function [rect,dh,dv] = CenterRect(rect,fixedRect) % [rect,dh,dv] = CenterRect(rect,fixedRect) % % Center the first rect in the second by adding an integer offset. % Also see PsychRects. % 5/16/96 dgp Updated for new OffsetRect, and use symbolic rect indices. % 7/10/96 dgp PsychRects % 8/5/96 dgp Renamed the arguments, check rect size. % 7/23/97 dgp Round the offset. % 5/4/00 dhb Return dh and dv as well as centered rect. if nargin~=2 error('Usage: rect=CenterRect(rect,fixedRect)'); end if size(rect,2)~=4 || size(fixedRect,2)~=4 error('Wrong size rect argument. Usage: [rect,dh,dv] = CenterRect(rect,fixedRect)'); end dv=(fixedRect(RectTop)+fixedRect(RectBottom)-rect(RectTop)-rect(RectBottom))/2; dh=(fixedRect(RectLeft)+fixedRect(RectRight)-rect(RectLeft)-rect(RectRight))/2; dv=round(dv); dh=round(dh); rect=OffsetRect(rect,dh,dv);