#!/bin/sh # About : A total bash script for listening local radio stream using mplayer # created by Robbi Nespu < email : robbi . nespu @ hotmail .com > # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. # Text color txtrst=$(tput sgr0) # Reset txtylw=$(tput setaf 3) # Yellow txtcyn=$(tput setaf 6) # Cyan # Streaming Malaysian radio station database Uthm="http://radio.uthm.edu.my:8000/live.mp3" Terengganu="" Muzik="" Ikim="" Nasyid="http://radio.nasyidfm.com.my:8000" ExpressTamil="http://www.extamil.com/radio" Fuh="http://s2.voscast.com:8444" CyberFly="" Karya="http://radio.karyafm.my:8000" MalaysiaKlasik="rtmp://stream.rtm.swiftserve.com/live/rtm/rtm-ch010" Hot="http://2353.live.streamtheworld.com/HOTFM?type=.flv" Gomo="" RC="" DungunFM="" LambatTinggal="http://www.lambattinggal.fm:8000" Bapakku="http://radio.bapakku.fm:8000" KampungChat="" # Return path to provided program name if present, or exit application with # message. # Inputs: Program_Name # Output: Program_Path function retrieve_program_path() { program_name=${1} program_path=$(which ${program_name} 2>/dev/null) if [ -z "${program_path}" ]; then printf "Oops..Sorry, the ${program_name} application cannot be found on your system!\nPlease install ${txtylw}${program_name}${txtrst} and try to run this script again, TQ." exit 1 fi echo ${program_path} } # Retrieve name of user's desired station to play. # Outputs: Station_Name function retrieve_desired_station() { dialog=${1} echo $(${dialog} --stdout --title "Radio Malaya" \ --radiolist "Please choose your desired radio channel :" 0 0 0 \ "UTHM FM" "" ON \ "Terengganu FM" "" OFF \ "Muzik FM" "" OFF \ "Ikim FM" "" OFF \ "Nasyid FM" "" OFF \ "KampungChat FM" "" OFF \ "Express Tamil Online" "" OFF \ "Fuh FM" "" OFF \ "Cyber Fly FM" "" OFF \ "Karya FM" "" OFF \ "Malaysia Klasik Nasional FM" "" OFF \ "Hot FM" "" OFF \ "Gomo FM" "" OFF \ "Rileks Community Online Radio" "" OFF \ "Dungun FM" "" OFF \ "Lambat Tinggal FM" "" OFF \ "Bapakku FM" "" OFF) } # Determine station URI for given station name. # Inputs: Station_Name # Outputs: Station_URI function retrieve_station_uri() { station_name=${@} case "${station_name}" in "UTHM FM") echo ${Uthm} ;; "Terengganu FM") echo ${Terengganu} ;; "Muzik FM") echo ${Muzik} ;; "Ikim FM") echo ${Ikim} ;; "Nasyid FM") echo ${Nasyid} ;; "KampungChat FM") echo ${KampungChat} ;; "Express Tamil Online") echo ${ExpressTamil} ;; "Fuh FM") echo ${Fuh} ;; "Cyber Fly FM") echo ${CyberFly} ;; "Karya FM") echo ${Karya} ;; "Malaysia Klasik Nasional FM") echo ${MalaysiaKlasik} ;; "Hot FM") echo ${Hot} ;; "Gomo FM") echo ${Gomo} ;; "Rileks Community Online Radio") echo ${RC} ;; "Dungun FM") echo ${DungunFM} ;; "Lambat Tinggal FM") echo ${LambatTinggal} ;; "Bapakku FM") echo ${Bapakku} ;; *) echo "Oops.. You must select a ${txtylw}radio channel${txtrst} to play!" >&2 \ && return -1 ;; esac } # Launch music player in background. # Inputs: Player_Path, Station_Name function launch_player_in_background() { player_path=${1} station_name=${2} station_uri=$(retrieve_station_uri ${station_name}) ${player_path} ${station_uri} 2>/dev/null & } # Gracefully quit the program along with associated players. # Inputs: Player_PID function gracefully_exit() { player_pid=${1} pkill -9 -g $(ps -o pgid ${player_pid} | tail -1) && sleep 1 echo "Thanks for using ${txtcyn}Radio Malaya${txtrst} to listen to a Malaysian radio stream!" exit 0 } # Execute the main program loop. function main_program_loop() { player=$(retrieve_program_path mplayer) dialog=$(retrieve_program_path dialog) chosen_station=$(retrieve_desired_station ${dialog}) printf "\nNow playing ${txtcyn}${chosen_station}${txtrst} on your computer...\n" launch_player_in_background ${player} "${chosen_station}" trap "gracefully_exit $! 2>/dev/null" SIGTERM SIGINT printf "Enjoy the music; to exit.\n\n" # Loop until a SIGTERM or SIGINT is handled while true; do true; done } main_program_loop