function HighPrecisionLuminanceOutputDriversImagingPipelineTest(whichDriver, whichScreen, plotdiffs, forcesuccess) % HighPrecisionLuminanceOutputDriversImagingPipelineTest(whichDriver, [whichScreen][,plotdiffs=0][, forcesuccess=0]) % % Tests correct function of a variety of high precision luminance output % device drivers (so called "output formatters") with imaging pipeline. % % This test script needs to be run once after each graphics card or % graphics driver or Psychtoolbox upgrade, or after any other major change % in system configuration and display settings. % % This test verifies that the Psychtoolbox image processing pipeline is % capable to correctly convert a high dynamic range / high bit precision % luminance image into a output format suitable for driving one of the % supported high precision luminance output devices, e.g., different Pelli, % Zhang, Watson style video attenuators, Xiangru Li et al. VideoSwitchers, % Pseudo-Gray output formatters, etc. % % It does so by generating a test stimulus, converting it into a properly % formatted image via the "known good" Matlab reference implementation of % an output driver, then again via the use of the imaging pipeline. Then % it reads back and compares the conversion results of both to verify that % the imaging pipeline produces exactly the same results as the Matlab % routines. % % If the results are the same, it will write some info file to the % filesystem to confirm this test was successfully run, otherwise it will % fail with a description of the discrepancy. In case of failure, fast % stimulus conversion will not work via the imaging pipeline. % % The required parameter 'whichDriver' defines the type of output driver to % test. It can be any of the following: % % * 'GenericLUT': Test the generic lookup-table based driver that can handle % arbitrary devices, albeit not with maximum speed. 'whichDriver' must be a % struct with the following fields: % % = 'GenericLUT' % % Then either one of these for testing of a generic LUT: % % whichDriver.bpc = Bitdepths of LUT to test - Anything between 1 and 16. % whichDriver.nslots = Size of LUT in slots - Anything between 2 and 65536. % % Alternatively you can test with an existing self-created LUT: % whichDriver.lut = A 3 rows by nslots column uint8 matrix which encodes % the LUT: Rows 1,2 and 3 encode Red, Green and Blue channel, each of the % 'nslots' columns encodes a LUT slot. The driver will map luminance values % between 0.0 and 1.0 to the corresponding LUT slots in range 1 to nslots, % then readout the stored column vector with the output RGBA8 pixels to % poke into the framebuffer. % % * 'VideoSwitcherSimple': Test the "simple" driver for the VideoSwitcher % video attenuator. The simple driver implements a closed-form solution, a % formula, to map luminance values between 0.0 - 1.0 to output values for % the Red and Blue channel, just using the 'BTRR' ratio as parameter. This % is the fast driver, as it doesn't need any lookup tables. % % You should provide the whichDriver.btrr BTRR ratio when testing this % driver. If you omit it, it will be loaded from the configuration file in % the Psychtoolbox configuration directory. % % * 'VideoSwitcherCalibrated': Test the LUT based driver for the VideoSwitcher % video attenuator. This driver computes the Blue channel value by % searching for the given luminance value in a 256 entry lookup table, then % uses a closed-form formula to compute the Red channel drive value from % the luminance and the looked-up blue channel value. This is slower due to table % lookups and requires more involved calibration procedures to build a % lookup table, but it is also potentially more accurate. % % You should provide the whichDriver.btrr BTRR ratio when testing this % driver, as well as the 257 slot whichDriver.lut lookup table for blue % channel to measured luminance mapping. See help PsychVideoSwitcher for % more info. If you omit these parameters, a default BTRR and LUT will be % loaded from the Psychtoolbox configuration subdirectory. % % Optional parameters: % % whichScreen = Screen id of display to test on. Will be the secondardy % display if none provided. % % plotdiffs = If set to one, plot diagnostic difference images, if any % differences are detected. By default no such images are % plotted. No images will be plotted if no differences % exist. % % forcesuccess = Set this to one if you want to force the test to succeed, % despite detected errors, ie., if you want the GPU % conversion to be used. Only use this if you really know % what you are doing! % % Please note that this test script can only test if the correct output to % your systems framebuffer is generated by Psychtoolbox. It can't detect if % the electronic high precision converter device itself is working % correctly with this data. Only visual inspection and a % photometer/colorimeter test can really tell you if the whole system is % working correctly! % % History: % 05/24/08 mk Initial implementation. oldverbosity = Screen('Preference', 'Verbosity', 2); oldsynclevel = Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 2); % Which driver to test? if nargin < 1 || isempty(whichDriver) error('You must provide a valid "whichDriver" argument!'); end % Define screen: if nargin < 2 || isempty(whichScreen) whichScreen=max(Screen('Screens')); end if nargin < 3 || isempty(plotdiffs) plotdiffs = 0; end if nargin < 4 || isempty(forcesuccess) forcesuccess = 0; end if isstruct(whichDriver) % Extract 'bpc' subfield, if any: if isfield(whichDriver, 'bpc') driverBpc = whichDriver.bpc; if ~isscalar(driverBpc) || driverBpc < 1 || driverBpc > 16 error('"whichDriver.bpc" argument is not a integral bitdepths value in valid range 1 - 16!'); end else driverBpc = []; end % Extract 'nslots' subfield, if any: if isfield(whichDriver, 'nslots') driverNSlots = whichDriver.nslots; if ~isscalar(driverNSlots) || driverNSlots < 2 || driverNSlots > 2^16 error('"whichDriver.nslots" argument is not an integral value in valid range 2 - 65536!'); end else driverNSlots = []; end % Extract 'lut' subfield, if any: if isfield(whichDriver, 'lut') driverLUT = whichDriver.lut; if ~isa(driverLUT, 'uint8') || size(driverLUT, 1) < 3 || size(driverLUT, 1) > 4 || size(driverLUT, 2) < 2 || size(driverLUT, 2) > 65536 error('"whichDriver.lut" argument is not a LUT definition matrix: Must be a matrix of class uint8 with 3 or 4 rows and between 2 and 65536 columns!'); end if size(driverLUT, 1)~=4 % Extend with 4th row of all zero bytes: driverLUT = [driverLUT ; uint8(zeros(1, size(driverLUT, 2)))]; end else driverLUT = []; end % Extract 'bpc' subfield, if any: if isfield(whichDriver, 'btrr') driverBTRR = whichDriver.btrr; if ~isscalar(driverBTRR) || ~isnumeric(driverBTRR) || driverBTRR < 0 error('"whichDriver.btrr" argument is not a scalar Blue-To-Red-Ratio value greater than zero.'); end else driverBTRR = []; end % This comes last! Check if .name subfield provided and replace whole % struct with that name: if isfield(whichDriver, 'name') whichDriver =; else error('Argument "whichDriver" is a struct, but lacks the mandatory subfield "name"!'); end else driverBpc = []; driverNSlots = []; driverLUT = []; driverBTRR = []; end if ~ischar(whichDriver) error('"whichDriver" or "" is not a driver name string!'); end if isempty(driverNSlots) && ~isempty(driverBpc) driverNSlots = 2^driverBpc; end if ~isempty(driverLUT) driverNSlots = size(driverLUT, 2); end % Prepare imaging pipeline setup: PsychImaging('PrepareConfiguration'); % Make sure we run with our default color correction mode for this test: % 'ClampOnly' is the default, but we set it here explicitely, so no state % from previously running scripts can bleed through. This will also setup % the default clamping range to our wanted 0.0 - 1.0 range: PsychImaging('AddTask', 'FinalFormatting', 'DisplayColorCorrection', 'ClampOnly'); fprintf('Testing output formatting driver of type: %s\n', whichDriver); fprintf('Number of slots (if any): %i\n', driverNSlots); fprintf('Number of bpc bits (if any): %i\n', driverBpc); fprintf('BTRR (if any): %i\n', driverBTRR); fprintf('\n\n\n'); % Select whichDriver to test: switch (whichDriver) case {'GenericLUT'} % Generic LUT conversion with a LUT that has driverNSlots slots % to map the 0.0 - 1.0 input range into 0 - driverNSlots - 1 % integral range, then lookup the value: if isempty(driverNSlots) error('Driver type "GenericLUT" selected, but "whichDriver.nslots" argument missing!'); end if isempty(driverLUT) % Build standard testing LUT with driverNSlots slots for testing: lut = uint8(zeros(4, driverNSlots)); theRange = 0:driverNSlots-1; theInverseRange = (driverNSlots-1) - theRange; lut(1, 1:driverNSlots) = uint8(floor(theRange/256)); % Red channel: High Byte. lut(2, 1:driverNSlots) = uint8(floor(mod(theRange, 256))); % Green channel: Low Byte. lut(3, 1:driverNSlots) = uint8(floor(theInverseRange/256)); % Blue channel: Inverse range High Byte. lut(4, 1:driverNSlots) = uint8(floor(mod(theInverseRange, 256))); % Alpha channel: Inverse range Low Byte. plotchannel = [1,1,1,1]; else % LUT provided: Just use it "as is": lut = driverLUT; plotchannel = [1,1,1,0]; end % Enable generic LUT luminance output formatter and provide it with % our lut: PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'EnableGenericHighPrecisionLuminanceOutput', lut); % Build test image: theInImage = reshape(linspace(0, 1, 2^16), 256, 256); % Build reference image: theIntImage = uint32( floor(theInImage * (driverNSlots-1)) ); theRefImage = zeros(256, 256, 4); % Recompute theInImage from the theIntImage -- theInImage shall % become a quantized version of itself - quantized to % driverNSlots-1 levels. This way we can be sure that the GPU and % CPU get initially fed with the same data for conversion: theInImage = double(theIntImage) / (driverNSlots-1); uniqueValsA = length(unique(theInImage)); uniqueValsB = length(unique(theIntImage)); if (uniqueValsA~=uniqueValsB) || (uniqueValsA~=driverNSlots) fprintf('Ouch! Number of unique test samples in different images is not the same! Bug in test code?!?\n'); fprintf('Input to GPU (float) = %i, Input to CPU (uint32) = %i, Reference Expected (nr. slots) = %i\n', uniqueValsA, uniqueValsB, driverNSlots); error('Mismatch in unique values count! Likely a bug in this test code!'); end theRefImage(:,:,1:3) = ind2rgb(theIntImage, double(lut(1:3,:)')); % Need to treat alpha channel separately, as ind2rgb can only % handle 3 layer images... theAlphaImage = ind2rgb(theIntImage, double(repmat(lut(4,:)', 1, 3))); theRefImage(:,:,4) = theAlphaImage(:,:,1); % Convert to uint8: theRefImage = uint8(theRefImage); case {'VideoSwitcherSimple'} % Select simple VideoSwitcher output formatter: PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'EnableVideoSwitcherSimpleLuminanceOutput', driverBTRR); if isempty(driverBTRR) % Fetch default from file: driverBTRR = PsychVideoSwitcher('GetDefaultConfig', whichScreen); end % Build test image: theInImage = reshape(linspace(0, 1, 2^16), 256, 256); % Build reference image: theRefImage = uint8(zeros(256, 256, 4)); theRefImage(:,:,1:3) = PsychVideoSwitcher('MapLuminanceToRGB', theInImage, driverBTRR, 0); plotchannel = [1,0,1,0]; case {'VideoSwitcherCalibrated'} if isempty(driverBTRR) || isempty(driverLUT) [mydriverBTRR, mydriverLUT] = PsychVideoSwitcher('GetDefaultConfig', whichScreen); if isempty(driverBTRR) driverBTRR = mydriverBTRR; end if isempty(driverLUT) driverLUT = mydriverLUT; end end % Select calibrated VideoSwitcher output formatter: PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'EnableVideoSwitcherCalibratedLuminanceOutput', driverBTRR, driverLUT); % Build test image: theInImage = reshape(linspace(0, 1, 2^16), 256, 256); % Build reference image: theRefImage = uint8(zeros(256, 256, 4)); theRefImage(:,:,1:3) = PsychVideoSwitcher('MapLuminanceToRGBCalibrated', theInImage, driverBTRR, driverLUT, 0); plotchannel = [1,0,1,1]; otherwise error('Unknown drivername provided. Not supported! Typo?!?'); end % Common code for testing: % Perform GPU conversion and readback results: [m,n,p] = size(theRefImage); rect = [0 0 m n]; % Show the image window = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', whichScreen, 0); % Double-Check for bugs in PsychImaging: winfo = Screen('GetWindowInfo', window); if ~bitand(winfo.ImagingMode, kPsychNeed32BPCFloat) Screen('CloseAll'); RestoreCluts; error('Onscreen window not configured for 32 bpc float drawing! This should not happen and is a bug in PsychImaging.m setup code for this formatter!!'); end % Find out how big the window is: [screenWidth, screenHeight]=Screen('WindowSize', window); % Build HDR input texture as 32 bpc float luminance texture: hdrtexIndex= Screen('MakeTexture', window, double(theInImage), [], [], 2); % Draw image as generated by PTB GPU imaging pipeline: dstRect = Screen('Rect', hdrtexIndex); % Draw with nearest neighbour filtering - no bilinear filtering! Screen('DrawTexture', window, hdrtexIndex, [], dstRect, [], 0); % Finalize image before we take a screenshot: Screen('DrawingFinished', window, 0, 1); % Take screenshot of GPU converted image: convImage=Screen('GetImage', window, dstRect, 'backBuffer', 0, 4); % Show GPU converted image. Should obviously not make any visual difference if % it is the same as the Matlab converted image. vbl = Screen('Flip', window); % Disable output formatters: Screen('HookFunction', window, 'Disable', 'FinalOutputFormattingBlit'); % Build and draw texture from reference image - This is just for % visualization, not used for comparison: texpacked= Screen('MakeTexture', window, theRefImage); dstRect = Screen('Rect', texpacked); Screen('DrawTexture', window, texpacked, [], dstRect, [], 0); % Show it: vbl = Screen('Flip', window, vbl + 1); % Keep it onscreen for 2 seconds, then blank screen: Screen('Flip', window, vbl + 2); % Done. Close everything down: Screen('CloseAll'); RestoreCluts; % Comparisons... % Compute difference images between Matlab converted packedImage and GPU converted % HDR image: diffred = (double(theRefImage(:,:,1)) - double(convImage(:,:,1))); diffgreen = (double(theRefImage(:,:,2)) - double(convImage(:,:,2))); diffblue = (double(theRefImage(:,:,3)) - double(convImage(:,:,3))); diffalpha = (double(theRefImage(:,:,4)) - double(convImage(:,:,4))); % Compute maximum deviation of framebuffer raw data: mdr = max(max(abs(diffred))); mdg = max(max(abs(diffgreen))); mdb = max(max(abs(diffblue))); mda = max(max(abs(diffalpha))); fprintf('\n\nMaximum raw data difference: red= %f green = %f blue = %f alpha = %f\n', mdr, mdg, mdb, mda); % If there is a difference, show plotted difference if requested: if (mdr>0 || mdg>0 || mdb>0) && plotdiffs % Differences detected! close all; if plotchannel(1), figure; imagesc(diffred); title('Difference map - Channel 1 (Red):'); end if plotchannel(2), figure; imagesc(diffgreen); title('Difference map - Channel 2 (Green):'); end if plotchannel(3), figure; imagesc(diffblue);title('Difference map - Channel 3 (Blue):'); end if plotchannel(4), figure; imagesc(diffalpha);title('Difference map - Channel 4 (Alpha):'); end end if (mdr>0 || mdg>0 || mdb>0) || (plotdiffs > 1) % Now compute a more meaningful difference: The difference between the % stimulus as the Bits++ box would see it (i.e. how much do the 16 bit % intensity values of each color channel differ?): c=1; convImage = double(convImage); packedImage = double(theRefImage); switch (whichDriver) case {'GenericLUT'} % Test of generic LUT conversion: deconvImage = zeros(size(convImage,1), size(convImage,2)); depackImage = zeros(size(packedImage,1), size(packedImage,2)); if isempty(driverLUT) % Invert conversion: Compute 16 bpc color values from high/low byte % pixel data: deconvImage(:,:) = 256 * convImage(:, :, 1) + convImage(:, :, 2); depackImage(:,:) = 256 * packedImage(:, :, 1) + packedImage(:, :, 2); else % Invert conversion by use of 'driverLUT': fprintf('Inverting user provided LUT mapping - This can take very long...\n'); for row=1:size(convImage,1) fprintf('Pass 1 of 2: Row %i of %i...\n', row, size(convImage,1)); for col=1:size(convImage,2) candidatesa = find(lut(1, :) == convImage(row,col,1)); candidatesb = find(lut(2, :) == convImage(row,col,2)); candidatesc = find(lut(3, :) == convImage(row,col,3)); candidatesd = find(lut(4, :) == convImage(row,col,4)); candidates1 = intersect(candidatesa, candidatesb); candidates2 = intersect(candidatesc, candidatesd); deconvImage(row,col) = min(intersect(candidates1, candidates2) - 1); end end for row=1:size(packedImage,1) fprintf('Pass 2 of 2: Row %i of %i...\n', row, size(convImage,1)); for col=1:size(convImage,2) candidatesa = find(lut(1, :) == packedImage(row,col,1)); candidatesb = find(lut(2, :) == packedImage(row,col,2)); candidatesc = find(lut(3, :) == packedImage(row,col,3)); candidatesd = find(lut(4, :) == packedImage(row,col,4)); candidates1 = intersect(candidatesa, candidatesb); candidates2 = intersect(candidatesc, candidatesd); depackImage(row,col) = min(intersect(candidates1, candidates2) - 1); end end end case {'VideoSwitcherSimple'} % Test of simple VideoSwitcher driver: % This is the (kind of) real value range of the device: driverNSlots = 256 * driverBTRR; % Remap: deconvImage = ((convImage(:, :, 1) + convImage(:, :, 3) * driverBTRR) / (driverBTRR + 1)) / 255 * (driverNSlots - 1); depackImage = ((packedImage(:, :, 1) + packedImage(:, :, 3) * driverBTRR) / (driverBTRR + 1)) / 255 * (driverNSlots - 1); figure; hiconvImage = convImage(:,:,3); loconvImage = convImage(:,:,1); higpu = hiconvImage(:); lowgpu = loconvImage(:); lumi = theInImage(:); j = 1:length(higpu); plot(lumi, higpu, '-', lumi, lowgpu, '--'); legend('High-Byte', 'Low-Byte'); title('GPU results in raw bytes: (x=Normalized Luminance (Req.) No., y = Byte value)'); case {'VideoSwitcherCalibrated'} % Test of LUT calibrated VideoSwitcher driver: % This is the (kind of) real value range of the device: driverNSlots = 256 * driverBTRR; % Remap: deconvImage = ((convImage(:, :, 1) + convImage(:, :, 3) * driverBTRR) / (driverBTRR + 1)) / 255 * (driverNSlots - 1); depackImage = ((packedImage(:, :, 1) + packedImage(:, :, 3) * driverBTRR) / (driverBTRR + 1)) / 255 * (driverNSlots - 1); figure; hiconvImage = convImage(:,:,3); loconvImage = convImage(:,:,1); higpu = hiconvImage(:); lowgpu = loconvImage(:); lumi = theInImage(:); j = 1:length(higpu); plot(lumi, higpu, '-', lumi, lowgpu, '--'); legend('High-Byte', 'Low-Byte'); title('GPU results in raw bytes: (x=Normalized Luminance (Req.) No., y = Byte value)'); % Compute average iteration count in shader etc.: meaniterations = mean(mean(convImage(:,:,4))); miniterations = min(min(convImage(:,:,4))); maxiterations = max(max(convImage(:,:,4))); fprintf('Per-Pixel search iterations in conversion shader: Min = %i, Max = %i, Mean = %f.\n', miniterations, maxiterations, meaniterations); otherwise error('Switch statement in deconversion part does not recognize driver name! Implementation bug!?!'); end % Difference image: diffImage = (deconvImage - depackImage); % Find locations where pixels differ: idxdiff = find(abs(diffImage) > 0); numdiff(c) = length(idxdiff); numtot(c) = size(diffImage,1)*size(diffImage,2); maxdiff(c) = max(max(abs(diffImage))); if plotdiffs > 1 idxdiff = find(diffImage~=inf); end [row col] = ind2sub(size(diffImage), idxdiff); % Print out all pixels values which differ, and their difference: if plotdiffs figure; dgpu = deconvImage(:); dcpu = depackImage(:); lumi = theInImage(:); j = 1:length(dgpu); plot(lumi, dgpu, '-', lumi, dcpu, '--'); legend('GPU', 'Matlab/Octave'); title('GPU vs. CPU results in device units: (x=Normalized Luminance (Req.) No., y = Luminance units)'); for j=1:length(row) fprintf('Diff: %.2f Requested: %.10f Actual: GPU %f vs. CPU %f\n', diffImage(row(j), col(j)), theInImage(row(j), col(j)) * (driverNSlots-1), deconvImage(row(j), col(j)), depackImage(row(j), col(j))); end end totalmaxdiff = max(maxdiff); % Summarize for this color channel: fprintf('\n\nIn remapped image: %i out of %i pixels differ. The maximum absolute difference is %f device units.\nTotal difference range: [%f - %f]\n', numdiff(c), numtot(c), maxdiff(c), min(min(diffImage)), max(max(diffImage))); fprintf('The maximum absolute difference corresponds to %f %% of the total operating range of the device.\n', maxdiff(c) / (driverNSlots-1) * 100); fprintf('Displayed differences and values are in "device units". They are proportional to levels of luminance (by an unknown factor)'); else % No difference in raw values implies no difference at all: totalmaxdiff = 0; end if (mdr>0 || mdg>0 || mdb>0) && (totalmaxdiff > 1.1) && ~forcesuccess fprintf('\n\n'); fprintf('------------------ SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE IN CONVERSION DETECTED -----------------------\n'); fprintf('The difference is %f, ie., it is more than 1 device unit.\n', totalmaxdiff); fprintf('This should not happen on properly and accurately working graphics hardware.\n'); fprintf('Either there is a bug in the graphics driver, or something is misconfigured or\n'); fprintf('your hardware is too old and not capable of performing the calculations in sufficient\n'); fprintf('precision.\nYou may want to check your configuration and upgrade your driver. If that\n'); fprintf('does not help, upgrade your graphics hardware. Alternatively you may want to use the old\n'); fprintf('Matlab-based conversion function for slow conversion of images.\n\n'); fprintf('Please report this failure with a description of your hardware setup to the Psychtoolbox\n'); fprintf('forum ( --> Link to the forum.)\n\n'); fprintf('You can force this test to succeed if you set the optional "forcesuccess" flag for this\n'); fprintf('script to one and rerun it.\n\n'); Screen('Preference', 'Verbosity', oldverbosity); Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', oldsynclevel); error('Conversion test failed. Results of Matlab code and GPU conversion differ!'); end if (mdr>0 || mdg>0 || mdb>0) && (totalmaxdiff <= 1.1) fprintf('\n\n'); fprintf('------------------ SMALL, PROBABLY INSIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE IN CONVERSION DETECTED -----\n'); fprintf('The difference is %f, ie., it is only 1 device unit or less.\n', totalmaxdiff); fprintf('Such a small deviation between Matlab''s/Octave''s result and the GPU result is usually \n'); fprintf('within the tolerable range of deviations. It is likely an artifact of the test procedure\n'); fprintf('itself or smallish numeric precision error on either GPU or CPU. Anyway, this minimal \n'); fprintf('difference will likely introduce an error that is much smaller than the error introduced\n'); fprintf('by drift and tolerances of your converter and display device, and errors in calibration.\n'); fprintf('You should inspect the numeric output above, and the plots and stimuli, but likely you \n'); fprintf('do not need to worry about this off-by-one difference.\n\n'); end if (mdr==0 && mdg==0 && mdb==0) fprintf('\n\n'); fprintf('------------------ PERFECT CONVERSION DETECTED -------------------------------\n'); fprintf('The difference is zero - All implementations deliver exactly the same results.\n'); end fprintf('\n\n------------------- Conversion test success! -------------------------------------\n\n'); fprintf('Imaging pipeline conversion verified to work correctly. Validation info stored.\n'); % Done for now. return;