# DOM-shim Massive refactor in progress: See [dev][40] ## Status: alpha ## About Normalizing the DOM across all modern browsers. the DOM-shim provides compatibility shims so that modern browsers behave as closely to DOM4 as possible. ### [Tested][3] browsers (all pass currently) - Firefox - Chrome - Saf 5.1 - Opera 11.52 - IE9 The DOM-shim.js works on those browsers The Dom-shim-ie8.js works on IE8 and is tested on IE8. ## Some features Use `.addEventListener`, `.contains`, `.textContent`, etc. today. Bonus: var c = new CustomEvent("magic"); el.addEventListener("magic", function (ev) { console.log("custom events oh so easy"); }); el.dispatchEvent(c); ## Related blog posts: - [DOM libraries][30] - [DOM Extension not always evil][31] - [Native Custom Events made easy][32] ## MIT Licenced [3]: http://raynos.github.com/DOM-shim/test/test.html [29]: https://github.com/Raynos/DOM-shim/wiki [30]: http://raynos.org/blog/10/DOM-Libraries [31]: http://raynos.org/blog/8/DOM-Extension-is-not-always-evil [32]: http://raynos.org/blog/11/Native-Custom-events-made-easy [40]: https://github.com/Raynos/DOM-shim/tree/dev