function t=QuestMean(q) % t=QuestMean(q) % % Get the mean threshold estimate. % If q is a vector, then the returned t is a vector of the same size. % % See Quest. % Denis Pelli, 6/8/96 % 3/1/97 dgp updated to use Matlab 5 structs. % 4/12/99 dgp dropped support for Matlab 4. % Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Denis Pelli if nargin~=1 error('Usage: t=QuestMean(q)') end if length(q)>1 t=zeros(size(q)); for i=1:length(q(:)) t(i)=QuestMean(q(i)); end return end t=q.tGuess+sum(q.pdf.*q.x)/sum(q.pdf); % mean of our pdf