function TextureChannelsTest % TextureChannelsTest % % Test proper assignment of matrix layers to RGBA texture channels. % % What you should see during the test: % % 1. A red square on a black background. Keypress! % 2. A green square on a black background. Keypress! % 3. A blue square on a black background. Keypress! % 4. A black screen. Keypress! % End. % % If you see different colors in different order, then % something in the RGBA path of Screen('MakeTexture') is % broken, e.g., due to some machine endian issue. % % 29.05.2006 Written (MK). win = Screen('OpenWindow', 0, 0); for nr=1:4 img = zeros(256, 256, 4); img(:,:,nr)=ones(256,256)*255; tex = Screen('MakeTexture', win, img); Screen('DrawTexture', win, tex); Screen('Flip',win); KbWait; while KbCheck; end; end; Screen('CloseAll'); return;