% Psychtoolbox:PsychSound:MOAL Contents of MOAL Matlab-OpenAL toolbox % % Moal is a collection of M-File wrappers and a MEX file that allow to call % all OpenAL commands from Matlab as one is used to from the C programming % language. % % Directory structure is as follows: % % moaldemo.m -- demonstration of how to use the toolbox % % core/ % % (first group: main toolbox functions) % % moalcore.mexmac -- main MEX interface to OpenAL functions % oalconst.mat -- constants used by OpenAL routines % % source/ % % (first group: files that generate interface code) % % al_auto_init.c -- file used in generating al_auto.c; contains % top portion of file, i.e., #includes, etc. % oalconst.m -- MATLAB script that searches through OpenAL header % files for #defined constants, and writes them % to oalconst.mat as variables % % (second group: files that compile to produce moalcore.mexmac) % % al_auto.c -- automatically generated interfaces to OpenAL functions % al_manual.c -- manually generated interfaces to OpenAL functions % alm.c -- ALM library of ALC like functions. % moalcore.c -- main MEX interface function % moaltypes.h -- useful data types % windowshacks.c -- hacks needed for Windows compatibility. % % (third group: Makefiles and build scripts.) % makefile -- makefile to compile C files into moalcore.mexmac on PPC. % makefile_intelmac -- makefile for IntelMac. % makefile_linux -- makefile for GNU/Linux. % makefile_linuxoctave -- makefile for Linux + Octave. % makefile_windows.m -- makefile for M$-Windows. % % wrap/* -- wrapper M-files that check arguments, etc., and % then call to moalcore.mexmac to run OpenAL functions % % % The following three commands will completely regenerate moal. % % >> autocode(1,[],1) % generate al_auto.c and wrapper M-files % >> !make % compile C code to produce MEX files % >> oalconst % save constants from header files in a .mat file % 06-Feb-2007 -- created (MK)