# >---------------------------------------------------------------------------< # # _____ _ _ # | __ \ (_) | /\ # | |__) |__ _ _| |___ / \ _ __ _ __ ___ # | _ // _` | | / __| / /\ \ | '_ \| '_ \/ __| # | | \ \ (_| | | \__ \/ ____ \| |_) | |_) \__ \ # |_| \_\__,_|_|_|___/_/ \_\ .__/| .__/|___/ # | | | | # |_| |_| # # Application template generated by the rails_apps_composer gem. # Restrain your impulse to make changes to this file; instead, # make changes to the recipes in the rails_apps_composer gem. # # For more information, see: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/ # # Thank you to Michael Bleigh for leading the way with the RailsWizard gem. # # >---------------------------------------------------------------------------< # >----------------------------[ Initial Setup ]------------------------------< module Gemfile class GemInfo def initialize(name) @name=name; @group=[]; @opts={}; end attr_accessor :name, :version attr_reader :group, :opts def opts=(new_opts={}) new_group = new_opts.delete(:group) if (new_group && self.group != new_group) @group = ([self.group].flatten + [new_group].flatten).compact.uniq.sort end @opts = (self.opts || {}).merge(new_opts) end def group_key() @group end def gem_args_string args = ["'#{@name}'"] args << "'#{@version}'" if @version @opts.each do |name,value| args << ":#{name}=>#{value.inspect}" end args.join(', ') end end @geminfo = {} class << self # add(name, version, opts={}) def add(name, *args) name = name.to_s version = args.first && !args.first.is_a?(Hash) ? args.shift : nil opts = args.first && args.first.is_a?(Hash) ? args.shift : {} @geminfo[name] = (@geminfo[name] || GemInfo.new(name)).tap do |info| info.version = version if version info.opts = opts end end def write File.open('Gemfile', 'a') do |file| file.puts grouped_gem_names.sort.each do |group, gem_names| indent = "" unless group.empty? file.puts "group :#{group.join(', :')} do" unless group.empty? indent=" " end gem_names.sort.each do |gem_name| file.puts "#{indent}gem #{@geminfo[gem_name].gem_args_string}" end file.puts "end" unless group.empty? file.puts end end end private #returns {group=>[...gem names...]}, ie {[:development, :test]=>['rspec-rails', 'mocha'], :assets=>[], ...} def grouped_gem_names {}.tap do |_groups| @geminfo.each do |gem_name, geminfo| (_groups[geminfo.group_key] ||= []).push(gem_name) end end end end end def add_gem(*all) Gemfile.add(*all); end @recipes = ["core", "git", "railsapps", "learn_rails", "rails_bootstrap", "rails_foundation", "rails_omniauth", "rails_devise", "rails_devise_pundit", "rails_signup_download", "setup", "readme", "gems", "testing", "tests4", "email", "models", "controllers", "views", "routes", "frontend", "init", "prelaunch", "saas", "extras", "deployment"] @prefs = {} @gems = [] @diagnostics_recipes = [["example"], ["setup"], ["railsapps"], ["gems", "setup"], ["gems", "readme", "setup"], ["extras", "gems", "readme", "setup"], ["example", "git"], ["git", "setup"], ["git", "railsapps"], ["gems", "git", "setup"], ["gems", "git", "readme", "setup"], ["extras", "gems", "git", "readme", "setup"], ["controllers", "email", "extras", "frontend", "gems", "git", "init", "models", "railsapps", "readme", "routes", "setup", "testing", "views"], ["controllers", "core", "email", "extras", "frontend", "gems", "git", "init", "models", "railsapps", "readme", "routes", "setup", "testing", "views"], ["controllers", "core", "email", "extras", "frontend", "gems", "git", "init", "models", "prelaunch", "railsapps", "readme", "routes", "setup", "testing", "views"], ["controllers", "core", "email", "extras", "frontend", "gems", "git", "init", "models", "prelaunch", "railsapps", "readme", "routes", "saas", "setup", "testing", "views"], ["controllers", "email", "example", "extras", "frontend", "gems", "git", "init", "models", "railsapps", "readme", "routes", "setup", "testing", "views"], ["controllers", "email", "example", "extras", "frontend", "gems", "git", "init", "models", "prelaunch", "railsapps", "readme", "routes", "setup", "testing", "views"], ["controllers", "email", "example", "extras", "frontend", "gems", "git", "init", "models", "prelaunch", "railsapps", "readme", "routes", "saas", "setup", "testing", "views"], ["apps4", "controllers", "core", "email", "extras", "frontend", "gems", "git", "init", "models", "prelaunch", "railsapps", "readme", "routes", "saas", "setup", "testing", "views"], ["apps4", "controllers", "core", "email", "extras", "frontend", "gems", "git", "init", "models", "prelaunch", "railsapps", "readme", "routes", "saas", "setup", "testing", "tests4", "views"], ["apps4", "controllers", "core", "deployment", "email", "extras", "frontend", "gems", "git", "init", "models", "prelaunch", "railsapps", "readme", "routes", "saas", "setup", "testing", "views"], ["apps4", "controllers", "core", "deployment", "email", "extras", "frontend", "gems", "git", "init", "models", "prelaunch", "railsapps", "readme", "routes", "saas", "setup", "testing", "tests4", "views"]] @diagnostics_prefs = [{:railsapps=>"rails-recurly-subscription-saas", :database=>"sqlite", :unit_test=>"rspec", :integration=>"cucumber", :fixtures=>"factory_girl", :frontend=>"bootstrap", :bootstrap=>"sass", :email=>"gmail", :authentication=>"devise", :devise_modules=>"default", :authorization=>"cancan", :starter_app=>"admin_app", :form_builder=>"simple_form"}, {:railsapps=>"rails-stripe-membership-saas", :database=>"sqlite", :unit_test=>"rspec", :integration=>"cucumber", :fixtures=>"factory_girl", :frontend=>"bootstrap", :bootstrap=>"sass", :email=>"gmail", :authentication=>"devise", :devise_modules=>"default", :authorization=>"cancan", :starter_app=>"admin_app", :form_builder=>"simple_form"}, {:railsapps=>"rails-stripe-membership-saas", :database=>"sqlite", :unit_test=>"rspec", :integration=>"cucumber", :fixtures=>"factory_girl", :frontend=>"bootstrap", :bootstrap=>"sass", :email=>"mandrill", :authentication=>"devise", :devise_modules=>"confirmable", :authorization=>"cancan", :starter_app=>"admin_app", :form_builder=>"simple_form"}, {:railsapps=>"rails-prelaunch-signup", :database=>"sqlite", :unit_test=>"rspec", :integration=>"cucumber", :fixtures=>"factory_girl", :frontend=>"bootstrap", :bootstrap=>"sass", :email=>"mandrill", :authentication=>"devise", :devise_modules=>"confirmable", :authorization=>"cancan", :starter_app=>"admin_app", :form_builder=>"simple_form"}, {:railsapps=>"rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan", :database=>"sqlite", :unit_test=>"rspec", :integration=>"cucumber", :fixtures=>"factory_girl", :frontend=>"bootstrap", :bootstrap=>"sass", :email=>"gmail", :authentication=>"devise", :devise_modules=>"default", :authorization=>"cancan", :starter_app=>"admin_app", :form_builder=>"simple_form"}, {:railsapps=>"rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan", :database=>"sqlite", :unit_test=>"rspec", :integration=>"cucumber", :fixtures=>"factory_girl", :frontend=>"bootstrap", :bootstrap=>"sass", :email=>"gmail", :authentication=>"devise", :devise_modules=>"default", :authorization=>"cancan", :starter_app=>"admin_app", :form_builder=>"simple_form", :local_env_file=>"figaro", :continuous_testing=>"none"}, {:railsapps=>"rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber", :database=>"sqlite", :unit_test=>"rspec", :integration=>"cucumber", :fixtures=>"factory_girl", :frontend=>"none", :email=>"gmail", :authentication=>"devise", :devise_modules=>"default", :authorization=>"none", :starter_app=>"users_app", :form_builder=>"none"}, {:railsapps=>"rails3-mongoid-devise", :database=>"mongodb", :orm=>"mongoid", :unit_test=>"rspec", :integration=>"cucumber", :fixtures=>"factory_girl", :frontend=>"none", :email=>"gmail", :authentication=>"devise", :devise_modules=>"default", :authorization=>"none", :starter_app=>"users_app", :form_builder=>"none"}, {:railsapps=>"rails3-mongoid-omniauth", :database=>"mongodb", :orm=>"mongoid", :unit_test=>"rspec", :integration=>"cucumber", :fixtures=>"factory_girl", :frontend=>"none", :email=>"none", :authentication=>"omniauth", :omniauth_provider=>"twitter", :authorization=>"none", :starter_app=>"users_app", :form_builder=>"none"}, {:railsapps=>"rails3-subdomains", :database=>"mongodb", :orm=>"mongoid", :unit_test=>"rspec", :integration=>"cucumber", :fixtures=>"factory_girl", :frontend=>"none", :email=>"gmail", :authentication=>"devise", :devise_modules=>"default", :authorization=>"none", :starter_app=>"subdomains_app", :form_builder=>"none"}, {:railsapps=>"none", :database=>"sqlite", :unit_test=>"rspec", :integration=>"rspec-capybara", :fixtures=>"factory_girl", :frontend=>"bootstrap", :bootstrap=>"sass", :email=>"none", :authentication=>"omniauth", :omniauth_provider=>"twitter", :authorization=>"cancan", :form_builder=>"none", :starter_app=>"admin_app"}, {:railsapps=>"none", :database=>"sqlite", :unit_test=>"rspec", :integration=>"cucumber", :fixtures=>"none", :frontend=>"bootstrap", :bootstrap=>"sass", :email=>"gmail", :authentication=>"devise", :devise_modules=>"invitable", :authorization=>"cancan", :form_builder=>"simple_form", :starter_app=>"admin_app"}, {:railsapps=>"none", :database=>"sqlite", :unit_test=>"rspec", :integration=>"cucumber", :fixtures=>"factory_girl", :frontend=>"bootstrap", :bootstrap=>"sass", :email=>"gmail", :authentication=>"devise", :devise_modules=>"default", :authorization=>"cancan", :form_builder=>"none", :starter_app=>"admin_app"}, {:railsapps=>"none", :database=>"sqlite", :unit_test=>"test_unit", :integration=>"none", :fixtures=>"none", :frontend=>"bootstrap", :bootstrap=>"less", :email=>"sendgrid", :authentication=>"devise", :devise_modules=>"confirmable", :authorization=>"cancan", :form_builder=>"none", :starter_app=>"admin_app"}] diagnostics = {} # >-------------------------- templates/helpers.erb --------------------------start< def recipes; @recipes end def recipe?(name); @recipes.include?(name) end def prefs; @prefs end def prefer(key, value); @prefs[key].eql? value end def gems; @gems end def diagnostics_recipes; @diagnostics_recipes end def diagnostics_prefs; @diagnostics_prefs end def say_custom(tag, text); say "\033[1m\033[36m" + tag.to_s.rjust(10) + "\033[0m" + " #{text}" end def say_recipe(name); say "\033[1m\033[36m" + "recipe".rjust(10) + "\033[0m" + " Running #{name} recipe..." end def say_wizard(text); say_custom(@current_recipe || 'composer', text) end def rails_4? Rails::VERSION::MAJOR.to_s == "4" end def rails_4_1? Rails::VERSION::MAJOR.to_s == "4" && Rails::VERSION::MINOR.to_s == "1" end def ask_wizard(question) ask "\033[1m\033[36m" + (@current_recipe || "prompt").rjust(10) + "\033[1m\033[36m" + " #{question}\033[0m" end def yes_wizard?(question) answer = ask_wizard(question + " \033[33m(y/n)\033[0m") case answer.downcase when "yes", "y" true when "no", "n" false else yes_wizard?(question) end end def no_wizard?(question); !yes_wizard?(question) end def multiple_choice(question, choices) say_custom('question', question) values = {} choices.each_with_index do |choice,i| values[(i + 1).to_s] = choice[1] say_custom( (i + 1).to_s + ')', choice[0] ) end answer = ask_wizard("Enter your selection:") while !values.keys.include?(answer) values[answer] end @current_recipe = nil @configs = {} @after_blocks = [] def after_bundler(&block); @after_blocks << [@current_recipe, block]; end @after_everything_blocks = [] def after_everything(&block); @after_everything_blocks << [@current_recipe, block]; end @before_configs = {} def before_config(&block); @before_configs[@current_recipe] = block; end def copy_from(source, destination) begin remove_file destination get source, destination rescue OpenURI::HTTPError say_wizard "Unable to obtain #{source}" end end def copy_from_repo(filename, opts = {}) repo = 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-composer/master/files/' repo = opts[:repo] unless opts[:repo].nil? if (!opts[:prefs].nil?) && (!prefs.has_value? opts[:prefs]) return end source_filename = filename destination_filename = filename unless opts[:prefs].nil? if filename.include? opts[:prefs] destination_filename = filename.gsub(/\-#{opts[:prefs]}/, '') end end if (prefer :templates, 'haml') && (filename.include? 'views') remove_file destination_filename destination_filename = destination_filename.gsub(/.erb/, '.haml') end if (prefer :templates, 'slim') && (filename.include? 'views') remove_file destination_filename destination_filename = destination_filename.gsub(/.erb/, '.slim') end begin remove_file destination_filename if (prefer :templates, 'haml') && (filename.include? 'views') create_file destination_filename, html_to_haml(repo + source_filename) elsif (prefer :templates, 'slim') && (filename.include? 'views') create_file destination_filename, html_to_slim(repo + source_filename) else get repo + source_filename, destination_filename end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError say_wizard "Unable to obtain #{source_filename} from the repo #{repo}" end end def html_to_haml(source) begin html = open(source) {|input| input.binmode.read } Haml::HTML.new(html, :erb => true, :xhtml => true).render rescue RubyParser::SyntaxError say_wizard "Ignoring RubyParser::SyntaxError" # special case to accommodate https://github.com/RailsApps/rails-composer/issues/55 html = open(source) {|input| input.binmode.read } say_wizard "applying patch" if html.include? 'card_month' say_wizard "applying patch" if html.include? 'card_year' html = html.gsub(/, {add_month_numbers: true}, {name: nil, id: "card_month"}/, '') html = html.gsub(/, {start_year: Date\.today\.year, end_year: Date\.today\.year\+10}, {name: nil, id: "card_year"}/, '') result = Haml::HTML.new(html, :erb => true, :xhtml => true).render result = result.gsub(/select_month nil/, "select_month nil, {add_month_numbers: true}, {name: nil, id: \"card_month\"}") result = result.gsub(/select_year nil/, "select_year nil, {start_year: Date.today.year, end_year: Date.today.year+10}, {name: nil, id: \"card_year\"}") end end def html_to_slim(source) html = open(source) {|input| input.binmode.read } haml = Haml::HTML.new(html, :erb => true, :xhtml => true).render Haml2Slim.convert!(haml) end # full credit to @mislav in this StackOverflow answer for the #which() method: # - http://stackoverflow.com/a/5471032 def which(cmd) exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : [''] ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| exts.each do |ext| exe = "#{path}#{File::SEPARATOR}#{cmd}#{ext}" return exe if File.executable? exe end end return nil end # >-------------------------- templates/helpers.erb --------------------------end< say_wizard("\033[1m\033[36m" + "" + "\033[0m") say_wizard("\033[1m\033[36m" + ' _____ _ _' + "\033[0m") say_wizard("\033[1m\033[36m" + "| __ \\ \(_\) | /\\" + "\033[0m") say_wizard("\033[1m\033[36m" + "| |__) |__ _ _| |___ / \\ _ __ _ __ ___" + "\033[0m") say_wizard("\033[1m\033[36m" + "| _ /\/ _` | | / __| / /\\ \\ | \'_ \| \'_ \\/ __|" + "\033[0m") say_wizard("\033[1m\033[36m" + "| | \\ \\ (_| | | \\__ \\/ ____ \\| |_) | |_) \\__ \\" + "\033[0m") say_wizard("\033[1m\033[36m" + "|_| \\_\\__,_|_|_|___/_/ \\_\\ .__/| .__/|___/" + "\033[0m") say_wizard("\033[1m\033[36m" + " \| \| \| \|" + "\033[0m") say_wizard("\033[1m\033[36m" + " \| \| \| \|" + "\033[0m") say_wizard("\033[1m\033[36m" + '' + "\033[0m") say_wizard("\033[1m\033[36m" + "Rails Composer, open source, supported by subscribers." + "\033[0m") say_wizard("\033[1m\033[36m" + "Please join RailsApps and support development of Rails Composer." + "\033[0m") say_wizard("Need help? Ask on Stack Overflow with the tag \'railsapps.\'") say_wizard("Your new application will contain diagnostics in its README file.") if diagnostics_recipes.sort.include? recipes.sort diagnostics[:recipes] = 'success' else diagnostics[:recipes] = 'fail' end # this application template only supports Rails version 3.1 and newer case Rails::VERSION::MAJOR.to_s when "3" case Rails::VERSION::MINOR.to_s when "0" say_wizard "You are using Rails version #{Rails::VERSION::STRING} which is not supported. Try 3.1 or newer." raise StandardError.new "Rails #{Rails::VERSION::STRING} is not supported. Try 3.1 or newer." end when "4" say_wizard "You are using Rails version #{Rails::VERSION::STRING}." case Rails::VERSION::MINOR.to_s when "0" say_wizard "Please upgrade to Rails 4.1 or newer." end else say_wizard "You are using Rails version #{Rails::VERSION::STRING} which is not supported." raise StandardError.new "Rails #{Rails::VERSION::STRING} is not supported." end # >---------------------------[ Autoload Modules/Classes ]-----------------------------< inject_into_file 'config/application.rb', :after => 'config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/extras)' do <<-'RUBY' config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib) RUBY end # >---------------------------------[ Recipes ]----------------------------------< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >---------------------------------[ core ]----------------------------------< @current_recipe = "core" @before_configs["core"].call if @before_configs["core"] say_recipe 'core' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >----------------------------- recipes/core.rb -----------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/core.rb ## Git say_wizard "selected all core recipes" # >----------------------------- recipes/core.rb -----------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >----------------------------------[ git ]----------------------------------< @current_recipe = "git" @before_configs["git"].call if @before_configs["git"] say_recipe 'git' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >----------------------------- recipes/git.rb ------------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/git.rb ## Git say_wizard "initialize git" prefs[:git] = true unless prefs.has_key? :git if prefer :git, true copy_from 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-composer/master/files/gitignore.txt', '.gitignore' git :init git :add => '-A' git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: initial commit"' else after_everything do say_wizard "removing .gitignore and .gitkeep files" git_files = Dir[File.join('**','.gitkeep')] + Dir[File.join('**','.gitignore')] File.unlink git_files end end # >----------------------------- recipes/git.rb ------------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >-------------------------------[ railsapps ]-------------------------------< @current_recipe = "railsapps" @before_configs["railsapps"].call if @before_configs["railsapps"] say_recipe 'railsapps' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >-------------------------- recipes/railsapps.rb ---------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/railsapps.rb raise if (defined? defaults) || (defined? preferences) # Shouldn't happen. if options[:verbose] print "\nrecipes: ";p recipes print "\ngems: " ;p gems print "\nprefs: " ;p prefs print "\nconfig: " ;p config end case Rails::VERSION::MAJOR.to_s when "3" prefs[:railsapps] = multiple_choice "Install an example application for Rails 3.2?", [["I want to build my own application", "none"], ["membership/subscription/saas", "saas"], ["rails-prelaunch-signup", "rails-prelaunch-signup"], ["rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan", "rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan"], ["rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber", "rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber"], ["rails3-mongoid-devise", "rails3-mongoid-devise"], ["rails3-mongoid-omniauth", "rails3-mongoid-omniauth"], ["rails3-subdomains", "rails3-subdomains"]] unless prefs.has_key? :railsapps when "4" prefs[:apps4] = multiple_choice "Build a starter application?", [["Build a RailsApps example application", "railsapps"], ["Contributed applications (none available)", "contributed_app"], ["Custom application (experimental)", "none"]] unless prefs.has_key? :apps4 case prefs[:apps4] when 'railsapps' if rails_4_1? prefs[:apps4] = prefs[:rails_4_1_starter_app] || (multiple_choice "Starter apps for Rails 4.1. More to come.", [["learn-rails", "learn-rails"], ["rails-bootstrap", "rails-bootstrap"], ["rails-foundation", "rails-foundation"], ["rails-omniauth", "rails-omniauth"], ["rails-devise", "rails-devise"], ["rails-devise-pundit", "rails-devise-pundit"], ["rails-signup-download", "rails-signup-download"]]) else say_wizard "Please upgrade to Rails 4.1 to get the starter apps." end when 'contributed_app' prefs[:apps4] = multiple_choice "No contributed applications are available.", [["create custom application", "railsapps"]] end end case prefs[:railsapps] when 'saas' prefs[:railsapps] = prefs[:billing] || (multiple_choice "Billing with Stripe or Recurly?", [["Stripe", "rails-stripe-membership-saas"], ["Recurly", "rails-recurly-subscription-saas"]]) end case prefs[:railsapps] when 'rails-stripe-membership-saas' prefs[:git] = true prefs[:database] = 'sqlite' prefs[:unit_test] = 'rspec' prefs[:integration] = 'cucumber' prefs[:fixtures] = 'factory_girl' prefs[:frontend] = 'bootstrap2' prefs[:email] = 'gmail' prefs[:authentication] = 'devise' prefs[:devise_modules] = 'default' prefs[:authorization] = 'cancan' prefs[:starter_app] = 'admin_app' prefs[:form_builder] = 'simple_form' prefs[:quiet_assets] = true prefs[:local_env_file] = 'figaro' prefs[:better_errors] = true prefs[:pry] = false prefs[:deployment] = 'none' when 'rails-recurly-subscription-saas' prefs[:git] = true prefs[:database] = 'sqlite' prefs[:unit_test] = 'rspec' prefs[:integration] = 'cucumber' prefs[:fixtures] = 'factory_girl' prefs[:frontend] = 'bootstrap2' prefs[:email] = 'gmail' prefs[:authentication] = 'devise' prefs[:devise_modules] = 'default' prefs[:authorization] = 'cancan' prefs[:starter_app] = 'admin_app' prefs[:form_builder] = 'simple_form' prefs[:quiet_assets] = true prefs[:local_env_file] = 'figaro' prefs[:better_errors] = true prefs[:pry] = false prefs[:deployment] = 'none' when 'rails-prelaunch-signup' prefs[:git] = true prefs[:database] = 'sqlite' prefs[:unit_test] = 'rspec' prefs[:integration] = 'cucumber' prefs[:fixtures] = 'factory_girl' prefs[:frontend] = 'bootstrap2' prefs[:email] = 'mandrill' prefs[:authentication] = 'devise' prefs[:devise_modules] = 'confirmable' prefs[:authorization] = 'cancan' prefs[:starter_app] = 'admin_app' prefs[:form_builder] = 'simple_form' prefs[:quiet_assets] = true prefs[:local_env_file] = 'figaro' prefs[:better_errors] = true prefs[:pry] = false prefs[:deployment] = 'none' if prefer :git, true prefs[:prelaunch_branch] = multiple_choice "Git branch for the prelaunch app?", [["wip (work-in-progress)", "wip"], ["master", "master"], ["prelaunch", "prelaunch"], ["staging", "staging"]] unless prefs.has_key? :prelaunch_branch prefs[:main_branch] = unless 'master' == prefs[:prelaunch_branch] 'master' else multiple_choice "Git branch for the main app?", [["None", "none"], ["wip (work-in-progress)", "wip"], ["edge", "edge"]] end unless prefs.has_key? :main_branch end when 'rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan' prefs[:git] = true prefs[:database] = 'sqlite' prefs[:unit_test] = 'rspec' prefs[:integration] = 'cucumber' prefs[:fixtures] = 'factory_girl' prefs[:frontend] = 'bootstrap2' prefs[:email] = 'gmail' prefs[:authentication] = 'devise' prefs[:devise_modules] = 'default' prefs[:authorization] = 'cancan' prefs[:starter_app] = 'admin_app' prefs[:form_builder] = 'simple_form' prefs[:quiet_assets] = true prefs[:local_env_file] = 'figaro' prefs[:better_errors] = true prefs[:pry] = false prefs[:deployment] = 'none' when 'rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber' prefs[:git] = true prefs[:database] = 'sqlite' prefs[:unit_test] = 'rspec' prefs[:integration] = 'cucumber' prefs[:fixtures] = 'factory_girl' prefs[:frontend] = 'none' prefs[:email] = 'gmail' prefs[:authentication] = 'devise' prefs[:devise_modules] = 'default' prefs[:authorization] = 'none' prefs[:starter_app] = 'users_app' prefs[:form_builder] = 'none' prefs[:quiet_assets] = true prefs[:local_env_file] = 'figaro' prefs[:better_errors] = true prefs[:pry] = false prefs[:deployment] = 'none' when 'rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber-fabrication' prefs[:git] = true prefs[:database] = 'sqlite' prefs[:unit_test] = 'rspec' prefs[:integration] = 'cucumber' prefs[:fixtures] = 'fabrication' prefs[:frontend] = 'none' prefs[:email] = 'gmail' prefs[:authentication] = 'devise' prefs[:devise_modules] = 'default' prefs[:authorization] = 'none' prefs[:starter_app] = 'users_app' prefs[:form_builder] = 'none' prefs[:quiet_assets] = true prefs[:local_env_file] = 'figaro' prefs[:better_errors] = true prefs[:pry] = false prefs[:deployment] = 'none' when 'rails3-mongoid-devise' prefs[:git] = true prefs[:database] = 'mongodb' prefs[:orm] = 'mongoid' prefs[:unit_test] = 'rspec' prefs[:integration] = 'cucumber' prefs[:fixtures] = 'factory_girl' prefs[:frontend] = 'none' prefs[:email] = 'gmail' prefs[:authentication] = 'devise' prefs[:devise_modules] = 'default' prefs[:authorization] = 'none' prefs[:starter_app] = 'users_app' prefs[:form_builder] = 'none' prefs[:quiet_assets] = true prefs[:local_env_file] = 'figaro' prefs[:better_errors] = true prefs[:pry] = false prefs[:deployment] = 'none' when 'rails3-mongoid-omniauth' prefs[:git] = true prefs[:database] = 'mongodb' prefs[:orm] = 'mongoid' prefs[:unit_test] = 'rspec' prefs[:integration] = 'cucumber' prefs[:fixtures] = 'factory_girl' prefs[:frontend] = 'none' prefs[:email] = 'none' prefs[:authentication] = 'omniauth' prefs[:omniauth_provider] = 'twitter' prefs[:authorization] = 'none' prefs[:starter_app] = 'users_app' prefs[:form_builder] = 'none' prefs[:quiet_assets] = true prefs[:local_env_file] = 'figaro' prefs[:better_errors] = true prefs[:pry] = false prefs[:deployment] = 'none' when 'rails3-subdomains' prefs[:git] = true prefs[:database] = 'mongodb' prefs[:orm] = 'mongoid' prefs[:unit_test] = 'rspec' prefs[:integration] = 'cucumber' prefs[:fixtures] = 'factory_girl' prefs[:frontend] = 'none' prefs[:email] = 'gmail' prefs[:authentication] = 'devise' prefs[:devise_modules] = 'default' prefs[:authorization] = 'none' prefs[:starter_app] = 'subdomains_app' prefs[:form_builder] = 'none' prefs[:quiet_assets] = true prefs[:local_env_file] = 'figaro' prefs[:better_errors] = true prefs[:pry] = false prefs[:deployment] = 'none' end # >-------------------------- recipes/railsapps.rb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >------------------------------[ learn_rails ]------------------------------< @current_recipe = "learn_rails" @before_configs["learn_rails"].call if @before_configs["learn_rails"] say_recipe 'learn_rails' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >------------------------- recipes/learn_rails.rb --------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/learn_rails.rb if prefer :apps4, 'learn-rails' # preferences prefs[:authentication] = false prefs[:authorization] = false prefs[:ban_spiders] = false prefs[:better_errors] = true prefs[:database] = 'default' prefs[:deployment] = 'none' prefs[:devise_modules] = false prefs[:dev_webserver] = 'webrick' prefs[:email] = 'gmail' prefs[:form_builder] = 'simple_form' prefs[:frontend] = 'foundation5' prefs[:github] = false prefs[:git] = true prefs[:local_env_file] = 'none' prefs[:prod_webserver] = 'same' prefs[:pry] = false prefs[:quiet_assets] = true prefs[:secrets] = ['owner_email', 'mailchimp_list_id', 'mailchimp_api_key'] prefs[:starter_app] = false prefs[:templates] = 'erb' prefs[:tests] = false # gems add_gem 'activerecord-tableless' add_gem 'high_voltage' add_gem 'gibbon' add_gem 'google_drive' gsub_file 'Gemfile', /gem 'sqlite3'\n/, '' add_gem 'sqlite3', :group => :development add_gem 'pg', :group => :production add_gem 'thin', :group => :production add_gem 'rails_12factor', :group => :production after_everything do repo = 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/learn-rails/master/' # >-------------------------------[ Models ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/models/contact.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/models/visitor.rb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Controllers ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/contacts_controller.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/visitors_controller.rb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Mailers ]--------------------------------< generate 'mailer UserMailer' copy_from_repo 'app/mailers/user_mailer.rb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Views ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/views/contacts/new.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/pages/about.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/user_mailer/contact_email.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/user_mailer/contact_email.text.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/visitors/new.html.erb', :repo => repo # create navigation links using the rails_layout gem generate 'layout:navigation -f' # >-------------------------------[ Routes ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'config/routes.rb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Assets ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/assets/javascripts/segmentio.js', :repo => repo end end # >------------------------- recipes/learn_rails.rb --------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >----------------------------[ rails_bootstrap ]----------------------------< @current_recipe = "rails_bootstrap" @before_configs["rails_bootstrap"].call if @before_configs["rails_bootstrap"] say_recipe 'rails_bootstrap' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >----------------------- recipes/rails_bootstrap.rb ------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/rails_bootstrap.rb if prefer :apps4, 'rails-bootstrap' prefs[:authentication] = false prefs[:authorization] = false prefs[:better_errors] = true prefs[:database] = 'default' prefs[:deployment] = 'none' prefs[:devise_modules] = false prefs[:email] = 'none' prefs[:form_builder] = false prefs[:frontend] = 'bootstrap3' prefs[:git] = true prefs[:local_env_file] = false prefs[:pry] = false prefs[:quiet_assets] = true prefs[:starter_app] = false add_gem 'high_voltage' after_everything do generate 'pages:home -f' generate 'pages:about -f' generate 'layout:navigation -f' end end # >----------------------- recipes/rails_bootstrap.rb ------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >---------------------------[ rails_foundation ]----------------------------< @current_recipe = "rails_foundation" @before_configs["rails_foundation"].call if @before_configs["rails_foundation"] say_recipe 'rails_foundation' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >----------------------- recipes/rails_foundation.rb -----------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/rails_foundation.rb if prefer :apps4, 'rails-foundation' prefs[:authentication] = false prefs[:authorization] = false prefs[:better_errors] = true prefs[:database] = 'default' prefs[:deployment] = 'none' prefs[:devise_modules] = false prefs[:email] = 'none' prefs[:form_builder] = false prefs[:frontend] = 'foundation5' prefs[:git] = true prefs[:local_env_file] = false prefs[:pry] = false prefs[:quiet_assets] = true prefs[:starter_app] = false add_gem 'high_voltage' after_everything do generate 'pages:home -f' generate 'pages:about -f' generate 'layout:navigation -f' end end # >----------------------- recipes/rails_foundation.rb -----------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >----------------------------[ rails_omniauth ]-----------------------------< @current_recipe = "rails_omniauth" @before_configs["rails_omniauth"].call if @before_configs["rails_omniauth"] say_recipe 'rails_omniauth' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >------------------------ recipes/rails_omniauth.rb ------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/rails_omniauth.rb if prefer :apps4, 'rails-omniauth' prefs[:authentication] = 'omniauth' prefs[:authorization] = 'none' prefs[:better_errors] = true prefs[:deployment] = 'none' prefs[:email] = 'none' prefs[:git] = true prefs[:local_env_file] = false prefs[:pry] = false prefs[:quiet_assets] = true prefs[:starter_app] = false add_gem 'high_voltage' after_everything do generate 'pages:users -f' generate 'pages:about -f' generate 'layout:navigation -f' repo = 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-omniauth/master/' # >-------------------------------[ Models ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/models/user.rb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Routes ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'config/routes.rb', :repo => repo end end # >------------------------ recipes/rails_omniauth.rb ------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >-----------------------------[ rails_devise ]------------------------------< @current_recipe = "rails_devise" @before_configs["rails_devise"].call if @before_configs["rails_devise"] say_recipe 'rails_devise' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >------------------------- recipes/rails_devise.rb -------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/rails_devise.rb if prefer :apps4, 'rails-devise' prefs[:authentication] = 'devise' prefs[:authorization] = false prefs[:better_errors] = true prefs[:deployment] = 'none' prefs[:git] = true prefs[:local_env_file] = false prefs[:pry] = false prefs[:quiet_assets] = true prefs[:starter_app] = false after_everything do generate 'pages:users -f' end end # >------------------------- recipes/rails_devise.rb -------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >--------------------------[ rails_devise_pundit ]--------------------------< @current_recipe = "rails_devise_pundit" @before_configs["rails_devise_pundit"].call if @before_configs["rails_devise_pundit"] say_recipe 'rails_devise_pundit' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >--------------------- recipes/rails_devise_pundit.rb ----------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/rails_devise_pundit.rb if prefer :apps4, 'rails-devise-pundit' prefs[:authentication] = 'devise' prefs[:authorization] = 'pundit' prefs[:better_errors] = true prefs[:deployment] = 'none' prefs[:git] = true prefs[:local_env_file] = false prefs[:pry] = false prefs[:quiet_assets] = true prefs[:starter_app] = false after_everything do generate 'pages:authorized -f' end end # >--------------------- recipes/rails_devise_pundit.rb ----------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >-------------------------[ rails_signup_download ]-------------------------< @current_recipe = "rails_signup_download" @before_configs["rails_signup_download"].call if @before_configs["rails_signup_download"] say_recipe 'rails_signup_download' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >-------------------- recipes/rails_signup_download.rb ---------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/rails_signup_download.rb if prefer :apps4, 'rails-signup-download' prefs[:authentication] = 'devise' prefs[:authorization] = 'pundit' prefs[:better_errors] = true prefs[:deployment] = 'none' prefs[:devise_modules] = false prefs[:form_builder] = false prefs[:git] = true prefs[:local_env_file] = false prefs[:pry] = false prefs[:quiet_assets] = true prefs[:starter_app] = false after_everything do generate 'pages:authorized -f' repo = 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-signup-download/master/' # >-------------------------------[ Controllers ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/products_controller.rb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Views ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/views/visitors/index.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/products/product.pdf', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Routes ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'config/routes.rb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Tests ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'spec/features/users/product_acquisition_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/controllers/products_controller_spec.rb', :repo => repo end end # >-------------------- recipes/rails_signup_download.rb ---------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >---------------------------------[ setup ]---------------------------------< @current_recipe = "setup" @before_configs["setup"].call if @before_configs["setup"] say_recipe 'setup' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >---------------------------- recipes/setup.rb -----------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/setup.rb ## Ruby on Rails HOST_OS = RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] say_wizard "Your operating system is #{HOST_OS}." say_wizard "You are using Ruby version #{RUBY_VERSION}." say_wizard "You are using Rails version #{Rails::VERSION::STRING}." ## Is sqlite3 in the Gemfile? gemfile = File.read(destination_root() + '/Gemfile') sqlite_detected = gemfile.include? 'sqlite3' ## Web Server prefs[:dev_webserver] = multiple_choice "Web server for development?", [["WEBrick (default)", "webrick"], ["Thin", "thin"], ["Unicorn", "unicorn"], ["Puma", "puma"], ["Phusion Passenger (Apache/Nginx)", "passenger"], ["Phusion Passenger (Standalone)", "passenger_standalone"]] unless prefs.has_key? :dev_webserver prefs[:prod_webserver] = multiple_choice "Web server for production?", [["Same as development", "same"], ["Thin", "thin"], ["Unicorn", "unicorn"], ["Puma", "puma"], ["Phusion Passenger (Apache/Nginx)", "passenger"], ["Phusion Passenger (Standalone)", "passenger_standalone"]] unless prefs.has_key? :prod_webserver if prefs[:prod_webserver] == 'same' case prefs[:dev_webserver] when 'thin' prefs[:prod_webserver] = 'thin' when 'unicorn' prefs[:prod_webserver] = 'unicorn' when 'puma' prefs[:prod_webserver] = 'puma' when 'passenger' prefs[:prod_webserver] = 'passenger' when 'passenger_standalone' prefs[:prod_webserver] = 'passenger_standalone' end end ## Database Adapter if rails_4_1? prefs[:database] = multiple_choice "Database used in development?", [["SQLite", "sqlite"], ["PostgreSQL", "postgresql"], ["MySQL", "mysql"]] unless prefs.has_key? :database else prefs[:database] = multiple_choice "Database used in development?", [["SQLite", "sqlite"], ["PostgreSQL", "postgresql"], ["MySQL", "mysql"], ["MongoDB", "mongodb"]] unless prefs.has_key? :database end case prefs[:database] when 'mongodb' unless sqlite_detected prefs[:orm] = multiple_choice "How will you connect to MongoDB?", [["Mongoid","mongoid"]] unless prefs.has_key? :orm else say_wizard "WARNING! SQLite gem detected in the Gemfile" say_wizard "If you wish to use MongoDB you must skip Active Record." say_wizard "If using rails_apps_composer, choose 'skip Active Record'." say_wizard "If using Rails Composer or an application template, use the '-O' flag as in 'rails new foo -O'." prefs[:fail] = multiple_choice "Abort or continue?", [["abort", "abort"], ["continue", "continue"]] if prefer :fail, 'abort' raise StandardError.new "SQLite detected in the Gemfile. Use '-O' or '--skip-activerecord' as in 'rails new foo -O' if you don't want ActiveRecord and SQLite" end end end ## Template Engine prefs[:templates] = multiple_choice "Template engine?", [["ERB", "erb"], ["Haml", "haml"], ["Slim", "slim"]] unless prefs.has_key? :templates ## Testing Framework if rails_4_1? if recipes.include? 'tests4' prefs[:tests] = multiple_choice "Test framework?", [["None", "none"], ["RSpec with Capybara", "rspec"]] unless prefs.has_key? :tests case prefs[:tests] when 'rspec' say_wizard "Adding DatabaseCleaner, FactoryGirl, Faker, Launchy, Selenium" prefs[:continuous_testing] = multiple_choice "Continuous testing?", [["None", "none"], ["Guard", "guard"]] unless prefs.has_key? :continuous_testing end end else if recipes.include? 'testing' prefs[:unit_test] = multiple_choice "Unit testing?", [["Test::Unit", "test_unit"], ["RSpec", "rspec"], ["MiniTest", "minitest"]] unless prefs.has_key? :unit_test prefs[:integration] = multiple_choice "Integration testing?", [["None", "none"], ["RSpec with Capybara", "rspec-capybara"], ["Cucumber with Capybara", "cucumber"], ["Turnip with Capybara", "turnip"], ["MiniTest with Capybara", "minitest-capybara"]] unless prefs.has_key? :integration prefs[:continuous_testing] = multiple_choice "Continuous testing?", [["None", "none"], ["Guard", "guard"]] unless prefs.has_key? :continuous_testing prefs[:fixtures] = multiple_choice "Fixture replacement?", [["None","none"], ["Factory Girl","factory_girl"], ["Machinist","machinist"], ["Fabrication","fabrication"]] unless prefs.has_key? :fixtures end end ## Front-end Framework if recipes.include? 'frontend' prefs[:frontend] = multiple_choice "Front-end framework?", [["None", "none"], ["Bootstrap 3.0", "bootstrap3"], ["Bootstrap 2.3", "bootstrap2"], ["Zurb Foundation 5.0", "foundation5"], ["Zurb Foundation 4.0", "foundation4"], ["Simple CSS", "simple"]] unless prefs.has_key? :frontend end ## Email if recipes.include? 'email' unless prefs.has_key? :email say_wizard "The Devise 'forgot password' feature requires email." if prefer :authentication, 'devise' prefs[:email] = multiple_choice "Add support for sending email?", [["None", "none"], ["Gmail","gmail"], ["SMTP","smtp"], ["SendGrid","sendgrid"], ["Mandrill","mandrill"]] end else prefs[:email] = 'none' end ## Authentication and Authorization if recipes.include? 'models' prefs[:authentication] = multiple_choice "Authentication?", [["None", "none"], ["Devise", "devise"], ["OmniAuth", "omniauth"]] unless prefs.has_key? :authentication case prefs[:authentication] when 'devise' if prefer :orm, 'mongoid' prefs[:devise_modules] = multiple_choice "Devise modules?", [["Devise with default modules","default"]] unless prefs.has_key? :devise_modules else prefs[:devise_modules] = multiple_choice "Devise modules?", [["Devise with default modules","default"], ["Devise with Confirmable module","confirmable"]] unless prefs.has_key? :devise_modules end when 'omniauth' prefs[:omniauth_provider] = multiple_choice "OmniAuth provider?", [["Facebook", "facebook"], ["Twitter", "twitter"], ["GitHub", "github"], ["LinkedIn", "linkedin"], ["Google-Oauth-2", "google_oauth2"], ["Tumblr", "tumblr"]] unless prefs.has_key? :omniauth_provider end unless prefs.has_key? :authorization if rails_4_1? prefs[:authorization] = multiple_choice "Authorization?", [["None", "none"], ["Pundit", "pundit"]] else prefs[:authorization] = multiple_choice "Authorization?", [["None", "none"], ["CanCan with Rolify", "cancan"]] end end end ## Form Builder prefs[:form_builder] = multiple_choice "Use a form builder gem?", [["None", "none"], ["SimpleForm", "simple_form"]] unless prefs.has_key? :form_builder ## MVC if (recipes.include? 'models') && (recipes.include? 'controllers') && (recipes.include? 'views') && (recipes.include? 'routes') if (prefer :authorization, 'cancan') or (prefer :authorization, 'pundit') prefs[:starter_app] = multiple_choice "Install a starter app?", [["None", "none"], ["Home Page", "home_app"], ["Home Page, User Accounts", "users_app"], ["Home Page, User Accounts, Admin Dashboard", "admin_app"]] unless prefs.has_key? :starter_app elsif prefer :authentication, 'devise' if prefer :orm, 'mongoid' prefs[:starter_app] = multiple_choice "Install a starter app?", [["None", "none"], ["Home Page", "home_app"], ["Home Page, User Accounts", "users_app"], ["Home Page, User Accounts, Subdomains", "subdomains_app"]] unless prefs.has_key? :starter_app else prefs[:starter_app] = multiple_choice "Install a starter app?", [["None", "none"], ["Home Page", "home_app"], ["Home Page, User Accounts", "users_app"]] unless prefs.has_key? :starter_app end elsif prefer :authentication, 'omniauth' prefs[:starter_app] = multiple_choice "Install a starter app?", [["None", "none"], ["Home Page", "home_app"], ["Home Page, User Accounts", "users_app"]] unless prefs.has_key? :starter_app else prefs[:starter_app] = multiple_choice "Install a starter app?", [["None", "none"], ["Home Page", "home_app"]] unless prefs.has_key? :starter_app end end # save diagnostics before anything can fail create_file "README", "RECIPES\n#{recipes.sort.inspect}\n" append_file "README", "PREFERENCES\n#{prefs.inspect}" # >---------------------------- recipes/setup.rb -----------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >--------------------------------[ readme ]---------------------------------< @current_recipe = "readme" @before_configs["readme"].call if @before_configs["readme"] say_recipe 'readme' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >---------------------------- recipes/readme.rb ----------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/readme.rb after_everything do say_wizard "recipe running after everything" # remove default READMEs %w{ README README.rdoc doc/README_FOR_APP }.each { |file| remove_file file } # add placeholder READMEs and humans.txt file copy_from_repo 'public/humans.txt' copy_from_repo 'README' copy_from_repo 'README.md' gsub_file "README", /App_Name/, "#{app_name.humanize.titleize}" gsub_file "README.md", /App_Name/, "#{app_name.humanize.titleize}" # Diagnostics gsub_file "README.md", /recipes that are known/, "recipes that are NOT known" if diagnostics[:recipes] == 'fail' gsub_file "README.md", /preferences that are known/, "preferences that are NOT known" if diagnostics[:prefs] == 'fail' print_recipes = recipes.sort.map { |r| "\n* #{r}" }.join('') print_preferences = prefs.map { |k, v| "\n* #{k}: #{v}" }.join('') gsub_file "README.md", /RECIPES/, print_recipes gsub_file "README.md", /PREFERENCES/, print_preferences gsub_file "README", /RECIPES/, print_recipes gsub_file "README", /PREFERENCES/, print_preferences # Ruby on Rails gsub_file "README.md", /\* Ruby/, "* Ruby version #{RUBY_VERSION}" gsub_file "README.md", /\* Rails/, "* Rails version #{Rails::VERSION::STRING}" # Database gsub_file "README.md", /SQLite/, "PostgreSQL" if prefer :database, 'postgresql' gsub_file "README.md", /SQLite/, "MySQL" if prefer :database, 'mysql' gsub_file "README.md", /SQLite/, "MongoDB" if prefer :database, 'mongodb' gsub_file "README.md", /ActiveRecord/, "the Mongoid ORM" if prefer :orm, 'mongoid' # Template Engine gsub_file "README.md", /ERB/, "Haml" if prefer :templates, 'haml' gsub_file "README.md", /ERB/, "Slim" if prefer :templates, 'slim' # Testing Framework gsub_file "README.md", /Test::Unit/, "RSpec" if prefer :unit_test, 'rspec' gsub_file "README.md", /RSpec/, "RSpec and Cucumber" if prefer :integration, 'cucumber' gsub_file "README.md", /RSpec/, "RSpec and Factory Girl" if prefer :fixtures, 'factory_girl' gsub_file "README.md", /RSpec/, "RSpec and Machinist" if prefer :fixtures, 'machinist' # Front-end Framework gsub_file "README.md", /Front-end Framework: None/, "Front-end Framework: Bootstrap 2.3 (Sass)" if prefer :frontend, 'bootstrap2' gsub_file "README.md", /Front-end Framework: None/, "Front-end Framework: Bootstrap 3.0 (Sass)" if prefer :frontend, 'bootstrap3' gsub_file "README.md", /Front-end Framework: None/, "Front-end Framework: Zurb Foundation 4" if prefer :frontend, 'foundation4' gsub_file "README.md", /Front-end Framework: None/, "Front-end Framework: Zurb Foundation 5" if prefer :frontend, 'foundation5' # Form Builder gsub_file "README.md", /Form Builder: None/, "Form Builder: SimpleForm" if prefer :form_builder, 'simple_form' # Email unless prefer :email, 'none' gsub_file "README.md", /Gmail/, "SMTP" if prefer :email, 'smtp' gsub_file "README.md", /Gmail/, "SendGrid" if prefer :email, 'sendgrid' gsub_file "README.md", /Gmail/, "Mandrill" if prefer :email, 'mandrill' gsub_file "README.md", /Email delivery is disabled in development./, "Email delivery is configured via MailCatcher in development." if prefer :mailcatcher, true insert_into_file 'README.md', "\nEmail rendering in development enabled via MailView.", :after => /Email delivery is.*\n/ if prefer :mail_view, true else gsub_file "README.md", /Email/, "" gsub_file "README.md", /-----/, "" gsub_file "README.md", /The application is configured to send email using a Gmail account./, "" gsub_file "README.md", /Email delivery is disabled in development./, "" end # Authentication and Authorization gsub_file "README.md", /Authentication: None/, "Authentication: Devise" if prefer :authentication, 'devise' gsub_file "README.md", /Authentication: None/, "Authentication: OmniAuth" if prefer :authentication, 'omniauth' gsub_file "README.md", /Authorization: None/, "Authorization: CanCan" if prefer :authorization, 'cancan' # Admin gsub_file "README.md", /Admin: None/, "Admin: ActiveAdmin" if prefer :admin, 'activeadmin' gsub_file "README.md", /Admin: None/, "Admin: RailsAdmin" if prefer :admin, 'rails_admin' git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: add README files"' if prefer :git, true end # after_everything # >---------------------------- recipes/readme.rb ----------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >---------------------------------[ gems ]----------------------------------< @current_recipe = "gems" @before_configs["gems"].call if @before_configs["gems"] say_recipe 'gems' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >----------------------------- recipes/gems.rb -----------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/gems.rb ### GEMFILE ### ## Ruby on Rails insert_into_file('Gemfile', "ruby '#{RUBY_VERSION}'\n", :before => /^ *gem 'rails'/, :force => false) ## Cleanup # remove the 'sdoc' gem gsub_file 'Gemfile', /group :doc do/, '' gsub_file 'Gemfile', /\s*gem 'sdoc', require: false\nend/, '' assets_group = rails_4? ? nil : :assets ## Web Server if (prefs[:dev_webserver] == prefs[:prod_webserver]) add_gem 'thin' if prefer :dev_webserver, 'thin' add_gem 'unicorn' if prefer :dev_webserver, 'unicorn' add_gem 'unicorn-rails' if prefer :dev_webserver, 'unicorn' add_gem 'puma' if prefer :dev_webserver, 'puma' add_gem 'passenger' if prefer :dev_webserver, 'passenger_standalone' else add_gem 'thin', :group => [:development, :test] if prefer :dev_webserver, 'thin' add_gem 'unicorn', :group => [:development, :test] if prefer :dev_webserver, 'unicorn' add_gem 'unicorn-rails', :group => [:development, :test] if prefer :dev_webserver, 'unicorn' add_gem 'puma', :group => [:development, :test] if prefer :dev_webserver, 'puma' add_gem 'passenger', :group => [:development, :test] if prefer :dev_webserver, 'passenger_standalone' add_gem 'thin', :group => :production if prefer :prod_webserver, 'thin' add_gem 'unicorn', :group => :production if prefer :prod_webserver, 'unicorn' add_gem 'puma', :group => :production if prefer :prod_webserver, 'puma' add_gem 'passenger', :group => :production if prefer :prod_webserver, 'passenger_standalone' end ## Rails 4.0 attr_accessible Compatibility # if prefer :apps4, false # add_gem 'protected_attributes' if rails_4? # end ## Database Adapter unless prefer :database, 'default' gsub_file 'Gemfile', /gem 'sqlite3'\n/, '' unless prefer :database, 'sqlite' end if rails_4? add_gem 'mongoid', github: 'mongoid/mongoid' if prefer :orm, 'mongoid' else add_gem 'mongoid' if prefer :orm, 'mongoid' end gsub_file 'Gemfile', /gem 'pg'.*/, '' add_gem 'pg' if prefer :database, 'postgresql' gsub_file 'Gemfile', /gem 'mysql2'.*/, '' add_gem 'mysql2' if prefer :database, 'mysql' ## Gem to set up controllers, views, and routing in the 'apps4' recipe add_gem 'rails_apps_pages', :group => :development if prefs[:apps4] ## Template Engine if prefer :templates, 'haml' add_gem 'haml-rails' add_gem 'html2haml', :group => :development end if prefer :templates, 'slim' add_gem 'slim-rails' add_gem 'haml2slim', :group => :development add_gem 'html2haml', :group => :development end ## Testing Framework if rails_4_1? if prefer :tests, 'rspec' add_gem 'rails_apps_testing', :group => :development add_gem 'rspec-rails', :group => [:development, :test] add_gem 'factory_girl_rails', :group => [:development, :test] add_gem 'faker', :group => :test add_gem 'capybara', :group => :test add_gem 'database_cleaner', :group => :test add_gem 'launchy', :group => :test add_gem 'selenium-webdriver', :group => :test if prefer :continuous_testing, 'guard' add_gem 'guard-bundler', :group => :development add_gem 'guard-rails', :group => :development add_gem 'guard-rspec', :group => :development add_gem 'rb-inotify', :group => :development, :require => false add_gem 'rb-fsevent', :group => :development, :require => false add_gem 'rb-fchange', :group => :development, :require => false end end else if prefer :unit_test, 'rspec' add_gem 'rspec-rails', :group => [:development, :test] add_gem 'capybara', :group => :test if prefer :integration, 'rspec-capybara' add_gem 'database_cleaner', '1.0.1', :group => :test if prefer :orm, 'mongoid' if rails_4? add_gem 'mongoid-rspec', '>= 1.10.0', :group => :test else add_gem 'mongoid-rspec', :group => :test end end add_gem 'email_spec', :group => :test end if prefer :unit_test, 'minitest' add_gem 'minitest-spec-rails', :group => :test add_gem 'minitest-wscolor', :group => :test add_gem 'capybara', :group => :test if prefer :integration, 'minitest-capybara' end if prefer :integration, 'cucumber' add_gem 'cucumber-rails', :group => :test, :require => false add_gem 'database_cleaner', '1.0.1', :group => :test unless prefer :unit_test, 'rspec' add_gem 'launchy', :group => :test add_gem 'capybara', :group => :test end add_gem 'turnip', '>= 1.1.0', :group => :test if prefer :integration, 'turnip' if prefer :continuous_testing, 'guard' add_gem 'guard-bundler', :group => :development add_gem 'guard-cucumber', :group => :development if prefer :integration, 'cucumber' add_gem 'guard-rails', :group => :development add_gem 'guard-rspec', :group => :development if prefer :unit_test, 'rspec' add_gem 'rb-inotify', :group => :development, :require => false add_gem 'rb-fsevent', :group => :development, :require => false add_gem 'rb-fchange', :group => :development, :require => false end add_gem 'factory_girl_rails', :group => [:development, :test] if prefer :fixtures, 'factory_girl' add_gem 'fabrication', :group => [:development, :test] if prefer :fixtures, 'fabrication' add_gem 'machinist', :group => :test if prefer :fixtures, 'machinist' end ## Front-end Framework add_gem 'rails_layout', :group => :development case prefs[:frontend] when 'bootstrap2' add_gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~>' when 'bootstrap3' add_gem 'bootstrap-sass' when 'foundation4' if rails_4? add_gem 'zurb-foundation', '~> 4.3.2' add_gem 'compass-rails', '~> 1.1.2' else add_gem 'zurb-foundation', '~> 4.3.2', :group => assets_group add_gem 'compass-rails', '~> 1.0.3', :group => assets_group end when 'foundation5' add_gem 'foundation-rails' end ## Email add_gem 'sendgrid' if prefer :email, 'sendgrid' ## Authentication (Devise) add_gem 'devise' if prefer :authentication, 'devise' add_gem 'devise_invitable' if prefer :devise_modules, 'invitable' ## Authentication (OmniAuth) add_gem 'omniauth' if prefer :authentication, 'omniauth' add_gem 'omniauth-twitter' if prefer :omniauth_provider, 'twitter' add_gem 'omniauth-facebook' if prefer :omniauth_provider, 'facebook' add_gem 'omniauth-github' if prefer :omniauth_provider, 'github' add_gem 'omniauth-linkedin' if prefer :omniauth_provider, 'linkedin' add_gem 'omniauth-google-oauth2' if prefer :omniauth_provider, 'google_oauth2' add_gem 'omniauth-tumblr' if prefer :omniauth_provider, 'tumblr' ## Authorization if prefer :authorization, 'cancan' add_gem 'cancan' add_gem 'rolify' end add_gem 'pundit' if prefer :authorization, 'pundit' ## Form Builder add_gem 'simple_form' if prefer :form_builder, 'simple_form' ## Membership App if prefer :railsapps, 'rails-stripe-membership-saas' add_gem 'stripe' add_gem 'stripe_event' end if prefer :railsapps, 'rails-recurly-subscription-saas' add_gem 'recurly' add_gem 'nokogiri' add_gem 'countries' add_gem 'httpi' add_gem 'httpclient' end ## Signup App if prefer :railsapps, 'rails-prelaunch-signup' add_gem 'gibbon' add_gem 'capybara-webkit', :group => :test end ## Gems from a defaults file or added interactively gems.each do |g| gem(*g) end ## Git git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: Gemfile"' if prefer :git, true ### CREATE DATABASE ### after_bundler do unless prefer :database, 'default' copy_from_repo 'config/database-postgresql.yml', :prefs => 'postgresql' copy_from_repo 'config/database-mysql.yml', :prefs => 'mysql' generate 'mongoid:config' if prefer :orm, 'mongoid' remove_file 'config/database.yml' if prefer :orm, 'mongoid' if prefer :database, 'postgresql' begin pg_username = prefs[:pg_username] || ask_wizard("Username for PostgreSQL?(leave blank to use the app name)") pg_host = prefs[:pg_host] || ask_wizard("Host for PostgreSQL in database.yml? (leave blank to use default socket connection)") if pg_username.blank? say_wizard "Creating a user named '#{app_name}' for PostgreSQL" run "createuser --createdb #{app_name}" if prefer :database, 'postgresql' gsub_file "config/database.yml", /username: .*/, "username: #{app_name}" else gsub_file "config/database.yml", /username: .*/, "username: #{pg_username}" pg_password = prefs[:pg_password] || ask_wizard("Password for PostgreSQL user #{pg_username}?") gsub_file "config/database.yml", /password:/, "password: #{pg_password}" say_wizard "set config/database.yml for username/password #{pg_username}/#{pg_password}" end if pg_host.present? gsub_file "config/database.yml", /#host: localhost/, "host: #{pg_host}" gsub_file "config/database.yml", /test:/, "test:\n host: #{pg_host}" end rescue StandardError => e raise "unable to create a user for PostgreSQL, reason: #{e}" end gsub_file "config/database.yml", /database: myapp_development/, "database: #{app_name}_development" gsub_file "config/database.yml", /database: myapp_test/, "database: #{app_name}_test" gsub_file "config/database.yml", /database: myapp_production/, "database: #{app_name}_production" end if prefer :database, 'mysql' mysql_username = prefs[:mysql_username] || ask_wizard("Username for MySQL? (leave blank to use the app name)") if mysql_username.blank? gsub_file "config/database.yml", /username: .*/, "username: #{app_name}" else gsub_file "config/database.yml", /username: .*/, "username: #{mysql_username}" mysql_password = prefs[:mysql_password] || ask_wizard("Password for MySQL user #{mysql_username}?") gsub_file "config/database.yml", /password:/, "password: #{mysql_password}" say_wizard "set config/database.yml for username/password #{mysql_username}/#{mysql_password}" end gsub_file "config/database.yml", /database: myapp_development/, "database: #{app_name}_development" gsub_file "config/database.yml", /database: myapp_test/, "database: #{app_name}_test" gsub_file "config/database.yml", /database: myapp_production/, "database: #{app_name}_production" end unless prefer :database, 'sqlite' if (prefs.has_key? :drop_database) ? prefs[:drop_database] : (yes_wizard? "Okay to drop all existing databases named #{app_name}? 'No' will abort immediately!") run 'bundle exec rake db:drop' else raise "aborted at user's request" end end run 'bundle exec rake db:create:all' unless prefer :orm, 'mongoid' run 'bundle exec rake db:create' if prefer :orm, 'mongoid' ## Git git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: create database"' if prefer :git, true end end # after_bundler ### GENERATORS ### after_bundler do ## Form Builder if prefer :form_builder, 'simple_form' case prefs[:frontend] when 'bootstrap2' say_wizard "recipe installing simple_form for use with Bootstrap" generate 'simple_form:install --bootstrap' when 'bootstrap3' say_wizard "recipe installing simple_form for use with Bootstrap" generate 'simple_form:install --bootstrap' when 'foundation5' say_wizard "recipe installing simple_form for use with Zurb Foundation" generate 'simple_form:install --foundation' when 'foundation4' say_wizard "recipe installing simple_form for use with Zurb Foundation" generate 'simple_form:install --foundation' else say_wizard "recipe installing simple_form" generate 'simple_form:install' end end ## Figaro Gem if prefer :local_env_file, 'figaro' generate 'figaro:install' gsub_file 'config/application.yml', /# PUSHER_.*\n/, '' gsub_file 'config/application.yml', /# STRIPE_.*\n/, '' prepend_to_file 'config/application.yml' do <<-FILE # Add account credentials and API keys here. # See http://railsapps.github.io/rails-environment-variables.html # This file should be listed in .gitignore to keep your settings secret! # Each entry sets a local environment variable. # For example, setting: # GMAIL_USERNAME: Your_Gmail_Username # makes 'Your_Gmail_Username' available as ENV["GMAIL_USERNAME"] FILE end end ## Foreman Gem if prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' create_file '.env' do <<-FILE # Add account credentials and API keys here. # This file should be listed in .gitignore to keep your settings secret! # Each entry sets a local environment variable. # For example, setting: # GMAIL_USERNAME=Your_Gmail_Username # makes 'Your_Gmail_Username' available as ENV["GMAIL_USERNAME"] FILE end create_file 'Procfile', 'web: bundle exec rails server -p $PORT' if prefer :prod_webserver, 'thin' create_file 'Procfile', 'web: bundle exec unicorn -p $PORT' if prefer :prod_webserver, 'unicorn' create_file 'Procfile', 'web: bundle exec puma -p $PORT' if prefer :prod_webserver, 'puma' create_file 'Procfile', 'web: bundle exec passenger start -p $PORT' if prefer :prod_webserver, 'passenger_standalone' if (prefs[:dev_webserver] != prefs[:prod_webserver]) create_file 'Procfile.dev', 'web: bundle exec rails server -p $PORT' if prefer :dev_webserver, 'thin' create_file 'Procfile.dev', 'web: bundle exec unicorn -p $PORT' if prefer :dev_webserver, 'unicorn' create_file 'Procfile.dev', 'web: bundle exec puma -p $PORT' if prefer :dev_webserver, 'puma' create_file 'Procfile.dev', 'web: bundle exec passenger start -p $PORT' if prefer :dev_webserver, 'passenger_standalone' end end ## Git git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: generators"' if prefer :git, true end # after_bundler # >----------------------------- recipes/gems.rb -----------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >--------------------------------[ testing ]--------------------------------< @current_recipe = "testing" @before_configs["testing"].call if @before_configs["testing"] say_recipe 'testing' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >--------------------------- recipes/testing.rb ----------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/testing.rb after_bundler do say_wizard "recipe running after 'bundle install'" ### TEST/UNIT ### if prefer :unit_test, 'test_unit' inject_into_file 'config/application.rb', :after => "Rails::Application\n" do <<-RUBY config.generators do |g| #{"g.test_framework :test_unit, fixture_replacement: :fabrication" if prefer :fixtures, 'fabrication'} #{"g.fixture_replacement :fabrication, dir: 'test/fabricators'" if prefer :fixtures, 'fabrication'} end RUBY end end ### RSPEC ### if prefer :unit_test, 'rspec' say_wizard "recipe installing RSpec" generate 'rspec:install' copy_from_repo 'spec/spec_helper.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber/master/' generate 'email_spec:steps' if prefer :integration, 'cucumber' inject_into_file 'spec/spec_helper.rb', "require 'email_spec'\n", :after => "require 'rspec/rails'\n" inject_into_file 'spec/spec_helper.rb', :after => "RSpec.configure do |config|\n" do <<-RUBY config.include(EmailSpec::Helpers) config.include(EmailSpec::Matchers) RUBY end run 'rm -rf test/' # Removing test folder (not needed for RSpec) inject_into_file 'config/application.rb', :after => "Rails::Application\n" do <<-RUBY # don't generate RSpec tests for views and helpers config.generators do |g| #{"g.test_framework :rspec" if prefer :fixtures, 'none'} #{"g.test_framework :rspec, fixture: true" unless prefer :fixtures, 'none'} #{"g.fixture_replacement :factory_girl, dir: 'spec/factories'" if prefer :fixtures, 'factory_girl'} #{"g.fixture_replacement :machinist" if prefer :fixtures, 'machinist'} #{"g.fixture_replacement :fabrication" if prefer :fixtures, 'fabrication'} g.view_specs false g.helper_specs false end RUBY end ## RSPEC AND MONGOID if prefer :orm, 'mongoid' # remove ActiveRecord artifacts gsub_file 'spec/spec_helper.rb', /config.fixture_path/, '# config.fixture_path' gsub_file 'spec/spec_helper.rb', /config.use_transactional_fixtures/, '# config.use_transactional_fixtures' # remove either possible occurrence of "require rails/test_unit/railtie" gsub_file 'config/application.rb', /require 'rails\/test_unit\/railtie'/, '# require "rails/test_unit/railtie"' gsub_file 'config/application.rb', /require "rails\/test_unit\/railtie"/, '# require "rails/test_unit/railtie"' # configure RSpec to use matchers from the mongoid-rspec gem create_file 'spec/support/mongoid.rb' do <<-RUBY RSpec.configure do |config| config.include Mongoid::Matchers end RUBY end end ## RSPEC AND DEVISE if prefer :authentication, 'devise' # add Devise test helpers create_file 'spec/support/devise.rb' do <<-RUBY RSpec.configure do |config| config.include Devise::TestHelpers, :type => :controller end RUBY end end end ### CUCUMBER ### if prefer :integration, 'cucumber' say_wizard "recipe installing Cucumber" generate "cucumber:install --capybara#{' --rspec' if prefer :unit_test, 'rspec'}#{' -D' if prefer :orm, 'mongoid'}" # make it easy to run Cucumber for single features without adding "--require features" to the command line gsub_file 'config/cucumber.yml', /std_opts = "/, 'std_opts = "-r features/support/ -r features/step_definitions ' create_file 'features/support/email_spec.rb' do <<-RUBY require 'email_spec/cucumber' RUBY end ## CUCUMBER AND MONGOID if prefer :orm, 'mongoid' gsub_file 'features/support/env.rb', /transaction/, "truncation" inject_into_file 'features/support/env.rb', :after => 'begin' do "\n DatabaseCleaner.orm = 'mongoid'" end end generate 'fabrication:cucumber_steps' if prefer :fixtures, 'fabrication' end ## TURNIP if prefer :integration, 'turnip' append_file '.rspec', '-r turnip/rspec' inject_into_file 'spec/spec_helper.rb', "require 'turnip/capybara'\n", :after => "require 'rspec/rails'\n" create_file 'spec/acceptance/steps/.gitkeep' end ## FIXTURE REPLACEMENTS if prefer :fixtures, 'machinist' say_wizard "generating blueprints file for 'machinist'" generate 'machinist:install' end ### GUARD if prefer :continuous_testing, 'guard' say_wizard "recipe initializing Guard" run 'bundle exec guard init' end ### GIT ### git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: testing framework"' if prefer :git, true end # after_bundler after_everything do say_wizard "recipe running after everything" ### RSPEC ### if prefer :unit_test, 'rspec' if (prefer :authentication, 'devise') && (prefer :starter_app, 'users_app') say_wizard "copying RSpec files from the rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber examples" repo = 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber/master/' copy_from_repo 'spec/factories/users.rb', :repo => repo gsub_file 'spec/factories/users.rb', /# confirmed_at/, "confirmed_at" if (prefer :devise_modules, 'confirmable') || (prefer :devise_modules, 'invitable') copy_from_repo 'spec/controllers/home_controller_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/models/user_spec.rb', :repo => repo remove_file 'spec/views/home/index.html.erb_spec.rb' remove_file 'spec/views/home/index.html.haml_spec.rb' remove_file 'spec/views/users/show.html.erb_spec.rb' remove_file 'spec/views/users/show.html.haml_spec.rb' remove_file 'spec/helpers/home_helper_spec.rb' remove_file 'spec/helpers/users_helper_spec.rb' end if (prefer :authentication, 'devise') && (prefer :starter_app, 'admin_app') say_wizard "copying RSpec files from the rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan examples" repo = 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan/master/' copy_from_repo 'spec/factories/users.rb', :repo => repo gsub_file 'spec/factories/users.rb', /# confirmed_at/, "confirmed_at" if (prefer :devise_modules, 'confirmable') || (prefer :devise_modules, 'invitable') copy_from_repo 'spec/controllers/home_controller_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/models/user_spec.rb', :repo => repo remove_file 'spec/views/home/index.html.erb_spec.rb' remove_file 'spec/views/home/index.html.haml_spec.rb' remove_file 'spec/views/users/show.html.erb_spec.rb' remove_file 'spec/views/users/show.html.haml_spec.rb' remove_file 'spec/helpers/home_helper_spec.rb' remove_file 'spec/helpers/users_helper_spec.rb' end ## RSPEC AND OMNIAUTH if (prefer :authentication, 'omniauth') && (prefer :starter_app, 'users_app') say_wizard "copying RSpec files from the rails3-mongoid-omniauth examples" repo = 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-mongoid-omniauth/master/' copy_from_repo 'spec/factories/users.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/controllers/sessions_controller_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/controllers/home_controller_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/models/user_spec.rb', :repo => repo end ## SUBDOMAINS if (prefer :authentication, 'devise') && (prefer :starter_app, 'subdomains_app') say_wizard "copying RSpec files from the rails3-subdomains examples" repo = 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-subdomains/master/' copy_from_repo 'spec/factories/users.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/controllers/home_controller_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/models/user_spec.rb', :repo => repo end ## GIT git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: rspec files"' if prefer :git, true end ### CUCUMBER ### if prefer :integration, 'cucumber' ## CUCUMBER AND DEVISE (USERS APP) if (prefer :authentication, 'devise') && (prefer :starter_app, 'users_app') say_wizard "copying Cucumber scenarios from the rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber examples" repo = 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber/master/' copy_from_repo 'spec/controllers/home_controller_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/sign_in.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/sign_out.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/sign_up.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/user_edit.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/user_show.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/support/paths.rb', :repo => repo if (prefer :devise_modules, 'confirmable') || (prefer :devise_modules, 'invitable') gsub_file 'features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb', /Welcome! You have signed up successfully./, "A message with a confirmation link has been sent to your email address." inject_into_file 'features/users/sign_in.feature', :before => ' Scenario: User signs in successfully' do <<-RUBY Scenario: User has not confirmed account Given I exist as an unconfirmed user And I am not logged in When I sign in with valid credentials Then I see an unconfirmed account message And I should be signed out RUBY end end end ## CUCUMBER AND DEVISE (ADMIN APP) if (prefer :authentication, 'devise') && (prefer :starter_app, 'admin_app') say_wizard "copying Cucumber scenarios from the rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan examples" repo = 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan/master/' copy_from_repo 'spec/controllers/home_controller_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/sign_in.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/sign_out.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/sign_up.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/user_edit.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/user_show.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/support/paths.rb', :repo => repo if (prefer :devise_modules, 'confirmable') || (prefer :devise_modules, 'invitable') gsub_file 'features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb', /Welcome! You have signed up successfully./, "A message with a confirmation link has been sent to your email address." inject_into_file 'features/users/sign_in.feature', :before => ' Scenario: User signs in successfully' do <<-RUBY Scenario: User has not confirmed account Given I exist as an unconfirmed user And I am not logged in When I sign in with valid credentials Then I see an unconfirmed account message And I should be signed out RUBY end end end ## CUCUMBER AND DEVISE (SUBDOMAINS APP) if (prefer :authentication, 'devise') && (prefer :starter_app, 'subdomains_app') say_wizard "copying RSpec files from the rails3-subdomains examples" repo = 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-subdomains/master/' copy_from_repo 'features/users/sign_in.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/sign_out.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/sign_up.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/user_edit.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/user_show.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/support/paths.rb', :repo => repo end ## GIT git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: cucumber files"' if prefer :git, true end ### FABRICATION ### if prefer :fixtures, 'fabrication' say_wizard "replacing FactoryGirl fixtures with Fabrication" remove_file 'spec/factories/users.rb' remove_file 'spec/fabricators/user_fabricator.rb' create_file 'spec/fabricators/user_fabricator.rb' do <<-RUBY Fabricator(:user) do name 'Test User' email 'example@example.com' password 'changeme' password_confirmation 'changeme' # required if the Devise Confirmable module is used # confirmed_at Time.now end RUBY end if prefer :integration, 'cucumber' gsub_file 'features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb', /@user = FactoryGirl.create\(:user, email: @visitor\[:email\]\)/, '@user = Fabricate(:user, email: @visitor[:email])' end if File.exist?('spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb') gsub_file 'spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb', /@user = FactoryGirl.create\(:user\)/, '@user = Fabricate(:user)' end end end # after_everything # >--------------------------- recipes/testing.rb ----------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >--------------------------------[ tests4 ]---------------------------------< @current_recipe = "tests4" @before_configs["tests4"].call if @before_configs["tests4"] say_recipe 'tests4' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >---------------------------- recipes/tests4.rb ----------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/tests4.rb after_bundler do say_wizard "recipe running after 'bundle install'" ### RSPEC ### if prefer :tests, 'rspec' say_wizard "recipe installing RSpec" generate 'testing:configure rspec -f' end ### GUARD ### if prefer :continuous_testing, 'guard' say_wizard "recipe initializing Guard" run 'bundle exec guard init' end ### GIT ### git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: testing framework"' if prefer :git, true end # after_bundler after_everything do say_wizard "recipe running after everything" if (prefer :authentication, 'devise') && (prefer :tests, 'rspec') generate 'testing:configure devise -f' end end # after_everything # >---------------------------- recipes/tests4.rb ----------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >---------------------------------[ email ]---------------------------------< @current_recipe = "email" @before_configs["email"].call if @before_configs["email"] say_recipe 'email' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >---------------------------- recipes/email.rb -----------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/email.rb after_bundler do say_wizard "recipe running after 'bundle install'" unless prefer :email, 'none' if rails_4? dev_email_text = <<-TEXT # ActionMailer Config config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'localhost:3000' } config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true # Send email in development mode? config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true TEXT prod_email_text = <<-TEXT # ActionMailer Config config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'example.com' } config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false TEXT inject_into_file 'config/environments/development.rb', dev_email_text, :after => "config.assets.debug = true" inject_into_file 'config/environments/production.rb', prod_email_text, :after => "config.active_support.deprecation = :notify" gsub_file 'config/environments/production.rb', /'example.com'/, 'Rails.application.secrets.domain_name' if rails_4_1? else ### DEVELOPMENT gsub_file 'config/environments/development.rb', /# Don't care if the mailer can't send/, '# ActionMailer Config' gsub_file 'config/environments/development.rb', /config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false/ do <<-RUBY config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'localhost:3000' } config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp # change to true to allow email to be sent during development config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = false config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true config.action_mailer.default :charset => "utf-8" RUBY end ### TEST inject_into_file 'config/environments/test.rb', :before => "\nend" do <<-RUBY \n # ActionMailer Config config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'example.com' } RUBY end ### PRODUCTION gsub_file 'config/environments/production.rb', /config.active_support.deprecation = :notify/ do <<-RUBY config.active_support.deprecation = :notify config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'example.com' } # ActionMailer Config # Setup for production - deliveries, no errors raised config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false config.action_mailer.default :charset => "utf-8" RUBY end end if rails_4_1? email_configuration_text = <<-TEXT \n config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = { address: "smtp.gmail.com", port: 587, domain: Rails.application.secrets.domain_name, authentication: "plain", enable_starttls_auto: true, user_name: Rails.application.secrets.email_provider_username, password: Rails.application.secrets.email_provider_password } TEXT inject_into_file 'config/environments/development.rb', email_configuration_text, :after => "config.assets.debug = true" inject_into_file 'config/environments/production.rb', email_configuration_text, :after => "config.active_support.deprecation = :notify" case :email when 'sendgrid' gsub_file 'config/environments/development.rb', /smtp.gmail.com/, 'smtp.sendgrid.net' gsub_file 'config/environments/production.rb', /smtp.gmail.com/, 'smtp.sendgrid.net' when 'mandrill' gsub_file 'config/environments/development.rb', /smtp.gmail.com/, 'smtp.mandrillapp.com' gsub_file 'config/environments/production.rb', /smtp.gmail.com/, 'smtp.mandrillapp.com' gsub_file 'config/environments/development.rb', /email_provider_password/, 'email_provider_apikey' gsub_file 'config/environments/production.rb', /email_provider_password/, 'email_provider_apikey' end else ### GMAIL ACCOUNT if prefer :email, 'gmail' gmail_configuration_text = <<-TEXT \n config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = { address: "smtp.gmail.com", port: 587, domain: ENV["DOMAIN_NAME"], authentication: "plain", enable_starttls_auto: true, user_name: ENV["GMAIL_USERNAME"], password: ENV["GMAIL_PASSWORD"] } TEXT inject_into_file 'config/environments/development.rb', gmail_configuration_text, :after => "config.assets.debug = true" inject_into_file 'config/environments/production.rb', gmail_configuration_text, :after => "config.active_support.deprecation = :notify" end ### SENDGRID ACCOUNT if prefer :email, 'sendgrid' sendgrid_configuration_text = <<-TEXT \n config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = { address: "smtp.sendgrid.net", port: 587, domain: ENV["DOMAIN_NAME"], authentication: "plain", user_name: ENV["SENDGRID_USERNAME"], password: ENV["SENDGRID_PASSWORD"] } TEXT inject_into_file 'config/environments/development.rb', sendgrid_configuration_text, :after => "config.assets.debug = true" inject_into_file 'config/environments/production.rb', sendgrid_configuration_text, :after => "config.active_support.deprecation = :notify" end ### MANDRILL ACCOUNT if prefer :email, 'mandrill' mandrill_configuration_text = <<-TEXT \n config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = { :address => "smtp.mandrillapp.com", :port => 587, :user_name => ENV["MANDRILL_USERNAME"], :password => ENV["MANDRILL_APIKEY"] } TEXT inject_into_file 'config/environments/development.rb', mandrill_configuration_text, :after => "config.assets.debug = true" inject_into_file 'config/environments/production.rb', mandrill_configuration_text, :after => "config.active_support.deprecation = :notify" end end end ### GIT git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: set email accounts"' if prefer :git, true end # after_bundler # >---------------------------- recipes/email.rb -----------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >--------------------------------[ models ]---------------------------------< @current_recipe = "models" @before_configs["models"].call if @before_configs["models"] say_recipe 'models' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >---------------------------- recipes/models.rb ----------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/models.rb after_bundler do say_wizard "recipe running after 'bundle install'" ### DEVISE ### if prefer :authentication, 'devise' if rails_4_1? # prevent logging of password_confirmation gsub_file 'config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb', /:password/, ':password, :password_confirmation' end generate 'devise:install' generate 'devise_invitable:install' if prefer :devise_modules, 'invitable' generate 'devise user' # create the User model if prefer :orm, 'mongoid' ## DEVISE AND MONGOID copy_from_repo 'app/models/user.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-mongoid-devise/master/' unless rails_4? if (prefer :devise_modules, 'confirmable') || (prefer :devise_modules, 'invitable') gsub_file 'app/models/user.rb', /:registerable,/, ":registerable, :confirmable," gsub_file 'app/models/user.rb', /# field :confirmation_token/, "field :confirmation_token" gsub_file 'app/models/user.rb', /# field :confirmed_at/, "field :confirmed_at" gsub_file 'app/models/user.rb', /# field :confirmation_sent_at/, "field :confirmation_sent_at" gsub_file 'app/models/user.rb', /# field :unconfirmed_email/, "field :unconfirmed_email" end if (prefer :devise_modules, 'invitable') gsub_file 'app/models/user.rb', /\bend\s*\Z/ do <<-RUBY #invitable field :invitation_token, :type => String field :invitation_sent_at, :type => Time field :invitation_accepted_at, :type => Time field :invitation_limit, :type => Integer field :invited_by_id, :type => String field :invited_by_type, :type => String end RUBY end end else ## DEVISE AND ACTIVE RECORD unless prefer :railsapps, 'rails-recurly-subscription-saas' generate 'migration AddNameToUsers name:string' end copy_from_repo 'app/models/user.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber/master/' unless rails_4? if (prefer :devise_modules, 'confirmable') || (prefer :devise_modules, 'invitable') gsub_file 'app/models/user.rb', /:registerable,/, ":registerable, :confirmable," generate 'migration AddConfirmableToUsers confirmation_token:string confirmed_at:datetime confirmation_sent_at:datetime unconfirmed_email:string' end run 'bundle exec rake db:migrate' end ## DEVISE AND CUCUMBER if prefer :integration, 'cucumber' # Cucumber wants to test GET requests not DELETE requests for destroy_user_session_path # (see https://github.com/RailsApps/rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber/issues/3) gsub_file 'config/initializers/devise.rb', 'config.sign_out_via = :delete', 'config.sign_out_via = Rails.env.test? ? :get : :delete' end end ### OMNIAUTH ### if prefer :authentication, 'omniauth' if rails_4_1? copy_from_repo 'config/initializers/omniauth.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-omniauth/master/' else copy_from_repo 'config/initializers/omniauth.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-mongoid-omniauth/master/' end gsub_file 'config/initializers/omniauth.rb', /twitter/, prefs[:omniauth_provider] unless prefer :omniauth_provider, 'twitter' if prefer :orm, 'mongoid' copy_from_repo 'app/models/user.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-mongoid-omniauth/master/' else generate 'model User name:string email:string provider:string uid:string' run 'bundle exec rake db:migrate' copy_from_repo 'app/models/user.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-omniauth/master/' end end ### SUBDOMAINS ### copy_from_repo 'app/models/user.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-subdomains/master/' if prefer :starter_app, 'subdomains_app' ### AUTHORIZATION ### if prefer :authorization, 'pundit' generate 'migration AddRoleToUsers role:integer' copy_from_repo 'app/models/user.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-devise-pundit/master/' if (prefer :devise_modules, 'confirmable') || (prefer :devise_modules, 'invitable') gsub_file 'app/models/user.rb', /:registerable,/, ":registerable, :confirmable," generate 'migration AddConfirmableToUsers confirmation_token:string confirmed_at:datetime confirmation_sent_at:datetime unconfirmed_email:string' end end if prefer :authorization, 'cancan' generate 'cancan:ability' if prefer :starter_app, 'admin_app' # Limit access to the users#index page copy_from_repo 'app/models/ability.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan/master/' # allow an admin to update roles insert_into_file 'app/models/user.rb', " attr_accessible :role_ids, :as => :admin\n", :before => " attr_accessible" end unless prefer :orm, 'mongoid' generate 'rolify Role User' else generate 'rolify Role User --orm=mongoid' end end ### GIT ### git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: models"' if prefer :git, true end # after_bundler # >---------------------------- recipes/models.rb ----------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >------------------------------[ controllers ]------------------------------< @current_recipe = "controllers" @before_configs["controllers"].call if @before_configs["controllers"] say_recipe 'controllers' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >------------------------- recipes/controllers.rb --------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/controllers.rb after_bundler do say_wizard "recipe running after 'bundle install'" ### APPLICATION_CONTROLLER ### if prefer :authentication, 'omniauth' copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-omniauth/master/' end if prefer :authorization, 'pundit' copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-devise-pundit/master/' end if prefer :authorization, 'cancan' inject_into_file 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb', :before => "\nend" do <<-RUBY \n rescue_from CanCan::AccessDenied do |exception| redirect_to root_path, :alert => exception.message end RUBY end end ### HOME_CONTROLLER ### if ['home_app','users_app','admin_app','subdomains_app'].include? prefs[:starter_app] generate 'controller home --skip-assets --skip-helper' end ### USERS_CONTROLLER ### case prefs[:starter_app] when 'users_app' if (prefer :authentication, 'devise') and (not prefer :apps4, 'rails-devise') copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/users_controller.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber/master/' elsif prefer :authentication, 'omniauth' if rails_4? copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/users_controller.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-omniauth/master/' else copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/users_controller.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-mongoid-omniauth/master/' end end when 'admin_app' if (prefer :authentication, 'devise') and (not prefer :apps4, 'rails-devise') copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/users_controller.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan/master/' elsif prefer :authentication, 'omniauth' if rails_4? copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/users_controller.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-omniauth/master/' else copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/users_controller.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-mongoid-omniauth/master/' end end if prefer :authorization, 'pundit' copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/users_controller.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-devise-pundit/master/' copy_from_repo 'app/policies/user_policy.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-devise-pundit/master/' end when 'subdomains_app' copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/users_controller.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-subdomains/master/' end ### REGISTRATIONS_CONTROLLER ### if rails_4? if ['users_app','admin_app','subdomains_app'].include? prefs[:starter_app] ## accommodate strong parameters in Rails 4 copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/registrations_controller-devise.rb', :prefs => 'devise' end end ### SESSIONS_CONTROLLER ### if prefer :authentication, 'omniauth' filename = 'app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb' copy_from_repo filename, :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-omniauth/master/' gsub_file filename, /twitter/, prefs[:omniauth_provider] unless prefer :omniauth_provider, 'twitter' if prefer :authorization, 'cancan' inject_into_file filename, " user.add_role :admin if User.count == 1 # make the first user an admin\n", :after => "session[:user_id] = user.id\n" end end ### PROFILES_CONTROLLER ### copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/profiles_controller.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-subdomains/master/' if prefer :starter_app, 'subdomains_app' ### GIT ### git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: controllers"' if prefer :git, true end # after_bundler # >------------------------- recipes/controllers.rb --------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >---------------------------------[ views ]---------------------------------< @current_recipe = "views" @before_configs["views"].call if @before_configs["views"] say_recipe 'views' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >---------------------------- recipes/views.rb -----------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/views.rb after_bundler do say_wizard "recipe running after 'bundle install'" ### DEVISE ### if (prefer :authentication, 'devise') and (not prefer :apps4, 'rails-devise') copy_from_repo 'app/views/devise/shared/_links.html.erb' unless prefer :form_builder, 'simple_form' copy_from_repo 'app/views/devise/registrations/edit.html.erb' copy_from_repo 'app/views/devise/registrations/new.html.erb' else copy_from_repo 'app/views/devise/registrations/edit-simple_form.html.erb', :prefs => 'simple_form' copy_from_repo 'app/views/devise/registrations/new-simple_form.html.erb', :prefs => 'simple_form' copy_from_repo 'app/views/devise/sessions/new-simple_form.html.erb', :prefs => 'simple_form' copy_from_repo 'app/helpers/application_helper-simple_form.rb', :prefs => 'simple_form' end end ### HOME ### copy_from_repo 'app/views/home/index.html.erb' if prefer :starter_app, 'users_app' copy_from_repo 'app/views/home/index.html.erb' if prefer :starter_app, 'admin_app' copy_from_repo 'app/views/home/index-subdomains_app.html.erb', :prefs => 'subdomains_app' ### USERS ### if ['users_app','admin_app','subdomains_app'].include? prefs[:starter_app] ## INDEX if prefer :starter_app, 'admin_app' copy_from_repo 'app/views/users/index-admin_app.html.erb', :prefs => 'admin_app' unless prefer :form_builder, 'simple_form' copy_from_repo 'app/views/users/_user.html.erb' else copy_from_repo 'app/views/users/_user-simple_form.html.erb', :prefs => 'simple_form' end else copy_from_repo 'app/views/users/index.html.erb' end ## SHOW copy_from_repo 'app/views/users/show.html.erb' copy_from_repo 'app/views/users/show-subdomains_app.html.erb', :prefs => 'subdomains_app' ## EDIT if prefer :authentication, 'omniauth' copy_from_repo 'app/views/users/edit.html.erb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-omniauth/master/' end end if (prefer :authorization, 'pundit') and (prefer :starter_app, 'admin_app') repo = 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-devise-pundit/master/' copy_from_repo 'app/views/users/_user.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/users/index.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/users/show.html.erb', :repo => repo end ### PROFILES ### copy_from_repo 'app/views/profiles/show-subdomains_app.html.erb', :prefs => 'subdomains_app' ### GIT ### git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: views"' if prefer :git, true end # after_bundler # >---------------------------- recipes/views.rb -----------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >--------------------------------[ routes ]---------------------------------< @current_recipe = "routes" @before_configs["routes"].call if @before_configs["routes"] say_recipe 'routes' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >---------------------------- recipes/routes.rb ----------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/routes.rb after_bundler do say_wizard "recipe running after 'bundle install'" ### HOME ### if prefer :starter_app, 'home_app' remove_file 'public/index.html' gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', /get \"home\/index\"/, 'root :to => "home#index"' end ### USER_ACCOUNTS ### if ['users_app','admin_app'].include? prefs[:starter_app] ## DEVISE if (prefer :authentication, 'devise') and (not prefer :apps4, 'rails-devise') copy_from_repo 'config/routes.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber/master/' ## Rails 4.0 doesn't allow two 'root' routes gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', /authenticated :user do\n.*\n.*\n /, '' if rails_4? ## accommodate strong parameters in Rails 4 gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', /devise_for :users/, 'devise_for :users, :controllers => {:registrations => "registrations"}' if rails_4? end ## OMNIAUTH if prefer :authentication, 'omniauth' if rails_4? copy_from_repo 'config/routes.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-omniauth/master/' else copy_from_repo 'config/routes.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-mongoid-omniauth/master/' end end end ### SUBDOMAINS ### copy_from_repo 'lib/subdomain.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-subdomains/master/' if prefer :starter_app, 'subdomains_app' copy_from_repo 'config/routes.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-subdomains/master/' if prefer :starter_app, 'subdomains_app' if rails_4_1? # replaces application name copied from rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber repo gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', /^.*.routes.draw do/, "Rails.application.routes.draw do" else # correct application name gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', /^.*.routes.draw do/, "#{app_const}.routes.draw do" end ### GIT ### git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: routes"' if prefer :git, true end # after_bundler # >---------------------------- recipes/routes.rb ----------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >-------------------------------[ frontend ]--------------------------------< @current_recipe = "frontend" @before_configs["frontend"].call if @before_configs["frontend"] say_recipe 'frontend' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >--------------------------- recipes/frontend.rb ---------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/frontend.rb after_bundler do say_wizard "recipe running after 'bundle install'" # set up a front-end framework using the rails_layout gem case prefs[:frontend] when 'simple' generate 'layout:install simple -f' when 'bootstrap2' generate 'layout:install bootstrap2 -f' when 'bootstrap3' generate 'layout:install bootstrap3 -f' when 'foundation4' generate 'layout:install foundation4 -f' when 'foundation5' generate 'layout:install foundation5 -f' end ### GIT ### git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: front-end framework"' if prefer :git, true end # after_bundler # >--------------------------- recipes/frontend.rb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >---------------------------------[ init ]----------------------------------< @current_recipe = "init" @before_configs["init"].call if @before_configs["init"] say_recipe 'init' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >----------------------------- recipes/init.rb -----------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/init.rb after_everything do say_wizard "recipe running after everything" if (!prefs[:secrets].nil?) and rails_4_1? prefs[:secrets].each do |secret| env_var = " #{secret}: <%= ENV[\"#{secret.upcase}\"] %>" inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + env_var, :after => "development:" ### 'inject_into_file' doesn't let us inject the same text twice unless we append the extra space, why? inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + env_var + " ", :after => "production:" end end case prefs[:email] when 'none' secrets_email = foreman_email = '' when 'smtp' secrets_email = foreman_email = '' when 'gmail' secrets_email = " email_provider_username: <%= ENV[\"GMAIL_USERNAME\"] %>\n email_provider_password: <%= ENV[\"GMAIL_PASSWORD\"] %>" foreman_email = "GMAIL_USERNAME=Your_Username\nGMAIL_PASSWORD=Your_Password\nDOMAIN_NAME=example.com\n" when 'sendgrid' secrets_email = " email_provider_username: <%= ENV[\"SENDGRID_USERNAME\"] %>\n email_provider_password: <%= ENV[\"SENDGRID_PASSWORD\"] %>" foreman_email = "SENDGRID_USERNAME=Your_Username\nSENDGRID_PASSWORD=Your_Password\nDOMAIN_NAME=example.com\n" when 'mandrill' secrets_email = " email_provider_username: <%= ENV[\"MANDRILL_USERNAME\"] %>\n email_provider_apikey: <%= ENV[\"MANDRILL_APIKEY\"] %>" foreman_email = "MANDRILL_USERNAME=Your_Username\nMANDRILL_APIKEY=Your_API_Key\nDOMAIN_NAME=example.com\n" end figaro_email = foreman_email.gsub('=', ': ') secrets_d_devise = " admin_name: First User\n admin_email: user@example.com\n admin_password: changeme" secrets_p_devise = " admin_name: <%= ENV[\"ADMIN_NAME\"] %>\n admin_email: <%= ENV[\"ADMIN_EMAIL\"] %>\n admin_password: <%= ENV[\"ADMIN_PASSWORD\"] %>" foreman_devise = "ADMIN_NAME=First User\nADMIN_EMAIL=user@example.com\nADMIN_PASSWORD=changeme\n" figaro_devise = foreman_devise.gsub('=', ': ') secrets_omniauth = " omniauth_provider_key: <%= ENV[\"OMNIAUTH_PROVIDER_KEY\"] %>\n omniauth_provider_secret: <%= ENV[\"OMNIAUTH_PROVIDER_SECRET\"] %>" foreman_omniauth = "OMNIAUTH_PROVIDER_KEY: Your_Provider_Key\nOMNIAUTH_PROVIDER_SECRET: Your_Provider_Secret\n" figaro_omniauth = foreman_omniauth.gsub('=', ': ') secrets_cancan = " roles: <%= ENV[\"ROLES\"] %>" # unnecessary? CanCan will not be used with Rails 4.1? foreman_cancan = "ROLES=[admin, user, VIP]\n\n" figaro_cancan = foreman_cancan.gsub('=', ': ') ## EMAIL inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + " domain_name: example.com", :after => "development:" if rails_4_1? inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + " domain_name: <%= ENV[\"DOMAIN_NAME\"] %>", :after => "production:" if rails_4_1? inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + secrets_email, :after => "development:" if rails_4_1? unless prefer :email, 'none' ### 'inject_into_file' doesn't let us inject the same text twice unless we append the extra space, why? inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + secrets_email + " ", :after => "production:" if rails_4_1? append_file '.env', foreman_email if prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' append_file 'config/application.yml', figaro_email if prefer :local_env_file, 'figaro' end ## DEVISE if prefer :authentication, 'devise' inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + ' domain_name: example.com' + " ", :after => "test:" if rails_4_1? inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + secrets_d_devise, :after => "development:" if rails_4_1? inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + secrets_p_devise, :after => "production:" if rails_4_1? append_file '.env', foreman_devise if prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' append_file 'config/application.yml', figaro_devise if prefer :local_env_file, 'figaro' gsub_file 'config/initializers/devise.rb', /'please-change-me-at-config-initializers-devise@example.com'/, "'no-reply@' + Rails.application.secrets.domain_name" end ## OMNIAUTH if prefer :authentication, 'omniauth' inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + secrets_omniauth, :after => "development:" if rails_4_1? ### 'inject_into_file' doesn't let us inject the same text twice unless we append the extra space, why? inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + secrets_omniauth + " ", :after => "production:" if rails_4_1? append_file '.env', foreman_omniauth if prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' append_file 'config/application.yml', figaro_omniauth if prefer :local_env_file, 'figaro' end ## CANCAN if (prefer :authorization, 'cancan') inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + secrets_cancan, :after => "development:" if rails_4_1? ### 'inject_into_file' doesn't let us inject the same text twice unless we append the extra space, why? inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + secrets_cancan + " ", :after => "production:" if rails_4_1? append_file '.env', foreman_cancan if prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' append_file 'config/application.yml', figaro_cancan if prefer :local_env_file, 'figaro' end ### SUBDOMAINS (FIGARO ONLY) ### copy_from_repo 'config/application.yml', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-subdomains/master/' if prefer :starter_app, 'subdomains_app' ### EXAMPLE FILE FOR FOREMAN AND FIGARO ### if prefer :local_env_file, 'figaro' copy_file destination_root + '/config/application.yml', destination_root + '/config/application.example.yml' elsif prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' copy_file destination_root + '/.env', destination_root + '/.env.example' end ### DATABASE SEED ### if (prefer :authentication, 'devise') and (rails_4_1?) copy_from_repo 'db/seeds.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-devise/master/' unless prefer :authorization, 'pundit' copy_from_repo 'app/services/create_admin_service.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-devise/master/' end end if prefer :authorization, 'pundit' copy_from_repo 'app/services/create_admin_service.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-devise-pundit/master/' end if prefer :local_env_file, 'figaro' append_file 'db/seeds.rb' do <<-FILE # Environment variables (ENV['...']) can be set in the file config/application.yml. # See http://railsapps.github.io/rails-environment-variables.html FILE end elsif prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' append_file 'db/seeds.rb' do <<-FILE # Environment variables (ENV['...']) can be set in the file .env file. FILE end end if (prefer :authorization, 'cancan') unless prefer :orm, 'mongoid' append_file 'db/seeds.rb' do <<-FILE puts 'ROLES' YAML.load(ENV['ROLES']).each do |role| Role.find_or_create_by_name({ :name => role }, :without_protection => true) puts 'role: ' << role end FILE end ## Fix db seed for Rails 4.0 gsub_file 'db/seeds.rb', /{ :name => role }, :without_protection => true/, 'role' if rails_4? else append_file 'db/seeds.rb' do <<-FILE puts 'ROLES' YAML.load(ENV['ROLES']).each do |role| Role.mongo_session['roles'].insert({ :name => role }) puts 'role: ' << role end FILE end end end ## DEVISE-DEFAULT if (prefer :authentication, 'devise') and (not prefer :apps4, 'rails-devise') and (not rails_4_1?) append_file 'db/seeds.rb' do <<-FILE puts 'DEFAULT USERS' user = User.find_or_create_by_email :name => ENV['ADMIN_NAME'].dup, :email => ENV['ADMIN_EMAIL'].dup, :password => ENV['ADMIN_PASSWORD'].dup, :password_confirmation => ENV['ADMIN_PASSWORD'].dup puts 'user: ' << user.name FILE end # Mongoid doesn't have a 'find_or_create_by' method gsub_file 'db/seeds.rb', /find_or_create_by_email/, 'create!' if prefer :orm, 'mongoid' end ## DEVISE-CONFIRMABLE if (prefer :devise_modules, 'confirmable') || (prefer :devise_modules, 'invitable') if rails_4_1? inject_into_file 'app/services/create_admin_service.rb', " user.confirm!\n", :after => "user.password_confirmation = Rails.application.secrets.admin_password\n" else append_file 'db/seeds.rb', "user.confirm!\n" end end if (prefer :authorization, 'cancan') && !(prefer :authentication, 'omniauth') append_file 'db/seeds.rb', 'user.add_role :admin' end ## DEVISE-INVITABLE if prefer :devise_modules, 'invitable' if prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' run 'foreman run bundle exec rake db:migrate' else run 'bundle exec rake db:migrate' end generate 'devise_invitable user' end ### APPLY DATABASE SEED ### unless prefer :orm, 'mongoid' unless prefer :database, 'default' ## ACTIVE_RECORD say_wizard "applying migrations and seeding the database" if prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' run 'foreman run bundle exec rake db:migrate' else run 'bundle exec rake db:migrate' end end else ## MONGOID say_wizard "dropping database, creating indexes and seeding the database" if prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' run 'foreman run bundle exec rake db:drop' run 'foreman run bundle exec rake db:mongoid:create_indexes' else run 'bundle exec rake db:drop' run 'bundle exec rake db:mongoid:create_indexes' end end unless prefs[:skip_seeds] unless prefer :railsapps, 'rails-recurly-subscription-saas' if prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' run 'foreman run bundle exec rake db:seed' else run 'bundle exec rake db:seed' end end end ### GIT ### git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: set up database"' if prefer :git, true ### FRONTEND (must run after database migrations) ### # generate Devise views with appropriate styling if prefer :authentication, 'devise' case prefs[:frontend] when 'bootstrap3' generate 'layout:devise bootstrap3 -f' when 'foundation5' generate 'layout:devise foundation5 -f' end end # create navigation links using the rails_layout gem generate 'layout:navigation -f' # replace with specialized navigation partials copy_from_repo 'app/views/layouts/_navigation-subdomains_app.html.erb', :prefs => 'subdomains_app' ### GIT ### git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: navigation links"' if prefer :git, true end # after_everything # >----------------------------- recipes/init.rb -----------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >-------------------------------[ prelaunch ]-------------------------------< @current_recipe = "prelaunch" @before_configs["prelaunch"].call if @before_configs["prelaunch"] say_recipe 'prelaunch' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >-------------------------- recipes/prelaunch.rb ---------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/prelaunch.rb if prefer :railsapps, 'rails-prelaunch-signup' after_everything do say_wizard "recipe running after 'bundle install'" repo = 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-prelaunch-signup/master/' # >-------------------------------[ Clean up starter app ]--------------------------------< %w{ public/index.html app/assets/images/rails.png }.each { |file| remove_file file } # remove commented lines and multiple blank lines from Gemfile # thanks to https://github.com/perfectline/template-bucket/blob/master/cleanup.rb gsub_file 'Gemfile', /#.*\n/, "\n" gsub_file 'Gemfile', /\n^\s*\n/, "\n" # remove commented lines and multiple blank lines from config/routes.rb gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', / #.*\n/, "\n" gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', /\n^\s*\n/, "\n" # GIT git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: clean up starter app"' if prefer :git, true # >-------------------------------[ Create a git branch ]--------------------------------< if prefer :git, true if prefer :prelaunch_branch, 'master' unless prefer :main_branch, 'none' say_wizard "renaming git branch 'master' to '#{prefs[:main_branch]}' for starter app" git :branch => "-m master #{prefs[:main_branch]}" git :checkout => "-b master" else say_wizard "creating prelaunch app on git branch 'master'" end else say_wizard "creating new git branch '#{prefs[:prelaunch_branch]}' for prelaunch app" git :checkout => "-b #{prefs[:prelaunch_branch]}" end end # >-------------------------------[ Models ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/models/user.rb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Init ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'config/application.yml', :repo => repo remove_file 'config/application.example.yml' copy_file destination_root + '/config/application.yml', destination_root + '/config/application.example.yml' copy_from_repo 'db/seeds.rb', :repo => repo run 'bundle exec rake db:seed' # >-------------------------------[ Controllers ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/confirmations_controller.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/home_controller.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/registrations_controller.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/users_controller.rb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Mailers ]--------------------------------< generate 'mailer UserMailer' copy_from_repo 'spec/mailers/user_mailer_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/mailers/user_mailer.rb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Views ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/views/devise/confirmations/show.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/devise/mailer/confirmation_instructions.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/devise/registrations/_thankyou.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/devise/registrations/new.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/devise/shared/_links.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/home/index.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/user_mailer/welcome_email.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/user_mailer/welcome_email.text.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/users/index.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'public/thankyou.html', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Routes ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'config/routes.rb', :repo => repo ### CORRECT APPLICATION NAME ### gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', /^.*.routes.draw do/, "#{app_const}.routes.draw do" # >-------------------------------[ Assets ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/assets/javascripts/application.js', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Cucumber ]--------------------------------< say_wizard "copying Cucumber scenarios from the rails-prelaunch-signup examples" copy_from_repo 'features/admin/send_invitations.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/admin/view_progress.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/visitors/request_invitation.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/sign_in.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/sign_up.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/user_show.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/step_definitions/admin_steps.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/step_definitions/visitor_steps.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'config/locales/devise.en.yml', :repo => repo ### GIT ### git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: prelaunch app"' if prefer :git, true end # after_bundler end # rails-prelaunch-signup # >-------------------------- recipes/prelaunch.rb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >-------------------------------[ prelaunch ]-------------------------------< @current_recipe = "saas" @before_configs["saas"].call if @before_configs["saas"] say_recipe 'prelaunch' @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >-------------------------- recipes/prelaunch.rb ---------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/saas.rb if prefer :railsapps, 'rails-stripe-membership-saas' after_everything do say_wizard "recipe running after 'bundle install'" repo = 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-stripe-membership-saas/master/' # >-------------------------------[ Clean up starter app ]--------------------------------< %w{ public/index.html app/assets/images/rails.png }.each { |file| remove_file file } # remove commented lines and multiple blank lines from Gemfile # thanks to https://github.com/perfectline/template-bucket/blob/master/cleanup.rb gsub_file 'Gemfile', /#.*\n/, "\n" gsub_file 'Gemfile', /\n^\s*\n/, "\n" # remove commented lines and multiple blank lines from config/routes.rb gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', / #.*\n/, "\n" gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', /\n^\s*\n/, "\n" # GIT git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: clean up starter app"' if prefer :git, true # >-------------------------------[ Migrations ]--------------------------------< generate 'migration AddStripeToUsers customer_id:string last_4_digits:string' run 'bundle exec rake db:drop' run 'bundle exec rake db:migrate' # >-------------------------------[ Models ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/models/ability.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/models/user.rb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Init ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'config/application.yml', :repo => repo remove_file 'config/application.example.yml' copy_file destination_root + '/config/application.yml', destination_root + '/config/application.example.yml' copy_from_repo 'db/seeds.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'config/initializers/stripe.rb', :repo => repo run 'bundle exec rake db:seed' # >-------------------------------[ Controllers ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/home_controller.rb', :repo => repo generate 'controller content silver gold platinum --skip-assets --skip-helper' copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/content_controller.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/registrations_controller.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/users_controller.rb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Mailers ]--------------------------------< generate 'mailer UserMailer' copy_from_repo 'app/mailers/user_mailer.rb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Views ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/views/home/index.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/layouts/_navigation.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/devise/registrations/new.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/devise/registrations/edit.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/user_mailer/expire_email.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/user_mailer/expire_email.text.erb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Routes ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'config/routes.rb', :repo => repo ### CORRECT APPLICATION NAME ### gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', /^.*.routes.draw do/, "#{app_const}.routes.draw do" # >-------------------------------[ Assets ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/assets/javascripts/application.js', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/assets/javascripts/jquery.readyselector.js', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/assets/javascripts/jquery.externalscript.js', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/assets/javascripts/registrations.js', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/assets/stylesheets/pricing.css.scss', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ RSpec ]--------------------------------< say_wizard "copying RSpec tests from the rails-stripe-membership-saas examples" copy_from_repo 'spec/factories/roles.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/models/user_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/controllers/content_controller_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/mailers/user_mailer_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/stripe/stripe_config_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/support/stripe_helper.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/support/fixtures/success.json', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Cucumber ]--------------------------------< say_wizard "copying Cucumber scenarios from the rails-stripe-membership-saas examples" remove_file 'features/users/user_show.feature' copy_from_repo 'features/support/paths.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/sign_in.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/sign_up.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/sign_up_with_stripe.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/user_edit.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/user_delete.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/step_definitions/form_helper_steps.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'config/locales/devise.en.yml', :repo => repo ### GIT ### git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: membership app"' if prefer :git, true end # after_bundler end # rails-stripe-membership-saas if prefer :railsapps, 'rails-recurly-subscription-saas' after_everything do say_wizard "recipe running after 'bundle install'" repo = 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-recurly-subscription-saas/master/' # >-------------------------------[ Clean up starter app ]--------------------------------< %w{ public/index.html app/assets/images/rails.png }.each { |file| remove_file file } # remove commented lines and multiple blank lines from Gemfile # thanks to https://github.com/perfectline/template-bucket/blob/master/cleanup.rb gsub_file 'Gemfile', /#.*\n/, "\n" gsub_file 'Gemfile', /\n^\s*\n/, "\n" # remove commented lines and multiple blank lines from config/routes.rb gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', / #.*\n/, "\n" gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', /\n^\s*\n/, "\n" # GIT git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: clean up starter app"' if prefer :git, true # >-------------------------------[ Migrations ]--------------------------------< generate 'migration AddRecurlyToUsers first_name:string last_name:string customer_id:string' run 'bundle exec rake db:drop' run 'bundle exec rake db:migrate' # >-------------------------------[ Models ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/models/ability.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/models/user.rb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Init ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'config/application.yml', :repo => repo remove_file 'config/application.example.yml' copy_file destination_root + '/config/application.yml', destination_root + '/config/application.example.yml' copy_from_repo 'db/seeds.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'config/initializers/recurly.rb', :repo => repo run 'bundle exec rake db:seed' # >-------------------------------[ Controllers ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/home_controller.rb', :repo => repo generate 'controller content silver gold platinum --skip-assets --skip-helper' copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/content_controller.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/registrations_controller.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/users_controller.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/controllers/recurly_controller.rb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Mailers ]--------------------------------< generate 'mailer UserMailer' copy_from_repo 'app/mailers/user_mailer.rb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Views ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/views/home/index.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/layouts/_navigation.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/devise/registrations/new.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/devise/registrations/edit.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/user_mailer/expire_email.html.erb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/views/user_mailer/expire_email.text.erb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Routes ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'config/routes.rb', :repo => repo ### CORRECT APPLICATION NAME ### gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', /^.*.routes.draw do/, "#{app_const}.routes.draw do" # >-------------------------------[ Assets ]--------------------------------< copy_from_repo 'app/assets/javascripts/application.js', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/assets/javascripts/jquery.readyselector.js', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/assets/javascripts/recurly.js', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/assets/javascripts/registrations.js', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'app/assets/stylesheets/pricing.css.scss', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ RSpec ]--------------------------------< say_wizard "copying RSpec tests from the rails-recurly-subscription-saas examples" copy_from_repo 'spec/factories/roles.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/factories/users.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/models/user_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/controllers/content_controller_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/mailers/user_mailer_spec.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'spec/recurly/recurly_config_spec.rb', :repo => repo # >-------------------------------[ Cucumber ]--------------------------------< say_wizard "copying Cucumber scenarios from the rails-recurly-subscription-saas examples" remove_file 'features/users/user_show.feature' copy_from_repo 'features/support/paths.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/sign_in.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/sign_up.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/sign_up_with_recurly.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/user_edit.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/users/user_delete.feature', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'features/step_definitions/form_helper_steps.rb', :repo => repo copy_from_repo 'config/locales/devise.en.yml', :repo => repo ### GIT ### git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: membership app"' if prefer :git, true end # after_bundler end # rails-recurly-subscription-saas # >-------------------------- recipes/prelaunch.rb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >--------------------------------[ extras ]---------------------------------< @current_recipe = "extras" @before_configs["extras"].call if @before_configs["extras"] say_recipe 'extras' config = {} config['ban_spiders'] = yes_wizard?("Set a robots.txt file to ban spiders?") if true && true unless config.key?('ban_spiders') || prefs.has_key?(:ban_spiders) config['github'] = yes_wizard?("Create a GitHub repository?") if true && true unless config.key?('github') || prefs.has_key?(:github) config['local_env_file'] = multiple_choice("Add gem and file for environment variables?", [["None", "none"], ["Add .env with Foreman", "foreman"], ["Add application.yml with Figaro", "figaro"]]) if true && true unless config.key?('local_env_file') || prefs.has_key?(:local_env_file) config['quiet_assets'] = yes_wizard?("Reduce assets logger noise during development?") if true && true unless config.key?('quiet_assets') || prefs.has_key?(:quiet_assets) config['better_errors'] = yes_wizard?("Improve error reporting with 'better_errors' during development?") if true && true unless config.key?('better_errors') || prefs.has_key?(:better_errors) config['pry'] = yes_wizard?("Use 'pry' as console replacement during development and test?") if true && true unless config.key?('pry') || prefs.has_key?(:pry) @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >---------------------------- recipes/extras.rb ----------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/extras.rb ## RVMRC rvmrc_detected = false if File.exist?('.rvmrc') rvmrc_file = File.read('.rvmrc') rvmrc_detected = rvmrc_file.include? app_name end if File.exist?('.ruby-gemset') rvmrc_file = File.read('.ruby-gemset') rvmrc_detected = rvmrc_file.include? app_name end unless rvmrc_detected || (prefs.has_key? :rvmrc) prefs[:rvmrc] = yes_wizard? "Use or create a project-specific rvm gemset?" end if prefs[:rvmrc] if which("rvm") say_wizard "recipe creating project-specific rvm gemset and .rvmrc" # using the rvm Ruby API, see: # http://blog.thefrontiergroup.com.au/2010/12/a-brief-introduction-to-the-rvm-ruby-api/ # https://rvm.io/integration/passenger if ENV['MY_RUBY_HOME'] && ENV['MY_RUBY_HOME'].include?('rvm') begin gems_path = ENV['MY_RUBY_HOME'].split(/@/)[0].sub(/rubies/,'gems') ENV['GEM_PATH'] = "#{gems_path}:#{gems_path}@global" require 'rvm' RVM.use_from_path! File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)) rescue LoadError raise "RVM gem is currently unavailable." end end say_wizard "creating RVM gemset '#{app_name}'" RVM.gemset_create app_name say_wizard "switching to gemset '#{app_name}'" # RVM.gemset_use! requires rvm version or newer rvm_spec = if Gem::Specification.respond_to?(:find_by_name) Gem::Specification.find_by_name("rvm") else Gem.source_index.find_name("rvm").last end unless rvm_spec.version > Gem::Version.create('') say_wizard "rvm gem version: #{rvm_spec.version}" raise "Please update rvm gem to or newer" end begin RVM.gemset_use! app_name rescue => e say_wizard "rvm failure: unable to use gemset #{app_name}, reason: #{e}" raise end run "rvm gemset list" if File.exist?('.ruby-version') say_wizard ".ruby-version file already exists" else create_file '.ruby-version', "#{RUBY_VERSION}\n" end if File.exist?('.ruby-gemset') say_wizard ".ruby-gemset file already exists" else create_file '.ruby-gemset', "#{app_name}\n" end else say_wizard "WARNING! RVM does not appear to be available." end end ## QUIET ASSETS if config['quiet_assets'] prefs[:quiet_assets] = true end if prefs[:quiet_assets] say_wizard "recipe setting quiet_assets for reduced asset pipeline logging" add_gem 'quiet_assets', :group => :development end ## LOCAL_ENV.YML FILE if config['local_env_file'] case config['local_env_file'] when 'figaro' prefs[:local_env_file] = 'figaro' when 'foreman' prefs[:local_env_file] = 'foreman' end end if prefer :local_env_file, 'figaro' say_wizard "recipe creating application.yml file for environment variables with figaro" if rails_4_1? add_gem 'figaro', :github => 'laserlemon/figaro' else add_gem 'figaro' end elsif prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' say_wizard "recipe creating .env file for development environment variables with foreman" add_gem 'foreman', :group => :development end ## BETTER ERRORS if config['better_errors'] prefs[:better_errors] = true end if prefs[:better_errors] say_wizard "recipe adding better_errors gem" add_gem 'better_errors', :group => :development if RUBY_ENGINE == 'ruby' case RUBY_VERSION.split('.')[0] + "." + RUBY_VERSION.split('.')[1] when '2.1' add_gem 'binding_of_caller', :group => :development, :platforms => [:mri_21] when '2.0' add_gem 'binding_of_caller', :group => :development, :platforms => [:mri_20] when '1.9' add_gem 'binding_of_caller', :group => :development, :platforms => [:mri_19] end end end # Pry if config['pry'] prefs[:pry] = true end if prefs[:pry] say_wizard "recipe adding pry-rails gem" add_gem 'pry-rails', :group => [:development, :test] add_gem 'pry-rescue', :group => [:development, :test] end ## BAN SPIDERS if config['ban_spiders'] prefs[:ban_spiders] = true end if prefs[:ban_spiders] say_wizard "recipe banning spiders by modifying 'public/robots.txt'" after_bundler do gsub_file 'public/robots.txt', /# User-Agent/, 'User-Agent' gsub_file 'public/robots.txt', /# Disallow/, 'Disallow' end end ## JSRUNTIME case RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] when /linux/i prefs[:jsruntime] = yes_wizard? "Add 'therubyracer' JavaScript runtime (for Linux users without node.js)?" unless prefs.has_key? :jsruntime if prefs[:jsruntime] say_wizard "recipe adding 'therubyracer' JavaScript runtime gem" add_gem 'therubyracer', :platform => :ruby end end ## AFTER_EVERYTHING after_everything do say_wizard "recipe removing unnecessary files and whitespace" %w{ public/index.html app/assets/images/rails.png }.each { |file| remove_file file } # remove temporary Haml gems from Gemfile when Slim is selected if prefer :templates, 'slim' gsub_file 'Gemfile', /.*gem 'haml2slim'\n/, "\n" gsub_file 'Gemfile', /.*gem 'html2haml'\n/, "\n" end # remove gems used to assist rails_apps_composer gsub_file 'Gemfile', /.*gem 'rails_apps_pages'\n/, '' gsub_file 'Gemfile', /.*gem 'rails_apps_testing'\n/, '' # remove commented lines and multiple blank lines from Gemfile # thanks to https://github.com/perfectline/template-bucket/blob/master/cleanup.rb gsub_file 'Gemfile', /#.*\n/, "\n" gsub_file 'Gemfile', /\n^\s*\n/, "\n" # remove commented lines and multiple blank lines from config/routes.rb gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', / #.*\n/, "\n" gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', /\n^\s*\n/, "\n" # GIT git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: extras"' if prefer :git, true end ## GITHUB if config['github'] prefs[:github] = true end if prefs[:github] add_gem 'hub', :require => nil, :group => [:development] after_everything do say_wizard "recipe creating GitHub repository" git_uri = `git config remote.origin.url`.strip unless git_uri.size == 0 say_wizard "Repository already exists:" say_wizard "#{git_uri}" else run "hub create #{app_name}" unless prefer :railsapps, 'rails-prelaunch-signup' run "hub push -u origin master" else run "hub push -u origin #{prefs[:prelaunch_branch]}" run "hub push -u origin #{prefs[:main_branch]}" unless prefer :main_branch, 'none' end end end end # >---------------------------- recipes/extras.rb ----------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------start< # >------------------------------[ deployment ]-------------------------------< @current_recipe = "deployment" @before_configs["deployment"].call if @before_configs["deployment"] say_recipe 'deployment' config = {} config['deployment'] = multiple_choice("Add a deployment mechanism?", [["None", "none"], ["Capistrano3", "capistrano3"]]) if true && true unless config.key?('deployment') || prefs.has_key?(:deployment) @configs[@current_recipe] = config # >-------------------------- recipes/deployment.rb --------------------------start< # Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/deployment.rb case config['deployment'] when 'capistrano3' prefs[:deployment] = 'capistrano3' end if prefer :deployment, 'capistrano3' say_wizard "recipe adding capistrano gems" add_gem 'capistrano', '~> 3.0.1', group: :development add_gem 'capistrano-rvm', '~> 0.1.1', group: :development add_gem 'capistrano-bundler', group: :development add_gem 'capistrano-rails', '~> 1.1.0', group: :development add_gem 'capistrano-rails-console', group: :development after_bundler do say_wizard 'recipe capistrano file' run 'bundle exec cap install' end end # >-------------------------- recipes/deployment.rb --------------------------end< # >-------------------------- templates/recipe.erb ---------------------------end< # >-----------------------------[ Final Gemfile Write ]------------------------------< Gemfile.write # >---------------------------------[ Diagnostics ]----------------------------------< # remove prefs which are diagnostically irrelevant redacted_prefs = prefs.clone redacted_prefs.delete(:ban_spiders) redacted_prefs.delete(:better_errors) redacted_prefs.delete(:pry) redacted_prefs.delete(:dev_webserver) redacted_prefs.delete(:git) redacted_prefs.delete(:github) redacted_prefs.delete(:jsruntime) redacted_prefs.delete(:local_env_file) redacted_prefs.delete(:main_branch) redacted_prefs.delete(:prelaunch_branch) redacted_prefs.delete(:prod_webserver) redacted_prefs.delete(:quiet_assets) redacted_prefs.delete(:rvmrc) redacted_prefs.delete(:templates) if diagnostics_prefs.include? redacted_prefs diagnostics[:prefs] = 'success' else diagnostics[:prefs] = 'fail' end @current_recipe = nil # >-----------------------------[ Run 'Bundle Install' ]-------------------------------< say_wizard "Installing gems. This will take a while." run 'bundle install --without production' say_wizard "Updating gem paths." Gem.clear_paths # >-----------------------------[ Run 'After Bundler' Callbacks ]-------------------------------< say_wizard "Running 'after bundler' callbacks." if prefer :templates, 'haml' say_wizard "importing html2haml conversion tool" require 'html2haml' end if prefer :templates, 'slim' say_wizard "importing html2haml and haml2slim conversion tools" require 'html2haml' require 'haml2slim' end @after_blocks.each{|b| config = @configs[b[0]] || {}; @current_recipe = b[0]; puts @current_recipe; b[1].call} # >-----------------------------[ Run 'After Everything' Callbacks ]-------------------------------< @current_recipe = nil say_wizard "Running 'after everything' callbacks." @after_everything_blocks.each{|b| config = @configs[b[0]] || {}; @current_recipe = b[0]; puts @current_recipe; b[1].call} @current_recipe = nil say_wizard("Your new application will contain diagnostics in its README file.") say_wizard("When reporting an issue on GitHub, include the README diagnostics.") say_wizard "Finished running the rails_apps_composer app template." say_wizard "Your new Rails app is ready. Time to run 'bundle install'."