function energy = QuantaToEnergy(wls,quanta) % energy = QuantaToEnergy(wls,quanta) % % Convert quantal units (quanta per unit wavelength) % to energy units (energy or power per unit wavelength). % % Constants are set up so that we have energy in joules or % power in watts. % % The routine is set up to convert spectra. These are % passed as the columns of the matrix quanta. The % wavelengths corresponding to each row are passed in % the column vector wls. % % 7/29/96 dhb Added comment. % 8/16/96 dhb, abp Modified interface. wls = MakeItWls(wls); h = 6.626e-34; c = 2.998e8; [n,m] = size(quanta); energy = (quanta*h*c) ./ ((1e-9) * wls(:,ones(1,m)));