function FlipTimingWithRTBoxPhotoDiodeTest(configFile, targetFolder, usevulkan, bpc, useXR) % FlipTimingWithRTBoxPhotoDiodeTest([configFile][, targetFolder][, usevulkan=0][, bpc=8][, useXR=0]) % % Test visual stimulus onset timing accuracy and visual stimulus onset % timestamping precision and robustness under varying loads, conditions and % modes of operation. This requires one of the supported external % measurement devices to provide the "ground truth" for true stimulus onset % times. Currently supported: % - UCST RTBox with its own photo-diode (p) % - VPixx Inc. DataPixx/ViewPixx/ProPixx (d) % - UBW32/Bitwhacker + UCST VideoSwitcher (b) % - UCST Videoswitcher + UCST RtBox or CRS Bits# emulated RtBox (v) % - Other TTL trigger timestamp emitting devices + UCST RtBox or CRS Bits#, % e.g., the CRS-ColorCal2 used as a photo-diode. (p) % % The script can also be used without external equipment (n) to just test % stimulus onset accuracy with only indirect test of timestamping. % % This documentation is incomplete for now, good luck! % % 'configFile' Filename of benchmark configuration file. If none is specified, % the file fliptimingdefaultconfig.mat from the Psychtoolbox/PsychTests/TestConfigurations/ % folder is used for some reasonable default testing setup. % % 'targetFolder' Target folder for result files. If none is specified, a reasonable % location is selected if that location exists and is writable, if that does not work, % a fallback location is selected, if that does not work, the users home directory is % selected. If a folder is specified, that folder is used if it is writable, otherwise % the users home directory is tried as target. % % 'usevulkan' If 1, try to use a Vulkan display backend instead of the % OpenGL display backend. See 'help PsychVulkan' for supported hardware + % operating system combinations and required setup. % % 'bpc' Request a specific output framebuffer color precision. Currently % supported are 8 for standard 8 bpc RGBA8 framebuffer, 10 bpc for RGB10A2, % and 16 bpc for a RGBA16F floating point framebuffer. Defaults to 8 bpc, % which is the only precision that is guaranteed to be supported on all % operating systems, graphics cards and displays. % % 'useXR' If 1, try to test timing on a supported VR/AR/MR/XR display via % PsychVRHMD(). Might be fiddly and low performance, but not impossible. % % Mandatory variables in the config file, part of the struct variable 'conf': % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % conf.Stereo = Stereomode to use. % conf.Priority = Realtime priority to use. % conf.DWMEnabled = 1,0,-1 = On, Off, Auto % conf.SetForegroundWindow = 1,0,-1 = On, Off, Auto % conf.VBLTimestampingMode = Mode of high-precision timestamping. % conf.CheckAsyncFlip = 0,1,2 = Off-Use sync flip, 1 = Use async flip, 2 = Use async flip with polling, 3 = Use async flip with Waituntilasyncflipcertain. % % Per trial parameters for trial i: % % conf.waitFramesSched(i) = Number of ifi's to wait before onset in trial i. % conf.loadjitter(i) = Max. random cpu load jitter to apply in frame i. % conf.gpuLoad(i) = Number of rects to draw in frame i (GPU load) % History: % xx.10.2009 mk Written. % 25.10.2015 mk Try to improve selection of storage location for result file. % Try to select reasonable default file if none is specified. % Allow to override target folder location for results file. % Is this an improvement? I don't know. global sd; PsychDefaultSetup(1); RestrictKeysForKbCheck(KbName('ESCAPE')); if (nargin < 1) || isempty(configFile) configFile = [ PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychTests' filesep 'TestConfigurations' filesep 'fliptimingdefaultconfig.mat' ]; end if ~exist(configFile, 'file') error('configFile ''%s'' does not exist or inaccessible!', configFile); end % Get basepath of config file: Will use it as basepath for result file: [basepath configBaseFile] = fileparts(configFile); if isempty(basepath) || strcmp(basepath, '.') % Replace empty basepath or curdir basepath by fully qualified % current working directory: basepath = pwd; end % Override basepath with provided targetFolder, if any: if (nargin >= 2) && ~isempty(targetFolder) basepath = targetFolder; end % Default to standard OpenGL backend instead of Vulkan by default: if nargin < 3 || isempty(usevulkan) usevulkan = 0; end if nargin < 4 || isempty(bpc) bpc = 8; end if nargin < 5 || isempty(useXR) useXR = 0; end % Is it the standard path for config files? if strcmp([PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychTests' filesep 'TestConfigurations'], basepath) % Yes. Then assume target folder is our standard folder in PsychTests. % Does this folder exist as a target for our result files and is writable by us? [fileex, fprops] = fileattrib([PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychTests' filesep 'TimingtestResults']); if fileex && && fprops.UserWrite % Yes. Use it as target: basepath = [PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychTests' filesep 'TimingtestResults']; fprintf('Will store results into standard TimingtestResults folder: %s\n', basepath); else fprintf('\nStandard TimingtestResults folder ''%s'' does not exist or is not writable!\n', ... [PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychTests' filesep 'TimingtestResults']); fprintf('Will store to folder which contains the config file instead.\n'); fprintf('Abort now, if you do not want this.\n\n'); end end % Check again if selected basepath is writable by us: [fileex, fprops] = fileattrib(basepath); if ~fileex || || ~fprops.UserWrite % No. Just store into the users home directory: fprintf('Target folder for timing test results ''%s'' does not exist or is not writable.\n', basepath); basepath = PsychHomeDir; fprintf('Will store result files into your home directory ''%s'' instead as a fallback.\n', basepath); end % Load configuration: This will define a struct 'conf' with all % configuration settings: load(configFile); if ~exist('conf','var') error('Invalid configFile %s given! Not in a sane format!!', configFile); end % Default sound playback to off if undefined: if ~isfield(conf, 'withSound') %#ok conf.withSound = 0; end % Default to no 'Drawingfinished' call, if not spec'd in config: if ~isfield(conf, 'drawingFinished') conf.drawingFinished = 0; end % Initialize the 'res' result struct with it: res = conf; res.measurementType = input('Measure with (p)hotodiode/BNC-Trigger, (v)ideoswitcher+RtBox/Bits#, (b)itwhacker, (pp)PsychPhotodiode or (d)atapixx? Or don''t measure (n)? ', 's'); useRTbox = []; if strcmpi(res.measurementType, 'p') useRTbox = 1; end if strcmpi(res.measurementType, 'v') useRTbox = 2; end if strcmpi(res.measurementType, 'b') useRTbox = 0; end if strcmpi(res.measurementType, 'd') useRTbox = -1; end if strcmpi(res.measurementType, 'pp') useRTbox = -2; end if strcmpi(res.measurementType, 'n') useRTbox = -1000; end if isempty(useRTbox) error('Invalid measurement method given!'); end % Build filename for result file: Based on configname, machinename, date % and time: res.configFile = configFile; res.OSName = OSName; comp = Screen('Computer'); = comp; if isfield(comp, 'system') res.OSSystem = comp.system; else res.OSSystem = 'Linux2.6'; end if isfield(comp, 'machineName') res.machineName = comp.machineName; res.machineName(isspace(res.machineName)) = '_'; else res.machineName = input('What is the machines name? ', 's'); end res.secondaryCPULoad = input('Is this a run with high secondary CPU load? [y/n] ', 's'); res.secondaryGPULoad = input('Is this a run with high secondary GPU load? [y/n] ', 's'); res.isMultiDisplay = input('Is this a multi-display setup? [y/n] ', 's'); res.maxGPULoadFrames = str2double(input('Number of rectangles for max GPU load? ','s')); res.Comments = input('Any comments to add? ', 's'); res.mydate = datestr(clock); res.mydate(isspace(res.mydate)) = '_'; res.mydate(res.mydate == ':') = '-'; res.outFilename = sprintf('%s/Res_%s_On_%s_at_%s.mat', basepath, configBaseFile, res.machineName, res.mydate); [foo, res.outFile] = fileparts(res.outFilename); fprintf('Will write results to file "%s"\n[path: %s]\n', res.outFile, res.outFilename); screenId = str2num(input('Which screen? ', 's')); %#ok screens = Screen('Screens'); if isempty(screenId) screenId = max(screens); end if ~ismember(screenId, screens) error('Invalid screenId %i! No such screen available.', screenId); end res.screenId = screenId; fprintf('Running on screen %i.\n', res.screenId); res.Rect = Screen('Rect', screenId); res.GlobalRect = Screen('GlobalRect', screenId); % Prepare conserveVRAM override settings: conserveVRAM = 0; %conserveVRAM = 4096; %Screen('Preference', 'VBLEndlineOverride', 1249); if conf.DWMEnabled == 0 % Disable DWM: conserveVRAM = conserveVRAM + 2^17; % = kPsychDisableAeroDWM fprintf('DWM forced OFF.\n'); end % DWM enable state: 1 = On, 0 = Off, -1 = Auto-Select if conf.DWMEnabled == 1 % Forecefully enable DWM: conserveVRAM = conserveVRAM + 16384; % = kPsychUseCompositorForFullscreenWindows fprintf('DWM forced ON, if the os allows it.\n'); end % SetForegroundWindow enable state: 1 = On, 0 = Off, -1 = Auto-Select if conf.SetForegroundWindow == 0 % Disable SetForegroundWindow: conserveVRAM = conserveVRAM + 2^18; % = kPsychPreventForegroundWindow fprintf('Fullscreen window workarounds on Windows forced OFF.\n'); end if conf.SetForegroundWindow == 1 % Forecefully enable SetForegroundWindow: conserveVRAM = conserveVRAM + 128; % = kPsychEnforceForegroundWindow fprintf('Fullscreen window workarounds on Windows foreced ON.\n'); end % Apply overrides and bugfixes: Screen('Preference', 'ConserveVRAM', conserveVRAM); res.conserveVRAM = conserveVRAM; if IsLinux && (conf.VBLTimestampingMode == 1) conf.VBLTimestampingMode = 4; end if IsOSX && (conf.VBLTimestampingMode == 1) conf.VBLTimestampingMode = 0; end %conf.VBLTimestampingMode = 3; %res.VBLTimestampingMode = conf.VBLTimestampingMode; % VBLTimestampingMode: configVBLTimestampingMode % -1 = Disable high-precision timestamping. % 0 = Beamposition only. % 1 = Beamposition with auto-fallback to VBL-IRQ method in case of failure. % 2 = Like 1, but with permanent consistency checking between both. % 3 = VBL-IRQ only (override), or any similar mechanism on non-OS/X. % 4 = OpenML timestamping, with auto-fallback to 1 in case of failure. % [] = Auto-Select (Default) Screen('Preference', 'VBLTimestampingMode', conf.VBLTimestampingMode); fprintf('Enabling VBLTimestampingMode %i.\n', conf.VBLTimestampingMode); if useRTbox == 2 && ~useXR % Switch Videoswitcher into high precision luminance + trigger mode: PsychVideoSwitcher('SwitchMode', res.screenId, 1); end try PsychImaging('PrepareConfiguration'); if useXR hmd = PsychVRHMD('AutoSetupHMD', 'Monoscopic', 'TimingSupport TimestampingSupport'); if isempty(hmd) error('Asked for XR/VR/AR device testing, but could not init such a device.'); end end if usevulkan % Use PsychVulkan display backend instead of standard OpenGL: PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'UseVulkanDisplay'); end switch bpc case 8 % Nothing to do. case 10 PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'EnableNative10BitFramebuffer'); case 16 PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'EnableNative16BitFloatingPointFramebuffer'); otherwise error('Invalid bpc specified!'); end conf.bpc = bpc; if useRTbox == -1 % Setup Datapixx mode for timestamping: PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'UseDataPixx'); end [w, winrect] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', res.screenId, 0, [], [], [], conf.Stereo); res.winfo = Screen('GetWindowInfo', w); if useRTbox == -2 % Setup PsychPhotodiode for timestamping: % Prevent sound output for testing, we need the soundcard for ourselves % to record photodiode electrical spikes: conf.withSound = 0; % Initialize for low-latency sound, open photodiode driver: InitializePsychSound(1); pdiode = PsychPhotodiode('Open'); % Perform calibration of optimal photo-diode trigger level: triggerlevel = PsychPhotodiode('CalibrateTriggerLevel', pdiode, w) %#ok Screen('Flip', w); end % Needed for Vulkan testing on drivers without Vulkan interop, where only % alternation between black and white frames happens, out of our control. % So for the photodiode or Videoswitcher methods to work at all, we need % to start off with the right frame, and this flip achieves that: Screen('Flip', w); % Switch to selectable realtime-priority level to reduce timing jitter % and interruptions caused by other applications and the operating % system itself: if IsOSX && conf.Priority > 0 conf.Priority = 9; end Priority(conf.Priority); res.Priority = round(Priority); if res.Priority ~= conf.Priority fprintf('WARNING: Effective Priority %i is not equal to requested Priority %i !\n', res.Priority, conf.Priority); else fprintf('Running at Priority %i.\n', res.Priority); end % Query nominal framerate as returned by Operating system: % If OS returns 0, then we assume that we run on a flat-panel with % fixed 60 Hz refresh interval. nominalFramerate=Screen('NominalFramerate', w); if (nominalFramerate==0) nominalFramerate=60; end; fprintf('Nominal Hz %f.\n', nominalFramerate); % Nominal refresh interval: ifiNominal= 1 / nominalFramerate; fprintf('The refresh interval reported by the operating system is %2.5f ms.\n', ifiNominal*1000); res.ifiNominal = ifiNominal; % Query calibrated refresh rate and stats: [ ifi nvalid stddev ]= Screen('GetFlipInterval', w); fprintf('Measured refresh interval, as reported by "GetFlipInterval" is %2.5f ms. (nsamples = %i, stddev = %2.5f ms)\n', ifi*1000, nvalid, stddev*1000); res.ifi = ifi; res.nvalid = nvalid; res.stddev = stddev; % Number of trials to perform: n = size(conf.waitFramesSched, 2); if IsOSX && usevulkan % Work around macOS + Vulkan/Metal scheduling flaws. 5 ifi's is the % lowest we can hope to achieve with macOS 10.15.7 + MoltenVK 1.1.1 % + Metal as of March 2021, so play it safe with 6 as a minimum: minallowed = 6; minwaitFrames = min(conf.waitFramesSched); if minwaitFrames < minallowed minwaitFrames = minallowed - minwaitFrames; conf.waitFramesSched = conf.waitFramesSched + minwaitFrames; end end % Init data-collection arrays for collection of n samples: res.rawFlipTime = zeros(1, n); res.finishFlipTime = zeros(1, n); res.vblFlipTime = zeros(1, n); res.onsetFlipTime = zeros(1, n); res.measuredTime = zeros(1, n); res.beamPosition = zeros(1, n); res.skipEstimate = zeros(1, n); res.failFlag = zeros(1, n); res.timingLoad = zeros(1, n); res.gpuLoad = zeros(1, n); res.targetWhentime = zeros(1, n); res.predictedOnset = zeros(1, n); res.waitFramesSched = zeros(1, n); res.asyncPredictFlipTime = zeros(1, n); res.asyncPredictOnsetFlipTime = zeros(1, n); res.asyncSwapCertainTime = zeros(1, n); res.swapRequestSubmissionTime = zeros(1, n); res.TimeAtSwapBuffers = zeros(1, n); res.TimePostSwapBuffers = zeros(1, n); % Compute random load distribution for provided loadjitter values: res.timingLoad = rand(size(conf.loadjitter)) * ifi .* conf.loadjitter; % Use GPU load "as is": res.gpuLoad = conf.gpuLoad; % Precompute arrays for creating GPU load: ww=RectWidth(winrect); wh=RectHeight(winrect); sizeX=80; sizeY=80; % Generate a matrix which specs n filled rectangles, with randomized % position, color and (dot-,line-)size parameter for j = 1:ceil(res.maxGPULoadFrames * max(conf.gpuLoad)) posx = rand * ww; posy = rand * wh; myrect(j, 1:4) = floor([ posx, posy, posx + rand * sizeX, posy + rand * sizeY]); %#ok end if j > 0 myrect = transpose(myrect); end % Hide the cursor! HideCursor(w); % Perform some initial Flip to get us in sync with retrace: % tvbl is the timestamp (system time in seconds) when the retrace % started. We need it as a reference value for our WaitBlanking % emulation: Screen('FillRect', w, 0); tvbl=Screen('Flip', w); if tvbl <= 0 && IsOSX && usevulkan % Work around macOS Vulkan/Metal bugs: Sporadic invalid timestamps % need to be replaced with something reasonable to avoid flip % failure: tvbl = GetSecs; end WaitSecs(1); if useRTbox ~= -1000 if useRTbox >= 1 rtbox = PsychRTBox('Open'); % Query and print all box settings inside the returned struct 'boxinfo': res.boxinfo = PsychRTBox('BoxInfo', rtbox); disp(res.boxinfo); % Enable photo-diode and TTL trigger input of box, and only those: PsychRTBox('Disable', rtbox, 'all'); PsychRTBox('Enable', rtbox, 'light'); PsychRTBox('Enable', rtbox, 'pulse'); WaitSecs(1); % Clear receive buffers to start clean: PsychRTBox('Clear', rtbox); if ~IsWin && ~(IsOSX && usevulkan) % Hack: Enable async background reads to speedup box operations on high quality systems: IOPort ('ConfigureSerialport', res.boxinfo.handle, 'BlockingBackgroundRead=1 StartBackgroundRead=1'); end else if useRTbox ~= -1 && useRTbox ~= -2 % Open with a "debounce time" of 1.5 ifi's: bwh = BitwhackerBox('Open', [], [], ifi * 1.5); res.boxinfo = BitwhackerBox('Status', bwh); disp(res.boxinfo); Screen('FillRect', w, 0); tvbl=Screen('Flip', w); WaitSecs(1); % Clear receive buffers to start clean: BitwhackerBox('Clear', bwh); elseif useRTbox == -2 res.boxinfo = 'PsychPhotodiode measurement'; else res.boxinfo = 'Datapixx measurement'; end end end if conf.withSound > 0 wavfilename = [ PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychDemos' filesep 'SoundFiles' filesep 'funk.wav']; % Read WAV file from filesystem: [y, freq ] = psychwavread(wavfilename); wavedata = y'; nrchannels = size(wavedata,1); % Number of rows == number of channels. % Override freq to the most commonly supported one, doesn't matter if sound sounds a bit off: freq = 44100; % Perform basic initialization of the sound driver: InitializePsychSound; % Open the default audio device [], with default mode [] (==Only playback), % and a required latencyclass of zero 0 == no low-latency mode, as well as % a frequency of freq and nrchannels sound channels. % This returns a handle to the audio device: pahandle = PsychPortAudio('Open', [], [], 0, freq, nrchannels); % Reduce volume to 2% of nominal, this sound is not that endearing and % we want to avoid blowing out ears or speakers: PsychPortAudio('Volume', pahandle, 0.02); % Fill the audio playback buffer with the audio data 'wavedata': PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', pahandle, wavedata); % Start audio playback for 'repetitions' repetitions of the sound data, % start it immediately (0) and wait for the playback to start: PsychPortAudio('Start', pahandle, 0, 0, 1); end WaitSecs(1); if useRTbox == -2 % Flash subregion of screen in full intensity white and start PsychPhotodiode acquisition: yshift = wh / 5 * 0; Screen('FillRect', w, 255, [0 yshift ww yshift+wh/5]); Screen('DrawText', w, sprintf('+ %d msecs_______', round((yshift+wh/5/2) / wh * ifi * 1000)), ww - 300, yshift+wh/5/2); diodestart = PsychPhotodiode('Start', pdiode); %#ok elseif useRTbox && useRTbox ~= 2 % Flash screen in full intensity white: Screen('FillRect', w, 255); else % Draw VideoSwitcher horizontal trigger line: Screen('DrawLine', w, [255 255 255], 0, 1, 1000, 1, 5); end if useRTbox == -1 % Datapixx: Enable single-shot logging of next flip-op: PsychDataPixx('LogOnsetTimestamps', 1); end % Test-loop: Collects n samples. for i=1:n % Presentation time calculation for waiting 'conf.waitFramesSched(i)' monitor refresh % intervals before flipping front- and backbuffer: res.waitFramesSched(i) = conf.waitFramesSched(i); tdeadline = tvbl + (res.waitFramesSched(i) - 0.5) * ifi; % If conf.waitFramesSched(i) == 0, flip on next retrace. This should be the same % as conf.waitFramesSched(i) == 1, but might make a difference in robustness if % the stimulus is **very** complex and the load for the system is at % the limit that it can handle in a single video-refresh interval. if res.waitFramesSched(i) == 0 % If user supplied conf.waitFramesSched(i)=0, we force tdeadline=0, so Flip % will actually ignore the deadline and just Flip at the next % possible retrace... tdeadline=0; end; % Store specified target 'when' onset time: res.targetWhentime(i) = tdeadline; % Predict onsettime, based of current information and request: res.predictedOnset(i) = PredictVisualOnsetForTime(w, tdeadline, ifi); % Do the flip relevant for measurement: Store time at submission. res.swapRequestSubmissionTime(i) = GetSecs; if conf.CheckAsyncFlip == 0 % Synchronous standard flip: [ tvbl res.onsetFlipTime(i) res.finishFlipTime(i) res.skipEstimate(i) res.beamPosition(i)] = Screen('Flip', w, tdeadline); else % Async background flip: Screen('AsyncFlipBegin', w, tdeadline); % Waituntilasyncflipcertain? if conf.CheckAsyncFlip == 3 % Yes: Wait until async flip confirmed to be imminent by GPU: [res.asyncPredictFlipTime(i) res.asyncPredictOnsetFlipTime(i) res.asyncSwapCertainTime(i)] = Screen('WaitUntilAsyncFlipCertain', w); end if conf.CheckAsyncFlip ~= 2 % Wait blocking for async-flip completion, return timestamps: [ tvbl res.onsetFlipTime(i) res.finishFlipTime(i) res.skipEstimate(i) res.beamPosition(i)] = Screen('AsyncFlipEnd', w); else % Wait polling for async-flip completion: tvbl = 0; while tvbl == 0 [ tvbl res.onsetFlipTime(i) res.finishFlipTime(i) res.skipEstimate(i) res.beamPosition(i)] = Screen('AsyncFlipCheckEnd', w); end end end res.vblFlipTime(i) = tvbl; if tvbl <= 0 && IsOSX && usevulkan % Work around macOS Vulkan/Metal bugs: Sporadic invalid timestamps % need to be replaced with something reasonable to avoid flip % failure: tvbl = GetSecs; end winfo = Screen('GetWindowInfo', w); res.rawFlipTime(i) = winfo.RawSwapTimeOfFlip; % This is flips internal timestamp of when the Swapbuffers call is % sent: res.TimeAtSwapBuffers(i) = winfo.TimeAtSwapRequest; res.TimePostSwapBuffers(i) = winfo.TimePostSwapRequest; % Perform immediate flip to blank so we don't get extraneous TTL % triggers: Screen('FillRect', w, 0); Screen('Flip', w); if useRTbox ~= -1000 % Measure real onset time: if useRTbox >= 1 % Fetch sample immediately to preserve correspondence: mytstamp = PsychRTBox('BoxSecs', rtbox, 0.002, 0.002, 1); if isempty(mytstamp) % Failed within expected time window. This probably due to % tearing artifacts or GPU malfunction. Mark it as "tearing" % and retry for 1 full more video refresh: res.failFlag(i) = 1; mytstamp = PsychRTBox('BoxSecs', rtbox, ifi + 0.002, ifi + 0.002, 1); if isempty(mytstamp) % Ok, this is fucked up. No way to recover :-( res.failFlag(i) = 2; res.measuredTime(i) = nan; else % Got something: res.measuredTime(i) = mytstamp; end else % Success! res.failFlag(i) = 0; res.measuredTime(i) = mytstamp; end if (IsOSX && usevulkan) || useXR || ... (IsLinux && ~IsWayland && ~isempty(getenv('PSYCH_EXPERIMENTAL_NETWMTS')) && (Screen('Preference', 'WindowShieldingLevel') < 2000)) % Current macOS 10.15.7 Metal will not give us low % enough flip latency to flip back to black within one % video refresh cycle due to system compositor design % flaws. The "double-exposure" to two frames with % trigger lines with the Videoswitcher would screw up % our data, so make sure to clear the wrong value out. % This will ofc. add even more latency - no winning % here. But at least the measurements we can get won't % be wrong: % Same problem is prone to happen on Linux/X11 with NetWM timing if % desktop compositor is intentionally enabled for testing. % Typical VR/MR/XR compositors are also too slow, so % need this handling. PsychRTBox('Clear', rtbox); end PsychRTBox('EngageLightTrigger', rtbox); PsychRTBox('EngagePulseTrigger', rtbox); else if useRTbox == -2 % Wait for stimulus onset report by photodiode, take timestamp: tPhoto = PsychPhotodiode('WaitSignal', pdiode); if isempty(tPhoto) % Failed: res.failFlag(i) = 2; res.measuredTime(i) = nan; else % Success! res.failFlag(i) = 0; res.measuredTime(i) = tPhoto; end elseif useRTbox ~= -1 tdeadline = GetSecs + 0.002; evt = []; while isempty(evt) && (GetSecs < tdeadline) evt = BitwhackerBox('GetEvent', bwh); end if isempty(evt) % Failed within expected time window. This probably due to % tearing artifacts or GPU malfunction. Mark it as "tearing" % and retry for 1 full more video refresh: res.failFlag(i) = 1; tdeadline = GetSecs + ifi + 0.002; while isempty(evt) && (GetSecs < tdeadline) evt = BitwhackerBox('GetEvent', bwh); end if isempty(evt) % Ok, this is fucked up. No way to recover :-( res.failFlag(i) = 2; res.measuredTime(i) = nan; else % Got something: res.measuredTime(i) = evt.time; end else % Success! res.failFlag(i) = 0; res.measuredTime(i) = evt.time; end end if useRTbox == -1 % Datapixx: Fetch raw timestamp: res.failFlag(i) = 0; res.measuredTime(i) = PsychDataPixx('GetLastOnsetTimestamp'); % Reenable one-shot timestamping for next trial: PsychDataPixx('LogOnsetTimestamps', 1); end end end % Render number of randomly placed, sized, colored filled % rectangles to create some load for the OpenGL driver and GPU: ndraw = conf.gpuLoad(i); if ndraw > 0 % Convert normalized load 0.0 - 1.0 to number of items to draw: ndraw = ceil(res.maxGPULoadFrames * ndraw); Screen('FillRect', w, 0, myrect(:, 1:ndraw)); end % fprintf('After Fillrect %f msecs.\n', 1000 * (GetSecs - tvbl)); if useRTbox == -2 % Flash subregion of screen in full intensity white and start PsychPhotodiode acquisition: Screen('FillRect', w, 255, [0 yshift ww yshift+wh/5]); Screen('DrawText', w, sprintf('+ %d msecs_______', round((yshift+wh/5/2) / wh * ifi * 1000)), ww - 300, yshift+wh/5/2); diodestart = PsychPhotodiode('Start', pdiode); %#ok elseif useRTbox && useRTbox ~= 2 Screen('FillRect', w, 255); else Screen('DrawLine', w, [255 255 255], 0, 1, 1000, 1, 5); end % Call to 'Drawingfinished' wanted? if res.drawingFinished > 0 % If drawingfinished == 2, do a glFinish, instead of glFlush: Screen('DrawingFinished', w, 0, res.drawingFinished - 1); end % Sleep a random amount of time, just to simulate some work being % done in the Matlab loop: WaitSecs(res.timingLoad(i)); % And give user a chance to abort the test by pressing any key: if KbCheck break; end; % Draw next frame... end; % Shutdown realtime scheduling: finalprio = Priority(0) %#ok % Need to perform remapping on Datapixx before Screen('CloseAll'): if useRTbox == -1 % Datapixx: Remap timestamps to GetSecs time: [res.measuredTime,, clockRatio] = PsychDataPixx('BoxsecsToGetsecs', res.measuredTime); fprintf('Estimated clockRatio GetSecs vs. Datapixx is %f.\n', clockRatio); % No need to close device, as imaging pipeline will do it % automatically for us at Screen('CloseAll') time. end % Close display: If we skipped/missed any presentation deadline during % Flip, Psychtoolbox will automatically display some warning message on the Matlab % console: sca; WaitSecs(1); if useRTbox ~= -1000 if useRTbox >= 1 PsychRTBox('Stop', rtbox); PsychRTBox('Clear', rtbox); if ~IsWin && ~(IsOSX && usevulkan) % Hack: Disable async background reads: fprintf('Stopping background read op on box...\n'); IOPort ('ConfigureSerialport', res.boxinfo.handle, 'StopBackgroundRead'); IOPort ('ConfigureSerialport', res.boxinfo.handle, 'BlockingBackgroundRead=0'); fprintf('...done, now remapping timestamps.\n'); end save(res.outFilename, 'res', '-V6'); % Remap box timestamps to GetSecs timestamps: res.measuredTime = PsychRTBox('BoxsecsToGetsecs', rtbox, res.measuredTime); fprintf('...done, saving backup copy of data, then closing box.\n'); % Close connection to box: PsychRTBox('CloseAll'); if useRTbox == 2 && ~useXR % Switch Videoswitcher into standard passthrough mode: PsychVideoSwitcher('SwitchMode', res.screenId, 1); end else if useRTbox == -2 PsychPhotodiode('Close', pdiode); elseif useRTbox ~= -1 BitwhackerBox('Close', bwh); end end end % On macOS + Vulkan, deal with invalid timestamps returned. Replace % with NaN's so they don't disturb the analysis and plots: if IsOSX && usevulkan validmacOS = res.vblFlipTime > 0; res.vblFlipTime(~validmacOS) = nan; res.onsetFlipTime(~validmacOS) = nan; fprintf('Warning: Replaced %i invalid Flip timestamps on macOS Vulkan / Metal with NaN.\n', n - sum(validmacOS)); end % Store results to filesystem before we start shutdown and plotting: save(res.outFilename, 'res', '-V6'); res.outFilename = []; if 1 % Plot all our measurement results: % Figure 1 shows time deltas between successive flips in milliseconds: % This should equal the product numifis * ifi: figure hold on plot(diff(res.vblFlipTime) * 1000, '-'); ni = conf.waitFramesSched(2:end); ni(conf.waitFramesSched == 0) = 1; ni = ni * ifi; plot(ni * 1000, 'g--'); title('Delta between successive Flips in milliseconds: (Dashed = expected delta)'); hold off % Figure 2 shows the recorded beam positions: figure plot(res.beamPosition); title('Rasterbeam position when timestamp was taken (in scanlines):'); % Figure 3 shows estimated size of presentation deadline-miss in milliseconds: figure hold on plot(res.skipEstimate*1000); plot(zeros(1,n)); title('Estimate of missed deadlines in milliseconds (negative == no miss):'); hold off % Figure 4 shows difference in ms between finish of Flip and estimated % start of VBL time: figure plot((res.finishFlipTime - res.vblFlipTime)*1000); title('Time delta between start of VBL and return of Flip in milliseconds:'); % Figure 5 shows difference in ms between finish of Flip and estimated % stimulus-onset: figure plot((res.finishFlipTime - res.onsetFlipTime)*1000); title('Time delta between stimulus onset and return of Flip in milliseconds:'); if ~isempty(res.measuredTime) % Figure 6 shows time delta between measured samples: figure plot(diff(res.measuredTime) * 1000, '-'); title('Time delta between TTL triggers:'); end figure; end valids = (res.failFlag == 0) & (res.onsetFlipTime > 0); fprintf('Measured samples %i [realvalid %i, corrupted %i] vs. Flip samples %i.\n', length(res.measuredTime), length(find(res.failFlag == 0)), length(find(res.failFlag == 1)), i); res.measuredTime = res.measuredTime(valids); res.onsetFlipTime = res.onsetFlipTime(valids); i = min(length(res.measuredTime), i); fprintf('Total of %i samples collected: %i\n', i); onsets = res.onsetFlipTime(1:i); % vbls: onsets = res.vblFlipTime(1:i); difference = (onsets - res.measuredTime) * 1000; if 1 plot(difference); title('Difference dt = FlipOnset - MeasurementBOX in msecs:'); end fprintf('Avg. diff. between Flip stimulus onset time and external timestamping (flip - external [ground truth]) is %f usecs, stddev = %f usecs, range = %f usecs.\n', mean(difference) * 1000, std(difference) * 1000, psychrange(difference) * 1000); % Count and output number of missed flip on VBL deadlines: numbermisses=0; numberearly=0; for i=2:n numifis = conf.waitFramesSched(i); if numifis == 0 numifis = 1; end if (res.vblFlipTime(i) - res.vblFlipTime(i-1) > ifi * ( numifis + 0.5 )) numbermisses=numbermisses+1; end if (res.vblFlipTime(i) - res.vblFlipTime(i-1) < ifi * ( numifis - 0.5 )) numberearly=numberearly+1; end end % Output some summary and say goodbye... fprintf('PTB missed %i out of %i stimulus presentation deadlines.\n', numbermisses, n); fprintf('One missed deadline is ok and an artifact of the measurement.\n'); fprintf('PTB completed %i stimulus presentations before the requested target time.\n', numberearly); if numberearly > 0 fprintf('CAUTION: Completing flips too early should *never ever happen*! Your system has\n'); fprintf('CAUTION: a serious bug or misconfiguration in its graphics driver!!!\n'); end fprintf('Have a look at the plots for more details...\n'); % Close the audio device: if exist('pahandle', 'var') PsychPortAudio('Close'); end % Done. catch % This "catch" section executes in case of an error in the "try" section % above. Importantly, it closes the onscreen window if its open and % shuts down realtime-scheduling of Matlab: if ~isempty(res.outFilename) % Store results to filesystem before we start shutdown and plotting: save(res.outFilename, 'res', '-V6'); end % Close window, restore lut's, show cursor, etc.: sca; % Disable realtime-priority in case of errors. Priority(0); if useRTbox ~= -1000 if useRTbox >= 1 if exist('rtbox','var') % Close connection to box: PsychRTBox('CloseAll'); end else if exist('bwh','var') BitwhackerBox('Close', bwh); end end end % Close the audio device: if exist('pahandle', 'var') PsychPortAudio('Close'); end psychrethrow(psychlasterror); end %try..catch.. return