function newRect = SetRect(left,top,right,bottom) % newRect = SetRect(left,top,right,bottom); % % Create a rect with the specified coordinates. % This is equivalent to: % newRect=[left,top,right,bottom]; % Also see PsychRects. % dgp 5/12/96 Make sure the created rect is a column, not a row, vector % dgp 5/12/96 Use symbolic indices, added usage check. % dhb 5/13/96 Put created rect back as row vector. % 7/10/96 dgp "help PsychRects" % 2/25/97 dgp updated if nargin~=4 error('Usage: newRect=SetRect(left,top,right,bottom)') end newRect=zeros(1,4); newRect(RectTop)=top; newRect(RectLeft)=left; newRect(RectBottom)=bottom; newRect(RectRight)=right;