } if( !supportsTextContent ) { /** * */ PB.$.fn.setText = function ( value ) { var i = 0; // Empty elements this.setHtml(''); // Append text to every element for( ; i < this.length; i++ ) { this[i].appendChild(doc.createTextNode(value)); } return this; }; /** * */ PB.$.fn.getText = function () { return this[0].innerText; }; } })(this); /*! * @preserve Qwery - A Blazing Fast query selector engine * https://github.com/ded/qwery * copyright Dustin Diaz 2012 * MIT License */ (function (name, context, definition) { if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) module.exports = definition() else if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) define(definition) else context[name] = definition() })('qwery', this, function () { var doc = document , html = doc.documentElement , byClass = 'getElementsByClassName' , byTag = 'getElementsByTagName' , qSA = 'querySelectorAll' , useNativeQSA = 'useNativeQSA' , tagName = 'tagName' , nodeType = 'nodeType' , select // main select() method, assign later , id = /#([\w\-]+)/ , clas = /\.[\w\-]+/g , idOnly = /^#([\w\-]+)$/ , classOnly = /^\.([\w\-]+)$/ , tagOnly = /^([\w\-]+)$/ , tagAndOrClass = /^([\w]+)?\.([\w\-]+)$/ , splittable = /(^|,)\s*[>~+]/ , normalizr = /^\s+|\s*([,\s\+\~>]|$)\s*/g , splitters = /[\s\>\+\~]/ , splittersMore = /(?![\s\w\-\/\?\&\=\:\.\(\)\!,@#%<>\{\}\$\*\^'"]*\]|[\s\w\+\-]*\))/ , specialChars = /([.*+?\^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g , simple = /^(\*|[a-z0-9]+)?(?:([\.\#]+[\w\-\.#]+)?)/ , attr = /\[([\w\-]+)(?:([\|\^\$\*\~]?\=)['"]?([ \w\-\/\?\&\=\:\.\(\)\!,@#%<>\{\}\$\*\^]+)["']?)?\]/ , pseudo = /:([\w\-]+)(\(['"]?([^()]+)['"]?\))?/ , easy = new RegExp(idOnly.source + '|' + tagOnly.source + '|' + classOnly.source) , dividers = new RegExp('(' + splitters.source + ')' + splittersMore.source, 'g') , tokenizr = new RegExp(splitters.source + splittersMore.source) , chunker = new RegExp(simple.source + '(' + attr.source + ')?' + '(' + pseudo.source + ')?') var walker = { ' ': function (node) { return node && node !== html && node.parentNode } , '>': function (node, contestant) { return node && node.parentNode == contestant.parentNode && node.parentNode } , '~': function (node) { return node && node.previousSibling } , '+': function (node, contestant, p1, p2) { if (!node) return false return (p1 = previous(node)) && (p2 = previous(contestant)) && p1 == p2 && p1 } } function cache() { this.c = {} } cache.prototype = { g: function (k) { return this.c[k] || undefined } , s: function (k, v, r) { v = r ? new RegExp(v) : v return (this.c[k] = v) } } var classCache = new cache() , cleanCache = new cache() , attrCache = new cache() , tokenCache = new cache() function classRegex(c) { return classCache.g(c) || classCache.s(c, '(^|\\s+)' + c + '(\\s+|$)', 1) } // not quite as fast as inline loops in older browsers so don't use liberally function each(a, fn) { var i = 0, l = a.length for (; i < l; i++) fn(a[i]) } function flatten(ar) { for (var r = [], i = 0, l = ar.length; i < l; ++i) arrayLike(ar[i]) ? (r = r.concat(ar[i])) : (r[r.length] = ar[i]) return r } function arrayify(ar) { var i = 0, l = ar.length, r = [] for (; i < l; i++) r[i] = ar[i] return r } function previous(n) { while (n = n.previousSibling) if (n[nodeType] == 1) break; return n } function q(query) { return query.match(chunker) } // called using `this` as element and arguments from regex group results. // given => div.hello[title="world"]:foo('bar') // div.hello[title="world"]:foo('bar'), div, .hello, [title="world"], title, =, world, :foo('bar'), foo, ('bar'), bar] function interpret(whole, tag, idsAndClasses, wholeAttribute, attribute, qualifier, value, wholePseudo, pseudo, wholePseudoVal, pseudoVal) { var i, m, k, o, classes if (this[nodeType] !== 1) return false if (tag && tag !== '*' && this[tagName] && this[tagName].toLowerCase() !== tag) return false if (idsAndClasses && (m = idsAndClasses.match(id)) && m[1] !== this.id) return false if (idsAndClasses && (classes = idsAndClasses.match(clas))) { for (i = classes.length; i--;) if (!classRegex(classes[i].slice(1)).test(this.className)) return false } if (pseudo && qwery.pseudos[pseudo] && !qwery.pseudos[pseudo](this, pseudoVal)) return false if (wholeAttribute && !value) { // select is just for existance of attrib o = this.attributes for (k in o) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, k) && (o[k].name || k) == attribute) { return this } } } if (wholeAttribute && !checkAttr(qualifier, getAttr(this, attribute) || '', value)) { // select is for attrib equality return false } return this } function clean(s) { return cleanCache.g(s) || cleanCache.s(s, s.replace(specialChars, '\\$1')) } function checkAttr(qualify, actual, val) { switch (qualify) { case '=': return actual == val case '^=': return actual.match(attrCache.g('^=' + val) || attrCache.s('^=' + val, '^' + clean(val), 1)) case '$=': return actual.match(attrCache.g('$=' + val) || attrCache.s('$=' + val, clean(val) + '$', 1)) case '*=': return actual.match(attrCache.g(val) || attrCache.s(val, clean(val), 1)) case '~=': return actual.match(attrCache.g('~=' + val) || attrCache.s('~=' + val, '(?:^|\\s+)' + clean(val) + '(?:\\s+|$)', 1)) case '|=': return actual.match(attrCache.g('|=' + val) || attrCache.s('|=' + val, '^' + clean(val) + '(-|$)', 1)) } return 0 } // given a selector, first check for simple cases then collect all base candidate matches and filter function _qwery(selector, _root) { var r = [], ret = [], i, l, m, token, tag, els, intr, item, root = _root , tokens = tokenCache.g(selector) || tokenCache.s(selector, selector.split(tokenizr)) , dividedTokens = selector.match(dividers) if (!tokens.length) return r token = (tokens = tokens.slice(0)).pop() // copy cached tokens, take the last one if (tokens.length && (m = tokens[tokens.length - 1].match(idOnly))) root = byId(_root, m[1]) if (!root) return r intr = q(token) // collect base candidates to filter els = root !== _root && root[nodeType] !== 9 && dividedTokens && /^[+~]$/.test(dividedTokens[dividedTokens.length - 1]) ? function (r) { while (root = root.nextSibling) { root[nodeType] == 1 && (intr[1] ? intr[1] == root[tagName].toLowerCase() : 1) && (r[r.length] = root) } return r }([]) : root[byTag](intr[1] || '*') // filter elements according to the right-most part of the selector for (i = 0, l = els.length; i < l; i++) { if (item = interpret.apply(els[i], intr)) r[r.length] = item } if (!tokens.length) return r // filter further according to the rest of the selector (the left side) each(r, function (e) { if (ancestorMatch(e, tokens, dividedTokens)) ret[ret.length] = e }) return ret } // compare element to a selector function is(el, selector, root) { if (isNode(selector)) return el == selector if (arrayLike(selector)) return !!~flatten(selector).indexOf(el) // if selector is an array, is el a member? var selectors = selector.split(','), tokens, dividedTokens while (selector = selectors.pop()) { tokens = tokenCache.g(selector) || tokenCache.s(selector, selector.split(tokenizr)) dividedTokens = selector.match(dividers) tokens = tokens.slice(0) // copy array if (interpret.apply(el, q(tokens.pop())) && (!tokens.length || ancestorMatch(el, tokens, dividedTokens, root))) { return true } } return false } // given elements matching the right-most part of a selector, filter out any that don't match the rest function ancestorMatch(el, tokens, dividedTokens, root) { var cand // recursively work backwards through the tokens and up the dom, covering all options function crawl(e, i, p) { while (p = walker[dividedTokens[i]](p, e)) { if (isNode(p) && (interpret.apply(p, q(tokens[i])))) { if (i) { if (cand = crawl(p, i - 1, p)) return cand } else return p } } } return (cand = crawl(el, tokens.length - 1, el)) && (!root || isAncestor(cand, root)) } function isNode(el, t) { return el && typeof el === 'object' && (t = el[nodeType]) && (t == 1 || t == 9) } function uniq(ar) { var a = [], i, j; o: for (i = 0; i < ar.length; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < a.length; ++j) if (a[j] == ar[i]) continue o a[a.length] = ar[i] } return a } function arrayLike(o) { return (typeof o === 'object' && isFinite(o.length)) } function normalizeRoot(root) { if (!root) return doc if (typeof root == 'string') return qwery(root)[0] if (!root[nodeType] && arrayLike(root)) return root[0] return root } function byId(root, id, el) { // if doc, query on it, else query the parent doc or if a detached fragment rewrite the query and run on the fragment return root[nodeType] === 9 ? root.getElementById(id) : root.ownerDocument && (((el = root.ownerDocument.getElementById(id)) && isAncestor(el, root) && el) || (!isAncestor(root, root.ownerDocument) && select('[id="' + id + '"]', root)[0])) } function qwery(selector, _root) { var m, el, root = normalizeRoot(_root) // easy, fast cases that we can dispatch with simple DOM calls if (!root || !selector) return [] if (selector === window || isNode(selector)) { return !_root || (selector !== window && isNode(root) && isAncestor(selector, root)) ? [selector] : [] } if (selector && arrayLike(selector)) return flatten(selector) if (m = selector.match(easy)) { if (m[1]) return (el = byId(root, m[1])) ? [el] : [] if (m[2]) return arrayify(root[byTag](m[2])) if (hasByClass && m[3]) return arrayify(root[byClass](m[3])) } return select(selector, root) } // where the root is not document and a relationship selector is first we have to // do some awkward adjustments to get it to work, even with qSA function collectSelector(root, collector) { return function (s) { var oid, nid if (splittable.test(s)) { if (root[nodeType] !== 9) { // make sure the el has an id, rewrite the query, set root to doc and run it if (!(nid = oid = root.getAttribute('id'))) root.setAttribute('id', nid = '__qwerymeupscotty') s = '[id="' + nid + '"]' + s // avoid byId and allow us to match context element collector(root.parentNode || root, s, true) oid || root.removeAttribute('id') } return; } s.length && collector(root, s, false) } } var isAncestor = 'compareDocumentPosition' in html ? function (element, container) { return (container.compareDocumentPosition(element) & 16) == 16 } : 'contains' in html ? function (element, container) { container = container[nodeType] === 9 || container == window ? html : container return container !== element && container.contains(element) } : function (element, container) { while (element = element.parentNode) if (element === container) return 1 return 0 } , getAttr = function () { // detect buggy IE src/href getAttribute() call var e = doc.createElement('p') return ((e.innerHTML = 'x') && e.firstChild.getAttribute('href') != '#x') ? function (e, a) { return a === 'class' ? e.className : (a === 'href' || a === 'src') ? e.getAttribute(a, 2) : e.getAttribute(a) } : function (e, a) { return e.getAttribute(a) } }() , hasByClass = !!doc[byClass] // has native qSA support , hasQSA = doc.querySelector && doc[qSA] // use native qSA , selectQSA = function (selector, root) { var result = [], ss, e try { if (root[nodeType] === 9 || !splittable.test(selector)) { // most work is done right here, defer to qSA return arrayify(root[qSA](selector)) } // special case where we need the services of `collectSelector()` each(ss = selector.split(','), collectSelector(root, function (ctx, s) { e = ctx[qSA](s) if (e.length == 1) result[result.length] = e.item(0) else if (e.length) result = result.concat(arrayify(e)) })) return ss.length > 1 && result.length > 1 ? uniq(result) : result } catch (ex) { } return selectNonNative(selector, root) } // no native selector support , selectNonNative = function (selector, root) { var result = [], items, m, i, l, r, ss selector = selector.replace(normalizr, '$1') if (m = selector.match(tagAndOrClass)) { r = classRegex(m[2]) items = root[byTag](m[1] || '*') for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) { if (r.test(items[i].className)) result[result.length] = items[i] } return result } // more complex selector, get `_qwery()` to do the work for us each(ss = selector.split(','), collectSelector(root, function (ctx, s, rewrite) { r = _qwery(s, ctx) for (i = 0, l = r.length; i < l; i++) { if (ctx[nodeType] === 9 || rewrite || isAncestor(r[i], root)) result[result.length] = r[i] } })) return ss.length > 1 && result.length > 1 ? uniq(result) : result } , configure = function (options) { // configNativeQSA: use fully-internal selector or native qSA where present if (typeof options[useNativeQSA] !== 'undefined') select = !options[useNativeQSA] ? selectNonNative : hasQSA ? selectQSA : selectNonNative } configure({ useNativeQSA: true }) qwery.configure = configure qwery.uniq = uniq qwery.is = is qwery.pseudos = {} return qwery });