function r = GrowRect(r,horizontalPixels,verticalPixels) % r = GrowRect(r,horizontalPixels,verticalPixels) % % Grows a rect, by subtracting horizontalPixels from the left coordinate % and verticalPixels from the top coordinate, and adding horizontalPixels % to the right coordinate and verticalPixels to the bottom coordinate. Also % see ScaleRect. Input can be multiple rects, concatenated into a Mx4 % matrix Using a negate number os pixels to grow by would obviously shrink % the rect, though be careful as no checks are performed to see if the % resulting rect is valid. % % Also see PsychRects. % 1/13/10 dcn Wrote it, based on ScaleRect if nargin~=3 error('Usage: r = GrowRect(r,horizontalPixels,verticalPixels)'); end if size(r,2)~=4 error('Wrong size rect argument. Must be a M x 4 matrix.'); end r = r + repmat(SetRect(-horizontalPixels,-verticalPixels ... ,horizontalPixels,verticalPixels),size(r,1),1);