function response=QuestSimulate(q,tTest,tActual,plotIt) % response=QuestSimulate(q,intensity,tActual [,plotIt]) % % Simulate the response of an observer with threshold tActual when exposed % to a stimulus tTest. % % 'plotIt' is optional: If set to a non-zero value, the simulated Quest % session is visualized in a plot which shows the psychometric function of % the simulated observer, where Quest placed test trials and what the % observers response was. plotIt == 1 shows past trials in black, the % current trial in green or red for a positive or negative response. plotIt % == 2 color-codes all trials in red/green for negative or positive % responses. By default, nothing is plotted. % % See Quest. % Denis Pelli, 6/8/96 % 3/1/97 dgp restrict intensity parameter to range of x2. % 3/1/97 dgp updated to use Matlab 5 structs. % 4/12/99 dgp dropped support for Matlab 4. % 2/24/2018 dgp Allow psychometric function to be monotonically decreasing. % Copyright (c) 1996-2018 Denis Pelli if nargin < 3 error('Usage: response=QuestSimulate(q,tTest,tActual[,plotIt])') end if length(q)>1 error('can''t deal with q being a vector') end x2min=min(q.x2([1 end])); x2max=max(q.x2([1 end])); t=min(max(tTest-tActual,x2min),x2max); response=interp1(q.x2,q.p2,t) > rand(1); % Visualize if requested: if (nargin >= 4) && (plotIt > 0) tc = t; col = {'*r', '*g'}; t = min(max(q.intensity(1:q.trialCount) - tActual, x2min), x2max); if plotIt == 2 positive = find(q.response(1:q.trialCount) > 0); negative = find(q.response(1:q.trialCount) <= 0); pcol = 'og'; else positive = 1:q.trialCount; negative = []; pcol = 'ok'; end plot(q.x2 + tActual, q.p2, 'b', ... t(positive) + tActual, interp1(q.x2,q.p2,t(positive)), pcol, ... t(negative) + tActual, interp1(q.x2,q.p2,t(negative)), 'or', ... tActual, interp1(q.x2 + tActual,q.p2,tActual), 'x', ... tc + tActual, interp1(q.x2,q.p2,tc), col{response + 1}); end