function r = ScaleRect(r,horizontalFactor,verticalFactor) % r = ScaleRect(r,horizontalFactor,verticalFactor) % % Scales a rect, by multiplying the left and right coordinates by the % horizontal scale factor and multiplying the top and bottom coordinates % by the vertical scale factor. Also see Expand and InsetRect. % Input can be multiple rects, concatenated into a Mx4 matrix % % Also see PsychRects. % 5/27/96 dgp Denis Pelli. % 7/10/96 dgp PsychRects. % 8/5/96 dgp check rect size. % 1/13/10 dcn Input can now be multiple rects, concatenated in row % direction. if nargin~=3 error('Usage: r=ScaleRect(r,horizontalFactor,verticalFactor)'); end if size(r,2)~=4 error('Wrong size rect argument. Usage: r=ScaleRect(r,horizontalFactor,verticalFactor)'); end r=r.*repmat(SetRect(horizontalFactor,verticalFactor ... ,horizontalFactor,verticalFactor),size(r,1),1);