function betaEstimate=QuestBetaAnalysis(q,fid) % betaEstimate=QuestBetaAnalysis(q,[fid]); % % Analyzes the quest function with beta as a free parameter. It prints (in % the file or files pointed to by fid) the mean estimates of alpha (as % logC) and beta. Gamma is left at whatever value the user fixed it at. % % Note that normalization of the pdf, by QuestRecompute, is disabled because it % would need to be done across the whole q vector. Without normalization, % the pdf tends to underflow at around 1000 trials. You will have some warning % of this because the printout mentions any values of beta that were dropped % because they had zero probability. Thus you should keep the number of trials % under around 1000, to avoid the zero-probability warnings. % % See Quest. % Denis Pelli 5/6/99 % 8/23/99 dgp streamlined the printout % 8/24/99 dgp add sd's to printout % 10/13/04 dgp added comment explaining 1/beta if nargin<1 || nargin>2 error('Usage: QuestBetaAnalysis(q,[fid])') end if nargin<2 fid=1; end fprintf('Now re-analyzing with both threshold and beta as free parameters. ...\n'); for f=fid fprintf(f,'logC +-sd beta +-sd gamma\n'); end for i=1:length(q(:)) betaEstimate(i)=QuestBetaAnalysis1(q(i),fid); end return function betaEstimate=QuestBetaAnalysis1(q,fid) for i=1:16 q2(i)=q; q2(i).beta=2^(i/4); q2(i).dim=250; q2(i).grain=0.02; end qq=QuestRecompute(q2); % omit betas that have zero probability for i=1:length(qq) p(i)=sum(qq(i).pdf); end if any(p==0) fprintf('Omitting beta values '); fprintf('%.1f ',qq(find(p==0)).beta); fprintf('because they have zero probability.\n'); end clear q2 q2=qq(find(p)); t2=QuestMean(q2); % estimate threshold for each possible beta p2=QuestPdf(q2,t2); % get probability of each of these (threshold,beta) combinations sd2=QuestSd(q2); % get sd of threshold for each possible beta beta2=[q2.beta]; % for f=fid % fprintf(f,'beta ');fprintf(f,' %7.1f',q2(:).beta);fprintf(f,'\n'); % fprintf(f,'t ');fprintf(f,' %7.2f',t2);fprintf(f,'\n'); % fprintf(f,'sd ');fprintf(f,' %7.2f',sd2);fprintf(f,'\n'); % fprintf(f,'log p');fprintf(f,' %7.2f',log10(p2));fprintf(f,'\n'); % end [p,i]=max(p2); % take mode, i.e. the most probable (threshold,beta) combination t=t2(i); % threshold at that mode %t=QuestMean(q2(i)); % mean threshold estimate sd=QuestSd(q2(i)); % sd of threshold estimate at the beta of that mode p=sum(p2); betaMean=sum(p2.*beta2)/p; betaSd=sqrt(sum(p2.*beta2.^2)/p-(sum(p2.*beta2)/p).^2); % beta has a very skewed distribution, with a long tail out to very large value of beta, whereas 1/beta is % more symmetric, with a roughly normal distribution. Thus it is statistically more efficient to estimate the % parameter as 1/average(1/beta) than as average(beta). "iBeta" stands for inverse beta, 1/beta. % The printout takes the conservative approach of basing the mean on 1/beta, but reporting the sd of beta. iBetaMean=sum(p2./beta2)/p; iBetaSd=sqrt(sum(p2./beta2.^2)/p-(sum(p2./beta2)/p).^2); for f=fid % fprintf(f,'Threshold %4.2f +- %.2f; Beta mode %.1f mean %.1f +- %.1f imean 1/%.1f +- %.1f; Gamma %.2f\n',t,sd,q2(i).beta,betaMean,betaSd,1/iBetaMean,iBetaSd,q.gamma); % fprintf(f,'%5.2f %4.1f %5.2f\n',t,1/iBetaMean,q.gamma); fprintf(f,'%5.2f %5.2f %4.1f %4.1f %6.3f\n',t,sd,1/iBetaMean,betaSd,q.gamma); end betaEstimate=1/iBetaMean;