function [maximumError, roundTypeStr, independentFlag]=AlphaMultiplicationAccuracyTest(screenNumber) % [maximumError, roundTypeStr, independentFlag]=AlphaMultiplicationAccuracyTest([screenNumber]) % % Test the accuracy of alpha blending multiplication. OpenGL guarantees % perfect accuracy of alpha multiplication for values 0 and 1 only. % AlphaMultiplicationAccuracyTest measures accuracy of intermediate values. % % Return argument "maximumError" is the maximum unsigned difference between % OpenGL alpha multiplication and simulated alpha blending in MATLAB using % double-precisions floating point multiplication. % % Values of maximumError fall into three categories: % % 0 <= maximumError < 0.5 : OpenGL rounds to nearest integer. No % accuracy loss for a single multiplication. % % 0.5 <= maximumError < 1 : OpenGL truncates or rounds up. For a single % multiplication, Accuracy is off 0.5 parts % in 255 more than would multiplying luminances % using floating-point values and rounding. % % maximumError >= 1 : Something is wrong. % % % AlphaMultiplicationAccuracyTest tries to determine whether OpenGL alpha % multiplication rounds to the nearest integer, rounds down or rounds up % and returns in "roundTypeStr" a string indicating which, either, "round" % "floor", or "ceil". If AlphaMultiplicationAccuracyTest can not determine % the rounding method, then it returns "unknown". % % AlphaMultiplicationAccuracyTest also tests that multiplication errors are % independent of the choice of blending factor string and the blending % surface, setting return argument "independentFlag" accordingly. % % Because in OpenGL pixel color components are ultimately encoded as 8-bit % integers in video RAM, the results of OpenGL alpha multiplicaion will be % less accurate than those predicted by floating-point calculations. If % OpenGL rounds to the nearest integer then the alpha multiply error will % be less than 0.5. This is the limit of precision of the color components % of a pixel. Therefore, when alpha blending rounds to the nearest integer, % no more accuracy is lost with OpenGL alpha blending than by calculating % pixel values in MATLAB with floating point precision then rounding them % to integer pixel values for display. % % Note that errors are cumulative and iterative alpha multiplication, in % which a product of a prevoius multiplication becomes a factor in a % subsequent multiplication, can produce large errors, even in the best % case of rounding where 0 <= maximumError < 0.5. Note also that A single % alpha blending operation may result in two multipliations, because both % source and destination surfaces may be multiplied before they are added. % % We test blending accuracy becasue OpenGL makes no gurantees. The OpenGL % policy on alpha multiplician is summarized here: % % % % "Despite the apparent precision of the above equations, blending % arithmetic is not exactly specified, because blending operates with % imprecise integer color values. However, a blend factor that should be % equal to one is guaranteed not to modify its multiplicand, and a blend % factor equal to zero reduces its multiplicand to zero." % % See also: AlphaBlendingTest, PsychAlphaBlending % HISTORY % % mm/dd/yy % % 1/28/05 awi Wrote it. % BUGS % % There is possibility that an OpenGL implementation would round % multiplication to the nearest integer but have a different policy for % which direction to round 0.5 than does MATLAB. In that case, % AlphaMultiplicationAccuracyTest would return a maximumError of 0.5 and % roundTypeStr 'unknown' instead of 'round'. exitOnError= nargout < 1; if nargin==0 screenNumber=max(Screen('Screens')); end %first test GetImage using PutImage because in later steps we rely on %GetImage alpha blending. background=127; w=Screen('OpenWindow', screenNumber, [], [], [], 2); Screen('FillRect', w, background); wRect=Screen('Rect',w); testPlane1=repmat(0:255, 256, 1); testPlane2=rot90(testPlane1); testImage1=repmat(testPlane1, [1, 1, 3]); testImage2=repmat(testPlane2, [1,1,3]); testImageRect=RectOfMatrix(testImage1); imageMat1=testImage1; imageMat1(:,:,4)=zeros(256); zerosImage=repmat(zeros(256), [1,1,4]); matRect=RectOfMatrix(testImage1); sourceBlendFactors={ 'GL_ZERO', 'GL_ONE', 'GL_DST_COLOR', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR', 'GL_SRC_ALPHA', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA', 'GL_DST_ALPHA', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA', 'GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE'}; destinationBlendFactors={'GL_ZERO','GL_ONE', 'GL_SRC_COLOR', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR', 'GL_SRC_ALPHA', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA', 'GL_DST_ALPHA', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA'}; numSourceFactors=length(sourceBlendFactors); numDestinationFactors=length(destinationBlendFactors); sourceBlendVariableFactors={ 'GL_DST_COLOR', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR', 'GL_SRC_ALPHA', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA', 'GL_DST_ALPHA', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA', 'GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE'}; destinationBlendVariableFactors={'GL_SRC_COLOR', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR', 'GL_SRC_ALPHA', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA', 'GL_DST_ALPHA', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA'}; numSourceBlendVariableFactors=length(sourceBlendVariableFactors); numDestinationBlendVariableFactors=length(destinationBlendVariableFactors); % first, check that alpha multiplication gives the same result regardless of % the mode. We do not test trivial cases of GL_ZERO and GL_ONE. Those are tested % elsewhere, by AlphaMultiplicationTest. %for source blending for i=1:numSourceBlendVariableFactors %make source and destination images [sourceImagesA{i}, destinationImagesA{i}]=SetSourceAlpha(sourceBlendVariableFactors{i}, testPlane2, imageMat1, zerosImage); %write the destination matrix Screen('BlendFunction', w, 'GL_ONE', 'GL_ZERO'); Screen('PutImage', w, destinationImagesA{i}, matRect); %write the source matrix. Screen('BlendFunction', w, sourceBlendVariableFactors{i}, 'GL_ZERO'); Screen('PutImage', w, sourceImagesA{i}, matRect); sourceReadbacks{i}=Screen('GetImage',w,matRect, 'backBuffer'); Screen('Flip', w); end %compare results from every mode to results from every other. sourceEqualityMat=zeros(numSourceBlendVariableFactors); for i=1:numSourceBlendVariableFactors for j=1:numSourceBlendVariableFactors sourceEqualityMat(i,j)=isempty(find(sourceReadbacks{i}~=sourceReadbacks{j})); end end %for destination blending for i=1:numDestinationBlendVariableFactors %make source and destination images [sourceImagesB{i}, destinationImagesB{i}]=SetDestinationAlpha(destinationBlendVariableFactors{i}, testPlane2, zerosImage, imageMat1); %write the destination matrix Screen('BlendFunction', w, 'GL_ONE', 'GL_ZERO'); Screen('PutImage', w, destinationImagesB{i}, matRect); %write the source matrix. Screen('BlendFunction', w, 'GL_ZERO', destinationBlendVariableFactors{i}); Screen('PutImage', w, sourceImagesB{i}, matRect); destinationReadbacks{i}=Screen('GetImage',w,matRect, 'backBuffer'); Screen('Flip', w); end %on the destination surface, for each mode compare the product to the products for %every other mode and for each comparison store a bit into a table indicating a match. destinationEqualityMat=zeros(numDestinationBlendVariableFactors); for i=1:numDestinationBlendVariableFactors for j=1:numDestinationBlendVariableFactors destinationEqualityMat(i,j)=isempty(find(destinationReadbacks{i}~=destinationReadbacks{j})); end end %on the source surface, for each mode compare the product to the products for %every other mode and for each comparison store a bit into a table indicating a match. sourceEqualityMat=zeros(numSourceBlendVariableFactors); for i=1:numSourceBlendVariableFactors for j=1:numSourceBlendVariableFactors sourceEqualityMat(i,j)=isempty(find(sourceReadbacks{i}~=sourceReadbacks{j})); end end %As above, but combine both source and destination results into a larger %table indicating whether source surface product matches destination surface product. allReadbacks={sourceReadbacks{:} destinationReadbacks{:}}; equalityMat=zeros(length(allReadbacks)); for i=1:length(allReadbacks) for j=1:length(allReadbacks) equalityMat(i,j)=isempty(find(allReadbacks{i}~=allReadbacks{j})); end end %Test whether multliplication errors on the source surface are independent %of the blending factor string sourceIndependentFlag=isempty(find(sourceEqualityMat ~= 1)); %Test whether multliplication errors on the destination surface are independent %of blending factor string destinationIndependentFlag=isempty(find(destinationEqualityMat ~= 1)); %Test whether multliplication errors are independent of both the surface and the blending factor string independentFlag=isempty(find(equalityMat ~= 1)); % whatever the multiplication accuracy, we now know from previous tests in % this file if accuracy is the same for all modes. It should be, % therefore, in the next step when testing that accuracy, we need only test % one mode and know that those results apply to all others. predictedReadbackAll=AlphaSourceTerm(sourceBlendVariableFactors{1}, sourceImagesA{1}, destinationImagesA{1}); predictedReadback=predictedReadbackAll(:,:,1:3); maxFloatDiff=max(max(max(abs(predictedReadback-double(sourceReadbacks{1}))))); maxRoundDiff=max(max(max(abs(round(predictedReadback)-double(sourceReadbacks{1}))))); maxFloorDiff=max(max(max(abs(floor(predictedReadback)-double(sourceReadbacks{1}))))); maxCeilDiff=max(max(max(abs(ceil(predictedReadback)-double(sourceReadbacks{1}))))); maximumError=maxFloatDiff; if maxRoundDiff==0 roundTypeStr='round'; elseif maxFloorDiff==0 roundTypeStr='floor'; elseif maxCeilDiff==0 roundTypeStr='ceil'; else roundTypeStr='unknown'; end Screen('CloseAll');